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Joseph Guadian

Issue Research for Position Paper


Autism vs Vaccines

The effect of falsely balanced reporting of the autismvaccine controversy on vaccine safety
perceptions and behavioral intentions. Is a actual study done for the purpose of getting to the bottom
of the topic. This source has charts and explanation on the research of the link and non-link to the
autism perspective and vaccines. I would use this source as a way to persuade the reader to see the pros
and cons of vaccines and the cause of it in autism.

The effect of falsely balanced reporting of the autismvaccine controversy on vaccine safety
perceptions and behavioral intentions. Vaccines and Autism exploring the relationship between
vaccines and autism, and the controversy and confusion surrounding this link. Dixon,
Graham; Clarke, Christopher; Health Education Research, Apr2013; 28(2): 352-359. 8p. (Journal Article -
research, tables/charts) ISSN: 0268-1153, Database: CINAHL Complete

Vaccines and Autism exploring the relationship between vaccines and autism, and the controversy and
confusion surrounding this link. This article provides a look at the pharmaceutical concern in the
problems that arise and in the issues, that prove the causes of vaccines and the controversy. This article
goes into detail of why the media ignores the point that of view that vaccination may be the trigger for
autism. This article has point of view that autism is cause by vaccinations.

Vaccines and Autism exploring the relationship between vaccines and autism, and the
controversy and confusion surrounding this link. By: HONEYBLOOM,
SHANNON. LILIPOH. Summer2013, Vol. 18 Issue 72, p28-33. 5p. 2 Black and White Photographs. ,
Database: Alt HealthWatch

Vaccines and Autism: A Tale of Shifting Hypotheses is a study that also goes into detail on the
persuasion that concludes that vaccines do not cause autism. This is one side of the argument. I would
use this article in my position paper to show that vaccines are not the cause.

Vaccines and Autism: A Tale of Shifting Hypotheses By: Jeffrey S. Gerber; Paul A. Offit. In: Clinical
Infectious Diseases. 48(4):456-461; University of Chicago Press, 2009. Language: English,
Database: JSTOR Journals
Joseph Guadian
Issue Research for Position Paper

(Syringe and Vaccine, NIAID, Flickr search)

For this post, list four brand new sources that inform your thinking about your topic for your
position paper. All of your sources should be new sources you havent used in previous writing
thus far. If you can, attempt to include one form of field research, one form of internet research
(based on the above presentations), and two sources from the SLCC library databases. For
each source, list all relevant reference information (author, title, publication date, publisher,
pages, etc.). Then in 3-5 sentences, provide a short summary of each source and say how you
might use it in your position paper (for a total of 12-20 sentences). Remember that because this
project seeks to persuade your opposition, one or more of your sources might represent
oppositional viewpoints.

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