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Form of Passive
Subject + finite form of to be + Past Participle (3rd column of irregular verbs)

Example: A letter was written.

When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:

the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is

Examples of Passive

Tense Subject Verb Object

writes a letter.
Simple Present Active: Rita

Passive: A letter is written by Rita.

Simple Past Active: Rita wrote a letter.

Passive: A letter was written by Rita.

Present Perfect Active: Rita has written a letter.

Passive: A letter has been written by Rita.

Future I Active: Rita will write a letter.

Como en espaol, la voz pasiva se forma con el verbo 'to be' (ser) y el participio pasado.
El sujeto de un verbo en pasiva corresponde al objeto de un verbo en activa. Estudia la
siguiente lista de las formas del verbo en pasiva. Terry is going to be made redundant
next year..

Como en espaol, la voz pasiva se forma con el verbo 'to be' (ser) y el participio

They made this car in 1963. (active) This car was made in 1963. (passive)

El sujeto de un verbo en pasiva corresponde al objeto de un verbo en activa.

Spanish is spoken in Argentina PASIVA

Argentinians speak Spanish ACTIVA


Para decir quin haca la accin o qu la causaba, usa 'by'.

This house was built by my mother. / Esta casa fue construida por mi madre.
Washington was bombed by Pakistan. / Washington fue bombardeado por

La voz pasiva se suele utilizar cuando se desconoce o no interesa mencionar quin o

qu hace la accin.
Es ms normal encontrar en espaol formas con se, por ejemplo: se habla, se
alquila o verbos en plural como venden, compran.

German is spoken here / Aqu se habla alemn

When was this house built? / Cuando se construy ( fue
construida) sta casa?
A lot of songs have been written about love / Se han
escrito muchas canciones sobre el amor

La voz activa
He ate all of the cookies.(Comi todas las galletas.)

La voz pasiva
All of the cookies were eaten.(Todas las galletas fueron comidas.)

Para transformar una oracin activa a pasiva tenemos en cuenta los siguientes puntos:

1. El objeto de la oracin activa pasa a ser el sujeto de la pasiva.

2. El verbo principal se sustituye por el auxiliar to be, en su mismo tiempo, junto al verbo
principal en participio.

3. El sujeto de la oracin principal pasa a ser complemento agente de la pasiva.

4. Si hacemos mencin en la oracin del sujeto que realiza la accin (sujeto agente), este ir
normalmente precedido por la preposicin by.
La voz activa:
Mark Twain wrote the book.(Mark Twain escribi el libro.)

La voz pasiva:
The book was written by Mark Twain.(El libro fue escrito por Mark Twain.)

La voz activa:
The housekeeper will clean the room.(La ama de casa limpiar la habitacin.)

La voz pasiva:
The room will be cleaned by the housekeeper.(La habitacin ser limpiada por la ama de casa.)

Used to
de English Grammar Today

Used to: meaning and form

We use used to when we refer to things in the past which are no longer true. It
can refer to repeated actions or to a state or situation:

He used to play football for the local team, but hes too old now.

That white house over there used tobelong to my family. (It belonged to my
family in the past, but not any



In statements, the form used todoes not change. We do not use the
verb be before it. It always refers to past time:

We used to go to the seaside every summer when I was a kid.

Not: We are used to go or We use to go or We were used to go

Negative: didnt use to

The negative of used to is most commonly didnt use(d) to. Sometimes we write it
with a final -d, sometimes not. Both forms are common, but many

people consider the form with the final -d to be incorrect, and you should not use
it in exams:

It didnt use to be so crowded in the shops as it is nowadays.

I didnt used to like broccoli when I was younger, but I love it now. (Dont use
this form in exams.)

In very formal styles, we can use the negative form used not to:

She used not to live as poorly as she does now.

Es importante distinguir los nombres contables e incontables en ingls, ya que implican el uso de
diferentes determinantes y verbos.

Los nombres contables se refieren a cosas que podemos contar utilizando nmeros. Tienen una
forma para el singular y otra para el plural. El singular puede emplear el determinante "a" o "an".
Para preguntar por la cantidad de un nombre contable, utilizamos "How many?" con el nombre
contable en plural.

