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April 18, 1970, AM – Durham, Connecticut

Robert Lee Lambert

Opening Prayer by Brother Robert Lambert:

Our most gracious heavenly father we’re thankful to be alive this morning and living in
this glorious day of all ages, more glorious than all the days of the great apostles and prophets
gone by. They longed to be living in this day. Lord, by thy love and by thy grace thou hast seen
fit that we could be born today, that we might see the great glory of Jehovah God revealed in
human flesh again. Father, we thank you for this glorious promise that thou hast given us in this
hour that the great Seal of God, the great Capstone, a stone cut out of the mountain, is ready to
come rolling down through the nation.
Father, we just call upon thee for mercy this morning and ask that grace may be extended
to every soul this morning. God, I pray that everyone here this morning, if they haven’t already
done it, may they come to the place where they lose sight of jobs, houses, lands, relatives friends,
neighbors, cousins and all these things. May Jesus Christ have the preeminence Lord, and may
we pass this great test to love thee with all of our hearts, all of our souls, and all of our might.
For truly Lord only a few will be able to enter in.
Now, we pray that you would lead us and guide us by your Holy Spirit this morning and
give us the presence of the Lord Jesus that we might be able to learn of thy great plan of
redemption this morning. We ask it in Jesus name. Amen.

You may be seated. I’m very happy to be with you this morning and stand our post of
duty in this hostile generation. It’s the last generation that’s gonna be here upon the earth. Men
and women are walking the streets and are counted no more than wood that I put in my Ashley
heater this morning. That’s the way God looks at it. We’re living in an hour when mommy and
daddy, nice people, will be burnt like stubble. Seeing that these terrible things are coming upon
the earth, what manner of people ought we be. How can we contain all these great things that
God has promised to this end-time?
I want to being a message one day soon, maybe next week, or the week after, to fit in
with these messages on God’s great payday. This is the last generation that is gonna receive a
pay check from the Lord God. There is no future for anyone other than that of the rapture. If you
don’t make the rapture, there’s no word in the vocabulary, so said the prophet Brother Branham,
that could coin a word to describe how terrible it’s gonna be for people that miss the rapture.
Now we know not everyone is gonna make the rapture that claims to be a Christian.
I have tried by the Word of God to adhere to the ABC’s of God’s test. Otherwise, how
will you be ever to stand the great test that’s coming upon all men? Many say, I’ll stand, but you
won’t, unless you quickly receive something supernatural, not in your head, but in your heart.
Satan chose the head, but God chooses the heart. I believe the prophet, Brother Branham. I
believe everything he said, and if it’s all up in your head and not down in your heart, dearly
beloved believe me, you’ll never make it through. As long as there’s one speck of love in your
heart for this world, if down in your heart… See, a lot of times we can fool one another, we fool
one another, but now there’s one person you can’t fool and that’s Christ, because even your

thoughts in your mind, speak louder in heaven than your words do on earth. And the Lord knows
down in your heart whether or not you love Him with all your soul, with all your might, and with
all your strength. This is the first commandment, this is the first commandment, that you love the
Lord God with all heart, all your soul, all your strength, and with all your might. And now that’s
why He said, except you forsake houses, lands, lots, jobs, wives, children, for what? The Seal of
God’s sake, forsake all, as long there’s not one speck of love in your heart for anything in the
world, holding onto anything in the world, you’ll never get a Revelation.
I know these things that we say are hard, but God never built His church upon believing
that Brother Branham is a prophet. That’s no more than being able to read. Anybody that
I see Brother and Sister Brothers sitting here this morning, I’m very happy to see them.
Ruthie, my daughter, calls her Sister Sister. We haven’t seen Sister Sister, and Brother Brothers
in quiet awhile but we’re certainly joyful to see their faces and their presence back with us. Also,
Brother Paul and his dear little wife. And we’ve been seeing Jerry some, miss him this morning.
We’re glad to have each and every one with us.
And we’re pressing the battle here and looking for this morning, and anytime for God to
seal those that are ready. We’re looking for a great out pouring of the Holy Spirit, and God has
certainly been blessing us here with his super divine presence. How many say, Amen! I almost
thought He was coming a few weeks ago when those planets come together and we had those all-
night prayer meetings. We certainly thought that was it. But we’re still here, and our hearts are
lifted up even higher with a greater faith. God is gonna pour out His spirit.
I was just thinkin this morning after Brother Robert Gatlian called me from down in
Jeffersonville, Indiana. He’s been in a room praying for several days and has been kinda
depressed after going around to the different assemblies and finding them in such a terrible
condition. He said, it hurt him so bad to see his friends and everybody claiming to have it all, and
really don’t have nothing. And it got him so bad that he had to go in a room and just be alone for
a while.
I asked him if he seen Brother Ruddell yet, he said, no, he was waiting till he prayed
through and got victory before he even went over to see him. He said, it’s just so bad and it was
really pitiful to hear the things that he said. We don’t realize how bad it is, you see, until we get
around all those people like Brother Bob Gatlian has. He’s been all over Asia, Holland, all over
the world and he said, Durham is the only place in the world we’re he felt the supernatural
presence of God. And so, I just think about that and I can’t comprehend it. But then when I go
around myself, I comprehend it then. And it’s because we here in this assembly have forsaken all
to press and strive and struggle to come into the Token.
See, I wish I could do it for you. I forsook all, many times and everything. Moved my
family fifty or seventy times seeking someone that would listen to the Word. I don’t know how
many times I was tested before He came to me and give me this Revelation in the Word of God.
And I know that’s where the test is laying, the ABC’s, you see. Are we able to total separate
from all unbelief, there’s where’s she lying? And you see, not very many will be able to do that.
But that’s the ultimate in this hour. That’s the only way you can prove to the Lord God that you
love him with all your heart, all your soul, and all your might.
Remember, He gave Abraham, Isaac and after He gave him Isaac he called for his son’s
life to test Abraham’s love. And Abraham never even had what we have today. Now you can see
right there, brother and sister it’s gonna… Not everybody is gonna enter into that. Now there is
gonna be… Now I try to prove it you by the Word of God and show you that there’s gonna be

multitudes that believe this message that your listening to, and they’re gonna believe it with all
their mind and all their strength but it’s gonna be too late for them to get the Seal of God to leave
the earth.
The Seal of God is the great power of Christ that comes with the new birth that translates
you from the earth. See there is only a handful that make that. But you are making your decision
right where your sittin this morning. Maybe you’ve already made it and don’t know it see. It is so
And we know it’s gonna take a people that’s all out for God and don’t care if you only
got cornbread and beans to eat. They don’t care if they got any meat, they don’t care where they
live, they don’t care for nothing, they forsake all. See, that’s the ultimate test and that’s the only
way you can get Revelation, see. There is where all the trouble is, see.
A lot of times you think you have Revelation, and you do not. You
can memorize what the minister is sayin. You can polly-parrot
what Brother Branham said. See, we tried to polly- parrot Jesus Christ for many years, Brother
Paul. Then we find out we were baptized in water wrong, baptized in the spirit wrong. We hardly
had any truth at all when the prophet of God came on the scene. And people today are trying to
carry over a denominational experience, a denominational seed, a denominational experience of
the new birth and bring it over here in the Bride age and make it work. It won’t work! See, you
must be born again.
Now, how many are gonna receive that? They are still going on with their emotions,
their five senses, they hear, they see, they taste, they smell, and they lean on those things. But
there’s only gonna be a Bride, a selected wise virgin, a few wise people, that will really wise up
and forsake all. How many want to do that? It’s all just rotten and decaying and believe me
brothers and sister, God is very near, very, very near, and there is something great getting ready
to happen. You know it’s right on record here, it’s been told to you, and you should be prepared
and it’s gonna happen. You say, you said that last year! I know I did. I said it in 1958 and have
been sayin it for twelve years. But you see, as the brother said from down in Georgia, Brother
Mike Canada, said, Brother Bob time has got this thing. See, time has run out. At no time has
Brother Branham’s prophecies ever failed. He said a burning ash heap by seventy- seven. So
why put all of our care upon houses, lands, lots, jobs, bank accounts and striving for more, what
good is it? If you had barrels of thousand-dollar bills what good would it be to you? How many
see that! See, that’s where she’s laying at, so that’s why America is like it is today, a spirit that
covets, lusts, craves, see. And we will never make the rapture like that. We’d be better off this
morning if the nation was totally bankrupt and you had no money in the bank and no job, no
nothing. You wouldn’t mind then, you’d just serve the Lord. But ya see, it’ll be too late then. It’ll
be too late then.
Believe me, I really know what I’m talking about. Some people think I don’t know,
but I’ve known for years. One day, people are gonna cry for the thing that I’preached for years
and they’ll not be able to get it. But we have an opportunity here this morning. What if we could
get so fixed in our spirits this morning… how many times has it happened here, hundreds of
hundreds and hundreds of times that the great power of God has swept through this building.
And why couldn’t we have stood to our feet and receive that great thing that I’ve preach about.
Why? Why do we walk away sick and walk away crippled, why? I believe it’s a lack of
Revelation, I really do. I think we hear, but we don’t hear. Now, how many you want to hear the
Revelation. get it down in your heart and let it transform your whole life.

Now, I’m just talking a little bit. Now you know, the message that I’ve been preachin…
How many enjoyed the message last Sunday? To me that was a tremendous thing and I held back
as much as I could. I hate to do that. It makes me so nervous to listen to my own self preach, but
I can’t remember all those things see. I can’t remember them because I don’t have much of a
memory. I had to go back and listen to those kingdom tapes to see what was said on there and I
really marvel at some of the things that the Holy Spirit brought out and put together. So, I could
see how to place what I’m placing this morning. Now when you get those tapes, go back there.
When I started those kingdom tapes and listen to them and come right down through there. And
the message last Sunday placed that right in behind there the last the third tape I preached on the
kingdoms and this will be the fourth one and last Sunday will be the fourth one and this one will
be number five this morning. And see, all that dove tails together and you look in there if you
can see if you can find… if that an’t God’s revelation… if this message doesn’t dove tail the
whole Bible together from Genesis to Revelation, I don’t know nothing, see. Of course, to me
now a preacher, I just really from my heart believe… I marvel!
Brother Paul, Brother Jerry, and whoever else is here… you wouldn’t drive any long
distance to hear me preach if it wasn’t the truth. So, I know that it’s the life of Revelation that is
here that draws you to come here. That’s what changes you and causes you to grow in grace like
you are. I say of all the congregations I know of, and many ministers that I believe to be men of
God, Brother Ruddell calls, and was taught by Brother Branham himself. And Brother Ruddell
said, you were the far most spiritual, far advanced congregation, that he has ever met in his life.
And Brother Bob Gatlain, after going world-wide through Holland and Asia and everywhere,
said, the spirit of God was nowhere to be found, and there was no people that was moving on
with God. And even those that claimed God was blessing them with a message said, they just as
dead of the spirit of God as can be. So, you know, I was thanking the Lord last night and just
rejoicing in my heart the last few days to think that I could be counted worthy to stand this
approach for the promised revival. And it just thrilled my heart, and God just over flooded my
soul with the joy of the Lord. Just to think that it’s turned down all over United States, and all
over the world they rejected it, the capstone the head stone. And here I got the glorious
opportunity to stand this morning and to preach this great promise of the hour. And challenge
you people to forsake all and go after that. Remember when she winds up, my name is out under
it, and Brother Branham’s is too. That if God don’t come and do the same thing that he done on
the day of Pentecost, I’m a liar. But I tell you as just a little minister of the Gospel, and in the
name of the Lord, He’s gonna do it! It’s not long till the mightiest thing that ever stuck the
earth… For years I’ve been telling you for years nothing but the truth. All right He’ll do it, won’t
And I’m just so happy, the Lord has blessed me the last few days, just a couple little
things that just filled my heart with joy. You all know I’ve been standing for this message for a
long time and I’ve got one of the worst names around the country. And I’ve been trying to stand
my post of duty on two bones, I have no muscle in both legs, you know how bad it is. Unless I’m
behind the pulpit, where I can hold on, I can’t hardly stand up. I never sought the Lord God for
healing because it seemed like it was just His will to have me sickly and afflicted - hundred
percent disabled. I’m given up for a dead man on the medical records of the Veterans
Administration and the United States Air Force. They gave me up for a dead man and they never
called me in again for an examination. Pharaoh just sends me a pay check every month. But I
appreciate that because as hard as I preach, Brother Paul, no one would give me an offering
anyway. I’ve seen a lot of amusing things, see. People that have been brought out of bondage of

