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AmJ_Z H$mimV AmnU nwdV`mar H$$Z pIVO`Vr OmofmV gmOar H$aVmo.

mw `oey pIVm`m O_{XZmMm

gmohim gd pIVr OZg_wXm`mbm EH$ Zdr oaUm,CmoOZ d mogmhZ XoV AgVo. AmnUmnH$s `oH$ lXmdV OmJV
amh`mMo AmhmZ h`m AmJ_Z H$mimV pdH$maV AgVmo. `m_wio Xj amhZ Amnbr nyd V`mar gmV`mZo H$a`mMr
O~m~Xmar AmnU pdH$m$ `m .
Jar~mMm {Xdg:- nmon \$m{gg h`mZr h`m dfr 'The World Day of the Poor '', Jar~mMm {Xdg nmi`mMm
Z{dZ CnH$_ hmVr KoCZ AmO`m OJmV dmT>V Mmbbobr J[a~r d lr_Vr _Yrb _hm^`H$a Xar,`m`m_Yrb ^oX, ho
AmnUmg nwT>o`oUm`m EH$m _moR>`m Ymo`mMr AmR>dU H$$Z XoUmar KQ>Zm Amho, h`mMr OmUrd H$$Z XoVo. hUyZM h`m
pIVO`Vr Xmao AmnU OmJV amhZ `oeybm `m {df_Vobm gm_moao Omdo bmJbo VrM {df_Vm AmOVmJm`V ZQ> Va Pmbr
ZmhrM, nU EH$ {d{eQ> Ago {Zamio CJ$n YmaU H$a`mg gw$dmV Ho$br Amho, hoM bjmV KoCZ Amn`m Y_mVmVrb
JVS d ADSSF A_amdVr Y_mV g_mO godm _S>im V\}$ {deof CnH$_ hmVr KoV AmhmoV. `m_wio AmnU g_mOmVrb
X~i KQ>H$m`m ~mOwZo C^o amh`mMm {ZM` H$$`m `mgmR>r {ejU, H$me` {dH$mg, g|{X` eoVr, eoVr nwaH$ `dgm`,
~mbggX, _{hbm g~isH$aU, eoVH$ar gKQ>Zm h`m`m_m\$V gXa H$m`H$_ gaH$mar `moOZmer OmoSw>Z h`m H$m`mV gH$s`
hmoCZ g_mOmVrb X~i KQ>H$mgmR>r H$m` H$$ `m. Let us love not with words but with deeds. Amnbo no_ \$V
eXmZrM Zho Va H$VrZo `V H$$ `m h`m nmon \$m{gg h`m`m gXoemMo AmnU `j nmbZ H$$ `m. '
gh^mJ- Amn`m Y_mVm`m nmiH$s` AmamIS>`mZwgma AmnUm gdmMm gh^mJ {_i{d`mgmR>r Y_Jm_
nmiH$s` _S>i d Y_mV nmiH$s` _S>mimMr WmnZm h`m dfr nyU H$arV AmhmoV. `m_wio AZoH$ godH$ Zo`mMm gH$s`
gh^mJ AmnUmg AZoH$ CnH$_mg nwT>o KoCZ Om`mg ghm`mwV R>aob. `m_wio Amn`m Y_mVm`m nmiH$s` `moOZoMr
H$m`{Xem AmnUmg A{YH$ ^mdrnUo nwT>o ZoVm `oBb d gdmZm na_odam`m gH$nm_mUo, dJmV d ndrda Oo Amho Vo
gd pIVm_`o EH$ H$amdo (B{\$g.1,10) hm AmXoe nwU H$aVm `oBb. pIVg^m Zoh_rM Jar~m`m ~mOyZo C^r amhVo d
`m`mgmR>r Amnbo H$m` gmV`mZo H$arV AgVo. nmon \$m{gg h`mMr MMMr gH$nZm hr Zoh_r `mM {XeoZo oarV Pmbobr
Amho hUyZM h`m pIVO`Vr {Xder AmnU XoIrb hrM g^mdZm R>odyZ H$m` H$$ `m.
pIVO`VrMm hm H$mi AmnUm gdmgmR>r {deof H$noMm H$mi Amho. eX Xohr Pmbm d `mZo Amhm_`o dVr
Ho$br, Am{U `mMo Jmad nm{hbo(`mohmZ.1,14). AmnU gdOU _mZdr OrdZ pdH$mabo`m mw `oey`m JmadmMo dmQ>oH$ar
AmhmoV. `mMr gmj gdmZm XoUo ho Amnbo Am H$V` Amho. h`m pIVO`Vr`m gmohi`mXmao emVrMm XV Amhm_`o
AdVabm d `mMr emVr h`m mwVimdarb gd gmZmZm bm^br. H$nm d g` hr `oew pIVm`m Xmao
Ambr,(`mohmZ.1,17) hUyZM AmnU h`m H$no_`o dmT>mdoV `mgmR>r AmnUmg {_imbobo ho EH$ daXmZM Amho. `oey
O_m`m gwdmV}Zo _oT>nmimZr XodXVmgh AmZXmogd gmOam Ho$bm. h`m AmZXm`m bhar AmOXoIrb AmnUmg gwXaem
JrVm~amo~a Ami{dV AgVmV. hUyZM mw`m O_{XZm`m gwdmV}Mo AmnU XV hmoC, `m.
mw `oey pIVO`Vr`m gdmg hm{XH$ ew^oN>m!

ZmVmimMm gXoe Am{U _mPo OrdZ

ZmVmimMm gU hm gdgm_m`nUo, gnyU OJ^a AmZXmZo d ChmgmZo gmOam Ho$bm OmVmo. XodmMm nw, my `oey pIV,
h`m OJm_`o _mZd $n YmaU H$$Z Ambm, ho _hmZ ah` AmnU gmOao H$arV AgVmo. XmoZ hOma dfm nwdr KS>bobr hr KQ>Zm
AmOhr _mZdr OrdZmbm VmamUm`m {X` ah`mn`V nmohM`mg _XV H$aV Amhoo.
hm gU gmOam H$arV AgVmZm, Amn`m OrdZm_`o h`m gUmMo _hd H$m` Amho ho AmnUm `oH$mbm OmUyZ `m`Mo
Amho. g`mMm OmJ{VH$ KS>m_moS>r_`o AmnUmbm pIV O`VrMm AW, OrdZ_y`mer gZ H$$Z `m`Mm Amho. AmO OJ
`m doJmZo JVrMm nI AmoTy>Z {dhma H$arV Amho, `mM doJmZo AYmoJVr`m XarV OmV Amho.
pIVm`m O_mMr `moOZm Xod{n`m`m BN>oZwgma, _[a`o`m AmkmnmbZmV Am{U _mZdm`m CXYmamgmR>r Pmbr Amho.
AmOhr OJm_`o {dWm{nVmMo, AmVH$dmXmMo, ^Q>mMmamMo, ~oH$mar-myH$~ir, Xm[a` Am{U J[a~r Ago AZoH$ Z
Am,dmgyZ C^o AmhoV. pIVmMm O_ J[a~m_mUo CVma emioV;JmB`m JmoR>`mV Pmbm. `m`m O_mMr gwdmVm gdW_
J[a~ _|T>nmimZm Xo`mV Ambr. {_ga(B{OV) XoemV nbm`Z H$arV AgVmZm pIVmZo {dWm{nVmMo OrdZ AZw^dbo. XZ{XZ
OrdZ OJV AgVmZm `oew Zo J[a~r-Xm[a, h`mMm AZy^d KoVbm. `m H$mimVrb g_mOmVrb ^Q>mMma, _mJmgbonUm Am{U
Y_mY eVtMm gm_Zm `mZo Ho$bm d `m {damoYmV `mZo bT>m {Xbm. pIVmZo gd gm_m` _mUgmMo OrdZ OJyZ Agm_m`
gXoe OJmbm {Xbm. pIVmZo o_mMm gXoe {Xbm d Vmo o_ OJbm. pIVmZo J[a~m`m CmamgmR>r OrdZ `VrV Ho$bo Am{U
Vmo dVm J[a~rV OJbm. `m`m J[a~rMr `m`m ^mVrH$ `m n`V [g_rV ZhVr Va XrZ, X{bV, XIr, AZmW, {dYdm,
{X`mJ, AmOmar, JaOdV, nMmVmnr A`m AZoH$ H$mam`m _mZdr OrdZ dmgmVyZ Om`m`m `pVMm `mV g_mdoe
hmoVm. AmOhr A`mH$maMo J[a~ Amn`m g^modVmbr AmT>iV AmhoV. AmOhr pIV `m`mgmR>r OJV Amho.
nmon \$mpgg h`mZr OmJ{VH$ J[a~mMm {Xdg OJmnwT>o _mS>bm Amho. pIVmZo Amn`mnwT>o Jm[a~mer EH$$n hmoD$Z OrdZ
OJ`mMm gXoe {Xbm. hUyZM hm `oUmam ZmVmi, AmnU gdOU EH$m Z{dZ g_mOm`m KS>U {H$`ogmR>r gmOam H$$ `m.
pIV O`VrMm hm gU gdg_mdoeH$ _y`mMr OmonmgUm H$aUmam R>amo hrM mWZm.
\$m. $noe AS>`y S>m~ao
A>_amdVr Y_mV

