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SECTION TWO Applied Clinical Sciences

The Cervical Spine

and Sensorimotor Control

People with neck pain may demonstrate other alterations in
sensorimotor function in addition to changes in muscle
activation (Chapter 4). These alterations include changes in
eye movement control, reduced proprioceptive acuity, and
disturbed balance. Understanding how and why cervical
spine disorders can influence such sensorimotor control, as
well as being able to quantify impairments, provides direction
for precise assessment and interventions for people with
neck pain. Thus the mechanisms associated with disturbed
cervical somatosensory input to the sensorimotor control
system will first be reviewed. The impairments in sen-
sorimotor control that may present in patients with neck pain
will then be discussed (Chapter 6).
Afferent information from the vestibular, visual, and
somatosensory systems converges in multiple areas within
the central nervous system and is important for general
equilibrium, body orientation, and oculomotor control. The
abundance of mechanoreceptors in the muscles and joints of
the cervical spine and the central and reflex connections from
cervical afferents to the vestibular, visual, and postural
control systems suggests that cervical proprioceptive
information provides important somatosensory information,
influencing postural stability, head orientation, and eye
movement control.1 Abnormal afferent input from the
vestibular, visual, or somatosensory systems can result in
abnormal sensorimotor control. The resulting mismatch,
which may occur in the presence of conflicting afferent
information, is thought to underlie symptoms of dizziness or
60 Whiplash, Headache, and Neck Pain

unsteadiness, problems in maintaining a are found in high densities in the cervical

stable upright posture, and measurable region. There is a higher density of
deficits in head and eye movement control mechanoreceptors in the upper cervical
in people with neck pain.2–6 joints compared to the lower cervical joints;
There are many possible mechanisms that however, mechanoreceptors are present in
may disturb cervical somatosensory input in greater proportions in muscle compared to
those with neck pain or neck pain and joints.12, 13 This suggests that mechanorecep-
headache, especially following neck injury. tors in articular structures only supplement
Firstly, afferent information from the information from the abundant muscle
cervical receptors (mechanoreceptors and spindles.14–16 Nevertheless, joint and ligament
nociceptors) can be altered either by direct receptors, via their influence on muscle
trauma or as a consequence of impaired spindles and the gamma motor neurons, are
muscle function.3 Secondly, inflammatory considered to be important for the initiation
mediators may activate chemosensitive nerve of protective muscle activation to prevent
endings in joints and muscles, leading to joint degeneration and instability.9, 17
altered muscle spindle activity.7, 8 Thirdly, The segmental and multisegmental muscles
the direct effect of nociception on of the neck contain relatively high densities of
mechanoreceptors can influence the central mechanoreceptors. Muscle spindles, Golgi
modulation of cervical somatosensory input, tendon organs, and paciniform corpuscles
thus affecting sensorimotor control.9, 10 have been identified in the human cervical
Fourthly, the sympathetic nervous system spine. The density of muscle spindles is
may exert effects on muscle spindle activity,11 highest in the suboccipital muscles and, even
thus affecting cervical somatosensory input. more specifically, in the deeper sections of
The purpose of this chapter is to review these muscles.12, 13 The average number of
the potential effects of disturbed cervical muscle spindles found per gram of muscle is:
somatosensory input on sensorimotor 242 in the obliquus capitis inferior; 190 in
control. The morphology of cervical obliquus capitis superior; 98 in the rectus
mechanoreceptors and their central and capitis posterior minor; 48.6 in the longus
reflex connections will be reviewed, followed colli at the C5–6 level (concentrated away
by discussion of the signs and symptoms from the vertebral body); and 24.3 in the
that present following artificial disturbance multifidus at the C5–6 segmental level.13
to the cervical mechanoreceptors. The For comparison, the first lumbrical in the
discussion will then review how disturbed hand has 16 and the superficial trapezius
somatosensory input from the cervical muscle has 2 muscle spindles per gram of
spine influences sensorimotor control and muscle.
conclude with possible mechanisms and In addition to the high density of muscle
etiology of disturbed somatosensory cervical spindles, the cervical region appears to be
input in people with neck pain. quite unique with respect to the arrangements
of muscle spindles.18 Spindles exist as single
Morphology of cervical muscle spindles or are linked in pairs,
mechanoreceptors parallel or tandem, with up to 35–50% of the
total spindles being in tandem. In contrast, a
Sensory information provided by receptors tandem arrangement is less common in leg
in the cervical structures conveys infor- muscles (10–25%).19, 20 Neck muscle spindles
mation for sensorimotor control. Muscle are also compartmentalized in series within
receptors, particularly muscle spindles, are the muscle, allowing a response to both
probably the most significant receptors and stretch and contraction, leading to effective
The Cervical Spine and Sensorimotor Control 61

