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THE “Proclaiming


Vol. 5, No. 3
N E W S L E T T E R O F T H E D O M I N I C A N F R I A R S • P R O V I N C E O F S T. J O S E P H


A Director of the Board of the Dominican What makes the Friars so?
Foundation, Linda Mueller has been a The Friars form a true family at St. Gertrude. They live in com-
parishioner of St. Gertrude’s Parish in munity and the fruits of their common life are very evident.
Cincinnati, staffed by Dominican Friars, They clearly know in a very personal way about the joys and
her entire life. She and her husband Tom difficulties of relationships—and it is in interpersonal
raised their three sons there. Her parents, relationships, after all, where most of us experience most
Joan and Jim Gardner, founded the Gardner acutely the gifts and challenges of life. At their special gather-
Family Foundation, which supports a full ings, it is extraordinary to witness their joint happiness. A
range of Catholic causes. Recently, in honor of the family’s beloved highlight each year is the special Mass on the Feast of the
Friar, Fr. Val La France, O.P.—a celebrated preacher—their Assumption when the Brothers, having just completed the
foundation funded the new Preaching Studio at the Dominican Novitiate, make their first vows.
House of Studies in Washington, D.C.
As the Friars form a family, so they welcome the lay families
Your family has a long and deep relationship with Friars in their midst. I have become quite close to a number of them
of the Province. What stands out for you? through the years, finding comfort at crucial times in my life.
It has been a particular blessing that I have only known Such relationships intermingle with the parish’s sacramental
Dominicans as my parish priests. We are among white-robed life in a unique way, greatly enriching and boosting my faith
life. I always encourage newcomers to get to know the Friars.
Friars and Sisters here, a sight and experience that is unusual
From that connection everything else will flow.
for so many Catholics. The community here is marked by
great diversity, as distinguished Friars come and go at three or On a practical level, what can people do to help the Friars
six year intervals. It is sad, of course, when a beloved pastor is in their mission?
reassigned, but it is also a positive to have new perspectives
Our 21 new novices need support! It will be a challenge to house
and ways of doings regularly introduced. It also brings the
them all comfortably. If this vocation trend keeps up, a new
laity closer together as we have to be the glue for continuity.
Priory may become a necessity. There are material needs across
We are encouraged to assume important responsibilities in the
the Province of course. Gifts, large or small, make an enormous
life of the community. And the Friars greatly respect and value
difference—and there is a special joy and grace in giving.
our contribution.

The Dominicans are known for their well-crafted homilies

that demonstrate in a compelling way the relevance of Church
teaching to everyday life. What has been your experience?
I would describe it as very prayerful preaching that often
shakes you up and disrupts a certain complacency with regard
to well-known readings from Scripture. Many a Friar’s homi-
ly leaves you saying, ‘Wow, I never thought of it that way.’
Their homilies have a way of staying with you as you enter the
workday week. I feel challenged by them, as the Friars help
the faith come alive in a new way, especially as it relates to The newly renovated St. Thomas Chapel (L) and in the rear of the
everyday life. The Friars, as some have said, are experts in chapel, the new Fr. Val La France, O.P. Preaching Studio (R) at the
humanity and their preaching is powerful proof of that. Dominican House of Studies.
Dear Friends, Dominican Appeal upon which we will continue to focus our
May the grace and peace of God be with efforts to provide resources for the Province so that the Friars,
you. I hope and trust this finds you and in collaboration with you, may make known Jesus Christ.
your loved ones refreshed and renewed as Relying on our wonderful community of lay friends and
the summer draws to a close. supporters, the Province looks to the future with great confi-
dence—even in this persistent climate of economic uncertainty.
It is my privilege and joy to introduce this
issue of The Trumpet welcoming our new I want to single out in particular the magnificent gifts of the
novice class, heralding the beginning of a Mueller, Gardner and Maas families that made possible the
new year of formation for our Student Brothers and the start renovation of the St. Thomas Chapel and the outfitting of a
of new assignments for many of the Friars, recommitting our- brand new, state-of-the-art Preaching Studio at the Dominican
selves with vigor to our renewal and myriad apostolates. House of Studies in Washington, D.C. Such generosity will assist
in the formation of many generations of Dominican preachers.
It is a great honor for me as well to be writing to you, address-
ing you for the first time as the new Director of the I know you will also enjoy the essay by Brother John Baptist
Dominican Foundation. June’s Provincial Chapter—on which Hoang, O.P., who discovered the Order through our campus
you will find further detail elsewhere in these pages—also ministry at the University of Virginia. The Friars’ presence at
brought the election of Father Brian Mulcahy, O.P. as our new some of the nation’s top schools not only opens us to a great
Prior Provincial. With God’s grace sustaining us in our labors, source of vocations but also provides students amidst this very
your prayers and ongoing support are vital ingredients in the important formative time in their lives with life-giving answers
continued flourishing of the Province. to their searching life questions.