! {OdZmnU !
H$m` Anmdo _r Vyhmbm
Z hm nS>Vmo Zoh_r _Zmbm!
myZo _Obm {OdZ {Xbo
Amn`m {VnmMo ~Z{dbo
Anw`m hVo _O KS>{dbo
`m mybm _r H$m` {Xbo!
gwXa S>moio {dd nmh`mgmR>r
_O~yV hV H$m`mgmR>r,
~wXr_Vm dMm[aH$VogmR>r
`m mybm _r H$m` {Xbo!
H$gm hmoD$ _r CVamB myMm
H$m nSo> _O {dga myMm,
`mZo Amnbo gdd _O {Xbo!
`m mybm _r H$m` {Xbo!
hUyZM H$m` Anmdo _r mybm
jUmojUr Z hm nS>Vmo _Zmbm !
\$m. AmoZrb Kmogmb{dg
^y `oeyMo XohYmaU
gV A\$moZgr`g ^y `oey`m XoYmaUmMm gImob AW d Coe
gmJVmZm hUVmV, ^y `oeyMo XoYmaU AmnUmg XedVo {H$ na_oamMr _mZd
OmVrda AJmY Aer rVr Amho. ^` Oo rVr`m {d Amho Vo Z>
H$a`mgmR>r ^y `oey `m OJmV Ambm. gV A\$moZgr`g `m`m ZmVmim`m
ZmohoZm dMZmV hUVmV., JhmUrVrb ~mbH$ `oey Aghm` nUo Amn`m
o_mgmR>r hV~b hmodyZ dmQ> nmhVmo Amho. Am{X_ H$mimnmgyZ na_oam~amo~a
Agbo`m g~Ym_`o _mZdmbm na_oamMm B{`JmoMa AZw^d hdm hmoVm.
`mbm ne H$a`mMr, AZw^d`mMr, EoH$`mMr, AqbJZmMr BN>m _mZdr
_ZmV Zoh_r hmoVr. _mZdr BN>obm na_oamZo nyU H$aV Amn`m nwmbm _mZdr
d^md YmaU H$aV Xdr CnpWVrMo ` {Mh qH$dm gmH$_oV hUyZ
nmR>{dbo, ^y `oeyMm {` {e` `mohmZ mMo dUZ H$aVmZm hUVmo, Oo
ma^mnmgyZ hmoVo, Oo Amhr EoH$bo, Oo Amhr Am_`m S>mo`mZr nm{hbo, Oo Amhr `mhmibo, Am{U Am_`m hmVmZr
MmM{nbo, `m OrdZm`m eXm{df`r Amhr gmJVmo, (1 `mohmZ 1:1) {gQ>a W EH$ H$ma_}boQ> {V`m nwVUr ~bMm
AZw^d gmJVmZm hUVo, Vr Oohm bhmZ _wbJr hmoVr, {Vbm dmXi dm`mMr Am{U _oK JOZoMr Iyn ^rVr dmQ>o, EH$m amr
AgmM Omo`mMm dmXi dmam Mmby Pmbm. _oKJOZm hmoD$ bmJ`m. Am{U {VZo Amn`m AmBH$So> Ymd KoVbr. Am{U hUmbr
_bm EH$Q>rbm Zmhr amhm`Mo.AmB {Vbm {V`m ImobrV ZoVo Am{U {Vbm g_OmdVo hUVo " Vy EH$Q>r Zmhrg Xod Vw`m gmo~V
Amho.' _wbJr hUVo Vo _bm _m{hV Amho.nU _bm g`m Vmo _m`mOdi hdm` H$s `mMm ne AZw^d H$$Z _mPr ^rVr
OmBb, AerM _mZdr BN>m XoIrb Amho.m _mZdr BN>obm na_oamZo ^y `oey`m XohYmaUmmao nyU Ho$bo.
JhmUrOdiOohm AmnU ZV_VH$ hmoD$Z JwS>Ko Q>oH$Vmo. ^y`m XohYmaUmda mWZm_` qMVZ H$aVmo. na_oam`m m _hmZ
CnH$mam~b `mMr VwVr d Am^ma _mZVmo.
^y `oey`m ~m`AdWo nbrH$So> OmD$Z ^yMo {_eZ H$m` Am{U `m`m m H$m`mVrb Amnbr gh^mJrVm mda
Am_qMVZ H$aUo ^mJ Amho. n{d `mVrb Xgar `$s AmnUmgmR>r m ^yVbmda gnyUnUo _mZdr hmoVo Am{U _mZdr
OrdZ AmUr `mhr nbrH$S>Mo AZw^d KoVo. Amn`m _mUoM Vmo XohYmar eX, _moh, JaOm B`mXr Jmo>tMm OdiwZ AZw^d
KoVmo. ^yH$, VhmZ,`mMm Amn`m _mUoM AZw^dVmo. Amn`m {e`m`m n{h`m o{fVr` H$m`mV `e gnm{XV Ho$`mda
AmZX {d^moa hmoD$Z na_oambm Y`dmX XoVmo. ner Am{U emr `m`m Ym{_H$ AYdm_wio `mZo m_m{UH$ _mZdr` amof
`$ Ho$bm. AZwH$nm_wio rVrZo _V nmdbo`m ~YwgmR>r emoH$mHw$b hmoD$Z aS>bm. Jar~mMr hmoUmar VmS>Zm, hmb Ano>m, N>i
nmhZ `m`m _ZmV X:ImMr Vrd ^mdZm {Z_mU hmoB. Amnbm gnyU {Xdg AmOmar, AZmW AnJ, {dYdm `m`m
H$`mUmH$[aVm g_{nV H$arV hmoVm. nmnm`m Jwbm_{JarVyZ _mZdmbm _w$ H$a`mMo Xdr H$m` H$m` H$aVmZm `mbm A`mZX
hmoV Ago, `m`m _m\$V AZoH$mZm `m Xdr AmZX d emVrMm bm^ {_iV Ago. ^y `oey pVmmao na_oamZo _mZd dem`m
^Vo ~amo~a T> Eo` X{edbo. Am{U AmO VmoM nwZm{WV `oey dV AmnUmV gdmV Xoh YmaU H$$Z OJmbm emVr `m`,
rVr, ^yb, amoJamB, J[a~r d nmnm`m Jwbm_{JarVyZ _w$VoMo H$m` A{daVnUo H$aUma Amho. `m`m H$m`mMo ^mdr gmYZ
hmo`mgmR>r Amn`mbm pVm_mUo ~Zmdo bmJob. dVmbm BVam`m H$`mUmgmR>r [a$ H$amdo bmJob. Amnbm AhH$ma d
dH|${VnUm ~mOybm gmamdm bmJob. `m`m n{d Am`mmao AmnUm_`o gnyU n[adVZ KSy>Z `o`mgmR>r ZwVZrH$aU
hmo`mgmR>r. na_oa rVrV Zd{Z{_Vr hmo`mgmR>r. AmnUmg ^ybm ghm` H$amdo bmJob `m `moJo pV H$memZo o_mZo
OJmbm AZw^d Amn`m _m\$V `oBb .nmon \$mpgg OJmbm Zoh_r Amn`m dVm`m OrdZmmao CXmhaU XoV AgVmV. Vo
pVg^obm CoeyZ Zoh_r gmJVmV. AmnU gdmZr ^y `oey _mUo X`mdV ~Zbo nm{hOo. gV bwH$ {bpIV ew^dV_mZmV Oo
X`oMo ew^dV_mZ Amho, `m_YyZ AmnUmg pVmZo gm{JVbobo XmIbo d `m`m H$Vrmao na_oam`m Amgr_ X`oMo XeZ
AmnUmg KS>{dVr. Vo _mZdr d^md Vmo gnyU EH$$nVm XmI{dVmo. AmnU Oohm emararH$ A`mp_H$ X`m hmVr KoVmo hrM
pV X`oMr ^mdZm Amn`mmao H$Q> hmoUo Amd`H$ Amho. Amn`mmao BVamZm pVmMo gmdZXm`H$ OrdZXm`H$ dMZ

m hmdo. Amn`mmao BVamZm pVmMm Amamo`Xm`r ne AZw^dm`bm `odmo. Amn`m{d AnamY
H$aUm`mZm qH$dm Aj` Jwhm H$aUm`mZm pV oaUoZo {dZmeV j_mXmZ m hmodmo. pVMm H$me Amn`m
X`mVyZ namdVuV hmoD$Z Xdr H$memgmR>r VhmZbo`mZm m hmodmo. pVmZo m ^yVbmda gnyU {ZgJ gmX`mMm
AZw^d KoD$Z na_{n`mMr VwVr d egm Ho$br. AmnU XoIrb {ZgJmer EH$$n hmoD$Z na_oambm Y`dmX
XoD$`m. d `mZo {Xbo`m `m _hmZ {ZgJmMr H$miOr XZ{XZ OrdZmVrb `oH$ KS>m_moS>rV H$a`mMm pV
gH$n H$$`m.
^y`m XohYmaUmMm gXoe pdH$ma H$$Z pVmer EH$$n hmoD$Z `mMr H$m``moOZm AmnU VS>rg
ZoD$`m. `mH$[aVm pVm_mUo AmkmYmaH$nUm AJr pdH$mamdm. VgoM pVm_mUo Hy$gmMm XoIrb Z_nUo
pdH$ma H$amdm bmJob. Amn`m X:ImVyZ pVmMo eX {Vd{ZV hmdo. Vw`m BN>o _mUo hmodmo.. Amem
H$mao ^yMo XohYmaU Amn`mgmR>r dmV{dH$VoVrb g` ~Zmo. gV nmb`m ^mfoV AmnU {dmgy nUo hUy
eH$Vmo. _r OJV Zmhr Va pV _m`mV OJVmo Amho. hoM OrdZH$m` V hmVr KoD$Z pVmMo XoYmaU Amn`m
XZ{XZ OrdZmV OJmbm H$Q> H$$`m. {Z` ghm`H$ _mVm {O`m mao emV eX Xoh Pmbm {V`m mWZomao d
n{d Am`m`m H$noZ pV AmnUm_`o Am_$nmZo XoYmaU H$amo. d `mMm OJmbm Amn`m H$Vr d eXmmao
B{`JmoMa AZw^d {_imo.
\$m. gw^mf Xm._mKmS>o

{H$g_g gXoe

{H$g_g Bgm _grh Ho$ O_ H$s Iwer _| _Zm`o OmZo dmbm nd h& `h 25 {Xg~a H$mo nS>Vm h& Bg {XZ
bJ^J gnwU {dd _| AdH$me ahVm h& {H$g_g _| h_ {d{^Z H$ma H$s gOmdQ> H$aVo h& h_ {H$g_g H$m noS>
~ZmVo h& aJ {~aJr amoe{Z`m,O_ H$s PmH$s`m, Jmoembm B`mXr H$m XeZ H$aVo h&
gmVm bmg {H$g_g go OwS>r EH$ bmoH${` `pV h& Omo AH$ga {H$g_g na ~m| Ho$ {bE Vmoh\o$ bmZo Ho$
gmW OmoS>m OmVm h& {H$g_g Ho$ XmamZ Cnhmamo H$m AmXmZXmZ hmoVm h& h_ Cg {XZ H$mo `mXJma ~ZmZo H$s H$mo{ee
H$aVo h&
bo{H$Z `m h_ Zo {H$g_g Ho$ ~mao _| AN>r Vah gmoMm h& `m _ZZ qMVZ {H$`m h& em`X hr h_ H$aVo h&
`moH$s h_ Vmo X{Z`m H$s _moh_m`m _| Sw>~ OmVo h& h_ AnZm| Ho$ ~mao _| gmoMVo ahVo h& CXmhaU Ho$ {bE `m H$nS>m
nhZ|Jo& `m Im`|Jo Ama Z OmZo `m `m H$a ~R>Vo h& Ama h_ mwb OmVo h {H$g_g H$m ghr AW h_ H$^r Zhr
gmoMVo h {H$ {H$g_g `m gXoe XoVm h& h_| `oey H$m O_ hmoZo H$m _H$gX `m h& {nVm Bda Zo AnZo BH$bmoVo nw H$mo
Bg X{Z`m _| ^oOm Vm{H$ Omo H$moB Cg na {ddmg H$ao Cgo AZV OrdZ {_bo&
AJa h_ ghr _m`Zo _| {H$g_g _ZmZm MmhVo h Vmo h_| `ey Ho$ nX{Mhmo na MbZm hmoJm& CZ H$m AZwd$n
H$aZm hmoJm& Ama CZ Ho$ Ogm ~ZZm hmoJm Bda H$hVm h {H$ AnZo nS>mogr H$mo AnZo Ogm `ma H$amo&
`oey Zo h_| `ma H$aZm {gIm`m, Chm|Zo `ma Ama Bgm{Z`V H$s {ejm Xr& Chm|Zo X{Z`m Ho$ bmoJmo H$mo o_
Ama ^mBMmao Ho$ gmW ahZo H$m gX^ {X`m& ChmoZo Xgamo H$s godm H$aZm {gIm`m& Ama Ego ~hV gmao AN>o JwU X{Z`m
H$mo {X`o h&
A^r h_ AnZo Amn go nyN>o, `m h_ `o g~ H$aVo h, AJa Zhr Vmo {H$g_g H$m _Vb~ hr `m h_mao OrdZ
_|& bo{H$Z H$^r _V mwbZm h_mam Bda X`mbw h d h_go ~hV o_ H$aVm h& Ama dh h_ H$mo _mH$m XoVm h AnZo Amn
H$mo ghr amVo na MbZo Ho$ {bE&
h_ g~ EH$ Z`r qOXJr ew$ H$ao& Ama `oey _grh Ho$ _mJ na Mbo& EH$ Xgao H$mo `ma H$ao Xgamo Ho$ ~rM
Iw{e`m VWm emVr ~mQ>o& _ob{_bmn go aho& O$aV _Xmo H$s godm H$ao& Vm{H$ h_ Bg {H$g_g H$mo Ama ^r `mXJma ~Zm
~Xa bmaog


Santa lives at the North Pole

JESUS is everywhere.
Santa rides in a sleigh
JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.
Santa comes but once a year
JESUS is an ever present help.
Santa lls your stockings with goodies
JESUS supplies all your needs.
Santa comes down your chimney uninvited
JESUS stands at your door and knocks, and then enters your heart when invited.
You have to wait in line to see Santa
JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.
Santa lets you sit on his lap
JESUS lets you rest in His arms.
Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is Hi little boy or girl, what's your name?
JESUS knew our name before we were born. Not only does He know our name, He
knows our address too. He knows our history and future and He even knows how many
hairs are on our heads.
Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly
JESUS has a heart full of love
All Santa can offer is HO HO HO
JESUS offers health, help and hope.
Santa says You better not cry
JESUS says Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.
Santa's little helpers make toys
JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds
Santa may make you chuckle but
JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.
While Santa puts gifts under your tree
JESUS became our gift and died on a treethe cross.
We need to put Christ back in CHRISTmas, Jesus is still the reason for the season.

