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Army Men PAZCIK (Pirates, Aliens, Zombies, Cowboys and Indians &

Knights) Rules v2.5

This miniatures war-game is divided into 4 distinct phases: Reinforcements,

Movement, Shooting and Close Combat. Results are determined by dice rolls,
with each represented by the word ‘D6’, so 2 dice would be 2D6. Each dice can
be re-rolled ONCE at the very most. Distance is measured in inches, usually with
a tape measure and is indicated by these signs ‘x’ so ‘12’ would be 12 inches. A
standard gaming tabletop is assumed to be roughly 5 x 3 Feet (60 inches by 36
inches), any folding table will do.

So, to play Army Men PAZCIK you will require the following:

1) 20 – 50 dice recommended
2) Measuring tape (in inches preferably)
3) A table to play on and 2 Players
4) A circle template, 2 inches in diameter for explosions
5) A tear drop shaped template 8 inches in length ending in a circle
6) At least 2 armies of equal size (each model is worth a set amount of points,
for example, a standard Army Man is worth 4 points or 4pts)

Army Men PAZCIK Deployment

The recommended distance between opposing armies is about 24 inches so that
they can get to close fighting within Turns 1 – 2. Set up terrain & cover first. Then
roll a D6 each to see who goes first and set up that army, in cover if desired, on
their side of the battlefield, then set up the other army/armies in cover on the
other side of the battlefield. Spread out terrain and cover by about 6 to 12 inches
or in a mutually agreed way. Not measuring the exact distance between armies
when they are being set up can make the game more challenging and a little
more realistic.

