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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

2002, 41, 4681-4685 4681


Coke Formation on Pt/ZrO2/Al2O3 Catalysts during CH4 Reforming

with CO2
Mariana M. V. M. Souza, Donato A. G. Aranda,, and Martin Schmal*,,
NUCAT/PEQ/COPPE, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, C.P. 68502,
21945-970 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Escola de Quimica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
C.P. 68542, 21940-900 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The CO2 reforming of methane was studied over Pt supported on Al2O3, ZrO2, and x % ZrO2/
Al2O3 (1 e x e 20 wt %). The Pt/Al2O3 deactivated very quickly during 20 h onstream at 1073
K and a CH4/CO2 ratio of 1:1, while the catalysts with a ZrO2 content above 5 wt % presented
improved stability during 60 h. Temperature-programmed oxidation studies showed that the
amount of carbon on Pt/Al2O3 is much larger than that on zirconia-containing catalysts.
Deactivation is attributed to carbon formation surrounding the metal-support perimeter. The
high stability of zirconia-based catalysts is probably due to strong Pt-Zrn+ interactions, which
reduce carbon formation during the reaction by promoting CO2 dissociation. High ratios of CH4/
CO2 were also used in an attempt to accelerate deactivation, but even under these severe
deactivation conditions, the catalyst with 10 wt % ZrO2 exhibited excellent stability.

1. Introduction surface.11 Therefore, the reforming reaction proceeds

basically on the metal-support perimeter.14
The catalytic reforming of CH4 with CO2, rather than
When zirconia is dispersed on alumina, it provides a
H2O, for the production of synthesis gas, i.e., a mixture
better dispersion for Pt particles because these systems
of CO and H2, has attracted substantial interest.1-4 The
combine the unique chemical properties of ZrO2 with
reaction is well suited to a lower H2/CO product ratio,
the high surface area and mechanical stability of Al2O3.
which is preferable as feed for Fischer-Tropsch plants5
We showed earlier that Pt/ZrO2/Al2O3 catalysts exhibit
and for the synthesis of acetic acid, dimethyl ether, and
high activity and suffer less deactivation than Pt/Al2O3
oxoalcohols.6 Moreover, dry reforming is of interest for
or even Pt/ZrO2.15 In the present work we tried to
environmental reasons because it reduces both CO2 and
develop a better understanding of the nature of coking
CH4 emissions, which are so-called greenhouse gases.7
in CO2 reforming of CH4, by doing temperature-
The major obstacle for larger diffusion of this process programmed oxidation (TPO) analysis of carbon deposits
in industry is the high thermodynamic potential to form and varying the CH4/CO2 ratio in the feed. We inves-
coke under elevated temperatures.5 Temperatures around tigated the relation between coking and catalyst per-
1073 K are required to reach high conversions because formance at a temperature typically used for commercial
of the high endothermic nature of the process. Thus, the operations (1073 K).
catalyst deactivation is a serious challenge and must
be overcome by effective catalysts.
2. Experimental Section
CH4 + CO2 T 2CO + 2H2 H298K ) 247.3 kJ/mol 2.1. Catalyst Preparation and Characterization.
(I) Al2O3 (Harshaw) and ZrO2 were used as supports. Al2O3
was calcined in air at 823 K for 16 h (BET area ) 200
Although the most commonly used support for CO2/ m2/g), and ZrO2 was prepared by calcination of zirco-
CH4 reforming is alumina,2,8,9 it has been found that nium hydroxide (MEL Products) in air at 823 K for 2 h
Pt reaches much higher conversions and better stability (BET area ) 62 m2/g).
when supported on ZrO2.10-12 Van Keulen et al.13 ZrO2/Al2O3 samples were prepared by impregnation
showed that Pt/ZrO2 is very stable for a period of over over an alumina powder with a nitric acid solution (50%)
1000 h, at 923-973 K and a feed ratio of CO2/CH4 ) 2. of zirconium hydroxide, as described elsewhere.15 Zir-
The coking resistivity of Pt/ZrO2 is associated with conia loading was varied between 1 and 20 wt %. The
strong Pt-Zrn+ interactions, which result in the forma- catalysts were prepared by an incipient wetness tech-
tion of ZrOx species in close contact with the Pt nique, using an aqueous solution of H2PtCl66H2O
(Aldrich), followed by drying at 393 K for 16 h and
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: calcination in air at 823 K for 2 h. For all catalysts, the
schmal@peq.coppe.ufij.br. Fax: (5521) 2562-8300. platinum content was around 1 wt %. The prepared

