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subject main verb

+ I am French.

You, we, they are French.

He, she, it is French.

- I am not old.

You, we, they are not old.

He, she, it is not old.

? Am I late?

Are you, we, they late?

Is he, she, it late?


subject auxiliary verb main verb

+ I, you, we, they like coffee.

He, she, it likes coffee.

- I, you, we, they do not like coffee.

He, she, it does not like coffee.

? Do I, you, we, they like coffee?

Does he, she, it like coffee?

1. Make sentences
She / to collect stamps
She collects stamps

Chris / to sing in a band-_______________________________________________________________________

she / to be nice -______________________________________________________________________________

I / to buy a newspaper every Saturday -____________________________________________________________

It is boring. (not) -_____________________________________________________________________________

Sandy takes nice photos. (not) -__________________________________________________________________

I am late.(not) -_______________________________________________________________________________

they / to play / a game (question) -_______________________________________________________________

he / to play / streetball (question) -_______________________________________________________________

you / to go / to the cinema (question) -____________________________________________________________

we / to play card games -_______________________________________________________________________

we / to have a hamster -________________________________________________________________________

they / to help their parents -_____________________________________________________________________

I watch TV. (not) -_____________________________________________________________________________

She cleans her room. (not) -_____________________________________________________________________

They open the windows. (not) -__________________________________________________________________

She has a cat.(not) -____________________________________________________________________________

the cat / to sleep / in the cat's bed (question) -_____________________________________________________

you / to be / from Paris (question) -_______________________________________________________________

she / to have / friends (question) -________________________________________________________________

he / to read comics -___________________________________________________________________________

Andy and John / to like cola -____________________________________________________________________

the children / to speak English -__________________________________________________________________

We play football.(not) -_________________________________________________________________________

You ride your bike every weekend. (not) -__________________________________________________________

He buys a new CD. (not)-________________________________________________________________________

she / to collect / stickers (question) -______________________________________________________________

she / often / to dream (question) -________________________________________________________________

the pupils / to wear / school uniforms (question) -___________________________________________________

he / to read / books (question) -__________________________________________________________________

2. Write about your routine when you go on holidays


The most common frequency adverbs in English are:

Always 100% of the time

Frequently about 90% of the time

Usually about 80% of the time

Often about 70% of the time

Sometimes about 50% of the time

Occasionally about 40% of the time

Seldom about 20% of the time

Rarely about 10% of the time

Never about 00% of the time

The position of these adverbs is:

before the main verb

Adverb of frequency Verb

I always get up at 6.45.

Peter can usually play football on Sundays.

Mandy has sometimes got lots of homework.

after a form of to be am, are, is (was, were)

Verb Adverb of frequency

Susan is never late.

The adverbs often, usually, sometimes and occasionally can go at the beginning of a sentence.
Sometimes I go swimming.
Often we surf the internet.

Somtimes these adverbs are put at the end of the sentence.

We read books occasionally.

1. Write the Frequency Adverb

1. They go to the movies. (often)

2. She listens to classical music. (rarely)

3. He reads the newspaper. (sometimes)

4. Sara smiles. (never)

5. She complains about her husband. (always)

6. I drink coffee. (sometimes)

7. Frank is ill. (often)

8. He feels terrible (usually)

9. I go jogging in the morning. (always)

10. She helps her daughter with her homework. (never)

11. We watch television in the evening. (always)

12. I smoke. (never)

13. I eat meat. (seldom)

14. I eat vegetables and fruits. (always)

2. Rewrite the sentences with the frequency adverbs in the blanks

1.Mr.Goodson gets up at 6:30. (always)
2. She plays the flute. (sometimes)
3. I walk my dog in the park. (often)
4. He reads an English story book. (rarely)
5. Steve doesn't play computer games. (never)
6. Claire goes to bed early. (always)
7. Our dog doesn't eat spinach. (never)
8. Mike swims in their swimming pool. (often)
9. I eat my lunch in the cafeteria. (sometimes)
10. She walks to school. (usually)
11. He visits his grandparents. (rarely)
12.They study for the exams together. (often)
13. We go for a picnic. (sometimes)
14. He doesn't drink coffee or tea. (never)
15. Tony climbs orange trees. (always)
16. Fanny writes a letter to her aunt. (often)
3. Put into correct order and rewrite
1. never / food / Julia / eats / food
2. play / they / sometimes / volleyball
3. cat / milk / her / drinks / always
4. walks / often / dad / work / my / to
5. usually / makes / mum / a / cake / my

