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Inscribed Angles Activity

Suggested Activity Duration: 45 min.

General Learning Outcomes:
Circle Properties
o GLO: Use direct and indirect measurement to solve problems (Shape & Space
Specific Learning Outcomes:
Circle Properties
o SLO: SS1. Solve problems and justify the solution strategy, using the following circle
the perpendicular from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects the chord
the measure of the central angle is equal to twice the measure of the inscribed
angle subtended by the same arc
the inscribed angles subtended by the same arc are congruent
a tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius at the point of tangency.
1. Introduction
Go through some real-life example that line up with activities that I want to do today
o Camera
o Soccer net
Main point: inscribed angles subtended by the same arc are congruent

2. Outdoor activities
Put the students into groups that have phones with cameras
Take the class over to the gym to get soccer balls and cones
Have them place the cones using phone cameras (Have then all set at the same angles)
o The posts of the net should be at either edge of the cameras
Have them shoot the soccer ball at me from their locations

3. Discussion
Bring the students back in to the classroom and discuss what they learned
The students seemed to enjoy the activity. Some didnt like that I was goalie though. They said that I
was too good. They wanted a student to be goalie. I told them no, that I would be the goalie and take
the hits. Before we went out, they were cooperative and listened to my explanations. When we got
outside, I had to work harder. When the balls came out, I had to wait quite a long time for them to
bring the balls in. They were kicking them all over. I expected this, but I expected better. I told them
to stop and to come in. They listened after a few reminders. I asked them to form groups before they
went out, but they didnt. Next time, I will make sure they have the groups made.

Back in class, we discussed what we had learned, and they shared a few things. We had a good laugh
when a student used her hands instead of words to explain what she had learned. I think that it was a
good activity to solidify their understanding of inscribed angles.

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