This fall, our common blessing is nowhere more powerfully Know that all the Friars are praying for you, our dear friends
evident than in the record number of 21 novices who have and supporters, and your families. May God bless you and
begun their Novitiate year at St. Gertrude’s Priory in keep you always.
Cincinnati. They are the fruit of God’s grace and a promise of a Sincerely in Christ,
bright future for the Province. Finding the means to provide for
their formation—nurturing their material, intellectual and
spiritual well-being—is truly a blessed challenge.
Fr. Dominic Izzo, O.P.
The needs are real, of course, and your unflagging generosity Director
is an enormous comfort. You will soon learn more about our Dominican Foundation

This year, God has blessed the Province with a record Few decisions are more important than planning for
number of 21 novices. This group of remarkable young your financial future. While you may have already
men ages 22-30 hail from a variety of backgrounds created a will or trust, you might want to revisit
(http://www.op-stjoseph.org/blog/meet_our_ these documents to be sure that your needs are fully
new_novices). They bring a profound love of God met, now and in the future. To learn more about
and a zest for life, alongside outstanding academic sound financial planning that also allows for
formation—including doctorates—ranging across supporting the Province of St. Joseph, visit
various disciplines, from classical music, history and www.op-stjoseph.org/plannedgiving. If you are
accounting to physics, astronomy and chemistry. interested in creating or updating your own will to
With your help, the Province will provide these include the Dominican Friars, please call the
young men with a solid foundation in the Dominican Dominican Foundation at (212) 535-3664 or email
tradition, giving them the best possible theological, df@opfriars.org for more information.
spiritual and pastoral formation.
California-born, Brother John Baptist Hoang, O.P. is a graduate of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville,
VA, with a degree in Religious Studies and Sociology. He completed his novitiate year at St. Gertrude’s in
Cincinnati, OH this summer.
The University of Virginia (UVA) is parish’s ministries, but
famous for its academic prestige and beau- there is one particular
tiful campus, as well as many other attrac- ministry that’s designed
tions and distinctions. Thousands of just for them— the
young people with their families come to visit the University campus ministry.
each year, hoping to land a spot at this amazing institution. The Friars do a fantastic
They are impressed when they see the statue of Thomas job of being present to
Jefferson in front of the Rotunda. But when they walk to the the students at UVA.
other side of the campus grounds, they often stop to stare and For one thing, the parish
wonder who the giant, tin oddity is sitting on Alderman is within walking dis-
Eucharistic Procession outside UVA.
Road. However, that rusty metal creature—its artistic merits tance from everything else at the University. I never had to use
aside— is actually a representation of our dear Dominican a car in-between class and Mass and dinner and Confession
brother, St. Thomas Aquinas. and studying for exams! It’s even better now that the Friars
The Dominicans run a nearby parish in Charlottesville. It is have also established a presence in the very heart of campus.
very different than your typical Church community. Officially They regularly celebrate Mass in the UVA Chapel (right next to
called Saint Thomas Aquinas University Parish, it serves to Jefferson’s statue), and they hold office hours almost daily in the
take care of families like any other parish. But the Friars that University’s student activities building. When it’s nice out,
run the community also cater specifically to the needs of students one is likely to see one of the men in white eating a sandwich
and faculty at UVA. I was privileged and blessed to discover and chatting with students at the outdoor pavilion. The Friars
the Order of Preachers there. are simply always around, and I took full advantage of that,
St. Thomas is a very active often seeking their spiritual guidance.
parish. When I ask people College students are very ambitious; they’re always looking for
why they think that’s the case, something—success, fame, money, sex. I too was an ambitious
they will unfailingly credit person when I entered college five years ago, and thanks to my
the very evident presence of contact with the Dominicans, I was taught to seek God always.
students. There’s a young col- The Friars at UVA are genuine examples of people full of joy
lege student in the parish at and holiness. Now, after a year in the Novitiate, I am begin-
Inside St. Thomas Aquinas all times of the day. Students ning to discover the source of their happiness.
University Parish. participate in all kinds of the


