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En la actualidad las familias han ido cambiando cosas y han

implementado otras, unas son para bien y tener ms beneficios


Mi famila tenan muchos hijos

Las mujeres de mi familia no tenan mucho apoyo para estudiar
El hijo mayor le era impuesto el cuidado de sus hermanitos,
Antes mis padres o tos cuando los jvenes salan a bailes o fiestas
eran siempre acompaadas por sus papas
los hijos eran enseados a mostrar ms educacin, por ejemplo pedir
mi familia coman a un horario determinado, todos juntos.
-Los menores deban mucho respeto a los mayores.
-En la casa viva toda la familia junta. Incluyendo, abuelos, tos y primos
-Las familias, coman comidas elaboradas o caseras.

hoy en da mi famila casi todos tienen dos hijos.
Hoy las mujeres tienen las mismas oportunidades que los hombres.
ahora existen guarderas.
actualmente se ha desmoralizado que hacen lo que quieren.

hoy a muchos les da igual e incluso ms bien son igualados e

Mi famila comen a distintas horas a causa del trabajo y del estudio.
-Los menores discuten y no respetan a los mayores.
-En una casa familiar slo viven los padres y sus correspondientes
Se comen platos o comidas rpidas y menos saludables.

My family had many children.

The women in my family did not have much support to study

The eldest son was imposed the care of his brothers,

Before my parents or uncles when young people went to dances or

parties were always accompanied by their parents
children were taught to show more education, for example asking for

My family ate at a certain time, all together.

-The minors had a lot of respect for the elders.

"In the house lived the whole family together. Including, grandparents,
uncles and cousins

-Families would eat elaborate or homemade meals

At now

Today my family almost all have two children.

women have the same opportunities as men.

now there are nurseries.

now the young people in my family do not ask for permission

My family eats at different times because of work and study.

-The minors argue and do not respect the elders.

-In a family house only the parents and their children live.

My family had many children.

The women in my family did not have much support to study
The eldest son was imposed the care of his brothers,
Before my parents or uncles when they were young they went out to
dances or parties were always accompanied by their parents
My family ate at a certain time, all together.
-The minors had a lot of respect for the elders.
"In the house lived the whole family together. Including, grandparents,
uncles and cousins

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