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Lesson Preparation Information

Preparation Tasks Teacher Candidate

1. Write the date of your formal observation. Double 9/28
check that you have signed up for an observation on
the Google calendar.
2. Write the date of when you need to provide a lesson 9/25
plan draft to your Field supervisor.
3. Write down the dates of when you and your mentor 8/31,
teacher discussed the lesson plan.
4. Write down the date of when you sent or printed 9/14
a draft of your lesson plan for your mentor teacher.
5. Write the names of students who do not have an Royale, Sharkey
approved video media release form (disregard if you
do not need to videotape).
6. If you are teaching the lesson outside of the Back up plan: Walk around under covered areas.
classroom, did you coordinate with your mentor
teacher and other faculty about the use of space?
What is your backup plan if this space becomes
unavailable that day? (e.g., you might want to teach
outdoors but the weather forecast is rain for that
7. Does your lesson plan include: *If you answered yes to any of these prompts, be sure
any text that students will read? no to include these items in your lesson plan. If there isnt
a teacher assessment tool to measure students a copy, your lesson plan may be returned without
learning based on the standards and review. Did you include these items?
benchmarks? yes
activity sheets that students will use in the
lesson? yes
A completed copy of your teacher sample of the
student activity sheet? yes
8. Describe any parts in the lesson that you would like
more guidance with in planning. *NOTE: the amount
of feedback/suggestions you receive from your field
supervisor and/or mentor are contingent on your
submittal of the lesson plan draft by the specified 7
working days prior to observation.
Lesson Plan: Five Senses Nature Walk

Grade level: Kindergarten Number of students: 18

Lesson Date: September 28th, 2017 Content Area: Science
Duration: 9:50 am- 10:50 am (approx. 60 min)

Resources: Materials:
Literature: My Five Senses By Aliki Literature: My Five Senses By Aliki
Mentor teacher: management My Nature Walk Handout
suggestions, preparation, etc.. Pencils, crayons, colored pencils
Three Tablets
Three Ziploc Bags

Enduring Understanding(s)
A description of the important understandings(s) and concept(s)
We can use our five senses to make observations.
Essential Question
A description of the important understandings(s) and concept(s)
How can we use our five senses to make observations?

Content Standard(s)
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) or Hawaii Content & Performance Standards III
(HCPS III) that align with the central focus and address essential understandings, concepts,
and skills
Benchmark SC.K.1.1:Use the senses to make observations
I can use my five senses to make observations.
CCSS: K.SL.5: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide
additional detail.
I can add drawings to provide additional detail.
CCSS: K.SL.6: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
I can verbally express my ideas.

Student Learning Objectives

Outcomes to be achieved by the students by the end of the lesson or by the end of the
multi-lesson learning segment
Students will describe the five senses
Students will observe nature using their five senses
Students will record their observations through drawings
Students will describe their observations to the class
Students will collaborate with their peers
Students will compare their observations with their peers observations

Application of skills and strategies

(Briefly describe what skill and strategies will be used by students to learn the benchmark)
Skill Strategy
(a learning behavior that is (Techniques that will help students learn the skill)
intended for students to do
Collaborate Discussion after lesson, small groups during nature walk
Observe Using our five senses during our nature walk

Recording Record their observations through drawings and some

students may use words, depending on their level of ability.
Describe During whole class discussion students will describe one of
their drawings verbally to the class.
Taking photographs One tablet will be given to each group of students on our
nature walk. They will take turns taking pictures of things in
nature that they are observing,

The procedures to gather evidence of students learning of learning objective(s) to include
formative (informal) assessments applied throughout the lesson and a summative assessment
(formal) of what students learned by the end of the lesson (include any assessment tools)
The students will engage in and will be assessed on their completed worksheets from our
nature walk using the following rubric. Students will be asked to observe nature using our five
senses, then record their observations in a teacher created worksheet with drawings and
pictures of what they see, smell, hear, touch, and taste during our nature walk. This will also
serve as a summative assessment. The teacher formative assessment used to measure student
learning is the student assessment data table located at the end of this document. I will be
checking for student understanding, engagement, and collaboration with peers. Another
formative assessment I will use throughout the lesson will be checking for understanding by
asking the students to show a thumbs up if they clearly understand, and a thumbs down if they
need more clarification.

Academic Language and Language Supports

Oral and written language that the students need to learn and use to participate and engage in
the content. The planned instructional supports to help students understand, develop, and use
academic language.
Academic See, taste, smell, hear, touch, observe, nature, prediction, scientists,
Vocabulary samples.
Language Literature will go over our five senses
supports I will also model and provide examples of how we use our five senses to
make observations. For example, during our nature walk I will say I am
observing a flower using my sight sense, I can also observe a flower
using my smell sense.