Every model is part of a unit and has individual statistics (stats) and may have
special rules as do their weapons, including the following:
Army Men Table of Contents
Army Men PAZCIK Deployment ............................................................................................................. 1
Units ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
Model Statistics .................................................................................................................................... 10
Dodge Saves: ........................................................................................................................................ 11
REINFORCEMENTS PHASE .................................................................................................................... 11
PLAYING IN TEAMS or 3+ PLAYERS: ..................................................................................................... 12
Setting the Scene: The Plastic World (Pachik) ..................................................................................... 12
Portal Reinforcements: ........................................................................................................................ 14
Link Up: ................................................................................................................................................. 14
When can Reinforcements arrive? Can they still shoot with big guns? ............................................. 14
SHIFTING THE BALANCE ....................................................................................................................... 14
Other Ways for Reinforcements to Arrive: ......................................................................................... 15
Canoe Reinforcements: ........................................................................................................................ 15
Raft Reinforcements: ........................................................................................................................... 15
Braaaainnns: ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Placing Undead ‘Braaainnns’ Reinforcements: ................................................................................... 16
Shadow Cages:...................................................................................................................................... 16
Reinforcement Generating Terrain:..................................................................................................... 16
Satellite Dish:........................................................................................................................................ 17
Optional Campaign Rules: .................................................................................................................... 17
MOVEMENT PHASE: ............................................................................................................................. 17
Staying Together within ‘2’: ................................................................................................................. 18
Movement Blocking Terrain: ............................................................................................................... 18
Capture Artillery: .................................................................................................................................. 19
SHOOTING PHASE:................................................................................................................................ 19
Run: ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Exceptions to 3+ to hit in Shooting: ..................................................................................................... 20
How Shooting is affected by Terrain: .................................................................................................. 20
Terrain which blocks Line of Sight: ...................................................................................................... 21
Firing through Friendly Units: .............................................................................................................. 21
Close Combats block Line of Sight to Shooting: .................................................................................. 21
Firing through Enemy Units: ................................................................................................................ 22
Reflex Shots: ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Order of Shooting: Guess Weapons .................................................................................................... 23
Cannon Grapeshot................................................................................................................................ 24
Removing Dead Models ....................................................................................................................... 24
How Explosive Weapons hit Models ................................................................................................... 25
Explosive Weapons tally their hits in total against the target............................................................ 25
Firing with Flamethrowers ................................................................................................................... 25
SPECIAL RULES ...................................................................................................................................... 26
CLOSE COMBAT PHASE......................................................................................................................... 27
Charging Multiple Units ....................................................................................................................... 27
Failed Charges....................................................................................................................................... 27
Who can attack in Close Combat? ....................................................................................................... 28
Courageous ........................................................................................................................................... 28
Destroying Multiple Units through CCR Rolls...................................................................................... 29
Victory Collision:................................................................................................................................... 29
Throwing Grenades in Close Combat: ................................................................................................. 30
Strength vs Toughness Table: .............................................................................................................. 31
Ranged Weapons and Stats: ................................................................................................................ 31
Army List Building and Balance: .......................................................................................................... 32
Brief Unit Statistics (Unit Stats): .......................................................................................................... 33
Model Limits for Units (Suggested): .................................................................................................... 33
Neutral CORE Units: ............................................................................................................................. 34
Neutral CORE Units: ............................................................................................................................. 34
Neutral Critters:.................................................................................................................................... 35
Neutral Heavy Units: ............................................................................................................................ 38
Designer’s Notes:.................................................................................................................................. 41
How & Why to play Army Men PAZCIK ............................................................................................... 43
Where to from here?............................................................................................................................ 44
Blue Prehistory- CORE Units ................................................................................................................ 45
Blue Medieval- CORE Units .................................................................................................................. 45
Blue Medieval- Specialist Units ........................................................................................................... 47
Blue Exploration- CORE Units .............................................................................................................. 48
Blue Wild West- CORE Units ................................................................................................................ 49
Blue Wild West- Specialist Units .......................................................................................................... 50
Blue Modern- CORE Units .................................................................................................................... 50
Blue Modern- Specialist Units.............................................................................................................. 51
Blue Modern Heavy Units .................................................................................................................... 51
Blue Space- CORE Units ........................................................................................................................ 52
Blue Space- Specialist Units ................................................................................................................. 53
Blue Space- Heavy Units....................................................................................................................... 54
Clay Prehistory- CORE Units ................................................................................................................. 55
Clay Medieval- CORE Units .................................................................................................................. 55
Clay Medieval- Specialist Units ............................................................................................................ 57
Clay Exploration- CORE Units ............................................................................................................... 58
Clay Wild West- CORE Units ................................................................................................................. 59
Clay Wild West- Specialist Units .......................................................................................................... 60
Clay Modern- CORE Units..................................................................................................................... 60
Clay Modern- Specialist Units .............................................................................................................. 61
Clay Modern Heavy Units..................................................................................................................... 61
Clay Space- CORE Units ........................................................................................................................ 62
Clay Space- Specialist Units .................................................................................................................. 63
Clay Space- Heavy Units ....................................................................................................................... 64
Ghoul Army List .................................................................................................................................... 65
Ghoul Prehistory- CORE Units .............................................................................................................. 66
Ghoul Medieval- CORE Units ............................................................................................................... 66
Ghoul Medieval- Specialist Units ......................................................................................................... 67
Ghoul Exploration- CORE Units ............................................................................................................ 68
Ghoul Wild West- CORE Units .............................................................................................................. 69
Ghoul Wild West- Specialist Units ....................................................................................................... 70
Ghoul Plastic War- CORE Units ............................................................................................................ 71
Ghoul Plastic War- Specialist Units ...................................................................................................... 71
Japanese Plastic War- CORE Units ....................................................................................................... 72
Japanese Plastic War- Specialist Units................................................................................................. 72
Ghoul Modern- CORE Units.................................................................................................................. 73
Ghoul Modern- Specialist Units ........................................................................................................... 74
Ghoul Modern Heavy Units ................................................................................................................. 74