Wish you a Merry Christmas and a grace filled New Year 2018
-Compiled by Dr. Fr. Joselyn, Amravati

Christmas is a Time for Family

Merry Christmas to the beautiful family we have

To all the wonderful people we feel blessed
Wish that this Christmas bring so much light
So that the world be more light
For all the people who play such an important
Part of our life,
We wish this Christmas brings a new radiance
And shine in everyone's life
Have a blessed day and year ahead
Have a loving time our family alike!
Yes, many of our most special memories focus not on the gifts, but on family: Driving
around Amravati to see Christmas lights, Sitting (or lying) in the living room, with all the
lights turned off, except those on the Christmas tree, savoring the late hours of Christmas
Eve. For us, Christmas was a sacred time for family.
And it isn't just him, either, for the Gospels begin with family: Mary, Joseph and infant
Jesus. Of course the stable isn't necessarily the living room we think of when it comes to
Christmas, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a tender time for this young family, as many
famous paintings would have itand all the more so if little baby Jesus, no crying he
made (an apocryphal sentiment if ever there was one!)
Christmas is a time for unusual family.
But lest we get improperly sentimental and possibly heretical, idolizing a cult of family
that has no place in the Bible, let's pay closer attention to the kind of family the Christmas
story has in mindfor this is an usual family if ever there was one.
First, we have an unwed mother. However pious, however holy Mary may have
beenand I question neither of theseshe was still an unwed mother in a time when such a
fact was a matter of far greater stigma than it is today. Joseph, being a kind-hearted man,
was going to quietly separate from herthat being one of the least harsh ways an
honorable man could treat such a painful circumstance. What was God's gift to Mary, the
mother of Jesus? The stigma of being an unwed mother, the counter-thesis of the ideal
family Christmas.
Second, we have Joseph, an adoptive father. This is not Joseph's son, and while the town
may not know this, he does. And yet, through a dream and an encounter with an angel, he
embraces Mary and her son as his own. Christmas may be a time for family, but God's gift
to Joseph on this rst Christmas was a child not his own, by his betrothed with whom he
had not lain: a mixture of pain, stigma, loss and sacrice.
Finally, we have Jesus. What sort of an experience was his rst Christmas? I doubt he had
the resources to be aware of and reect upon his rst Christmas, but aside from the
warmth and closeness of his mother, he had none of the creaturely benets that would
come from being born amidst family and relativeshis parents seem to have been on
their own in Bethlehem. Some gift!

Christmas is a time for family in an unusual way.
But this is just the beginning of our reection on Christmas as a time for family. For Jesus,
while he was an infant like every other infant, was simultaneously the eternally begotten
Son of God. This was his rst Christmas, but it was not the rst day of life the ever-living
God, through whom and for whom all creation had been made. Christmas, just as much as
it was a family affair for Mary, Joseph and Jesus, was a family affair for the triune God.
Now of course God is not a family, so there are limits to how far we can take this. But
Scripture does invite us to name God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and for the time being
we will focus on the relationship of the Father and Son, as the source from which every
family on earth derives its name (Eph. 3:15).
What was Christmas like for God? Was it a time of closeness, of intimacy? A time, if you
will pardon this ridiculous image, of God in his living room, enjoying the fellowship and
presence of the Son and the Spirit?
No, of course not. If anything, this was a time of loss. A time of grief. A time of empty
nest, as much as such can occur in the life of the omnipresent God. For, Christmas marks
the sending of the Son into the Far Country, the beginning of Jesus' movement unto death.
This is not a living-room. It is a lonely departure gate on a cold December night, as a father
waves goodbye to his son, who has just been drafted for war. Now of course the Father
was, is and always will be present to his beloved Son, but this was something new in the
life of Godthis was the sending of the Son: for God so loved he gave, he sent! If
anything, it was a loss, a self-emptying on the part of both Father and Son.
What is Christmas in the life of God? It's the beginning of a separation unto death.
But God's ways never end in death, for this is the living God, who brought creation into
existence that he might share himself with his creatures, giving us life. Christmas is the
beginning of the way of deathbut death unto life; Christmas is always aglow, not simply
with candles, but with the impending sunrise of Easter morning.
Christmas, then, is a time for familybut it is a time for family in a very specic way. This
is a time of the Father and Son entering an intentional path of loss and suffering, that many
sons and daughters might be brought to share in this family; that the living room of God
may be vastly expanded, and lled with the sounds of joy from God's adopted children.
Rethinking Christmas
Christmas is indeed a time for family. But not just for our own nuclear families, which are
not an end in themselves. We worship our families only at our great risk. Christmas is a
time for expanded and reconstituted family. It is a time for adoption, and the celebration of
adoption. It is a time for guests and strangers. It's a time for loss, as we give up treasured
forms of quiet intimacy of the nuclear family, for the bustle, noise and uncomfortable of a
larger, expanded family. This above all, is the time for strangers, for those who are not our
esh and blood, to be brought into our homes, into our lives.
God's purpose for family is not that it be an end to itself, but an invitation and blessing to
others. This, more than anything, is the kind of thing we ought to treasure at Christmas.
For we, the adopted sons and daughters of the God who gave his Son for us on that rst
Christmas, have a calling to be family, but the specic kind of family that is modeled after
the one we see on that rst Christmas morningan unusual family, if ever there was one.

Reections by Dr .Fr. Joselyn


\$mXa nrQ>a nR>mao : dU O`Vr
\$mXa nrQ>a H$m O_ 20 Ab 1938 _| AmaJm~mX {Oho Ho$ EH$ N>moQ>o go Jmd, ~moaga nr _| hAm Wm,
Omo Cg g_` ZmJnwa Y_mV H$m {hgm Wm& OyZ 1960 _| dh ZmJnwa _| g|Q> Mmg go{_Zar _|, A_amdVr Y_mV
Ho$ {bE nwamo{hV ~ZZo Ho$ {bE em{_b hE& Chm|Zo AnZr nT>mB nwU {H$ Ama 24 AQy>~a 1968 H$mo \$mXa nrQ>a
H$mo AnZo nwamo{hV nX na A{^{fV {H$`m J`m& \$mXa nrQ>a Zo dVVm Ho$ gmW Bda Ama bmoJmo H$s {ZdmW godm
Ho$ {bE AnZo AmnH$mo g_{nV {H$`m h& Cho A_amdVr H$WoS>b n[ae Ho$ ghm`H$ nr nwamo{hV Ho$ $n _| {Z`wV
{H$`m J`m& {\$a do AMbnwa MM Ho$ nr nwamo{hV ~Zo& Chm|Zo Imobmnwa, amgoJmd, `dV_mb, nwgX, _w{VOmnwa
Ogo AZoH$ {_eZ _o H$m` {H$`m h & Chm|Zo {JaOmKa, n[ae hmCg, Hy$b, N>mmdmg Ogo AZoH$ H$m`m} H$m {Z_mU
{H$`m& \$mXa nrQ>a Zo Jar~r H$s enW Zht br Wr bo{H$Z Chm|Zo AnZo {OdZ H$s Am_m _| go Jar~r {H$ Bg enW H$mo drH$ma H$a {b`m
Wm& {ZOr Vma na CZHo$ nmg Hw$N> Zhr h& OrdZ H$m gab VarH$m Omo \$mXa Or aho Wo Cggo h_| ~VmVo h {H$ dh AnZo ^mB`monwamo{hVmo Ho$
{bE EH$ dbV CXmhaU h& \$mXa nrQ>a Zo {nN>bo 50 dfm} go AnZo AmnH$mo Bda Ama H${bgr`m Ho$ {bE {X`m h& h_ AnZo \$mXa nrQ>a
nR>mao H$s ~wbmhR> Ho$ {bE na_oda H$m ewH$r`m AXm H$aVo h&

Thrust Areas :Faith Formation

gV AS> MM : ZwV{ZH$aU Am{U Am{edmX
A_amdVr Y_mVm_`o, AH$mocm {Oh`mVrc _w{VOmnwa ehamV, AJXr aodo cmBZcm
cmJyZM EH$ pIV _{Xa Amho. gU 1919 gmcr h`m Y_Jm_mMr WnZm Pmcr hmoVr. gV
AS>`y`m g_mUmW g_{nV Ho$co`m h`m pIV_{Xam_`o AZoH$ ^m{dH$ mWZogmR>r `oV AgV.
_m gXa MMMr AdWm \$maM {~H$Q> Pmcr hmoVr. hUyZM {~en Ecm`g h`mZr nwT>mH$ma KoD$Z
h`m MM`m ZwV{ZH$aUmMo H$m_ hmVr KoVco. h`m MMMo _wI Y_Jw$, Oo Amn`m
Y_Jw$nXm`m nZmgm`m dfmV hmoVo, \$m. {nQ>a nR>mao h`mZr A{Ve` _ohZV KoD$Z AZoH$ H$mao
XmZewa `VtH$Sy>Z _XV Jmoim Ho$cr d h`m pIV_{XamMo ZwV{ZH$aUmMo H$m_ nwU Ho$co.\$m. {nQ>a
h`m`m Y_Jw$nXm`m gwdU _hmogm`m H$m`H$_mMo Am{M` gmYwZ, {XZmH$ 29-10-17
amoOr h`m MMMm Am{edmX {dYr nwU Pmcm. {~en Ecm`g Kmogmc{dg h`mZr AZoH$ Y_Jw$,
Y_^{JZr d mn{MH$ h`m`m CnpWVr_`o, AWnwU [a`m hm {dYr gmOam Ho$cm.

gwZH$a amZr _[a`m H$s nwH$ma nhMo h_ ZJar CgH$s CX`ZJa

3 Zd~a 2016 H$mo A_amdVr H$WoS>b MM H$s {d{^Z gWmAm| H$s
Hw$N> Y_~hZ| Y_^mB VWm {ddmgr JZ Eogo H$ar~ 52 bmoJ EH$ ~g Ama dZ go
\$m. gwaOrV Ho$ XoI aoI _| gw~h H$ar~ gmV ~Zo A_amVr go BXma {g. amZr _[a`m Ho$
Y` Kmo{fV {H$`o OmZo dmbo 4 Zd~a Ho$ H$m`H$_ Ho$ {bE admZm hE. BgH$s `moOZm
WmZr` Y_Jw$ \$mXa Omog{bZ Ho$ mam {H$`m J`m. h_ g~_| EH$ AbJ hr C_J
Ama Cgmh Wm. mWZm H$aVo hE VWm JrV JmVo hE ~S>o hr hfm}mg Ho$ gmW
gmVnwS>m H$s hgrZ dm{X`m| Ama Km{Q>`m| H$mo nmaH$a BR>bmVr hB Vmnr ZXr H$s _V
~hmamo H$m AmZX boVo hE h_ g~ em_ Ho$ H$ar~ gmV ~Oo AnZr _{Ob BXma nhMo.
BXma Y_mV mam g^r AmJVwH$m| Ho$ ahZo Ho$ {bE {`m| Ama nw$fm| Ho$ {bE AbJ
AbJ `dWm H$s JB Wr. h_Zo Ogm gmoMm Wm Cggo A{YH$ Cm_ `dWm Ama
gh{b`V| h_Zo dhm nm`r. Xoe {dXoe go hOmam| H$s g`m _| bmoJ dhm nhMo Wo, {H$Vw BVZo g^r bmoJm| Ho$ ahZo Ama ^moOZ H$s `dWm
~hV hr gw`dpWV $n go H$s JB Wr. 4 Zd~a gw~h Xg ~Oo gV nmb hm`a goHo$S>ar Hy$b, BXma Ho$ {demb mJZ _| {g. amZr _[a`m
H$mo Y` Kmo{fV H$aZo H$m ^` H$m`H$_ aIm J`m Wm. n{d {_gm ~{bXmZ _| _{h_m JmZ Ho$ nhbo, hOmam| H$s g`m _| CnpWV
{ddmgrJUm|, Y_Jw$Am|, Y_~hZm|, gVm{bg Ho$ H$ar~ _hmJw$Am| VWm nmM H$m{S>Zg Ho$ ~rM dm{Q>H$Z go nmn \$mpgg Ho$ {V{Z{Y

