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Wisconsin Preschool Credential

Capstone Checklist Self Evaluation Student Name: Amber Bellomy

The NAEYC criteria for National Accreditation is the basis of the Capstone Checklist criteria to demonstrate alignment with the Standards and to familiarize the
student with this national accreditation process.

Complete the self-evaluation, including descriptions of behaviors and/or situations that illustrate how you meet the criteria. Give examples of
situations that illustrate you are applying each criterion, giving a thorough description of the situation and how your response meets the criterion. The
spaces will expand as you type in them. Attach documents as needed.

COMPETENCY 1. Implement strategies that support diversity and anti-bias perspectives when working with children, families and
Strategies to counter bias in child attitudes and behavior
1. Give examples of situations that show you treat all children with equal respect and consideration.

In my classroom, I will always greet each child with their first name.
I always offer hugs and affection to those who are having a difficult start to the day or anyone that needs it.
I make sure to use the same tone of voice with each child.
I walk around the room and interact with each child during free play

2. Give examples of situations where you offer activities and talk to children to build positive self-identity and valuing of differences in children.

When the children are having free choice, its very important that I take time to sit with everyone and talk about what they are playing.
We have conversations about people having different hair color or skin color. What it means to have different nationalities but we are still all
the same.

3. Give examples of situations where you are aware of and avoid using stereotypes in language references firefighter instead of fireman, etc.

Like the example, when talking about community helpers I always have pictures of both genders in each role. We also have books for the
children to see both men and women in all jobs
In the house area when they boys wear the dresses or dress shoes, I just tell them that they look handsome.

4. Give an example of a situation where you did or would intervene when children might tease or reject others.

This goes with my example above. The boys in my class like to wear the dresses and dress shoes and the girls will sometimes be a little
mean about it. I just always explain that they can use their imagination and wear whatever they chose to wear.
Strategies to counter bias in materials and adult attitudes and behavior
5. Describe the materials you have provided in your environment to address a range of diversity (dolls, play props, books, pictures, posters,
play food, clothing items, etc.)

Explain how the materials reflect the lives of the children and families in your program as well as the diversity found in society, including
gender, age, language, and abilities no stereotypical representations (images of members of ethnic groups in only traditional garb or only
females in nurturing roles, only males as construction workers or doctors, etc.), reflect range of diversity, especially children and families in
the program.

In our house area we have a wide variety of foods that are from different cultures. We also have babies that are of different races. In our
block area, the people are also of different races. We have pictures of different people of race or some with disabilities.

6. Give some examples of what you would consider to be stereotypical language or bias toward or against a child or group, and how you might
respond if you saw or heard these from adults or children in your classroom.

When you tell a child that he or she cant do something because they arent the correct gender. If I hear the children in the class talking like
that I correct them in a positive manner. I hear the children in my class room call others mean a lot but when I ask them why they are saying
that, they respond with so and so took this or did this. I always encourage them to use their words to solve a problem so I ask them to say,
you hurt my feelings when.. instead of just calling them mean.

COMPETENCY 2. Follow governmental regulations and professional standards as they apply to health, safety, and nutrition.
1. Describe how you supervise children adequately by positioning self to see as many children as possible, how you are aware of
childrens location at all times, how you monitor by sound when children may be out of visual range (as when using the toilet, etc.).

My classroom arrangement does not allow for blind spots, so I can stand anywhere in the room and see where each child it.

Describe the child tracking procedures you use when moving from one location to another (as in when going from classroom to outdoor play

I have a clipboard that each child gets signed into as they enter my classroom. Their name, birthdate, and arrival time is written down first
thing. When we leave to go outside, I call each childs name and then place a check mark under that transition. I then write the time count
their heads as they pass me and then once more before going outside. This is also done on the way into the room as well

2. Describe your use of proper hand-washing procedures list the times when you wash your own hands and when you assist children in
washing their hands.

Turn water on, rinse hands, add soap, scrub for 20 seconds, rinse hands, grab paper towel, and then turn off water.
I was my hands after dealing with bodily fluids, wiping a nose, before setting the table and before touching food, after washing the table.