tension generation in the muscle.21 The neuromuscular responses.25 Cervical

density and distinct morphological features afferents also provide input to the dorsal
of muscle spindles in the deep neck muscles column nuclei and the central cervical
demonstrate their importance for movement nucleus26 (Figure 5.1). Cervical afferents play
precision, proprioception, control of head an important role in the mediation of reflex
position, and eye–head coordination.18 The responses and subsequent connections
muscle fiber composition of the deep between the visual and vestibular apparatus.
suboccipital muscles also supports their Neck afferents project to the medial and
key role in proprioception of the cervical lateral vestibular nuclei as well as the
spine,12, 22, 23 with particularly high numbers superior colliculus, a reflex center for
of slow-twitch muscle fibers and muscle coordination between vision and neck
spindles found in the deepest portion of the movement.27, 28 Cervical afferents may also
obliquus capitis inferior20 and rectus capitis influence the sympathetic nervous system
posterior minor muscles.24 via beta receptors within muscle tissue.29–31
Conversely, sympathetic nerve stimulation
may have direct effects on the dorsal muscle
Central connections spindles.32
It appears that the deep suboccipital
Cervical afferents provide input to the muscles, in tandem with their important
ventral and dorsal horn in the spinal cord. proprioceptive role, are particularly
They can directly excite the spinothalamic, important for relaying and receiving
spinocerebellar, and long propriospinal information for sensorimotor control to and
neurons in the upper cervical cord. This from the central nervous system.18 There is
relay to the thalamus, cerebellum, and evidence from feline studies that the central
somatosensory cortex serves to integrate cervical nucleus, which projects to the
and formulate appropriate efferent cerebellum, is powerfully influenced by






Figure 5.1 Central connections from cervical afferents.

62 Whiplash, Headache, and Neck Pain

mechanoreceptors in the deep neck and visual reflexes acting on the neck
muscles.30 In addition, many descending musculature, for coordinated stability of
systems, which have been implicated in the posture as well as head and eye control
control of head movement, have dense (Figure 5.2).
projections into the C1 and C2 segments,
which contain the motor neurons for the Head position
deep suboccipital muscles. It has also been The CCR causes activation of neck muscles
shown in the cat that motor neurons of neck when they are stretched with movement of
muscles have their own characteristic the head in relation to the body. The CCR is
patterns of input from the six semicircular integrated with the vestibulocollic reflex
canals of the vestibular apparatus. (VCR) to activate neck muscles to assist in the
Interestingly, the obliquus capitis inferior maintenance of head position and limit
muscle has a different pattern to the rectus unintentional displacements of the head.1, 5
capitis major and minor and mutifidus The CCR has a high sensitivity to small
muscles.33 This may translate to functional stimuli and a lower sensitivity for larger
differences between these muscles in neck rotations, which suggests that muscle
humans where different morphological spindles rather than joint receptors provide
characteristics have been shown to exist. the major input to the CCR. More specifically,
responses have been demonstrated in the
obliquus capitis inferior, the rectus capitis
Reflex-mediated activity posterior major, and splenius muscles when
Synaptic connections from the cervical the CCR has been elicited during rotation of
receptors to other areas of the central nervous the body with the head held fixed. Chan
system play an important role in neck reflex et al.34 in their feline study confirmed the role
activity. Neck afferents are involved in of the perivertebral muscles in evoking the
reflexes which influence head orientation, CCR. The VCR, which is evoked by vestibular
eye movement control, and postural stability, stimuli acting on the neck muscles, is also
namely, the cervicocollic reflex (CCR), the related to the movement of the head in space
cervico-ocular reflex (COR), and the tonic together with the CCR. The behavior of the
neck reflex (TNR). These reflexes work in VCR is similar to that of the CCR, but it occurs
conjunction with other cervical, vestibular, in response to faster neck movements.1, 5