Ho$ $n _| Am`o H$m{S>Zb EO|bmo A_mVm Bhm|Zo nmn \$mpgg Ho$ mam boQ>rZ _o {bpIV KmofUm n H$mo nT>m, Omo Bg nH$ma Wm {g.
amZr _[a`m ` H$hbm`o Om`o ha df CZH$m nd 25 \$adar AWmV {Og {XZ do e{hX h Cg {XZ _Zm`m Om`o m Bg H$ma 4
Zd~a H$mo {g. amZr _[a`m H$mo ` mo{fV {H$E OmZo dmbo g^r H$m`H$_ n{d {_gm ~{bXmZ VWm Cg Ho$ ~mX hOmam| H$s g`m
_| Am`o g^r bmoJmo Ho$ {bE ^moOZ H$s `Wm Am{X g~ Hw$N> BXma Y_mV Ho$ Va\$ go A`m{YH$ gw`dpWV $n go Am`mo{OV
{H$`m J`m Wm Bg{bE gnyU H$m` H$_ EH$ n{d Ama em{V_` _hmb _| gnZ hAm. `h H$m{~bo Vmar\$ h.
{g.amZr _[a`m H$mo Y` Kmo{fV {H$`o J`o g_mamoh H$s g_m{ Ho$ ~mX h_| em_ H$mo gmV ~Oo A_amdVr bmQ>Zm Wm {H$Vw ha
{H$gr Ho$ X` _| CX`ZJa OmH$a {g. amZr _[a`m H$s H$~ na mWZm H$aZo H$s Mmh Ama `mg OmJr. h_| Eogm _hgyg hAm, Ogo
Y` {g. amZr _[a`m h_ g~H$mo nwH$ma ahr h . E\$.gr.gr. Ho$ {gQ>a `m{V Ho$ H$maU CZHo$ ZoVd Ama {O_oXmar na h_ CX`ZJa
Ho$ {bE admZm hE Omo BXma go bJ^J 2 KQ>o H$s Xar na Wm. h_ g~ CZHo$ H$_ Wb Ama \$mpgH$Z bm[aQ> gWm Ho$ H$mdoQ>
nhMo, {OgH$s do gX` Wt. Y` {g. amZr _[a`m H$s H$~ na h_Zo mWZm H$s Ama gwHy$Z _hgyg {H$`m. h_ g~ {\$a CZHo$ Aml_
_| JE, Ohm CZHo$ {ZdmW godm_`r OrdZ Ama _`w H$s JmWm, X{eV Vdram| VWm CZHo$ H$ho dMZm| Zo ~`mZ {H$`m. {g. amZr
_[a`m CX`ZJa Ho$ gmhH$mam| Ama O_rZXmam| Ho$ {ZemZo na Wr `m|{H$ dhm Ho$ A`V Jar~ Ama nXX{bVm| Ho$ CWmZ Ho$ {bE CZHo$
mam {H$E OmZo dmbo {ZdmW H$m` CZ gmhH$mam| Ama O_rZXmam| H$mo AghZr` hmoZo bJo Wo. {g.amZr _[a`m Zo dhm Ho$ emo{fV Jar~m|
Ama nXX{bVm| H$mo AnZo OrdZ {Zdmh Ho$ {bE AnZo hH$ H$s _OXar H$s _mJ H$aZm, ~wao `dgZm| go Nw>Q>H$mam nmZo Ho$ {bE Ch|
o[aV H$aZm, {H$gmZm| H$mo IoVr H$aZo Ho$ AmYw{ZH$ VarHo$ {gImZm, AnZo ~m| H$mo nmR>embm ^oOZo Ho$ {bE nmbH$m| H$mo [aV H$aZm,
~MV ImVm IwbdmZm Ama ~MV H$aZo Ho$ VarHo$ ~VmZm {`mo H$mo gJ{R>V H$a Ch| ^r AnZo n[adma Ho$ {bE Am{WH$ `moJXmZ XoZm
{gImZm Am{X H$m`m] Ho$ mam Jar~m| Ama nXX{bVm| H$mo gmhH$mam| Ama O_rZXmam| Ho$ emofU go _wV H$a Ch| dmdb~r ~ZmH$a CZHo$
OrdZ Va _| J{V bmZo H$m H$m` {g. amZr _[a`m ~S>o hr bJZ go H$aVr Wr {OgHo$ H$maU Jar~m| Ama nXX{bVm| _| OmJ{V AmB
VWm gmhH$mam| Ama O_rZXmam| Ho$ Ow_r _Zgy~m| na nmZr {\$a J`m. do {g. amZr _[a`m H$mo AnZo amVo go hQ>mZm MmhVo Wo.
25 Zd~a 1995 H$mo AnZo O_ WmZ Ho$ {bE BXma OmVo g_` ~g _| CZ g_mO Ho$ R>oHo$Xmam| Ho$ mam ^oOo JE h`mao
g_Xa qgh Zo MmHy$ go 54 ~ma {g. amZr _[a`m na dma {H$`m. ha dma H$mo `ogw H$m Zm_ boVo hE dh PobVr ahr Ama AV _| `ogw H$m
Zm_ boVo hE hr Chm|Zo AnZm X_ VmoS> {X`m. {g. amZr _[a`m Ho$ h`mao H$mo AmOrdZ H$mamdmg H$s gOm {_br. \$mXa gXmZX Ho$
AWH$ `Z Ama _`Wr Ho$ H$maU g_Xa qgh H$mo AnZo JwZmhm| na nMmVmn hAm. {g. amZr _[a`m Ho$ n[adma Ho$ gX`m| H$m _ob
{_bmn hAm. {g. amZr _[a`m H$s ~hZ {g. gob_r Zo Cg g_` Ho$ ^monmb mo{dg Ho$ mo{dpg`b gw{n[a`a S>m.{g. {bgr Omog
Ama \$mXa gXmZX Ho$ gmW Oob OmH$a g_Xa qgJ H$mo amIr ~mYr. {g. amZr _[a`m Ho$ _mVm {nVm Zo ^r AnZr ~oQ>r Ho$ h`mao g_Xa
qgh H$mo j_m H$a {X`m, {OgHo$ \$bd$n g_Xa qgJ H$m ZdrZrH$aU hAm Ama 2006 _| Cgo [ahm H$a {X`m J`m. Bg H$ma {g.
amZr _[a`m H$s OrdZ H$m`m OmZH$a h_ g~H$m _Z ^mar Vmo hAm {H$Vw Jar~m| Ama nXX{bVm| Ho$ {V CZHo$ AQy>Q> o_ Ama {ZdmW
godm na h_| Jd hAm VWm ehrX {g. amZr _[a`m H$s _{V Ho$ g_wI ZV_VH$ hmoZo na h_ _O~ya hmo JE. CX`ZJa nhMH$a CZHo$
H$~, H$mdoQ> Ama Aml_ H$mo XoIZo Ho$ ~mX hr h_| `h _hgyg hAm {H$ h_mar `h VrW `mm g\$b Ama gmWH$ ahr. {\$a h_ dhm
go H$ar~ gmV ~Oo em_ H$mo A_amdVr Ho$ {bE dmng admZm hE {H$Vw amV Ho$ AYoao _| Cg KZo OJb _| amVm ^Q>H$ JE. _wpH$b go
dhm EH$ Xmo bmoJ {_bo {H$Vw BXma go ImS>dm OmZo dmbo _hm_mJ na h_ OJb go ~mha {ZH$b Zht nm`o. AMmZH$ dhm EH$ `pV
AnZm dZ boH$a nhMm. CgHo$ nrN>o nrN>o h_ C~S> Im~S> amVm nma H$a Cg amV Ho$ AYoao _| KZo OJb go h_ gwa{jV ImS>dm OmZo
dmbo _hm_mJ na nhM J`o. h_ g~Zo amhV H$s gmg br Ama Y` {g. amZr _[a`m Ho$ mam Bda H$mo Y`dmX {X`m `m|{H$ h_Zo `h
_hgyg {H$`m {H$ dh {g. amZr _[a`m hr Wr {Ohm|Zo Cg gwZgmZ KZo OJb _| amV Ho$ g_` Cg dZ H$mo h_mar _XX Ho$ {bE ^oOm.
Bg H$ma h_| `h {ddmg hmo J`m {H$ Y` {g. amZr _[a`m, CZ OJbmo _o, CZ dm{X`m| _o CZ Jar~m| nXX{bVmo VWm O$a_Xmo H$s
_XX Ho$ {bE AmO ^r Or{dV h& A{YH$ go A{YH$ bmoH$ Bg VrW Wb _| AmH$a {g.amZr _[a`m Ho$ o_ H$mo AZw^d {H$`o VWm
CZHo$ {ZdmW godmH$m`m} go oaUm nm`|&
Y` {g.amZr _[a`m H$s _`Wr Ho$ mam h_ Bda go mWZm H$aVo h {H$ Chm|Zo ew {H$`m H$m` dhm Omar aho& {Og H$ma
g_Xa qgJ H$mo AnZo H$m` na nN>Vmdm hAm Ama N>moQ>o _moQ>o n_mZo na hr `m| Z hmo, dh {g. amZr _[a`m Ho$ nX{Mhmo hmo VWm dhm Ho$
Jar~mo Ama nXX{bVmo H$m CWmZ hmo&
AV _| Bda go _ `h `mMZm H$aVr h {H$ OX go OX Y` {g amZr _[a`m H$s ^r {JZVr gVmo _o hmo OmE Am_oZ &

gwgr Xod{g`m, A_amdVr

CXKmQ>Z g_mamoh
Vm[aI 2 AmQ>m|~a 2017 gmo_dma, _[a`_nya nr Ho$ g^r
n{dm{g`mo Ho$ {bE ~S>m hr hf Cmg ^am {XZ Wm& _[a`_nya nr Ho$ IQ>H$mbr
Ama Am_Par Jmd _|, Jm_ Ho$ {ddmgrJU Ed nr Ho$ nr nwamohrV aoh \$m.
{e_moZ, ghm`H$ nr nwamohrV aoh \$m. J{~Eb, {g. _wVm Ed g^r {gQ>amo Ho$
gh`moJ Ama {deof H$a lr_Vr. Vm`So> _S>_ BZ g~m| Ho$ {ZdmW Ed AWH$
n[al_ go XmoZmo Jm_ _| Z`o Mnb ~ZmE J`o& CgH$m CXKmQ>Z Ed Ampef {dYr
A_amdVr Y_mV Ho$ _hmJw$ aoh {~en Ebm`g Kmogmb{dg Ho$ ew^ hmWm| go
gnZ hAm& {R>H$ 3 ~Oo gdW_ IQ>H$mbr Mnb H$m CXKmQ>Z {H$`m J`m& Hw$N>
hr g_` ~mX Am_Par Mnb H$m CXKmQ>Z ^r {H$`m J`m CXKmQ>Z Ho$ VwaV ~mX n{d {_gm ~{b A{nV {H$`m J`m& {~enOr Zo AnZo
dMZ _o bmoJmo H$mo Ym{_H$ {ddmg _| Ama ~T> H$a Be am` H$m {dVma H$aZo H$mo H$hm& em_ g_` 6 ~Oo g^r CnpWV bmoJmo H$mo
dm{XQ> {Vr ^moO {X`m J`m& Bg H$ma `h CXKmQ>Z g_mamoh _| nr Ho$ g^r {ddmgr JZ, ~hg`m _| gh^mJr hmo H$a `h g_mamoh
H$mo g\$b Ed hf_` ~Zm`o&

