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"I See UFOs in Our Skies.

Personal Interactions with Off-World Intelligences
David Kobza

Part One

Those who are familiar with who I am and my past experiences, this won't come as any
new thing, but I felt like sharing with you a humble event which occurred this
afternoon... As always, I relaxed my body centering myself, going within. I surrender to
the Universe becoming one with it. I call on the Cosmic Universal Loving Light Energy to
bathe my body with a waterfall of Golden Light, Imagining each part of my body with
this Love energy, glowing with Golden radiance.

Focusing on my Heart I imagine this light to glow brighter & brighter. Allowing this to
become stronger, it's size grows as well. As it then is well-established, I open my Heart
to allow it to blossom out, actually becoming WIDER as well as expanding from my
chest outward, getting larger than my body... As it slowly grows, I keep the potency of
it's Love energy strong, and connect with every Ray which is extending outward. This
radiant glow is now coming in contact with nature: the trees, the grass, into the Earth,
through it's core, it's oceans, all life on the surface of the world and finally through our
atmosphere and out into the cosmos...

As I am connected to this Light/Love Energy I stretch myself out like the Rays of the
Sun, becoming hundreds of thousands of these Rays. I become like the Sun. This state
of being raises your frequency or vibrational level and this 'zone' is ripe with the
potential for establishing clear contact with extraterrestrial beings who can clearly
discern this vibrational event as 'tune-in' to see just what is going on down there on

You can connect without this preliminary protocol but having done this increases your
odds a million fold with making contact with Star Beings. So as I am in this Sun-like
radiant, Loving state, I put out the call for contact with Spiritually Advanced Star
Brethren. The thought is established and I verbalize this a few times to get the 'echo'
or affirmation affixed in my mind. I sustain this while breathing in and out which I find of

After a few minutes of repeating & sustaining this intent/mantra, it becomes a solid
energy form of expression which is carried instantly throughout the Cosmos by the
carrier frequency of Love.

This whole process usually takes about 10-15 minutes to establish and after that
things start to happen... As I have a pair of high-powered electronically-stabilized
binoculars (Fujinon), I am ready to focus in above me to ready myself for the
appearance of any craft who has responded to my request.

As the Love has neutralized any emotional baggage (mainly fear or negativity of any
degree if they happen to be somewhere in my conscious state), there is little or no
resistance on their part to coming in for a visit. They can tune into where I am location-
wise and even know my line of sight in which to appear within.

One needs to make sure the focus of the binocular is set to 'infinity' so a stray balloon,
sky flotsam or even bugs can be definitively ruled out! One may see some very
transient appearances of objects that seem to become just barely visible. These may
be curious onlookers who do not intend to be the ones intending to make the
connection but are curious as to what is going on none the less.

Then suddenly there is a point of light or glimmer which becomes quite apparent and
suddenly becomes larger and you can usually see the reflective nature of it's metallic
surface material. It will remain in a relatively stable and fixed position for a time or may
drift to one side or the other very slowly.

This is the entry point and an energy connecting you to them is felt. It can be a very
subtle energy though noticeable or very very strong, whereby you are being scanned.
This scanning energy can feel quite intrusive and may cause you to have a bit of fear
as you feel the consciousness of someone 'checking you out'. It's difficult to explain but
you know when it's happening to you. This scan usually lasts for no longer than 3
minutes in duration.

A ship can take on a variety of forms. Metallic reflective properties is the most
predominant characteristic observed. These craft can take the shape of orbs, ovoid or
egg-shaped dimensions. They can be flat like a quarter, long and thin but slightly
bulged top and bottom, and yes even the stereotypical saucer-shaped with a dome on
top. The metallic look can be very, very reflective or dull, almost non-reflective.

Occasionally there will be craft which are more porcelain in appearance with a more
whiteish color. The metal can be colored as well. Golden ships, yellow, red, orange, blue,
even multi-hued crafts in which the colors undulate constantly are not extremely rare to
experience from time to time.

Then there are more solid colored craft which CAN seem to look as of they just may be
a balloon. It's a good time at that point to look at the setting of the focus knob to
remind yourself that what you're focused on is set on infinity, beyond the focus of the

Sometimes they are football-shaped and may have what looks like a rotating 'dot' or
'eye' which revolves around the craft. Sometimes they are barrel-shaped and
sometimes pastel luminescent tones of color variants will be observed.

Now there are a VAST array of ship designs out there as well as strange energy
components to these craft.

I have seen what looked like a blue lotus-shaped craft which looked like it is made out
of glass! I have seen plasma-based craft which seem alive and as one area shrinks,
another extends out and vice-versa. It's a diverse universe out there... The first close
encounter experience I had in which a craft & I were engaged in a one-on-one
interaction, had a craft that went between a solid, reflective metallic outline (the sun
reflecting on surface with a shadow) and a solid red-orange glow with NO reflections or
hint of dimensional depth to it. It would shift every four or five seconds between energy
states...Interesting indeed. The craft may come in for a brief encounter and may
choose to stay with you in the sky for no longer than a minute or two, or choose to
remain in the sky for over an hour.

NOT all the experiences have a definitive telepathic component to them but
occasionally they do communicate and a vision or a thought which is unique and
distinct from your own may become apparent.

It's not an instant thing but seems to take one to two to three minutes to become
solid and undeniable. Maybe the shock of something just flashing in your mind is why
they choose to do it that why, I am not sure.

Sometimes ships come in pairs. Or threes or even four or more on occasion. Sometimes
the same craft type in a group, sometimes multiple types flying together, often of
different colors.They may appear uniformly stationary or they may be somewhat
independent of each other.

Also I have seen where as one is completed with spending some time with me, another
will enter the scene and the craft before it will make an exit. They never zip off rapidly
like the more earthbound sightings typically report but rather drift off, drift away
becoming smaller & smaller in a few seconds or blur out. It seems that when they do
arrive a 'rip' in the sky occurs where you see them but then you also see others zipping
past or come into view.

This may have to do with opening a specific viewing area for the contactee or it is
simply opening a portal of dimensions where they exist that is linked to our 3rd
dimension thereby becoming visible to our world. Hmm.

An initial introduction to them may be quite powerfully emotional. A feeling on

connection may be experienced that may cause a feeling of family, like a homecoming
after being away for many, many years.

It's a feeling of Loving connection that will make your Earthbound familial ties seem to
pale in comparison yet, paradoxically, will bond you even more strongly with your family
here on Earth. Don't ask me how that one is pulled off, but it happens!

At some point early on in your experiences, having had this powerful loving frequency
transmitted though you, you may feel transformed or Blessed or Re-Born in some
capacity, lasting quite some time, perhaps a few months...although the residual effect I
have found to be life-long.

It changes you and for the better. You begin to realize how sloppy your thinking patters
have tended to be. Other subtle paranormal attributes may precede an encounter. The
sighting of eagles, hawks or birds of various forms may be a component of such an
experience. Other times after encounters you may feel compelled to seek something
out online or in book form that you never had even thought of before.

There are just so many amazing facets to this close encounter phenomenon that point
to telepathic or energetic transference we are just beginning to understand. Today my
encounter was brief, about 7-9 minutes in duration. A metallic, reflective ovoid craft
came in, hovered above me and seemed to respond to my thoughts sent to it with a
brightening of it's reflective characteristic. I would send it a thought and it would

As this happened about 15 or 16 times I felt it was more than just the sun catching it
causing more pronounced reflections as it it rotated. I did not receive any discernible
telepathic transmissions but I did feel the energy shift as it revealed itself.

Also I noticed that the rip in the sky albeit an invisible one, again demonstrated that
other craft can be seen traversing in the background. Afterwards, a feeling of
connectedness and peace overcame me and something compelled me to write all this
to share with others.

KNOW that this sort of thing is not exclusive to me or 'special' people I firmly believe.

I believe everyone has an intrinsic RIGHT to this connection with our galactic
neighborhood & cosmic relatives if we are pure of heart, sincere and exert a good deal
of focus and concentration.

Perserverence! I hope you enjoyed reading about something which may sound a bit 'out
there' to you but is something I'm quite familiar with and have been doing since 2002

Maybe it will inspire you to pursue your own connection to our visiting Star Brothers &
Sisters. It is by far the most meaningful undertaking I have experienced in my life thus
far. My intent with writing this is to open your mind to the possibility of this being an
experience you yourself can have should you choose to initiate contact. It's all down to
choice, my friends.

“I See UFOs in Our Skies.”
David Kobza

Part Two
And 'Reflections'

For those who read the original article.. What I've decided I'm going to do is catalog my
extraterrestrial/spiritual 'contact' experiencing by way of a bulletin post, describing in
detail the UFO experiences I may have over the next few months or so. It's diverse out
there and it's hard to get perspective on that unless the information in presented in a
cumulative way over a period of time. Since I do not attempt to initiate contacts every
day it will be a somewhat intermittent bulletin post.

