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Strain Energy: definition

IV Energy Methods y Strain energy is a form of potential energy.

y Strain energy is defined as the increase in energy
associated with the deformation of the member.
y Strain energy is equal to the work done by slowly
increasing load applied to the member.
y Work done to distort an elastic member is stored as
strain energy.
y Some energy may be lost in plastic deformation of the
member and some may be converted into heat instead
of stored as strain energy, but the rest is recoverable.
y A spring is an example of a storage device for strain

11 - 2

Strain Energy Strain Energy Density

• A uniform rod is subjected to a slowly increasing load • The strain-energy density of a material is defined as
the strain energy per unit volume.
• The elementary work done by the load P as the rod • To eliminate the effects of size, evaluate the strain-
elongates by a small dx is energy per unit volume,
dU = P dx = elementary work U
P dx
which is equal to the area of width dx under the load- V
= ∫A L
deformation diagram. ε1
u = ∫ σ x dε = strain energy density
• The total work done by the load for a deformation x1,
• The total strain energy density resulting from the
U = ∫ P dx = total work = strain energy
deformation is equal to the area under the curve to ε1.
which results in an increase of strain energy in the rod.
• As the material is unloaded, the stress returns to zero
but there is a permanent deformation. Only the strain
• In the case of a linear elastic deformation,
x1 energy represented by the triangular area is recovered.
U = ∫ kx dx = 12 kx12 = 12 P1x1
• Remainder of the energy spent in deforming the material
4-3 0 4- 4 is dissipated as heat.

Strain--Energy Density
Strain Strain Energy under Axial Loading
• The strain energy density resulting from • In an element with a nonuniform stress distribution,
setting ε1 = εR is the modulus of toughness. ΔU dU
u = lim = U = ∫ u dV = total strain energy
ΔV → 0 ΔV dV
• The energy per unit volume required to cause
the material to rupture is related to its ductility • For values of u < uY , i.e., below the proportional
as well as its ultimate strength. limit,
σ x2
• If the stress remains within the proportional
U = ∫ 2 E dV = elastic strain energy

ε1 • Under axial loading, σ x = P A dV = A dx
Eε12 σ 12
u = ∫ Eε1 dε x = = L
2 2E P2
0 U =∫ dx
2 AE
• The strain energy density resulting from
setting σ1 = σY is the modulus of resilience. • For a rod of uniform cross-section,
σ 2
uY = Y = modulus of resilience U=
2E 2 AE
4- 5 4-6

Comparison of Energy Stored in Problem 1

Straight and Stepped bars One of the two bolts need to support a sudden tensile loading. To choose it is
L/2 L/2 Δb necessary to determine the greatest amount of strain energy each bolt can
L Δa absorb. Bolt A has a diameter of 20 mm for 50 mm length and a root diameter
of 18 mm for 6 mm length. Bolt B has 18 mm diameter throughout the length.
A P nA A P Take E = 210 GPa and σy= 310 Mpa.

P2L / 2 P2L / 2
(a) U = P L
(b) U= +
2 AE 2 AE 2nAE
P2 L ⎛ 1+ n ⎞
= ⎜ ⎟
2 AE ⎝ 2n ⎠
3 P2L
Note for n=2; case (b) has U= which is 3/4 of case (a)
4 2 AE
4-7 4- 8

Solution Strain Energy in Bending
• For a beam subjected to a bending load,
σ2 M 2 y2
U = ∫ x dV = ∫ dV
2E 2 EI 2

• Setting dV = dA dx,

M2 ⎛ ⎞
M 2 y2
U =∫ ∫ 2EI 2 dA dx = ∫ 2 EI 2 ⎜⎜ ∫ y dA ⎟ dx
σx = ⎟
I 0 A 0 ⎝A ⎠
=∫ dx
2 EI