6. social / I / study / rarely / sciences
7. cheat / we / exams / never / the / in
4. Answer these questions
1. How often do you have a bath?
(twice a week)..................................
2. How often does your father drive to work?
3. How often do you go on a holiday?
(once a year)...................................
4. How often does Sue go to the library?
5. How often do you have breakfast in the
morning? (every day) ..........................
6. How often does Sam send e-mails to his
e-pal? (sometimes) ............................
7. How often do they cook pizza and fries?
(three times a week)...........................
8. How often do you watch horror films?



I/He/She/It WAS/WASNT a nurse in 1976

You/We/They WERE/WERENT football players in the 78 World Cup

1. Write was/wasnt or were/werent

1. I _____________ (not) hungry.

2. You _____________ in Australia last year.
3. She ____________ not there.
4. Charly Chaplin _____________ a famous actor.
5. Lisa and James _____________ (not) at home.
6. The book _____________ on the table.
7. You _____________ very clever.
8. He _____________ in trouble.
9. George Washington _____________ the first US president.
10. The cars _____________ (not) new.
11. It _____________ the right thing to do.
12. The shop _____________ (not) open.
13. The men _____________ very strong.
14. The weather _____________ (not) great.
15. My father and I _____________ in the car.
16. The teacher _____________ nice.
17. The students _____________ very clever.
18. But one student _____________ in trouble.
19. We _____________ sorry for him.
20. He _____________ (not) nice though.


subject auxiliary verb main verb

+ I, you, we, they liked coffee.

He, she, it liked coffee.

- I, you, we, they did not like coffee.

He, she, it did not like coffee.

? Did I, you, we, they like coffee?

Did he, she, it like coffee?

1. Put the verbs into the correct form (simple past).

Last year I _______________ (spend) my holiday in Ireland.
It _______________ (be) great.
I _______________ (travel) around by car with two friends and we (visit) lots of interesting places.
In the evenings we usually _______________ (go) to a pub.
One night we even _______________ (learn) some Irish dances.
We _______________ (be) very lucky with the weather.
It _______________ (not / rain) a lot.
But we _______________ (see) some beautiful rainbows.
Where _______________ (spend / you) your last holiday?

2. Order and write questions in simple past.

Anna / the window / open ______________________________________________________________________

she / home / walk _____________________________________________________________________________
you / in the garden / work ______________________________________________________________________
you / a song / sing ____________________________________________________________________________
she / on a chair / sit ___________________________________________________________________________
you / the castle / visit ____________________________________________________________________ ____
Jenny / the door / lock _________________________________________________________________________
she / happy / be ______________________________________________________________________________
Greg / the ball / kick ___________________________________________________________________________
the car / at the corner / stop ____________________________________________________________________

3. Read the text and answer the questions

1 What is the name of the character Charlie Chaplin created? A bowler hat, a tight jacket, baggy trousers, oversized shoes ...
The Kid a moustache and a cane: you all know the Tramp created by
The Dictator Charlie Chaplin. But what do you know about Chaplin's personal
The Tramp life and career?

2 Who taught Chaplin to sing and dance? THE KID

His half-brother
His parents He was born in London in 1889. His parents were music-hall
His grandparents actors who taught their son to sing and dance. He first appeared
onstage at the age of eight. His father left his mother when
3 When did he appear in public for the first time? Charlie was very young and died soon after. His mother entered
When he was eight. a mental hospital and her two children had to go to an
When he became an actor in a theatre company. orphanage* (1).
When he got a contract in Hollywood. Charlie had to do various jobs: paperboy*(2), printer, toy-
maker*(3), glass-blower*(4)... before he became an actor in a
4 When he was very young, his father... theatre company with his older half-brother.
... lost his job. In 1913, their company went on tour in the United States. The
.. .left Charlie's mother. producer, Mark Sennett noticed Charlie and offered him a
... died in a hospital. contract in Hollywood. That was the beginning of Charlie's film
5 Why did Charlie go to an orphanage?
... because his father was poor.
.. .because his mother died. THE TRAMP
... because she went to a mental hospital.
He started acting in 1914 in silent films. As soon as his "tramp"
6 Charlie Chaplin became an actor in a theatre company. In character appeared on the screen he became a star in
1913, this company... Hollywood. A year later, he started directing his own films and
... went on tour in Europe. his salary rose astronomically, from $1,250 to $10,000 a week!
... toured the United States. Talking movies or "talkies" appeared in the 1930's but Chaplin
... got a contract in Hollywood. continued making silent films until
WWII*(5). Between 1920 and 1940, he directed and acted in six
7 When did Charlie Chaplin start acting? major films.
In 1913.
In 1914.