Singular Plural

one dog two dogs

Singular Plural

one horse two horses

one man two men

one idea two ideas

one shop two shops

She has three dogs.
I own a house.
I would like two books please.
How many friends do you have?

Los nombres incontables se refieren a cosas que no podemos contar. Pueden identificar ideas o
cualidades abstractas y objetos fsicos que son demasiado pequeos o amorfos como para
contarlos (lquidos, sustancias en polvo, gases, etc.). Los nombres incontables llevan el verbo en
singular. De manera general, no tienen forma plural.


No podemos usar a/an con estos nombres. Para expresar una cantidad de un nombre incontable,
usamos palabras o expresiones como some, a lot of, much, a bit of, a great deal of , o unidades de
medida como a cup of, a bag of, 1kg of, 1L of, a handful of, a pinch of, an hour of, a day of. Para
preguntar por la cantidad de un nombre incontable utilizamos "How much?"

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

In English grammar, countable nouns are individual people, animals, places, things, or ideas
which can be counted. Uncountable nouns are not individual objects, so they cannot be
counted. Here, well take a look at countable and uncountable nouns and provide both
countable noun examples and uncountable noun examples. Although the concept may seem
challenging, youll soon discover that these two different noun types are very easy to use.

1. Your book is on the kitchen table.

2. How many candles are on that birthday cake?
3. You have several paintings to study in art appreciation class.
4. Theres a big brown dog running around the neighborhood.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns Exercises

Is the underlined noun countable or uncountable?

1. The children fell asleep quickly after a busy day of fun.

2. Be careful! The water is deep.
3. The parade included fire trucks and police cars.
4. We like the large bottles of mineral water.
5. My mother uses real butter in the cakes she bakes.
6. How many politicians does it take to pass a simple law?
7. Most kids like milk, but Joey hates it.
8. Most pottery is made of clay.
9. Michael can play several different musical instruments.
10. I was feeling so stressed that I ate an entire box of cookies.
Answers: 1 countable, 2 uncountable, 3 countable, 4 countable, 5 uncountable,
6 countable, 7 uncountable, 8 uncountable, 9 countable, 10 countable
Countable and uncountable nouns
Nouns can be either countable or uncountable. Countable nouns (or count
nouns) are those that refer to something that can be counted. They have both
singular and plural forms (e.g. cat/cats; woman/women; country/countries). In the
singular, they can be preceded by a or an. Most nouns come into this category.
A smaller number of nouns do not typically refer to things that can be counted and
so they do not regularly have a plural form: these are known as uncountable
nouns (or mass nouns). Examples include: rain, flour, earth, wine, or wood.
Uncountable nouns can't be preceded by a or an. Many abstract nouns are
typically uncountable, e.g. happiness, truth, darkness, humour.
Some uncountable nouns can be used in the plural as well, depending on the
meaning or contextof the word. Take a look at these sentences:
uncountable because it's referring to the drink
Would you like some coffee?
in general

countable, because it's referring to a cup of

He ordered a coffee.

uncountable, because it refers to the quality or

There's no truth in the rumours.
state of being true

The fundamental truths about human countable, because it's referring to facts or
nature. beliefs that are true

There are some words that should only be used with countable nouns and some
that you should only use with uncountable nouns. Here are the main examples:

with countable with uncountable

word examples
noun? noun?
fewer students; few
few, fewer
little, less,
less food; little time
many, several books; many

several changes
much pleasure; much


How much y How many nicamente se utilizan en la forma interrogativa y es para

preguntar por cantidades de algo, y las reglas son: Si se trata de sustantivos contables
(countable nouns*), se aplica How many. Si observas bien, el sustantivo contable est
siempre en plural: cups, pants, apples, pictures.

How much / How many

Se utilizan para preguntar por cantidades de algo.

Si se trata de sustantivos contables, se aplica How many.

Si se trata de sustantivos incontables, se usa How much.