The similarities, differences and patterns of separate events may lead to broad
speculation about the workings and inter-workings of these various intelligent Beings
who operate within and without our Local Earth atmosphere. Any and all possibilities or
theories about what I write about is encouraged...there is much we do not know.

I want to show how frequent it can be, how beautiful or spiritually meaningful it can be
and to how vast and just plain incredible it is out there. I would like to get you used to
the idea that events like these can and do happen.

I want to give you inspiration and insight by describing what I go through mentally in
order to facilitate a successful contact as well as what the mind may experience during
a one-on-one close encounter. I will also transpose the text of my bulletin posts to my
website: http://homepage.mac.com/davkobza They will hit blog form after they show
up on the bulletin boards.

I called this part 'reflections' because I had a very intense contact experience TODAY.

As this was very personal and intense I feel the need to journal my experiences as they
come, but to freely share them to those who want to know what's out there... Today's
experience I'll Write up in 'I See UFOs in Our Skies (Part II) which I'll be writing tonight. I
think you'll find it fascinating! : ) The experience I had a couple of days ago was typical
for an 'early response'.

How so? Well... Early on in establishing a series of successful contact experiences,

contacts will seem like introductory 'lessons' with the Star Visitors: You have the
sighting, and feel the EM energy shift that's transmitted but it's usually a more short-
lived visual lock-on event with little or no intimate, psychic interaction.

It's only when you have a few days under your belt of going into the meditative,
immersive state merging with the cosmos etc., that you have altered and raised your
frequency to a level which facilitates clear, involved, psychically/emotionally powerful

I think sometimes those the first few experiences are more so that these craft come in
to observe what energy they can apparently sense, but that my slightly un-refined and
fluctuating mental/emotional/focusing state actually blocks a deeper connection. But
then it becomes easier to a degree, to see some really beautiful craft!

And usually coupled with that clear and overt contact, where they can clearly and easily
seen, is a psychic element which has some consistencies but can result in several
methods of how it affects what's going on, to either instruct, move you to think about
something or to influence emotionally related understanding through direct experience. I
never said understanding telepathy was easy!

So today...

As I sat down to surrender and immerse myself with the Cosmos, I seemed to be able
to almost instantly merge and get into the zone of being part of all things. I went into a
very deep and connected state of awareness with the realm I had a taste of the other
day. I felt the zone I had achieved was very 'on target'. And of course it turned out to

With 10 minutes, maybe 15 at the most I felt the charge of subtle EM energy. Also, I
notice a visual distortion (very slight) in the sky above me. It just seems active, like
you are seeing the little things which your eyes can produce, but in a defined region in
the sky. It's something most don't pick-up on or witness. It's very subtle but there. So
not too long after that slight EM energy becomes present, I witnessed a beautiful blue
craft make it's appearance above me. We connected instantly, deeply and very highly
charged with Love, Blessings, respect and of fellow Brethren-ship. The beautiful blue
metallic craft made it's way closer, though not too much. It was turning and slightly
bobbing about. Like last time, the rip of where this craft has entered into the
atmosphere to become visible again, allowing various other traveling craft to be seen.
While most ships in the background and around this blue craft were silver,.a few were
white or dark (indiscernible).

The blue craft was projecting an incredible, strong Loving energy into me. I am quite
familiar with the feeling. It is a tingling feeling the solar plexus experiences, and it like
butterflies of Love are tickling you. The feeling is most closely related to the feeling of
falling in Love. I returned this Love and requested that they work with me Spiritually -
that I want to advance and become more Loving and connected with the Cosmos.

I feel tremendous bursts of being one with this energy of theirs and I witness their craft
actually becoming luminous, like going from a med-light metallic color to a lit-up light
blue color within a round metallic frame which wasn't glowing. I felt that they are quite
responsive to 'working' with me. I'm receiving the sense of a flash back of connected,
ALL-Loving state of being.

Surges through my being are like waves of release from shackles of my present state,
which was encumbered and limited by threads of self-imposed limitation. I can feel their
sense of wishing to continue to participate with me. I Lovingly ask them to come to the
left, my left. And like Prophet Yahweh UFOs which move to his wishes, it made it's way
left and slowly spun and rotated. After about 20-25 minutes I was in a very 'modified'
state of awareness. The Blue craft and I said our goodbye. He came back in 2 dynamic
whoosh appearance/disappearance movements in the sky. Remember, I'm wearing my
electronically-stabilized binoculars.

The Blue craft. although was quite visible and was at a distance of focus just past the
clouds, to the naked eye, it was barely visible and would easily be lost (blue on blue
'blues') was still very much in the zone so after blessing and thanking my new friends
to no end, I put out the call. I was greeted after about four or five minutes by a metallic
yellowish silver craft.

The yellow hue to the silver could very well have been an energy around the ship
causing a haze which I noticed; like when you have a picture and apply some softness
filter to cause some sort of 'hallmark moment' warm & fuzzy look even though the
clarity and detail remains.

This craft was again very stable in the sky and I felt like this craft was more analyzing
peacefully who I am. Like a more Loving, observant perspective, perhaps they being
from a team of researchers here to understand man. Not feeling too 'alien' they did feel
like they were here to observe our planet & people.

So we sat together and a few times there was some clear DEEP & HYPER-FOCUSED
feeling of consciously facing each other in observation and recognition. The common
thread? Again, Love.

We ended up our meeting after around 15 minutes. The rest of the day and evening I
have been able to immediately tap into the place of Spiritual center and Oneness
whenever I chose. Like I was still connected to the Wonderfully Loving and Receptive
Beings aboard the Blue Craft. Though they didn't give me a clear head count aboard
their craft, there seemed to be a group of 5 Beings, though that's not definite. I feel I
have more to integrate that they reminded me of. More things I have had as a part of
me but have 'forgotten' over the past several months. That tapped in rapport, sadly, is
not part of how we humans interact. So, it goes after a time. You gradually forget
sometimes, but thank GOD for the GIFT of being put through a strong induced Spiritual
flashback as this contact experience has served to acquire. Goodnight everyone!

“I See UFOs in Our Skies.”
David Kobza
October 20, 2006

Part Three

Fridays are usually pretty free for me to investigate the skies. As I sat on the bed
today, I was definitely think about going out to skywatch as the positive effect I had
resulting from the contact was priceless and really brought me a lot closer to the
feeling one gets when they're in a state of pure Loving and as one with the cosmos.
Intuition is more apparent and the feeling of synchronicity seems like it's a natural
byproduct of this state of being.

Since I had lost a little bit of the pure connection, I felt a little left of center. After all,
when one had been initiated into the greater Brotherhood of Loving AllConnectedness,
anything other than that state is 'left of center'! I used a Light/Sound device* to day to
just go a bit 'self-immersive' to reclaim some of that divinely connected feeling to be
more immediately 'with it' when I start out. *Light/sound devices you use to entrain
various brainwave frequencies related to the different states of consciousness, namely
beta, alpha, theta and delta.

These units use the goggles that have the flashing led lights. These are coupled with
headphones and the unit dials in the flicker rates and binaural sound beats which work
together to entrain the brain. I went outdoors, got comfortable and took several deep
breaths to invigorate my system. Today, as easy as it was yesterday, even more
directed in the right space to be, I began to stare at the sky and LET GO... I
remembered the Loving place I was interacting yesterday and attuned my mind to
being the atmosphere, being the galaxy yet in one spot, within Love - where micro is
the macro in that Love is instant and as such more like 'plugging in', knowing my
energy transmissions for making contact have instant access and needed not to be
sent out somewhere in space and time.

Love makes the unimaginable distances where some may dwell a sustained focus
thought away. I sent the call for contact with Spiritually Advanced Loving Beings...

What appeared in four to five minutes time (average time is generally10-20 minutes)
was a metallic sphere above me, which began to move about a little bit. Like
yesterday, there were others who were seen in the available viewing field in the sky,
but the main craft is the one who usually comes into view directly above me, and then
after that with varying results (whether or not it engages me or inspects the situation
or just sort of say hello and moves off.

Today was interesting...

I felt that though my vibration of Love, access was granted for this area in the sky to
opened up. I was interested in Loving and Blessing my friends today, just sharing their
Loving vibe and that's what was given to me. Again and again, a craft would become
visible DIRECTLY ABOVE me, with interest. I felt a reciprocal giving and receiving
acknowledgment and positive energies. None would really stop and be the focal point
for an exchange, though they all made their introductions to over directly overhead as if
'blipping in', manifesting their ships countless times. Many of these craft looked similar.

Was it the same craft over and over, just repositioning itself? I'm not completely sure. It
seems as if the intended encounter that was established today was one of
demonstrating the connection between that state I was in and how it resulted in an
opening in sky whereby many many craft were able to perceive this and respond.

