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Southwood Schools Annual

Dear Families, Winter Concert
I have had the pleasure of Wednesday, December 20, 2017
caring for your children for
almost 3 months now -- at 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
it's hard to believe it is
going so fast!!! We have at Southwood School
covered many things in
that time and have seen featuring grades 4 - 8
the children grow so much
in this short time.

Winter break is just

Thank you to all around the corner and so is that nasty
who donated breakfast winter weather. Please remember that
cereal, hot cereal and your child needs to always have a pair
granola bars. We are so of indoor shoes at school. Boots will
not be permitted in the classroom as
proud to be a part of such
they are a safety concern with dirt
a great cause.
and snow.
This month your child is starting a
mathematics unit on geometry. In this Canadian Heritage 1780-1850
unit your child will learn to:
This month we will be exploring the
- Describe angles
Aboriginal people that lived in North
- Name, describe and sort figures American and how they helped the
and solids
Settlers make a new home in Canada.
- Identify congruent figures and We will be looking at the food they
ate, the homes they lived in and the
- Make pictures and models with roles of people in society.
- Make structures from solids
When you are at the grocery store look Dec 8 - Bread Making Day
for congruent shapes, then have your Dec 13 Corn Bread Making Day
child name the solids. Dec 19 Field trip to Heritage Village
When youre in the car or on a bus, Dec 20 - Winter Concert @Southwood
look for structures that are made out Dec 22 Skating Day
of different solids, e.g., a house can
be made out of prisms and pyramids. Please see new pictures on our class

Working together
Mrs. Tessier
We have started a new Novel Study
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
We will be learning about character
traits, main themes and using
adjectives to create interesting
sentences. In Media Literacy we will
create our own chocolate bar then
make a commercial to advertise it.

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