&25 &&5



Figure 5.2 Sensorimotor control reflex activity relating to the cervical spine. VOR, vestibulo-ocular reflex; VCR, vestibulocollic reflex;
COR, cervico-ocular reflex; CCR, cervicocollic reflex; OKR, optokinetic reflex; TNR, tonic neck reflex. The bold lines indicate the cervical
afferent effects. Dashed lines indicate reflex activity relating to cervical motor afferents.
The Cervical Spine and Sensorimotor Control 63

When the cervical muscle spindle

Visual control characteristics, central connections, and
The COR works together with the vestibulo- their role in reflex pathways are considered,
ocular reflex (VOR) and optokinetic reflex it is apparent that the sensory properties
to control the extraocular muscles. The of the cervical region are important for
COR serves to assist in maintaining eye somatosensory information and for their
position such that head movement results influence on postural stability and eye–
in equal but opposite movement of the head coordination. The importance of the
eyes, creating clear vision with low- cervical sensory system can also be
frequency movement. The COR is evoked demonstrated by reviewing the signs and
by stretch of the neck muscles. The symptoms to artificial disturbances of this
importance of the COR in humans has system.
been debated35, 36 and speculation continues
about its precise role.37, 38 It has been
suggested that, although the slow phase of Artificial disturbance of
the COR has no functional significance in cervical somatosensory
humans, the quick phase of the COR may input
be important for both stabilization and
reorientation of gaze.39, 40 The VOR provides The association between disturbances to
for eye movement control at high-frequency cervical afferent input and disturbances in
movements. sensorimotor control has been demonstrated
The optokinetic reflex activates neck in several ways. DeJong and DeJong45
muscles in response to movement of the injected lidocaine in the area around the
visual field over the retina. Cervical input C2–3 level unilaterally in human subjects.
has been shown to affect “optokinetic Symptoms of disequilibrium began
afternystagmus,” that is, the nystagmus immediately and were more pronounced on
produced after an optokinetic stimulus has the side of the injection. Symptoms of ataxia,
been presented.41 Ocular influences on hypotonia of the ipsilateral arm and leg
cervical muscles in humans have been muscles, and a strong sensation of ipsilateral
demonstrated by the presence of neck falling or tilting were also reported. These
muscle activity in association with eye symptoms were suggested to be due to a
movements while the head is still. disturbance in the flow of afferent
Specifically, a close relationship has been information from neck joint and muscle
observed between activity in the deep receptors. In support of this finding,
cervical extensors and horizontal eye Ishikawa et al.46 showed that sectioning the
movement.42 It is thought that this synergy cervical dorsal root ganglions or injecting
is mediated by tectoreticulospinal nuclei at anesthetic into deep neck structures caused
the brainstem.43 nystagmus and severe ataxia in guinea pigs.
Less invasive techniques in humans
Balance include vibrating the neck muscles, which
The TNR is responsible for alteration in limb stimulates the muscle spindle afferents,
muscle activity when the body moves with induces eye position changes, visual illusory
respect to the head. It acts to maintain a stable movements and, to a lesser extent, head
posture. The TNR is integrated with the movement illusions.47–49 Vibration of neck
vestibulospinal reflex to achieve postural muscles has similar effects on postural sway
stability.44 Again, it is thought that neck muscle in standing to that seen with vibration of the
spindles play a key role in this reflex.34 calf50 and has a greater influence on postural
64 Whiplash, Headache, and Neck Pain