Of course I'm double checking and triple checking my focus to absolutely be sure that
this phenomenon was not one which was bugs ir stuff in the sky spinning about. Also,
there was zero wind factor today, eliminating the possibility of materials somehow
being flung way up in the local atmosphere. It was that countless craft were wanting to
just be there with me, or watching this or participating in some way.. After I had tried
to have an exclusive contact, I let go of that notion for a bit, just radiating and being
One in that state of Pure Love Vibration... Then I thought to myself how I would like to
have my blue friend come in once again for a visit.

I sustained my focus and intention for this and after about five minutes I got my wish.
They came back and I could feel this Loving Beautiful energy pulse and surge with me.
This lasted maybe ten minutes or so and I felt them pulling away so I Blessed them and
let them leave. Then I started to notice some rather beautiful disc shaped objects
come down to become visible.

These discs came down lower than usual and I could clearly see the disc shaped design
and reflection. Some were as it they were both tethered together around a central
force of gravity, making them rotate and move together in a mutual orbit around an
unconnected center. Cool. I saw a few others that had this tethered together look to
them. A few other craft were barely discernible shades of red, or orange...I felt
absolutely Blessed that I had access to a pretty busy scene.

Then came an AMAZING site...

The wildest weirdest craft I have ever seen (just about). I'll say one of the most
fascinating or ‘exotic’ spectacles I’ve ever seen & definitely one of the top 5 strangest
contraptions I've yet seen. This craft came over and at first I thought it was a bunch of
balloons yet it was way out there or it would have taken some focal adjusting to see it

But no, this wasn't a bunch of balloons. It lit up yellow white and was round, then over
the yellow white bright round light was this wraparound element of a dark purple which
darkened the 'orb' and the dark purple turned to a red color-sort of, like the red was
coming out the backside to this thing. It morphed into the shape of a bean (!) and
again it lit up bright. The sides of it (what sides?) were rectangular and silver.

This whole weird morphing sequence sort of repeated but it just seemed so odd and
bizarre. This one, as the blue craft and the craft tethered together, responded to me
by stabilizing it's position in the sky. I felt what felt like I was being scanned but it was
not so intrusive or the effect was more subtle than other times I was 'scanned' or
whatever you want to call it. The craft seems like a creature out of some Godzilla

It was like an octopus which was changing its colors but also had an effect on the
shape of it. Other than the scan thing, there was no real response from this craft, but it
blew me away.

Eventually, within 10-15 minutes at most, this "Gonzukatronocktaplasm" thing went

away as well. The area of activity was still present with other metallic discs present in
motion, but for some reason I felt tired after these experiences and as I came down
from a place of Loving centeredness (though still remaining where I was sitting), the
'access' seemed to fade or close/shut down. Tired, but feeling so Blessed and in awe of
some real sights on this Friday, I peacefully went inside the house...


“I See UFOs in Our Skies.”

David Kobza
Monday October 23 2006


Another clear day, another opportunity to make some new friends and learn something
new. Without too much prepitory inner work, I attuned myself to the State of Loving
Oneness and merged with the Sky (atmosphere, Cosmos). It's been a whole lot easier
since they had given me that really powerful, Spiritually revitalizing energy transference
a few contacts ago. Easier for me to enter the particular state of being that's most
conductive for a successful contact. So some amazing things happened today.
Amazing things revolving around a BLUE craft. This craft was a different blue craft than
the previous one I interacted with a few days ago. Was this 'Eia'? Was this craft the
'Blue Dove'...Lauren? Help me out here.

My friend Lauren had mentioned this Being and her craft. A female ET she is familiar
with. I 'll have to see what Lauren thinks... The feeling was very, very Loving, Positive,
and responsive - the craft made several large arching orbits above me as it listened to
and responded energetically to me. I asked it to come closer and it did.
Like most craft, it seemed to look a little bit different from time to time due to the
position it is in and how the sun's reflection hits it. At times when it was at it's closest,
it would tilt forward and when it did this I got a great look at this craft.. It was a disc
that seemed to have a really light blue but deepening (prism or materials reflection
slight changes). The disc had what it looked like inner rings / grooves which looked like
2 or 3 thin black inner rings amid the shiny blue disc. The inner portion was a flattened
dome, dark, and semi-shiny. This was a cool sports car if I ever saw one. That's the
model I want to drive when I get my space license!

They/She stayed with me for a good long while, over 25 minutes..Could have been
longer. Yes, there were other craft too. And a lot of sky 'whisps' or flotsam and jetsam
floating about. I know that when these occur one can be fooled for a moment by one
of these whatever they are. Their focal range is a bit closer to Earth so that's good, but
not always... So how do you tell the difference? Well, this stuff tends to float with the
localized jet stream current's direction, so it usually goes in one direction, looks like
dandelion debris or 'whispy' stringy stuff…

Of course, when you have an actual contact, they come in above you, hover or bob
around a bit, and do not respond to any wind direction. They respond to your thoughts-
you feel and see the connection most every time. They send you amazing energy or
thoughts and send out an electromagnetic or similar energy wave that you FEEL; it's
not negative but sort of tingly, 'buzzy', subtle feeling.

I was having a great, wonderful time with this group. I felt included, as if I can ask for
my relations with them to continue on, as I felt with the initial ET group I had my very
first contacts with. There were two hawks which had suddenly become present VERY
high up in the sky before my Blue friend became visible. This is common. I had to cut it
short because my drum student had arrived and, well, just 'cause... *Lauren, feel free
to append to this blog should you receive any further insight regarding Eia.



The heart chakra is the gateway to connecting the lower three "Earth" chakras with
the upper three "Spirit" chakras. It is through the heart chakra that Spirit is grounded
on Earth. When the heart chakra begins to open, then the spiritual quadrant begins to
open as well. How can the heart chakra be opened?

Music and singing are one of the fastest ways to open and align the heart chakra.
Singing or chanting for twenty minutes a day can do wonders. This is what bhakti yoga
is all about. Loving someone or something (animal or garden) also develops the heart
center. Focusing the giving and receiving of unconditional love allows the heart to open
and expand. Love can take many forms, such as caring, understanding, forgiving,
patience, or compassion. When the heart chakra is opening, often energy blockages are
felt. It could take the form of pain in the back or chest. We are all suffering from
broken hearts, and as we allow ourselves to open and become vulnerable, we begin to
get in touch with our heart pain.

There will often be deep sadness and grief to be felt and cried as we begin to heal our
hearts. We may have insights into why the sadness and the tears, but it is not
important to know where the sadness is coming from - only to allow ourselves to feel it
and let it come up for expression. As we begin to heal and align our four lower chakras,
we often become aware of our fears, which can move into anger and then into sadness
and grief, which can be transformed into love through our heart chakra.

When we open our hearts, we begin to feel the love and joy and peace. We will also feel
the pain; that is all part of an open and vulnerable heart. We need to learn to detach
from the pain and not attach to it personally. We allow it as just another natural
emotion - no better, no worse than our other emotions. ALL of our emotions need to
flow in expression and not be blocked or repressed. There is really nothing to fear from
any of our emotions.

If we accept and allow our feelings, they will quickly move through us. However, all
blocked emotions, without exception, will ground out in some other way, such as
through physical illness or violent outbursts. So part of learning to open our hearts is
learning to accept and allow all of who we are. To do this with grace, we need to be
kind to ourselves. We need to be gentle and nurturing with our feelings and emotions.
We need to treat ourselves as we feel a small child would want to be treated - with no
judgment, just love and compassion. As we open our hearts, we begin to find out who
we truly are. Our true essence emerges...

And our true essence is LOVE.


What is 'Contact' ?

Contact with extraterrestrials opens you up to a vast communicative arena, within it a diverse
selection of humanoid beings-Some similar to us, some not-so-similar.

Work with those you can see yourself relating to. Those you would be comfortable with.
Loving benevolent beings, beings who are in the Service-to-Others capacity. Perhaps Human-
being type Star Brothers and Sisters may be 'safe' to your psyche... Whatever your choice is,
be clear and have clear intention regarding these parameters of contact experience which you
decide. ~ David Kobza

Peruvian Wisdom from Mission Rahma "Contact is communication. It is to establish a bridge of

unity between souls and minds, guiding them towards a transcendental goal, like the one of
creating the necessary conditions for personal and collective realizations."
- Oxalc, an extraterrestrial guide

It's indispensable to understand the meaning of the word "contact," to understand its
transcendence clearly. We need to do this because, at first, this word makes us think only in
what's obvious: contact with beings or brothers from other worlds. Nevertheless, by taking a
deeper look, this word reveals its essence to us, an essence that speaks about inner contact, the
kind of contact that lead us to Truth, Knowledge and Freedom. Let's go back to the words
transmitted by the extraterrestrial guides, who, through countless messages make this point clear.

Let's begin with the words of Oxalc: "The contact is more than a possibility. It is a potential that
all must discover inside themselves. It is a reality between this and other worlds, between this
dimension and others through connections and inter-dimensional bridges, built with a purity of
intention, with conviction and much love. And this is more than a reality, it is a need of the
process of growth which is accomplished by sharing." "The real contact is that which allows the
eyes of the soul to look into the essence of things and into the hearts of people. That contact
arrives when one has reached the capacity to feel and to perceive beyond the physical senses,
reacting with both hands selflessly outstretched towards another being, doing what's best for
him." "Contact is communication and communication is communion in action. Only when we
participate in the same action, a greater and more intense communication can take place."

