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Journal of Operations Management 32 (2014) 446461

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Developing supplier integration capabilities for sustainable

competitive advantage: A dynamic capabilities approach
Evelyne Vanpoucke a, , Ann Vereecke b , Martin Wetzels a
Marketing and Supply Chain Management Department, School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht,
The Netherlands
Operations and Technology Management Center, Vlerick Business School and Ghent University, Reep 1, 9000 Gent, Belgium

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Previous research describes supplier integration as a competitive resource that manufacturers use to
Available online 16 September 2014 create economic rents. Considering the mixed results obtained from linking supplier integration with
performance outcomes, a dynamic component or the ability to recongure the supply chain to adapt
Keywords: to changing environments appears critical to creating a sustainable competitive advantage. This study
Dynamic capability identies integration sensing, seizing and transforming as sub-capabilities that together form a dynamic
Buyersupplier integration
capability, referred to herein as supplier integrative capability (SIC). That is, SIC enables buyers to sense
Operational performance
changes in the supply environment by sharing information with suppliers, seize opportunities presented
Supply base complexity
by establishing procedures to analyse this information and make long-term changes to existing processes.
A global sample from the industrial sector reveals that the three capabilities exhibit complementarity and
must exist simultaneously for the capability to be effective, which then enhances both process exibility
and cost efciency and helps rms avoid the traditional trade-off of cost and exibility. In addition,
market and technological dynamics strengthen the effect of SIC on operational performance; supply base
complexity attenuates this link.
2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the supply chain (Underwood and Agg, 2012). For example, the
head of value chain management at Novartis explains that to stay
As supply chain managers scrape their cost barrels, looking for ahead of competition, the vaccine rm must share information
costs to eliminate, companies seek more innovative models that with suppliers; set up systems and procedures to create smooth
can not only reduce costs but also improve services. Such innova- supply ows, which in turn help resolve every day supply prob-
tive models often are inspired by changes, customer requests and lems; and ensure that buyers and suppliers both develop innovative
opportunities in the market that require rms to renew themselves supply chain projects to support long-term, cooperative objectives
by altering their resources and competences over time. Accord- (Deshais, 2012). Moreover, as stated by the Director of Integrated
ingly, supply chain managers must adapt their integration practices Logistics at Kuehne and Nagel: Businesses cannot simply sit back
to changes in the market by exploiting their dynamic capabilities on their laurels and organizations will need to constantly evalu-
(Teece, 2007; Teece et al., 1997) to renew their supplier integra- ate and adjust their supply chain operations. The challenge is that
tion practices and change their resources (processes or products) it can become a rather perpetual and cyclical process that seems
(Danneels, 2011). As indicated by Jarrat (2004), all well-designed to require constant re-evaluation and change as the ground moves
relationship practices require continuous adaptations. beneath it (Underwood and Agg, 2012).
In practice, 61% of manufacturing companies worldwide But not all rms are equally successful in setting up such capa-
acknowledge that supply chain integration can contribute to their bilities. Whereas Frohlich and Westbrook (2001) argue that higher
prots by facilitating new waves of transformational processes in levels of inter-organizational integration practices lead to better
operational and rm performance, other studies suggest negative
effects of supplier integration (Anderson and Jap, 2005; Villena
et al., 2011). Because some rms fail to benet from integration
Corresponding author. Tel.: +0032 485 063 663.
practices, while others successfully manage supplier integration to
E-mail addresses: e.vanpoucke@maastrichtuniversity.nl (E. Vanpoucke),
Ann.vereecke@vlerick.com (A. Vereecke), m.wetzels@maastrichtuniversity.nl create value (Kale et al., 2002), we seek to determine which factors
(M. Wetzels). lead to successful supplier integration and posit that differences in

0272-6963/ 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
E. Vanpoucke et al. / Journal of Operations Management 32 (2014) 446461 447

performance improvements might depend on the extent to which capabilities drive the creation, evolution and recombination of
a buyer can adapt its supply chain to new realities. other resources into new sources of competitive advantage. In
In particular, research has shown that using suppliers exper- contrast to operational capabilities, which enable a rm to earn
tise and knowledge affects a buyers ability to learn, adapt and a living in the short term and maintain the status quo (Helfat
create change (e.g., Clark and Fujimoto, 1991; Jarrat, 2004; Kim et al., 2007), dynamic capabilities help it constantly renew oper-
et al., 2011; Ragatz et al., 2002). This learning process can be stim- ational capabilities (Winter, 2003) and address long-term changes
ulated by creating integrative capabilities, such as processes to (1) in its environment. Helfat and Winter (2011) also caution that the
exchange information, (2) analyse the information and (3) adapt line between operational and dynamic capabilities is unavoidably
the supply chain to cope with the new realities. Accordingly, we blurry, because change is always occurring to some extent. Dis-
propose that companies can set up successful supplier integra- tinctions such as new versus existing business cannot differentiate
tive capabilities (SIC) that enable them to improve operational and, between operational and dynamic capabilities, and some capabili-
ultimately, nancial performance. Moreover, three reasons might ties even serve dual purposes (Helfat and Winter, 2011). Even with
explain why companies fail to develop SIC: (1) buyers and sup- these overlaps though, operational and dynamic capabilities sup-
pliers fail to exchange the necessary information; (2) even if they port distinct purposes, i.e., short-term and long-term performance
share this information, they may have difculties systematically improvements (Helfat et al., 2007; Winter, 2003).
analysing it to understand what is happening in the supply chain
and (3) even if they share and analyse the information, they may not 2.2. Dening SIC as a dynamic capability
possess the capability to exploit the information and recongure
their supply chain to respond to environmental challenges. Some dynamic capabilities enable rms to enter new business or
Our research thus contributes to supplier integration literature create new products or processes (Helfat et al., 2007). Across these
in four ways. First, we conceptualize and test the notion that sup- types of dynamic capabilities, information processing capabilities
plier integration constitutes a dynamic capability, related to success consistently serve to help the rm identify the nature of the chang-
in buyersupplier relationships. Second, using survey data from a ing environment and thus sense opportunities (Helfat et al., 2007;
global sample in the industrial sector, we show that rms with Pierce et al., 2002). We focus on supplier integrative capabilities
SIC, including all three sub-capabilities of integration sensing, seiz- (Helfat et al., 2007) as essential routes to learning from suppliers
ing and transforming, can increase their operational and nancial and adapting the supply chain to changes in supply.
performance. Third, we describe how market and technological Integration refers to the unied control of a number of suc-
dynamics, as well as supply chain complexity, moderate the rela- cessive or similar economic or especially industrial processes
tionship between SIC and performance. Fourth, we apply dynamic formerly carried out independently (Webster, 1966, p. 1175). In
capabilities to understand why some rms enjoy greater benets a buyersupplier context, supplier integration is the degree to
from supply chain integration and thus build a foundation for inter- which a manufacturer partners with its suppliers to structure
disciplinary research. inter-organizational strategies, practices and processes into collab-
Starting from the resource-based view, we introduce the idea orative, synchronized processes (Droge et al., 2012; Flynn et al.,
of a dynamic capability and apply it to the notion of supplier inte- 2010; Katunzi, 2011). Swink et al. (2007) denes operational inte-
grative capability. Next we formulate our hypotheses and discuss gration as the coordination of daily ows, such as transactions,
our research model in Section 3, then present the results of the material movements and ordering processes, to achieve effective
empirical hypotheses tests in Section 4. Finally, we offer discuss- movements of products, services, information, money and deci-
ions of the implications of the results for OM researchers (Section sions, which in turn provides maximum value to the customer at
5) and practitioners (Section 6), as well as some limitations and low cost and high speed (Flynn et al., 2010; Frohlich and Westbrook,
recommendations for further research (Section 7). 2001).
Starting from these denitions, we dene supplier integra-
tive capability as a dynamic capability that contains processes
2. Theoretical framework and hypotheses development to achieve effective and efcient product and information ows
between buyers and suppliers (Carr and Pearson, 1999; Swink et al.,
2.1. From the RBV to dynamic capabilities 2007), as well as the ability to adapt these processes to environmen-
tal change. Then, in line with previous research, we argue that SIC
The resource-based view of the rm (RBV) is a theoreti- serves dual purposes: It enables communication and coordination
cal framework that seeks to explicate how rms, as bundles across organizational units and rms (Fortune and Mitchell, 2012),
of heterogeneous resources that are valuable, rare, inimitable such that it can facilitate smooth operations and delivery processes,
and non-substitutable, achieve sustainable competitive advantages and it supports dynamic purposes, such as introducing a new dis-
(Barney, 1991; Penrose, 1959; Peteraf, 1993). The value of the tribution channel or sourcing from different regions to mitigate
RBV lies in its ability to identify which resources dene a rms supply risks. Thus SIC might be dynamic and operational, depend-
success. A capability view complements the RBV by identifying ing on its nature and intended use (Helfat and Winter, 2011). Most
which capabilities help rms apply their resources across mul- extant literature addresses operational goals (e.g., Frohlich and
tiple environments or situations. According to a Schumpeterian Westbrook, 2001; Vereecke and Muylle, 2006); we seek to add a
(1950) perspective, it is difcult to maintain sustainable compet- dynamic view.
itive advantages in dynamic environments, so rms constantly
must recongure their resources to t changing situations. In turn 2.3. Processes underlying SIC
rms need dynamic capabilities that enable them to create, extend
and modify the ways they earn their living (Helfat et al., 2007). Teece (2007) identies three core processes of a dynamic
Similar to Teece et al. (1997) and Eisenhardt and Martin (2000, capability: (1) sensing, (2) seizing and (3) transforming. These
p. 1107), we dene dynamic capabilities as the rms process sub-capabilities are complementary, such that only when they
to use resources specically, to integrate, recongure, gain and are combined and aligned can they produce a dynamic capabil-
release resources to match and even induce market change. With ity. Transforming, which is responsible for modifying integrative
these organizational and strategic practices, rms achieve new processes, particularly ensures the dynamic nature of the capa-
resource congurations as their markets evolve. In turn, dynamic bility, in that it is the ability to adapt processes to changing
448 E. Vanpoucke et al. / Journal of Operations Management 32 (2014) 446461