3. Describe your schedule for cleaning and sanitizing furnishings and equipment.

I have my daily cleaning which would be tables and chairs, sink and counter. At the end of the night we spray our shelves/toys with bleach
water to close our room. Garbage is taken our every night. My toys are sanitized once a month or when rotated. Mouthed toys are sanitized
during nap time.

4. Describe what it means to use standard precautions - including cleaning and sanitizing of surfaces, use of gloves and barriers to minimize
contact with body fluids, cleaning spills as they occur, cleaning and sanitizing toys that have been mouthed or exposed to body fluids.

In the event of blood exposure, it is very important to wear gloves, so you keep the risk lower of transmitting something through blood. Place
all exposed items in separate bag and take out to the garbage

5. Describe your process for being aware of childrens special health care needs, nutrition needs or allergies, etc. Do you conduct daily
health checks as children arrive?

A list is posted among each classroom with all allergies. I do a once over look at each child as they arrive and if I see something out of the
ordinary, I document.

6. Describe your process for administering medication or applying sunscreen or other products. What do you do to follow licensing
requirements for administering and logging?

All medicine is stored in a medicine box that is in my cabinet. Once medicine is administered it is documented in our med log book. A
medicine form must be filled out before any medicine can be given. A new pair of gloves is worn with each application of sunscreen.

7. Give some examples of how you use care routines such as toileting, meal and nap routines as opportunities to build relationships,
language, concepts (food classification, nutrition, healthy living, manners, etc.) and to build childs self-awareness, social interaction
and self-help skills.

I encourage table conversations during lunch. When getting ready for nap, the children put their own cot sheets on their beds. If some
friends find this to be difficult I also encourage them to ask their friends to help them.

8. Describe what you do during meal/snack times. Do you sit with children and promote childrens feeding skills and social interactions?

We practice family style dining. This is where the children will serve themselves with their food and beverage. I also take this time to sit and
eat lunch with them as well.

9. Describe what you do to handle and serve food using proper safety precautions and sanitary techniques.

Before the food is served, I wash the tables with a soap and water solution and the spray the table with bleach water. Then I wash my own
hands and set the table. The children use family style dining, so they serve their own food.

10. Describe your clean up routine how do you encourage children to participate in daily clean up and maintenance of the classroom?

We sing a cleanup song during cleanup. When I see that a child has finished cleaning up their area, I encourage then to help their friends
finish cleaning up their mess. I like to always tell my friends that it is important that we keep a clean classroom even if we didnt make the

11. Describe your toileting routine how do you help children use the toilet following good health and hygiene practices?

The children can use the bathroom on their own, but I still keep an eye on them as they go in and out. Some friends may need reminding to
flush the toilet. They go straight to the sink to wash their hands and again if they start to go back to playing I am there to remind them that
they need to wash their hands first.

12. Describe your nap time routine what do you do to follow licensing regulations and meet childrens need for rest? What do you do if a child
does not sleep at nap time?

I have a rather large classroom, so I can easily lay out my cots 3 feet apart without having to use dividers. If I have a child that does not nap
or a child that wakes up earlier than their friends, they get a bucket with a quiet choice for their cot.

COMPETENCY 3. Analyze social, cultural and economic influences on child development.

Strategies to understand and honor family culture
1. Describe your process for gathering information from families (during intake and ongoing) to become acquainted with and learn from
families about their family structure, preferred child-rearing practices; and information families wish to share about their socioeconomic,
linguistic, racial, religious, and cultural backgrounds.
What tools (such as enrollment forms, intake interviews, emails, phone calls, daily conversations, etc.) have you used?

When children enroll in our center, they are given an intake form to fill out if their child is under the age of 2. Every three months we update
this form so when the child moves up to the next room, the information is update and accurate. If the child is over the age of 2, we have a
family packets that has some basic questions to give us a little more information on their lifestyle and the childs typical routine.

2. Describe your process for sharing information with families about teacher/program philosophy, curriculum, goals, and practices.
What tools and strategies (such as intake interviews, emails, phone calls, daily conversations, newsletters, bulletin boards, etc.) have you

When a new family is enrolled they are given a family handbook which holds the centers philosophy and our practices. As for myself, I write
a lesson each week which has goals listed for each child and activities to help achieve those goals

3. Describe your process for establishing regular, effective two-way communication between families and teacher about childs needs,
adjustment, activities and progress.
What tools and strategies (such as informal conversations during arrival and departure, emails, phone calls, texts, newsletters, conferences,
etc.) have you used?