8 When did talking movies appear? Chaplin never became a US citizen*(6). "I am a citizen of the
In the 1910's. world", he declared. In his films, he was very critical of
In the 1920's. American society. In 1953, because of personal and political
In the 1930's. problems, he sold his house in Beverley Hills, left the United
States forever and settled*(7) in Switzerland.
9 When did Chaplin start making his own films? He got married four times, had two children with his second
In 1915. wife, and married his fourth wife Oona O'Neil in 1943. She was
In 1930. eighteen and the daughter of a famous American
In 1940. playwright*(8). They had six children. Their last child was born
10 What was the title of Charlie's first talking movie? in 1957. She lived with him until his death on Christmas Day,
The Great Dictator. 1977.
The Gold Rush.
The Kid.
11 How many talking films did he make? Vocabulary:
Five. (1) home for orphans (children whose parents are dead)
Six (2) a boy who sells newspapers
12 What happened in 1953? (3) a toy = something to play with
Charlie Chaplin became an American citizen. (4) a glass-blower = someone who blows glass to make bottles
He stopped making films. (5) until WWII (World War II)
He moved to Switzerland. (6) citizen = someone who lives in a city
13 How many times did he get married? (7) to settle = start living in a permanent home
Two. (8) playwright = someone who writes plays, just like
Three. Shakespeare or Molire.
14 How many children did he have all together?
15 When did he die?
In 1943.
In 1957.
In 1977
4. Complete the table in simple past. (+, -, ?)

+ They shared a room.


- Marc did not cook.



? Was Betty thirsty?



- Louis did not throw the ball.



? Did Henry build houses?



+ The ship disappeared.



- He did not criticise you.



? Was Amy depressed?



- She did not teach in London.



? Did the passengers panic?



5. Put the sentences into simple past.

We open the door. __________________________________________________________________________

You write poems. __________________________________________________________________________

Richard plays in the garden. ___________________________________________________________________

Kerry does not speak English. __________________________________________________________________

Do you see the bird? _________________________________________________________________________

We move house. ____________________________________________________________________________

They catch the ball. __________________________________________________________________________

He crosses the street. ________________________________________________________________________

They do not sell furniture. ____________________________________________________________________

Does she practise her English? _________________________________________________________________

They repeat the question. ____________________________________________________________________

She hugs her little brother. ____________________________________________________________________

The snowman melts in the sun. ________________________________________________________________

The candle does not burn. ____________________________________________________________________

Do they chat in a forum? _____________________________________________________________________

He wrote a book. __________________________________________________________________________

He did not sing_____________________________________________________________________________

Was she pretty? ____________________________________________________________________________

We move to a new house. ____________________________________________________________________

They bring a sandwich. _______________________________________________________________________

He doesn't do the homework. _________________________________________________________________

They sell cars. ______________________________________________________________________________

Does he visit his friends? _____________________________________________________________________

6. Order and write sentences in simple past.

you / cards / play _____________________________________________________________________________

I / a car / want _______________________________________________________________________________

we / the game / lose __________________________________________________________________________

not / I / early / get up _________________________________________________________________________

not / Jeff and Linda / home / cycle _______________________________________________________________

Janet / the bus / miss _________________________________________________________________________

she / her room / tidy __________________________________________________________________________

not / Rupert / the number / dial _________________________________________________________________

she / a friend / phone _________________________________________________________________________

not / Andy / the ball / pass _____________________________________________________________________

Jim / his head / cover _________________________________________________________________________

she / the chapter / copy _______________________________________________________________________

not / the clouds / disappear ____________________________________________________________________

he / to our question / refer _____________________________________________________________________

not / we / our punishment / escape ______________________________________________________________

7. Ask for the bold part of the sentence.

Billy ate an apple. What did Billy eat?