environments. Using this framework, we assert that SIC combines environment. In buyersupplier relationships, transformation
the three distinct sub-capabilities of integration sensing, seizing capabilities might be embedded in supplier development projects
and transforming. (Krause et al., 2007; Wagner and Krause, 2009) or additional invest-
The sensing capability entails processes for gathering and inter- ments in coordination systems, which enable rms to learn from
preting data, allocating resources and tasks and communicating one another, co-specialize, make changes to their own internal
decisions and information (Sanchez and Heene, 1996). It is acti- processes when needed and continuously improve supply chain
vated by the presence of systems to scan, learn, lter, interpret processes. Such transformation processes are in line with Swink
and calibrate data and information for identifying opportunities et al.s (2007) concept of strategic integration, entailing activi-
and threats. These searches occur at the core and the periphery ties that acquire, share and consolidate strategic knowledge with
of the companys business system and should embrace exist- partners outside the organization to align and t with business
ing and potential collaborators, such as suppliers (Teece, 2007). processes. These activities are especially important in moderately
In buyersupplier relationships, an integration sensing capability (Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000) and highly (Amit and Schoemaker,
results from information sharing practices that inform partners 1993) dynamic environments. The combination of integration
about current and future physical ows (Barratt and Oke, 2007; sensing and seizing capabilities allows rms to determine when
Kulp et al., 2004; Mller and Gaudig, 2011). Zhou and Benton opportunities arise and exploit them in the short and medium
(2007) show that such integration sensing signicantly enhances term. Transformation is needed to cope with long-term changes
supply chain practices (i.e., seizing). The information exchanged that require strategic action. That is, it is the addition of the trans-
might include inventory, replenishment, planning, forecasting and formation capability that makes an integrative capability dynamic.
tracking data (Kulp et al., 2004; Monczka et al., 1998). Such crit- Research has considered how individual sub-capabilities or
ical, often proprietary, information might get exchanged through some pairing relates to performance (e.g., Vereecke and Muylle,
face-to-face meetings, telephone, fax, mail and the Internet (Mohr 2006; Zhou and Benton, 2007), but as we argue, the complemen-
and Spekman, 1994). A successful information exchange should tarities among all three sub-capabilities cause them to form the
be frequent, bidirectional, informal and noncoercive (Mohr and dynamic capability of SIC. With SIC, companies can create a sus-
Spekman, 1994; Mller and Gaudig, 2011; Vanpoucke et al., 2009), tainable competitive advantage by seeing what is happening in the
so that it reduces bullwhip effects (e.g., Cachon and Fisher, 2000; supply chain, understanding the causes and the circumstances of
Lee et al., 2000) and supply chain costs (e.g., Droge et al., 2012; Flynn the current situation and then transforming their supply chains by
et al., 2010). Then, by using the shared information, each partner combining current resources and knowledge to cope with the cur-
can make better decisions about ordering, capacity allocation and rent sensed and seized challenges. This article offers an empirical
production/material planning to optimize supply chain dynamics. test of this theory of complementarity in a supply chain context, as
Access to this information enables the buyer to sense what is hap- described in Fig. 1.
pening in the supply chain and determine when and how to react by Teeces (2007) argument for the simultaneous presence of the
making changes to the supply chain (Gunasekaran and Ngai, 2004; three capabilities also is consistent with Venkatramans (1989)
Harland et al., 2007). notion of t as co-alignment and Edwardss (2001) integrative ana-
Seizing includes enterprise structures and procedures for identi- lytical framework for multidimensional constructs, in which an
fying threats and opportunities (Teece, 2007). Specically, it helps integrative capability is a higher-level construct (Edwards, 2001).
rms construct decision-making protocols, build loyalty and com- Therefore, we test whether SIC is a dynamic capability by modelling
mitment and control the environment. In a buyersupplier context, it as a co-alignment construct that consists of integration sensing,
collaborative planning helps buyers seize the supply chain through seizing and transforming sub-capabilities (Fig. 1).
collaborations among partners to develop and execute inven-
tory and replenishment plans, as exemplied by vendor-managed 2.4. Impact of SIC on rm performance
inventory (VMI) (Govindan, 2013) and just-in-time replenishment
systems (Lage and Filho, 2010). These systems reveal future contin- The impact of dynamic capabilities on rm performance is a
gencies and the resulting relationship duties and responsibilities central but as yet unresolved issue among strategic scholars. To
(Claro et al., 2003). Such collaborative planning can complement explore the link between SIC and performance, we turn to opera-
integration sensing activities (Foerstl et al., 2013); it also offers a tions management literature (Rosenzweig et al., 2003) and propose
more comprehensive picture for managing the supply chain. Inte- that competitive advantages do not stem directly from SIC but
gration seizing practices also might attempt to streamline supply rather move through its impact on operational performance. As
chain activities, such as when a supplier customizes its produc- in Fig. 1, we assume an indirect impact of SIC, through operational
tion and transportation systems by synchronising these processes performance, on rm performance.
with those of its buyer. Such collaborative procedures and actions Operational performance refers to a manufacturers actual or
relate positively to supply outcomes (e.g., Flynn et al., 2010; Kulp realized competitive strength (Rosenzweig et al., 2003). Some
et al., 2004; Monczka et al., 1998). As Cai et al. (2010), Devaraj et al. research indicates positive effects of integration on operational
(2007) and Kulp et al. (2004) note, information sharing is neces- performance (e.g., Droge et al., 2012; Frohlich and Westbrook,
sary to understand the supply chain, though it cannot enhance 2001; Jacobs et al., 2007; Kulp et al., 2004), though other studies
the competitiveness of the supply chain if the members lack the either nd no signicant link or indicate negative inuences (e.g.,
means to coordinate their planning. Instead, rms need to apply Rodrigues et al., 2004; Swink et al., 2007; Vereecke and Muylle,
external knowledge to their planning decisions, anticipate deliv- 2006). These inconsistencies might reect different supplier inte-
ery problems and proactively manage opportunities and threats to gration practices or operational performance measures, as well as
their physical ows. Integration seizing is a necessary element of complementarities across supplier integration practices (Alfalla-
integrative capabilities, because rms need structured processes Luque et al., 2013).
in place to process data to be able to understand it and then share We argue that cost and exibility are two opposing dimen-
their interpretations of the data with their partners (e.g., Smaros, sions of operational performance (Boyer and Lewis, 2002; Sazadeh
2007; Zhou and Benton, 2007). et al., 2000), associated with distinct structural and infrastruc-
The third sub-capability, transformation, is the continuous align- tural choices (Kotha and Orne, 1989; Sazadeh et al., 2000;
ment and realignment of operational practices (Teece, 2007). Skinner, 1974) and corresponding to different market strate-
Transforming capabilities change current processes in a dynamic gies (Miller and Roth, 1994). Fisher (1997) thus differentiates
E. Vanpoucke et al. / Journal of Operations Management 32 (2014) 446461 449

Fig. 1. Supplier integrative capability model.