Ghoul Space- CORE Units ..................................................................................................................... 75
Ghoul Space- Specialist Units ............................................................................................................... 77
Ghoul Space- Heavy Units .................................................................................................................... 77
Green Nation Army List ........................................................................................................................ 78
Green Prehistory- CORE Units.............................................................................................................. 78
Green Medieval- CORE Units ............................................................................................................... 78
Green Medieval- Specialist Units ......................................................................................................... 80
Green Exploration- CORE Units............................................................................................................ 81
Green Wild West- CORE Units.............................................................................................................. 81
Green Wild West- Specialist Units ....................................................................................................... 83
Green Modern- CORE Units ................................................................................................................. 85
Green Modern- Specialist Units ........................................................................................................... 86
Green Modern Heavy Units ................................................................................................................. 86
Green Space- CORE Units ..................................................................................................................... 87
Green Space- Specialist Units .............................................................................................................. 88
Green Space- Heavy Units .................................................................................................................... 89
Grey Prehistory- CORE Units ................................................................................................................ 90
Grey Medieval- CORE Units.................................................................................................................. 90
Grey Medieval- Specialist Units ........................................................................................................... 92
Grey Exploration- CORE Units .............................................................................................................. 94
Grey Wild West- CORE Units ................................................................................................................ 95
Grey Wild West- Specialist Units ......................................................................................................... 96
Grey Plastic War- CORE Units .............................................................................................................. 96
Grey Plastic War- Specialist Units ........................................................................................................ 97
Grey Plastic War- Heavy Units ............................................................................................................. 97
Grey Modern- CORE Units .................................................................................................................... 97
Grey Modern- Specialist Units ............................................................................................................. 99
Grey Modern Heavy Units.................................................................................................................... 99
Grey Space- CORE Units ..................................................................................................................... 100
Grey Space- Specialist Units ............................................................................................................... 101
Grey Space- Heavy Units .................................................................................................................... 102
Maroon Prehistory- CORE Units ........................................................................................................ 103
Maroon Medieval- CORE Units .......................................................................................................... 103
Maroon Medieval- Specialist Units.................................................................................................... 105
Maroon Exploration- CORE Units ...................................................................................................... 106
Maroon Wild West- CORE Units ........................................................................................................ 107
Maroon Wild West- Specialist Units .................................................................................................. 108
Maroon Modern- CORE Units ............................................................................................................ 109
Maroon Modern- Specialist Units ...................................................................................................... 110
Maroon Modern Heavy Units ............................................................................................................ 110
Maroon Space- CORE Units ................................................................................................................ 111
Maroon Space- Specialist Units ......................................................................................................... 112
Maroon Space- Heavy Units............................................................................................................... 113
Orange Prehistory- CORE Units.......................................................................................................... 114
Orange Medieval- CORE Units ........................................................................................................... 114
Orange Medieval- Specialist Units ..................................................................................................... 116
Orange Exploration- CORE Units........................................................................................................ 117
Orange Wild West- CORE Units.......................................................................................................... 118
Orange Wild West- Specialist Units ................................................................................................... 119
Orange Modern- CORE Units ............................................................................................................. 119
Orange Modern- Specialist Units ....................................................................................................... 120
Orange Modern Heavy Units ............................................................................................................. 120
Orange Space- CORE Units ................................................................................................................. 121
Orange Space- Specialist Units .......................................................................................................... 123
Orange Space- Heavy Units ................................................................................................................ 123
Pink Prehistory- CORE Units............................................................................................................... 124
Pink Medieval- CORE Units ................................................................................................................ 124
Pink Medieval- Specialist Units .......................................................................................................... 126
Pink Exploration- CORE Units............................................................................................................. 127
Pink Wild West- CORE Units .............................................................................................................. 128
Pink Wild West- Specialist Units ........................................................................................................ 129
Pink Modern- CORE Units .................................................................................................................. 129
Pink Modern- Specialist Units ............................................................................................................ 130
Pink Modern Heavy Units .................................................................................................................. 130
Pink Space- CORE Units ...................................................................................................................... 131
Pink Space- Specialist Units ............................................................................................................... 132
Pink Space- Heavy Units ..................................................................................................................... 133
Purple Prehistory- CORE Units ........................................................................................................... 134
Purple Medieval- CORE Units............................................................................................................. 134
Purple Medieval- Specialist Units ...................................................................................................... 136
Purple Exploration- CORE Units ......................................................................................................... 137
Purple Wild West- CORE Units ........................................................................................................... 138
Purple Wild West- Specialist Units .................................................................................................... 139
Purple Modern- CORE Units ............................................................................................................... 139
Purple Modern- Specialist Units ........................................................................................................ 140
Purple Modern Heavy Units ............................................................................................................... 140
Purple Space- CORE Units .................................................................................................................. 141
Purple Space- Specialist Units ............................................................................................................ 142
Purple Space- Heavy Units ................................................................................................................. 143
Red Prehistory- CORE Units ............................................................................................................... 144
Red Medieval- CORE Units ................................................................................................................. 144
Red Medieval- Specialist Units .......................................................................................................... 146
Red Exploration- CORE Units ............................................................................................................. 147
Red Wild West- CORE Units ............................................................................................................... 148
Red Wild West- Specialist Units ......................................................................................................... 149
Red Modern- CORE Units ................................................................................................................... 149
Red Modern- Specialist Units............................................................................................................. 150
Red Modern Heavy Units ................................................................................................................... 150
Red Space- CORE Units ....................................................................................................................... 151
Red Space- Specialist Units ................................................................................................................ 153
Red Space- Heavy Units...................................................................................................................... 154
Royalist Prehistory- CORE Units......................................................................................................... 155
Royalist Medieval- CORE Units .......................................................................................................... 155
Royalist Medieval- Specialist Units.................................................................................................... 157
Royalist Exploration- CORE Units....................................................................................................... 158
Royalist Wild West- CORE Units ........................................................................................................ 159
Royalist Wild West- Specialist Units .................................................................................................. 161
Royalist Plastic War- CORE Units ....................................................................................................... 162
