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To: Leticia French

From: Aislynn Chavez

Subject: Analyzing Infographics - Technical Writing 3315
Date: November 02, 2017

The purpose of this memo is to present my impressions of two infographics on where

college students spend their money. The goal of both of these infographics is to give an
explanation of how these students are spending their money with data and graphs.
In general, the infographics have some structure including the some of the four basic
principles. Some work could still be done on these infographics to present the
information better and more appealing to their audience.
The first infographic that will be discussed is Breakdown of Average Student Budget.
In this Infographic, proximity is not used well because it is all over the place. They did
include lines that connect each part of information to the pie chart but it doesnt look
well organized. By placing all this information all over the place it does not help the
reader know that all this information has a close relationship or how they connect. For
alignment there are lines that connect the information with the pie chart. There is not
really a visual connection of all the information so it looks unorganized. The designer
did not do a good job of using repetition on any of the information it all has its own
format. The only thing repeated is the blue font. The only contrast in this infographic is
the dark blue text in comparison to the light blue background.

In the second infographic that will be discussed is Beyond Tuition: How College
Students Blow Their Money, in this infographic proximity is used by placing all the
information that connects with one another in a certain section of the page. For
alignment there is a visual connection between all the information because it all has to
do with one another between the sections. Everything on this infographic does result in
a strong cohesive unit. The green color brings it all together to know each section of
information has something to do with the other sections. The contrast in this image is
that the text is black and the background is white and there are neon green spots that
make that part of the information stand out. The repetition is the headings are all the
same heading fonts on the left corner for each section. I like the Beyond Tuition: How
College Students Blow Their Money infographic more because it looks a lot more
organized. They both did include different ways or places students spend their money
but the look of Beyond Tuition: How College Students Blow Their Money just connects
a lot more throughout the entire infographic. I would say both of these infographics
would have an audience of students just starting college or parents that will be paying
for college. Beyond Tuition: How College Students Blow Their Money gives break
downs of student budgets, total US college student spending, how much students earn
and spend. This infographic includes a lot more images to show what they actually
spend it on. Breakdown of Average Student Budget break down all the places they
spend their money and the images are only on the pie chart which does not really give
the audience something to look at.
I would recommend to changing the alignment on Breakdown of Average Student
Budget because nothing seems to really connect with proximity. They should also
include more contrast because it looks very dull. Beyond Tuition: How College Students
Blow Their Money seems to be aligned pretty well, but they should add a bit more color
to contrast than just having the green and greys. The proximity is well thought out too
because you can see how everything connects and how it has to do with one another.
Both flyers do a good job of connecting with their audience because they both have
relevant information for college students. As for citations, they both placed their sources
at the bottom right of the page which gives them credibility on the information show in
the infographic.

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