functional or cost-efcient supply chains from innovative or exi- relationship between SIC and operational performance: external
ble ones. Narasimhan et al. (2008) identify two main supply chain dynamics and supply complexity.
management strategies: those focused on variability in the supply
chain and those that address the velocity and speed of informa-
2.5.1. External dynamics
tion and decision making. Supplier integration practices directed
In environments characterized by rapid market and techno-
toward increasing velocity correlate with nancial performance
logical change, rms confront uctuations, unpredictable events
through cost reduction practices, whereas variability and the ability
and discontinuities that may erode their operational performance,
to respond to changing demands enhance process exibility prac-
unless they have the dynamic capability to adapt to changes
tices. We assert that this process exibility enables rms to serve
(Protogerou et al., 2011). Disruptive events, such as the introduc-
customers better, which should lead to higher customer satisfac-
tion of a new technology, new supply channel or drastic market
tion and thereby increase sales and market share (i.e., the rms
change, require dynamic capabilities to recongure operational
market performance). Kotha and Orne (1989) and Braunscheidel
processes and support the continuous development of new supply
and Suresh (2009) nd that integration can help develop exi-
chain solutions. Dynamic capabilities vary with market and techno-
ble operations; Rosenzweig et al. (2003) similarly contend that
logical dynamics (Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000; Peteraf et al., 2013).
tight integration across supply chain entities is a requirement for
When markets are moderately dynamic, dynamic capabilities are
developing process exibility and can lead to improved market
embedded in complicated, detailed practices, whereas in highly
performance. We predict:
dynamic environments, they are embedded in simple, experien-
H1a. Supplier integrative capability positively affects process tial, unstable processes. Eisenhardt and Martin (2000) and Helfat
exibility. and Winter (2011) also note that even capabilities that support
existing businesses or seemingly non-radical change may have
H1b. Supplier integrative capability positively affects cost ef- important dynamic attributes, because most change occurs in grad-
ciency. ual fashion. Even if the extent of change is limited, there is a
H2. Operational performance (process exibility and cost ef- need to adapt or continuously improve existing operational capa-
ciency) mediates the relationship between supplier integrative bilities to ensure they maintain their value. Therefore, dynamic
capability and rm (market and nancial) performance capabilities are not limited to dynamic environments; they can
offer value in less dynamic market and technology contexts, where
they constitute detailed, analytical processes for effecting incre-
2.5. Impacts of environmental dynamics and supply complexity
mental change. Yet the impact of dynamic capabilities, including
SIC, should be stronger in more dynamic environments. Thus, we
Teece (2007) argues that the possession of dynamic capabilities
is especially relevant to rms in business environments marked by
dynamism and complexity. In such settings, success depends not H3a. The impact of supplier integration capability on operational
on the rms ability to engage in optimization or capture existing performance (process exibility and cost efciency) grows stronger
economies of scale but rather its capacity to transfer know-how as markets become more dynamic.
efciently and effectively, upgrade its best practice business pro-
cesses and invent new business strategies. Firm success depends H3b. The impact of supplier integration capability on operational
on the ability to cope with change in complex business environ- performance (process exibility and cost efciency) grows stronger
ments. Accordingly, we suggest two categories of moderators in the as technologies become more dynamic.
450 E. Vanpoucke et al. / Journal of Operations Management 32 (2014) 446461

2.5.2. Supply base complexity Protogerou et al., 2011). Similar to Drnevich and Kriauciunas
Choi et al. (2001) argue that complexity naturally stems from the (2011), we also included data about the current processes and
extensive interconnectedness of supply networks, in which sup- status of the rm, the rms transformation processes and its oper-
pliers connect to various supply chains that ultimately generate ational and performance improvements. Thus, we could capture
diverse products and unanticipated customers. The complexity of the dynamic nature of supplier integration and its impact on per-
the supply base thus is driven by both the number of supplier rela- formance.
tionships and the geographical area in which they locate; it also Through membership on the design team of the International
tends to be associated with high product variety, small batches, Manufacturing Strategy Survey (IMSS), we accessed data collected
high expectations of operational performance, high risks and exten- in the fth edition of the International Manufacturing Strategy Sur-
sive innovation of products and processes (Gimenez et al., 2012). vey (IMSS-V; see www.manufacturingstrategy.net). This project,
Adding suppliers increases complexity by expanding the num- originally launched in 1992 by the London Business School and
ber of information ows, physical ows and relationships to Chalmers University of Technology, studies the manufacturing and
manage (Bozarth et al., 2009). Many rms seek to manage their sup- supply chain strategies of manufacturers in the machinery and elec-
ply base actively through optimization or rationalization projects tronics industrial sectors (i.e., ISIC 2835 classications). A global
(Choi and Krause, 2006), which attempt to reduce transaction costs network of researchers uses a common questionnaire adminis-
by concentrating purchase volumes with fewer suppliers. This step tered simultaneously in many countries by local research groups
often leads to immediate cost reductions, then enables rms to (Lindberg et al., 1998). The questionnaires were sent by ordinary
focus on longer-term strategic issues, such as supplier development mail, fax or e-mail. To ensure reliable data gathering, the electronic
or closer synchronization. That is, a smaller supply base makes sup- version of the questionnaire was preferred since the summary
plier integration easier and increases the value of SIC for operational Excel le automatically extracted data from each local, automated
performance. questionnaire (Word document). In addition, all researchers were
Supply base complexity also might increase as the supply base requested to use fault-proof methods (e.g., double input) and the
expands globally. Global linkages expose rms to a wider range Excel le contained controls for data consistency.
of complications, including import laws, uctuations in currency The data collection for IMSS-V started in January 2009 and ended
valuations, cultural differences and longer and more uncertain sup- mid-2010. Considering our goals to obtain a large sample, analyse
ply lead times (Cho and Kang, 2001). Long or unreliable supply moderately dynamic industries and keep manufacturing practices
lead times can force rms to adopt planning and material manage- relatively homogenous (i.e., the industrial sector, which is very dif-
ment processes with longer planning horizons and greater detail ferent from other sectors like the process and the construction
(Vollmann et al., 2005). Chen et al. (2000) show that the magnitude sector), IMSS offers an appropriate data set.
of the bullwhip effect is driven by replenishment lead times and The rst section of the questionnaire pertains to the business
even can be expressed as a function of lead time. That is, the longer unit (general information, such as company size, industry, pro-
the lead time, the more difcult it is to manage demand uctuations duction network conguration, competitive strategy and business
in the supply chain. A global supply base also may imply cultural dif- performance); the other sections refer to the plant (manufacturing
ferences that hinder knowledge exchanges. Extant research notes strategies, practices and performance). Although the questionnaire
the need for mutual understanding at the lower rm echelons, structure has remained the same for every edition, some ques-
where planners and purchasing assistants interact daily (Bierly and tions have been updated or removed, and new questions have
Coombs, 2004), but cultural differences among these colleagues can been added by the international design team (Van de Vijver and
create misunderstanding (Simonin, 1999). Cultural disparities also Leung, 1997). The original questionnaire is in English but also
produce diverse expectations that might be detrimental to per- has been translated by national researchers (e.g., for French- and
formance outcomes (Cheung et al., 2011). In increasingly global Spanish-speaking countries) using double- and reverse-translation
environments, more parties also are involved, with less informa- procedures, in a coordinated manner for countries with similar
tion available at any point in the production process, which makes languages.
it much harder to identify, quantify, prioritize and mitigate risk. The sample companies usually are selected from public or pri-
Recent disasters in, for example, Japan and Thailand highlight the vate local databases based on ISIC code, and the point of contact is
need for effective risk management throughout the supply chain, to the operations, production, supply chain or plant manager/director.
help minimize disruptions and resume normal business conditions The selection process determines the knowledge and awareness
quickly. Finally, global growth has increased the volume of regula- this manager exhibits toward both operational and strategic deci-
tions that demand compliance (Savitz, 2012). Thus, we expect an sions. If a respondent agreed to participate, the local researchers
attenuated impact of supplier integration on performance for more sent a questionnaire; if necessary, they also provided reminders
international supply bases and hypothesize: after several weeks. This technique has been applied successfully
in previous research and helps increase response rates (Zhao et al.,
H4a. The impact of supplier integrative capability on operational
2008). The returned questionnaires were subjected to missing data
performance (process exibility and cost efciency) is attenuated
controls, handled on a case-by-case basis but usually by contacting
as the number of key suppliers increases.
the company again. Every local research group also controlled the
H4b. The impact of supplier integrative capability on operational gathered data for late respondent bias, company size and industry.
performance (process exibility and cost efciency) is attenuated Finally, quality checks (e.g., checking for errors, missing data, out-
as the internationalization of the supply base increases. liers) were conducted, and all the data were grouped into a unique
database through central coordination by the Politecnico Di Milano
3. Method (Italy).
In total, 4272 questionnaires were distributed across the differ-
3.1. Sample ent countries. After excluding cases with too much missing data or
many errors, the sample consisted of 719 rms from 20 countries
To test whether SIC improves performance, we deemed in America, Europe and Asia (see Table 1). The overall response rate
a cross-sectional sample appropriate, as used previously in was 16.8%. Response rates for each individual country were above
strategic management literature to study dynamic capabilities 10%, with the exceptions of the United Kingdom (5%), Korea (7%)
(e.g., Drnevich and Kriauciunas, 2011; Menguc and Auh, 2006; and Japan (9.3%).
E. Vanpoucke et al. / Journal of Operations Management 32 (2014) 446461 451

Table 1
IMSS-V sample prole.