NUCAT/PEQ/COPPE. catalysts will be referred to as PtAl for Pt/Al2O3, PtZr

Escola de Quimica. for Pt/ZrO2, and PtxZr for Pt/x % ZrO2/Al2O3.
10.1021/ie010970a CCC: $22.00 2002 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 08/06/2002
4682 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 41, No. 18, 2002

H2 and CO chemisorptions were measured on all

catalysts at room temperature after reduction by 10%
H2/Ar at 773 K using an ASAP 2000 apparatus (Mi-
cromeritics). Because of the metal-support interac-
tion,14 chemisorption on the PtZr catalyst was also
carried out after reduction at 573 K to better estimate
the Pt dispersions.15
2.2. Catalytic Test. The reaction was carried out in
a fixed-bed flow-type quartz reactor, loaded with 20 mg
of catalyst. A thermocouple was placed on top of the
catalyst bed to measure the catalyst temperature. The
catalysts were dried in situ with flowing nitrogen at 423
K, before reduction with 10% H2/N2 for 1 h at 773 K.
After reduction, the sample was purged with nitrogen
for 30 min at the same temperature. All catalytic tests Figure 1. CO formation during TPSR over Pt catalysts. Reaction
were performed under atmospheric pressure, and the conditions: CH4:CO2:He ) 1:1:18, total feed flow rate ) 200 cm3/
total feed flow rate was 200 cm3/min (WHSV ) 160 h-1), min.
over the temperature range 723-1173 K. Stability tests
were carried out at 1073 K with stoichiometric condi- The activity of the catalysts was evaluated under
tions (CH4:CO2 ) 1:1) as well as with an excess of CO2 reforming conditions, with a CH4/CO2 ratio of 1:1, over
for PtAl and an excess of CH4 for the Pt10Zr catalyst, a temperature range of 723-1173 K. The activity is
maintaining the total feed flow rate of 200 cm3/min with influenced by the nature of the support.15 At higher
helium. The reaction products were analyzed by an temperatures, PtAl and Pt1Zr catalysts are less active
online gas chromatograph (CHROMPACK CP9001), than Pt10Zr, the most active catalyst over the whole
equipped with a Hayesep D column and a thermal temperature range investigated: the CH4 conversion
conductivity detector. ranged from 5.5% at 723 K to 93.5% at 1173 K.
Temperature-programmed surface reaction (TPSR) TPSR measurements were carried out under similar
was also performed to investigate CO2 reforming of CH4 conditions. Figure 1 presents the TPSR profiles of CO
over platinum catalysts, using a dynamic mode ap- production on PtAl, PtZr, and Pt10Zr catalysts. As
paratus. After reduction at 773 K, the catalyst was shown, the PtZr catalyst exhibits higher initial activity,
purged with He at this same temperature during 1 h mainly at lower temperatures, but deactivates very fast,
and cooled to room temperature. The amount of catalyst while PtAl and Pt10Zr catalysts present good stability
and total feed flow rate were the same as those used in at 823 K during the first 30 min onstream. On the other
stability tests, with a CH4/CO2/He ratio of 1:1:18. TPSR hand, the Pt10Zr catalyst showed the best performance
was performed by heating the catalyst at 10 K/min up at 973 K.
to 823 K, maintained for 30 min, and subsequently The support influences strongly the stability of the