Phases of the Contact Process

According to the extraterrestrial guides, the contact has three phases: 1- Contact with oneself. 2-
Contact with one's family and friends. 3- Contact with the Cosmos. Oxalc explains this concept
in detail: "The contact process follows three phases or levels. The first one of them is each
person's contact with himself. This first type of contact consists of initiating the process of self
knowledge by introspection. This requires us to venture into observing ourselves as we truly are,
in order to change and to become superior beings. Nevertheless, this is not done in order to be
better than others, but better than who we are.

The adequate way to achieve this is in meditation. The second level of contact requires of the
previous one as a necessary step, and it is established with those beings that are closer to us, like
family and friends. This serves as a trampoline for achieving contact with humanity with a higher
level of commitment because the family is the the main laboratory for inner growth and for
experimenting with love." "Without communication among you, it's not possible to establish the
connection with the Cosmos. Moreover, we become interested in reaching you, when you
connect with others and through others, the reason being that it is through you that we'll reach
the rest."

Contact With the ET Guides from the Cosmos

The contacts with the extraterrestrial guides of Mission Rahma began in 1974, when, in Lima,
Peru, the first telepathic message was received. Oxalc was the sender and Sixto Paz was the
receiver. Since that day until today, thousands of contacts have been received and many of them
were confirmed with sightings of spacecraft, not just in Peru, but in different parts of the planet,
as well. From that first message onwards, we were told that we shouldn't forget paying attention
to communication in any of its manifestations and forms. We were continuously reminded that
most of the unfortunate incidents in our world were precisely caused by poor communication
among human beings. Without a doubt, our contact groups find their most important source of
information in the messages. From the beginning, the Elder Brothers emphasized the importance
of not interrupting this link.

Regarding the contact experience they say:

"The contact experience can never be the search for a show, satisfying goes that create a
distraction from what is fundamentally being proposed. The contact attempts to achieve a
commitment and a change of life in favor of humanity. With our presence, and that of other
interdimensional entities related to the contact experience, we seek to give support to that
commitment and to that change and, also, to help you maintain your interest and dedication, as
you strive to find your own advancement."

"Little by little, you will have to learn to perceive and to value the spirit behind the messages, but
you will only accomplish it by assuming the risk of receiving them and the risk of erring in this
attempt. Surely, you must courageously face the challenge this entails, with an adequate
disposition that can be achieved with a previous preparation."

Extraterrestrial Guide Oxalc:

Different Types of Extraterrestrial Contact

The extraterrestrial contact is that one which is achieved with beings from other planets of the
(seven dimensional) Material Universe. These beings attempt to communicate with us,
bequeathing messages for humanity. The different types of contact could be listed like this:

1. When these beings arrive with their spacecraft in direct physical contacts or they send
holographic projections, in which their images appear, but less clear.

2. With the presence of these beings' spacecraft at close range or when they send their spherical
energy monitoring devices, called "kanekas" or "caneplas."

3. By conscious astral contacts, preparing the individual for future physical encounters. 4. By
mental contacts, which can be telepathic and/or psychographic (by automatic writtng).

"We understood that the most important contact, the most transcendental encounter we were
having, wasn't even with them. It was among ourselves and within ourselves. ~
Ricardo Gonzalez (Mission Rahma)


Practice opening your heart with children, plants and animals, then graduate to adults.
Do this until you finally feel that your heart is open 24/7. Fear, anger, intimidation and
many other feelings will occasionally close your heart again. Be aware of this and open
it up in a loving and trusting way as soon as you feel comfortable doing so.

Be aware that you as a spiritual being helped create the conditions that are resulting in
a change into a higher consciousness and faster vibration of our whole world. Like most
changes, many feel like they are being forced upon us before we are ready or
motivated to change. This is no different. Take responsibility, smile and flow with these
changes. Our third DNA strand is now forming in most of us and the veil between
conscious awareness levels is dissolving.

Many things that you could once eat and drink will no longer feel or taste good to you.
As every cell in your body changes, there may be unusual aches and pains. Old habits
and attitudes that don't fit in this new vibration must drop away or they will be ripped
away from those who will ascend. Love is the only thing that will remain. Anything that
is not of love will pass away or shift into another space and time where that soul will
continue its third dimensional lessons.


This must become as easy as breathing. The age of innocence is over. Self-
responsibility is an absolute necessity. Practice by asking where the best parking place
is then add things every day until you are guided 24/7 by your inner knowingness.


It is always important to express gratitude to everything and everyone for everything.

Water is conscious and until the time that Mother Earth is completely healed again,
blessing all that you eat and drink with the intent that it will never harm you and that
your body will benefit from it in some way may save your life. I hold my hands over the
food and/or water then say the following statement: "I thank all who were a part of
bringing this wonderful meal to me and I now bring it to our (all of my cells and me as
soul) vibration." Anything that is of your vibration cannot hurt you.

This is a time of choosing. Some will choose to ascend and others will choose not to at
this time. If there are weather related crisis or Earth changes in your area, it will be
safer and more bearable if you are with friends, among those of like-mind.


Water is conscious and our bodies are 98% water. Speak to all water and bless it. Say,
"Good life." Ask it what you can do to help all waters heal. Bless every breath you take
(automatically, of course, with your intent) and actively daydream of a time when
Mother Earth is totally healed again.



With so many changes happening it will be easy to fall into fear and become spiritually
unbalanced. A great technique is to control your breathing by counting to five while
inhaling, holding that breath for the same count of five, exhaling for a count of five,
then holding that exhale for five. When the five count becomes easy and relaxed,
change to a six count, then seven and so on until you reach a ten count for each stage.
This will also help you get to sleep easier and to relax to a meditative state without
much mind activity.


This will be good practice of interacting with E.T.s. Many will look like characters in Star
Wars or Star Trek and all will respond to unconditional love and attention.


There might come a time in the not too distant future when no matter how prejudice
you are towards someone of a different color, nationality, religion or political view, you
will find yourself delighted just to see another person of Earth. Especially if you choose
to work on some distant planet for awhile.


As most of you know, you as soul are eternal. Your consciousness lives forever even
though the physical body dies. Humans on Earth were genetically altered for short life
spans. The manipulators felt that if we lived long, we would gain wisdom through
experience and there would come a time when they could not control us any longer.
They were right. We are there now. Most E.T.s live hundreds or even thousands of years
in one body. Most even choose when they will leave their body for another one
programmed for different experiences.


Far too few people love themselves enough to be loving and caring to the self. If you
cannot love yourself, how can you love someone else? How can you love All That Is?
You are an important part of All That Is And worthy of great love, compassion and care.
Each of us is a unique piece of the puzzle that is All That Is. We could not BE without
you. I am not saying that everyone should become totally selfish and uncaring of
others. Quite the opposite. It is just incredibly important to realize that each one of us
is as important as anyone else. That also goes for all other beings as well. Give love,
respect and gratitude to All That Is and you will receive love, respect and gratitude
from All That Is.


Some of the changes that are coming will be in the distribution of wealth. All are
coming into a state of grace and abundance but until all of the changes are in place, it
will be necessary for us to help others once we have taken care of our own needs. More
and more as we discover our connection with all as part of All That Is, we will realize
that if anyone is starving, a piece of us is starving. If someone is homeless, a piece of
us is homeless. As with all things, the use of discretion is important and necessary. Do
not give when it is not wanted or needed.


Instead of living life with the intent to repay people who have helped you in some way,
aggressively do things for others that they need done and can't do for themselves. If
everyone would Pay It Forward like this, we would soon live in a much better world. This
is the way of the future.

It is a time when needs will be met and we will ALL share in the experience.

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The Starseeds for a New Civilization

The Starseeds for a New Civilization You were planted here to flourish and create the
New Civilization, we are the embodiers of this new paradigm. We are the 3rd
Dimensional access points (channels) for the manifestation of this 5th Dimensional
existence. And as more and more of these higher dimensional energies enter this
dimension most of what you have known and held onto to be reality is shattering,
falling away, and giving birth to a new higher octave of Divine Expression. The old world
is dying, a new one is being born, and we are the Midwives of this birth. What's Your
Fascination? One of the most important keys in making this transition is to pay
attention to what you imply as reality by what your fascinations are. Consider for a
moment that what you previously thought of as real is nothing more than an
audiovisual hologram of consciousness - A Picture of Reality.
The Universe Rearranges itself to Accommodate your Picture of Reality - in other words
All-That-Is in its desire to unconditionally love and support you, wants you to have it all,
and presumes that your attention is on what you really want. So the Universe looks at
everything you consciously and unconsciously call real and rearranges itself to manifest
more of those pictures around you. Whatever you lend your attention to, whatever you
label or define as reality - you will get more of. What do you focus your attention on?
What do you make important in your life?