Drop off and pick up conversations are very important to me. I feel that face to face conversations are always best. We offer parent teacher
conferences to go over the childs assessments, so they are aware of the progress they are making.

4. Describe the family involvement opportunities you provide in your classroom and/or the program. How do you make sure the
opportunities respect family needs and perspectives? How do the opportunities consider each familys interests and skills and the needs of
the program staff?

Our center has an open-door policy, so the parents are welcome to stop in at any time. We make it a goal to have 3-4 family functions within
our center.

5. Give some examples of how your daily interactions demonstrate knowledge of the children, childrens families, and the social, linguistic,
and cultural context in which the children live.

If I were to have children in my class that spoke another language, that is something that I would incorporate into my group time routine.
Currently I dont have any children of a different culture.

6. Give some examples of how you plan activities that incorporate the social, linguistic, and cultural context in which the children live.

The packet of questions that the families fill out are used to help with planning my lesson plans.

COMPETENCY 4. Analyze the development of children age three through age five.
Strategies to observe, analyze and adapt to childrens development
1. Describe the assessment tools you use. How do you obtain information on all areas of childrens development and learning in each
domain? How do you use developmental checklists, screening tools, observations, child portfolios that are aligned with WMELS to analyze
and identify childs current level of development across domains?

I have a copy of the assessment in my clipboard along with sticky notes. If I see a child doing something I can write it down and quick look
which category that it would fall under. This helps so that I know where to stick my sticky note on the assessment and I can go back later
and document it in the correct place.

2. Describe how you use what you know about childrens social relationships, interests, ideas, and skills to tailor learning opportunities for
groups and individuals. How do you analyze observations to guide you in planning for curriculum activities?

I always go back to their goals and try to create activities that can help them to reach it.

3. Give examples of how you use your knowledge of individual children to modify strategies and materials to enhance childrens learning.
Describe a situation when you adapted an activity for different children based on their interests or reactions.

One of my favorite activities is using our links to teach the children of my class because they think that its a fun game. They work together
and help each other. If a child is struggling I try a different way to ask them to make a particular pattern. They think that they are playing
more than doing a learning activity.

4. Describe what you do to assess the developmental progress of each child across all domains and share information with childs family.
What do you do to track childs progress at regular intervals? How often do you have conferences with families to discuss their childs

On my lesson plan, I write goals for each child that match our assessment forms. This is where the parents are able to see what there child
is working on and once that goal is met, I give them a new goal to meet. We dont currently do conferences with the parents in my
classroom. I make it a personal routine of mine to speak to each parent at night to let them know where or how their child is doing. I also will
send regular emails to the parents, so we can always be on the same page together.

COMPETENCY 5. Establish a developmentally appropriate environment.

Materials and equipment
1. Give examples of how your environment provides for childrens safety while being appropriately challenging in good repair, age
appropriate, addresses the range of abilities of children in room, no safety hazards, etc.

I can view my children always. Broken toys are removed right away. All toys are age

2. Give examples of how your environment is rich in variety to encourage exploration, experimentation, and discovery mix of open-ended
and self-correcting, cause & effect, sensory appeal, construction, dramatic play, etc.

We rotate our toys about once a month but then with each theme we bring enhancements in for each area to keep the children excited
about the unit.

3. Give examples of how your environment promotes sensory exploration, creative expression, and fine motor learning varying textures
and materials (not all plastic), sand, water, art materials, writing implements, and opportunities to practice a range of manipulative skills.

My sand/water table is always open. I keep pencils and dry erase markers in my writing area always. My art shelf also has multiple types of
collages materials that the children can use always.

4. Give examples of how your environment promotes gross motor skill practice space and equipment to stimulate a variety of skills,
enhance sensory-motor integration, and develop controlled movement (balance, strength, coordination).

We have a gross motor room in our basement. It has bikes, balance beam, and mats.

5. Give examples of how your environment promotes pretend play and interaction between children - promotes communication (toy phone)
and cooperation to operate (see-saw), and a variety of pretend play props, etc.

We have a tire swing that the children use together as well as a small merry go round. My house area has toy phones.