• For an end-loaded cantilever beam,

M = − Px
P2 x2 P 2 L3
U =∫ dx =
2 EI 6 EI
4- 9 4 - 10

Sample Problem 1 Sample Problem 1

• Determine the reactions at A and B • Determine the reactions at A and B
from a free-body diagram of the from a free-body diagram of the
complete beam. complete beam.
Pb Pa
• Develop a diagram of the bending RA = RB =
moment distribution.
• D
l a diagram
di off the
h bending
b di
a) Taking into account only the normal • Integrate over the volume of the moment distribution.
stresses due to bending, determine the beam to find the strain energy.
Pb Pa
strain energy of the beam for the M1 = x M2 = v
• Apply the particular given L L
loading shown.
conditions to evaluate the strain
b) Evaluate the strain energy knowing energy.
that the beam is a W250x67, P =
160kN, L = 3.6m, a = 0.9m, b = 2.7m,
and E = 200GPa.
44-- 11
11 4 - 12

Sample Problem 1
• Integrate over the volume of the beam to find Problem 2
the strain energy.
a b
M12 M2
U =∫ dx + ∫ 2 dv
2 EI 2 EI
0 0
a 2 b 2
1 ⎛ Pb ⎞ 1 ⎛ Pa ⎞
2 EI ∫ ⎝ L ⎠ 2 EI ∫ ⎝ L ⎠
Over the portion AD, = ⎜ x ⎟ dx + ⎜ x ⎟ dx
0 0
M1 = x
L 1 P 2 ⎜⎛ b 2a 3 a 2b3 ⎟⎞ P 2 a 2b 2
= + = (a + b )
Over the portion BD, 2 EI L2 ⎜⎝ 3 3 ⎟⎠ 6 EIL2
M2 = v P 2 a 2b 2
L U=
P = 160kN L = 3.6m
(160 × 10 N ) (0.9m ) (2.7m )
3 2 2 2

a = 0.9m b = 2.7m 6(200 × 10 Pa )(104 × 10 m )(3.6m )

9 −6 4

E = 200GPa I = 104 × 10 6 mm 4
4 - 13
U = 336 Nm 4 - 14

Problem 4

4 - 15 11 - 16

Solution: Solution (Contd.)
y Finding the support reactions

y Finding the internal moment

4 - 17 4 - 18

Problem 5 Solution:

4 - 19 4 - 20

Problem 6 Solution:

4 - 21 4 - 22

Strain Energy For Shearing Stresses Strain Energy in Torsion

• For a material subjected to plane shearing • For a shaft subjected to a torsional load,
τ xy
T 2ρ 2
γ xy U =∫ dV = ∫ dV
2G 2GJ 2
u= ∫τ xy dγ xy
• Setting dV = dA dx,
T 2 ⎛⎜ 2 ⎞⎟
• For values of τxy within the proportional limit, T 2ρ 2
U =∫ ∫ dA dx = ∫ ∫ ρ dA ⎟dx
τ xy
2GJ 2 0
2GJ 2 ⎝⎜ A ⎠
u = 12 Gγ xy
= 12 τ xy γ xy =
2G Tρ L
τ xy = T2
J =∫ dx
• The total strain energy is found from 0

U = ∫ u dV
• In the case of a uniform shaft,
τ xy
T 2L
=∫ dV U=
2G 2GJ

4 - 23 4 - 24

y Substituting the form factor, fs Strain Energy for
Strain Energy for Transverse Shear fs =
A Q2
I 2 ∫A t 2
dA Transverse Shear b
Q2 f I2
∫A t 2 dA = sA ⎛h ⎞
⎜ − y⎟ A' h
τ2 ⎝2 ⎠ 2
U =∫ dV L
V ⎛ Q
2 2