Throughout your entire life you have been bombarded with other people's pictures of
realities - (ways that it is). Parents, teachers, friends, peers, politicians, doctors, clergy,
media and the general mass consciousness have told you what is real and what is not.
Also encoded in the cell structures of your body are pictures of reality from your
genetic lineage as well as your past lives. All those versions of the way that it is that
you have accepted as reality are stored in your conscious and unconscious mind and
form the basis of your current reality. Most beings do not see these as pictures of
reality and as being optional but consider them to be real. However these pictures are
optional and can be rearranged. And that is what we are doing to manifest this new

To fully engage in this new paradigm requires that you be conscious moment to
moment of what you consider to be real and what you put your attention on. The force
of Evolution is upon us, you can have a fun ride lending your energies to this inevitable
force of life and manifest more of this new civilization, or you can place your attention
on the old world, manifesting more of this and prolonging its inevitable death. During
this transition you will feel the pull of the old world reality, this is natural and assists in
balance and keeping too much light from entering into this dimension too quickly. But if
you recognize the illusions, not accepting them as reality, remembering your true
identity, (the master that you truly are), you will experience more ease in being
completely and wholly en-gaged with the new species and civilization that is emerging -
a civilization based on love not fear. A civilization of beings who live an ecstatic
existence in bodies of Light, exploring mastery of Divine Expression. We think that is
worthy of your fascination.

You Are Not Alone! As you go through this period of transition you may at times feel
very disjointed, like you don't belong and can't function anymore. Everything seems to
be difficult, especially day to day existence functioning within the old world of
competition and control. Rest assured that you are perfectly fine, you are just
becoming more transpersonal, and your mental and emotional bodies are freaking out
be-cause they're not used to this new version of the way that it is. This is natural, as
the new world has not yet fully formed and the old limitation system becomes less and
less real. We are in transition, and the transition zone is the difficult place because you
are releasing the old and bringing in the new, you have a foot in both worlds. Your
ground crew is saying how are we going to survive living a 5th dimensional existence in
a 3rd dimensional world?

Recognize that survival is NOT an issue! That you didn't come here to merely survive,
and you didn't take a vow of poverty in order to be here either. Being poor isn't any
more spiritual than prosperousness. It is your divine right to have everything that you
need to CoCreate Heaven on Earth. You are planetary transition team members and you
have a job to do, and part of that job is transmuting distortional patterns that you have
taken on, and having the resources to do it. And as you do so, you are cutting
pathways and transmuting them for many beings, it's not personal, it's not your stuff.
You are the Light Bearers for your entire genetic lineage. You are the forerunners


Saturday, July 08, 2006

6:11 PM - UFO & Extraterrestrial Connection to Eagles Current mood: surprised Category: Religion and Philosophy

UFO & Extraterrestrial Connection to Eagles

These excerpts are from various sources I have found which mention Eagles and/or
birds in association with UFO phenomena -

"People that have major sightings don't have the luxury of long-term conditioning - it
happens in a matter of seconds. It's very spiritual and I believe that all of the bald
eagles that I have filmed along with the solar UFOs is a major sign, too. I have said
since Aug. 27, 1995, that the main craft was aware of our presence, wanted to be
filmed, was science and history at the top of the ladder, was a major sign to the world,
and sending a message that it's very important for the world to know the truth".
"Eagles changing into flying saucers; balls of light in the sky that can reflect on radar
one moment and disappear in the next. These are archetypal images that have
suddenly become real. Transpersonal forces are manifesting in our lives in very intrusive
and very real ways".

"Beyond the Shrove Tuesday connection, cross-referenced with such things as the Last
Supper, I found no less than 22 references to Eagle, Eagles, Eagles, or Eagles , in the
Old Testament passages. Further to that, another five passages containing the word
Eagle, or Eagles , appear in the New Testament. Revelation 8: Seventh seal possesses
references to a star, an eagle, rivers, and fountains..." "...I attended the first conference
sponsored by this group titled, The Fox Valley Spirituality and UFO Conference. The
speakers there spoke of both the good and bad alien groups. One speaker, G. Cope
Schelhorn, was promoting his book,"Extraterrestrials in Biblical Prophecy". I wanted to
know more about this so I purchased the book. Included in the book are verses from
the bible regarding UFO's. The author states that words in scripture such as "clouds,
wind, eagles and chariots of fire" could be primitive terms to describe UFO phenomena.

He also mentions that there are many references in scripture that say the Son of Man
will return on a cloud". "Some abductees may feel as if the contents of their minds
have been totally known, even, in a sense, taken over. Others report that the aliens can
change shape at will: ... the aliens appear to be consummate shape-shifters, often
appearing to the abductees as animals-owls, eagles ,raccoons, and deer are among the
creatures the abductees have seen initially..." Whether extraterrestrials will ever land
there, I cannot say.

But they will continue their presence in the sky until the fateful last hours of this cycle
of civilization are played out.... Their presence in numbers, I am certain, tells us that we
are living in those last hours.... After all, where the body (messiah) is, there the eagles
(UFOs ) gather. "Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on
eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself." How I Bare You on Eagles' Wings - Here
we have an indication that Moses was physically lifted up and carried to the Mount by
some type of flight.

"While watching two eagles soaring overhead on March 13, 2003, at 9 AM, my wife
noticed a silver object shining in the sky directly overhead. She pointed it out to me and
asked what I thought it was. At first I thought it was sunlight reflecting off a
geostationary satellite, although I had never seen this type of phenomena before. The
altitude of the shining disc was estimated to be that of a satellite which is normally
seen in the night sky. We both viewed the stationery object for a few minutes before
sighting it through a pair of binoculars and it seemed to be reflected light perhaps
closer due to the magnification.

After about 15 minutes with absolutely no movement of the object I decided to

capture it on video with a telephoto lens. It was at this moment when I needed the
camera that the battery went flat, hence no video. It would not have been of much use
anyway as all it would have shown was a dab of silver light against a blue background.
We both continued to look directly above. I was using the binoculars and could see it
clearly and started moving in a westerly direction picking up speed as it went. I did not
take my eyes off the accelerating light, but said just follow the binoculars.

The object moved through a 90 degree arc in approximately 15 seconds where I lost
sight of it behind some bushes. I was on the Gold Coast a few years back in a new age
type shop and suddenly this magazine in front of me, was attracting my attention with
vibrating energy. It was " Eagles Wings". The article in it that really grabbed me, was
about the 'Ashtar Command' (Off-World ET Group associated with the Galactic
Confederation of Planets).

Golden Eagles' When Eagles Soar On Wings Of Gold,

Singing Of Tales The Ancients Told,

They Sing Of Atlantis And Many A Mystery,

As Their Soul's Fly Down Through History.

They Tell A Tale Of Dragons And Kings,

They Know Why The Angel Sings,

As They Join In With The Divine Chorus,

Harmonizing With The Eye Of Horus.

Echoing Of All Eagle Eyes Have Seen,

Nothing Has Escaped Eyes So Keen, When Ancient Kings Were Crowned,

There Was Always A Golden Eagle Around.

When They Nailed The Divine To The Cross,

Shrill Eagle Voices Keened The Loss,

As The Stone Rolled Back From The Tomb,

A Mystery Was Planted In Natures Womb.

The Answer Echoes Across The Stars,

From The Smiling Sphinx On Mars,

As Time Flows Backwards To The Source,

Then It Flows Forwards Again, Of Course.

For Just A Moment Time Stood Still,

Obeying The Ultimate Act Of Will,

The Universe Spun On Its Axis

As It Danced With Thoth and Abraxis

In Tombs That Are Not Tombs

In Pyramids Of Old, Answers Are Hidden

In Camelot's Spires Of Gold,The Mayan's Too,

The Hidden Solution Keep,

As In The Dream Chambers The Dreamers Sleep.

In Tales Of All For One And One For All,

You Can Hear The Eagles Secret Call,

On One Eternally Flowing Thread Of Angel Hair,

The Eagles Flew For The Divine Child So Fair.

In The Mysteries of The Golden Dawn,

Myths Of Dragon Kings Are Reborn,

In Temples We Dance To The Angels Song,

In Silence We Right,That Which Was Wrong.

Connecting with Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Integrating a Universal Principle that some Beings from 5th density realities and
upwards, know well. The Universe operates on a basic principle, that of the Law of
Attraction: what is not like itself cannot come together. This law works to prevent utter
and complete chaos in the Universe. This is a Universal principle that integrated Galactic
intelligence(s) well know...those that are so powerful, they never force or show their
power...those who are fully functioning as a whole being. Meaning they have not only
balanced both the masculine and feminine principles, within self...they have come to
know and resonate in the faster, lighter frequencies...brought about through the true
definition of what unconditional love represents.

