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Our IBT project

Dependent variable and Independent variable and Relationship

definition definition

Child Mortality Income per person(GDP/ Negative linear correlation

capita,PPP $ inflation-
adjusted) gross domestic per
person adjusted for
differences in purchasing
power( in international
dollars, fixed 2011 prices,
PPP based on 2011 ICP

Child mortality Percentage of total No correlation

population, age group 15-24,
that has been employed
during the given the year

Child mortality Poverty headcount ratio at Positive linear correlation

$3.10 a day is the % of the
population living on less than
$3.10 a day at 2011
international prices. As a
result in PPP exchange rates,
poverty rates for individual
countries cannot be
compared with poverty rates
reported in earlier editions

Child mortality Primary school completion (% Negative nonlinear

of relevant age group) Correlation
Primary completion rate and
gross intake ratio to the last
grade of primary education, is
the number of new entrants
(enrollments minus repeaters)
in the last grade of primary
education, regardless of age,
divided by the population at
the last entrance age for the
last grade of primary
education. Data limitations
preclude adjusting for
students who drop out during
the final year of primary

1. https://www.gapminder.org/tools/#_state_time_value=1994;&marker_axis/_x_which=pri

As the amount of primary school completion increases the child mortality decreases

As the amount of extreme poverty increases the child mortality increases

No correlation


As the income per person increase then the amount of child mortality decreases

The graph we chose to further explain was Income per person. I our graph income is the
independent variable and child mortality is the dependent variable. One of the few outliers are:
Luxembourg, Qatar and Equatorial Guinea. As you can see from the graph the outcome was
predictable. Countries in Africa had less income which, thus, means an increase in child
mortality. Than there were countries in North America they were more heavily populated
toward the bottom of the graph. There is a logical reason for this and it is because in Africa
places are less developed and more poor, but in North America we are more developed and
considerably wealthy. After us comes Europ, by looking at the graph you can tell the people
there have a higher income, thus, less death and when compared to asia they seem to be a lot
more rich.

The black part shows the poor areas

The blue shows the middle class areas

The yellow shows the rich areas

From these pictures you can see how from

year to year how much more richer and
industrialized countries have become.

Here you can see we are almost all equal

In this one you can see that most countries

have industrialized and made more money
through work. But some have moved up a

Now in recent years things seen to make

more sense because Africa is poor and
people dont have the education to make
money and stay healthy. Aisa is keeping up
but as there are many poor area there the rank in the middle and for European and North
America they are industrialized and modern according to type of job they can stay
healthy because they can afford medicine, education, and safety.

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