sway in standing than vibration of other also some evidence that the neck may
areas, such as the gluteal, hamstrings, tibialis directly influence vestibular function. For
anterior, abdominal, or lumbar muscles.50, 51 example, stimulation of the deep neck
Neck muscle vibration also influences the mechanoreceptors has a measurable impact
velocity and direction of gait.52, 53 Similarly, on the VOR in cats.62 Altered cervical
Karlberg et al.54 showed that restraining proprioceptive input may give rise to a
cervical mobility (wearing a restrictive brace mismatch of sensory input or an asymmetry
for 5 days) resulted in altered eye move- to the VOR.63 In people with neck pain,
ment control and increased postural sway, altered cervical proprioceptive input
reflecting a consequence of decreased may cause an asymmetry of the VOR,29, 64
cervical somatosensory input. Sustained which may explain some of the reported
isometric contractions to neck muscle fatigue symptoms such as dizziness and
were shown to affect postural sway, gait, unsteadiness. Thus management may need
and head position awareness in healthy to address both the cervical spine’s primary
persons.55–60 and secondary influences on the postural
There is some evidence to suggest that the control system.
deeper structures of the cervical spine have Either a decrease or increase of cervical
a greater role in reflex connections with the somatosensory input may result in altered
visual and vestibular systems. TNRs in the sensorimotor control. Anesthetizing cervical
cat were abolished by cutting the nerve structures reduces somatosensory input
supply to deep intervertebral tissues but yet produces symptoms of ataxia, visual
were not abolished with removal of the large disturbances, and disequilibrium.45 Likewise,
dorsal muscles.61 Similarly, sensory input to increasing the activity of cervical
the deeper region of the vertebrae changed mechanoreceptors by applying low-
the VOR in cats whereas input to the large frequency pulse stimulation has been shown
dorsal muscles had no effect.62 to increase disequilibrium of the eyes and
body. Hinoki and Niki65 also found that,
when a procaine solution, known to interrupt
Mechanisms underlying gamma fibers, was injected into deep
disturbances in muscles of the upper neck in people with
sensorimotor control whiplash-associated disorders, it often led
to an improvement in their disequilibrium
The likely mechanism for disturbances in and pain, which suggests that an overactivity
postural control and eye movement control of the muscle spindles was contributing to
in people with neck pain is a conflict between their symptoms.
converging inputs from the different sen- Overactivity of cervical sympathetic nerves
sory systems due to alterations in cervical may cause an abnormal increase in neck
somatosensory afferent activity.2 Informa- muscle spindle activity.29 However, it has also
tion from the muscle spindles is of primary been found that activation of the sympathetic
importance for cervical proprioceptive nervous system leads to a profound inhibition
acuity and this information is combined of muscle spindle afferents.11, 32
with input from the vestibular and visual It has been postulated that, in trauma-
systems. A changed or disturbed sensitivity induced neck pain, the injury may initiate a
of the muscle spindles may result in one or perpetual cycle of incorrect somatosensory
more complaints of dizziness, disturbance afferent information.66, 67 The proposed
of sense of head movement, eye–head mechanism is that a sudden barrage of
coordination, or postural stability. There is abnormal input from cervical proprioceptors
The Cervical Spine and Sensorimotor Control 65

and nociceptors, particularly following Figure 5.3). These include direct damage to the
the deceleration phase of a whiplash injury, mechanoreceptors from trauma, which could
results in incorrect somatosensory affect proprioceptive functioning and motor
information. This is followed by control, leading to a functional impairment of
compensatory muscle tension to prevent the the cervical mechanoreceptors.3 Morphological
person from falling. In turn this leads to changes of the neck muscles have been
further altered cervical somatosensory documented in persons with neck pain,23, 68, 69
information, which perpetuates the cycle. which could affect their proprioceptive
The cycle may be augmented from the effects capability. In addition, pain and inflammation
of pain and inflammation from damaged may alter cervical mechanoreceptor function
neck structures. at the spinal level as well as influence the
In summary, there is evidence to suggest central nervous system’s modulation of
that disturbances in sensorimotor control cervical somatosensory information. There are
may result from either a decrease or increase also suggestions that stress and subsequent
in cervical somatosensory afferent activity. sympathetic nervous system activation may
be a factor in the modulation of cervical
somatosensory information.
Possible causes of altered
cervical somatosensory Effects of trauma and changes
input in muscle function
There are several possible causes of altered Trauma to cervical structures at the time of
cervical somatosensory input that could injury, inflammation, ischemia, excessive joint
lead to disturbances in postural stability loading, or stretching can either directly
and eye movement control (Table 5.1 and injure nerve terminals or cause abnormal