And it has nothing to do with modern mans definition of what that is. When our human
race, the collective whole, integrates this Universal principle, there will be much more
love than fear upon our planet. Then we will draw to us those that are like us...because
of electromagnetic matching frequencies. But until then we cannot come together,
because we are of different vibrational frequencies. We naturally have no fear of
something if we are like that something. Right now, in this the beginning of the a new
millennium, as a human race we are primarily more fear based than love based, and
because of that we can only draw to us those beings that feed on that fear.

That is all going to change as we change, as we begin to function as the whole beings
we are that love and allow, and bring to balance both the masculine and feminine
principles within all of us. In doing that, we will be moving from 3rd density realities into
the 4th. It is the design of the magician to become a 5th density being, those that
operate and function in the frequency of unconditional love. Where Future and Ancient
Civilizations or Parallel Realities Exist, and How to Prepare for Open Contact. Future and
ancient civilizations or parallel realities simultaneously exist where there is no time...as
anything and everything can only exist in the moment it does. That is why the NOW
moment is so powerful. It is all you have or ever will have. All past, present and future
realities are experience NOW.

Preparations for contact or encounters by what we call UFOs with other worlds, can
only come about through the speed of love, the frequency of vibration that will allow
wide mass contact with integrated 5th density Beings or ET's (extraterrestrials) ...
sometimes known or referred to as our future selves, operating outside of this time
zone. Physical contact can only come about when we are operating on the same
frequency. Until then, as a mass we will be attracting contact with the fear-based type.
Unconditional Love, the Speed of Love and How it Can Bridge the Worlds Between ETs
and Humanity. Unconditional love (the fastest frequency of energy in motion) has a
frequency of vibration that travels faster than the speed of light.

Some call it the speed of love, where there can be no fear, because it bypasses any
restrictions or physical conditions. Where there are high amounts of fear within the
individual or collective consciousness, there can be no physical conscious contact with
5th density and upwards, "alien races" who operate and function within the frequency
of unconditional love which knows there is nothing to fear. When mass consciousness
here on our earth has come to know the frequency of unconditional love, there will be
open communication and interaction through the media, with other super intelligent
worlds, ETs or Star Visitors from outer space, that travel at the speed of love...which
bypasses all conditions...thus puts no conditions on being able to travel at the speed of
love. Spacecraft of this nature are operated by those who have mastered the craft of
5th density creator. They have integrated the true definition of unconditional love, or
the speed of love, that produces our natural, magical state of being. Time-Travel

Integrated 5th density and upwards ET intelligence know that the moment they think of
something, they are that something, instantly, because they do not experience time as
we know it. That is why they can come from such far away places so easily, without a
thought, other than that thought. So given that, in order to have contact with fully
functioning 5th density realities, we must travel at the speed of love. Time-travel takes
place outside of time as we know it, here on earth.

The Illusion of Time, Disease and Why We Age. Time is just something here on earth
that allows us a grace period between the idea or thought of something and the
manifestation. The element of time serves us, as it allows us to fine tune and master
the craft of creator. If every thought was equal to itself in experience, we would be
overwhelmed with contrary creating. That is why time is only relevant here on earth,
and those who do not operate within time as we know it, can travel faster than the
speed of light, which is love.

Love, in the brightest unconditional illuminating light, has no limits or restriction. It is all
there is, this love, and it instantaneously travels because it is not in the appearance or
illusion of being separated from itself. It is the invisible essence of all things. As
creators, we are lovingly allowed to create the illusion of things other than love. We are
indeed loved that much by our unlimited infinite energy Source. Love has no beginning
and no end, therefore there is no end to what we can create here on earth. By
integrating the true definition of unconditional love, there you will find what is termed
heaven on earth. Have you ever had such a good time that the time seemed to fly?

When you experience no time on earth ("where did the time go � I was having
so much fun"), you do not age. In those "times" you literally did not experience time, as
you were having "the time of you life. You literally put more life into yourself. Resistance
or dis-ease is the only thing that ever ages us. So naturally, the less resistance you
have, the longer you will live. There are a few masters here on earth who utilize this
knowing, and live as long as they desire to...while here in the physical. Time is the only
thing that slows us or any creation down, if we are not moving through time gracefully.
The Grace Period and Being in the State of Grace.

That grace period between the thought you think and the manifestation of matter, or
material densification of nonphysical spirit, is what allows things to come to you fast, if
you are in the state of grace. Why? You are allowing gracefully the things you create in
mind, to come about in time. Then you are operating at the frequency of unconditional
love, at the speed of love. This loving allowance allows others who operate there to
have contact with you, by the universal principle or physics of Law of Attraction.

Taking the Spiritual Approach to UFOs and ET Contact

As in the old American TV show "Let's Make A Deal," we face three choices when
considering our approach to UFOs and ET life. First, there is Door Number 1, through
which we'll find nothing more than scattered data on sightings, material evidence,
cover-ups and conspiracies. Inside this box we're treated to endless debates between
those with secret information and those who deny it, UFO researchers of various
persuasions and professional debunkers, the so-called scientists who currently guide
public opinion about cosmic truth (the late Carl Sagan being the most prominent).
These two groups, strange bedfellows indeed, have been locked in mortal combat for
the past 50 years. Each side claims to hold the truth, but neither is convinced by the
other. To be honest, the die-hard skeptics never cry defeat, while the UFO researchers,
no matter how professional they are (such as the late Dr. John Mack-Harvard University,
whose expertise was in abduction experience), can't produce indisputable proof of alien
life, cover-ups, or secret technology.

I guess this is to be expected, but what really seems sad is that this whole battle, as
well as the focus on secret doings, actually does quite little to improve humanity. Like
nomads fighting over desert sand dunes, the arguments between skeptics and believers
are fruitless, and in any case, the human spirit can never be nourished by physical ET
proof or evidence of cover-ups.

Although Door Number 2 is a bit more exciting, it's also a shut-in box. Choose this one
and you'll find spooky grays, bizarre experiments and genetic tinkering by shadowy
intruders. While I acknowledge the reality of abduction contact and negative beings, I
know these represent only one piece of a much larger puzzle.

Trying to know the mind of ETs through focusing on this material is somewhat like
judging national character by visiting the prisons: a severe sampling bias will skew the
results. Furthermore, most people who've had traumatic experiences and most of the
experts on the front line with negative beings are unaware of the deeper issues
involved. They usually have little metaphysical understanding of the powers of Self,
light, and consciousness, and almost no grasp of spiritual healing and Divine Power.
Instead, the community is fed a steady diet of horror stories, left in the dark with
helplessness, terror and doubt, expecting the worst with no recourse to inner God.

It's important to realize that this is just one chapter of a far longer book, and there are
answers and solutions. When we remain concerned only with the ET criminal element,
the human spirit withers. There is still Door Number 3, through which you'll find an
integrated metaphysical perspective that takes into account the deeper cosmic plan in
which ET Walk-ins, Wanderers, and world servers operate. With a different vision of UFO
reality and a focus on soul-evolution, the underlying energy here is wholly spiritual. With
this perspective, we use such terms as cosmic unity, the transformation of
consciousness, self-faith and trust in true self.

While skeptics and empirical researchers are locked in endless debate, anticonspiracy
activists angrily fight the system (which, by the way, is going to collapse quite soon
anyway), and those in the abduction field try to put a good spin on tales of terror and
violation, we can begin to go a lot deeper by inquiring from those who claim to be from
elsewhere. Here we find inspiration, purpose and meaning, as well as people who have
been genuinely uplifted by rare experiences.

They're not arguing; they don't portend doom; they affirm that the cosmos is filled with
intelligent life; and they say that love is the key. Their message offers us a more
balanced picture of Universal Life. We can gain much by at least giving them an open
ear. These are subtle matters, but I think they need to be told for two reasons: first, to
provide a larger window through which we can see the meaning of the present time,
and second, to support those of us who actually are from elsewhere. Extraterrestrial
souls really do come to help the planet, and our work really doesn't depend on the
extent of our public acceptance. The planet itself makes use of the harmonized
energies that stream from awakened and balanced ET souls, as well as from all those
who live in love.

Like an elementary school that is about to become a high school, I believe that very
soon this Earth will no longer house destructive young souls who don't know the
meaning of loving-kindness. They'll simply need to go elsewhere. For the past 75,000
years, from the long-lost civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria to the present, this planet
has been a schoolhouse for souls who've not yet learned to love. In the future, in what
is considered "4th density," it will be a school for those who are already based in love,
and are in the process of developing wisdom. This spiritual winnowing process is behind
the true meaning of the Christian terms of "rapture... apocalypse... judgment day... and
the kingdom of Heaven on Earth." The meek (i.e. the unconditionally loving, gentle,
kind, and generous) will inherit the Earth.

As living souls evolve freely throughout an infinite cosmos, there are countless places to
go for those humans who keep their hearts shut in denial of inner love. It is the task of
those from elsewhere, the Wanderers and Walk-ins, to provide an energy boost for Earth
in its time of need, and to unconditionally support those who choose to open their
hearts. We are here as a catalyst.