Demographic dimension N Percentage (%)

Personnel employed
Small companies (<250 employees) 341 47.4
Medium companies (between 250 and 500 employees) 147 20.5
Large companies (>501 employees) 218 30.3
Missing 13 1.8
Total 719 100.0
Industrial sector
28 Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 214 29.8
29 Machinery and equipment not elsewhere classied 206 28.7
30 Ofce, accounting and computing machinery 16 2.2
31 Electrical machinery and apparatus not elsewhere classied 83 11.6
32 Radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus 43 6
33 Medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks 47 6.5
34 Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 52 7.2
35 Other transport equipment 37 5.1
Missing (but members of the ISIC 28-35 code) 21 2.9
Total 719 100.0
Geographical areas
Europe 414 57.6
Belgium 36
Denmark 18
Estonia 27
Germany 38
Hungary 71
Ireland 6
Italy 56
the Netherlands 51
Portugal 10
Spain 40
Switzerland 31
UK 30
North America 92 12.8
Canada 19
USA 73
South America 54 7.5
Brazil 37
Mexico 17
Asian countries 159 22.1
China 59
Japan 28
Korea 41
Taiwan 31
Total 719 100.0

To test for differences between respondents and non- For integration sensing, we consider practices for learning and
respondents, we considered demographic variables. Most local sensing what is happening in the supply chain. Such learning
researchers started from an existing database, with information and sensing take place by sharing of different types of data and
about all public rms in their country, so these readily accessible knowledge with the supplier, including inventory levels, produc-
secondary data could reveal any signicant differences between tion planning, demand forecasts and order tracking or tracing.
respondents and non-respondents in their size, industry, sales or Similar scales are used as Wiengarten et al. (2014) and Vereecke
proprietary structure. If such databases were not available, we and Muylle (2006). Integration seizing practices instead refer to the
checked for non-response bias by using questionnaire items, such structures and procedures that help rms understand future prob-
as size, industry and manufacturing performance. In no cases did lems, apply external knowledge to current planning decisions and
we nd evidence of non-response bias. proactively manage opportunities and threats to physical ows.
Standardized supply chain procedures can support the manage-
3.2. Measures ment of inventories at the buyers site (e.g., VMI, consignment
stock), the use of advanced replenishment methods and greater
In keeping with existing denitions of operational and dynamic physical integration by the supplier into the plant. Such practices
capabilities (Peng et al., 2008; Teece et al., 1997), we measure inte- help the buyer coordinate and structure its relationship with sup-
gration sensing, seizing and transforming capabilities as a bundle pliers. We used similar scales as Wiengarten et al. (2014), Vereecke
of integration practices. This approach also is consistent with man- and Muylle (2006) and Frohlich and Westbrook (2001). Finally,
agement theory, which suggests that practices and routines can be integration transformation involves the continuous alignment and
integrated to reinforce one another (Milgrom and Roberts, 1995; realignment of specic assets to recongure supply chain assets
Peng et al., 2008). Practices embedded in systems offer more poten- and facilitate long-term strategic changes. Many projects might t
tial value than those being used alone (Peteraf, 1993). To leverage this description, but supplier development and additional invest-
the complementarities among practices and create specic capa- ments in coordination systems likely stimulate and continuously
bilities, strong performers often implement manufacturing and improve integration in the supply chain. Therefore, we consider
administrative practices in bundles (Cua et al., 2001). Accordingly, the extent to which action programs in the past three years involve
we measure capabilities as bundles of practices. supplier integration, such as rethinking and restructuring the
452 E. Vanpoucke et al. / Journal of Operations Management 32 (2014) 446461

Table 2
Descriptive statistics and bivariate correlations.

Variable Mean Std. dev. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Integration sensing 1 2.95 1.22 1

Integration seizing 2 2.15 1.10 0.67** 1
Integration transforming 3 2.81 1.07 0.48** 0.54** 1
Process exibility 4 3.01 1.12 0.14** 0.20** 0.30** 1
Cost efciency 5 2.58 1.01 0.13** 0.34** 0.31** 0.60** 1
Market performance 6 2.47 1.18 0.06 0.03 0.16** 0.38** 0.34** 1
Financial performance 7 2.15 1.22 0.02 0.03 0.11* 0.31** 0.31** 0.76** 1
p < 0.05.
p < 0.01.

supply chain, re-organizing the management of the supplier port- Table 3

Overall t indices.
folio, implementing supplier development opportunities or vendor
rating programs and increasing the level of coordination in plan- Fit indices: CFA Co-alignment Direct-effect
ning and ows, including dedicated investments. Each action model model
program enables coordination with suppliers to create longer-term, Chi-square 270.25 391.864 787.438
strategic change. Companies that have introduced change in sup- d.f. 131 143 141
plier base management in the past should possess a capability to RMSEA 0.038 0.045 0.080
CFI 0.972 0.951 0.872
transform the supplier base in the future.
IFI 0.973 0.951 0.873
In summary, we dene SIC as the rms ability to use sup- GFI 0.962 0.947 0.896
plier integration practices to respond to changes in the supply
environment by repurposing its supply chain resources. Com-
plementarities among the three processes of integration sensing, item. The descriptive statistics and bivariate correlations for all
seizing and transforming, as dened by the dynamic capabil- model variables appear in Table 2.
ity view, form the basis for stronger operating performance and
improved rm performance. 4. Results
To operationalize the constructs, we used multi-item, reective
rather than formative indicators (Bollen, 1989). Thus we could iden- With SEM, we can describe the unique inuences of each
tify items from the survey that correlated strongly with the latent integration process, controlling for spurious associations (Bollen,
variables in question, rather than requiring an exhaustive list of all 1989). As noted by Iacobucci et al. (2007), structural equation mod-
practices that might be related to these capabilities. This approach els are superior to regression when testing for mediation.
is important, because IMSS includes a nite number of practices The conrmatory factor analysis (CFA) and path models were
and routines related to integration capabilities. The items for each tested using EQS software version 6.1 (Bentler, 1992), according
construct used ve-point Likert scales. to the two-step approach recommended by Anderson and Gerbing
We also considered operational performance and rm per- (1988). That is, we assessed the rst-order measurement model to
formance as latent, multi-dimensional constructs. We measured investigate the validity of the constructs. As suggested by Fornell
two components of operational performance: improved cost ef- and Larcker (1981), we afrmed the validity and reliability of our
ciency and process exibility. Consistent with prior research measurement model before testing for relationships in the struc-
(e.g., Menor et al., 2007; Rosenzweig et al., 2003; Roth et al., tural model.
1992), we operationalized process exibility to comprise mix
exibility, volume exibility and customization elements. Cost 4.1. Measurement model
efciency included unit manufacturing, procurement and man-
ufacturing overhead costs. For rm performance, we considered The test of the measurement model relied on a CFA of all rst-
both market and nancial performance. Similar to Menor et al. order latent constructs; because we identify several integration
(2007) and Narasimhan and Kim (2002), our market perfor- practices relevant for describing a rms integration capabilities
mance measure relied on market share and sales growth. and used measurement scales from previous studies, CFA is an
Financial performance used return on sales and return on invest- appropriate technique (Shah and Goldstein, 2006). The CFA results
ment. indicated that the data t the measurement model well. We used
We included several control variables. For the size of the rm, incremental, absolute and parsimonious measures, each of which
we measured the log of the total number of employees, which cap- provides a different perspective on the match between the hypoth-
tured any effects of variations in rm size on performance (Im esized relationships, as estimated by the model, and the observed
and Rai, 2008). The log of the number of employees enabled us data (Hu and Bentler, 1995). We summarize the test statistics in
to evaluate the relative magnitude of resources available in the Table 3. The commonly used comparative t index (CFI) equalled
company for conducting integration initiatives. Consistent with 0.972 for our model. The root mean square error of approxima-
previous research, this variable should be useful in our global con- tion (RMSEA), an absolute measure of t, reached 0.038 (90%
text (McKone et al., 1999; Sila, 2007; Sousa and Voss, 2008). In condence interval [0.032, 0.045]). Finally, the parsimonious t
addition, we controlled for regional effects by checking for differ- measures (Normed chi-square) indicated the parsimony of the pro-
ences across continents. posed model, according to the model t relative to the number of
In the next section, we detail the reliability and validity of our estimated coefcients needed to achieve that level of t (Bentler,
measures and test the model using structural equation modelling 1992; Bollen, 1989).
(SEM). However, we rst tested whether the missing observa- Consistent with Anderson and Gerbing (1988), we used the
tions in our data set were random. According to Littles MCAR test CFA results to test for the uni-dimensionality of the latent con-
(2 = 1231.710, df = 1166, p < 0.05), they were. To handle the miss- structs. The path loadings were signicant and greater than 0.60,
ing values, we thus replaced them with the mean value for that with two exceptions (mix exibility = 0.57; order tracking with
E. Vanpoucke et al. / Journal of Operations Management 32 (2014) 446461 453

Table 4
Conrmative factor analysis (n = 631).