2G U =∫
2GI 2 ⎜⎝ ∫A t 2
v ⎜ dA ⎟⎟ = ∫ s dx N
⎠ 0 2GA h
VQ 0
• For transverse shear , τ= and dV = dAdx 2
It y Form factor for rectangular Cross Section:
t=b ⎛ ⎛h ⎞⎞
hence, U = 1 ⎛⎜ VQ ⎞⎟ dAdx = V ⎛⎜ Q dA ⎞⎟dx
L 2 2
⎜ ⎜ − y⎟⎟
∫ ∫ 2 ⎜∫ 2 ⎟ ⎠ ⎟ b ⎛ h − y ⎞ = b ⎛⎜ h − y 2 ⎞⎟
A=bh Q = y A' = ⎜ y + ⎝
2G ⎝ It ⎠ 2GI ⎝ A t ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
v 0 ⎠ ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎝2 ⎠ 2⎝ 2 ⎠
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
I=bh3 /12
• The Integral inside the parenthesis can be replaced with • Substituting in the form factor equation and simplify , f=6/5
f, the form factor, which is dimension less and unique
for a specific cross section

4 - 25 4 - 26

Problem 1 Solution:

4 - 27 4 - 28

Problem 2 Problem 3
Rod AC is made of aluminum (G = 73 GPa) and is subjected to torque T applied at end
C. Knowing that portion BC of the rod is hollow and has an inside diameter of 16 mm,
determine the strain energy of the rod for a maximum shearing stress of 120 MPa.

4 - 29 4 - 30

Solution Annoucement
yAssignment 2 – Author – due 2
yTest 1 Marks – readyy ((tampal
p kat
luar bilik c16-101-11)
yTest 2 – 13 Dec 2011, 1.5hours,
buckling, energy
4 - 31 4 - 32

Impact Loading Impact Loading (Contd..)
y Impact loading is a dynamic loading i.e. vary with time
Ue = Ui
y It occurs when one object strikes the other (collision)
y Consider a block released from rest falling h distance and strikes the spring to W (h + Δmax ) =
(kΔmax )Δmax = 1 kΔmax 2
compress it Δmax before it comes to rest 2 2
2W 2W
y Energy of falling is transformed in to − Δmax − h=0
k k
strain energy of spring
y Work done on falling of weight over a h
y Solving the above quadratic equation, the maximum root is
distance (h+ Δmax ) is work done on spring Δmax
, if
W ⎛W ⎞ ⎛W ⎞ W
to displace it Δmax . k Δmax = + ⎜ ⎟ + 2⎜ ⎟ h Δst = ,then
k ⎝ k ⎠ ⎝ k ⎠ k
y Therefore Ue=Ui
⎡ ⎛ h ⎞⎤
Δmax = Δst + ( Δst )2 + 2 ( Δst )h = Δst ⎢1 + 1 + 2⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝ Δst ⎠ ⎥⎦
4 - 33 4 - 34


Impact Loading
y If the weight W is applied statically (or gradually to the spring, the end
displacement of the spring is ∆st = W/k. • To determine the maximum stress σm
- Assume that the kinetic energy is
y Using this simplification, the above equation becomes transferred entirely to the
Δ max = Δ st + (Δ st )2
+ 2Δ st h structure,

⎡ U m = 12 mv02
⎛ h ⎞⎤
Δ max = Δ st ⎢1 + 1 + 2⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥
⎝ Δ st ⎠ ⎥⎦
- Assume that the stress-strain
diagram obtained from a static test
y Once ∆max is computed, the maximum force applied to the spring can be is also valid under impact loading.
determined from
• Consider a rod which is hit at its
Fmax = kΔ max end with a body of mass m moving
• Maximum value of the strain energy,
with a velocity v0. σ 2
U m = ∫ m dV
y Note: if h = 0; then ∆max = 2 ∆st 2E
• Rod deforms under impact. Stresses • For the case of a uniform rod,
reach a maximum value σm and then
2U m E mv02 E
disappear. σm = =
4 - 36
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Example 1 Example 1
SOLUTION: • Find the static load Pm which produces
the same strain energy as the impact.
• Due to the change in diameter, the
P 2 (L 2 ) Pm2 (L 2) 5 Pm2 L
normal stress distribution is nonuniform. Um = m + =
AE 4 AE 16 AE
• Find the static load Pm which produces 16 U m AE
the same strain energy as the impact. Pm =
5 L
• Evaluate the maximum stress • E
l t the
th maximum
i stress
t resulting
resulting from the static load Pm SOLUTION:
from the static load Pm
Body of mass m with velocity v0 hits • Due to the change in diameter, Pm
the end of the nonuniform rod BCD. the normal stress distribution is σm =
Knowing that the diameter of the nonuniform.
portion BC is twice the diameter of 16 U m E
portion CD, determine the maximum U m = 12 mv02 5 AL
value of the normal stress in the rod. 8 mv02 E
σ 2
σ V2
= ∫ m dV ≠ m 5 AL
2E 2E
4 - 37 4 - 38