Royalist Plastic War- Specialist Units................................................................................................. 162
Royalist Plastic War- Heavy Units ...................................................................................................... 164
Royalist Modern- CORE Units ............................................................................................................ 165
Royalist Modern- Specialist Units ...................................................................................................... 166
Royalist Modern Heavy Units ............................................................................................................ 166
Royalist Space- CORE Units ................................................................................................................ 167
Royalist Space- Specialist Units ......................................................................................................... 168
Royalist Space- Heavy Units ............................................................................................................... 169
Shadow Prehistory- CORE Units ........................................................................................................ 170
Shadow Medieval- CORE Units .......................................................................................................... 170
Shadow Medieval- Specialist Units.................................................................................................... 172
Shadow Exploration- CORE Units....................................................................................................... 173
Shadow Wild West- CORE Units ........................................................................................................ 174
Shadow Wild West- Specialist Units .................................................................................................. 175
Shadow Modern- Specialist Units ...................................................................................................... 176
Shadow Modern Heavy Units ............................................................................................................ 176
Shadow Space- CORE Units ................................................................................................................ 177
Shadow Space- Specialist Units ......................................................................................................... 178
Shadow Space- Heavy Units ............................................................................................................... 179
Silver Prehistory- CORE Units............................................................................................................. 180
Silver Medieval- CORE Units .............................................................................................................. 180
Silver Medieval- Specialist Units ........................................................................................................ 182
Silver Exploration- CORE Units........................................................................................................... 183
Silver Wild West- CORE Units ............................................................................................................ 184
Silver Wild West- Specialist Units ...................................................................................................... 185
Silver Modern- CORE Units ................................................................................................................ 185
Silver Modern- Specialist Units .......................................................................................................... 186
Silver Modern Heavy Units ................................................................................................................ 186
Silver Space- CORE Units .................................................................................................................... 187
Silver Space- Specialist Units ............................................................................................................. 188
Silver Space- Heavy Units ................................................................................................................... 189
Swamp Prehistory- CORE Units.......................................................................................................... 190
Swamp Medieval- CORE Units ........................................................................................................... 191
Swamp Medieval- Specialist Units..................................................................................................... 193
Swamp Exploration- CORE Units........................................................................................................ 194
Swamp Wild West- CORE Units ......................................................................................................... 195
Swamp Wild West- Specialist Units ................................................................................................... 196
Swamp Modern- CORE Units ............................................................................................................. 196
Swamp Modern- Specialist Units ....................................................................................................... 197
Swamp Modern Heavy Units ............................................................................................................. 198
Swamp Space- CORE Units ................................................................................................................. 198
Swamp Space- Specialist Units .......................................................................................................... 200
Swamp Space- Heavy Units ................................................................................................................ 201
Tan Prehistory- CORE Units ................................................................................................................ 202
Tan Medieval- CORE Units ................................................................................................................. 202
Tan Medieval- Specialist Units ........................................................................................................... 204
Tan Exploration- CORE Units .............................................................................................................. 205
Tan Wild West- CORE Units................................................................................................................ 206
Tan Wild West- Specialist Units ......................................................................................................... 207
Tan Plastic War- Core Units ............................................................................................................... 208
Tan Plastic War- Specialist Units........................................................................................................ 208
Tan Plastic War- Heavy Units ............................................................................................................. 208
Tan Modern- CORE Units ................................................................................................................... 209
Tan Modern- Specialist Units Part 1 .................................................................................................. 209
Tan Modern- Specialist Units Part 2 .................................................................................................. 210
Tan Modern Heavy Units ................................................................................................................... 211
Tan Space- CORE Units ....................................................................................................................... 212
Tan Space- Specialist Units................................................................................................................. 214
Tan Space- Heavy Units ...................................................................................................................... 215
Turq Prehistory- CORE Units .............................................................................................................. 216
Turq Medieval- CORE Units ................................................................................................................ 216
Turq Medieval- Specialist Units ......................................................................................................... 218
Turq Exploration- CORE Units ............................................................................................................ 219
Turq Wild West- CORE Units .............................................................................................................. 220
Turq Wild West- Specialist Units ....................................................................................................... 221
Turq Modern- CORE Units .................................................................................................................. 221
Turq Modern- Specialist Units ........................................................................................................... 222
Turq Modern Heavy Units .................................................................................................................. 222
Turq Space- CORE Units ..................................................................................................................... 223
Turq Space- Specialist Units ............................................................................................................... 225
Turq Space- Heavy Units .................................................................................................................... 226
Undead Prehistory- CORE Units ......................................................................................................... 227
Undead Medieval- CORE Units .......................................................................................................... 228
Undead Medieval- Specialist Units .................................................................................................... 230
Undead Exploration- CORE Units ....................................................................................................... 231
Undead Wild West- CORE Units......................................................................................................... 232
Undead Wild West- Specialist Units .................................................................................................. 233
Undead Modern- CORE Units ............................................................................................................ 233
Undead Modern- Specialist Units ...................................................................................................... 234
Undead Modern Heavy Units ............................................................................................................ 234
Undead Space- CORE Units ................................................................................................................ 235
Undead Space- Specialist Units.......................................................................................................... 236
Undead Space- Heavy Units ............................................................................................................... 237
Vehicle/Juggernaut: ........................................................................................................................... 238
Vehicle Damage Roll: ......................................................................................................................... 238
Busting a Transport Vehicle: .............................................................................................................. 238
Yellow Prehistory- CORE Units........................................................................................................... 239
Yellow Medieval- CORE Units ............................................................................................................ 239
Yellow Medieval- Specialist Units ...................................................................................................... 241
Yellow Exploration- CORE Units......................................................................................................... 242
Yellow Wild West- CORE Units .......................................................................................................... 243
Yellow Wild West- Specialist Units .................................................................................................... 244
Yellow Modern- CORE Units .............................................................................................................. 244
Yellow Modern- Specialist Units ........................................................................................................ 245
Yellow Modern Heavy Units .............................................................................................................. 245
Yellow Space- CORE Units .................................................................................................................. 246
Yellow Space- Specialist Units ........................................................................................................... 247
Yellow Space- Heavy Units ................................................................................................................. 248

