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BiengMe Panel Discussion

By Alima Ashfaq

How do we navigate male dominated spaces of Islamic scholarship?

The Prophetic society: We need to go back to the Prophet (s) and view him as a liberator of
women, who changed the dynamics of his society, and the perception of women. In his time,
Islamic scholarship was not male dominated, nor were women deprived of Islamic spaces, and
circles of knowledge. The Prophet (s) trained and mentored Aisha who was the link to him
and women, and he gave one day dedicated to women, and answering their questions.
However, ultimately Aisha was the main character in diligently preserving the Islamic sciences,
and through her legacy we built a legacy focused on living the Islamic ideal.

1. The perception of women in certain communities has to change, and this can only be
achieved through knowledge. Imams, male and female religious leaders need to be
willing to traditionally study the dynamics of the Prophetic society and how it differs from
our society, and then implement it. This will take time, but in the long term it will be more
2. An inclusive outlook on womens participation in Islamic organisations, especially Islamic
centres and mosques. This revolves around female scholars, activists and those who
sympathise to the cause.

Nurture respect for women: We need to change our perception of women, their purpose, roles
and nature. Men and women are equal in the sight of Allah (s) and have a social responsibility
to their community.

Study the lives of the Muhadithaat: Women from the life of the Prophet (s) were involved in
preserving Islam. Knowledge and the diligent preserving, transmitting, and understanding was
one of the main factors which lead to a female renaissance in the times of Jahilliyah
(ignorance). This is one of the ways we can revive Islamic scholarship.

What challenges did you come across being a woman, a speaker, student of knowledge,

1. The importance of focus in your studies.

2. The negative perception of confident women who are activists.
3. Marriage and motherhood can either be a hindrance, or facilitate your journey.

Women who inspire me?

- Maryam (a) as she has countless lessons with her life.

- Amrah bint Abd- al-Rahman.
o Amrah bint Abd Ar-Rahman was a tabiiyah (successor). She was a faqihah
(jurist) and amuhadithah (narrator of hadith) in Madinah. She grew up in the
house of Aisha (r) and learned from her. A number of her narrations of hadith
were recorded by al-Bukhari, Muslim, al Nasai and Ibn Majah, such as those
concerning eclipses, itikhaf, and some matters of hajj.

o She was well respected by all. Al Dhahabi, a Muhaddith and historian of Islam who
had studied under many scholars, said of Amrah, She was a scholar, jurist,
proof, and holder of abundant knowledge. The Umayyad caliphate Umar ibn
Abd Al-Aziz, who had benefited personally from her counsel, said about Amrah:
No one is now (living) who has more knowledge of Aishas hadith than Amrah.

o Al Zuhri, an Ummayad scholar and authority on Hadith, said: Qasim ibn

Muhammad said to me: I see, my boy, that you are greedy for knowledge.
Should I not inform you of the vessel of knowledge? Go and stick to Amrah, for
she was under the guardianship of Aisha (r). So I came to her and I found her
an ocean; its water never goes.

o One of the most famous incidents known about her is her intervention in public
courts regarding a case whose verdict she found to be unjust, felt compelled,
passionate and confident enough to stand up and argue in their defence. In
addition, she knew what was happening in the Shariah courts in Medina, she
was involved in the process. When she intervened, nobody questioned her, nor
did they question her authority.

How can parents in their audience inspire their children to be the next generation of

1. Nurture a great relationship with Allah (s) through their worship, and responses.
2. Nurture a great, loving and harmonious relationship with their husband.
3. Be great example and embody the Quran and Sunnah in their lives.
4. Be a spiritual chord between them and Allah (s).
5. Focus on the sciences of Tajweed and Arabic and teach their children at a young age.
6. Have a balanced outlook in life, and how they present Islam in the lives of their children.
7. Be a friend, and a leader in the lives of their children, and to teach through love, and
8. and when needed re-focus the family, and regain control by being decisive.
9. Make conscious decisions for their children.
10. Be willing to make a sacrifice in their early years, so they have an easy transition into adulthood.

Why is it crucial to have women scholars in the community? Why is it important to excel
in some fields that shatter stereotypes?
1. Female role models: Our women need female role models that are relatable and and
knowledgeable to overcome their trials in their life. They need women who are in touch
with reality, and their surroundings.
2. Women feel comfortable to discuss intimate matters with women: As we learned from
Aisha (r), women felt more comfortable to discuss more intimate matters with a woman,
and this phenomenon exists in all society.
3. Motivation: Inspiration and motivation to shatter the limitations of society. Women need
to be inspired, and they are inspired by other women who move beyond the stereotypes
and limitations set by society.
4. Fatwas: To deal with complex Islamic situations which arise within Islamic community
and offer solutions within the Muslim community.

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