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Economic impact

Although the elimination of sleep would provide more opportunity to make money, it would
also offer more opportunities to spend money. For instance, people would need to heat their
homes 24 hours a day and eat more meals, Coveney said. "A world without sleep would
need more resources to keep it running," she said.

There's also a question of what would happen to the sleep industry Americans spend $5
billion a year on sleeping aids, Moloney said.

"We have all these ways in which we basically have formed a private economy around sleep
that would disappear," Moloney said.

Health implications

Forgoing sleep might also have health implications. Sleep problems have been linked with a
number of health conditions, including obesity and heart disease. Even if there were a drug
that allowed people to function without sleep, that would not necessarily take away the risk
of these other health conditions linked with a lack of sleep, Moloney said.

In addition, there would be more opportunities to eat, which could lead to increases in
obesity, Moloney said. While there would theoretically also be more time to get to the gym,
humans tend to gravitate toward things that bring pleasure, she said.

"Even when people really do have the time to make healthy choices, a lot of times, most of
us don't," Moloney said.

Sleep is also important for memory consolidation, said Dr. Abid Malik, medical director of
the South Seminole Hospital Sleep Disorders Center at Orlando Health in Florida. So even if
people don't feel tired, a lack of sleep can affect their brains, Malik said. It's unclear what
the long-term consequences of taking drugs to stay awake might be, he added.

Watch the following video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqONk48l5vY) and see what

the consequences of no sleeping could be.

Text taken from the following link:


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Nouns (imenice): Verbs (glagoli):

shuteye san pull and all-nighter biti budan cele noi
cure lek lament jadati, oplakivati
nasal spray sprej za nos reverse promeniti
deprivation gubitak impair umanjiti, pogorati
downtime zastoj pass the time ubiti vreme
pastime provod, razonoda take a/its/their toll imati lo uticaj na
busyness zauzetost nekoga/neto
implication upletenost, implikacija, uticaj put a pause zaustaviti
forgoing uzdravanje spiral preneseno znaenje uskoiti, uploviti
consolidation uvrivanje gravitate naginjati, teiti
lose out opasti (brojano)
Adjectives and adverbs Prepositions and conjunctions
(pridevi i prilozi): (predlozi i veznici):
tempting zanosan, primamljiv Although mada, premda, iako
seductive zavodljiv In addition osim toga
seemingly toboe, kako se ini Even if makar da, iako
mindless nepromiljen
compulsive obavezan, opsesivan
eventually najzad, konano
around the clock beskonaan, non-stop
justified opravdan
healthwise zdravstveni
long-term dugoroan

Tabela 36.1.


Nouns (imenice): Verbs (glagoli):

shuteye dreeam, doze pull and all-nighter stay awake
cure medicine, drug lament cry, regret
deprivation loss, hardship reverse change, alter
downtime break, free time, spare time impair harm, hinder, damage, diminish
pastime leisure activity, fun, amusement pass the time kill time, amuse oneself
busyness effort take a/its/their toll - to have a bad effect on
implication association, suggestion someone or something
forgoing doing without put a pause stop
consolidation combination, strengthening gravitate be drawn toward, tend
lose out decline, drop, fall
Adjectives and adverbs Prepositions and conjunctions
(pridevi i prilozi): (predlozi i veznici):
tempting alluring, inviting Although even though
seductive attractive, captivating In addition also
seemingly apparently, obviously Even if although, despite, despite the fact,
mindless oblivious, stupid in spite of
compulsive passionate, obsessive
eventually finally, someday
around the clock nonstop, endless, never-
long-term lasting, continuing, eternal

Tabela 36.2.

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In this text, we have seen how different and hard our lives would be if we didnt
sleep enough. Work schedules would be completely different as well as the economy
and our health. All in all, the world would never be the same. We have learnt many
new words and revised the second conditional.

Napomena za testove napredovanja

Kako biste to bolje usvojili gradivo, uz ovu lekciju dostupni su testovi za vebu, koji se
odnose na razumevanje teksta i vokabulara iz ove nastavne jedinice.

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