How Units Operate:

Each unit operates as a whole; it moves together, shoots together and fights in
Close Combat together.

Model Statistics
The maximum value of each statistic or ‘stat’ is 10 (except for Vehicles and
Juggernauts which are very tough or thickly armoured):

Toughness (T): measured against Strength to determine how difficult it is to

wound a model.

Initiative (I): used to determine the order of models can attacking in Close

Strength (S): measured against Toughness to determine how difficult it is to

wound a model.

Wounds (W): counters of how many Wounds a model can receive before being
removed from the table as a casualty.

Save (e.g. 6+, 5+, 4+, 3+, 2+ or 1+): models who are wounded have ONE chance
to save themselves and prevent a Wound via dice roll and it can be afforded in
different ways: Cover Save, Dodge Save, Numb Save or Armour Save. Each
model can only roll one D6 each in order to Save and prevent a Wound, even
if they have multiple kinds of Saves available (e.g. a 5+ Armour Save and a 4+
Numb Save)

Armour Saves:
An Armour Save of 3+ for example means that a roll of 3 or higher (3, 4, 5 or 6)
will prevent a Wound on that model. So the ‘+’ indicates that you must roll this
result or higher. Armour Saves can be modified or even ignored by some
weapons. For example, Maces are -2 Armour Saves which means that it will
reduce an enemy Armour Save by 2. A model with a 5+ or 6+ Armour Save would
have their Armour Save ignored, but a model with a 3+ Armour Save would have
it reduced to a 5+ Armour Save.

Numb Saves:
A Numb Save of 4+ for example means that on a roll of 4, 5 or 6 it will prevent a
Wound on that model. A Numb Save can be taken instead of an Armour Save if
available. Numb Saves can also be modified or even ignored by some weapons.
For example, Axes are -2 Numb Saves which means that it will reduce an enemy
Numb Save by 2. A model with a 5+ Numb Save would have their Numb Save
ignored, but a model with a 4+ Numb Save would have it reduced to a 6+ Numb

Dodge Saves:
A Dodge Save of 5+ for example means that on a roll of 5 or 6 it will prevent a
Wound on that model. A Dodge Save is ALWAYS allowed unless a model has a
weapon that ignores them (for example, Fire attacks ignore the Dodge Saves of
Tree Guardians in Army Men: Domaine and the Arm Cannon of a Behemoth from
Army Men: Domaine ignores the Dodge Saves of any ‘Flyers’ models). Dodge
Saves cannot be reduced, but they can be ignored as stated a little earlier, and
represent the model dodging out of the way at the last moment.