By Fr. Dominic Izzo, O.P.
The Order of Preachers, more popularly known as Dominicans,
was established with a communitarian form of government that
was approved by Pope Honorius III in 1216. For nearly 800
years, the Order has been governed by communitarian principles
which have been preserved in our constitutions from the time
of St. Dominic onward. Chapters are an essential element in
The new Prior Provincial, Fr. Brian Mulcahy, O.P.
this form of government. They are regular occasions—held
with the Diffinitors at the Provincial Chapter.
every four years—when we come together to make decisions
about our legislation, elect our superiors, and enter into and a time, also, to move away from any impulses that may have
build up a spirit of perennial conversion and renewal. resulted from “itching ears,” eager to accumulate teachers to
Chapters provide the Friars with a graced opportunity to suit their desires (cf. 2 Tim 4:3).
discern God’s will with integrity. We do so by honestly and Since the Chapter is rooted in our fraternal life, it is a
courageously assessing if we are truly preaching Jesus Christ reminder that we are a ‘band of brothers’ called by God—and
both in and out of season in full accordance with the Order’s not by each other—to witness to and make manifest by our
tradition of presenting Christ to others for their salvation. It is continued on page 4
By Fr. Dominic Izzo, O.P. How often have we heard people say, “My faith doesn’t make
In 1218, St. Dominic sent the early brethren to study and preach sense anymore—it doesn’t fit my situation?” Most of the time,
at the great universities of Europe which included those of such statements reflect a spiritual life whose growth has come
Paris, Oxford, Cologne, and Bologna. The Friars readily estab- to a halt. So many people think that the faith of their child-
lished themselves in these university cities and they excelled in hood will be sufficient to help them cope with the complex
study, and disputatio, that is, the great debates of the day. More challenges of adult life. They have grown up in many ways—
importantly, they also offered a strong witness to Jesus Christ, but their faith has not. The Dominican Friar bridges this gap
who was poor, chaste, and obedient, which increased their with a unique form of preaching that powerfully demonstrates
number with new vocations. the relevance and application of doctrinal truths to everyday life.

St. Dominic emphasized the intellectual formation of his sons According to “the Dominican Way,” Church teaching is not a
which remains a priority in today’s formation of a Dominican compilation of dos and don’ts but an expression of God’s love
Friar. Why was—and is—this important? It equips the geared toward promoting the full flourishing of the human
Dominican Friar with a solid understanding of faith that, in person. It is thus that people discover and encounter God who
turn, strengthens his witness of faith. is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Moreover, it is in this encounter
with the living God that the answers to all of today’s most
We all know that the forma- burning questions are found.
tion of the mind makes for
convictions that affect lifestyle Humbly emulating St. Dominic’s bold move in 1218, the
and life choices. Whenever Province of St. Joseph recently accepted the invitation of
someone is convinced of some- Archbishop Edwin O’Brien of Baltimore to staff a new
thing—whether or not that endeavor in the archdiocese. The Newman Center at the city’s
‘something’ is actually true—it prestigious Johns Hopkins
will be supported, argued for, University will be merged
and, at times, fought for with with Sts. Philip and James
great passion. For better or for Church, which will hence-
worse, it has become some- forth be served by the
Sts. Philip and James Church. thing deeply personal. Dominican Friars as a new
university parish.
St. Paul writes in his Letter to the Romans: “Do not be con-
formed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of There, following in the foot-
your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what steps of St. Dominic, the Interior of the Church.
is good and acceptable and perfect (12:2).” The renewal of Dominican Friars will
one’s mind—the opening up to a different way of thinking present ‘Christ perfect’ to all. Thus, parishioners’, students’,
that views the world, one’s neighbor, oneself, and God from and faculty’s minds will be renewed in the midst of cultural
His divine perspective—is a crucial, indeed indispensable ele- debates and in light of the most difficult questions of faith so
ment in the process of conversion. When the mind becomes that their witness to Christ may become ever more personal
complacent or is no longer nourished by new insights and and passionate. God be praised that Dominican Friars are able
authentic research on whatever level, it becomes stagnant and to continue a longstanding tradition of preaching there where
resistant to life’s momentum, struggling and afraid to venture today’s most crucial debates form the minds and passions of
into unchartered waters as required by the adventure of faith. future generations: the universities.

Why a Provincial Chapter? continued from page 3 Today, we continue to fan the flame of the charism of the
vocation and various preaching apostolates God’s desire for Order of Preachers given to us through our Holy Father
mankind’s “universal reconciliation rooted in Christ.” Therefore, St. Dominic and the Holy Spirit for the good of the Church.
a Chapter is an occasion to be open to God’s two-fold grace: A Chapter is an occasion to give thanks to God for all that
to be granted the courage to be renewed in our faith; and to He has accomplished within us, through us and through our
adjust our witnessing to Christ so that it may be clearly and collaborators. It is also a time to remember that our work
effectively manifested according to the needs of the times. is far from over. Accordingly, at each Chapter, we ask the
Fundamentally, a Chapter marks a moment of acknowledg- question: “Where is God calling us to be His contemplative
ment that we are accountable to God and all people for the preachers so that all may have life and have it more abundantly
gift of a Dominican vocation and the vows we profess publicly. in Christ Jesus?”

Dominican Friars-Province of St. Joseph

141 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065-6699 • Phone: (212) 535-3664 • Fax: (775) 542-5511 • Email: df@opfriars.org

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