h_mao XZr nare _| ha df H$s Vah Bg df ^r n{d amoOar _mbm H$s _hmamZr Ho$
Adga na hmbr~mb Qw>Zm_|Q> Am`moOZ {H$`m J`m Wm& {Og _| Zm| Q>r_ Bg Qw>Zm_|Q>
_| ^mJ {b`m Wm& Bg Qw>Zm_|Q> _| {dOoVm hm{gb {H$`m gV OmQ> ~m~m _S>b ~moS> A
nhbm nwaH$ma & gV OmQ> ~m~m _S>b ~moS> B Xgam nwaH$ma hm{gb {H$`m Ama gV
OmQ> ~m~m _S>b ~moS> C Vrgam nwaH$ma m {H$`m& n{d amoOar _mbm H$s _hmamZr
H$m ZmodoZm Ama PS>m dXZ H$m CXKmQ>Z 21 {gV~a 2017 H$mo aoh \$m gmB_Z
Xmam {H$`m J`m& Bg Zm {XZ Ho$ ZmdoZm _| {d{^Z nare go \$mXamo Zo AmH$a {_gm
MT>m`o Ama dMZ Xmam bmoJmo H$mo _mJ XeZ {H$`o& 8> AQw>~a 2017 H$mo XZr nare _| n{d _mbm H$s _hmamZr H$m `mohma Yw_ Ym_
go _Zm`m Jm`m& Cg {XZ gw~h Zm ~Oo n[aeZa Ho$ {bE [aQ>rQ> Ama Am`mp_H$ V`mar Ho$ {bE aoh \$m. A$U ~adm Zo bmoJmo H$mo _mJ
XeZ {H$`m& em_ nmM ~Oo n{d amoOmar _mbm H$s _hmamZr H$m Owbyg _| ^pV ^md go ^mJ {b`o& h_mao Y_-mV Ho$ _hmJw$
Ebm`g Kmogmb{dg Zo {_gm MT>m`m& amoOmar _mbm H$s Adga na {~en Ho$ hmWmo go Mma ~mo Zo nhbm na_ gmX JhU {H$`m Ama
CZrg ~mo H$mo T>rH$aU gH$ma {X`m J`m& {{V ^moO Ho$ gmW n{d amoOmar _mbm H$s _hmamZr H$m `mhma g_mnZ {H$`m J`m&


Mount Carmel Church, Akola

EH$ BN>m go Hw$N> Zht ~XbVm,

EH$ {ZU` go WmoS>m Hw$N> ~XbVm h,
EH$ {ZM` g~ Hw$N> ~Xb XoVm h'
18.11.2017 H$mo n[ae H$mC{gb {_qQ>J H$m Am`moOZ {H$`m J`m {Og_|
h_mao aoh. {~en Ebm`g Kmogmb{dg CnpWV Wo& Bg g^m _| nr Ho$ MwZo
hE n[ae {V{ZYr CnpWV Wo& Bg g^m H$s ewadmV mWZm go hB Ama {\$a MwZo hE {V{Z{Y`m| H$m gH$ma {H$`m J`m& n[ae Ho$
{hV Ho$ {bE `m H$m` H$aZm h, AnZm {H$VZm `moJXmZ XoZm h BZ g~ ~mVm| na {~enOr Zo OmZH$mar Xr Ama Bg na MMm hB& AV _|
{~en Zo g^m| H$mo `h H$m` Ama^ H$aZo Ho$ {bE ew^H$m_ZmE Xr Ama {_gm ~brXmZ _| {deof mWZm go Bg g^m H$s g_mr hB&

Mount Carmel Church, Akola

"EH$ gmW AmZm ewadmV h,

EH$ gmW ahZm VaH$s h,
Ama EH$ gmW H$m_ H$aZm H$m{_`m~r h
`h {OXX Ho$ gmW `wdmAm| Ho$ {bE EH$ g_obZ aIm J`m {Og _| AH$mobm,
Im_Jmd, eoJmd, amOwam Ama _w{VOmnya n[ae Ho$ `wdH$ em{_b Wo& `wdmAm| H$m
_mJXeZ H$aZo Ho$ {bE \$m. $noe Ama \$m. gw^mf CnpWV Wo& \$m. $noe Zo
~Vm`m H$s `wdmAm| _| ~T> ahr MwZm{V`m| Ho$ H$maU `pV_Vd H$m Img ^md XoIm Om ahm h, Omo H$s AmO Ho$ `wdm Imo MwHo$ h&
Am_Vma na Am_{ddmg na `mXm Omoa {X`m J`m {Ogo Xa H$aZm ha gwdH$ Ho$ {bE O$ar hmo J`m h& {H$gr H$s ^r VaH$s _|
`pV_d Ho$ {V OmJVm ~hV O$ar h& h_mao OrZo H$m _H$gX `m h Ama H$moB ^r b` nmZo Ho$ {bE, _Z XT> hmoZm Mm{hE Ama
g\$b `pV ~ZZo Ho$ {bE BN>mepV Ama XT> gH$n H$m hmoZm O$ar h BZ g~ ~mVm| go `wdmAm| H$mo oaUm {_br& AV _| {_gm
~{bXmZ hAm, {Og_| {deof mWZm g~ `wdmAm| Ho$ {bE H$s JB Ama Bgr Ho$ gmW H$m`H$_ g_m hAm&


Mount Carmel Church, Akola
amOmAm| H$m amOm, mwAm| H$m mw, pIV amOm H$m nd h_mao AH$mobm n[ae _| ~S>r hr CgwH$Vm
go _Zm`m J`m& {_gm ~{bXmZ mWZm Ho$ ~mX, mw Ho$ VwVr JrVm| mam Owbwg {ZH$mbm J`m& Bg
{deof {XZ na h_mao n[ae _| {dd J[a~ {XZ _Zm`m J`m Ohm g^r O$aVm| bmoJm| H$mo H$~b ~mQ>o
JE Ama M[aQ>r H$mh|Q> _| J[a~m| H$mo ImZm {X`m J`m& h_mao n[ae Ho$ bmoJm| Ama `wdmAm| Ho$
ghH$m` go `h g~ nyU hAm&

A Short Report on National Symposium 2017

We Sr. Elvira, Mr. Devasia and Mrs. Devasia are very happy to express our joyful gratitude
to our Bishop for the privilege of selecting us to attend the National Symposium Understanding
AMORIS LAETITIA of Pope Francis in the Indian situation, held at St. Pius X College,
th th
Goregaon from 13 to 15 October 2017. The Symposium was graced with the presence of the rst
Counselor Apostolic Nunciature in India, Archbishop, Bishops, Priests, Sisters, Brothers, together
with all those involves in family apostolate health care social works couples and the youth of
Mumbai Archdiocese. It was indeed a wonderful experience for us. We express our gratitude to God
for His blessings through our bishop and the family committee inchage Fr. Samy. We could meet
and listen to many experts in various elds only because of you giving us this opportunity. Thank
you your Lordship. We reached Bombay on 13 October 2017 in the morning and after registration
the seminar started by 5:30 pm on the same day. All the resource persons were well versed in their
respective topic and they discussed in details the various challenges faced by our Catholics, in the
light of the Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation AMORIS LAETITIA. The talks were fruitful
and we could understand and get a lot of information. So we believe that the Holy Spirit guided us
to grasp the essence of the talks. Since we were selected and sent by the diocese that had spent a
good amount of money for this noble cause and the trust that bishop of Amravati and Fr. Samy

placed on us we would like to do something for our parish/ parishes and the diocese at large with the
blessings of the Bishop and the cooperation of our priests, religious and the laity. We are happy to
contribute in whatever possible ways for this noble cause.
1. To start with the ten tips for Catholic Families'' according to the apostolic exhortation
AMORIS LAETITIA can be implemented in the families of our parishes.
2. Marriage preparation course: it was strongly recommended during the discussion that the
marriage preparation course needs a minimum four days and of which one day should be
dedicated for the parents of those to be married.
3. Remote marriage preparation Programme in schools and colleges and among the youth.
4. Marriage Enrichment Programme for the couples married 1 to 5 years; 1 to 2 years
5. Sex education for students in all our institutions.
6. Gospel sharing / Gospel values for youth groups and BCC.
We thank our dear Bishop Elias Gonsalves, Rev. Fr. Samy, Incharge of Family Committee,
Amravati and Rev. Fr. Joselyn our Parish Priest for all the support and prayers.

Sr. Elvira
Mr. V. J. Devasia
Mrs. Devasia

News & Views

Deep joy and a sense of belonging well up within, as
we gratefully recall moments of togetherness and give glory
to God and hail the people of our Amravati Diocese.
Yes, on 8 September 2017, we celebrated the Girl
Child Day with a solemn Eucharistic celebration, where the
children beautifully dressed like little princesses, led the
procession to the altar for worship. The entire congregation
upheld the dignity of the girl child as we offered prayer of
praise and thanksgiving and asked God to strengthen our
belief and reinforce our trust that 'God is Our Father and we are the children of God.
The empowering of all our Domestic workers in our Parishes in the month of September was
also an enriching experience. The respected Gynecologists vividly expounded to them the
importance of health & hygiene, nutrition and the sacredness of the sexuality. We also had a mixture
of games, songs, dances and of-course snacks. Surely we were glad to participate in the Sessions
organized by the CBCI under the leadership of His Excellency Bishop Ambrose, the chairperson for
Women Commission, Western region, on the 7th & 8th October 2017. Two of our sister-animators
Elvira and Sunita Kerketta were enlightened on the 'New Policy on Women, drawn up by the
CBCI acknowledging the irreplaceable role that the women hold in building up 'The
Kingdom of God on Earth and nurturing life in every aspect.' Mr. & Mrs. Devasia and Sr. Elvira
represented our Diocese for the National Symposium 2017, held in Mumbai
Exhortation 'The Joy of Love' by Pope Francis, is a treasure safe guarding the Sacrament of
Marriage and the Family Life, humbly requesting Mother Church to accompany and understand her

children's problems in concrete reality and to allow the Holy
Spirit to enlighten them in their daily struggles. We have now
planned a programme, where the 10 Tips for Catholic
Families, drawn from the Post Synodal Apostolic
Exhortation will be explained to all the families in our
Diocese. Hats off! to our Parishes, for inspite of the late
information on 'The First World Day of the Poor' on 33
Sunday of the Liturgical Year, we were able to inspire our
parishioners with a rich liturgy, lift up the poor in our prayer
and awaken in our hearts, empathy so as to contribute our
mite to show our solidarity with some of our poor families. The Peace Club students of the Holy
Cross English High School, Amravati, along with Sr. Elvira and some teachers shared a meal with
street-children taken care of by 'SADHASHANTI BAL GRAHA'. It was a relational experience
which led to an encounter and a bonding.
Sr. Elvira D'Cunha SCC

nm[admarH$ OrdZ mWZm

_[a`_nya nbr _| Am`mo{OV n[admarH$ OrdZ Ama mWZm {e{~a _o
_mJXeZ Ho$ $n _| aoh. \$m.Amamo` dm_r Ama aoh. \$m. {Xn
(Am`.E_.Eg.) CnpWV Wo&Chmo Zo ZmOaoV H$m n{d n[adma H$m CXmhaU Xo
H$a {H$g H$ma {pV` n[adma hmoZm Mm{hE Ama CZH$m {pV` hmoZo Ho$ ZmVo
MM _| `m gh^m{JVm Ama `moJ XmZ hmoZm Mm{hE Ama gmW {h gmW mWZm
_` OrdZ Ama n[adma `m h? `h _wmo H$mo mWZm Ed _mJXeZ mam
\$mXaOr Zo bmoJmo H$mo g_Pm`m& nbr Ho$ ~hVgo n[adma `h mWZm Ed
_mJXeZ Ho$ {bE gh^mJr hE Wo& `h mWZm H$mo g\$b Ed _hdnyU ~ZmZo
Ho$ {bE _[a`_nya nbr Ho$ g_V nbr dm{g,\$mXg, {gQ>g Zo ~hV `moJXmZ {X`m& Ama Bg H$ma `h nm{admarH$ OrdZ
Ama mWZm {e{~a H$m g_mamoh em_ 8.00 ~Oo {{V^moOZ Ho$ gmW {H$`m J`m&

