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Breast Cancer survivors share their stories . (2017, October 17).

Retrieved October 17, 2017,

from http://www.wwnytv.com/

This article shares the stories of older woman that survived Brest cancer after being diagnosed at
a young age. Although these woman were in their thirties, hearing that they had a positive
diagnosis of Brest cancer was not something commonly heard and was a scare for them. With
these woman being actual survivors this article can Enlighten young woman on what its like
going through breast cancer treatment at a young age. It give logos to the research paper that you
can not only be diagnosed but that you can survive. My research topic is that breast cancer
information is general according to which specific groups you fall into. This article will help my
argument, because both woman sharing their stories were diagnosed at an age much younger
than that generally told when talking about the subject of breast cancer.

Szabo, L. (n.d.). Latest World and US News. Retrieved October 18, 2017, from

In this article from USA Today.com the author luz szabo writes about the worrisome rise in
breast cancer in young woman. The author gives facts based off statistics from gathered
information from test results around the country. Breast cancer in woman ranging from age 25-
39 rose 3.9 percent over a nine year span. She quoted other specialist in the field starting with
Rebecca Johnson, who says that the increase is rather large and is only accelerating in the years
to come. With my topic being the issues of breast cancer information being to general and not
specific to which group you fall in to, I feel that this article will be beneficial in showing younger
woman that they are at risk the disease is not age specific

Cancer prevention and control. (2017, September 25). Retrieved October 18, 2017, from

In this article the author explains that other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common
cancer among American woman. It gives you ways of lowering your risk of getting the disease.
The article states that the United States Prevention Service Task Force recommends that if you
are age 50-74 years of age you should get checked every two years. It also states that if you fall
into the age group 40-49 years of age you should consult with a doctor on when as well as how
often you should get checked. I would like to use this article to show how even the United States
prevention task force neglects to tell women younger than 30 years of age to get mammogram
screening. This helps me agree the case that breast cancer awareness information is given out
generally as opposed to specific talking about what group you may fall in to.
Cancer.net Editorial Board. (04/2017). Breast Cancer Introduction. Retrieved November 2, 2017

Through my research I came across this website. This website is full of information about breast
cancer. I will be using this site as source to find graphs and other information about the orgins of
breast cancer. My topic is that breast cancer information is not specific to what group you may
fall into being age, gender, and ethnicity. This website shows how each group is affected with
facts and charts of cases and the rate of diagnosis across the borad. This website will help
provide me with information to prove my point in this category as well as inform my audience
through my papers.

American Cancer Society. (02/2017) Cancer in Adolescents. Retrieved October 2, 2017

This article just like the rest provides more background information on breast cancer. It shows
how many teens are affected as well as how many men.With my topic talking about breast
cancer information and how it is spread, I can compare and contrast information with the facts
that this website brings to the table. I can look at the statistics and use the number provided to
show the importance of information being spread to everyone on all platforms. I feel this website
will also provide information for further questioning that may come up as a good source of
information to inform those of the dangers and risk of breast cancer

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