ramped to 973 K, remaining at this temperature for 1 catalysts, as reported previously.15 The order of activity
h. The effluent gas composition was monitored online maintenance at 1073 K was Pt10Zr > Pt5Zr > Pt20Zr
by a quadrupole mass spectrometer (Dycor MA100M and PtZr . PtlZr > PtAl. As reported, PtAl and Pt1Zr
Ametek). catalysts exhibited high linear deactivation rates of 4.0
TPO of carbonaceous deposits was carried out in the + 0.5%/h and 3.3 + 0.4%/h, respectively, during the first
same dynamic mode apparatus as that used for TPSR. 20 h onstream at 1073 K because of the rapid deposition
After reaction, the samples were cooled to room tem- of inactive carbon, which will be discussed later. The
perature under a helium flow and then heated to 1073 Pt10Zr catalyst deactivated only at a rate of 0.1%/h
K at a rate of 10 K/min in a 5% O2/He mixture (30 cm3/ during 60 h onstream at this temperature.15
min). Integration of the CO2 evolution spectra allowed There are two potential causes of deactivation: coke
the quantification of carbon deposition. deposition and sintering of metal particles. Most authors
agree that the coke formation is the main source of
3. Results and Discussion deactivation.10,16-18 Bitter et al.10,17 showed that sinter-
The amounts of irreversibly adsorbed H2 and CO, at ing of Pt particles during reforming conditions can be
room temperature, were reported in a previous paper.15 excluded based on EXAFS results of fresh and used Pt/
Alumina-supported catalysts with zirconia loading up Al2O3 and Pt/ZrO2. Thus, the fast deactivation of PtAl
to 10% presented high H/Pt values (around 0.85). The should be associated with carbon deposition.
lower dispersion of the Pt20Zr catalyst (H/Pt ) 0.60) Figure 2 shows the oxidation profiles of carbon
can be attributed to the presence of large ZrO2 crystal- deposited on the PtAl, PtZr, and Pt10Zr catalysts after
lites on the support. After high-temperature reduction, 21 h of reaction at 1073 K and a CH4/CO2 ratio of 1:1.
the H2 chemisorption on PtZr was markedly decreased For the PtAl catalyst, the oxidation started at 520 K,
compared to that on PtZr reduced at 573 K (H/Pt varied exhibiting a major peak around 700 K and a smaller
from 0.34 to 0.57). This type of behavior suggests the one at 830 K. For zirconia-containing catalysts, the
migration of partially reduced zirconia onto the plati- onset of the oxidation was at lower temperature, around
num surface (a SMSI type state). However, the presence 373 K. The amount of carbon deposited at 1073 K, as
of ZrOx moieties did not cause any decrease in CO quantified by integration of the CO2 formation during
chemisorption on the PtZr catalyst. The high values of TPO runs, was normalized to surface Pt, and the results
the CO/H2 ratio on zirconia-containing catalysts and in are displayed in Table 1. It shows that after 21 h
particular on the PtZr catalyst reduced at 773 K (CO/ onstream the Pt surface is not entirely covered by
H2 ) 6.9) predict an interaction of CO with the Pt-ZrOx carbon; thus, the high values of C/Pt, mainly for the PtAl
interface, shown by IR of CO adsorbed on PtZr systems, catalyst, must be due to accumulation of carbon on the
as reported in ref 15. support.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 41, No. 18, 2002 4683