6. Give examples of how your environment is organized with appropriate materials to support range of curriculum areas literacy,
science/discovery, construction, art, etc.

Each area is spaced with shelves to show the areas as well as hanging labels with pictures, so the children know which area they are in.

7. Give examples of how your environment is arranged to support independent use low, open shelves, bins or baskets, etc. Do you have
picture/word labels so children know where to find and put away materials?

All shelves are open, and each bin has a picture label with words

8. Give examples of how you rotate materials to reflect changing curriculum and to accommodate new interests and skill levels. Do you have
storage space in the center with materials to rotate into and out of room?

In our basement we have totes to use for our themes. I also have cabinet space that I keep toys to rotate every month.

9. Give examples of how you have or might add or adapt materials to accommodate a childs special needs.

My areas are large enough that a child in a wheel chair would be able to fit.

10. Give examples of how your environment has sufficient soft elements to provide comfort and responsiveness pillows, mats, couch, etc.

My reading area has 3 lounge chairs to sit on as well as 4 pillows to rest on too.

11. Give examples of some play/learning materials that you created made from variety of found natural, or real materials, or created to
support curriculum topics.

I have child made instruments in our music area. My science area has sticks, pinecones, and rocks. I also have a large behive hanging for
the children to look at.

12. Give examples of how the materials are in sufficient quantities to occupy every child in activities that meet his or her needs.

Each bucket has enough material for multiple friends to play together.

Indoor space
13. Give examples of how your environment has protected places for children to play individually- defensible spaces to be alone.

My room offers a cozy corner for the children to have a private space to go alone.

14. Give examples of how your environment has places for children to play with peers spaces divided by low shelves for partner play, etc.

All most all of the areas have a table for the children to sit at so they can play together. The reading area has multiple pillows for the
children to sit on.

15. Give examples of how your environment has places for children to be all together large open rug area, tables and chairs to sit together
for meals, etc.

Our eating tables are right next to each other, so the children can practice family style eating and they can have conversations. Our group
area has a large rug so that everyone can fit next to each other with enough space to themselves as well.

16. Give examples of how your environment has equipment such as tables and chairs that are sized to the children using them childrens
feet touch floor and table top is about mid chest height, climbers not too big or too small for children.

The table and chairs that the children sit on to eat are the correct size. Mostly all their feet can reach the floor. That goes for all the other
tables that are in the class room as well. The toilets in our room are also child size so no step stools are needed.

17. Give examples of how your environment has space that is divided into areas that are supplied with materials organized to support play
and learning.

Shelves separate each area and all my areas is labeled by a hanging words as well.

18. Give examples of how your environment has areas with pathways for children to move between areas without disturbing other children.

All my areas have almost a two-foot path between them giving the children enough space to move freely without interruption. Each area
has adequate space to play as well for multiple friends

19. Give examples of how your environment has ways to moderate or minimize visual and auditory stimulation- window shades, curtains,
dimmers, sound absorbing materials, etc.

All the windows in my classroom have their own separate curtain, so I can close one or all of them.

20. Give examples of how your environment has places for displaying childrens work artwork on walls or shelves, photos of activities, work
samples, etc.

I have rope on my walls to hang the childrens art work so that it is at their eye level. I also have clothes pins along with their picture on my
shelves. This allows the children to hang up any art that they choose to be shown.

21. Give examples of how your environment has defined spaces for families to sign in and out, gather information about childs day parent
info board with schedule posted, curriculum activities, parent pockets or bins for notes, daily care sheets, clipboards, child notebooks, place
to sit and write or for child to dress/undress, etc.

I have a bulletin board outside my room with my schedule, menu, and lesson plan. We dont do daily sheets at my center, rather we send
out a newsletter to the parents through email. With this, they have the options to email back with any questions. When children arrive, we
have a sign in clipboard to mark the arrival time/departure time.

22. Give examples of how your environment has individual space for each childs belongings - individual hooks for each childs
coat/backpack, a separate area to store extra clothing, children's things are individually stored to support organized access and

Each child has their own cubby with their name on it. They also have two hooks under this cubby. There is an additional bucket above their
name that they are also able to use to store anything that they need.

23. Does your room have comfortable adult sized places to sit while interacting with children during play, routines and teacher guided
activities? Describe them.