Table 5.1 Processes other than pain which may have deleterious effects on muscle spindle function

Cause Mechanism
71, 95
Mechanical disruption Direct damage
Excessive joint loading70, 96 Direct damage/functional impairment
74, 75
Facet joint stretch Direct damage
Muscle damage97 Direct damage/functional impairment
Local ischemia73 Direct damage
Joint inflammation 72 98 Direct damage/functional impairment
Altered protective muscle responses83 Functional impairment
Inhibition of deep musculature Functional impairment
Altered feedforward neuromuscular control100 Functional impairment
Increased superficial muscle activity101, 102 Functional impairment
Altered neuromuscular efficiency103 Functional impairment
Muscle fatigue Functional impairment
Muscle fiber transformations78 Morphological change
Fatty infiltration into muscle68, 105 Morphological change
Muscle atrophy (reduced cross-sectional area) Morphological change
Enhanced sympathetic nervous system activation11, 32 Functional impairment
66 Whiplash, Headache, and Neck Pain






Figure 5.3 Impact of somatosensory dysfunction in the cervical spine on sensorimotor control. Several peripheral mechanisms can
alter mechanoreceptor function and cervical somatosensory input to the sensorimotor control system. Such changes can also alter the
central nervous system (CNS) processing and subsequent descending information to the periphery. This can further contribute to altered
somatosensory input. Visual and vestibular input to the sensorimotor control system can also be affected indirectly by altered cervical
mechanoreceptor function. SNS, sympathetic nervous system.

afferent impulses from the cervical Morphological changes have been

mechanoreceptors.70–75 Mechanoreceptor observed in neck muscles, which may alter
input influences motor control primarily via their proprioceptive capabilities (Chapter 4).
the muscle spindles.25 Conversely, altered motor These changes are often most prominent in
control may desensitize mechanoreceptors and the deep suboccipital muscles.23, 68, 69, 78, 79
further perpetuate cervical somatosensory Furthermore, in a preliminary study,
dysfunction. Motor control is affected by neck McPartland et al.69 found a relationship
pain (Chapter 4). Changes in muscle function between poor control of standing balance
occur in the acute state76, 77 and may persist and fatty infiltration of the rectus capitis
despite the patient reporting recovery.76, 77 posterior major, suggesting that the sensory
Recent studies have demonstrated the properties of the muscle had been altered.
deleterious effects of neck muscle extensor These changes may suggest changes in the
fatigue on standing balance in humans.56–58 proprioceptive capabilities of the muscles
Likewise, standing balance has been shown and thus adversely influence the input for
to be adversely affected by scapular muscle sensorimotor control.
fatigue and sustained isometric
contractions.55, 60 Thus persistent long-term
alterations in cervical mechanoreceptors due
Effects of pain
to disturbed motor control may lead to Pain may modulate proprioceptive input at
additional changes in sensorimotor control many levels, including the information
such as balance disturbances. locally from the mechanoreceptors in the
The Cervical Spine and Sensorimotor Control 67