Cover Saves:
A Cover Save (of 6+, 5+ or 4+ in most cases) is afforded by being in base contact
(so your models’ bases are touching the terrain piece such a tree, jeep or
barricade) with a piece of terrain classified as Cover. Cover saves are only ever
used to defend against Shooting attacks in the Shooting Phase, not in Close
Combat or against Reflex Shots, as they are assumed to be shot at out in the
open. Cover Saves cannot be reduced, but they can be ignored by some weapons
(like Flamethrowers, Mortars, Catapults). Cover Saves and suggestions of which
terrain could grant them are covered in the Shooting Phase section.


Each player resolves Reinforcements, Movement, Shooting and Close Combat
and then passes over to the next player to resolve their Reinforcements,
Movement, Shooting and Close Combat.
At the start of the battle, both players roll a D6 each and the player who scored
the highest (if it is equal then keep rolling until one scores higher than the other)
can decide to have the first turn or to let the other player (or the other highest
scoring player if it is a 3 player game) go first.

For example, if Gerard and Josh both rolled a D6 each and Gerard scored a 3 and
Josh scored a 5, then Josh could choose to have the first turn as he scored
highest and then resolve Reinforcements, Movement, Shooting and Close
Combat. The order of the game would be:

Joshua Turn 1, then it would pass over to Gerard Turn 1.


If there are 3 or more players, then teaming up might be a good option, with
each team resolving Reinforcements, Movement, Shooting and Close Combat as
1 player normally would. If there are 3 or 4 players with their own armies acting
independently, set the order of the game through dice rolls at the beginning of
the game.


Army Men PAZCIK is recommended to be played for 4 to 6 Turns in total, with
both sides tallying up the points (pts) value still intact at the end of the game
(Turn 6 at the latest). Whoever has more pts left, wins the battle. For example,
if Josh and Gerard played a 500pt game and Gerard had 100pts left at the end
of the game and Josh had 75pts left, Gerard would be the victor. This is the
standard way of measuring victory in this game, and could be determined in any
way you can agree upon (e.g. by claiming X number of objectives, surviving until
Turn X, reach this place on the battlefield with X unit/units etc…)

Setting the Scene: The Plastic World (Pachik)

Army Men PAZCIK is set in the Plastic World, called Pachik, in a world somewhat
like Earth except that almost everything (except Moulds, which are metal) is
made out of plastic: the trees, the sand, the men, women and wildlife. Plastic is
the stuff of life in the Plastic World and travel is usually achieved through Portals,
which act as gateways for travelling large distances which would be otherwise
unreachable. Each colour within the Plastic World is a different nation where the
colour of its plastic can heighten its abilities, speed, accuracy, toughness or
increase its cost. These nations are in constant conflict, either with themselves,
each other or even plastic invaders from other planets in the Plastic Galaxy.
Plastic is also the main resource in this Plastic Galaxy and everything can be
reduced back to liquid plastic which can be poured into Moulds and can be
reshaped into new plastic. This new plastic can then be covered in paint to finish
the production of a plastic soldier. After battles are over, the winning side is
assumed to recover the plastic of their dead to recycle them into new plastic
units. The victors are assumed to harvest the plastic of dead enemy soldiers. This
is for the purpose of research and for adding to the armies of a victorious plastic
nation. The survivours of battles are worth their weight in plastic and either
continue in their present shape to fight another day or they can be melted back
down, recast in the Mould and recreated into another plastic model.
Portal Reinforcements:
Reinforcements in Army Men PAZCIK arrive through Portals and can be
teleported onto the battlefield within ‘6’ of a friendly unit. The friendly unit acts
a beacon for the portal technology to focus on.

Reinforcements arrive as Normal units:

Reinforcements are won through battles and move onto the battlefield at the
start of the Player Turn before other movement is resolved and can Move, Shoot
and fight Close Combat as a normal unit.