Measurement Standardized AVE Construct

item path loadinga reliability

Integration sensing 0.49 0.74

How do you coordinate planning decisions and ow of goods with your
key/strategic suppliers? (Scales 15: Level of Adoption: (1) none, (5) high)
x1 Share inventory level information with 0.79
x2 Share production planning decisions 0.73
and demand forecast knowledge with
x3 Order tracking/tracing with supplier 0.55
Integration seizing 0.45 0.71
How do you coordinate planning decisions and ow of goods with your
key/strategic Suppliers? (Scales 15: Level of Adoption: (1) none, (5) high)
x4 Vendor managed inventory or 0.68
consignment stock
x5 Just-in-time replenishment 0.70
x6 Physical integration of the supplier 0.62
into the plant
Integration transforming 0.53 0.77
Indicate degree of the following action programmes undertaken over the last
three years? (Scales 1-5: (1) none, (5) high)
x9 Rethinking and restructuring supply 0.67
chain strategy and the organization
and management of supplier portfolio
through e.g. tiered networks, bundled
outsourcing sourcing and supply base
x10 Implementing supplier development 0.73
and vendor rating programs
x11 Increasing the level of coordination of 0.77
planning decisions and ow of goods
with suppliers including dedicated
investments (in e.g. extranet/EDI
systems, dedicated
capabity/tools/equipment, dedicated
workforce, etc.)
How has your operational performance changed over the last three years?
(Scales 15: Compared to three years ago, the indicator has: (1) deteriorated
more than 10%, 2) stayed about the same, (3) improved 10 to 30%, (4)
improved 30 to 50%, (5) improved more than 50%)
Flexibility 0.55 0.82
y1 Mix exibility 0.57
y2 Volume exibility 0.78
y3 Product customization ability 0.85
Cost efciency 0.54 0.78
y4 Manufacturing costs 0.77
y5 Procurement costs 0.76
y6 Manufacturing overhead costs 0.66
What is your current business unit performance? (Scales 15: Compared to
three years ago, the indicator has: (1) deteriorated more than 10%, (2) stayed
about the same, (3) improved 10 to 30%, (4) improved 30 to 50%, (5) improved
more than 50%)
Market performance 0.64 0.78
y7 Sales 0.80
y8 Market Share 0.80
Financial performance 0.84 0.91
y9 Return on Sales (ROS) 0.92
y10 Return on Investment (ROI) 0.91

All of the path loadings are signicant at the 0.01 level.

supplier = 0.55; Table 4). We chose to retain these two items, constrained models were all statistically signicant (p < 0.01), so the
because they have appeared in previous research and are important constructs represented distinct scales (OLeary-Kelly and Vokurka,
for our constructs. Furthermore, the measurement model showed 1998). We also determined that the average variance extracted
good overall t, so we can conclude that the constructs exhibited (AVE) of each pair of factors was greater than their squared cor-
uni-dimensionality. In addition, in support of convergent valid- relation.
ity (Anderson and Gerbing, 1988), the manifest variables loaded Finally, in terms of the reliability of the items and constructs
signicantly on their respective latent variables. comprising the measurement model, we found that the com-
We also used the CFA to establish discriminant validity. For all posite reliability and AVE statistics were acceptable (Fornell and
possible pairs of latent constructs, we rst allowed it to correlate Larcker, 1981). The composite reliabilities ranged between 0.71
freely, then constrained the correlation between the two con- and 0.91 (Table 4), well above the 0.60 threshold, so they indicated
structs to 1.00. The 2 differences between the unconstrained and acceptable reliability levels for the constructs (Bollen, 1989; Fornell
454 E. Vanpoucke et al. / Journal of Operations Management 32 (2014) 446461

Fig. 2. Supplier integrative capability structural model.

and Larcker, 1981). The AVE statistics spanned from 0.45 to 0.84 4.3. Direct effect model
(Table 4), and we considered a level of 0.40 acceptable (Hatcher,
2003). In the test of the proposed co-alignment model (Venkatraman,
1989), we compared it against a direct effect model, in which the
4.2. Structural model three rst-order capabilities relate directly to process exibility
and cost efciency. That is, we removed the second-order latent
To test the hypotheses, we rst analysed the t of the sam- construct (i.e., SIC) from Fig. 1, then added paths from each of
ple data to the proposed co-alignment model using SEM. The the rst-order integration types to process exibility and cost ef-
overall t indices indicated that the co-alignment model t the ciency. The remaining paths were similar to those in Fig. 2 (see
data well (2 = 391.86, df = 143, p < 0.01, CFI = 0.951, goodness-of-t Appendix A). As proposed by Bollen (1989), we compared the mod-
index [GFI] = 0.947, RMSEA = 0.045; 90% condence interval [0.039, els according to their overall t statistics, then used component t
0.055]). According to the structural model and standardized path statistics to judge the adequacy of individual aspects. For the nal
coefcients in Fig. 2, SIC related positively to the three rst-order model selection, we followed the parsimony rules put forth by Hull
constructs: sensing ( = 0.35, p < 0.01), seizing ( = 0.46, p < 0.01) et al. (1995). The overall t statistics for the direct effect model were
and transforming ( = 0.49, p < 0.01). Moreover, the prediction that inferior to those of the second-order model (2 = 787.44, df = 141,
the three sub-capabilities are equally important for SIC was not p < 0.01, CFI = 0.872, RMSEA = 0.080, 90% condence interval [0.074,
rejected, in initial support of the presence of SIC. 0.086]) (see Table 3). The chi-square test of the co-alignment model
In support of H1a and H1b, SIC related strongly and directly to showed better t with the data; furthermore, the direct effect
both the process exibility ( = 0.69, p < 0.01) and cost efciency model did not reveal signicant direct effects of integration sensing
( = 0.77, p < 0.01) components of operational performance. Each capability on cost efciency ( = 0.10, n.s.) or of seizing capability
component related signicantly to rm performance outcomes, on process exibility ( = 0.09, n.s.), inconsistent with prior liter-
such that process exibility ( = 0.27, p < 0.01) and cost efciency ature. The second-order model also was more parsimonious than
( = 0.19, p < 0.01) both enhanced market performance. Market per- the rst-order model, in that it demanded the estimation of one
formance also related to nancial performance ( = 0.75, p < 0.01). fewer path (Hull et al., 1995).
Firm size ( = 0.03, n.s.), as a control variable, had no signicant The t statistics and parsimony considerations (Anderson and
effect on performance. Gerbing, 1988; Hull et al., 1995) led us to prefer the second-order
To test for a potential direct relationship between SIC and rm factor model (Fig. 2). In turn, we concluded that complementarities
performance, we considered whether the relationship actually was exist among sensing, seizing and transforming. Furthermore, the
mediated by process exibility or cost efciency. According to results indicated that rms that possess high SIC can improve their
Baron and Kenny (1986) and Iacobucci et al. (2007), a variable operational performance, in terms of both process exibility and
serves as a mediator if it can account for the relation between cost efciency; such benets did not result from the separate sub-
the predictor and the criterion. We decomposed the co-alignment capabilities of integration sensing and seizing. Firms with SIC thus
model into direct effects, indirect effects and total effects, then can avoid the traditional trade-off between cost and exibility.
added two direct paths to the co-alignment model. However, the
direct effects of SIC on market performance ( = 0.15, n.s.) and nan- 4.4. Moderating variables
cial performance ( = 0.05, n.s.) were not signicant. The indirect
paths of SIC on rm performance ranged from 0.045 to 0.051. Fur- We conducted multiple-group analyses to examine whether
thermore, we used a Sobel (1982) test to assess the mediation the effects of SIC on relationship performance were moderated by
effects formally. The two-tailed z-test (market performance z = 4.98 external and internal dynamics. First, we ran multi-group anal-
for process exibility, 4.47 for cost efciency; nancial performance yses for the external (i.e., market and technological) dynamics
z = 4.35 for process exibility, 4.71 for cost efciency) was rejected by dichotomising the data according to the ve-point market
(at p < 0.01), indicating that both process exibility and cost ef- dynamism (MD) variable: low MD (02) and high MD (35). Sim-
ciency served as full mediators of the relationship between SIC and ilarly, we split the data by the level of technological dynamism
rm performance. We thus found support for H2. (TD): low TD (02) and high TD (35). Second, we ran multi-group
E. Vanpoucke et al. / Journal of Operations Management 32 (2014) 446461 455

Table 5
Measurement invariance.