Example 2 Example 2
SOLUTION: • Find the static load Pm which produces
the same strain energy as the impact.
• The normal stress varies linearly along
the length of the beam as across a For an end-loaded cantilever beam,
transverse section.
P 2 L3
Um = m
• Find the static load Pm which produces 6 EI
the same strain energy as the impact. 6U m EI
Pm =
• Evaluate the maximum stress L3
A block of weight W is dropped from a resulting from the static load Pm
height h onto the free end of the • The normal stress varies linearly • Evaluate the maximum stress
cantilever beam. Determine the along the length of the beam as resulting from the static load Pm
maximum value of the stresses in the across a transverse section. M m c Pm Lc
beam. σm = =
U m = Wh I I
6U m E 6WhE
σ2 σ 2V
= ∫ m dV ≠ m
2E 2E
( ) = L(I c2 )
L I c2

4 - 39 4- 40

Problem 4 Problem 5
The aluminum pipe( OD= 60 mm, t=10 mm) shown is used to support a The cylindrical block E has a speed υo= 5 m/s when it strikes squarely the
load of 600 kN. Determine the maximum displacement at the top of the
pipe when the load is applied (a) gradually and (b) suddenly from h =0. yoke BD that is attached to the 22 mm diameter rods AB and CD. Knowing that
Take E =70x103N/mm2 the rods are made of a steel for which σY = 345 MPa and E = 200 GPa,
Ue = Ui determine the weight of the block E for which the factor of safety is five with
respect to permanent deformation of the rods.
600 1 W 2L
WΔst =
kN 2 2AE
WL 600( 240)
Δst = = = 0.5953
AE π(602 −502 )70
h when h=0, then

⎡ ⎛ 0 ⎞⎤
Δmax = Δst ⎢1+ 1+ 2⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥ = 2Δst
240 ⎢⎣ ⎝ Δst ⎠ ⎥⎦
mm =1.1906 mm

Solution Solution (Contd.)

Substituting the data

Problem 6 Solution

Problem 7 Problem 8
The composite aluminium bar is made from two segments having diameters of 5 The composite aluminium bar is made from two segments having diameters of
mm and 10 mm. Determine the maximum axial stress developed in the bar if the 5 mm and 10 mm. Determine the maximum h from which the 5kg collar is
5kg collar is dropped from a height of h= 100 mm. Eal= 70 GPa and σY=410 MPa dropped so that it produces a maximum axial stress in the bar of σmax=300
MPa. Eal= 70 GPa and σY=410 MPa

P = kΔ max
W = kΔ st

P = kΔ max
W = kΔ st
4 - 47 4 - 48

Problem 9 Problem 10
The composite aluminium 2014-T6 bar is made from two segments having The composite aluminium 2014-T6 bar is made from two segments having diameters of
7.5 mm and 15 mm. Determine the maximum height h from which the 10 kg collar
diameters of 7.5 mm and 15 mm. Determine the maximum axial stress
should be dropped so that it produces a maximum axial stress in the bar of σmax=300
developed in the bar if the 10 kg collar is dropped from a height of h=100 mm. MPa.
Eal= 73.1 GPa and σY=414 MPa Eal= 73.1 GPa and σY=414 MPa
n = impact factor
n = impact factor
Δ n = max
n = max Δ st
Δ st