false prophets and sent them thousands of dollars, and never give me a penny. God knows many
times I was given offerings, and I turned around and gave it back. I told them I just feel led of the
Lord to do without that, so you’ll know that I never come here for your money and that I love
you and told you the truth. And standing on these bony old legs all these years…I always wanted
to have strong legs. And it’s just so hard for me to walk, and the doctor said, I was gonna break
both of my legs if I didn’t put braces on them. So, I just went ahead, and I thought, Lord I just
can’t put those braces on and do that. I almost broke my legs several times. It was God that kept
me from it. I just have no muscles at all in my legs, the lower part of my legs. And I don’t know
how I walk with braces, I really don’t. There’s nothing to hold those joints in place they are just
wobbling around.
And so, the Lord God has showed me three times in the last month, and He came again
the other morning, about 4:00, and I was showing my congregation my new legs. I had a… he
just filled the room up with his great presence and I just loved him and I just cried and wept. I
always admired brother Jimmy Rosenberry’s big strong calves in his legs. The first time I was
preaching to thousands of people overseas, great thousands had thronged to hear the gospel. I
was sitting way back in like a great big coliseum stadium. And they didn’t know who the little
fellow was that was going to preach the gospel, and it was a great suspense, I don’t know
whether… did I tell you that? And it shocked everybody who the Lord was using. And when it
came time for me to come down a big flight of stairs, which I can’t get down at all today, unless
I have something to hold on to. And I came down just hitting the rings of those steps right on
down through there. And after it was over I said, Lord, I must have two new legs, because I
could never come down steps like that, and then I felt the quickening power. Then the other day,
a few weeks ago, I had this from the Lord. I reached down and all at once something come over
me and I reached down and there was a big muscle, Brother Jim, in that left leg. I said, there it is
again. If someone said, they would give me a million dollars to raise up on my toes, then you
could keep your million dollars, because I have no muscle to raise myself up. And when I felt
that big calf, I knew immediately, and I jumped up and I could go up on my tip toes and dance
around. Then the other morning He showed me the same thing, I had my pant legs up and I was
showing my calf to Sister Rosenberry, and I told her to look at that leg. I was showing it to all
the sisters and I was shouting having a wonderful time. I thought I’m gonna get a brother to
come over and photograph both of my legs with a good plain picture to show how bad they were
before, and have a picture of what they looked like now. How many believe that? Then after the
Lord God… see, I never had faith. Faith is a Revelation and I just never had it for my legs, but
boy it’s just bubbling up in me now. Just one of nod from the Lord, and I’ll take it, see.
Oh, God I just love him with all my heart, all my soul and with all my might. Then on
top of that, it’s just a little thing, but it’s just something that flooded my soul. I walked around
the room the other morning and got up from praying and not realizing it, I went over and the
spirit of the Lord struck me as I went over to my desk and my voice started singing, “Send the
light the blessed gospel light, let it shine from shore to shore!” And the spirit of the Lord was on
me. I shouted I just started screaming and a hollering and a cryin when I realized what was said.
And Oh, my, was there power in that. Send the light the glorious gospel light let it shine.
Now, I’ll tell you in the name of the Lord God, I’m going to go world-wide with this
Revelation. I’ll tell you that in the name of the Lord Jesus! And I’m going with two new legs,
too. God’s going to come to me, heal me, commission me, and send me with this Revelation.
How many believe that with all your heart! I believe it’s right close at hand, see. I tell you
children, Gods gonna do mighty great things for us. This thing He’s getting ready to do is

mammoth. Actually, yesterday, and the last couple of days, I was just a nervous wreck. I set
down and all that Revelation started going through my mind. You don’t realize what it’s like to
see it.
Can I share something with you in my heart? See, really children, I’m a hairline from
insanity all the time. See, just a split millionth of a hairline from total insanity. See, that’s where
He’s got me up in that realm. And you think of Paul, and all the Revelation he had, and how
Satan buffeted him. What do you think I go through? Many of you that’s sat here and heard all
these things for four years know that there is far more revelation being preached here than what
Paul ever had. Now what do you think a little ignorant country boy like myself experiences,
caught up in that realm? What do you think my mind goes through? And it’s all the grace of the
Lord God. If it wasn’t for the grace of God, my mind would go totally insane. But you see, it
goes to show you that no man can come up there unless God takes them up there. You can’t
come up there by fasting. If you do get up there by fasting thirty, forty days, you would have to
have some shots of alcohol when you come back down. That’s why so many things happen to
those preachers. Now see, if it’s the doing of the Lord God, it’s the gift of God. I thank him for
that and praise him for that, because I couldn’t take it if it wasn’t for God holding me up there.
But, of course you know I couldn’t tell nobody those things. If I was in Jeffersonville they would
laugh me to scorn. When I told them a little bit about God sending me all over the world, they
laughed and made fun of me, and still laugh at me today.
But you see, He wrote it upon my heart. See, He said so. I didn’t ask to go all over the
world. He said that.
I prayed one time, had a great burden, the devil just about killed a couple of my children.
I was in a great trial; the Word of the Lord had come to me and everything looked contrary to
what the Word of the Lord said to me.
As I laid there weeping and crying in agonizing prayer, the Lord God spoke to me and
said that you don’t have to ask Brother Branham about what I told you. He said that I will carry
the burden for my Bride during the persecution. He said, that you don’t have to ask Brother
Branham, or any man, anything that I have told you. You know what I told you. He said that He
was getting ready to let the whole world know about it! That’s was hard to take way back there.
But see, I see it coming right up there, right up here.
You know, course you know I try…I don’t want to…you know I never asked
for…people say your trying to make yourself somebody. I said, no I’m really not. I am what I
am, by the grace of God. Now, I never asked for these things, but He promised me… the word of
the Lord came to me and told me that he would send me world-wide.
And I really believe with all my heart. I really believe with all my heart that my messages are the
New Birth and the Token! I believe, I say humbly, that that is the message that Brother Branham
said was coming forth, and it would be a white horse rider that would pack it, and I know it
gonna go world-wide. I say in the name of the Lord, it’ll conquer everything that’s on the field.
I’m… just sayin, it’s the Lord God, it’s not man at all. And it’s going to conquer
everything that’s on the field today. And as Brother Bob Gatlain told me how bad it was. I said,
that’s all right I said, I’ll stand right in the gap, stand right in the gap. If God hadn’t predestinated
a gift of God and a ministry today there would be no Bride and there would be no resurrection.
How many believe that? But God is gonna have a Bride, a multimember body, that He’s gonna
get into and show Her off.

I can preach now. I feel all right now. I was just kinda waiting a little bit, trying to feel
His presence. Do you love him with all your hearts? How many want this great outpouring of the
Holy Ghost? It's coming, just be patient, see.
Think now how long I’ve been waiting. You have only been waiting a couple of years,
some of you, six months or a year. You knew nothing about it. I’ve been waiting thirteen years,
since Jesus Christ appeared to me personally and told me. You know how hard it is to wait that
long. But I’m coasting now. We are right up here, see and it’s gotta happen. So, let’s keep our
eyes upon the Lord Jesus because this is one move of the spirit that man won’t get no glory! God
will get all the glory.
Now Brother Paul, Brother Brothers and their wives, it may be a little hard for them to
kinda understand some of these things since they are new to our congregation, but it’s real
beautiful how the Lord is bringing these things out.
Did you understand what I preached last Sunday on Jacob’s Ladder? Now notice here,
that last week on Jacob’s Ladder the angels descending and ascending and we find out that that
was the opening of the Seals and the establishment of Bethel, the true church. And showed you
those angels descending and ascending. You refer back now to those that are listening to this,
this morning. Refer back to that tape on Jacob and his angels.
Now notice here, that this message on the angels are fitting right into the Two Kingdoms.
And I want to tie Revelation 12 together this morning, and it’s late already, I talked away some
time, I’d rather talk away some time and wait for the presence of the Lord. I depend on the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit. If I say something… I wouldn’t want to say nothing wrong. But
when I know it’s inspiration and line it right up, then it’ll be alright.
Brother Bob Gatlain… I hope he don’t get me in trouble in Jeffersonville. Of all tapes for
him to get, is my tape, You Must Be Born Again. He had one brother over there that was just set
on fire and called me on the phone when he heard the tape. He wants to come up here and wants
more tapes and is just thrilled to death. I couldn’t hardly get off the phone from him. Then
Brother Bob Gatlain found another brother he knew really well and had a nice spirit and he
claimed he was sealed and ready to go and waitin for the resurrection. Brother Gatlain said,
“come in here let’s listen to this”. And he come in there, and boy half way through the tape the
brother didn’t know where he was coming or going. And he completely flopped back the other
way and went over to a brother’s church and got to preaching, preaching what I had said on the
I said, oh, my, my, when I found out Brother Parelli let brother Bob Gatlain have that
tape, I said, Brother George go get that tape. He said, Brother Bob it’s got to get out someday,
they already got it now. Then I said, go get it, go get it. Go down there and give him another one,
anything but that one. And he went over… and Brother Bob was supposed to have given it to a
crippled lady in a wheel chair in New York City. Brother George went over to get it and he said
he won’t let me have it. He said, that’s for him. He’s been playing it for everybody so my, if you
think I’m persecuted now… If that tape gets out I’ll be hung form the tallest tree.
That’s alright, see, I used to worry myself to death about it, but if it does get out, I will
just have to bare the reproach right now, ya see. And then the Lord, you see… if you look in the
Bible we see all that. See the first vindication of the true servant of God, He gives him the true
Revelation and then He lets some of that seep out and then he’s talked about and run down. You
know how it goes. And then God steps in behind that and vindicates that, see. Then makes all the
people come and repent and humble themselves see. It all works out for the will of God.