2 value d.f. NNFI CFI IFI RMSEA 2

Two-group model market dynamics

Congural invariance 536.253 281 0.950 0.959 0.959 0.050
Metric invariance 547.220 293 0.952 0.959 0.959 0.049 10.967
Scalar invariance 543.025 288 0.951 0.959 0.959 0.050 6.772
Structural (path) invariance 559.417 302 0.953 0.959 0.959 0.049 23.164
Two-group model technological dynamics
Congural invariance 378.689 263 0.978 0.983 0.983 0.035
Metric invariance 411.312 281 0.977 0.981 0.981 0.036 32.623
Scalar invariance 519.765 302 0.964 0.968 0.968 0.045 141.076
Structural (path) invariance 525.835 303 0.963 0.967 0.967 0.045 147.146
Two-group model international supply
Congural invariance 432.991 262 0.961 0.970 0.970 0.045
Metric invariance 447.775 274 0.962 0.969 0.970 0.044 14.784
Scalar invariance 592.708 302 0.942 0.948 0.949 0.055 159.717
Structural (path) invariance 546.357 304 0.952 0.957 0.958 0.050 113.366
Two-group model supply complexity
Congural invariance 376.849 262 0.966 0.974 0.974 0.040
Metric invariance 386.647 274 0.968 0.974 0.975 0.038 9.798
Scalar invariance 533.543 295 0.937 0.946 0.946 0.054 156.694
Structural (path) invanriance 471.661 302 0.961 0.921 0.962 0.045 94.812

analyses for the internal dynamics of supply internationalization should be negligible (Byrne, 2006; Cheung and Rensvold, 2002).
(IS) and supply complexity (SC). Because supply international- Invariance tests in an EQS program also make the comparative
ization was measured by the percentage of local suppliers (i.e., approach (2 ) unnecessary, because the Lagrange multiplier (LM)
suppliers within the country/total suppliers), we conducted a test provides an immediate identication of non-invariant equality
median split of the data points to determine that rms with low constraints across groups (Byrne, 2006).
internationalization relied on more than 65% local suppliers. The The congural invariance tests for different sample splits began
supply complexity measure reected the number of key suppliers, with a two-group model test of baseline models without any equal-
which we obtained by multiplying the total number of suppliers ity constraints between samples that reveal different dynamics.
by the percentage of key suppliers. Again using a median split, we As Table 5 shows, the four models exhibit congural invariance;
determined that a manufacturer with a supply base of 20 or more the model ts the data well. That is, the model structure is opti-
key suppliers had a highly complex supply base. mally represented by the proposed pattern of paths and factor
In support of the test for external and internal moderators, we loadings. Second, we performed a measurement invariance test
ran individual analyses for each sub-sample to conrm that the to test for metric and scalar. Metric invariance indicates whether
model was valid for each sample. The goodness-of-t and t indices respondents in different groups interpret and respond to measure-
all exceeded the recommended threshold values (Bollen, 1989; ment items equivalently (Steenkamp and Baumgartner, 1998; Yoo,
Byrne, 2006), indicating that the models were acceptable. To test 2002) by constraining all factor loadings to be equal across groups.
the moderators, we investigated if the measurement model was The goodness-of-t results in Table 5 show that the model exhibits
invariant across sub-groups, in which case we would need to test good t with the data. Furthermore, the LM test statistics showed
for differences in the path coefcients that indicated the variable that all items were invariant across the different two-group sam-
under analysis was a moderator. ples, so the interpretation of the measurement items was the same
among the different groups. Scalar invariance refers to consistency
4.4.1. Assessing measurement invariance between differences in latent and observed means, which is nec-
The two-group invariance tests featured samples with differ- essary for comparative validity (Meredith, 1993; Steenkamp and
ent dynamics (i.e., MD, TD, IS and SC). Previous studies suggest Baumgartner, 1998; Yoo, 2002). We constrained all invariant factor
that in a multi-group approach, the items and number of under- loadings and observed variable intercepts, regardless of whether
lying constructs should be the same across groups (Baumgartner the factor loading is xed or freely estimated (Byrne, 2006). The
and Steenkamp, 1998; Bollen, 1989); this condition holds in our goodness-of-t results again indicated good t between the model
research. and data, and in the LM test, a limited number of intercepts were
Invariance tests should proceed in three steps to determine non-invariant. Finally, for the structural invariance testing, we con-
congural, measurement and structural invariance (Bollen, 1989; strained the structural paths to be equal across groups and retained
Byrne, 2006; Steenkamp and Baumgartner, 1998; Vandenberg and all equality constraints except those parameters that were non-
Lance, 2000). Congural invariance tests whether the same num- invariant in the metric invariance test. As we show in Table 5, the
ber of factors and factor-loading patterns hold across independent more restricted models t the data well; the LM test results showed
groups; measurement invariance indicates whether the measure- that the structural paths from SIC to process exibility and cost
ment model is equal across independent groups; and structural reduction were non-invariant across some groups.
invariance reveals the similarity of the measurement and structural In Tables 6 and 7, which report the unstandardized path
models across independent groups (Byrne, 2006). coefcients, the non-invariant paths are in bold. Thus, in envi-
Invariance might be demonstrated by the difference in 2 values ronments with high market dynamics, the link between SIC and
between a restricted model and a baseline congural model. How- operational performance is stronger than in environments with
ever, the 2 value is sensitive to sample size and non-normality low market dynamics, in support of H3a. In partial support of H3b,
(similar to 2 ), so it may not be a practical measure (Byrne, 2006; in dynamic markets, the link of SIC with operational performance
Cheung and Rensvold, 2002). Instead, we used two alternative crite- grew stronger through cost efciency, but this result did not hold
ria: The multi-group model should demonstrate an adequate t for process exibility. The test of the moderating effect of supply
to the data, and the change in CFI (CFI) values between models base complexity on operational performance revealed that more
456 E. Vanpoucke et al. / Journal of Operations Management 32 (2014) 446461

Table 6
Structural path model for internal dynamics (MD and TD).

Path coeff. Path coeff. Signicanceof Path coeff. Path coeff. Signicance of
low MD high MD LM univariate low TD high TD LM univariate
n = 216 m = 503 constraint tests n = 280 m = 439 constraint tests

Integration sensing SIC 0.20** 0.19** 0.90 0.20** 0.20** 0.62

Integration seizing SIC 0.26** 0.26** 0.53 0.25** 0.25** 0.67
Integration transforming SIC 0.23** 0.23** 0.44 0.26** 0.26** 0.06
SIC process exibility 0.45** 0.69** <0.01 0.71** 0.71** 0.13
SIC cost reduction 0.47** 0.86** <0.01 0.63** 0.92** <0.01
cost reduction market performance 0.26** 0.26** 0.42 0.22** 0.22** 0.82
cost reduction nancial performance 0.25** 0.25** 0.12 0.22** 0.22** 0.80
process exibility market performance n.s. n.s. 0.10 n.s. n.s. 0.84
process exibility nancial performance n.s. n.s. 0.39 n.s. n.s. 0.95
market performance nancial performance 0.75** 0.75** 0.74 0.74** 0.74** 0.50

Path coefcients in bold show the non-invariant path coefcients when the constraints are released.
We present the unstandardized path coefcients in other to compare the models among the sub-groups.
Signicant at p < 0.05.
Signicant at p < 0.01.

Table 7
Structural path model for external dynamics (IS and SC).

