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Tecnlogo en Gestin Logstica

Ficha 1310133

Resultado de aprendizaje:

Presentado al instructor:


Presentado por:
Vctor Alfonso Dussn Saavedra

Bogot D.C.
Tabla de contenido

1. Introduccin

2. Objetivos

2.1. Objetivo General.

2.2. Objetivos Especficos.


3.1. Characterization of the client according to its georeference for the distribution
of the Double Anise brandy.

3.2. Location of the facilities of the company ConAntioqueo, in charge of the

Distribution, Commercialization and Sale of Double Anis brandy in the Department
of Huila.

3.3. Distributor of Anise Double Brandy

1. Introduccin

Los mapas nos han permitido a travs de la historia ubicarnos, al principio las
estrellas eran nuestros guas, hoy con el avance tecnolgico nuestros mapas estn
en el celular y podemos acceder a ellos por redes mviles y recorrer lugares que
no conocemos sin perdernos. Los objetivos y los planes los coloca la persona
porque las herramientas para llegar ya estn disponibles.

La georreferenciacin es la posibilidad de ubicar un objeto, rea o punto espacial

dentro de un mapa digitalizado mediante un sistema de coordenadas y datos
exactos, esto sumado a una base de datos es lo que desea cualquier publicista.

Estas aplicaciones han acercado la posibilidad de referenciar geogrficamente

datos y puntos y han permitido que estas ventajas sean posibles fuera de
ambientes cientficos acercndolos a los productores de insumos o servicios que
comenzaron a utilizar esta aplicacin para brindar un mejor servicio, ms dirigido,
ms impactante (peridicos, revistas, campaas de lanzamiento de un producto,
etc.) y por supuesto lleg al pblico en general, que a travs de sus celulares ya
saben dnde estn ubicados y como llegar ms rpido a la oficina o cualquier
punto del planeta.

As mismo la posibilidad de complementar las bases de datos con sistemas de

georreferenciacin, han producido grandsimos avances en diversos campos
2. Objetivos

2.1. Objetivo General.

Realizar un documento escrito con la caracterizacin del cliente acorde con

las rutas de distribucin y localizacin de la compaa del producto o servicio,
en idioma ingls.

2.2. Objetivos Especficos.

- Caracterizar al cliente de acuerdo con su georeferencia para la

distribucin del producto o servicio.

- Localizar la instalacin de la empresa ubicndola en el mapa y definir con

las razones del porqu de su eleccin con relacin a su ubicacin.

- Seleccionar los tres mejores distribuidores del producto y argumentar

ventajas y desventajas segn su georeferenciacin con su mapa

3.1. Characterization of the client according to its georeference for the

distribution of the Double Anise brandy.

Being the Double Anise brandy, marketed throughout the Department of Huila,
shows the geographical location of the main customers in the city of Neiva.
3.2. Location of the facilities of the company ConAntioqueo, in charge of
the Distribution, Commercialization and Sale of Double Anis brandy in the
Department of Huila.

The location of the storage plant, distribution, in the city of Neiva, specifically in La
Toma Avenue with 10 street, was a decision based on the strategy and the vision
with which the company was seen at the time, in order to of creating a sense of
belonging in the PIMES and throughout the city, in addition, this is a public economy
company with contributions from different parts of the city.

Reasons why the decision was made to locate in the city of Neiva the Point
of Sale, Marketing and Distribution of Double Anise brandy.

1. Availability and cost of labor

2. Availability and cost of supplies and resources (Suppliers)
3. Proximity to customers
4. Vehicle access and communications
5. Competition behavior
6. Tax and legal benefits
7. Social attitudes towards the company
8. Quality of life of the inhabitants
9. Adequate land
10. Availability of public services
3.3. Distributor of Anise Double Brandy
Given that the Consorcio Antioqueo del Oriente ConAntioqueo is in charge of the
distribution of Double Anise Liquor throughout the Department of Huila and its only
supplier is the Liquors and Alcoholes Factory of Antioquia, these two are the only
two actors in the chain logistics of Double Anise brandy.

The distribution of the Double Anise brand is made by land in trucks belonging to
the company in the main municipalities of the Department of Huila, such as
Campoalegre, Hobo, Thessaly, La Plata, Garzon, Pitalito, San Agustin, Aipe and

I. Speed of response to orders requested by customers.

II. Travel Costs
III. Facilities to grow thanks to tax benefits as taxes to pay.
IV. Availability of human resources
V. Ground transportation routes in optimal condition.


I. It is one of the most polluting means

II. In terms of capacity can not compete with other means
III. Traffic congestion
IV. Medium limited by restrictions within the road
V. Involves investments and fixed costs.


It is concluded that it is very important that the location of a company is the process
of choosing a geographical place among several to locate the headquarters of a
company and from there perform the operations of the organization, this is a
decision of great importance for both the company and the community with which
it will have direct and indirect contact. The competitiveness of the company depends
on the location of the company; the mobilization of financial, material, human, etc.
resources; productive capacity, government benefits, etc., which will have a direct
impact on it.

On the other hand, these characteristics and / or variables will also determine the
type of facilities, the product to be manufactured, stored, sold, etc. in it, in the same
way the quality of the service that is offered, the means used in the productive
processes that are carried out inside the plant, determine and condition the success
of the operations and of the organization as such, thus conditioning the quantity of
product or service to obtain and offer.

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