Link Up:
Any unit can join a friendly unit if it can end its move within ‘2’ of the friendly
unit of the same speed. So models that move ‘6’ link up with units that also move
‘6’. Link Up can occur at any point in the game: during the Reinforcements Phase,
Movement, through a Run move in the Shooting Phase or AFTER a Close Combat.
For example, if 1 Machine Gunner survives from his unit and end his move within
‘2’ of another Machine Gunner unit, then he can join this other unit.

When can Reinforcements arrive? Can they still shoot with big guns?
Reinforcements can enter play during Turns 2 – 6, and this can be negotiated
with your opponent. Also, if Reinforcements arrived from the back of your table
edge, they receive a free move of ‘6’ to get onto the table and this does not
count as moving for firing Heavy weapons. Any Reinforcement unit will not
count as moving in any moves they make to get onto the battlefield for the
purposes of shooting with Fast Firing or Heavy weapons.


If the other player has an army that is larger than yours in points value, then you
have the option of making up the difference through Reinforcements. The
standard way for them to enter play is from the back of your side of the table,
but they can also enter as Portal Reinforcements or whichever ways are
available to the Reinforcement units in question. For example, in a battle
between the Orange Nation and 100 Shadow Astronaut Zombies, the Oranges
had 120pts more in their army, so the Shadow player opted to have 15 Shadow
Astronaut Zombies (worth 120pts) added as Reinforcements later in the battle.
The Shadow player waited until 15 or so of his Shadow Astronaut Zombies were
destroyed before placing on them on the table at an advantageous moment as
Other Ways for Reinforcements to Arrive:
-Canoe (Indians)
-Raft (Pirates)
-Shadow Cage (Shadows)
-Braaainnnss (Undead)
-Shuttle Transports (Undead- See Undead Army List)

Canoe Reinforcements:
Indian models, or ‘Indians’ for short, can arrive as Reinforcements via Canoe.
Roll a D6 and on a 1 or 2 the Canoe arrives on your left side of the table, on a 3
or 4 it arrives on your right side of the table, on a 5 or 6 you can choose left or
right. In the Reinforcements Phase when placing the Canoe model, place it flat
against the table edge in a vertical fashion, then place the unit ‘2’ away from the
Canoe, piling out the sides of it. The unit then functions as a normal unit and can
Link Up, Move, Shoot, fight Close Combat etc.

Raft Reinforcements:
Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia and Zombie Pirates) can arrive as
Reinforcements via Raft, which is approximately ‘6’ in length. Roll a D6 and on a
1 or 2 the Canoe arrives on your left side of the table, on a 3 or 4 it arrives on
your right side of the table, on a 5 or 6 you can choose left or right. In the
Reinforcements Phase when placing the Raft model, place it flat against the
table edge so that it protrudes about ‘6’ onto the table. Then place the unit ‘2’
away from the Raft, piling out the front long edge of the model. The unit then
functions as a normal unit and can Link Up, Move, Shoot, fight Close Combat etc.

Undead units arrive by breaking out the ground at a point which has already
been reached by friendly Undead models (see the Astronaut Zombies vs the
Plastic War Royalists on the Army Men PAZCIK page in the Albums section as an
example of this). So if you had 2 Skeleton units and one of them was ‘25’ onto
the table (measured from your side of the table) and the other Skeleton unit was
‘30’ onto the table, then you could place an Undead unit up to ‘30’ onto the
table even if that Skeleton unit at ‘30’ was destroyed. They already set the
marker at this distance the moment that they moved there.
Placing Undead ‘Braaainnns’ Reinforcements:
When an Undead unit arrives in this way, they can place 1 model and then all
the others clumped in around them using the ‘2’ circular blast template. If they
will not fit in this way, place them where they aren’t touching enemy models.
From here, they are allowed to perform 2 different actions: Run OR Charge. If
their Charge contacts an enemy unit, the Undead unit counts as Charging.

Shadow Cages:
The Shadow Army uses their Shadow Cages, which are made out of Black plastic,
much like a space elevator/teleporter of sorts where their Shadow
reinforcements pop up ‘2’ around the Cage, wherever it may lie, and move as
normal. If there isn’t enough room, the Shadow unit is assumed to Charge the
enemy unit to clear them out of way. Shadow Cages also provide a Cover Save
of 6+ for Shadow models. Place up to 3 Shadow Cages on the table at the start
of the battle on your side of the table. This is recommended, but they could
place in any way and in any number that your opponent will agree to. These
Cages act as a beacon for Shadow reinforcements. Shadow units can arrive as
Reinforcements at ANY of the Shadow Cages you desire.