UDL Proactive Differentiated Instruction

Intentional instructional activities in place to minimize the need for future RTI.

Category Type of Proactive Differentiated

Representing I will be demonstrating content visually, as well as verbally.
Engaging Student Having the students go outside of the classroom for a nature walk is
Interest engaging their interest because it is a hands on activity that allows them to
move around. This is important for Kindergarten students.
Demonstrating Students will show what they have learned through their completed
Learning worksheets and also through their verbal explanations of their
Cultural All cultures use their senses to gather information.

Students Prior Academic Knowledge and Assets

The students content knowledge, skills, prior academic experiences, and
personal/cultural/community assets to draw upon to support learning
Describe (in 3-7 sentences) how each component relates to the lesson.
Content knowledge and skills: Skills such as collaborating with peers are constantly practiced
as well as being calm, focused, and safe. The students have had practice describing their
thoughts about a particular topic and recording them through writing or drawing. Also, the
students have had practice using their tablets to take pictures of their classmates and classwork.
What content has been addressed prior to this lesson that will support student

Prior academic performance: During a prior science lesson students poured hot water over
Skittles and observed what happened to them. The students made detailed observations and
recorded their observations by drawing what they saw happening in the experiment.
Also, their Wonders curriculum has mentioned what the five senses are through various

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

A description of what the teacher will do and say and what the students will do during the
lesson that 1) uses clear steps that convey the use of multiple strategies, supports, and resources
and 2) list opportunities offered for multiple modes of participation

Instructional Sequence of Activities


management Teacher: Hocus Pocus/ Students: Everybody Focus
attention getter
1. Introduction Turn on Inner Space music
5 minutes Ask students to stand in a circle
ENGAGE Begin the motions associated with the Actors toolbox and say
the traits (being in control of their bodies & voice, using their
imagination and cooperating and collaborating with their
peers) with the movements to remind students to be calm,
focused, & balanced.
Have students take a seat
Explain that today we are going to be doing an activity that
involves using our five senses to observe things in nature
2. Building Read Literature related to five senses: My Five Senses by
Background Aliki
10 minutes Introduce book
ENGAGE Have students describe what an author and illustrator do
Read book
Ask comprehension questions:
Ask: Does anyone know what our five senses are?
Build off of students responses and explain further
(see, hear, touch, taste, smell)
We see with our _____?
We hear with our _____?
We taste with our _____?
We smell with our ___?
We touch with our____?
3. Focus/mini lesson Explain that we will be going on a nature walk around the
(I do) campus and during this nature walk we are going to be
10 minutes scientists and use our five senses to make observations!
Explain that the students will be getting into their PE groups
for this activity (there will be a teacher monitoring each
group) and each group will be given a tablet to take pictures.
Because there will only be one tablet Ill explain that the
students must take turns taking pictures of things they see on
our walk.
Model how to take a picture on the tablet to remind students
Each group will also be given a Ziploc bag to collect samples
of things we see, smell, could taste, and touched.
Ask the students: When we are taking samples do we want to
harm the plants or things we are observing in nature?
Explain that we can pick a flower or maybe a few leaves that
we observe out there but we want to make sure we dont take
too much. Make sure after you pick something to put it in
your group's bag to bring back to the classroom.
Ask students: Can we take samples or pictures of things we
hear? We might be able to if we hear a bird for example we
could snap a picture, but we might not be able to so
throughout the walk I want you guys to pay attention to what
you are hearing.
Explain when we come back to the classroom they will be
filling out a worksheet.
Show students the worksheet and explain that they will be
filling in each box with a drawing that represents what they
observed during our walk.
Let students know we will have only 15 minutes for our
nature walk so we must make good use of our time.

