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Palash Biswas

Weekly Journal

October 15th – 19th, 2017

Hours of work in that week – 62

Work Done

As per our RCM (Regional Cycle Meeting) discussion, we must meet the Q3 (Quarter 3) target
volume for “Project Bosphorus” by which BATB will be the most cigarettes selling company. So,
first thing I did was to set a meeting with my distributor – A. Rahman to increase the amount of
investment. Because, as my OHS (On Hand Stock) is low and does not match with the SCR (Stock
Covering Ratio) which is 3 days as per BAT standard. Increasing the investment will increase the
OHS & SCR which will give me the opportunity to push more product into the market. As the
distributor is agreed to invest additional amount of BDT 35,00,000; we planned to increase the
amount of lifting of Premium & Aspirational Premium Segment (B&H, John Player’s Gold-leaf,
& Capstone). Had a meeting with my SM (Sales Manager) to crease the sales volume. As per our
discussion we serve total 5809 DSS (Direct Store Services) within 81 sections where 31 of them
are twice per week and rest of them are thrice per week. So, we will increase the service frequency
in all those twice per week sections and make them thrice per week. In the morning, 8 A.M., I took
a FF (Field Force) briefing to inform them about the distribution drive and the prize money for
target meet. With all the tangible benefits and motivation, the SRs (Sales Representative) went to
serve the market as per their route plan. Then as per the previous plan, I went to my another OSDO
(On Site Distribution and Operation) point which is served by the Sub-Distributor, to take
interview of two new recruiting SRs. As a Territory Officer of Bhola, the work is not only limited
to my territory. I had to contribute to the regional forum. At Wednesday morning, I went to Barisal,
as the Territory Officer of Barisal 1 is not present. I had to look after all the TSA’s (Territory Sales
Assistant’s) partner review for all Barisal Area which almost take half of the day. Then, I worked
on an upcoming project of Derby with my Area Manager and made a presentation for the next area
Learning & Achievement

Working in BAT itself is a huge learning opportunity for me. But to be on point, this week’s whole
work is all about influencing people based on their needs, negotiating with the distributor and
working with Microsoft excel to make an analysis on Partners.


We work with such people who sell an unsought product, the product that can’t be talked about.
But they are good at what they do and make the surroundings learn their best.

Note able Incidents

 Meet with the total BATB TM&D Khulna Region team and had a nice weekend at Magura.

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