Remember, nothing is carved in stone. If we are committed to spiritual growth, our work
begins with clearing the personal haze of thinking and feeling, and continues through
further opening and directed service to radiate the clear light of love, wisdom, and
being. If you want to help, you will make a difference by giving whatever you can when
you can, being sensitive to those around you, living an open life with kindness and
intelligent goodwill. The ET souls on Earth, not special or grandiose, are simply here to
support humanity's growth into a more conscious race.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006 2:00 AM


Thank you for tuning-in to this message. Those of you who know me are getting to
know that I am in Service to Others and will go out of my way to help assist support,
pray for, or even visit if one of you needs help. I do not ever expect anything in return.
The choice had been made from my Heart and so it Is. Blessed be. You who I converse
with, and those who, for the time being I simply watch and bless & wait for a time to
share and become better acquainted with are all Loved by me in my Heart. Why?

Because I've been taught from my Great Spiritual Teachers the great importance to
come to know this way of thinking, as it is where we will choose to operate out of in
ALL our lives in the VERY near future. Our lifetime, it will be a component for our
collective survival. The Heart is a magnificent intelligence system unto itself and is like
a computer to all things, a communication transmitter/receiver, a portal for light
encoded filaments from Angelic Realms to link to. How do we Log on to this CPU?

Love. Simple. Practice Love. Everywhere especially when the tendency is to hate or
honk the horn or flip off others who were the source of challenge to your centered state
of Love. To return their type of 'Love' is making a choice to lessen your own frequency
of influence. Our thoughts are very very powerful, and someday we'll be able to
measure just what the heck our Minds and our Hearts are doing as part of our
environment, and our plants and animals, and each other. We will be shocked,
amazed,... A moment in History which magically will instill purity in our mass thought
content, and universal responsibility regarding mind energy... AND OUR WORLD WOULD

The immediate, the change in rapport with animals, the planet itself, and the light from
this celestial event will be seen by those who knew this to come to be eventually. The
Galaxy, in Celebration of all g-localized life spheres and Federations alliances finalizing
the new Grand Revision of a long ago agreed upon exopolitical Constitution : Earth
of all this I speak of in my everyday reality. A reality which by choice lives this dream or
impossibility as best I can. I had been shown these things of palpable, immediate
inevitability and that's a real hard thing to deal with at times. Naive are the armchair
futurists who are loud and resolute and of abrupt critical minutia obsession.


I know I have stated these ideas before. They need to be implemented in everyone's
lives. So I send out my frequency that is that New expression in general, but it can be a
lonely, sad place Walking between the Worlds when your knowings are often placed
second to societal peer pressure dead set silently in many sizes and colors: The Great
Order of Mass Miserables demanding company! This IS SAD. But Survival, right? To
those that fear, sure it is.

Also, I will now spend a brief moment to speak to all INDIGO, CRYSTAL, and/or RAINBOW
Children. "Bless and Heal our STARSEED adults/children, as much we Bless and
Celebrate Our beloved STAR KIDS (the current crystal descriptive) Message to our
Indigo/Star/Crystal Brethren: KNOW in your precious Hearts your Truth IS as respected
and Sacred as such and so very welcomed and is asked of Great Spirit for the focus
Blessed with UNCONDITIONAL Support, Understanding and Acceptance".

Choose Love then act. Never deviate. If you do, well you're Human, so just reapply the
concept and accept mistakes are the arrows pointing you in the right direction! So
many of you I have met have made me a better person.

I have cried for the many pains you have allowed me to understand. I have laughed at
the genius imbued in stories you took time to tell me. You have made my Heart flutter
in ways only the Cosmos had previously sent messengers in order to introduce, instill
and display. I Love you ALL you know. I say to my friends in the shadows of my listing
of Friends, I chose each of you for conscious intuitively-directed reasonings. I welcome
you to stop by and be comfortable with your self. I want to hang with you. And I want
to listen to you.

To help if ever help is needed. To project Love if needed. To reveal if you are so inclined
to know. I'll not name names, but soon quite a few of you will embark on a pursuit I
would only describe it as 'community service' that will take your breath away! :) Soon,
very soon. More from me as well....Soon.

I Love you all so very much. I am aware of You, and I send my Love, a Pillar of a
pulsating golden-white light around You. And then with Love, saturating and penetrating
you aura. Welcome the light of Universal or Cosmic Love. Be still, be receptive. Thank


Why I Created this UFO/ET-Centric Myspace Page

Thanks for arriving at this page and to this message. Though this page has been up
and running for a couple of years, my personal intentions for creating this Myspace
page to begin with has largely been left up to interpretation of those who visit and
perhaps choose to read the subject matter mentioned on the main page & covered in
detail in various blogs I've posted as well, the bulletins I occasionally post related to the
subject of UFOs, ETs and/or Spirituality.

Right now I wish to communicate to you my own reasons for this page's continued
existence, so that the information I have blogged (My own writings, articles, resources
etc) can be read with contextual understanding that is related to those reasons, in an
attempt to give clarity and relevance to the material I've posted. The main reason is
that in late 2001, I had two close-range UFO experiences on two consecutive mornings
from my own backyard. These encounters actually weren't random events in that I had
used focused thought (telepathy in retrospect) towards initiating a contact.

My reasoning to pursue contact in this way came from my amateur video work I had
discovered prior to this through digital video (miniDV), the presence of anomalous
sporadic UFO activity using what it now known as the 'John Bro' technique. (*You can
Google search what this video technique is...). Through this I realized an undeniable
energetic relationship between the degree of activity

captured on video and the degree of thought consciously directed towards this desired
outcome. These initial experiences were life-changing and forced me to revise my
understanding of Reality and how the shift from 'believing' to KNOWING was a very
transformative process of re-orientation of perspective and beliefs...More than I had ever
put much thought towards. When you have an interactive experience with an
intelligence more advanced and evolved that allows such an encounter to occur, not
once but twice and at length (the 1st 35 minutes, the 2nd over 15 minutes), you can't
help but be affected in many different ways. You also realize that this 'reality-
shattering' event that you so wish to tell everyone about, is ultimately subject to
criticism, disbelief, and resistance.

This 'paradigm shift' or perspective re-orientation phase can be perceived by the

experiencer as a 'Blessing' or a 'Curse' depending on on where they're at with
acclimating to this shift of personal Beliefs...So you learn to keep it inside for the most
part, lest you become the butt of jokes or taken for a 'ufo nutcase' by so many in
society who, by default and lacking interest in this controversial subject have simply
bought into the propaganda that western society has been fed steadily for 50-plus
years, their formulated opinions influenced from all forms of media and the government
(s) itself.

It can be generally understood that unless someone actually has been witness to such
a truly unexplainable UFO experience/event, the tendency is for them to logically
dismiss even the remote possibility that these sort of events HAPPEN. They do and will
continue for their is more to reality than what you've given attention towards... In my
case, as incredible these initial experiences were, over the next several years as I
continued to develop my telepathic skill in an attempt to make further contact/rapport,
even more involved and more incredible interactive contact events occurred on a
somewhat regular basis, subsequently journaled in great detail after every event.

After amassing hundreds of journal pages, covering every & all details of these events--
how and where an object or objects would materialize;consistencies as well as the
varying types, shapes, sizes, colors, behaviors, energies, as the occasional telepathic
communication received, I felt that although my personal experiences, while not
altogether exclusive to me alone, were no doubt an incredible and relatively rare
sequence of ongoing circumstances/experiences which need to be shared openly with
anyone interested in the TRUTH...whatever their response is & however positive or
negative that response may produce in an individual. So, it is my INTENTION to present
Truth as I have repeatedly experienced it (in no uncertain terms), posting related
material (documents/resources/personal encounters) that accurately support the
realization that we have been & are being visited often here, in and around the Earth,
by a variety of extraterrestrial intelligences.
And additionally that ET activity is a world-wide phenomenon, and that all major
governments are well-aware of this fact. These facts will become globally understood
and will become common knowledge in the next several years. We are moving towards
becoming a galactic society. As we reach for the stars and become increasingly aware
of the realities beyond our planet and solar system, it appears we are slowly becoming
acclimated to those who exist and dwell within these spaces. The implications are
profound and there are many facets to this change in perspective that covers a wide
area of subjects and topics some obviously related, others seemingly unrelated yet
relevant. I am here on Myspace to plant a seed, whether it's acknowledged or not.

Simply by my openly writing about and speaking openly and honestly about my
experiences, it allows others to feel safe in that they too can share about experiences
which may seem extraordinary and defy belief. For others unacclimated to the reality of
UFOs, ETs and the dramatic changes now occurring on our planet, my openness and
matter-of-fact manner of communicating my experiences and corroborating wisdom,
concepts and ideas will plant a seed of awareness, however subtle & seemingly
insignificant that will one day serve to contribute to accept and acknowledge fully the
fact that Reality is Vast and Teeming with intelligent life.

