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Event: Cooking For A Healthy Weight

Topic: 3 Part Recipe For Success - Healthy Cooking Methods, Filling Whole Food, & Mindful
Event Date: November 16, 2017 4:30 PM 6 PM
Location: Joslin Foods Lab
Intern Name(s): Madeline Waters & Emily Henry
Team Leader: Madeline Waters
Preceptor: Cindy Knipe
Person responsible for writing the COP: Team Leader - Madeline Waters


1. Identify site contact -

Sylvie Rice

Community Health Education


(603) 354-5454 x 2791


2. Identify population
a) Gender - Male & Female
b) Age Seniors, age range as young as 30+
c) Education level Varies - The majority of participants have at least a four year degree
educated professionals and/or retirees
d) Number of participants 13 participants anticipated (8 attended)

3. How was topic determined (Did you speak with anyone about the group? Did you get to
observe the setting and participants beforehand? If so, describe the participants and any
other pertinent information (i.e. if in a classroom, observe classroom management
The topic was assigned via the Senior Passport program. Our preceptor, Cindy, contacted us with the
assigned topic. From there, we created a presentation and handout using the advertised event
description: In part two, we will practice the 3-part recipe for success. This cooking class focuses on
healthy cooking methods, filling whole foods, and mindful eating practices learned in session one. If you
did not attend the first session, dont worry, there will be a recap!
a) Other programs recently presented - Piece of Pie & Peace of Mind presented by
Maddie & Emily two weeks ago - focused on the basics of mindful eating
b) What the audience knows
What mindful eating is, the benefits of mindful eating, ways to eat mindfully from our previous
Prior health knowledge varies amongst participants some work in the hospital, some are
retired, etc.
c) What the audience wants to know - what is relevant
Healthy cooking methods, Example of whole foods, Recipes utilizing healthy cooking methods &
whole food, Mindful eating practice during preparation & eating
d) Evaluate health literacy - and other cultural issues
Educated audience

4. Setting - tour of facility

a) Room size and set up (diagram)
Emily & I are familiar with the Foods Lab. The Foods Lab is equipped with 6 kitchen units,
cooking utensils, 3-compartment sink, dishwasher, lecture area, and eating area.
b) Presentation resources
Availability of food prep area - 6 kitchen units with plenty of food prep space
AV resources - space available for visual teaching aids - projector and
whiteboards available for visual teaching aids

5. Day of week/ time of day for presentation

Thursday, November 16, 2017 4:30-6 PM

6. Duration
a) Attention span Participants willingly signed up for the event due to their interest in
the topic. Many of the same attendees from our last presentation will be present. The cooking
class is scheduled for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
b) Conflict with other activities for population N/A

7. Marketing potential - whose responsibility

Marketed & class participants organized by by Senior Passport Program

8. Budget
a) Will there be a charge: No
b) Funds to cover supplies: $75 budget for recipe ingredients
c) Cost of marketing: N/A handled by Senior Passport

9. Best way/time to reach site contact for future plans

Cindy was extremely helpful during our 7-day meeting and providing us with information on
Senior Passport. Contact: cknipe@keene.edu
Sylvie was very responsive and accommodating representing Senior Passport. Contact:

10. Write a community group focused PES statement based on your assessment:

Food- and nutrition-related knowledge deficit related to lack of prior nutrition related education
regarding mindful eating as evidenced by request for tailored nutrition education presentation
on the topic.

C. RESEARCH AND PLANNING (how, who, and when the process of your work):

1. Meeting Dates: Dates scheduled for planning and who will attend.

7 day meeting - Thursday, November 9 at 5:30 PM attended by presenters and preceptor

Evaluation meeting scheduled for: Directly after presentation attended by presenters and

2. Based on the results of the needs assessment, what did you do to prepare?

We prepared for our second Senior Passport presentation by creating a presentation that connects to
the first presentation. Our icebreaker connects to mindful eating the audience will have an
opportunity to share their experiences with mindful eating during the two-week hiatus between

We decided on a holiday theme given the proximity to the Thanksgiving holiday. We chose recipes that
are healthier variations of holiday favorites. The recipes utilize healthy cooking methods baking,
roasting, sauting, broiling and whole foods, herbs, spices for nutrition & flavor. We focused more on
the health benefits of the foods in the recipes, rather than the calories, in effort to remain mindful of
the entire eating experience.

3. How did you go about the development process? Who was involved?

Emily & I worked together to develop materials that complimented each other. Our presentation &
handouts were very warm, welcoming, and inviting to fit the theme of mindfulness.

4. What resources did you use? Why did you choose them and how did you find them? Relate back to
your assessment section.

We thoroughly researched healthy cooking methods, benefits of whole foods, healthier holiday favorite
recipes, nutrient health benefits in an effort to be experts on the knowledge that our audience wants to
know according to our needs assessment.