Now, let’s get back to these two Kingdoms. I’m sure you have no place to go, do you?
All right I won’t get in no hurry then. Now, I’ll do the best I can to get through this.
Now let’s look at Matthew 16th chapter. See, this is eternal life children. Just to think that
God would give us this little time to be together to talk over all these wonderful things, you see.
Matthew 16:24. “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, if any man will come after me, let
him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall
lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.”
See, this is what Brother Bob has been trying to tell you. You just got to completely lose
your life. Notice what he is saying here, before we get to this text here. Notice, you got to lose
your life. Until you come to a place you lose your life, and you an’t got no will or desire upon
this earth, nothing, then you’re in good shape.
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake
shall find it. Alright now, shows you right there, that this generation that He’s talkin about is the
people that are gonna seek to save their lives. They are not wanting to lay it down. And those
that seek to save it, are eventually gonna lose it, because the hydrogen war takes place and it is
all over. How many see that! Houses burn up and your pension plans. Did you notice how people
in Connecticut are going crazy because they labored all these years for their pension and got up
to the year to go and the whole factory went bankrupt.

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my
sake shall find it”.
How many want to lose their life! The only way to keep it is lose it. You got to lose it
here to find it there.
“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or
what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”
“For the Son of man shall come…”
Watch here now!
“… in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man
according to his works.”
“Verily I say unto you, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till
they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.”

Now, let’s just bow our heads just a minute.

Father dear, bless this great eternal Word of God and give the Revelation today to every
heart here this morning. In Jesus name. Amen.

All right now notice, I don’t have time to go and back ground on all those kingdom
things. I can’t do it. You’ll have to get those tapes and go over them and go over them, see. Now
hook right in with this, this morning.
The Son of Man is coming. He said that there are some standing here… Now watch here,
the law, the shadow… the law the old Jewish church is just passing away and the new day is
coming on. And there is a predestinated elected seed of God there to hear that ministry of the
Son of Man.
Now who was Jesus? He was the Son of Man. The only way Jesus… How many know
Jesus is on earth now? When the Seals we’re opened, Malachi 4:5, that angel, came down from

Revelation 10:1 and Revelation 10:7 is the earthy angel. But there is a heavenly angel
that come down from heaven, that was Christ. And this is the Son of Man. The only way that
God can reveal himself to you now is… the only way God can reveal himself is… Now, if your
spiritual you’ll have to put these things together and remember if you get it by a Revelation
you’ll be a hairline from antichrist. You get on one side and you’ll be an antichrist, but if your
predestinated and He’ll run you down that line there you’ll have the Revelation that no man can
get, only the elected seed of God.
Now that goes to show you that the natural man, if the natural mind, can get this thing
that’s under that Seventh Seal, then the devils got it. That’s what Brother Bob said. But only the
predestinated, who have their names on the Lambs Book of Life before the foundation of the
world, they are the only ones that are able to hear his Voice.
Now notice that, the Lord Himself, Himself! Himself descends from heaven with a Shout. Now
notice that Shout was the Son of Man. Alright now the Son of Man is a prophet. It’s a prophetic
ministry! How many say amen to that? Now, is there any other way, class, that God could reveal
himself? No. Because the Son of God has only got three names. Son of Man, Son of God, and
Son of David. He was Son of God through the Seven Church Ages. But then He descends from
heaven with a Shout when the Seals were opened. He descended from heaven with a Shout and
that is the message of Malachi 4:5, the Shout, the Son of Man, Messiah.
Now notice there that He comes as the Messiah to give the invitation to come to the
marriage supper of the Lamb, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the Messiah.
In other words, come to the upper room, like Jesus. Come to the upper room, come to the
wedding supper. And they all begin to make excuses.
Now, after they have turned down their invitation to come to the great baptism of the
Holy Ghost… I got a message on that but I need to get some back ground on that. They we’re
given an invitation to come to the great marriage supper of the Lamb, which will be in heaven,
which is a spiritual feast here upon the earth, which is the Token Baptism of the Holy Ghost, the
Seal of God. After that invitation goes out by the messenger, right? Now notice that is the Shout,
He descends from heaven with a Shout! Who? The Lord Himself descended from heaven with a
All right now then, where was the Lord then on earth? He that was put out on the outside
of the Church Ages, on the outside of the Laodicea Church Age, who said they had the spirit,
who said they had the Token, and they lied.
They put Christ on the outside. Well, where was Christ? Christ was in the Son of Man
and the man that had the ministry of the Son of Man was Brother William Branham. So, He
descended from heaven with a Shout and that was in one man. And that one man was a prophet,
which was the friend of the bridegroom, John the Baptist. But he said, his ministry was to
forerun the coming Word, which came by the opening of the Seals, which was the full body
revealed Word of God, the full Revelation of the Bible in one man.
Then, afterward, there would come the Voice of God. Now God don’t have any vocal
cords here on earth that He uses. He’s not here with His corporal body to use His own vocal
cords. But He’s got to have a body to come into, and that man will be the Voice of God, which is
the full body revealed Word.
Now notice, the full body reveal Word, is a body and the body is the Word and the body
is the carcass. And Jesus said, and when they say, behold the Lord over in the desert, behold he’s
over here, behold he’s in a secret chamber, we got him over here in a little basement meeting, He
said, but go not there!

If you want to know where He’s gonna be, He said, here’s the parable. “As lightning
cometh out of the east and shineth to the west even so shall the coming of the Son of Man be”.
Where-so-ever them predestined eagles are, there will be the Voice of the Son of man. Do you
Brother Branham said, my ministry to the earth is to forerun the coming Word, which is
Christ. Brother Branham said, I’m not the true light, I’m only pointing to that true light. I’m only
bearing witness that He is coming after this ministry. He said, He’ll come right after the days of
my ministry and He will be revealed from heaven. He said, He’s coming out of the East and
He’ll be revealed from heaven. How? He’ll descend down from Heaven with the Voice of the
Archangel. Now who is the Archangel? That’s Michael, Michael is the Archangel, which is
Christ. Christ is the anointed one. Christ is the coming of the Lord Jesus.
We thought the coming of the Lord Jesus would pick one up here, pick one up there, and
take them off in the rapture. That is the rapture! The coming of the Lord Jesus, and the rapture is
not the same thing. Oh, here it comes! The coming of the Lord, the Son of Man, is a universal
mighty shaking thing! But the rapture will come as a thief in the night. Glory to God! Oh, the
mighty Revelation of God.
Notice, if God came in a Shout that was in a man, and that man was a prophet. Did not Brother
Branham say, the things that you see done in my ministry now will only be amateur what the
Lord will do when He comes? And he said, when He comes He will testify that I have told the
truth. Glory to God!! Then the ministry of the Voice, the Son of Man, the Voice of God will be
the final vindication that William Branham was John the Baptist that forerun the second coming
of Christ.
Remember that Angel down on the Ohio river in 1933 said to Brother Branham, your
message will forerun the second coming of the Lord Jesus.

Questions and Answers 61-0112
William Marrion Branham
http://table. Branham.org
Page 384. Listen, brethren, I adjure you before Christ that you—you—you hold this part of your
peace, but if you were spiritual you'd understand. See? Don't you know what the very first thing
He said down there on the river? Don't you remember what He said? As John the Baptist was
sent forth to forerun the first coming of Christ, your message… It's the message that will forerun
the second coming of Christ. That's what the Angel of the Lord said.

That’s where the people are missing the Revelation today, they are not able to understand
the coming of the Lord. Brother Branham said, this is the last sign you’ll see until the promise
son comes, which is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Let’s talk about the coming of the Lord Jesus now. There can be no rapture till the Lord
comes. And He comes from heaven himself with a Shout: John the Baptist, Malachi 4:5,
Revelation 10:7, and then He descends down lower to the earth.
Brother, if He got that close to you with John the Baptist, Malachi 4:5 and all the great
miracles that took place, what do you think will happen when the Lord himself comes?
Notice here, the Shout was a prophet! Do you think the Voice…? If Brother Branham
said, the things that you see done now in my ministry will only be amateur what the Lord Jesus


will do when He comes, and he was a prophet! What do you think that man will be when He

Being Led of The Holy Spirit - 56-0219
William Marrion Branham
And these things here that you see now will be amateur to what our Lord is fixing to do. You just
remember that with all your heart. And live for Him now and be reverent. And just be yourself.
Just…just be Mrs. Doe or Mr. Doe and—and love the Lord and just move on with a true heart
before Him, and love Him. He will take care of the rest of it. You see?

Who Is This Melchisedec? 65-0221E
William Marrion Branham
Think of this great Person, of how great this man must be! And now, the question is, who is this
Man? Theologians has had different ideas. But since the opening of the Seven Seals, the
mysterious book that's been mysterious to us… According to Revelations 10:1 to 7, all the
mysteries that's wrote in this book, that's been hid down through the age of the reformers, is
supposed to be brought out into view by the angel of the last church age. How many knows that's
right? [Congregation says, Amen.] That's right, supposed to be brought. All the mysteries of the
mysterious book is to be revealed to the Laodicea messenger of that age.

Will there be anything left? Brother let me tell you something! I got to say it… Can I say
it? Jesus said, there will be some standing here… Now, I’m way off and gone, I got to follow
this. How many just believe and let me go through.
Notice here that Jesus…Now who was Jesus? The prophet John said, He’s comin, He’s
comin, He’s comin, He’s comin, He’s comin. His fan is in His hand and He’ll thoroughly purge
His floor. He’ll thoroughly purge his floor. Is that right? He’ll scatter that chaff away from that
wheat, He’ll cause a separation, He’ll cause a war to break out, He’ll separate husband from
wife, wife from husband, mother from father, sister from brother, houses land and lots. His fan is
in His hand, He’ll thoroughly purge His floor. He’ll blow that chaff out of that assembly. He’ll
blow that chaff away from that wheat. He’ll separate the unbelievers from the make believers.
He’ll gather the believers into His body, the Bride.
Oh! I believe He’s here right now! Oh, children! How many know the Lord is here?
John the Baptist said, he was the Voice of one crying in the wilderness, but that was the
Voice of God for that day. He said, I’m the Voice of one! One, crying in the wilderness.
Everybody said, the Voice of many crying in the wilderness. No. It was one man, the
Shout was one man, one mind God was using, crying in the wilderness. And he was crying with
tears dripping down his face, trying to get the people to see that they were wretched, miserable,
poor, blind and naked without the Baptism of the Holy Ghost! But he was preparing the way for
the Lord, the Voice, himself to come. And he said I just baptized you in the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ in water, but there is one standing among you, some little fella that you don’t know,
the Christ, the Voice of God, He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire. How many want


Now notice here that Brother Branham was God hidden and revealed in simplicity in
human flesh in the form of a Shout, and it was a prophet and it was the Son of man being
revealed. The Son of Man is the Lord Jesus Christ. but He came as the Messiah the anointed one
in the shout, giving out an invitation to the marriage supper of the Lamb. And the people did not
realize it was not Brother Branham speaking in those trances, but it was the Lord Jesus himself
But notice it was a Shout, and the Shout is HEY! HEY! HEY, behold the Bridegroom
cometh, the Voice is coming after me. Behold the Bridegroom is coming! Go ye out to meet that
Bridegroom!!! Go out to meet that Bridegroom. Glory to God, The Bridegroom is here. Do you
realize what’s goin on?

