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Introduction of Algorithms and Analysis

Prof. Sourav Mukhopadhyay

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


1. Insertion Sort Problem of Sorting, Pseudo code, Insertion sort,

Loop Invariant, time complexity, Runtime,
parameterise the runtime by size of the input.

2. Analysis of Insertion Sort Types of Analysis: Worst case, Best case and
Average case. Machine dependency, Asymptotic
Notation, Big-Theta.

3. Asymptotic Analysis Asymptotic Notation, Big-Theta, Big-O, Big-

omega, Time complexity of Insertion sort: Worst
case, best case, average case. Merge Sort.

4. Recurrence of Merge Sort Merge sort, run time of merge sort, recurrence,
Recursive tree.

5. Substitution Method Solving the recurrence: Substitution method,

method of induction.

6. The Master Method Solving the recurrence of the form T(n) =

aT(n/b) + f(n). Master method, Proof idea of
mater method.

7. Divide-and-Conquer divide-and-conquer: design paradigm, binary

search, powering a number.

8. Divide-and-Conquer (Cont.....) Fibonacci numbers, matrix multiplication

Strassen's Algorithm.

9. Straseen's Algorithms Matrix multiplication using divide-and-conquer

technique, Straseen's idea, VLSI layout,

10. QuickSort Quicksort as a divide-and-conquer technique,

Liner time Partition subroutine, pivot element

11. Analysis of Quicksort. Pseudo code for Quicksort, worst case, best cast,
almost best case, good pivot, bad pivot.
12. Randomized Quicksort More analysis on Quicksort, problem with fixing
the position of the pivot element, choosing the
pivot element randomly, Randomised Quicksort,
Average case analysis, Expected runtime of
Randomized Quicksort.

13. Heap Priority Queue, heap data structure, array, nearly

complete binary tree Max-heap, heap operations,

14. Heap Sort Build-Max-Heap, worst case time complexity of

Build-Max-Heap, Heap Sort

15. Decision Tree How fast we can sort? worst case runtime of
Comparison based sorting algorithms, Decision
Tree model.

16. Linear time Sorting No comparison between the elements, Counting

Sort, Stable sorting, linear time complexity of
counting sort.

17. Radix Sort & Bucket Sort Radix sort, digit-by-digit sort, Analysis of Radix
Sort, bucket sort, analysis of bucket sort.

18. Order Statistics Finding the i-th smallest element from a given n
numbers, minimum, maximum, median, Naive
approach, partition, select algorithm, analysis of
select algorithm, worst case runtime of select

19. Randomised Order Statistics Randomized select algorithm, average case

runtime is linear, worst case runtime is O(n^2).

20. Worst case linear time order statistics Good pivot, generate the good pivot recursively,
SELECT algorithm, worst case runtime.

21. Hash Function Symbol table problem, Direct access table, Hash
function, collision, resolving collision by
chaining, analysis of chaining.

22. Open Addressing Good hash functions, choosing of hash function,

division method, multiplication method,
resolving collision by open addressing, example
of open addressing, linear probing, double

23. Universal Hashing Analysis of open addressing, fundamental

weakness of hashing, Random choice of hash
function, Universal hashing, Universality is
24. Perfect Hashing Construction a set of universal hash functions,
perfect hashing, static hash table, Analysis of
perfect hashing.

25. Binary Search Tree (BST) Sort Binary search tree (BST), build BST, inoder-
tree-walk, BST sort, runtime of BST sort,
relationship between BST sort and Quick Sort

26. Randomly build BST Randomised BST sort, randomly build BST,
expected height of a randomly build BST

27. Red Black Tree Balanced binary search tree, Red Black Tree,
Black height, red black tree is balanced.

28. Red Black Tree (Cont...) Modifying operation, re-coloring, rotations, red
black tree insertion.

29. Augmentation of data structure Augmenting data structure, Dynamic Order

Statistics, OS-Select

30. Interval trees Methodology of data structure augmentation,

interval search, interval tree.

31. Fixed universe successor Dynamic set S of n elements, Fixed universe

with size u, Insert, Delete, Successor, array, bit
vector, O(log log u).

32. Van Emde Boas data structure Fixed-universe success problem, bit vector, one-
dimensional array, two dimensional array,
augmenting the data structure, non-empty bits,
more augmentations, maximum bits and
minimum bits.

33. Amortized analysis How large should a hash table be? Dynamic
table, overflow, worst case analysis, tighter
analysis, amortized analysis.

34. Computational Geometry Algorithm for geometric problems, basis

geometric objects, basic structures, orthogonal
range search, 1D range tree.

35. Computational Geometry (cont....) 1D range query, split node, 2D range tree, 2D
range query, line segment intersections, sweep

36. Dynamic Programming Design technique, longest common subsequence,

simplification, length of the longest common
subsequence, hallmarks of dynamic
programming, optimal substructure, overlapping
sub problems.
37. Longest common subsequence Recursive algorithms for length of the longest
common subsequence, memoization algorithm,
dynamic programming algorithm.

38. Graphs Graphs, directed graphs, undirected graphs,

adjacency matrix, adjacency list, minimum
spanning tree, optimal substructure.

39. Prim's Algorithms Minimum spanning tree, Greedy algorithm,

Prim's algorithms, example of prim's algorithms.

40. Graph Search Analysis of prim's algorithm, exploring a graph,

application of graph search, rubix cube, god
number, breath-first-search (BFS).

41. BFS & DFS breath-first-search (BFS), level by level search,

BFS, O(V+E), shortest path, depth-first-search
(DFS), exploring until stuck, back tracking,
recursively explore, DFS, classification of edges:
tree edge, forward edge, back edge and cross
edge. Cycle detection.

42. Shortest path problem Path in a graph, shortest path, weight of shortest
path, existence of shortest path, negative weight
cycle, optimal substructure, triangular inequality.

43. Dijktra's Single source shortest path, Greedy algorithms,

idea of Dijktra's, No negative cycle, pseudo code
of Dijktra's, time complexity of Dijktra's.

44. Example of Dijktra Dijktra's algorithm, example Dijktra's

algorithms, correctness of Dijktra's algorithm.

45. Bellman Ford Bellman-Ford, Greedy, general algorithm which

can handle negative cycle, time complexity of
Bellman-Ford, example of Bellman-Ford.

46. Correctness of Bellman Ford Correctness of Bellman Ford, If there are no

negative weight cycle then Bellman Ford gives
the shortest path weights.

47. Application of Bellman Ford Linear programming problems, difference

constraints, constraints graph, unstatisfiable
constraints, negative weight cycle, statisfiable

48. All pairs shortest path All pairs shortest paths, adjacency matrix,
Bellman Ford, O(n^4), dynamic programming.
49. Floyd-Warshall Dynamic programming, matrix multiplication,
O(n^3 log n), Floyd Warshall, O(n^3).

50. Johnson Algorithm Floyd-Warshall, transitive closure, graph

reweighting, dijktra's, johnson's Algorithm

51. Accounting method amortized analysis, accounting method,

accounting analysis of dynamic table.

52. Potential method amortized analysis, potential method.

53. Disjoint set data structure Dynamic collection of pair wise disjoint sets,

54. Find-Union

55. Skip list Skip Lists, Data structure, Randomized insertion,

Coin flipping.

56. Network flow-I

57. Network Flow-II

58. Computational Complexity - I P, EXP, R, Most problems are uncomputable.

59. Computational Complexity - II NP, Hardness & completeness, Reductions.

60. Approximation Algorithms

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