I have an adult sized chair that is available in my classroom.

24. Are you able to see children in all areas of room? Describe how.

For the most part, yes. My shelves are at appropriate heights so that I can see all areas. My classroom is technically considered L shaped,
so if I stand my door, I am not able to see my friends in the bathroom.

Outdoor space
25. Give examples of how your outdoor play space has equipment that is designed for age and abilities of children using it.

We keep age appropriate toys and bikes that are of the appropriate height for the children.

26. Give examples of situations that show you are attentive to children during outdoor and indoor time and promote their exploration and

When I am outside playing, I run around with the kids but making sure that I do that with all not just some. I will go on our climber and slide
down the slides. I make sure to walk all around so that I can see all of the children playing.

COMPETENCY 6. Develop activity plans that promote child development and learning.
Daily Schedule- predictable, yet flexible
1. Where is your schedule posted in the room?

I have a schedule posted outside of my classroom for everyone to see and then I have a schedule hung up in my group area with times and
pictures, so the children understand what comes next.

2. Describe how your schedule provides time and support for transitions.

I leave a 5-minute break between transitions. This way I know that ill have my full amount of time for the activity

3. Does your schedule have indoor and outdoor experiences planned and provided daily as weather permits how often do you take the
children outside? What conditions prevent you from getting the children outside?

Yes. We go outside twice a day for at least 30 minutes. We have a heat chart the calculates temperature and humidity which gives us a
certain amount of time to be outside in the heat. We also go outside in winter if the temp is above 0 degrees

4. Describe how your schedule incorporates time for play, creative expression, large group, small group, and child-initiated activities.

Our class schedule allows for these to be done daily. We do large group activities after our circle time and during outside play. I have an
hour of free choice time where all centers are open for the children to play or explore activities to be creative. I also use this time for small
group activities to be done at the tables

Health and Physical Development
5. Give examples of how you provide varied opportunities and materials that support fine-motor development. List examples of the materials
you have available in the room.

I have fine-motor materials in each of the centers. Lacing cards, scissor cutting, markers and pencils for writing.

6. Give examples of how you provide varied opportunities and materials that support large-motor experiences that stimulate a variety of
skills, that range from familiar to new and challenging, enhance sensory-motor integration, and development of controlled movement
(balance, strength, coordination) and enable children with varying abilities to have large motor experiences similar to those of their peers (if
present in room). How do you meet YoungStar criteria for a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity daily?

We provide a large motor room in our basement when the weather doesnt allow for outside activities. Otherwise we have 30 mins of
outdoor play twice a day. In the basement we have mats, a balance beam and tunnels for the children to play on. Another area with
different sized balls that they can kick around. We have one side dedicated to different bikes and scooters.

7. Give examples of how you lead varied opportunities to help children learn physical games with rules and structure, stimulate a variety of
skills, enhance sensory-motor integration and development of controlled movement (balance, strength, coordination. How do you meet
YoungStar criteria for 15 minutes of teacher-led activities?

When we get outside before the children run off, I always have a game or activity for us to play to meet our youngstar requirement. During
our group time we will sometimes play a game that has multiple steps for the children to follow.

Social and Emotional Development (See Competency 9 for related criteria)

8. Give examples of how you plan varied opportunities for children to recognize and name their own and others feelings.

Each child has their own cubby with their name on it as well as we practice writing on many different occasions during the week.

9. Give examples of how you plan varied opportunities for children to practice regulation of their emotions, behavior and attention.

We have an emotion game that we play during group which helps them to understand what their emotions mean.

Language Development and Communication

10. Give examples of how you plan varied opportunities for children to develop communication and vocabulary by responding to questions,
communicating needs, thoughts, and experiences, describing things and events, conversations, and experiences such as field trips.

We have group discussions every day where out topics are always different. This gives children opportunities to ask questions, describe
things, or share their thoughts

11. Give examples of how you support the development and maintenance of the childs home language whenever possible. Do you try to learn familiar
words, terms or phrases in childs language? Do you have opportunities for children to see language in print?

While we all speak English in our classroom, I teach my class to count in Spanish to give them a sense of a different language.