The Evening Messenger - 63-0116
William Marrion Branham
And we find out, at the last church age, over in Revelation 10, there is to be a trumpet sound, and
there was seven voices uttered at… They was not permitted to write. But it was sealed on the
back side of the Book, the seven seals was on the back side of the Book. After the Book is written,
then It's sealed back there with seven seals. Now, no one knows what they are. But It said, "In the
days of the seventh angel sounding forth his Message," that's earthly angel, now.
Because this Angel came down from Heaven; and this was on earth; angel is "a messenger," a
messenger to the age.

Brother Branham said, that heavenly angel is on earth at the time of the earthy angel is
sounding his message. And he come at the opening of the Seals. The opening of the Seals was
the loosing of the reveal word of God. and Brother Branham said, the opening of the Seals is a
loosing of a ministry. It is the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ the revealed word of God
Himself, the Voice of the Bridegroom.

The Stature of a Perfect Man
William Marrion Branham
Now, after we get through with the Seven Seals, then, at that time of the sounding of the Seventh
Seal, or the loosening… Course, we know what a seal is, is to loose the ministry, to loose Seven
Seals. And we'll see that right on the chart. Is loosing a Message, something that's sealed up.

Desperation - 63-0901E
William Marrion Branham
You can't be desperate till God speaks to you. Oh, Church, rise and shake yourself! Pinch your
conscience, wake yourself up, in this hour! We must be desperate, or perish! There is coming
forth something from the Lord! I know it as THUS SAITH THE LORD. There is coming forth
something, and we better get desperate. It's between Life and death. It'll pass through us and we
won't see it.


And He’s the one that will not baptize you in water, you already been baptized in water,
but He’s the one that will unlock the outpouring of the Holy Ghost. He’s the one that will usher
in the great capstone. Yes, it is the truth too!

Testimony of a True Witness 61-1105
William Marrion Branham
157 He prophesied that there would come the Witness for the Church, the Holy Ghost. I indeed
baptize you with water; that's my mission. I'll baptize you with water unto repentance.
Hallelujah. But there's coming One after me. I bear this witness with water, but there's One
coming that's going to send Something greater. He'll send another Witness, not water, but Spirit.
He'll baptize you with the Holy Ghost and Fire. Hallelujah. God's Witness, He'll take all the
church membership away from you. "He'll give you a true witness, for He'll baptize you with the
Holy Ghost and Fire. And His fan is in His hand. The axe is laid to the root of the tree; and every
tree that don't bring forth good fruit, will be hewn down and cast into the fire. Wherefore, repent,
get ready, for the hour is at hand. 158 That great prince, how a great prophet… Three years
later after he prophesied, Jesus our Lord had finished His ministry, His earthly ministry. Said,
It's expedient for you that I go away. For if I go not away, the Holy Ghost will not come. But I'm
going to send Him. A little while… And you want to know Who He is. A little while, and the
world will see Me no more; yet ye shall see Me, for I'll be with you, even in you, to the end of the

Notice here, he said that there is some standing right here, there is some standing right
here, the Son of Man said. Now who was He? The Son of Man was the complete revealed Word
of God, that all the prophets spoke of. All the prophets that spoke, He’s a coming, He’s a
coming. Who’s coming? Everything that the prophet that spoke of was coming and was gonna be
in one man. And what was he to do? He was to make the Word of God so plain with the full
Revelation of the Bible that it would show the people the Bridegroom, who He is! He’s the Word
of God.
He come on a white horse and He had a name written on his side and He was called the
Word of God! On a white horse… here it comes!! And they that follow him are on white horses
too! The white horse is the apostolic Word in power back on the earth again. Glory to God!!!
Apostolic days are ready to break out, Hallelujah. Amen.
What is it? We see that the opening of the Seals is greater than we think. The opening of
the Seals… Oh here it is, Brother Branham said, that the white eagle… God showed him that
white eagle, which was the greatest prophet that’s ever been on the face of the earth. It’s the Lord
Jesus Christ, the King of all the prophets!! Why? He’s the fulfillment of all that the prophets of
God spoke of, through all ages. Here it comes! Malachi 4:5 was as unto John the Baptist, but
since that time the Holy Ghost has been preached, the kingdom of Heaven is being preached and
men and women are forsaking all to press into that thing!
Let me tell you something, the elected Bride of Christ is made up in such a way that they
don’t need to see a sign or a wonder, but they hear the Voice of the Bridegroom. It didn’t say the
sign of the Bridegroom, you already seen his sign. You saw your last sign, but now can you hear
the Voice! It will be hidden. It’ll be hidden in some human being. Who is it? Well, that’s for you
to find out! You find out!


Was Malachi 4:3 two men? Was Malachi 4:2 two men? Was the Shout in one man? Was
he a prophet? Will not the Voice of the Bridegroom be in another man! Will He not be a white
eagle! Will He not ride a white horse! Will not all the Bride that are predestined and along with
His ministry follow behind him riding on white horses?
How many want a white horse, here this morning? That same power that fell on the day
of Pentecost is gonna fall on the end-time Bride. Yes sir! What is it, the Son of Man. The Son of
Man is being revealed. He is revealing who He is by the Word. Jesus said to those scribes and
Pharisees that was hanging onto the prophet that just passed away, Moses and John, if you don’t
believe that I am He, ye shall die in your sins!! John said, I’ll know him, I’ll know him, when I
see him. I’ll know him, He’ll be the revealed Word of God. And notice, the revealed word,
Christ, came to a prophet.
And that’s what’s the matter with this thing right now, what they need is a vindicated
prophet of God today! That’s what they need today. Oh, they’ll say Joseph is a prophet. Little
Joseph is a sinner, an ungodly sinner and he needs to be saved. The devil will let you talk about
Joseph because he knows he’s got him. They’ll recognize him as a prophet because he can’t do
them no harm. But they don’t want God. The devil does not want God to send a real prophet. But
their gonna get one anyway. That is thus saith the Lord! Their gonna get one. You say, Brother
Bob you are just excited. Yes. I’m excited, I can’t help but be. But I also know what I’m saying,
and where I’m standing.
Notice here, the white eagle and the white horse rider is none other than the Bridegroom
himself, which is the king of all the prophets. Brother Branham said in Shreveport that the next
message would come by the white eagle, the white horse rider.
"I laid my hands against the rock and looked up towards Heaven and started praying,
and I heard a Voice coming out of the top of the rocks there that said, 'What are you leaning
against, over your heart?’ And I raised back like this, my bare shoulders; naked from my waist
up, hot. I looked back. And there was wrote in the quartz, in the stone, 'White Eagle'. Just
exactly what the vision said that the next message would come forth by. I was so excited, I run
home; got a camera and come back the next day, and took the picture of it. It was still there,
wrote in the rock: 'White Eagle.'”

The quote above, by Brother Lambert was taken from William Branham’s message, On the
Wings of a Snow-White Dove. Sermon #65-112.

And Brother Branham said, it would be the message of the Seventh Seal. And he said, my
ministry is to forerun the coming of Christ who is the Word. And is Christ the Voice of God, is
the rapture, the out pouring of the Holy Ghost, the great ministry of the Bride, the millennium,
the two prophets to the Jews. Everything is tied up in the coming of the Lord.
Notice here, Jesus said, if people are ashamed of my words, if people would be ashamed
of my Word, and of my Revelation, if they are too ashamed to bare the reproach.
Don’t you go and mention my name, because it will cause every demon in hell to come
on your back. How many say, Amen! Don’t you go mention Connecticut, Token, or B.L. (Bob
Lambert). That goes to show you if your spiritual, you know something is there. What?
I shouldn’t say those things, but you know that man came from Israel and laid that out
see. I’ve got to go on. I’ll say this, blessed is he that’s not offended in me. Blessed! Blessed is he


that’s not offended in me. If you don’t get offended in what I’m saying, then I say to you, as
God’s little minister, blessed are you. If you rejoice at what I’m saying, blessed are you!
In the days to come you’ll realize what I’ve said, and the Lord God will bring this back to
your memory. Now remember all these things. Blessed are you if you are not offended in me.
But He said if you’ll be offended at me, the Son of Man, the Voice of God, if you’ll be offended
in me, if you’ll be offended in the Bridegroom. You better love that Revelation. You better be
like Haddie Wright that said, “it an’t nothing but the truth”. Then the Spoken Word will take
First, you got to have the revealed Word of God to test your actions. Did you know
Brother Branham said the Bride has never received her Word test, but she is to get the Word
Hold it there now! The Shout was not the Word test, but the Shout brought the message
and brought a mix multitude of people out. He was the net.
How many remember the parable I preached on the net? Brother Branham threw a net out
over a mix multitude of people in the denominations. He threw the net over them and pulled
them out. He said that in there was tadpoles, pollywogs, crawfish, crawdads, serpents, and all
kinds of things, even water snakes. But he said that also in there was rainbow trout fish. Now
watch here, the tadpole said, I’m the Bride, the turtle said, I’m the Bride, crawfish said, I’m the
Bride, I believe the prophet. Of course, you believe the prophet, the net went over you. Why
wouldn’t you believe him, the net went over you and pulled you out of there? And everybody in
there is claiming to be the Bride. They say that they are going in the rapture, I’m the Bride.
And little did they realize it, that there was a man coming behind the Shout, to separate
the Rainbow Trout from the tadpoles, crawfish, and snakes. He gathered the good fish into a
vessel. And the Voice is to gather the good fish out from all that mix multitude and put them into
the body of the Lord Jesus Christ! And the body is the only thing that goes in the rapture.
Tadpoles and serpents wallow in the mud. And they will stay right here in the tribulation. Do you
believe? Is that the Word of God?
Remember His fan is in His hand. Brother Branham said this revival of divine healing has
brought out a mix multitude, and he said that’s where all the trouble is at. The mix multitude is
trying to get you away from the promised out pouring of the Holy Ghost, the revival, the Token.
And if it hadn’t been for the opening of the Seals, that loosing of a ministry of the full body
revealed Word, there would be no outpouring of the Holy Ghost! And if there would be no out
pouring of the Holy Ghost there would be no rapture, no resurrection at all. You would be lost.
But it’s impossible! The Bride of Christ is foreordained and predestinated to stand and
here the Voice of the Bridegroom. Listen, here it comes! Brother Branham said, if you are not
constantly in the Word of God, prayer, and sold out to the world, you will not recognize the
Bridegroom when He comes, because He will be the revealed Word of God in a man!
Notice, He doesn’t come as a little Lamb, He doesn’t come as a lamb. You say that
Brother Branham never preached like that, well that’s right! He won’t preach like that. Oh, it
sounds like him yet, oh yea he’ll have his spirit. God takes His man but never His spirit. And that
spirit is on the Bride, which is Elijah’s spirit, which is a prophet’s spirit which was on Elisha,
John the Baptist, Jesus Christ, and comes upon Malachi 4:5, and comes upon the two prophets,
but it’s all the spirit of Christ. Showing you that He’s revealing himself as the Son of Man. And
the ministry of the Shout was this… behold the Bridegroom cometh right after the days of my