The children played in the garden. _______________________________________________________________

Laura came home at six o'clock. _________________________________________________________________
The boy read a book. _________________________________________________________________________
The girl wrote five letters. ______________________________________________________________________
My friends swam in the lake. ___________________________________________________________________
He paid the bill. ______________________________________________________________________________
The teacher pointed to the board. _______________________________________________________________
They felt good. _______________________________________________________________________________
He hurt his leg because he was not careful. ________________________________________________________
He clicked the mouse button. __________________________________________________________________
Robby Robber robbed a bank. __________________________________________________________________
The house burnt down. _______________________________________________________________________
The children respected their teacher. ____________________________________________________________
They welcomed the new pupil warmly. ___________________________________________________________
She pushed her bike. _________________________________________________________________________
She carried a bag. ____________________________________________________________________________
We waited in the park. ________________________________________________________________________
The policeman arrested the thief. ________________________________________________________________
We ate fish. ____________________________________________________________________________
She watched the match last night. ______________________________________________________________
She asked her friend because she did not know what to do. ___________________________________________
I opened the door. ____________________________________________________________________________
The teacher checked our homework. _____________________________________________________________
Cindy had a dog. ____________________________________________________________________________

8. Write the past forms of the irregular verbs.



9. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Simple Past.

Example: ____ she ____ the Internet? (to surf)

Answer: Did she surf the Internet?

I _______________ my Maths homework yesterday. (to do)

Susan _______________ to England by plane? (to go)

They _______________ a farm two weeks ago. (to visit)

Jenny and Peggy _______________ their brother. (not/to help)

The children _______________ at home last weekend. (not/to be)

When _______________ you _______________ this wonderful skirt? (to design)

My mother _______________ into the van. (not/to crash)

The boys _______________ the mudguards of their bicycles. (to take off)

you your aunt last week? (to phone)

He _______________ milk at school. (not/to drink)

Last year I_______________ (go) to England on holiday.

It _______________ (be) fantastic.

I _______________ (visit) lots of interesting places. I (be) with two friends of mine .

In the mornings we_______________ (walk) in the streets of London.

In the evenings we _______________ (go) to pubs.

The weather _______________ (be) strangely fine.

It _______________ (not / rain) a lot.

But we _______________ (see) some beautiful rainbows.

Where__________________________ (spend / you) your last holiday?


Here are some basic rules for spelling comparatives and superlatives:

Rule 1 - one syllable adjectives or adverbs:

Comparatives Superlatives
Simply add -er Use THE and add -est
Examples: Examples:
smart = smarter smart = the smartest
young = younger young = the youngest
fast = faster fast = the fastest
Rule 1B - One syllable adjectives with a Consonant-Vowel-Consonant Pattern:

If the adjective has a CVC pattern, double the

consonant and add -er. If the adjective has a CVC pattern, double the
Examples: consonant and add -est. Don't forget THE!
wet = wetter Examples:
big = bigger wet = the wettest
sad = sadder big = the biggest
sad = the saddest
Rule 2 - two syllable adjectives ending in Y
Change the Y to I and add -er Change the Y to I and add -est.
Don't forget to use THE!
Examples: Examples:
pretty = prettier pretty = the prettiest
happy = happier happy = the happiest
busy = busier busy = the busiest

Rule 3 - Adjectives or adverbs with two or more syllables (not ending in Y):
Examples: Examples:
famous = more famous famous = the most famous
interesting = more interesting interesting = the most interesting
carefully = more carefully carefully = the most carefully

Rule 4
These are the irregular words. There is no system or pattern here, so you'll just have
to remember them. Fortunately, there are only a few...
Examples: Examples:
good = better good = the best
bad = worse bad = the worst
far = farther (further) far = the farthest (the furthest)
well = better well = the best
badly = worse badly = the worst
little = less little = the least

1. Choose the correct option

Q1 - It's better ____ I thought.