_obKmQ> `wdmAmo Ho$ {bE `pV_d {dH$mg {ejU

Vm[aI 22 AmQ>mo~a 2017 a{ddma, Ho$ {XZ _obKmQ> Ho$ g^r nbr Ho$ `wdmAmo Ho$ {bE EH$ {Xdgr` `pV_d H$m
go{_Zma aIm J`m& Cg_o XZr,_bH$mnwa Ama _[a`_nya nbr Ho$ VH$ar~Z
50 `wdmAmo Zo H$m\$s Cgmhr $n go gh^mJrVm XemE& `h H$m`H$_ H$m
Ama^ gw~h 11.0 ~Oo hAm& H$m`H$_ _| aoh.\$m. gw^mf _KmS>o Ama aoh.
\$m. $noe S>m~ao _mJXeZ Ho$ $n _| CnpWV hE Wo& {Og_| Chm| Zo `wdmAmo
H$mo AmZo dmbr H$b H$s ^{d` na g~mo{YV H$aVo hE H$hm H$s `wdmAmo H$mo
gH$mam_H$ >r H$moU aIVo hE AnZo b` H$m {nN>m H$aZm Mm{hE& Ama
h_oem AnZo g_mO Ama Xoe Ho$ CVr Ho$ {bE Vna ahZm Mm{hE& gmW hr
gmW `h H$m`H$_ Ho$ {bE aoh. \$m. {d{nZ, aoh \$m. J{~Eb, aoh \$m.
{e_moZ ^r CnpWV Wo& BZ g^m| H$s CnpWVr Ed gh`moJ mam `h H$m`H$_
g\$bVm H$s {eIa VH$ nhM nm`m& Xmonha 3.00 ~Oo {{V^moOZ Ho$ gmW
`h H$m`H$_ g_m hAm&

Grand Parents Day was celebrated in the premises of St.
Joseph's English Primary School on 30th September 2017 with
great enthusiasm. The programme started sharp at 8:30 a.m.
Grand Parents of Primary and Pre-primary section were
invited for this programme. The programme began with a
beautiful, melodious prayer service 'Life is Beautiful'
followed by intercessional prayers for the Chief guest,
Principal father, sisters, teachers, grandparents and their
children. Mrs. Pushpatai Bonde mdm, Ex MLA , well known
congress party leader was invited as the guest, whereas Rev. Bishop Elias Gonsalves was the
President of the programme. Tiny tots of Pre-primary section expressed their happy feelings by
presenting a dance performance based on the song 'Dadagi ki chhadi. Young talented students of
Primary section presented a marvelous dance to show their great affection for grandparents. Mrs.
Pushpatai Bonde, the guest, addressed to all the grandparents regarding their status in the family, at
the same time their responsibilities towards their family. She also focused on grandparents could
play a great role in nurturing their grand children inculcating values and culture in them. On the
other hand, Rev. Bishop Elias Gonsalvis, President of the programme emphasized on the topic of
Vrudhapkal Dega Deva. He explained how one can serve his family, his society, and utilize his
experiences for the progress of society. The programme was concluded with the vote of thanks by
Mr. Saumya Bele of class IV A. Thus the programme concluded successfully.

~mbH$ {Xdg g_mamoh

Amem Xrn {dH$mg Ho$ _bH$mnwa _| Jm_rU jomo Ho$ Am{Xdmgr ~mo Ho$ {bE
{XZmH$ 14 Zmoho~a 2017 H$mo ~mbH$ {Xdg H$m Am`moOZ {H$`m J`m& Bg
H$m`H$_ Ho$ _wI A{V{W nmo{bg nmQ>rb gwaof ~obgao, _mhr\$b R>mHw$a, gm.
~mJm ~mB, \$m. {d{nZ, {g. A{ZVm, {g. {{gbm, nwadUr {Q>Mg Ama H$[a~
150 ~o CnpWV Wo& H$m`H$_ H$s ewdmV {Xn dbZ d mWZm Ho$ gmW H$s
JB& Bg Adga na CnpWV A{V{W`m| H$m dmJV nwnJwN> XoH$a {H$`m J`m&
BgHo$ ~mX H$m`H$_ Ho$ gMmbH$ {g. A{ZVmZo AnZo VmdZm Ho$ eXmo na ~mb
{Xdg g_mamoh Ho$ {df` _o {dVmanwdH$ g_PmVo hE H$hm {H$ 14 Zmoho~a H$m {XZ ^maV _| ~mb {Xdg Ho$ n _o _Zm`m OmVm h
`m|H$s Bg {XZ ~mo Ho$ {` MmMm n{S>V Odmha bmb Zoh H$m O_ hAm Wm& ZohOr ~mo go ~hV `ma H$aVo Wo CZH$m {ddmg
Wm {H$ ~mo na hr Xoe H$m ^{d` {Z^a H$aVm h& Omo AmO ~o h H$b do hr Xoe Ho$ ZoVm hm|Jo& ~mb {Xdg H$m AW h ~mo H$m {XZ
~o hr {H$`m {H$gr Xoe Ho$ dmV{dH$ gn{V hAm H$aVo h& ~o AmZo dmbo H$b Ho$ H$UYma h& ~o Omo AmO H$s H$mo_b H${b`m h
`o hr H$b Ho$ pIbZo dmbo \w$b hAm H$aVo h& Bg{bE ~mo H$m gdmJrZ {dH$mg CZHo$ H$bm JwUmo Ama Mr Ho$ {V h_o CZH$mo Adga
XoZm h_g~mo H$m H$V` ho Ogo gwXa fXmo Xmam _wI A{V{W`mo Zo ~mo H$m _mJXeZ {H$`o& BgHo$ ~mX Bg H$m`H$_ H$mo Ama A{V
amoZH$ ~ZmZo Ho$ {b`o ~mo Zo AZoH$ N>moQ>r N>moQ>r Zm{Q>H$m Ama Z` VwV H$a h_mar `moVr ObVr aho, Ka Ka _| {ejm H$m {Xn Obo,
bS>H$m bS>H$s _o {ejm Ho$ H$moB ^oX ^md Zhr Ogo gXof XoH$a Bg H$m`H$_ na aJ bm`o& H$m`H$_ Ho$ AV _o g~mo Ho$ {bE ^moOZ Ama
Iob IwX H$m ~Y {H$`m J`m Wm& goQ>g ~YH$ \$m. {d{nZ Bg H$m`H$_ Ho$ g\$bVm Ho$ {b`o g^r {gQ>g {Q>Mg Ama ~mo H$m
Am^ma XeZ Ama {dO`r ~mo H$mo BZm_ XoH$a mogmhZ {H$`m& \$m. {d{nZ
State Level Football Tennis Tournament
On Saturday 16 September 2017, the football tennis
players of Sacred Heart School, Paratwada, went to Solapur
to participate in the state level football tennis competition
under-14 category. Altogether eighteen from our school -
ten boys and eight girls besides the other players joined from
Amravati Association.
The competition was held on 17th and 18th September 2017 at
Rajiv Gandhi stadium in Solapur. There were many schools from different regions of Maharashtra
participated in the tournament. There was a huge crowd of students who had gathered in the stadium
to cheer the players. Each one of us got a wonderful opportunity to play two to three matches against
different teams from Ahmednagar and gave a tough competition to the opponents. The team with a
great zeal and condence throughout the tournament. All enjoyed the competition very much and
were awarded with participation certicates and medals.
We wish to thank our teachers and parents for motivating and encouraging us to participate in the
tournament and also sports master Mr. Sachin A. Kawanpure for preparing the team for this great
event. The School Principal congratulated us and presented the certicates and medals on the
occasion of the Diwali celebration held in the school. All played fantastically well and are looking
eagerly forward to the next xture! Miss. Shruti N. Jaisawal
Sacred Heart School, Paratwada

Children's Day Celebration

Children's Day was celebrated at Sacred Heart
School, Paratwada on 14 November 2017 with great
splendour and esta. The day was commemorated with
great joy and immense enthusiasm. The school campus
was abuzz with excitement and joy of the colourfully
dressed up children. The classrooms and Stage were
beautifully decorated by the teachers. The celebration
began with the lighting of the lamp by the Principal,
teachers and children. The principal welcomed all the ofce bearers with a rose. The teaching and
non-teaching staff presented a beautiful skit in a humorous way but with a profound message. The
teachers sang a group song to the tune of the spirit of childhood. On the occasion, the principal gave
an inspiring and thought provoking message urging the children to follow the path of honesty and
hard work as shown by Chacha Nehru. The head girl of the school Miss Sharvari S. Patil of Std. 8th
delivered the vote of thanks on behalf of all the students.
On the occasion there was a special surprise for the children. The teachers had organized a
food festival for all the children to express their love and affection for them. The aim of the program
was to help the poor children and to bring smile and joy in them on such a marvellous occasion. In
the end the children danced and contested among themselves. The children enjoyed all the items of
the day and there was a big smile and giggle on the face of every child. The day came to an end with
lots of new learnings of loving, caring and sharing. Miss. Zubiya N. A. Khan
Sacred Heart School, Paratwada

goQ> Amg Hy$b _`o dm{fH$
{H$S>m_hmogd CgmhmV gmOam
_w{VOmnwa, goQ> Amg Hy$b _`o dm{fH$ {H$S>m_hmogdmMo Am`moOZ
aoh. {~en Ebm`g Kmogmb{dg `m`m A`jVoImbr A{Ve` CgmhmV gnZ
Pmbm. dm{fH$ {H$S>m_hmogdm_`o {M_wH$`mZr {d{dY gmH${VH$ H$m`H$_m`m
_m`_mVyZ {d{dY H$bm VwV Ho$`m.goQ> Amg Hy$b Zo Am`mo{OV Ho$bo`m
gmH${VH$ H$m`H$_mMo _wI A{VWr Cn{d^mJr` A{YH$mar _m. ^mJdV gXmZo, _m.
Vh{gbXma amhb Vm`So>, _m. JQ>{ejUm{YH$mar `m_ amV _m. \$mXa {nQ>a nR>mao,
_m. _. {g. bmo{Q>S>Or, _m. aUdao ga, Am{U _m. CX`moOH$ O{VZ h[a`m CnpWV
hmoVo. {d{dY gH$VrMo XeZ gmH${VH$ H$m`H$_mXmao {dX`m`mZr {Xbo. `mM ~amo~a em[a[aH$ {df`mMo _hd `moJm, H$amQ>o,gma`m
H$m`H$_mXmao gmJ`mV Ambo. H$m`H$_mMo gwgMmbZ gh{e{jH$m dmoJm _moKoS> Am{U {eZb R>mHy$a `mZr `edr[a`m Ho$bo.
H$m`H$_m`m `emMo lo` {Vhr {d^mJm`m _w`m`m{nH$mZr, {ejH$ Am{U {dX`m`mZr KoVbo`m AVmoZmV l_mbm {Xbo.