Trim your wick, brother and sister. Trim your wick and go out and get the oil. Now when
the little Bride is trimming her wick, praying, striving, and crying to come into the great
Kingdom of Heaven, the great outpouring of the Holy Ghost, then men are raising up all over the
country and saying contrary to that, and don’t know that they are making themselves false
anointed ones, false Christs and false prophets. Is that the word of God?
Do you think that false anointed ones are down there in the denominations and out there
in that later rain bunch? No. He’s right up here at the supper table.
And remember this brother and sister, who knew that Judas was the devil? There was
only one person there that knew. One person that had enough Revelation to know the devil. And
that was the Bridegroom himself. And He said, you’re not all clean, because one of you, and I
have chosen him, he is a devil!
And where did He call him out? Where did the Bridegroom, when did the Bridegroom
call that Judas, false anointed unbeliever, out? Right before the spirit was poured out on the day
of Pentecost. And the Seals have brought the coming of the revealed Word. The Bridegroom and
the Bridegroom’s Voice is exposing every filthy dirty spirit that’s not elected to go into the body.
Glory to God!
Are you able to hear His Voice? You say, where are the great power and wonders? That
comes later, comes later. You receive the test first. You sit here and be tested, where you can
hear. Now are you able to hear?
Jesus said, my sheep hear My Voice! He didn’t say did you feel it, did you see it. He said,
did you hear it. He that hath an ear let him hear the Voice of the Bridegroom.
And He is the revealed Word that come from the opening of the Seals. That’s the only
way to put the devil to flight is to tell it like it is!
Now we’ve hid it, and hid it, now I’m hitting the thing right on the head, hitting the thing
right on the head. As sure as I stand here, there is a holy anointed prophet of God that’s ready to
cross the earth. That’s why you see all these little brothers and all these men all over the country
thinking they are that one that the prophet spoke of.
Remember that John the Baptist, Malachi 3:1, Malachi 4:5 said, he was to prepare for the
way for the Lord to come. How could he prepare the way for the Lord to come if he didn’t come
and open the Seals? The ministry of William Branham, Malachi 4:5, was to open the Seals that
made away for the Lord himself, the Voice of the Bridegroom, and gather the Bride together.
There’s gonna be a great gathering!! God is gonna gather His elected together from the four
winds of the earth! And He’ll do it by the holy angels of God!! Do you believe?
Malachi 4:5 was to make a way. And he made the way for the Lord himself to come
when he opened up the revealed Word of God, the Seals. You say, how can it be Brother Bob?
Just is! They said, how could a virgin conceive? She did! How could that fussy face man be the
Voice of one crying in the wilderness? He was! How could this little sickly fella… Jesus, how
could he be the one! He was! Sure is!
Oh, brother and sister, just wait till the devil flies up against that one time! Let me tell
you something, when He goes out, the Voice of the Bridegroom… goes out to meet the challenge
of the day, He goes out as the mighty conquer to face goliath in the greatest battle that’s ever
been fought. Oh God!
HAND!!! God’s got judgement! Sure, He’ll do it! The Bridegroom is gonna get all of them.
Brother Branham said that I’ve known for years all about these false prophets, these false
teachers, these false anointed ones, these money-making scams, and I say humbly so have I. I’ve


waited for this hour and now it’s at hand! God’s gonna expose this thing for what it is. I know
what I’m talkin about! Brother Branham said, all you false teachers, you false prophets, you that
have heard these tapes and saw all these great signs and you tell the people it an’t so, with your
money- making schemes. One day you will reap what you sow. When that man comes, with the
Bridegroom himself inside of him. He’ll call you out and expose you for the devil that you are.
Now, blessed is he that’s not offended in me. Don’t be offended at my words. If you
don’t understand it, just say, I believe Lord! Don’t try to figure it out you’ll go crazy, don’t try to
figure this out or you will go crazy. Pray to God and ask him to reveal it to you in your heart.
Flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my father which is in heaven and upon this
rock… What? Upon this rock the revealed Revelation of who the Christ is. Is that the Word of
God? If you don’t get it in the spirit it’ll drive you crazy! We can’t hem-haw around and wait for
everybody, you got to get it by a Revelation or your gone! Remember, Brother Branham said, in
the name of the Lord, it’s thus saith the Lord, there’s something that’s coming forth from the
Lord and it’s gonna pass right through this people and their gonna miss it again. And he said,
unless you’re constantly in prayer and in the Word of God you will not recognize the
Bridegroom when He comes. Oh God!

Sirs we would see Jesus
William Marrion Branham
But remember before this happens, the Church has to go. Amen. So, we're at the end time. We're
right in the shadows of His coming right now. I'm so thankful to see that He's come down to
prove His Word if it's before a dozen, or before a million. But it'll pass right through the people,
and millions will never know about it. It always has been that way, and it always will be that
way. Then they'll wonder sometime, Well, I didn't… I really didn't know it. Got eyes, but can't

The Spirit of Truth - 63-0118
William Marrion Branham:
E-20 There will rise somebody after me that'll take the Message on. He'll be an odd person, but
he'll rise after this and take the Message on. And you listen to it. As long as it's Scripture, stay with

The Sign of the Uniting Time 63-1229m
134 or (L-103) ’Let's get ready for this midnight cry. It's coming in an hour when you think not.
There'll be a cry, not amongst the unbelieving world; it'll be a secret. But the believers, who are
looking for this. You see the stars coming in line? See? What did it produce? Just exactly like it did
the first time. See, here we are, the signs are coming.

The Seventh Seal 0324e
William Marrion Branham


567-3/325 It may be time. It may be the hour now, that this great person that we're expecting to
rise on the scene may rise on the scene. Maybe this ministry that I have tried to take people back to
the Word has laid a foundation; and if it has, I'll be leaving you for good. There won't be two of us
here the same time. See? If it is, he will increase, I'll decrease. I don't know. But I have been
privileged by God to look and see what it was (See, see?), unfold to that much. Now, that is the
563-5/299 ’And just then He picked me up. And He took me up and set me way up high to where a
meeting was going on, looked like a tent or a cathedral of some sort. And I looked, and there was a
little box-like, little place over in the side. And I seen that Light was talking to somebody above me,
that Light that you see there on the picture. It whirled away from me, like that, and went over to
that tent, and said, "I'll meet you there." And said, "This will be the third pull, and you won't tell it
to nobody." And in Sabino Canyon, He said, "This is the third pull." And there's three great things
that goes with it, and one unfolded today, or yesterday, the other one unfolded today, and there's
one thing that I cannot interpret, because it's in an unknown language. But I was standing right
there and looked right straight at it, and this is the third pull coming up. And the Holy Spirit of
God... Oh, my. That's the reason all heaven was silent.

Accepting God’s Provided Way - P:110
William Marrion Branham
But there's an hour coming now when something's fixing to take place. But while we are in the
Presence of His holy being... The church in America, I believe, is just about called out. She's
finished. She's washed. She's ready, the real church. Hypocrisy still remains on. But the true
church was a true church to begin with--the born again, the predestinated to the call of God.

Believest Thou This? 53-0906A -
William Marrion Branham
35 Now when... The Angels come... Perhaps the Angel visits me and to—visit you and so forth…
There might be minor angels, but when you hear this Angel Gabriel coming, you take heed,
something's taking place. Gabriel announced the first coming of Jesus Christ, and Gabriel will
announce the second coming of Jesus Christ. Is that right? Amen. I begin to feel religious
already. Look.

It’s only the elected, the foreordained little virgin, the little wise virgin… Glory to God,
it’s the wise virgins that recognize the Bridegroom. Why? Because she knows He’s the one that’s
got the oil, Glory to God! Is that right! Is it the truth Brother Bob? God said so!
Aha, you say that God’s your father, you are going around making yourself God. He said
that if you don’t believe that I am He, ye shall die in your sins! What was the matter? The
blinded preachers couldn’t understand that one minute it was Jesus the man, and in the next
minute it was Jehovah God. Upon that rock…
What’s that man acting like that for, (Brother Bill DeMoss) Because flesh and blood
never revealed to him but my father which is in heaven!! And upon this rock, Jesus Christ, shall
build a Bride church that the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. Brother, you couldn’t burn it


out of him! You couldn’t saw it out of him. Saw his head off throw him in the ocean, he don’t
care. Do you believe? Don’t try to figure it out, just say I believe Lord, help my unbelief.
Remember, Malachi 4:5, John said, Behold! Behold the Lamb! Behold the Lamb of God
that taketh away the unbelief. And it was the opening of the Seals, the revealed Word of God, the
Lamb of God, the Lion of the Tribe of Judea, that’s coming to take away all your unbelief, and
establish you on a rock. Don’t look at the flesh and bones, you’ll fall! Shut your eyes and hear
the Voice! Oh yea, I see him there, the Son of Man, the complete body of the revealed Word of
God standing there. Little ole sickly fella, no beauty. Sick and afflicted talked about, Who?
Jesus! Where? Nazareth! Nah… can any good thing come out of there? Come and see!
Philip said to Nathaniel that it wouldn’t surprise me that when you get there that he
doesn’t tell you your name. Watch out, watch out now there’s the Son of Man. Coming, bringing
the sign, discerning the secrets of the heart, that’s the Shout. Tells your name. Why did he tell
you your name? Because it was the Word, the Word tells you your name, discerns you, who you
are, and where you come from.
Now notice, that when this spirit comes upon the Voice and it goes forth to the public, it
will do the same thing. Only it will not be like it was in the Shout ministry, but it will tell you, it
is the Lord Jesus. He’s not appearing now, He’s come, He’s not hiding no more now, He’s out in
the open.
I could get on that now. I could tie four gospels together on that right now. Do you want
a little of it? Here it is!
All right now, they persecuted the little prophet from stem to stern. They all talked about
him and said, why don’t he heal himself. The spirit of the Lord said, Mary Brown you got this, or
that, go back home and that’s thus saith the Lord, you are healed. He would say, I don’t know
what I said, but that’s Him speaking and I know it was perfect, wasn’t it? Oh, yes. Oh Lord, yes,
that’s right. Yes, it’s perfect every time. He said that it wasn’t me speaking that was Him.
They said, Oh, Brother Branham has a wonderful gift of discernment. Glory to God, it
wasn’t the gift of discernment, it was the Lord himself. And they persecuted him and tormented
him, and they beat him to death and finally they may as well have martyred him and killed him.
Did not they do it?
Now here everything’s dried up and the Catholic church is shaken up, the Methodist
church is shook up, the Baptist and all of them are shook up. Members are going out saying
they’re just dead and they got nothing and the bunch of hypocrites are all scared to death. And
the Pentecostal church has put Christ on the outside of the church and it’s dead and dried up.
And those that did follow him and recognized the prophet of God, are hungry and thirsty to see
one of the days of the Son of Man.
Then what happened, long about now, any day, there will be a great revival break out.
God will come with His angels from heaven. Remember He said, that there are some standing
here will not taste of death till they see the Kingdom of God come. And the Son of Man, is
coming, bringing the outpouring of the Holy Ghost. Glory to God, children. Do you realize what
Brother Bob is saying here! There are some sitting here this morning that will not see death until
they see the Son of Man coming with his Angels bringing an outpouring of the Holy Ghost.