D. DEVELOPMENT (what the outcome of your planning and development):

1. Measurable Learning Objectives:

Discuss the 3 part recipe for success
Practice mindful eating when eating our meal
2. Outline of presentation:
Describe all components of the program or material, and the team member responsible for
them. Include descriptions of the content, learning activities, food activities, visuals, education
materials and evaluation methods/materials. (May attach this as separate document)

I. Introduction
II. Icebreaker For those of you who attended our last presentation, have you had any
success with mindful eating? Share your story!
III. Objectives
IV. 3 Part Recipe For Success
a. Healthy cooking methods
b. Filling whole food
c. Mindful eating
V. Ovreview of class
a. Cooking, Cleaning, Eating, Enjoying
b. Holiday-inspired dishes
c. Mindful
VI. Cooking
a. 6 kitchens, 6 groups, 6 recipes
VII. Cleaning
a. Clean as you go
b. Mis en place
VIII. Eating
a. Eat family style
b. Nutrient benefit discussion
c. Enjoy mindfully
IX. Happy Cooking!
a. Remember to be mindful as you cook the sight, aromas, textures, etc.

3. Describe how your presentation addresses different learning styles:

Auditory: Presentation, Discussion while preparing & eating meals family style

Visual: Recipe Handouts, PowerPoint, White board with mindful eating acronym

Kinesthetic: Hands-on cooking

List ways that you included multiple intelligences in your planning.

Bodily/Kinesthetic cooking, cleaning, eating

Mathematical / Logical measurements for recipe ingredients

Intrapersonal applying mindfulness throughout the class: cooking, cleaning, eating

Verbal / Linguistic reading, writing, listening, sharing stories during presentation

Visual / Spatial imagining, visualization important for mindfulness

4. Explain how your planned evaluation method will show whether your learning objectives
were met.
Objective 1: Discuss the 3 part recipe for success

Evaluation method: The 3 Part Recipe For Success Handout encourages participants to identify the
healthy cooking methods, filling whole foods in their recipes & how they are going to mindfully eat
those foods.

Objective 2: Practice mindful eating when eating our meal

Evaluation method: As a group, we will practice mindful eating as we enjoy the holiday dishes family

5. What problems did you encounter in the development process?

A problem encountered in the development process was deciding upon recipes that were similar in
timing in effort to make sure that all participants spent as much time hands-on in the kitchen.

Complete sections E after the presentation/event is complete.


1. For a program or presentation, describe objectively what happened the day of the
presentation, using examples. Include any last minute changes to the planned setting,
audience, number of participants.

13 participants were anticipated, only 8 attended. However, the 8 that attended were very willing to
help. Some paired up, other who were more comfortable with their cooking skills completed recipes on
their own. The recipes were completed on time and we enjoyed the dishes as a group mindfully!

2. Did the presentation go as planned? Reflect on what went well?

The presentation went as planned. During prep time, Emily and I walked around the kitchen answering
any and all questions. The atmosphere of the kitchen was calm rather than chaotic. While waiting on
recipes to bake, we had the participants fill out their handout to identify the healthy cooking methods &
whole foods used in their recipes. When recipes were ready, we ate together as a group. There was
delicious food, conversation, and smiles, all the while we practiced mindful eating techniques.

3. How did the audience react to the presentation? Summarize and comment on preceptor

The audience enjoyed the presentation & the hands-on cooking. The feedback during mealtime was that
the food was delicious and they were happy to have the recipes to take home in addition to healthy
cooking methods, whole food knowledge, and mindful eating practice. Preceptor feedback reassured us
that the presentation went as well as we thought it went!
4. How well did the audience grasp your objectives?

All objectives were met & evaluated as planned using 3 part recipe for success handout & enjoying the
meal together mindfully.

4. What would you do differently/the same the next time - or what would you change if you had
more time? How effective do you feel your program/material was for the target audience?

We would do everything the same next time with one minor exception, more time! At mealtime, we felt
rushed because we were at the end of our class. Fortunately, participants stayed to enjoy the meal
together, however, it would have been more enjoyable for all if we were not crunched for time.

Recommendations for future Interns:

Strategically plan for recipes that are similar in timing so all participants are hands-on in the
kitchen at the same time

Wash dishes as you go

If possible, go to foods lab before the class to set up kitchen units with the utensils & ingredients
that will be needed during food prep time & to preheat ovens

5. Financial Report:

Cost of Development: (Includes: labor for preparing the project, food cost for testing the
food activity; please note that labor costs include hours worked by ALL team members)
Labor ($25/hour): Emily 26 hours, Maddie 33.5 hours
Total Labor = $25 x 59.5
$1,487.5 total labor
Food: N/A

Cost of Presenting: (Includes: labor, food, flip charts ($28), see following link for cost of
copies http://www.keene.edu/mailsvs/printfees.cfm, and other supplies)
Labor ($25/hour): calculated into development costs
Copies: 15 copies of 3 Part Recipe For Success Handout .04 x 15 = $0.60
3 Part Recipe for Success Handout 15 copies x $0.04 = $0.60
Recipe Packet 7 pages = $0.04 cents per side x 7 = $0.28 per copy x 15 copies = $4.20
Food: $75
Other supplies and costs: N/A

Overall costs:
$1,487.5 + $0.60 + $4.20 + $75 =$1,564.30 Total Cost of Cooking For A Healthy Weight

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