12. Give examples of how you provide opportunities for children to become familiar with print by making print accessible throughout the
classroom. Are items belonging to a child are labeled with his or her name? Are materials labeled? Do you have print posters to describe
some rules and routines?

Each child has a cubby with their own name, all shelves are labeled with words/pictures and our group area has our class schedule along
with pictures.

13. Give examples of how you help children recognize print and connect it to spoken words.

For each unit I have words along with pictures that relate to our unit.

14. How often and when do you read books children? Give examples of how you engage in conversations that help children understand the
content of the book.

I read books to my class every day. During the story I might stop and ask them questions and what they think is going to happen next.

15. Give examples of how you allow children to explore books on their own and provide places that are conducive to the quiet enjoyment of
books. Describe how children have access to various types of books, including storybooks, factual books, books with rhymes, alphabet
books, and wordless books.

We have a quiet corner that offers soft chairs and multiple books for the children to read. We have a variety of books for the children to
choose from.

16. Give examples of how you provide children with multiple and varied opportunities to write. Are writing materials and activities readily
available in art, dramatic play, and other learning centers?

I have writing materials in my writing area, science area, and art.

Give examples of situations when you supported children in writing on their own.

Each child has their own journal to write in.

Do children have access to the alphabet (e.g., displayed at eye level or on laminated cards) and to printed words about topics of current

The alphabet is all around our classroom.

17. Give examples of how you model functional use of writing and help children to discuss the many ways writing is used in daily life. Do
you give children daily opportunities to write or dictate their ideas? Do you give children assistance in writing the words and messages
they are trying to communicate? Do you support various types of writing, including scribbling, letter-like marks, and developmental

I praise all types of writing that the children do in my classroom. I will do dots to help the children learn to write and then I encourage that to
try on their own.

18. Describe when and how you use rhymes, poems, songs and finger plays. Give examples of how you provide children with multiple and
varied opportunities to develop phonological awareness. Describe situations when you provided encouragement to play with the sounds
of language, including syllables, word families, and phonemes, helping to identify letters and the sounds they represent, to recognize and
produce words that have the same beginning or ending sounds, and supporting childrens self-initiated efforts to write letters that represent
the sounds of words.

We use songs and fingerplays during our group area and for transitions.

Approaches to Learning
19. Give examples of how you plan varied opportunities for children to develop a sense of competence and positive attitudes toward learning,
such as persistence, engagement, curiosity, and mastery.

I try to make the activities inviting and exciting to keep their interest peaked. If I see them getting frustrated or not understanding and
wanting to give up, I will ask what isnt working for them. I may try to explain ir differently or switch up how to do the activity so that they
may be able to master it.

20. Give examples of how you provide children with varied opportunities to gain an appreciation of, and to learn new concepts and vocabulary,
and express themselves creatively in ways that reflect diversity through art, music, drama and dance activities.

I have different types of music that the children listen too. We have cds that offer different types of dances. Our house area offers different
outfits, foods, and utensils to gain knowledge of other cultures.

21. Do you provide a variety of art tools that are accessible to children? List the tools that are available in the classroom.

Crayons, markers, colored pencils, play-dough, glue, scissors, tape, ribbon, googley eyes, cotton balls, buttons, pipe cleaners, paint/paint
brushes, papers.

Cognition and General Knowledge

22. Give examples of how you provide children with varied opportunities and materials to explore math concepts such as size, shape, color,
patterns, quantity, measurement, number awareness, counting, and time. List some of the materials as well as activities you provide.

My math area offers many colors and shapes that the children can organize. Links, lacing cards, rulers, shapes and shape cards

23. Give examples of how you provide children with varied opportunities and materials to explore science principles and concepts such as
observation and investigation of the natural world, living and non-living things, weather, seasons, the five senses, properties of matter and
materials (sink/float, liquids/solids/gasses, etc.), light and shadows, geologic features, etc. Describe how you encourage children to think,
question, and reason about observed phenomena, collect data and represent and document findings.

The science area offers different tools to investigate whats put into the sensory table. Measurement tools, magnifying glasses, tweezers.
Paper and pencils are there for the children to draw what they see. A globe is available to look at and well as a scale to weigh different

24. Describe how you use technology in the classroom with media such as television, film, videotapes, and audiotapes. (Limited/no use of TV,
video, etc. and developmentally appropriate access to computers.)