Estas expresiones siempre van seguidas de un sustantivo; luego, el verbo y el resto de la oracin.

How many cars do you have?

Cuntos autos tienes?

How much money do you have?

Cunto dinero tienes?

How much se utiliza tambin para preguntar precios.

How much is this car?

Cunto cuesta este auto?

How much are the potatoes?

Cunto cuestan las papas?

Tambin se usan en forma genrica para preguntar "cunto hay". En este caso, van seguidas del
sustantivo y luego, is / are there.

How many cars are there?

Cuntos autos hay?

How much money is there?

Cunto dinero hay?

A estas preguntas se responde usando There is / are, dependiendo de si se trata de singular o

plural, como ya hemos visto en lecciones anteriores.

There are four cars.

Hay cuatro autos.
There is one dollar.
Hay un dlar.

Para hacer referencia a los sustantivos incontables, se pueden utilizar los envases o las medidas
de los envases que los contienen, los cuales s son contables...

How much milk is there?

Cunta leche hay?

There are three litres.

Hay tres litros.

How much wine is there?

Cunto vino hay?

There are two bottles.

Hay dos botellas.

Los sustantivos contables
e incontables




Indirect questions (Las interrogativas indirectas son construcciones) son preguntas

usadas para hablar con ms cortesa o para expresar dudas. Por eso tenemosindirect
questions (el estilo indirecto). Una pregunta indirecta contiene dos clusulas.

Yes / no' questions for tenses with inversion:

Verb Tense Direct Question Indirect Question

Present simple Is he Spanish? Can you tell me if he is Spanish?
with 'be'
Present Is the restaurant closing Can you tell me if the restaurant is
continuous now? closing now?
Past simple with Can you tell me if he was late for
Was he late for the meeting?
'be' the meeting?
Were you watching TV at Can you tell me if you were
Past continuous
3pm? watching TV at 3pm?
Can you tell me if Lucy has been to
Present perfect Has Lucy been to Mexico?
Present perfect Has she been living here Can you tell me if she has been
continuous long? living here long?
Had she found this job when Can you tell me if she had found
Past perfect
she moved here? this job when she moved here?
Can you tell me if she had been
Past perfect Had she been living here
living here long when she met
continuous long when she met you?
Future simple Will she start her new job Can you tell me if she will start her
with 'will' next week? new job next week?
Future simple Can you tell me if it is going to
Is it going to rain later?
with 'going to' rain later?
Future Will Lisa be meeting the Can you tell me if Lisa will be
continuous boss later? meeting the boss later?
Will he have finished the Can you tell me if he will have
Future perfect
report by tonight? finished the report by tonight?
Will he have been studying Can you tell me if he will have
Future perfect
French for twenty years been studying French for twenty
when he retires? years when he retires?
Can you tell me if we should start
Modal verbs Should we start now?

'Yes / no' questions with tenses that use 'do / does / did':

Sometimes you want to make an indirect question using the present simple of any
verb except 'be' or the past simple of any verb except 'be'. These tense make direct
questions by using 'do / does / did'. When we want to make indirect 'yes / no'
questions using these tenses, we need 'if' and we don't need 'do / does / did'.

Verb Tense Direct Question Indirect Question

Present simple with any Does David live in Can you tell me if David lives in
verb except 'be' London? London?
Past simple with any Did Amanda call John Can you tell me if Amanda
verb except 'be' yesterday? called John yesterday?
Wh' questions for tenses with inversion:

Verb Tense Direct Question Indirect Question

Present simple Can you tell me why he is
Why is he unhappy?
with 'be' unhappy?
Present When is the restaurant Can you tell me when the
continuous closing? restaurant is closing?
Past simple with Why was he late for the Can you tell me why he was late
'be' meeting? for the meeting?
What were you doing at Can you tell me what you were
Past continuous
3pm? doing at 3pm?
Can you tell me where Lucy has
Present perfect Where has Lucy been?
Present perfect How long has she been Can you tell me how long she has
continuous living here? been living here?
Why had she quit her job Can you tell me why she had quit
Past perfect
before she moved here? her job before she moved here?

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