John 1:51
He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which
is, being interpreted, the Christ.


And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of
Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.
The day following Jesus would go forth into Galilee, and findeth Philip, and saith unto him,
Follow me.
Now Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter.
Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and
the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.
And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto
him, Come and see.
Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no
Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before
that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.
Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of
Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree,
believest thou? thou shalt see greater things than these.
And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the
angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.

Philip turned to Nathanael and said, come here I found the Messiah, the anointed Word.
He said, He’ll probably tell you your name, He told Peter his, and his daddy’s name. And when
He come up there which was the sign of the Messiah. The sign of the Messiah, trying to show
you what He’ll be when He comes in the Voice! And Jehovah God speaks out in the second pull,
discerning the secrets of the heart, the second pull. He spoke out and said, behold an Israelite in
whom there’s no guile. He said, Rabbi since when did thou know me? He said, before Peter
called thee, thou was under the fig tree I saw thee. Marvel you at this Philip? Said, behold there
cometh an hour, after this Second Pull, discerning the secrets of the heart, thou shalt see greater
things than this. When that Third Pull comes, after the Second Pull comes, revealing the secrets
of the heart, you shall see greater things than this. He said, behold ye shall see the angels of
heaven ascending and descending upon the Son of Man. What is it? It’s the angels of heaven
bringing Revelation all the time. Is that right?
Notice the Third Pull. Brother Branham said, the First Pull was little tiny birds and they
beat his feathers down, the Second Pull was bigger birds, doves, and that dove was finally shot
up and the wing blown off and fell into camp but he said, the message got through. The devil
beat the little birds.
Now do you see why I didn’t believe that poor little brother (Brother Rideout) that raised
up here and had a vision that he saw little birds? He was trying to get the Bride together in the
First Pull. I knew better than that! That’s why I didn’t fall for that. How could people expect a
man of God to fall for such a thing as that? I let the four most spiritual listen to the tapes that
poor man preached here. He took those people and left here. I let four to five men listen to those
tapes and everyone said it was demon possession and total insanity. Think of that! Trying… if it
had been little birds it wouldn’t have done the job because the devil beat the little birds to death.
Brother Branham said it’s feathers were blown out and beat to death. Then God sent
bigger birds, doves. He said, the dove fell into camp, wing blown off, tore up, shot, but he said
the message got through. But he said, the Third Pull is the mighty angels from Heaven, with the


Son of Man. Do you believe? How many want little birds? How many want bigger birds? How
many want the angels from Heaven? They are the only ones that will be able to do the job!
Now I’m going to have to get away from that I’ll be here all the day long. I had to let it
Now, notice here, these angels were ascending and descending. Remember last Sunday,
ascending and descending, the angels coming in the Third pull in the Son of Man, see. The
complete full body of the revealed Word of God. Now there’s only two powers, only two
powers, Satan’s power and his kingdom. He’s got a spiritual kingdom, right? But of course, the
United States is his natural kingdom. But his greatest desire is a spiritual kingdom. See here,
Why, is it angels? Why is it angels? The Son of Man coming with His angels from heaven is to
meet the power of the devil. The power of the devil already beat the little birds down. The power
of the devil already beat the dove to death. But the devil will not be able to do it when the Lion
of the Tribe of Judea shows up. He isn’t sending little birds, he is sending a lion. And brother
when the lion roars everything shuts up. He’s gonna shut every mouth. Every mouth that has any
interpretations at all is gonna be shut up when He comes. Oh yes! Remember when the angel
from heaven, Revelation 10:1 said, he had a rainbow up on his head, which was the Bride
covenant, feet as fire. Is that right? That’s that covenant angel, Christ, coming with the angels of
heaven. Why is He coming? To bring His spiritual kingdom to His subjects. Now He’s got a
spiritual kingdom and Brother Branham said, the Seals was the coming of the King and now
He’s coming after his subjects, the Bride, the Queen. Why He’s gonna have a dominion now, his
great spiritual kingdom is gonna take dominion over the power of the devil. How many want to
see it real quick? All right.
Now the Son of Man and his angels being revealed from heaven are coming to destroy
and make war, make war with Lucifer, the devil, and his angels and his kingdom. Oh, it’s
wonderful children.
Now notice, the Voice of the Bridegroom is the Voice of the archangel, which is Michael.
War is about to be fought. Now watch here, the Bridegroom this… how many got that solid
now? Oh, that’s good.
Now that Voice of the Bridegroom is the Son of Man. Now how could it be Son of God?
You’d be back in seven church ages again. It’s got to be Son of Man, and Son of Man is a
prophet, and the revealed Word only comes to a prophet. Why can’t you show me a Bride? Why
can’t you show me the power that fell at Pentecost? Why can’t you show me ministers saying the
same thing and all in unity? Everybody all got their own isims, now they got wisims! They say,
Oh, yea, the Lord appeared to me out there behind the barn. The Lord came to me in the barn,
back behind the barn. The revival going on out behind the barn, and it’s so simple you can’t see
it. Tommy rot! There an’t no revival nowhere, and there an’t no Revelation nowhere and the
presence of God an’t nowhere, But where the Son of Man is.
Why, I’m able to say that? Because it’s right there in the Word of God. You want to find
the presence of God, and the Son of Man and the Bridegroom, you find Mount Zion, because
there’s where His Voice is at Mount Zion.
And Brother Branham said, Mount Zion is the Bride. And the deliverer shall come out of
Mount Zion. You say, I didn’t know it, and yes, the whole Bible fits right there to. How many
believe it? You say, Oh, brother, you come in a hour we’ve been laboring in this message for
twelve years but you come in line now when the Revelation is just getting ready to break right
now in the future. It’s been breaking for a long time. The Lord himself was on earth. The
Bridegroom was on earth when Brother Branham opened the Seals. He introduced the


Bridegroom and the Bridegroom was the revealed Word coming from the Seals. The angel from
heaven is the Bridegroom, Christ, the covenant Christ. How many say, Amen? And he came on
earth from heaven when the earthy angel opened the Seals. How many say, Amen to that? It
won’t lie. You just relax, it won’t contradict itself. It’s God.
Now notice here, Lucifer and his… and here’s Michael and his angels the Son of Man,
coming bringing the Token, the Kingdom, the Capstone. How many know the sealing is the
capstone? How many know that’s the Holy Ghost, the Seal of God?
Now notice here, Lucifer and his angels, and Michael and his angels, are getting ready to
fight. Note, that they fought once before in heaven. Is that right! Now notice, the second coming,
the Voice is the coming, this is the universal coming of the Son of Man, the Bridegroom, coming
to get the Bride. He’s the full matured revealed Word of God, the Christ, the Anointed one, the
Voice. And He comes with the revealed Word of God, the sword of the spirit in his mouth, with
His mouth He’s gonna destroy His enemies, and with the brightness of His coming. Like
lightning out of the East! See, that’s that angel.
Now over in Daniel 12. Real quick, over in Daniel 12, turn real quick to Daniel 12. See,
now I’m tryin to hurry, seems like there’s not enough time around here. Oh, children this is
wonderful, to think that we could be living in this hour.
Daniel 12
“And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standish for the children of thy
people: and there shall be a time of trouble, as it is right now! such as never was since there was
a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that
shall be found written in the Lambs book of life”.
How many want to be delivered? Michael the archangel and the Son of Man and all the
angels in heaven are to come and deliver everyone who’s name is in the book. Now watch here,
again I read from Daniel.
“And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth, Now, there’s your resurrection,
coming after Michael comes shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and
everlasting contempt. Of course, now, it drops over into a thousand years, of course a thousand
years is just one day with the Lord. it’s just one day there.”
Now watch here, here’s the Bride, verse three.
And they that be wise the wise virgins shall rise and trim their lamps at the coming of
Michael these angels, the Son of Man, shall rise and trim their lamps.
I’m reading between the lines. You say, where is that? It’s in
there. Why, because I’m in love and I’m reading it. You can’t read it
unless you’re in love. You can’t just put on. And they that be wise, these wise virgins shall rise,
they shall rise and shine because they go out and get the oil from the Bridegroom, the Son of
man. They eat and feast upon the carcass of the revealed Word of God and they rise and start
shinning. Why are they shinning? They are the stars, your lighting up the heavens. The first
Bible was the heavens, and I’m shining up there somewhere. And what stars are for? They shine
in the night! It an’t them shinning, but it’s the sun that’s shinning on them that’s making them
Oh, rise and shine and give God the Glory! How many want to rise and shine! All right,
here they are now. The wise virgins rise up at the time of the time of Michael, the archangel, the
Son of Man, the Voice, with the angels from heaven. Bringing his rewards with him, and he shall
reward everyone according to their works.