We dont allow any technology other than a radio with a cd player.

COMPETENCY 7. Document childrens behavior.

1. Describe how you document childrens behavior. Do you conduct regular observations of each child? Do they include written observations,
notes and analysis?

I do my observations on sticky notes and then go back and write them in on our assessment forms. Our observations are not where they
should be, our center is working to improve this next year.

Describe a situation when you talked and listened to children as well as observed them to assess their strengths and needs to guide you in
planning activities and individualizing for the child.

I have a boy in my class who struggles with his home routine (separate houses). For a while, we struggled with his disruptive behavior until I
sat down with him one on one and asked him what bothers him and why he acts out. He couldnt really say what was the reason but when

we were just one on one he lit up and was very responsive. I know that he really does well with many reassurances and loves being a

2. Describe the process you use to gather information from families on their observations of their childs behavior at home. Do you use
their input to contribute to the assessment process?

When children move up to our rooms, we send the families a packet of questions regarding their child. What triggers they have, their
routines, what makes them happy or sad etc. This is a tool that we use when we plan our lesson plans.

3. Give an example of a time when you noticed patterns in a childs challenging behaviors to help you develop effective, consistent, and
individualized responses.

I have a boy in my class that when he comes to school after a visit at dads house, the transition is very rough for him. I have worked my
routine to give him extra attention, be my helper, and a lot of positive assurance. After many days of him screaming, hitting, or just crying all
day we have finally found a way to help him. (side note: his mom also works at my center and he will be starting therapy soon)

COMPETENCY 8. Analyze factors that affect the behavior of children.

1. Give an example of a time when you were dealing with a childs challenging behavior. What need or desired result was the child expressing
through the behavior? Did you use observation and analysis to identify the function of the childs behavior?

I currently have a child in my class that has some challenging behavior. He will do and say anything to get the attention of any teacher at
the center whether it is negative or positive. As a teacher, while guiding the other children, it can be very difficult to maintain this childs
behavior because my focus cant always be on him.

2. Give an example of a situation when you were dealing with a childs challenging behavior in the classroom and you gathered input from
the childs family on the childs behavior at home and their goals for the child.

The childs mother is a teacher at my center, so we have regular conversations on how we can work on his behavior. The childs parents
are not together, and his behavior seems to intensify on the days after coming home from the opposite parents house.

3. Give an example of a childs challenging behavior and how you considered the childs temperament, abilities, home life and progress to
help you develop effective strategies to guide the child.

The child screams with rage just to get my attention on the days that comes back from this parents house. I do my best to know his
schedule, so I can great him and get a feel for his mood. I know that he needs a lot of positive attention and I make it my goal to have him to
special jobs for me.

4. Give an example of a specific situation when you had a child with a challenging behavior, and you recognized how the room
environment and childs level of social skills contributed to the behavior. Describe how you focused on teaching the child social,
communication, and emotional regulation skills and used environmental modifications, activity modifications, adult or peer support, and
other teaching strategies to support the childs appropriate behavior.

On the rough days, he struggles to use his words with the other children and seems to show a lot of aggression towards them. I try to
always have him use his words to express what is making him so angry. I also explain to him how it may make them feel and ask him what
he would do if his friends were to treat him that way.

COMPETENCY 9. Practice positive guidance strategies.

1. Give examples of how you express warmth through behaviors such as physical affection, eye contact, tone of voice, and smiles and create
a positive emotional climate as reflected in behaviors such as frequent social conversations, joint laughter, and affection.

I give hugs to the children in my class, and smile as the enter the classroom. While I am on the floor playing with them, Ill join the
conversation or game and laugh with them to show.

2. Give examples of how you function as a secure base for children, responding promptly in developmentally appropriate ways to childrens
positive initiations, negative emotions, and feelings of hurt and fear by providing comfort, supports and assistance.

I make sure that I always talk to them at their level because I never want them to think that I am talking down to them.

3. Describe how you establish and convey to children clear and consistent classroom rules and expectations.

I have our classroom rules posted in our group area so that we can go over them every day. I also have pictures to go along with each rule
because my age group cant read yet.

4. Give examples of how you promote pro-social behavior by interacting in a respectful manner with all staff and children.