4 - 49 4 - 50

Castigliano’s Theorem Deflections by Castigliano’s Theorem

• Strain energy for any elastic structure • Application of Castigliano’s theorem is
subjected to two concentrated loads, simplified if the differentiation with respect to
U = 12 α11P12 + 2α12 P1P2 + α 22 P22 ) the load Pj is performed before the integration
or summation to obtain the strain energy U.
• In the case of a beam,
• Differentiating with respect to the loads, L L
M2 ∂U M ∂M
U =∫
∂Pj ∫ EI ∂Pj
∂U dx xj = = dx
= α11P1 + α12 P2 = x1 2 EI
* Castigliano’s Theorem is named ∂P1 0 0
after the Italian engineer, Alberto ∂U
Castigliano (1847-1884) = α12 P1 + α 22 P2 = x2
∂P2 • For a truss,
n n
F 2L ∂U F L ∂F
• Castigliano’s theorem: For an elastic structure U =∑ i i xj = =∑ i i i
i =1 i
AE ∂Pj i =1 Ai E ∂Pj
subjected to n loads, the deflection xj of the
point of application of Pj, measured along the
line of action of Pj, can be expressed as
∂U ∂U ∂U
xj = and θ j = φj =
4- 51 ∂Pj ∂M j ∂T j 4- 52

Problem 7 Solution (Contd.)
y Determine the displacement of point B on the beam shown
y Apply an external force at B
wx 2 ∂M
y Using method of section the internal moment and partial derivative are to be If P = 0 , then M = − and = −x
determined w 2 ∂P
⎛ ∂ M ⎞ dx
⎛ wx 2 ⎞ dx
B A Δ = ∫ M ⎜ ⎟ = ∫ ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟ (− x )
L 0 ⎝ ∂ P ⎠ EI 0 ⎝
2 ⎠ EI
P VM + ∑ M NA
= 0; M + wx ⎜ ⎟ + p(x ) = 0
wL 4
⎝2⎠ 8 EI
x wx 2
M=− − px
= −x

Problem 8 Solution (Contd.)


Problem 9 Solution (Contd.)

Sample Problem
Solution (Contd.) SOLUTION:
• For application of Castigliano’s theorem,
introduce a dummy vertical load Q at C.
Find the reactions at A and B due to the
dummy load from a free-body diagram of
the entire truss.
• Apply
pp y the method of joints
j to determine
the axial force in each member due to Q.
Members of the truss shown
consist of sections of aluminum • evaluate the derivative with respect to Q
pipe with the cross-sectional areas of the strain energy of the truss due to
indicated. Using E = 73 GPa, the loads P and Q.
determine the vertical deflection of
the joint C caused by the load P.
• Setting Q = 0, evaluate the derivative
which is equivalent to the desired
displacement at C.
4- 60

Sample Problem Sample Problem
• Find the reactions at A and B due to a dummy load Q
at C from a free-body diagram of the entire truss.
Ax = − 34 Q Ay = Q B = 34 Q

• Apply the method of joints to determine the axial

force in each member due to Q.
Q • Combine with the results of Samplep Problem 11.4 to evaluate the derivative
with respect to Q of the strain energy of the truss due to the loads P and Q.
⎛ F L ⎞ ∂F 1
yC = ∑ ⎜⎜ i i ⎟⎟ i = (4306 P + 4263Q )
⎝ Ai E ⎠ ∂Q E

• Setting Q = 0, evaluate the derivative which is equivalent to the desired

FCE = FDE = 0
displacement at C.
FAC = 0; FCD = −Q

FAB = 0; FBD = − 34 Q yC =
4306 40 × 103 N ) yC = 2.36 mm ↓
73 × 109 Pa
4- 61 4- 62


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