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Computers- Math Games Date November 17th, 2017

Subject/Grade Time
Grade 4 1 hour (10:25-11:25)
Level Duration


General There is to be a balance among mental mathematics and estimation, paper and pencil exercises,
Learning and the use of technology, including calculators and computers. Concepts should be introduced
Outcomes: using manipulatives and be developed concretely, pictorially and symbolically.

Develop a number sense with 10s,100s, 1000s

Develop a number sense with place value

Develop a number sense while reading and writing numbers, comparing numbers and ordering

Specific Represent and describe whole numbers to 10,000 pictorially and symbolically
Learning Compare and order numbers to 10,000
Outcomes: Demonstrate an understanding of increasing/ decreasing, adding/subtracting numbers with
answers to 10,000 (2-4 digit numbers)
Students will:
Show their understanding of place value (1-4 digit numbers)
Show their understanding of numbers through reading and writing while playing math games on the computer
Show their understanding of numbers while comparing numbers on computer math games
Show their understanding of numbers by ordering (increase, decreasing)
ASSESSMENTS (How I will know students have achieved the objective(s))
Teacher will walk around the classroom and observe if students are on track and focused on the website (Splashmath)
Teacher will ask questions to prompt students further with math games, and give them inspiration if struggling with a
Prepare usernames and passwords for the students Computers for each student
Prepare Splashmath websites for students to login onto to Roster of student logins and usernames- cut into
play games strips so they can be handed out to each student
Introduction Time
Teacher will: Gain students attention at the front of the room by saying eyes and ears up here while putting 10:25-10:35
thumb in the air until every student is looking to the front with their thumb in the air. ish
Students will: Have their thumb in the air looking at the teacher
**If not everyone is looking with their thumb up, teacher will wait and ask for the student who is not
participating, that the class will wait on them until everyone is focused and ready to go.
Teacher will: Explain computer etiquette and reinforce rules and if broken, students will no longer have the
privilege to be on the computers and work on math work sheets instead that they did not finish prior to.
Computer Rules:
1. NO food or drink around the computers, even if you have a water bottle on your desk top, please put next
to your desk on the floor or in desk.
2. You have to stay in your desk while working on the computers, no walking around the classroom as you can
knock a computer off a desk if you are moving around
3. Be respectful of your device. Make sure to notify the teacher if it is not working, dead, not logging on etc.
4. Be respectful of one another while using computers, as it is just as important that those around you finish

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 1

their work as well as you.
5. Raise your hand if you need help, or you need to use the washroom, go get a drink etc.
Teacher will: Today we will be logging onto a new program called Splashmath, it is a program I have set up for
our class that is monitored by me and Mary so we can track your progress. This website tells us what activities
you have done, how much you are progressing throughout the activity, and areas you may need
improvement. This website has games that are similar to the math we have been covering throughout the
past couple of lessons/ throughout the year so far.
Teacher will: Assign row by row to grab computers out of the laptop cart and
Students will: Go back to their desk and NOT open their device.
Teacher will: Wait until everyone has a computer on desk and reinforce that students should not have their
laptop open.

Body Time
Teacher will: In front of you, I have handed out a tiny piece of paper with a username and password that you
will need to enter into the URL: https://www.splashmath.com/students
Once you get to that website, you are going to press:
1. Login in the top right hand corner
2. Press Student
3. Enter in your username and password like it says on the piece of paper.
4. You will find yourself at your home page and there is a list of activities, you can go through them one by
one and try your very best. These games are designed to be fun and engaging and will allow for you to excel 10:35-11:20
in math in a different way then just with a pencil and paper.
Students will: be listening without touching the computers and have eyes and ears on the teacher.
Teacher will: Walk around helping the students as they are logging onto their computers and onto the
Students will: Get logged onto the Splashmath website and start playing math games, asking questions when
needing a hand.

Closure Time
Teacher will: Announce CLEAN UP TIME, and allow row by row to take their computers back to the cart and
put away gently and quietly.
Students will: Go to the laptop cart, plug in their computers, gently put away and return to desk so they can
start on Math worksheet for the last period of the day.
Teacher will: Announce that students can grab their math folders once they have put their computer away,
and now are to work on the math worksheets we have been working on this week. Now that we have had a
ton of practice with Splashmath, we should be able to work on the worksheets well and quickly, moving along
so we can start a new lesson on Monday.

Sponge Activity/Activities


Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 2

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