Q2 - Brazil is _____ England.
biger than

bigger as

bigger than

biger as
Q3 - She is _____ in the class

the best


better than

as good as
Q4 - I'm not as successful ___ she is.




Q5 - It was ______ expensive restaurant I've ever been to.


the more


the most
Q6 - I'd like some ____ information.



Either could be used here.

Q7 - It's ____ art collection in Europe.



the finer

the finest
Q8 - It was ____ than I was expecting.



Either could be used here.

Q9 - This is the ______ kitchen I've ever seen.



Either could be used here.

Q10 - Which is ____ of the two?

more difficult

most difficult

Either could be used here.

Q11 - She finished ____ than everyone else.

more quickly


Either could be used here.

Q12 - The underground is ____ buses.

more expensive

most expensive

the most expensive

more expensive than

Q13 - The plane would be _____ than the coach.

more quickly


Either could be used here.

Q14 - It was ____ test I have ever done.

the most hard

the hardest

Either could be used here.

Q15 - There were ____ people at the game than expected.



Q16 - The _____ difficult thing was communication.



It depends on how many things there were.

2. write the comparative and superlative of the words. Choose some and make examples with both.

active ->
bad ->
big ->
big ->
busy ->
busy ->
cheesy ->
clean ->
clean ->
curious ->

cute ->
detailed ->

easy ->
fast ->
fast ->
fluffy ->
friendly ->
funny ->
hairy ->
happy ->
happy ->
heavy ->
high ->
high ->
large ->
merry ->
new ->
noisy ->
old ->
old ->
peppy ->
peppy ->
pink ->
playful ->
pretty ->
red ->

respectful -
sad ->
sad ->
salty ->
serious ->
short ->
small ->
smart ->
smart ->
soft ->
soft ->
studious -
tall ->
ugly ->
wet ->

wise ->
young ->
young ->

3. Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

1. My house is (big) than yours.

2. This flower is (beautiful) than that one.

3. This is the (interesting) book I have ever read.

4. Non-smokers usually live (long) than smokers.

5. Which is the (dangerous) animal in the world?

6. A holiday by the sea is (good) than a holiday in the mountains.

7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) than a beer.

8. Who is the (rich) woman on earth?

9. The weather this summer is even (bad) than last summer.

10. He was the (clever) thief of all.

4. Complete

1. A lion is (big) than a cat .

2. Oh fine, it was raining yesterday but today the weather is (good) .

3. I have just a little money , then I'll have the (cheap) menu .

4. She thinks that Chinese is (difficult) than English .

5. Water is (expensive) than champagne .

6. It's awful , we have got (bad) weather in the world.

7. Your car is old ! it is (dangerous) than mine.

8. Jane is 8 and Kim is 10 ; Jane is (young) than Kim .

9. Don't be in a hurry , walk (slowly).

10. You'd better get up (early) tomorrow, or you'll be late again.

11. Speak (loud) , I can't hear you.

12. What a stupid boy you are ! you are (intelligent) than a monkey.


subject + could + main verb

The main verb is always the bare infinitive (infinitive without "to").

Subject auxiliary verb main verb

+ My grandmother could swim.

- She could not walk.


? Could your grandmother swim?

Notice that:

Could is invariable. There is only one form of could.

The main verb is always the bare infinitive.

1. Use the words can can't could couldn't to complete the sentences .

a. Bob swim but he when he was two years old..

b. Steve's younger sister surf, but he .

c. Last week it was sunny and we go swimming, but this week we .

c. Russel play the violin, but he play the piano.

d. Seaturtles swim, but they fly.

e. Tony cook now, but he before taking cooking classes.

f. Snails jump, but frogs .

g. Kimi dance with fans, but she dance samba.

h. Hippos fly, but they swim.

i. Joe whistle at all. Now he .

j. Lisa play baseball, but she when she was three.

k. Mary was so busy that she accept the invitation to go out.

2. Complete these sentences with can or can't

a) Mark _____ play badminton fairly well, but his brother _____ play at all.
b) Marathon runners _____ normally run fast, but they _____ run for a very long time.
c) Most people _____ ride a bike but they _____ play golf.
d) You _____ soccer in the rain, but you ____ play tennis.
e) Everybody _____ do it. f) I _____ read this book because I forgot my glasses.