4. Guided practice Nature Walk whole class:

(We do) Tell students: By the time I count to 10 I want you guys to be
10-15 minutes in your color PE groups. So, remember a group is when your
EXPLORE hands are on your other group members shoulders. Ready go!
I will count to ten slowly and the students will be in their
groups. (if they cant get into their groups in 10 seconds we
will go to the observation deck and then try again)
I will give one camera and one Ziploc to each teacher
monitoring the groups and we will all head outside.
During our nature walk I will be making sure the students are
taking turns with the tablets.
I will also be giving cues and asking questions such as: What
do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? Lets feel
this leaf, it looks interesting. What does it feel like? I will let
students, if they want to, taste things in the garden after
rinsing, such as mint. What does it taste like? Remember to
keep these things in our head to record our observations when
we go back to class!
Towards the end of the nature walk I will have students sit on
outside picnic tables with their groups. I will tell students that
before we participate in chime time we must remember to
close our eyes, take deep breaths, and really think about what
we are hearing.
I will then touch the chime and the students will begin taking
slow, deep breaths. I will remind students as many times as
needed to think about and remember what they are hearing.
I will then ask students to share what they heard with the
whole class.
We will then continue our walk back towards the classroom.
After 15 minutes I will ask the students to line up and we will
head back to class.
5. Collaborative *Collaborative group work will occur during our nature walk*
Group work Students will be in their PE groups
(You do it There will be myself, my mentor, and a classroom aid to help
together) monitor each group.
This will occur In their groups they will be collaborating, asking each other
during nature walk questions about what they are observing, taking pictures,
(guided practice) videos, and collecting samples.

6. Independent When we return to class ask students to sit at a table with their
work (You do it groups
alone) Have the student who is the designated paper passer pass out
10 minutes the worksheets
EXPLAIN Say Hocus Pocus, students will say everyone focus
I will then reiterate instructions for the worksheet and ask for
a thumbs up if they understand and also remind students they
can look back at their tablets and samples for ideas of things
to draw
I will be walking around the classroom monitoring the
students and assisting when needed
After the 10 minutes is up I will say Hocus Pocus once more.
Once it is quiet I will tell students that it is ok if they did not
finish we will have time later but can everyone clean up their
tables, bring their worksheets, and meet me on the rainbow
carpet in a circle.
7. Monitoring Plan If I notice that some students finish quicker than others I will
ask those students to add words that describe their
observations under their drawings
I will be starting a timer for each part of my lesson to ensure
we make it to lunch on time
I will be giving a time warning when there is five minutes left
for each part of my lesson
If students do not finish I will let them know that it is not a
problem and we will have time to finish later
As far as managing behaviors goes I will be walking around
reminding students to make strong choices and good use of
their time. If the behaviors continue to worsen I will move
students to different seats.
8. Closure Ask students to return to the rainbow carpet and form a circle
10 minutes *Depending on the level of excitement in the room I may turn on the
music again and have them perform the movements of the actors
toolbox to get calm and focused before our debrief.*
EVALUATE I will ask whole class exit questions to have students share
their observations:
Can someone tell me what our five senses are?
What do we see with?
What do we smell with?
What do we taste with?
What do we hear with?
What do we feel with?
How did we use our five senses to make observations
in nature today?

Go around the circle and have each student share one thing
they observed with one of their senses and explain one of their
Give students 8 second think time and ask them to think about
EVALUATE one thing they observed that they want to share with the class,
what sense(s) they used, and the picture they drew.
Tell Students I'll go first!(Model): Explain to students on our
nature walk I saw a black bird flying through the sky.
Remind students to use full sentences and refer to the sentence
starters on the board ( On our nature walk, I saw ___, I
smelled ____, I heard ___, I touched ___, so I drew a _____.)
and also to stand up tall, and speak clearly when presenting.
After every student presents I will dismiss the students, ask
them to put their worksheets in the finished bin, and get ready
for lunch.

Teacher Assessment Tool

Rubric for nature walk worksheet: Summative assessment tool
Student Assessment Data Table

Student's First Benchmark CCSS: K.SL.5: CCSS: K.SL.6: Speak

Name SC.K.1.1Use the Add drawings or audibly and express
senses to make other visual thoughts, feelings, and
observations displays to ideas clearly.
descriptions as
desired to provide
additional detail.

1. Juniper
2. Emilee
3. Halia
4. Makana
5. Maika
6. Wyatt
7. Keano
8. Ahonui
9. Matson
10. Kanaloa
11. Kahe
12. Bennett
13. Ashey
14. Ryder
15. Royale
16. Trinity
17. Sharkey
18. Xaiah

Brief description of 2 lessons that would go along with this lesson to develop a short unit/learning
A lesson that could come before this lesson is a science experiment using skittles and warm water. The
students pour warm water over skittles and observe what happens to the skittles after a minute or so. The
students discuss with their group members and then draw their observations of what they see are
happening. This connects to the standard I chose because the students will be using their sight sense to
make observations.

A lesson that could come after this lesson could be to use our five senses to find patterns in nature.
Students could observe patterns in nature using their sight, and touch senses and record their
observations. The students could then integrate art to recreate these patterns using watercolors.

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