Path coeff. low Path coeff. high Signicance of Path coeff. low Path coeff. high Signicance of
SC n = 275 SC m = 285 LM univariate IS n = 326 IS m = 326 LM univariate
constraint tests constraint tests

Integration sensing SIC 0.38** 0.38** 0.61 0.20** 0.18** 0.38

Integration seizing SIC 0.45** 0.45** 0.22 0.26** 0.24** 0.27
Integration transforming SIC 0.36** 0.36** 0.76 0.24** 0.25** 0.91
SIC process exibility 0.68** 0.33** <0.01 0.69** 0.70** 0.84
SIC cost reduction 0.81** 0.51** <0.01 0.86** 0.81** 0.86
Cost reduction market performance 0.32** 0.32** 0.69 0.26** 0.22** 0.84
Cost reduction nancial performance 0.28** 0.28** 0.57 0.25** 0.18** 0.06
Process exibility market performance n.s. n.s. 0.98 n.s. n.s. 0.72
Process exibility nancial performance 0.14* 0.14* 0.30 n.s. n.s. 0.08
Market performance nancial performance 0.67** 0.67** 0.57 0.75** 0.73** 0.80

Path coefcients in bold show the non-invariant path coefcients when the constraints are released.
We present the unstandardized path coefcients in other to compare the models among the sub-groups.
Signicant at p < 0.05.
Signicant at p < 0.01.

key suppliers weakened the relationship, in support of H4a. How- groups, the LM test did not indicate inappropriateness of our cross-
ever, we found no support for H4b, regarding the impact of supply group constraints at the p < 0.01 level, indicating that the individual
internationalization on the link between SIC and operational per- constraints should not be released. Furthermore, the indices for the
formance. constrained model indicated that the data t the different conti-
nents reasonably well (CFI = 0.913, RMSEA = 0.064, 90% condence
4.5. Additional analyses interval [0.058, 0.070]). Thus, we found no signicant differences
across these four geographical regions.
As is true for all studies that use data from a single source, com- Table 8 provides a summary of the hypotheses testing.
mon method variance may be a concern, so we conducted two tests.
Harmans one-factor test (Podsakoff and Organ, 1986) indicated 5. Discussion
that the model with seven factors showed good t (CFI = 0.972,
RMSEA = 0.0238), whereas that with a single factor showed poor The present research offers an empirical validation of
t (CFI = 0.383, RMSEA = 0.169). This evidence of the presence of Teeces (2007) dynamic capability framework in the context of
seven different factors indicated that common method effects buyersupplier relationships. Specically, we have dened and
were unlikely to have contaminated the results of this data anal- tested the notion of SIC and its ties to operational and nan-
ysis. However, Podsakoff et al. (2003) critique this test as lacking cial performance. Overall, our study recommends a more complex
sensitivity, so we also followed the procedure recommended by view of supplier integration than previous studies have offered. It
Widaman (1985) and Podsakoff et al. (2003). The method factor reveals that complementarities among integration sensing, seiz-
did not signicantly improve the model and accounted for only a ing and transforming inuence operational performance, in terms
small portion of variance. All factor loadings of the traits also were of process exibility (H1a) and cost efciency (H1b) and nally
still signicant in the CFA model after we included the common rm performance (H2). The importance of the integration trans-
method factor. forming dimension in linking SIC to performance stresses the need
The respondents represented multiple countries, so we next to regularly revise and adapt supplier integration practices in order
controlled for cultural effects by splitting the data into four geo- to stay competitive. In addition, recognizing that effective organi-
graphically determined groups: Europe, North America, South zational adaptation is partly determined by environmental forces
America and Asia. To test for differences across continents, we (Schilke, 2014), our research conrms that the effect of SIC on com-
investigated whether the general structure of the hypothesized petitive advantage is stronger when environmental dynamics are
model differed (Jreskog and Srbom, 1999). In a multi-sample higher (H3) and comparatively lower when the number of sup-
analysis, with the parameters constrained to be the same across pliers is lower (H4a). We did not nd support for the attenuated
E. Vanpoucke et al. / Journal of Operations Management 32 (2014) 446461 457

Table 8
Summary of ndings.

Path Path coefcients Hypotheses testing

Direct effects
Integration sensing SIC 0.35**
Integration seizing SIC 0.46**
Integration transforming SIC 0.49**
H1a: SIC Process exibility 0.69** H1a supported
H1b: SIC Cost efciency 0.77** H1b supported
Process exibility Market performance 0.27**
Cost efciency Market performance 0.19**
Market performance Financial performance 0.75**
Mediating effects
H2: SIC Process exibility Market performance indirect effect: 0.050; z = 4.98** H2 supported
H2: SIC Cost efciency Market performance indirect effect: 0.045; z = 4.47** H2 supported
H2: SIC Process exibility Financial performance indirect effect: 0.051; z = 4.35** H2 supported
H2: SIC Cost efciency Financial performance indirect effect: 0.050; z = 4.71** H2 supported
Moderating effects
H3a: Market dynamics
SIC Process exibility Low MD: 0.45** ; high MD: 0.69** H3a supported
Difference estimate: 0.24**
SIC Cost exibility Low MD: 0.47** ; high MD: 0.86**
Difference estimate: 0.39**
H3b: Technological dynamics
SIC Process exibility Low TD: 0.71** ; high TD: 0.71** H3b partly supported
Difference estimate: < 0.01
SIC Cost exibility Low TD: 0.63** ; high TD: 0.91** , high TD: 0.92**
Difference estimate: 0.29**
H4a: Supply base complexity
SIC Process exibility Low SC: 0.68** ; high SC: 0.33** H4a supported
Difference estimate: 0.35**
SIC Cost exibility Low SC: 0.81** ; high SC: 0.51**
Difference estimate: 0.30**
H4b: Supply internationalization
SIC Process exibility Low IS: 0.69** ; high IS: 0.70** H4b failed to support
Difference estimate: 0.01
SIC Cost exibility Low IS: 0.86** ; high IS: 0.81**
Difference estimate: 0.05
Signicant at p < 0.05.
Signicant at p < 0.01.

effect of internationalization of the supply base in linking SIC and investments in physical assets but instead can result from changes
operational performance (H4b). to inputs, experiences, planning or controls, which we propose can
Different arguments support the complementarity perspective be structured as three sub-capabilities: integration sensing, seizing
of integration sensing, seizing and transforming. First, comple- and transforming.
mentarities result when knowledge gained from one integration In line with H2, we did not nd a direct effect of SIC on rm
practice enhances the functioning of other integration practices. performance, so it appears that the benets of integration rst
Companies that share inventory information (i.e., integration must be translated into operational capabilities (Rosenzweig et al.,
sensing) will benet more from VMI practices (i.e., integration seiz- 2003). These results align with previous ndings by Ragatz et al.
ing), for example. Thus, the presence of one asset makes another (1997) that using the knowledge of suppliers to complement inter-
asset more valuable. These sub-capabilities even could be cumu- nal capabilities can reduce costs and improve supply chain design.
lative in nature, though further research is required to test this Moreover, SIC might create competitive offerings for customers,
prediction. Second, pursuing multiple types of integration simul- helping the rm stave off the competition longer, such that it leads
taneously prevents blind spots and can help buyers avoid too to improved market and nancial performance.
much emphasis on any single set of integration practices, leading Our conrmation of H3, namely, that market and (partly) tech-
to more balanced investments in resources that support differ- nological dynamics strengthen the relationship between SIC and
ent sub-capabilities. Third, integration transforming capabilities, operational performance, matches the ndings in supply chain lit-
which reect the continuous effort devoted to new integration erature that more dynamic markets and technologies require more
practices, can combine with the current status of integration prac- responsive supply chains (Fisher, 1997). However, even with less
tices to enable buyers to evolve and outpace their competition in dynamic markets and technologies, partners benet from continu-
designing effective supply chains. ously investing in new integration efforts to adapt and improve
By afrming that SIC positively affects cost efciency and pro- their supply chains in the face of new realities. This nding is
cess exibility, our analyses also conrm a dynamic view in which in line with strategy literature, in which more dynamic environ-
rms take advantage of complementarities to react to changes. ments provide more opportunities to cover the cost of developing
Moreover, SIC can help companies simultaneously strengthen a dynamic capability (Zahra et al., 2000).
their process exibility and cost efciency. Using Schmenner and As Bozarth et al. (2009) argue, we nd that not all sources of
Swinks (1998) terminology, SIC might help companies break supply chain complexity are disadvantageous. Internal supply base
through their current operating frontier and improve costs and complexity seems to attenuate the impact of SIC on performance,
exibility simultaneously. In particular, SIC enables companies to but creating an international supply base does not necessarily make
remove inefciencies in the supply chain by transforming their cur- it more difcult to reap the benets of a SIC, perhaps because com-
rent processes. These changes do not require massive additional panies can tailor their supply chains. For example, a company might
458 E. Vanpoucke et al. / Journal of Operations Management 32 (2014) 446461