As Our spiritual understanding continues to develop and human consciousness matures

and becomes refined, we will discover as a species how the mechanics of the universe
are intrinsically connected to consciousness itself and that All Things are Related.
Extraterrestrial contact is merely a predictable result of reaching into the stars and will
become an understood fact as we move ahead in the next few decades. The
information in my blogs is of great value to those who may want to get more
acclimated to some of the many facets of UFOs, Contact, Spiritual Wisdom, Prophecies
becoming fulfilled which are handed down from indigenous cultures, as well as other
material related in some way to this historic time in human existence.

Thank You All for being a friend of mine!

Mitakuye Oyasin
(all things related)


A Little Bit About Myself

Friday, April 13, 2007 9:43 AM
David Kobza
A Brief Self-Description and Explanation of My Personal Experiences with UFOs & ETs

To begin, I suppose I could be considered as some type of 'Indigo adult' though I dislike
label like this...There's a long check-list of characteristics that can help one discern
whether or not they may be an 'indigo'. They are not cookie-cutter consistent across
the board but there are many parallels and recognizing others of like energy is fairly
easy. More accurately I have come to know myself as well as actually having been
professionally evaluated to be what has become known as a 'Starseed'. If you are
unfamiliar with what that is or entails, I suggest going to Dr. Richard Boylan's website:
(www.drboylan.com). There are articles which outline in greater detail what these
distinctions are comprised of.

I have always been 'different', with very different interests, abilities, etc. I won't go too
much into my musical past, which was an amazing journey in & of itself. I have played
many a venue, and met those I'm pretty sure you'd recognize. Very fortunate was I but
this text is about my life and the ET experience so I'll move right along...

These days, what pervades my everyday reality is the Knowing that I have established
& sustained a deep, loving and soul related connection to a group (actually a few
groups to lesser degrees) of off-world human being-type celestial friends I call my 'Star
Family' and the inner knowing that this Reality/Truth needs to be communicated &
shared openly with the greater public at large. The many who know very little of the
many positive ETs present all around our blue planet. By Star Family, I mean that I share
a deep, as of yet not fully understood connection to a particular group of
extraterrestrials who are by our standards quite human in physical appearance.

I've come to the understanding that I have a Spiritual connection with them to some
degree from previous incarnations/lifetimes. The more familiar human-related similarites
end there as their level of spiritual understanding and level of Pure Unconditional Love is
powerfully felt and likened more towards what I would describe as Angelic. I certainly
never understood what Love truly is, this all-encompassing dynamic energetic force of
Creation(God), which Love IS until I experienced for myself being in relatively close
proximity with these galactic humans.

I'll add that these relatives of ours (like older and wiser family members) are absolutely
real and more importantly, available to you should you sincerely reach out with an Open,
Loving Heart coupled with a well-thought out, clearly defined experiential directive using
mental focus & the power of intention. They have the ability to transmit their own
Frequency through a human body/spirit/soul (as I experienced it), allowing this
expansive Loving Bliss-state to flow within every molecule. Having had this transmitted
directly through me was like a form of psycho-spiritual education. Call it an upgraded
Heart/Love understanding through direct experience of the higher vibrational states of

It was easily the most emotionally-meaningful revelation I've experienced. These are
paradigm-shattering changes, producing periods of compassionate self-examination of
our inner/outer, personal, global and moral responsibilities.
The human race will need a similar 'upgrading' of the Heart very soon. Having shifted
personally, what one previously ignored is now considered. As this shift transforms a
person, not into some naive, gullible fool's fool but, rather, into one whose reality has
become far richer, expanded & dynamic than most of what society deems possible or
worthy of consideration However, being 'in the know' as it were is not as easy as one
might envision. Having had a transformative experience which changes one's life is all
at once both precious & precarious.

No, it's actually a lonely place more often than not. It's not something which is too
familiar at present for most in our culture to be informed on - about people having
benevolent, positive conscious interactions with beings who look pretty much no
different than us. Media has failed to cover this (actually more of a controlled media

Instead, people have been served up massive amount of dis-info and a healthy dose of
fear due to the sweeping propaganda campaign which has saturated television - A
campaign only interest in conveying to you that little grey aliens violate us human folk
by way of anal probes, et al, and snatching you from bed in the dead of night and
scaring defenseless human beings. They sensationalize by getting the guy who had the
biggest psychological freak-out for you to 'learn' from...Be Aware. The fear is
unwarranted ultimately.

There are so many around Earth closer to our level of evolution who are here to assist
us, to help us grow spiritually. They are considered 'Service-to-Others' type beings.
They are in your skies everyday, by the way, yet just beyond our visual spectrum. They
are essentially 'cloaked'. And this world of ours is VERY protected.

You just have no idea and no context to accurately gauge the amount of oversight to
ensure the REALLY bad Rogue alien groups do not incinerate us for fun in the sun some
afternoon... Lots of politics out there regarding Earth...You'll no doubt come to know
this in time.

I have contacts or experiences with various groups on average about 2 or 3 times a

week. Their craft materialize in our 3dimensional reality, are easily seen as they
generally remain stable in the sky and use, like I said, telepathy as all advanced
humanoid species use telepathy it appears. I was introduced to these off-world human
being-type extraterrestrials in 2001 as a result of a series of events which led me to
having a fully conscious face to face interaction. This changed my entire life (as you
can well imagine!).

The initial experience was a paradigm-shattering event and as such changes a person
fundamentally, which was very difficult at first to integrate into my life. In fact I'm still
struggling with what has been given to me as to be in service to others in the capacity
that is needed. But anyway, what I am saying here is that I basically had an initial
introduction to these off-world beings, and subsequently have had numerous encounters
with these very Loving, if not Angelic-type beings...And that it holds a greater pupose
or meaning as yet unclear to my conscious mind. These interactions continue to this
day, the last one being two days ago I think.

The contacts I do have are primarily 'upkeep' or 'check-in' in nature, and they visit in
craft from a distance connecting telepathically. Usually what occurs after the fact is a
kind of clarity of information or concepts which had previously been given to me, adding
to, or helping me through refining what I had perhaps initially received but was getting
stuck with for any number of reasons. Sometimes nothing is communicated but the
'rapport' you could say is sustained by the one on one interaction alone. Sometimes it
simply is to instill a word or idea which I then go pursue on my own, for better or worse.
That's why there is subsequent 'clarification' necessary.

The feeling I have come to realize is that they aren't going to do the work for me, but
that they are allowed to guide me when needed. So obviously this is not the 'horrorific'
over-publicized abductee scenario, but rather my contacts are fully-conscious,
telepathic and in the physical. This may seem incredible but what am I to tell you. It
simply is.

It is a very complex situation. And I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone. It's a
blessing and a bit of a curse at times because it makes most of what our culture
embraces and satiates itself with very difficult if not impossible for me to be part of.
The blessing is in KNOWING. The knowing is on a number of different levels but w'ell
just say knowing to be quick and easy.

I am relatively good friends now with Dr. Boylan, Dr. June Steiner as well as a number of
researchers interested in my case history. I have met several others with similar life
paths whom I've come to know from participating in a private meeting forum, going on
a year-plus now. We share our experiences and see our commonalities of insight,
feelings experienced, our experience of their behavioral traits, patterns, tendencies and
on and on.

There are things I know and many things I do not know, perhaps for their (and my own)
safety which can be frustrating being kept in a state of limbo you could say. Also I
have had some not so good dealings with quasi--governmental persons. That's a whole
other issue, but in short, they apparently wish to keep tabs on this activity for any
number of reasons. I am clairvoyant as well. I am extremely sensitive to energies. I
could tell you if there is UFO activity in the sky on any particular day simply by feelling
the energy in a particular location. I discovered with Dr. Boylan that my body's radiant
bioelectric field fluxes higher than average human beings. That has been measured.

And other things have I been tested on I won't mention here. It was I who needed
answers. I never set out to be different of course. Thank God for these experts in their
field who were kind enough to give me some insight into what I was experiencing. There
are many at different levels of becoming aware of who they really are. Many of the
troubled youth are one phase, the 'crystal children' are another. (although I dislike
As the planet's vibratory resonant 'signature' is changing, so it is that we (our entire
being) in subtle and not-so-subtle ways are responding sympathetically to Our Earth.
Why? Our Hearts beat sympathetically to the frequency pulse which surrounds the
planet. Without it our hearts would stop beating. This is scientific fact. It's been known
as the Schumann resonance, and it is rising while the magnetics of the sun and earth
are diminishing.

This particular heart/earth frequency relationship is scientific fact and I'm sure it can be
located on the web. No it doesn't mean our hearts are beating faster now, but this
higher vibration or frequency Mother Earth is raising to and sending out is changing ALL
life on the planet.

Changes are afoot...Can you feel this rapid time of transition we are in right now?

Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me.

Some interesting material on UFOs and ETs, as well as pictures, video & documents:
I welcome you to visit if you're interested: http://homepage.mac.com/davkobza


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