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Peer Review: Rhetorical Analysis Draft 1 for Shunyou Huang

Reviewer: Swabinash Swarnaraja

Reviewee: Shunyou Huang

Purpose & Overview

In this rhetorical analysis, you will be challenged to express how writing is a result of related situations.
In other words, you will compose a piece that details how a certain situation has shaped a piece of your
own previous writing.

Your rhetorical analysis should discuss one of your most memorable pieces of writing from any time or
place outside of this class. You will choose to discuss one academic text (essay, research paper, statement
of purpose, etc). Whatever you choose, it must be memorable enough for you to be able to describe it in

You will then compare the writing of your choice to the description of a rhetorical situation regarding
writing in your chosen disciplinary field outlined by the CSUS Handbook (You can find these on SacCT).


Part 1: Analysis Description of your chosen text:

Reflect and analyze on your chosen writing from a rhetorical perspective.

Why did you need to write to begin with? (Exigence)

Since its easier not to write than it is to write, there had to be some reason or purpose behind
your writing, some problem to be solved or addressed. What was that?
Where did that need come from? (Context)
What gave rise to it? This is a historical question. To understand the circumstances that demanded
writing, you need to know what led to those circumstances.
What constraints did you face as a writer? What were the givens in your situation-- the aspects of
it you could not change that controlled what you could do with your writing?
Who was meant to read and use your writing and what did you want them to do with it
(audience)? How was your writing supposed to do something for, to, or with the readers you
imagined it for.
Part 2: Description of writing in your major:
Read the accompanying text on SacCT about writing in your disciplinary field. Analyze the information
from the text and discuss writing in your major according to the text. Considering the following:

What is the major you have chosen or are interested in?

Discuss your interpretation of writing in your field. What seems to be important in your field?
What seems to be unimportant?
Think about exigence, context, and audience. How do you perceive these three things based on
the reading?

Part 3: Discussion:
Include implications of your reflection.

Do you think the writing you chose in part 1 would be a good paper to turn in to an instructor
who specializes in your the field you have chosen to major in? Explain at least two compelling
reasons why or why not.
What principles can you draw to help you in future writing situations?


Format and Requirements

o 1000-1500 words, single spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and title
o You must use at least two direct quotes and two paraphrases from at least two different authors
we have read for both parts 1 and 3.
o Use MLA format (8th edition) for in-text citations (a works cited list is unnecessary at this point
because you arent using any readings from outside this class). For help with MLA, visit Purdue
o Use detached impersonal style writing.

Summative Comments:

I strongly suggest that you include an introduction and conclusion paragraph pertaining to
the writing. The reason is it would give the reader a smooth transition into the parts of the
essay. Having an introductory paragraph would make the reader understand the main
point of the writing. A conclusion would also be great because it would end the essay by
restating some of the main points.
The guidelines states to include two direct quotes and two paraphrases from two different
authors. In the future writing, include the requirement.

Part 1 Term paper

I think you addressed the need of writing, but it would be a little better for the audience to
know more about the circumstances leading to the writing.
The constraints are excellently described on how it affected your writing.
The constituents of audience can be a little more descriptive. You can discuss what your
writing was supposed to do with the readers.

Part 2 Writing in business

Excellent discussion about the field.
Part 3 Term Paper
Well described about your thoughts of presenting Term Paper to a business field.

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