3. Use can, can't, could or couldn't

a) Garrincha _____ dribble better than anybody.

b) Volleyball players _____ normally jump very high.
c) Until 1968, men _____ run 100 meters in less than ten seconds. Then Jim Hines broke the world record to 9.9
d) Women still _____ run 100 meters in less than ten seconds. The world record of 10.49 seconds belongs to Florence
Griffith Joyner.
e) I _____ talk very fast, but my mother _____.
f) When I was child, I _____ swim at all, but now I _____.


We use WILL for... We use GOING TO for...

- predictions without evidence - predictions with evidence

"I will be rich and famous" "Look! David is going to crash against that tree!"

- offering our help - future intentions/planned actions

"I'll help you with those heavy books" "I'm going to study law at university next year"

- sudden decisions
"It's raining. I'll take an umbrella!"

1. Choose the correct verb for the following sentences. Do not use abbreviations:

1) Next summer, I ___________________________ (travel) to New York. My sister lives there and she bought me a
plane ticket for my birthday.

2) It's getting cold. I ___________________________ (take) my coat!

3) Are you going to the cinema? Wait for me. I ___________________________ (go) with you!

4) Jane and Tom ___________________________ (not/study) medicine next year. Jane

___________________________ (study) French and Tom (take) a gap year.

5. Mrs Simons, those bags seem quite heavy. I ___________________________ (help) you carry them.

6. Experts say the Earth ___________________________ (suffer) seriously if we continue polluting.

7. Look at those black clouds. I think it ___________________________ (rain).

8. Bye Bye Joe. I ___________________________ (phone) you as soon as I arrive home!

9. What ___________________________ (do) tomorrow? I ___________________________ (visit) my


10. Anne: "I don't have enough money to pay for my lunch."
Peter: " I ___________________________ (lend) you some."

2. Write sentences in going to future.

1. he / get up / early

2. they / do / their best


3. you / learn / Irish


4. she / buy / a computer

5. we / take / the bus


6. she / watch / the match


7. they / wait / in the park


8. He / buy / bread / this afternoon


3. Complete with the correct verb

Do you know Sharon's address? I ___________________________ to her today. (visit)

Don't forget! We ___________________________in Liverpool next Friday. (be)
School announcement: Easter holidays ___________________________ on 12th April. (start)
That car is driving too fast! Oh, no, it ___________________________ ! (crash)
I know you are leaving at the weekend! But when ___________________________ ? (you/come back)
The coach arrives at 8 o'clock. But what time ___________________________ ? (it/depart)
You have a lot of bricks in the backyard. ___________________________ your house? (you/renovate)
Look, Ann is carrying a spade. ___________________________ ? (she/plant a tree)
We are having a meeting with Kirk tonight. What time ___________________________ ? (he/come)
Why are you getting up so early? When ___________________________ today? (your lessons/start)
I'd like to go for a trip. ___________________________ tomorrow? (you/do anything)
We must meet Joyce at the port. What time ___________________________ ? (ship/land)
You have so much milk in the fridge. What ___________________________ with it? (you/do)
Are they going to sell their house? - No, they ___________________________ their house.
Are you flying to Barcelona soon? - No, we ___________________________ to Barcelona soon.
Does the bank open tomorrow? - No, it ___________________________ tomorrow.
Excuse me. Are you going to park your car here? - No, I ___________________________ my car here..
Is Kate coming on Friday? - No, she ___________________________ on Friday.
Do we spend any time in the museum tomorrow? - No, we ___________________________ any time there.
Take an umbrella. It ___________________________ . (rain)
Attention, please! The next race ___________________________ at 9.30. (start)
I ___________________________ to the cinema tonight. I already have a ticket. (go)
Why are you leaving? Are you finished? - No, I am not. But I ___________________________ a rest. (have)
He can give it to her. He ___________________________ her in the afternoon. (go to see)
The flight number BA 308 ___________________________ at 11.15. (leave)
Betty is going to driving lessons. And then she ___________________________ a car. (buy)
I can't eat anything today. I ___________________________ an appointment at the hospital tomorrow. (have)
Fasten your seatbelts, please. The plane ___________________________ in five minutes. (land)


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