I will always use a kind tone a voice with all children and staff. This shows the children that I have respect as well.

5. Give examples of how you promote pro-social behavior by modeling turn taking and sharing as well as caring behaviors, and helping
children negotiate their interactions with one another and with shared materials.

I share my personal things with other teachers and this shows children that it is important to be kind with their friends.

6. Give examples of how you promote pro-social behavior by helping children use language to communicate their needs and encouraging
children to listen to one another, and encouraging and helping children to provide comfort when others are sad or distressed.

My class has an issue when it comes to tattling. They are always trying to run to me when a situation happens, but I always try to tell them
to use their words by telling their friend that they dont like something or that it hurt their feelings. I find that it solves the situation much
better when they express it rather than me, the teacher, trying to solve it.

7. Give an example of a situation when you assisted children in resolving conflicts by helping them identify feelings, describe problems,
and try alternative solutions.

Two children were fighting over a bike while playing outside. I came up to the two children and asked who was on the bike first. I kindly
turned to the friend who arrived second to use their words that they would like a turn next

8. Give an example of a situation when you helped children manage their behavior by guiding and supporting children to persist when
frustrated, gain control of physical impulses, express negative emotions in ways that do not harm others or themselves, and play
cooperatively with other children.

There was a child who was kicking his friends while playing in our block area. I got down to his eye level and asked him how he would feel if
his friends were using those types of touches on him. Once he understood that he was hurting his friends, I encouraged him to apologize
because it would make his friends feel better.

9. Describe how you use positive guidance strategies. Describe what you consider to be inappropriate physical punishment.

I always that it works best to encourage the children to show their emotions on why something upsets them. This teaches the other child as
Physical punishment to me would be anything that would involve putting hands on a child in an aggressive manner.

10. Describe what you would consider to be inappropriate use of threats or derogatory remarks, or withholding or threatening to withhold food
as a form of discipline.

Threatening to spank the child would be very inappropriate. Using words like stupid or retard are also very inappropriate.

COMPETENCY 10. Examine the critical role of play.

1. Describe how your curriculum plans reflect an emphasis on play-based learning.

For my curriculum and lesson plans, most of my learning is play based. I had 2-3 activities for each of my centers that are theme related
and the children can play with them freely. During our free play, I got and watch them or join in on the play to see if they are understanding
the learning behind the activity.

2. Describe how you provide ample time for child-directed play and child choice of play materials.

All centers remain open always which gives the children the choice of materials they would like to play with. My schedule offers at minimum
60 mins of free play where the children can play as they wish.

3. Give examples of how you join children in learning centers during play/work time to extend and deepen childrens learning and model play
and prosocial skills.

When the children are enjoying their free choice time, I will go around and sit with them on the floor and join their play activity. I like to ask
them questions on what they might be building or how does something work. This is also the time that I work on my observations

4. Give examples of situations when you supported childrens social play skills by helping them enter into, sustain and enhance play with

If I see a child that is just standing by and watching their friends play, I may ask them if they want to join so and so. If there response is
yes, I try to help them learn tools to approach a friend so they can all play together.

COMPETENCY 11. Demonstrate responsible and ethical behavior as an early childhood education professional.
Professional behavior
1. Give examples of how you follow state licensing regulations.

My classroom always maintains correct ratios

I have the proper education needed to be a lead qualified teacher
I follow proper procedures for cleaning my classroom

2. Describe the responsibilities that you have as outlined in the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct. Give an example of a situation where you
behaved ethically in following the principles and ideals listed in the Code.

As a teacher I am responsible for treating my fellow coworkers with respect, trustworthiness, and cooperating efficiently.

Describe how you advocate for best practices in your program.

As a team we have staff meeting to talk about issues that we may have but we also try to have team building activities where we can learn
to trust each other as well.

3. Describe how you communicate and cooperate respectfully with co-workers and function smoothly as a team to meet child and family
needs. Describe how you share planning or decision making in classroom activities and/or program practices. (FCC providers balance
needs of program with needs of own family.)

My fellow employees always communicate in very professional manners and when conflict arise we make sure that it is never done were
children or families can hear. We are always communicating ideas back and forth for all rooms to help make them better. Its important that
we work together as a team to make our center the best.


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