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EC6501-DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Year/Sem: III/V Date: 13/09/2017

INTERNAL ASSESSMENT II Time: 2.30 to 4pm Max Mark: 50

Year/Sem: III/V Date: 13/09/2017 Part-A (5x2=10 Marks)
Time: 2.30 to 4pm Max Mark: 50 1.List the properties of Syndrome.\
Part-A (5x2=10 Marks) 2..Sate Channel coding theorem.
1. List the properties of Syndrome.\ 3. What is ISI? What are the causes of ISI?
2. Sate Channel coding theorem. 4.What is the drawback of eyepattern?
3 What is ISI? What are the causes of ISI? 5. What are line codes , name somepopular line codes?
4 What is the drawback of eyepattern?
5 What are line codes , name somepopular line codes? PART B ( 40 Marks)
6 a) Describe how eye pattern illustrate the performance of a
PART B ( 40 Marks) data transmission system with respect to ISI with neat
6 a) Describe how eye pattern illustrate the performance of a sketch. (16)
data transmission system with respect to ISI with neat (OR)
sketch. (16) b) Derive the power spectral density of unipolar NRZ data
(OR) formed and List its properties. (16)
b) Derive the power spectral density of unipolar NRZ data
formed and List its properties. (16) 7 a) A convolution code is described by g1=[1 0 0]; g2=[1 0 1]
g3=[1 1 1]
7 a) A convolution code is described by g1=[1 0 0]; g2=[1 0 1] i) Draw the encoder corresponding to this code.
g3=[1 1 1] ii) Draw the state transition diagram for this code.
i) Draw the encoder corresponding to this code. iii)Draw the Trellis diagram
ii) Draw the state transition diagram for this code. iv)Find the transfer function. (16)
iii)Draw the Trellis diagram (OR)
iv)Find the transfer function. (16)
(OR) b)For systematic linear block code, the three parity check
digits P1, P2, P3 are given by Pk,n-k =
b)For systematic linear block code, the three parity check
digits P1, P2, P3 are given by Pk,n-k =

111 111
110 110
011 011

i)Construct Generated matrix i)Construct Generated matrix

ii) Construct code generated by the matrix ii) Construct code generated by the matrix
iii)Determine error correcting Capacity iii)Determine error correcting Capacity
iv)Decode the received words with an example. (16) iv)Decode the received words with an example. (16)

8. a) Compare the various line coding techniques and list the 8. a) Compare the various line coding techniques and list the
merits and demerits. ( 8) merits and demerits. ( 8)
(OR) (OR)
b) Explain the adaptive equalization with block diagram.(8) b) Explain the adaptive equalization with block diagram. (8)


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