spinal cord and during the supraspinal several studies in cats have demonstrated
control and evaluation of cervical experimentally induced, long-lasting
somatosensory information (Figure 5.4). At increased activity in the gamma muscle
the local level, an increase in nociceptor spindle system following excitation of
input occurs as a result of chemical mediators chemosensitive afferents in and around the
released in response to injury. This may cervical joint complex.7, 8, 87, 88 Interestingly,
cause temporary peripheral sensitization, in lower doses of bradykinin were needed to
which normally high thresholds of receptors evoke responses from the fusimotor neurons
are lowered and spontaneous receptor in neck muscles compared to hind-limb
activity is increased. Painful responses can muscles, suggesting that the neck muscles
occur to nonnoxious stimuli such as light may be more sensitive to pain.8, 87, 88 These
touch.80, 81 It has also been speculated that long-lasting and extensive changes in muscle
generation of pain from mechanoreceptors spindle activation in superficial muscles
that normally only generate innocuous of the cervical region in response to pain
responses may result in an increase in would certainly lead to altered cervical
nociceptive input and also a decrease in somatosensory input.89, 90
nonnociceptive input, which might also Pain has also been shown to alter spinal
disturb somatosensory input for inhibition via effects on the somatosensory
sensorimotor control.81 cortex and subcortical levels in humans.
In chronic pain, mechanoreceptors may Tonic muscle pain caused a long-lasting
continue to be sensitive to noxious stimuli, depression of the primary motor area in the
due to changes in the central nervous system contralateral cerebral cortex in humans.10
and decreased central inhibition.80 Sensitivity The effects lasted several hours, even after
following a neck injury often occurs at the pain had ceased. Further, Rossi et al.91
regions both local and remote to the original demonstrated that tonic muscle pain
injury82 and is a feature in many patients discharge strongly interacted with
with chronic whiplash disorders (Chapter nonnociceptive input arising from the same
2).76, 80, 82 Chronic sensitivity may further site and it altered proprioception. It was
prolong disruption of somatosensory input suggested that this was due to a gating of
from the cervical region. input at the cortical or precortical level.
Experimentally induced pain has been There is also evidence to suggest a possible
shown to change muscle activity,10, 83, 84 role of pain in subcortical and cortical
including reflex activity85, 86 and muscle reorganization at many levels of the
spindle sensitivity. In the cervical region somatosensory system in humans. The

Primary motor cortex Somatosensory

Central inhibition reorganization

Muscle inhibition
Muscle spindle sensitivity Nociceptor input Nonnociceptor input?
EMG activity?

Figure 5.4 Direct effects of pain on afferent function. EMG, electromyogram.

68 Whiplash, Headache, and Neck Pain

removal of mechanoreceptive inputs and to the vestibular and visual systems,

enhancement of nociceptive inputs could indicates that they have an important role in
contribute to this neural reorganization.92–94 postural stability, head orientation, and eye
movement. The observed changes in balance
and eye movement control in people with
Sympathetic nervous system neck pain may reflect altered somatosensory
Sympathetic nervous system activation has input from a variety of structures in the
been shown to influence muscle spindle cervical spine. Alterations in cervical
activity directly.32 Animal studies have somatosensory information in neck pain
shown that experimental activation of the may be due to a number of mechanisms,
cervical sympathetic nerve depresses the including direct trauma, functional
discharge rate of cervical muscle spindle impairment, or morphological changes in
afferents and affects the sensitivity of changes the cervical muscles, as well as the direct
in muscle length. This was independent of effects of pain itself. Psychosocial and/or
changes in blood flow and inflammatory work-related stresses may also affect cervical
responses.32 A recent review discussed somatosensory function via activation
possible links between pain, stress, and of the sympathetic nervous system. It is
activation of the sympathetic nervous system likely that a combination of features leads
and the effect that this may have on muscle to an immediate, sustained alteration in
spindle activation. This could be another cervical somatosensory input, which in
factor to consider as a cause of altered turn influences sensorimotor control. The
modulation of cervical somatosensory numerous reflex connections between
information in those with neck pain.11 cervical structures and the vestibular and
visual systems imply that changes in
Conclusion somatosensory information could result in
disturbances in reflex activity relating to
The abundance of mechanoreceptors in the postural stability and coordinated stability
muscles and joints of the cervical spine, as of the head and eyes in the presence of neck
well as their central and reflex connections pain.

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