International Girl Child Day was celebrated on 14th October 2017 at
Dayasagar Social Centre Ranigram Utavali as per the action plan
prepared by Women's Desk of Melghat Social Forum. The Programme
began at 10.00am. Religious communities of Duni Parish participated
in the programme.132 girls from Ten Villages took part in the
programme. The programme started with prayer dance and inaugurated
by lighting of the lamp. This programme was divided into two parts.
Adv. Bro. Jose Kallely, the Director of Monfort Welfare Society, gave a
talk on Women's Rights. Sr. Sheeja & Mr. Harishchand Bhilavekar , Staff of Dayasagar Social Centre, presented
video clips and explained the topics Save Girl Child, Importance of education of Girl Child , Stop Child Marriage
and Stop Female Infanticide .This enlightened the Young Hearts against the Social evil against women. Secondly
there was cultural programme presented by girls, which included folk dance, dandiya, action song, songs related
to Save a Girl Child and Patriotic Songs, added color and beauty to the day. The Programme came to an end by
vote of thanks by Mr. Harichand, Coordinator of Dayasagar Social Centre, to all the participants and to the
organizers of the programmes . Lunch was served to all the participants.

Miss Vidhi R. Rawal selected for National School Boxing Championship.

Miss Vidhi Rakesh Rawal a student of Std. 10th of Mount Carmel School,
Akola outshined herself in the recently held State Level School Boxing
Championship under 17 years at Vasant Desai Stadium, Akola. Her
outstanding performance in the championship got her selected in the
National School Boxing Championship to be held at Dehradun from 4th
December to 8th December 2017 where she will represent the Maharashtra
Boxing Team. She participated in the pre-training camp held at Rohtak
from 7th to 11th November 2017 where she performed exceptionally well to get selected in the Indian Team. She was
felicitated for her outstanding performance in State-Level School games at the hands of Principal of Mount Carmel
School,Akola Rev. Father Mathew Karickal in the school assembly. Her performance is acclaimed in all circles of Akola
City and outside too. She owes the credit of her success to the Principal of School, P.T. Instructors - Mr. Bhushan Salve,
Mr. Sagar Nile, Mrs Jenny Benedict and to her parents and well-wishers under whose guidance her performance bore
fruits. The teaching and non-teaching staff also congratulated her for her dynamic success.
       Mount Carmel School, Akola

Social Justice & Development
_bH$mnwa `oWo EH$ {Xdgr` eoVH$ar {ejU
{MIbXam `oWrb _bH$mnwa `oWo EH$ {Xdgr` eoVH$ar {ejUmMo Am`moOZ
H$a`mV Ambo hmoVo. H$arVmg B{S>`m `w {Xr Xmam gMmbrV g|Q>a Am\$ BZhma_|Q>
Q>S>rO BZ gmoeb goQ>a (gog) _bH$mnwa Vm. {MIbXam `m`m {d_mZo EH$
{Xdgr` eoVH$ar {ejU 26 AmQ>mo~a 2016 amoOr Am`moOrV H$a`mV Ambo
hmoVo.`m gJr H$m`H$_mMo A`j gwaoe nmMao Va _wI A{VWr hUwZ \$m. {d{nZ
VgoM H$m`H$_mMo dVm hUwZ H$fr VV {^bmoZm `oWrb mMm` AmZX AVH$ao
CnpWV hmoVo. `mgJr gm_m{OH$ jomVrb n`mdaU A``Z H|$m AVJV `oUm`m
14 JmdmVrb eoVH$ar _moR>`m g`oZo CnpWV hmoVo. H$marVmg BqS>`m `w {Xr Xmam
gMm{bV g|Q>a Am\$ Bhma_|Q> Q>S>rO BZ gmoeb goQ>a _bH$mnwa ho Ho$ 2009
nmgwZ `m jom_`o n`mdaU gdYZ H$a`m gX^mV emdV eoVr d JmS>w i IV `dWmnZ VgoM Jmo_w gdYZ `m {df`mda eoVH$`mZm
_mJXeZ H$a`mH$arVm AmZX AVH$ao `mZr `m ^mJmVrb gm_m{OH$ jomVrb n`mdaU A``Z H|$m AVJV `oUm`m 14 JmdmVrb
CnpWV eoVH$`mZm `mo` _mJXeZ Ho$bo VgoM `j JmSy>i IV H$nmbm ^oQ> XodwZ `mo` _mJXeZ Ho$bo. `mgJr H$arVmg BqS>`m Mo
~m~wbmb Pm_aH$a, Zm_Xod ~obgao, VoOrbmb ~obgao gImam_ Pm_aH$a Am{X CnpWV hmoVo. H$m`H$_mMo gMmbZ d Am^ma XeZ
ZmJoe nmigH$a `mZr Ho$bo \$m. {d{nZ

H$m`aV _{hbmAm| Ho$ {bE {deof {ejU g^m

{dd Ho$ H$`mU H$s H$moB g^mdZm Zht h,
O~ VH$ _{hbmAm| H$s hmbV _| gwYma Zht hmoJm&
EH$ njr Ho$ {bE EH$ nI Ho$ ghmao CS>mZ ^aZm g^d Zht h& `h `mZ _| aIVo
hE 10 {gV~a 2017 H$mo _mCQ> H$m_ob, AH$mobm n[ae _| _{hbmAm| Ho$ {bE
EH$ {deof {ejU H$m Am`moOZ {H$`m J`m& Bg {ejU H$m Am`moOZ {g.
Eb{dam mam {H$`m J`m Ama Bg {ejU H$mo Ama ~T>mdm XoZo Ho$ {bE S>m. _mYwar
MmS>H$ ^r em{_b Wo& {ejU _| bJ^J 30-35 _{hbmE Ed bS>{H$`m
CnpWV Wo& Bg g^m H$s ewadmV mWZm go {H$ JB Ama S>m Ama g^r CnpWV
_{hbmAm| H$m dmJV {H$`m J`m& _{hbmAm| H$mo AnZo OrdZ Ho$ _H$gX H$m
_hd Ama AnZo {O_oXmar`m| H$m Ehgmg H$adm`m& S>m Zo nr.nr.Q>r oO|Q>oeZ mam CZ g^m| H$mo CZ_| hmoZodmbo ~Xbmd Ed IwX H$s
gwajm H$gr H$aZr Mm{hE `h g_Pm`m& OrdZ _| AnZo Ama AnZo n[adma H$s {h\$mOV Ama gwajm H$go H$ao Bgna o[aV {H$`m& `h
g~ _{hbmE AnZo n[adma H$s Zrd h Ama AnZo n[adma Ho$ AN>o Cdb ^{d` Ho$ {bE `h {ejU CZ g^m| Ho$ {bE bm^Xm`H$
ahm& CZ g^m| _| EH$ ZB Amem H$m {Z_mU hAm Ama do g~ ZE C_rX Ama {dMmam| Ho$ gmW bmQ> JE&

d[a> ZmJ[aH$mo H$m _mJXeZ {e~ra

Vm[aI 10 AmQ>m|~a 2017 _Jbdma, _[a`_nya nbr Ho$ g^r d[a>> ZmJ[aH$mo
Ho$ {bE EH$ {Xdgr` _mJXeZ {e{~a H$m Am`moOZ _[a`_nya nbr Ho$ nrnwamo{hV
aoh.\$m. {e_moZ Ed ghm`H$ nbr nwamo{hV aoh \$m. J{~Eb Ho$ ZoVd Ama {g.
g{JVm Ho$ _mJXeZ,_Yya JrV, Ed mWZm mam gn {H$`m J`m& gw~h 10.00 ~Oo
`h {e~ra H$m CXKmQ>Z g_mamoh ~So hr AmZX Ho$ gmW {H$`m J`m& `h {e~ra Ho$ {bE
nbr Ho$ Mmamo Jmdm| go Hw$b {_bmH$a 63 d[a> ZmJ[aH$mo Zo ~S>m hr C\y$V $n go
gh^mJrVm XemE& Xmonha 1.00 ~Oo g^r H$mo dm{XQ> ^moOZ {X`m J`m&Ama Hw$N>
g_` ~mX Xmonha H$m g Ama^ hAm& Ama Bg H$ma `h {e~ra H$m g_m{ Xmonha
3.00 ~Oo hAm& `h {e{~a d[a> ZmJ[aH$mo H$mo H$m\$s _hdnyU ahm &

On 5th October 2017, we conducted a medical camp including

eye testing with the collaboration of kothara Laprosy Hospital
and Daya Sagar Amravati. We were indeed fortunate to get Dr.
Sr. Rachita as a Paedrictiion who generously helped to examine
the infants and children in the camp. She also contributed
towards the health checkups of the Balgurha students.
Altogether 60 students were examined and appropriate
medicines were given along with tonics for anaemia and
calcium deciencies. Surgical cases were examined and out of
6 patients one woman was operated for hystrectomy Sister Dr.Rachita

^` Amamo` {e{~a ,_bH$mnwa

OrdZ {dH$mg gWm naVdmS>m d \$m{V_m {S>noZgar _bH$mnwa VWm
H$moR>mam bogr hmnrQ>b naVdmS>m Xmam Am`mo{OV ^` Amamo` {e{~a H$m
Am`moOZ Vm. 16/11/2017 {XZ Jwdma H$mo {H$`m J`m& Bg {e{~a _o
H$moR>mam hmnrQ>b Ho$ S>m.Q>r\$Z, S>m. gma^ Ama {Q>_ CnpWV Wo& Bg Adga
na \$m{V_m H$mdoQ> Ho$ {gQ>g bw{g`m, OmohmZm , A{ZVm , {{gbm Ama
Ama. {g. {_eZ Ho$ BMmO \$m. {d{nZ CnpWV Wo& {e{~a mV: 10 go em_
3 ~Oo VH$ Mbr&Bg {e{~a H$m Am`moOZ {deofH$a Jm_rU jomo Ho$ Jar~ ^mB
~hZmo Ho$ {bE {H$`m J`m {Oggo dV_mZ g_` H$s ^mJVr XmS>Vr {OXJr _o bmnadmhr Ho$ H$maU Omo {d{^Z H$ma {H$ ~r_mar`m|
Ho$ MnoQ> _o Am OmVo h Bg Adga na 351 ~r_ma go nrS>rV bmoJmo Zo AnZr OmM H$admB& {Og_o AmImo H$s OmM _moVrq~X, H$mM
{~X Zmgwa, AmImo _o nS>Xm Ed AmImoH$s A` {~_mar H$s OmM {H$`m J`m&OZab {~_mar: S>m`~o{Q>O, bS> ofa, Ed g^r
H$ma {~_mar`mo H$m OmM {H$`m J`m& M_S>r H$s {~_mar : H$R>amoJ Ed g^r H$ma H$s M_S>r`mo H$s ~r_mar`mo {H$ OmM H$amB
JB&Bg {e{~a _o Jm{_U jomo Ho$ bmoJmo Zo A{YH$ go A{YH$ g`m _o AmH$a Bg {e{~a H$m bm^ CR>m`m& Bg {e{~a H$m lo`
H$moR>mam hmnrQ>b Ho$ g^r S>mQ>g Ama \$m{V_m XdmImZm Ho$ {gQ>g H$mo {_bVm h& _bH$mnwa \$m. {d{nZ


th th
On 27 and 28 October 2017 Dr. Sr. Sophy and her
team conducted a free medical camp in Rajura along
with St.Ann's sisters of Rajura.People from Rajura and
nearby villages actively participated in the camp. Around 170 patients were examined
and medicines were distributed.
Sister Dr.Rachita

Seva Sadan Dispensary Kara.
Medical Camp organcized

Medical camp was conducted on 12th October 2017 with the help of Doctors
and their team from Kothara Community Hospital and through this medical
camp nearly 231 poor patients beneted. The Medical camp was conducted
to make the medical facilities accessible & affordable to the poor & sick
people. In this medical camp, patients who were suffering from various
kinds of diseases such as upper respiratory tract infection, urinary tract infection, viral fever, goiter, high and low blood
pressure, pneumonia, asthma, cold and cough, severe anemia, gastroenteritis, scabies, dysentery, malaria and diarrhea
were treated. All patients received the treatment and those patients with surgical interventions were taken to Kothara
Community Hospital, government hospitals in Dharni, Amravati and Nagpur city for the blood test and further treatment
& operational surgeries. Doctors also informed patients about health and hygiene and healthy practices in their day to
day life and nutritional food for their healthy life.Along with medical camp, Eye camp also was conducted on 12th
October 2017 to screen the patients for the cataract & to help them to get cataract surgery available at the lowest cost. Dr
Surabh, Dr. Pramod and their health team from Kothara checked & screened the patients during the eye camp. The
patients eyes were checked for the long or short sightedness, then the eyes were checked with the ophthalmoscope to see
health of the eyes. Around 40 patients with the eye sight problem were given the glasses.Those with eye injuries and
infections were treated with medication, eye drops and eye ointments. Patients who were requiring for the further check
up and investigation were referred to Kothara eye specialist hospital. 20 patients were screened for the cataract surgeries
and they were given the date for the operation & the preparative blood investigation for the surgeries. Once they were t
for the surgery they were given the date 30th October 2017 and were operated. The objective of the camp was to provide
free general health check-ups, and free treatment for those patients who required long-term care and attention. The
Health camp was organized to avail the health facilities to the rural and distanced people so that everyone can take part in
it and also diagnose the serious illness free of cost and to promote follow up of the treatment. Through this camp, many
poor people were treated and able to benet these medical services & were able to get through the surgeries with very
lowest cost & gain good health.