Figure 3. Effect of the ratio CO2/CH4 on the stability of PtAl at

Figure 2. TPO profiles for PtAl, PtZr, and Pt10Zr catalysts, after 1073 K. Reaction conditions: flow rates of CO2 ) 10 cm3/min and
exposure to a CH4:CO2:He ) 1:1:18 mixture at 1073 K for 21 h. CH4 + He ) 190 cm3/min.

Kinetically, both the methane decomposition reaction

Table 1. Amount of Coke As Quantified by TPO
and the Boudouard reaction, which give undesirable
mg of coke/ mg of coke/ carbon, are known to be exceptionally slow in the
catalyst (g of catalyst)h C/Pt catalyst (g of catalyst)h C/Pt absence of a catalyst, but both can be readily catalyzed
PtAl 6.3 10.2 Pt10Zr 0.3 0.5 by many transition metals.23 Thermodynamic calcula-
PtZr 0.6 0.9 tions5 showed that the extent of carbon deposition
during reforming decreases at higher reaction temper-
Noronha et al.19 have suggested that the various TPO atures, in agreement with several experimental obser-
peaks are not due to different forms of carbon but rather vations.2,13,24 These results suggest that CO dispropor-
to different locations on the catalyst surface, for Pt/Al2O3 tionation is the main contributor to carbon deposition
and Pt/ZrO2. The low-temperature peaks observed in because it is exothermic and the equilibrium constant
TPO of coked Pt/Al2O3 have been typically ascribed to decreases with increasing temperature. Despite these
carbon surrounding the metal particles, while those at evidences, there are disagreements concerning the
high temperatures are ascribed to the carbon deposition source of carbon deposition. Swaan et al.25 and Ef-
over the support.20 Deactivation is attributed to carbon stathiou et al.26 showed by TPO with isotopic mixtures
formation surrounding the metal-support perimeter. that most of the carbon accumulated during reforming
On zirconia-containing catalysts, coke has a higher reaction over Ni/SiO2 and Rh/Al2O3, respectively, is
reactivity and does not cause any blockage of Pt-ZrOx derived from a CO2 molecule. Other authors claimed
interfacial sites. that carbon is formed from methane, over a large variety
The higher stability and coking resistivity of Pt/ZrO2 of catalysts, including Pt/Al2O3 and Pt/ZrO2.17,18,27,28 So,
have been related to strong Pt-Zrn+ interactions, which there is not a consensus in the literature about the
result in the formation of ZrOx species on the Pt origin of the coke formation during reforming conditions.
surface.11 Indeed, our TPR results15 indicated that We tried to elucidate this question by investigating
zirconia can be reduced at lower temperatures than 500 the PtAl catalyst, which exhibited the fastest deactiva-
K, resulting in ZrOx species that may decorate the Pt tion under stoichiometric conditions, in a more detailed
surface, diminishing the hydrogen chemisorption capac- way. Stability tests were performed with an excess of
ity. The interfacial sites on Pt-ZrOx are active for CO CO2 in the feed, as shown in Figure 3. It shows that a
adsorption and CO2 dissociation, providing active spe- surplus of CO2 improves the performance of the catalyst
cies of oxygen that may react with carbon formed by and an excess of 50% is enough to reach good stability.
CH4 decomposition on the metal particle, suppressing On the other hand, when methane flowed alone over
carbon accumulation.11,15,16 Moreover, zirconia is a well- the catalyst at 1073 K, the maximum conversion was
known oxygen supplier, and its oxygen mobility is about only 0.8%, which suggests that PtAl is not active for CH4
3 times higher than that of alumina,21 which helps to decomposition. Therefore, it is possible to ascribe the
keep the metal surface free of carbon. When zirconia is coke deposition to CO disproportionation because an
dispersed over alumina, the Pt surface is not extensively excess of CO2 favors the reverse reaction, which mini-
recovered by ZrOx, as shown by chemisorption measure- mizes carbon formation.
ments.15 Thus, the Pt-ZrOx interface in ZrO2/Al2O3 We also examined the behavior of Pt10Zr, which
systems appears to be more active and stable for CO2 showed the best stability under stoichiometric condi-
reforming of methane. tions,15 with higher ratios of CH4/CO2, to accelerate the
Carbon deposition during methane reforming can be catalyst deactivation. Stability tests under severe condi-
originated from either methane decomposition (reaction tions were carried out with CH4/CO2 ratios of 2:1 and
II) or CO disproportionation (Boudouard reaction III), 3:1, and the results are shown in Figures 4 and 5,
which are thermodynamically favorable below 1173 respectively. The Pt10Zr catalyst exhibited excellent
K.5,22 stability even under severe deactivation conditions.
With the CH4/CO2 ratio of 2:1, the rate of deactivation
CH4 T C + 2H2 H298K ) 75 kJ/mol (II) was 0.15%/h, and with the ratio of 3:l, this rate
increased to 0.4%/h, based on CO2 consumption. These
2CO T C + CO2 H298K ) -172 kJ/mol deactivation rates are much lower than those reported
(III) by Stagg-Williams et al.29 for Pt/ZrO2. In this case the
4684 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 41, No. 18, 2002

Desenvolvimento Cientifico, Brazil) for financial support

during this work.

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