What is works? Show me your Revelation and let me see your works. I’ll show you some
works: here’s a man that left his wife, children, houses, lands and lots. Another man left a
business, clearing fifty thousand dollars a year. He said, I can make barrels of money what good
is it gonna do me, I want that Token.
Here’s men all the way from Yugoslavia, give up wives, don’t want no wives, all they
want is the Token. That’s works, now what have you give up? Now you got to give up
something. What have you been tested on? See, everybody’s got to receive a test, maybe one is
this, and maybe this one is for that. Maybe this one’s got this test, maybe one that test. But
everyone is gonna receive a test.
What! Now here He comes and He’s coming to those that bore the reproach. That if your
ashamed of me, if you’re not willing to lose your life, if you’re not willing to lose your life
you’re not gonna find it. But if you’re willing to lose your life your gonna find it. And the Son of
Man is coming with His angels and when He comes He’s gonna bring the reward with Him.
What is it! It’s the angels of heaven are bringing the inheritance to the sanctified ones. How
many want an inheritance? That’s why Brother Branham said the seed will not be heir with the
denominational shuck. The angels of heaven are coming here with Michael.
Daniel 3: “And they that be wise shall shine Watch this as the brightness of the
firmament; Why, the Sun is gonna rise upon the stars and they’re gonna shine in this dark hour.
What’s gonna make them shine? The revelation that on them and the power of God and they are
gonna shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the
stars for ever and ever.”
Now what is righteousness? Jesus said, you by your creeds and dogmas go about to
establish your own righteousness by the works of the Law, the denominations. But He said that’s
not what God accepts. The righteousness as to what Paul said is not of the Law, but is of the
hearing of faith. Showing you that these stars are gonna turn other stars, that don’t have the
Revelation of God, is gonna turn them to the Revelation and then their gonna shine. Glory to
My Lord there’s hope after all, an’t there? And because they rise with this Revelation and
the power of God and begin to shine… what was it? It’s that little virtuous woman over there in
the parables, whose husband, Christ, went away. And she lost one of her virtues, and brother she
got the broom and begin to sweeping tearing the house up trying to find that virtue, because she
knew that her husband, the Bridegroom, was coming back. And when He come back she knew
that she had to have faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, godliness, brotherly kindness. And she
was scared to death. She was striving, searching, she was moving the chairs, she moved the bed,
she moved the couch, she moved everything, hunting for that virtue. Brother, that’s what we’re
doing here, we’re searching our hearts we’re striving and struggling to find the virtues of Christ.
But when she found that last virtue, GLORY! Her husband came. And when he came he found
her still a virtuous women Glory to God! And she called all the neighbors little assemblies
around. Come I’ve found my coin. Hallelujah! Glory to God!
No wonder Brother Branham said, Shalom little Bride, Rise and Shine! You think he
didn’t know about it! I say he did.
I’m just havin a jubilee! Now I know what my ole horse felt like, got loose and out in the
alfalfa field. Oh, just over there chewing the ole alfalfa and slobbering, sweating and slobbering,
having a good time. That’s the way you got to get. Why I don’t care what anybody thinks about
me being ball headed I don’t care, I’m happy. Brother, I got something genuine down in there,
that’s hungry and in love with the Lord Jesus Christ. And I’m reading between the lines.


But thou, Daniel go your way and seal up the book, seal it up. They aren’t gonna shine
now Daniel. But one day it will be dark as midnight. Oh, Glory to God. But my little
predestinated stars will be down there and the Sun, the morning star, shall rise and begin to shine
upon them. They’ll raise up with the Revelation and they will turn many from their unbelief,
with no Revelation, to a Revelation. And said I got them up here and they’ll shine with the
Token forever in the firmament.
He’ll say there you are over there, Brother Gatlain, see that star, there you are. See how
your shining! I put you there before the foundation of the world. I knew you we’re gonna stand
on this revealed Word of God, I know you would hold them virtues till I come. There you are
shining. Look up there and see if you can find yourself! I’m gonna get on something in a minute,
about some falling stars. I don’t want to be a falling star, do you? Oh, an’t this wonderful?
But go your way Daniel seal up the book, put Seven Seals on it and seal it up. But in the
end time, many shall run to and fro and try to get it and can’t. But they that know… Oh, come
on! Are you awake! But they that know their God, they that are able to hear the Voice shall know
their God… they’ll know that’s their God, the revealed Word, and they shall do great exploits.
Question is, are you gonna be able to know him? Oh, boy I say this, if a man has got his
eyes on bodies and eyes and personalities, he will never make it through in this hour. Oh,
brother, if you’re not hungry and thirsty you’ll never… He’ll come in an ignoramus…He’ll come
in such a body that will stumble everybody. That an’t the Bride, they say, if he’d come through
anybody else I’d believe it, but not him. I’ll not have a thing to do with it. Blessed is he that’s not
offended in me!
They say I got nine hundred tapes, and I heard them all and it’s nowhere on there. And
he’ll say, search the tapes, search the books and after you search the tapes and you search the
books, they are they that testify of me!!
And if you will not come to me, the Voice, that you might have life the Token. Come
on!! You won’t come to me, the Voice, that I might give you life, the Token, then you shall die
in your unbelief. And because you don’t believe that I am He, that He spoke of…
I thought it was all over. It an’t all over, honey. It’s just begun. You got it all wrong, it’s
not all over it’s just now beginning. Brother Branham said in 1965, in Shreveport Louisiana that
the dawn is just breaking now. He said, soon the sun will rise and we will see where were
Some of the preachers were out in the boat you know, and one of them had a Revelation.
You, and the others, never been fishing out there on the dark ocean when the fog set in on the
Maine coast, and you couldn’t see your hand in front of you. and the little brother started to
panic. He got up and started to shake the boat and almost turned the boat over. And one of the
brothers said, sit down, brother, sit down, brother it’s just a few hours till day light. If you start
rowing you may row further out in the ocean. You may fall away from this thing God’s gonna
do. He said, the thing to do is let us just sit here and pray, and when the sun comes up will see,
when the day star arises in your heart.
Now notice here, Michael and his angels being revealed from heaven. It’s not that your
gonna see them coming down out of heaven like that, but their revealed from heaven like the
Lord himself, being revealed from heaven. Now we know that angels… we went through that
last Sunday, you’ll have to remember that angels ministered to Jesus on Mount Temptation.
You’ll have to remember all those things. Now, there’s so many good things that are coming to
me, I’ll have to pass them by, being afraid of the time.


The wrath of God being revealed from heaven. Listen to Romans 1:1. “For the wrath of
God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness.”
Watch this now! Of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; watch these angels
coming being revealed from heaven. Watch this now. Now if your spiritual you done caught that.
Michael and his angels coming to the Son of Man revealing His Word, coming revealing His
word in the Son of Man, these angels. Son of Man coming with the reveal Word of God to
avenge all ungodliness and unrighteousness. Said, men preachers, men who hold the truth of Mal
4:5 without a divine revelation. That’s fearful an’t it.
You say, Brother Bob I don’t know what you’re talking about. Honey, you better or your
lost! You’re going through the tribulation as sure as the world. You better strive and struggle to
get Revelation or you are tribulation bound. An’t that fearful! The wrath of God… Remember
what Brother Branham said, when the Token comes, the Token, the true Baptism comes it won’t
recognize nothing but faith.
And he said, if that Token don’t come upon you your found a professor without a
possession. He said the wrath… Brother Branham said… listen to those Token tapes said, the
wrath of God will fall upon all the professors without a possession. There’s the wrath of God
coming, said them men hold the truth… for it’s all on tape, without Revelation. That’s
unrighteousness, they’re holding the truth in unrighteousness. Did you know that’s what the
devil uses a man that’s got truth, but no Revelation? I hate to say it that way, but it’s the truth.
Now notice here, let’s look in Romans 9:22.
Now I’ll stop right here in a minute and will hook onto it tonight. The greatest part is way
over in here. I haven’t even got into it. Romans 9:22.
People go to Jazz concerts and sit all day long.
Watch here, Romans 9:22

What if God, willing to shew his wrath, Watch these angels now and to make his power
known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction. And that he
might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, To make known the riches of
his Glory, on the vessels of Mercy which he had afore prepared unto this glorious thing glory.”
Do you want it? Brother think about it.
Now watch here, just a minute on Lucifer’s kingdom now let’s see… How many knows
he’s gonna make war? They’re gonna have a great war, now let’s look and see what Satan’s
kingdom consists of. We know that it’s a religious kingdom and he wants to be worshiped as
God. And he deceives his subjects by twisting the reveal word and brings them into Satan’s
church!! So, he’s got a church and he’s got preachers of light, they don’t come preaching a
Pentecostal message, they come preaching the message of Malachi 4:5. Men that hold the truth
in unrighteousness and have no revelation.
Don’t’ you see where that devil is lying at children? It’s the devil right up here around the
Men that are holding the truth without Revelation, creeping into houses, leading captive
silly women. That’s exactly what caused all these people to leave this church here, four or five
silly women that had preaching spirits on them. How many sitting here know it’s the truth! Men
that hold the truth without a revelation, creeping into houses leading captive silly women, who
are ever listening to tapes and books and never able to come to the knowledge of Revelation.
Men of corrupt, minds, reprobates speaking evil of dignity. What is dignity? A man of God that
holds a divine office of God, with their perverted Revelation holding the truth without any


Revelation. They speak evil of the man that’s really called of God. He said, they shall parish in
their utter corruption.
Look here! Satan’s kingdom, Satan’s kingdom is full of sickness, that what his kingdom
does is afflict you with sickness. Sickness, sorrow, sin, death, evil, hate, jealous, war and all evil
is in Satan’s kingdom. Now notice here, Son of man Third Pull is angels, Kingdom of Heaven,
true baptism, of the Holy Ghost, the seal of God, the coming of the Kingdom. Look how contrary
it is. It’s full of love, righteousness, holiness, the power of God, signs, wonders, miracles, divine
healing, all those great things. Love, joy and righteousness in the Holy Ghost. The only way to
have righteousness is to have a Revelation. Righteousness in the Holy Ghost. If you want
righteousness get a Revelation from the Holy Ghost and you’ll have righteousness. If you have
truth you’ll have… just have the… a truth of Malachi 4:5. Without a Revelation you could have
Satan on your hands.
Jesus said, see, some will not taste death until they see this kingdom come with the
angels. Now watch here, here’s this kingdom coming with the great angels. Right, you got it!
Now let’s watch here, let me skip over here. I’ll try to hurry along.
Now let’s look over in Second Thessalonians 1:4 and I want you to read these scriptures
when you go home. And this ought to open great things to you all over in Genesis and
everywhere. Second Thessalonians 1:4. Somebody get that verse and read it… Oh, I got it. I’m
getting nervous now because I’m tryin to hurry.
Second Thessalonians 1:5 now, look here! “Which is a manifest token of the righteous
judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer.
Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you; And to
you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven here’s that
Voice with his mighty In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey
not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ”
Now watch here, the Voice is appearing with the angels from heaven with flaming fire.
What is that flaming fire? It’s the revealed Word of God coming from the mouth of His servant.
That Holy Ghost fire out of the mouth of God’s servant, burning his enemy’s up. Burn them up
and killing them with the revealed Word of God. Do You believe it?
Now watch here. Who shall be punished? Now, watch here, here’s this other kingdom, Satan’s
kingdom, seed of the serpent that’s persecuting the ones after the promise. How many see that!
Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from what? From the what? From the
presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power. Showing you that where ever, that Son
Of Man, the Lord Jesus and the revealed word of God is, there’s where the presence of the Lord
will be.
How many see that! Now these are going to be thrown away from the presence of God as
it goes across the earth in that ministry, see. Now watch verse 10, it’s beautiful.