Am_Mm Y_Jm_mVrb EH$ {ddmgy , dJdmgr AaqdX (_moVram_) JmdSo>, _yi Jmd gmJiyX Vm. X`mnya Or.
A_amdVr hr _w. A_amdVr, dimbr Y_Jm_ {X. 07.10.2017 bm Xdm`m`mV ^aVr hmodyZ Ad`m
AmR> {XdgmV hUOo {X. 15.10.2017 bm amoO a{ddma nhmQ>bm Ad`m 31 `m dfrM Amn`m Eo{hH$
OrdZmbm gmoSy>Z dJr` OrdZmV gh^mJr Pmbm, Am{U _mJo nZr d XmoZ bhmZ _wbtZm X:Im`m gmJamV
T>H$byZ `m OJmVyZ MmbVm Pmbm `m_wio Hw$Qw>~mda X:ImMm S>m|Ja H$mogibm. na_oda `m`m Am`mbm
{MaH$mb emVr Xodmo, Aer Am_Mo dS>mir Y_Jm_ {ddmgy JU g{XN>m `V H$aVmV. `mMo Hw$Qw>~mVrb
gd `pVZm na_oda {Ya Xodmo, `mMr gmdZm H$amo, `mMo H$R>rU gJmVyZ `mZm gmdamo d `m`m JaOoV YmdyZ Omdmo hr g{XN>m.
d. AaqdX IamoIaM Ym{_H$ AgyZ `mZo `oew myMr {eH$dU A{JH$mabr hmoVr. Amamo` _mVm , dS>mir MM Mm g{H$` g^mgX
hmoVm. XaamoO`m gH$mi-g`mH$mi H$mQw>{~H$ mWZobm Z {dgaUmam. AaqdX hm dm^mZo _Z {_imdy , _Yya ^mfr, Z_ d emV hmoVm.
`oew`m dMZmZr PnmQ>bobm d pIV earamgmR>r PnmQ>bobm hmoVm. Amn`m Odi Agbo`mVyZ Xg`mMr JaO ^mJdUmam. Jw
XmZmMm hmgr, Hw$Qw>~mdaM Zho Va ZmVodmBH$ d {_ _S>irda pIV o_mMr N>mn R>odyZ gdmZm Amnbmgm Pmbobm. npZbm ghMmarUr
d _wbtZm H$miOmMm VwH$S>m g_OUmam AaqdX Am_`mVyZ {ZmyZ Jobm. `mbm Am_Mo n[ae Y_Jw$ aoh. \$m. gm_r, \$m. A_Z, \$m.
Xrn dS>mir Y_Jm_, H$m`aV hmobrH$mg`m Y_^{JZr d Y_ Jm_mVrb gd ^{dH$m H$Sy>Z ^mdnydH$ lXmObr g_{nV.
         {_Q>a A_V JmdSo>

Aer nmIao `oVr Am[UH$ _Vr R>odyZr OmVr
OJm_`o `oUmar `oH$ `$s hr na_odaM {V$n AgVo. BdamZo {Xbo`m XV XoU`mMm
dmna H$$Z Aem `$s `m`m H$m`oXmao, {dMmamXmao d o_i d^mdm_yio BhbmoH$s Jo`mZVahr
A{d_a{Z` ~ZVmV. AerM EH$ `Vr hUOo {g. barZ \$Zm{S>g.O_ Jmo`mVbm, naVy _amR>r, BJOr
Am{U {hXr h`m ^mfmda o_ H$aUmar d mwd Agbob `Vr_d.
gdd gdmgmR>r h`m CVr_mUo d`m`m Ad`m 20 `m dfr my`m _i`m_`o H$m` H$a`mgmR>r,
A_amdVr {Oh`m_`o H$m`V Agbo`m n{d Hy$gm`m H$`m h`m gWo_`o XmIb Pmbr. XmIb Pmbo`m {XdgmnmgyZ Va
AIoa`m dmgmn`V `m \$V Am{U \$V my_` {OdZ OJ`m. Amn`m H$bmJwUmXmao {g. barZZo KaH$m_mnmgyZ Va embo`
H$m_mn`V Amn`m {OdZmMm R>gm C_Q>{dbm. {gQ>a BWoM Wm~`m ZmhrV Va kmZmOZmgmaIo n{d H$m`m_YyZ {ZdV Pm`mZVa
Amnbo gdd `mZr A_amdVr H$mamJhm_Yrb H$mZm ^oQ>r XodyZ, `mZm _mobmMo _mJXeZ H$$Z d doi {_iob Vohm `m`m AmmZm
^oQy>Z d {dfoeH$$Z `m`mgmR>r mWZm H$$Z EH$ ~h_mob gXoe gWo_`o H$m`aV Agbo`m Amn`m Y_^JrZr VgoM Amhm gdZm
{Xbm.\$maM WmoS>`m `VtZm ho O_V. Aem h`m gwd^mdr, o_i, {eV{` d doigJr I~ra ZoVdmMr {gQ>a barZ Amhm
gdmZm 9 gQ>|~a 2017 amoOr gmoSy>Z XodmKar Jo`m. {g. barZ Vy_`m Om`mZo {Z_mU Pmbobr nmoH$ir ^$Z {ZKUo e` Zmhr. VarnU
Vwhr Ho$bo`m A{V_ H$m`mXmao Amhr Am_`m {OdZm_`o oaUm Kody VgoM Vw_Mo ho H$m` nyT>o Mmby R>odyZ `m H$m`Xmao Vw_Mo AVrd
{OdV R>od`mMm `Z H$$.Bda Vwhmbm dJr` ZXZdZ ~hmb H$amo {hM AmXamObr!
W`y {g. barZ!

~S>Zoam nbr \$mXa gm`y H$s W_ nw`{VWr

OrdZ {_bZm `h ^m` na {Z^a h&
_`w AmZm g_` na {Z^a h&
{H$Vw _`w Ho$ ~mX ^r bmoJm| Ho$ {Xbmo
_| ahZm AnZo H$_m} na {Z^a h&
31 AJV 2017 h_mao ~S>Zoam nbr _o _mZZr` {~en Ebm`g Kmogmb{dg, AmXaUr`
mo{d{e`b \$m.OmZ [~Q>Q>mo, A` n[ae Ho$ g^r \$mXg, {gQ>g H$s CnpWVr _| h_mao
dJu` \$mXa gm`y H$s W_ nw`{VWr H$m H$m`H$_ ~S>o hr AmXa d ^pV^md go CZH$s
{V_m na nwn_mbm AnU H$a Xrn d{bV H$aHo$ Cho lmO{b {~en dm_rOr d
mo{d{e`b Ho$ hmWmo go XmZ {H$`m J`m& h_mao dJu` \$mXa gm`y Ho$ O_, CZHo$ _mVm-{nVm, CZHo$ n[admaOZ, {ejm d CZHo$ E_Eg.E\$. Eg
gWm go OwS>o g^r {_eZ H$m`m} H$s OmZH$mar N>moQ>r gr VmdZm mam ~VmB JB& {~en dm_rOr, mo{d{e`b, ~S>Zoam Ho$ nbr nwam{hV \$mXa [aOmo,
\$mXa nrQ>a Hw$Oya A` \$mXg Ho$ mam n{d {_gm ~{bXmZ MT>m`m J`m& AV _o g^r A{V{W`mo H$mo nwnJwN> XmZ H$a Ama g^r nbrdm{g`mo H$mo
ZmVm {dVaU mam H$m`H$_ gn hAm& Bda mam ^oOo JE CMV_ JS>o[a`o d CZHo$ mam {H$`o JE H$m` Ho$ {bE Bda H$mo Y`dmX XoVo hE H$m`H$_
H$s g_m{ H$s&

{_eZ a{ddma ~S>Zoam n[ag H$m AmZX _obm

~S>Zoam n[ae _| nhbr ~ma g^r `wdH$ `wd{V`m| Zo {_bH$a AnZo d`_ Ho$ Oo~ IM
Ama _ohZV go {d^r H$ma Ho$ dm{XQ> ^moOZ `OZ V`ma H$a EH$ AmXe VwV
{H$`m& {XZmH$ 22-10-2017 gw~h H$s nmdZ ~obm _| 8 ~Oo {_eZ a{ddma H$s
gwXa gr VmdZm Ho$ mam n{d {_gm ~{bXmZ H$s ewdmV hB& h_mao ~S>Zoam Ho$
nbr nwamo{hV \$mXa [aOmo d \$mXa nrQ>a Hw$Oya H$s CnpWrVr _| {_gm ~{bXmZ AnU
{H$`m J`m& `wdH$-`wdm{V`m| H$s gwarbr AmdmO Ama _Ywa gJrV Ho$ mam {_gm
~{bXmZ H$mo mWZm _` ~Zm`m& {_eZ a{ddma Ho$ {XZ nbr dm{g`mo Zo ~S>r g`m _|
^mJ {b`m, {_gm g_mr Ho$ nMmV MM Ho$ mJU _| g^r ~Mmo d ~S>mo Ho$ Mhb-
nhb H$s JyO go _hH$ CR>m& H$hr hgr Ho$ R>hmHo$ , Vmoh H$hr Iwer Ho$ \w$dmao \w$Q> CR>o&
Bg {XZ ~S>Zoam Ho$ nbr nwamo{hV \$mXa [aOmo Ama H$mo{S>ZoQ>a \$mXa nrQ>a Hw$Oya BZHo$ gh`moJ Ed_ mogmhZ Ho$ mam {_eZ a{ddma ~S>o hr
Cgmh nydH$ _Zm`m J`m& \$mXa [aOmo d \$mXa nrQ>a h_oem `wdH$-`wd{V`mo H$mo `oH$ H$m`mo _| `moJXmZ XoVo d Ch| AmJo ~T>Zo Ho$ {bE
mogm{hV H$aVo ahVo h & `wW Zo {_eZ Ho$ {V AnZm no_ d Cgmh H$Q> {H$`m ,Ama AnZr H$S>r _ohZV go YZam{e O_m H$a, {_eZ
a{ddma H$mo EH$ AOm_ VH$ nhMm`m g^r N>moQ>o-~S>mo Zo Iwer go ^mJ boH$a AmZX Ho$ gmW H$m`oH$_ gn hAm&


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