adopt two supply chain congurations: one for high-end/design transforming processes. Furthermore, Jarrat (2004) describes orga-
products and one for mass products. International supply chain nizational learning as a combination of adaptive learning, which
congurations likely accommodate the mass product solutions, prompts changes consistent with current organizational norms and
but local supply chain congurations can create more effective behaviour (i.e., seizing), and generative learning, which results in
solutions for design products. Both congurations face challenges the applications of new systems, processes and approaches to cre-
in term of supply chain integration capabilities, but whereas the ate innovative bases for competitive advantage (i.e., transforming).
local supply chain conguration needs to be fast and exible, Our study stresses the importance of these learning processes to
the international supply chain conguration must be reliable and adapt to new realities.
on-time. Supplier integration capabilities are valuable for both
congurations, but they require different integration practices. Fur- 6. Managerial implications
ther research therefore should examine in more detail the specic
integration practices required with different levels of supply com- Firms strive to develop and sustain competitive advantages by
plexity (Gimenez et al., 2012). quickly adapting to new business requirements. Our study reveals
that SIC can support this adaptive ability in a cost efcient way. For
5.1. SIC as a tool to manage suppliers and increase performance example, Walmart has long been known for its supply chain innova-
tions, but even this retail giant requires constant transformations of
Our data afrm that SIC is a higher-order capability that its excellent supply chain, because those innovations are constantly
consists of sensing, seizing and transforming capabilities. These copied and replicated by competitors. Supply chain executives are
different capabilities in turn require various skills for their coor- thus responsible for constantly investing in new supply chain ini-
dinated implementation, involving different people. As suggested tiatives (Johnson, 2008), such as using SIC to collect data about
in previous studies, implementing a wider range of supply chain environmental costs of its products and setting up new green ini-
integration elements is better than implementing a few (Frohlich tiatives together with suppliers (Block, 2013). Along the same line,
and Westbrook, 2001; Rosenzweig et al., 2003; Swink et al., 2007), the supply chain manager of Sainsbury describes his main respon-
though no theory of the complementarities among these different sibility as to develop a culture of change, such that people with
capabilities has been tested previously. This study identies one different talents continuously offer ideas to improve the existing
set of complementarities, consisting of integration sensing, seizing supply chain (Slagmulder et al., 2003). In practice, these changes are
and transforming, derived from dynamic capabilities literature. generated through learning from problem-solving exercises and
By noting these complementarities, our study offers an explana- seeing opportunities for improvement. Moreover, this learning is
tion for why some previous models indicate weak or insignicant created through discussion and debate among managers from the
links across operational integration forms and rm performance buyer and supplier side by challenging currently held beliefs on
(e.g., Rosenzweig et al., 2003; Swink et al., 2007; Vereecke and how to integrate operations among their companies. This require-
Muylle, 2006). Part of the confusion stems from measures of the ment for continuous adapting to changes creates a new role for
impacts of individual integration practices; we considered bundles buyers as a project manager instead of a pure negotiator, with
of integration practices that enabled rms to not only sense and a focus on setting up new supplier integration project to further
seize their supplierbuyer relationships but also transform their improve and synchronize the supply chain.
existing practices. These integration practices may not have signif- Firms that have developed integration practices as a coher-
icant individual effects and instead may be fully effective only in ent set of sensing, seizing and transforming capabilities may be
the presence of other capabilities. A similar concern arises in the able to identify, more quickly and intuitively, the gaps in their
alternate, direct effect model in Appendix A. integration capabilities. For example, rms with only integration
sensing capabilities may be able to sense what is happening in
5.2. Theory development about dynamic capabilities the supply chain, but not act on the opportunities, because they
lack the seizing and transforming capabilities. Alternatively, rms
By introducing dynamic capabilities to supplier integration may well possess the capability to strategically recongure the sup-
literature (Teece, 2007), we conceptualize a dynamic nature of ply chain (transforming), but may lack the buyersupplier data
supplier integration. As such, we assert that SIC serves a dual (sensing) that are needed to understand the required changes and
purpose, operating on both operational and dynamic levels. Pre- to estimate the benets of supply chain recongurations. In other
vious research mainly has addressed supplier integration from words, rms that understand which capabilities are needed for sup-
an operational perspective, so we stress its dynamic component. plier integration, will more easily identify and justify the resources
That is, SIC can facilitate smooth delivery processes, as well as and skills required to build and sustain competitive advantage. A
serve as a long-term, knowledge-generating activity to redesign well-documented example of a company possessing all three SIC
the supply chain. Various researchers (e.g., Doz and Shuen, 1990; sub-capabilities i.e., integration sensing, seizing and transfor-
Mody, 1993) acknowledge that collaborations and partnerships can ming is ThyssenKrupp Automotive Systems GmbH, a German
lead to organizational learning and help rms recognize dysfunc- company delivering innovative system solutions such as axle
tional practices or prevent strategic blind spots (Teece et al., 1997). assembly, batteries and tailored tempering to the automotive
The acquisition and diffusion of inter-organizational knowledge industry (Kaufmann et al., 2013). In 2007, ThyssenKrupp Auto-
through such practices may assist in the collection of new infor- motive Systems GmbH had launched a supply chain optimization
mation that can provide the diversity needed to start building new project, linking the supply process to the customers production
knowledge (Zollo and Winter, 1999). process. As a consequence, the company was admired in the indus-
By replicating practices in diverse contexts and accumulating try for its synchronized supply chain and lean processes. However,
experience with approaches, organizations simultaneously achieve toward the end of 2011, it became clear that further improvements
multiple objectives. They can complete their adaptation of exist- were necessary to stay ahead of competition. More specically,
ing practices to reect changes in the environments; they also erosion of the companys cost-advantage would motivate long-
can renew their existing procedures and apply new practices. standing customers to decline follow-up contracts and to start
Learning may occur in semi-automatic fashion, on the basis of doing business with competitors. This need to further improve
the individual adaptations of practices to unsatisfactory perfor- inspired ThyssenKrupp Automotive Systems GmbH to transform
mance or changes. Teece (2007) describes these adaptations as its supply chain. The existing supply concept, as implemented in
E. Vanpoucke et al. / Journal of Operations Management 32 (2014) 446461 459

2007, consisted of sensing and seizing processes: It contained a Other integration practices also could contribute to improving buy-
tracking system, which facilitated the exchange of supply chain ing rms, such as mapping out processes together or joint R&D
data, it provided inventory transparency and it provided data for projects. Although using a limited set of practices is appropriate for
calculating the benets of supply chain recongurations (sensing); our choice of reective rather than formative measures, additional
It also contained a Just-in-Sequence and sophisticated planning measures could be included in a larger study. We also measured
system, synchronizing the processes of ThyssenKrupp and its sup- SIC and its impact on performance from the buyers perspective;
pliers (seizing). In order to sustain its competitive advantage, the additional research should integrate the suppliers perspective by
company revised its practices and recongured the existing pro- collecting dyadic data. We asked buyer respondents to describe
cesses (transforming) by launching a new supply chain concept in integration practices with key suppliers, so we cannot provide
2012. An essential element of this new supply chain concept was information about other types of suppliers or differences across
the use of an earlier tracking point in the supply chaini.e., track- suppliers. Our focus on operational integration and adaption to new
ing the supplier capability instead of the arrival time of supply realities excludes other types of integration, such as new prod-
parts at ThyssenKrupp. This transformation improved the infor- uct development. Nor does our study cover soft characteristics
mation ows, it improved transparency in the supply chain and of collaborative integration such as trust or socialization. In addi-
it made disruption threats visible sooner. It resulted in a reduction tion, our data focus on the industrial industry, which might limit
of safety stock from 4 to 2 days and it guaranteed supply security the generalizability of our ndings. This limitation has particu-
two days earlier than before. A cost-benet analysis showed that lar implications for external dynamics as a moderating variable;
this supply chain reconguration helped the company to sustain our data offer no information about extreme cases, because by
its cost advantage relative to its industry competitors (Kaufmann denition the industrial industry is moderately dynamic. Other
et al., 2013). researchers could verify that rms with SIC sustain their per-
While in todays context, sustainable competitive advantage formance across environments. The data also come mainly from
or enjoying greater success than current or potential competitors European respondents. Although our tests supported the ndings in
is rather rare, transient advantage is the new normal (McGrath, other regions, further research could look into possible geograph-
2013). As McGrath (2013, p. 64) argues: In a world where com- ical differences.
petitive advantage often evaporates in less than a year, companies Additional studies could expand the focus of our analysis to
cannot afford to spend months at a time crafting a single long- include inter-rm integration, as well as customer integration.
term strategy. To stay ahead, they need to constantly start new We investigated a dynamic capability using cross-sectional data,
strategic initiatives, building and exploiting transient competi- as traditionally done by research into other dynamic capabilities
tive advantages. SIC should be seen as a dynamic capability that (e.g., Drnevich and Kriauciunas, 2011; Menguc and Auh, 2006;
enable companies to replace existing resources in their supply Schilke, 2014). With these data, we cannot examine the day-
chain and create a better match between the conguration of to-day actions facilitated by each capability. Additional research
a rms resources and changing conditions (Schilke, 2014). As might use case studies of individual rms to examine SIC at
such, SIC supports companies to focus on longer-term competitive work.

7. Limitations and further research

Appendix A.
The chosen focus of our study creates several limitations. We
focused on a limited set of practices related to supplier integration. Fig. A1.

sensing 1 -0.09* 0.28**
Process Market
exibility 4 performance 6

Integraon 0.75**
-0.10 0.21**
seizing 2

0.26** Cost Financial

eciency 5 performance 7
Integraon 0.31**
transforming 3

* p < 0.05, **p < 0.01

Fig. A1. Direct effect model.

460 E. Vanpoucke et al. / Journal of Operations Management 32 (2014) 446461

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