When he shall come to be glorified Glory to God! in his saints, the bride! and to be
admired in all them that believe, that are holding onto the revelation of the token of the hour the
coming of the Bridegroom, he’ coming to be glorified.”
How, He’s gonna come and indwell in them with Himself. Isn’t that wonderful? Here it
is, because our testimony among you was believed in that day. Everything is centered on this day
right here. Because the testimony, contending for the faith that was once delivered to the saints,
that was their testimony. What is contending for the faith? Contending for that same Token,
Baptism of the Holy Ghost the power of God. Because of our testimony you believe in that day
when those angels come and the Lord Jesus comes to be glorified in his saints. Boy, children I


love it myself. The power of the Holy Spirit returning back to the believers once again. he’s
coming to be glorified in his saints. Mark 16:15, St. John 14:12, Hebrews 4:12. Right!
All right I’m gonna stop right there.
Now I got something real important, I want to place that Hebrews 12, the Voice from
Heaven and Revelation 12 together, tonight. I caught it on tape when Brother Branham said, he
wanted to place that future home of the earthy Bride and he never did, so I thought I would take
this opportunity and place that in there. I believe it will help us. Now I kinda got off my text but I
believe it was the Lord, and I felt lead to. Do you love him with all your heart? Oh, my!
What if we didn’t have this hope? What if I would say, well now were happy to see
brother Paul and Brother Brothers and all you people here this morning and of course were just
waiting for Brother Branham to come up. Just be encouraged now, listen to all the tapes you can,
it’s all over now. Now don’t look for nothing big, now be sure and come back tonight now the
Lord gonna bless us.
How is he gonna bless you in all that unbelief! He an’t gonna bless ya! You’re not lookin
for him to do nothing, it’s already over. Brother, it’s just begun for the Bride. Oh, God were
living in the most glorious day, when the Son of Man has come with his mighty angels revealed
from heaven to be glorified in his saints. Do you want him to glorify himself in you! Brother and
sister, you weren’t born here on earth just to work and build a house and come to church and sit
down here. God wants YOU! He wants your body. Present your body so he can get into it and
move and work and have the preeminence in it. Do you want that with all your heart?
Let’s sing a hymn while our sisters come. Let’s sing Number 219.
Oh, my children. Now remember now take her down the road with the help of the Holy
Spirit. Brother Branham said the real Revelation is a hairline from antichrist. God coming to be
glorified in you. God coming to be glorified in His saints.
Let me tell you something brother, it’s no little thing. It’s not gonna be shut up in a little
part of the country, brother she’s gonna ride the trail one more time. The nations of the world are
gonna hear about it. Now just tonight to show you the simplicity of God’s Word, how it’s gonna
shake nations? What did they say, You Brother Branham! Bill used to hunt rabbits out behind
my house, You? You going into all the world, Bill? You never did have but one pair of britches
to wear. You Bill?
Yeah! He said so! This an’t depending on what man says, it’s what God says. He’s gonna
have a Bride! He’s not gonna put her under no bushel. Like some brother said, we had a revival!
I said, when? I said, Brother Gatlian was just down to your church and he said nothing about you
havin a revival. He said, well, it’s going on so simple you don’t see it. I said, friend I think if you
just look a little closer, the prophet of God said every revival signifies a move of God with
power. Why? God an’t gonna do this thing small… like the apostle Paul said, this thing wasn’t
done off over in no corner nowhere! Brother, it shook cities, it shook nations, it shook kingdoms.
I said, why here come two men that turned the world upside down.
Brother, if they turned the world upside down in that day, what would it be in this day?
How many want to turn the world upside down?
Oh, them scientists, them poor devils. I feel sorry for them.Talking
about taking hydrogen power now and melting ice caps, and blowing holes in great continents of
mountains so the cool breeze will blow out over the desert and bring forth flowers and fruits. Is
there anything as ignorant as a scientist? The dumbest people on earth are scientists. What they
spend their whole lives tryin to learn the most unimportant little thing and then they get down
and say, in the beginning God. I think God that the Lord Jesus is coming with his angels to end


this thing. Now let those crazy people let off them bombs and melt them ice caps. Then they’re
goin stop up the Bearing Strait and take that warm water down this way and create a big fall and
create a warm air. Oh, how I’d like to just speak to them one time. You poor little… I don’t
know what to call it. It’s just awful.
I’m so glad I believe the Lord God. I laid there in his presence the other morning and I
said, Oh, God I believe you for great things Lord! I believe you for great mighty things Lord!
Not just laying hands on the sick, but creating arms, legs and eyes. That’s right! Little Irma, my
days are close at hand. Boy you wait till that Brother Heath… you wait till I get in the ministry
and I get to go hunting, boy I tell boy I’m gonna walk them guys to death! They have drug me
through the snow and carried me, and then when a big buck jumped up I was so tired I couldn’t
even put my gun up to shoot him. I said, I want you to look at that big buck standing over there,
and they didn’t believe me. And I stood there and looked at him, too tired to even get up. And
the other brother had my gun and there he just walked off. I said, boys I wish the Lord just one
time let me get to that mountain and run up it one time and jump up there and kick up my heels
together. It’s coming brother, deliverance is gonna be in Zion. Michael the archangel is coming
down out of heaven glory to God with the power of the Holy Ghost and every name that’s in the
book shall be delivered, every sickness every crippled will melt away at the presence of the Lord
God of Host! Do you believe it? Do you think I’m going out of here cripple legs my vertebras
are wobbling around like a marble in a glass jar, Pain all the time. Brother, I’m going out of here
sound as can be. Don’t you love him! Why, were lookin for him to do this thing this morning. If
we could just get that thing fixed… Oh, you say, could it be? Could it be? Me here? God, it’s got
to be somewhere. How many just say let it be here! Lord we believe it!
That preacher told brother Bob Gatlain, don’t bring that junk around here. They said, we’re
already sealed we already got the power of God. Brother Gatlain said, now brother you got all
that sealed in you, all that mighty Christ in you, all those poor little sick people in your church.
Why are you reserving all that power for? Why don’t you demonstrate some of it? He said, I
don’t want you to tell me all that stuff that Ruddell guy and that Lambert up there says.
You know when that great thing comes, and that great presence sweeps down… Brother,
let me say something, when that ministry goes into them places and the spirit of God falls with
such love and such power it’ll just melt people, nobody will be able to with stand it. Just a few
little Ananias and Sapphira happenings, and you’ll find it’ll straighten up real quick. Why?
Because they are scared and they are just wide open for the revealed Word of God. They got
nowhere to stand, nowhere. And just think that the Lord God would let us see this, and that we
could bare the reproach. Oh, it’s just joy unspeakable! Jesus said, blessed are you that hunger
and thirst after my coming. Blessed are you that hunger and thirst after me righteousness, the
Token. Blessed are you that are persecuted for the Token’s sake. Angels are bringing your
reward. They are gonna come and place you into the body of the Lord Jesus Christ. And in there
is all blessings in Christ. You’ll be right in Christ and all that’s in Christ will be perfect and
everything that’s perfect in Christ is the only thing that’s going in the rapture. Do you want to
come into Christ? Think of it, if you stay outside your tribulation bound. So that’s why you have
to strive to enter in. Listen getting this great revival should mean more than anything else in the
world to you.
Let’s sing this with all of our hearts.
(Congregation sings Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross)
Let’s stand to our feet and sing it.
That’s the promise land.


(Congregation sings next verse.)

Sing it out. Don’t you love him!
Amen, saints, it won’t be long till the glorious light of the gospel will shine across the
earth for the last time. The gentile people will bring all the elected Bride of Christ to eternal life.
What a blessed glorious privilege to be in that number.
Now, with every head bowed and our eyes closed. Let’s remember the service tonight
and pray for the service that God would do this great thing that He’s promised. Poor little people,
friend stand in the gap. And God has predestined and foreordained this group of people
somewhere on earth today to receive this and be in this great capstone. Otherwise, the whole
cause of Brother Branham’s ministry would be lost. It just broke my heart to hear the things
Brother Gatlian told me about. To see even Brother Branham’s family, even the shape of the
children. And even our children, see everyone has got to be born again and filled with the Holy
Spirit. And there should be just a desperation, screaming and agonizing, but see, we just go on
putting off, putting off, putting off. Oh, children how we need to plead for the grace of God. This
is 1971 and half rolling around. There an’t no future besides going in the rapture. The prophet of
God said, that America would be a burning ash heap by 1977. You got to subtract 3 and one-half
years from that. There’s no more than two or two and half years left. And unless you come into
that Christ, that body, and everyone standing here this morning is outside of that body.
If the rapture took place this morning there would be hardly anybody ready to go. How
many see the terrible danger that we’re livin in. Unless we come into that body by one capstone
token true baptism, they’ll all parish. So, help us to stand in the gap and plead and cry to God to
do this thing that we might snatch those out of the fire whose garments are spotted by the flesh,
following the things of the flesh. Oh, God help us to rise and shine and turn many to
Do you want to do it saints, turn many to righteousness?
Now, with our heads bowed I want to ask Brother Paul Bellemare if he wouldn’t dismiss
us in a word of Prayer.
Remember the service tonight. I want to place this Revelation 12.

Brother Paul Bellemare prays closing prayer:

Our gracious loving father, we’re thankful again this morning that we have breath in our
bodies and life to come and congregate ourselves in this place to hear the word of God. Lord we
thank you for the strength that was givin unto us. The yearning in our hearts to hear these words.
Your words shall never pass away. We thank you Lord God in Jesus Christ, the blessing that we
have seen since we came here last. We thank you Lord for being here this morning. God let our
hearts be open to hear everything thou has for us. Bless every heart, oh what wonderful love you
are and how you so loved us Lord. first You died on the cross for us Lord. Now you’re here
again to bring us into that heavenly place. Thank you, Lord Jesus, thank you Lord Jesus, thank
you Lord Jesus is our prayer. Thank you, heavenly father, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Amen and amen! Take that name of Jesus with you.
Congregation sings Take the Name of Jesus With You.
End of Service


You will notice that Endnotes will (when appropriate) be added to typed recorded tape messages
of Brother Robert Lambert for your reference. These are placed after the paragraph when
Brother Lambert make a reference to a subject that appeared in a message of Brother William
Branham and published in the Spoken Word books, but Brother Lambert does not actually read
the referenced material.
Passages from the Bible related to the subject (mentioned, but not actually read on tape by
Brother Lambert) are denoted as Biblical scriptures by the use of italics as usual, and are added
as an Endnote below the paragraph.
Scriptures quoted by Brother Lambert are indicated by italics and quotation marks are in the
body of the paragraph in which he quoted them.

All messages are written from recorded tapes of Brother Robert Lambert. Even the language he
used is printed here just as he said it.


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