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Student Health Guidelines

If a child arrives with any of the following issues, then a parent/guardian will be notified, and
the child must be picked up by a parent/guardian.

Appearance/Behavior: Lethargy (unusually tired, pale, sleepy), confused or irritable. These

symptoms can be sufficient to stay at home, if severe or unusual.

Fever: Temperature of 100.0 or higher, the child must go home and be fever-free without
medication for 24 hours before returning to school. While the child is at home, please encourage

Diarrhea: Child must be kept at home for two (2) or more watery stools in a 24-hour period,
especially if the child feels ill.

Vomiting: Child should remain home if they vomit 2 or more times within a 24 hour period. If
child vomits at school, the child must be picked up from school and remain home and vomit-free
for 24 hours.

Lice (pediculosis): If a student has a case of lice, they must be picked up from school. They
must be treated and be lice-free before they return to school. When the parent/guardian sees no
nits or lice, they may accompany their child to be inspected by school personnel, who will
determine if the child may remain at school.

Rash: Children with a rash of unknown origin, especially with a high fever, will be sent home
and should see a physician. This often is an indication of several infectious diseases. Students
with heat rash and allergic reactions, if tolerable, may come to school, if the allergic reaction
does not cause discomfort, is not becoming more severe, and does not affect the airway.

Sore Throat: A minor sore throat is usually not a problem, but a severely sore throat, even
without a fever, could be more serious and contagious. A strep test may be required to diagnose
and ensure proper treatment. If other symptoms are present, it is advised that the student be
picked up from school, because they may be contagious.

Eyes: Students with white or yellow discharge, matted eyelids after sleep, eye pain, or pinkish to
red eyes may have pink eye (conjunctivitis). They will need to be picked up and taken to a
physician. They must have a note to return to school, indicating that it was not pink eye, or they
may return to school after 24 hours of antibiotic treatment.

Communicable Disease: Refer to Lakeland School System Board Policy 6.403 and may also
receive guidance from the Shelby County Health Department.
Ringworm: Student may have a ring-shaped rash, which is a fungal infection and requires
treatment. Ringworm is contagious, therefore, treatment must have begun and the affected area
must be covered for the student to attend school.

Pinworm: Student may be diagnosed with pinworm, which is a highly contagious infection.
Students who are infected with pinworm must receive medical treatment and a doctor note to
return to school.

Allowing your child to attend school with any of the above symptoms places other children
and staff at risk. The intent of these guidelines is to reduce overall absences due to illness,
and to maintain a healthy environment in our schools for all of our community.

If you have further questions, contact the school nurse, medical records clerk, or Coordinated
School Health Coordinator at 901-867-7071.

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