Reinforcement Generating Terrain:

-Treasure Chests (Pirates)
-Satellite Dishes (Undead- for use with the Undead Army List)
-Teepees (Indians)

Treasure Chests:
Treasure Chest models, often found with Pirate models, can be owned by a
player at a cost of 80pts each (recommended: assumes generating 10 Pirates
each per Battle). In the Reinforcements Phase, roll a D6 for each Treasure Chest
you own and on a 1 or 2 it generates 1 Pirate, on a 3 or 4 it generates 2 Pirates
and on a 5 or 6 it generates 3 Pirates. This new unit will arrive as Raft
Reinforcements or within ‘3’ of one of your Treasure Chests.
Satellite Dish:
-T7, W1, S0, I0, A0, No Save, 80pts
Satellite Dish models, often found with Astronaut Zombie models, are small,
metallic and silver in colour. Place them on the table at the beginning of table
on your side of the battlefield (recommended, but can be negotiated). They act
as beacons for Undead reinforcements and summons D6 Astronaut Zombies per
turn (in Turns 2 – 5, assumed 20 Astronaut Zombies generated each per battle)
from the Dead Moon during the Reinforcements Phase, whether the Satellite
Dish model is in Close Combat or not. This new unit of Undead Astronaut
Zombies now acts a normal unit (can Link Up, Move, Run, Charge) and is placed
within ‘3’ of the Satellite Dish.

Damaging a Satellite Dish:

A Satellite Dish is wounded on a 4+ by a Light Cannon (S7), on a 3+ by a Bazooka
firing an anti-tank rocket (S8) and on a 2+ by a Heavy Cannon (S10).

Optional Campaign Rules:

After a battle, the victorious player can add up the value of all their surviving
models and these to a Reinforcements pool (Reserves) and can bring them on
as Reinforcements in a later battle. The other player/players can also do this if
some of their units survived. By defeating a player who brings on some of their
Reserves in addition to their army, your army stands to grow in this way by
harvesting the plastic of the vanquished enemy dead.


How far can units move?

Units are assumed to move ‘6’ in this phase by default unless stated otherwise.

Measuring Range for Movement

Measure range for any kind of Movement from front the model’s base and the
movement ends at the front of the model’s base. For example, if a unit moved
‘6’ then measure this distance from the front and move the model so that it
moves 6 inches in total, NOT ‘6’ and then placing the back of the base there at
‘6’ in order to get free movement (depending on the size of the model). A large
model with a big base could unfairly gain free movement in this way, hence why
you move models from the front of their base and end their movement at the
front of their base.
Staying Together within ‘2’:
Models in a unit must be within ‘2’ of each other at all times wherever possible
and may need to move in some way (Movement, Run or Victory Run) to achieve
this as soon as possible in order to function as a unit.

Unit Movement affected by Terrain:

Models generally move ‘6’ by default (‘9’ for Aliens) and this can be edited by
terrain. When models move through a piece of terrain such as a railway track,
bush, tree, barbwire, an abandoned vehicle etc… then they will roll 2 dice (2D6)
and can choose the dice with the highest result. The unit will then move through
the terrain piece and the unit as a whole will still count as moving in terrain even
if 1 model still has to move through it. It is possible to thread your units around
the terrain but this may require using up their movement in multiple moves until
it is all used up. It should also be noted that any unit that moves ‘9’ or more will
roll 2D6 as normal and add to this as follows: ‘9’ = 2D6 + ‘3’, ‘10’ = 2D6 + ‘4’, ‘12’
= 2D6 + ‘6’.

Movement Blocking Terrain:

Some terrain is solid that it can be climbed over or walked through by normal
units, so terrain like this is categorised as ‘Solid’ (like Walls, Castle Walls, Towers,
Mountains as a few examples) and they can be moved around, but not through.
Castle Walls and Towers can be climbed onto as described below.

Defended Obstacles:
Towers, Castle Walls, Wooden Platforms (and other defences you both agree
should be classified in this way like Bunkers or Buildings) are classified as
‘Defended Obstacles’ and can grant Cover Saves and rules to the unit which is
occupying it. Models wishing to enter a Defended Obstacle must move towards
it like terrain (when they are reasonably close enough to make it) and roll 2D6
as normal for Unit Movement affected by Terrain. If the unit can make the
distance, place as many models as will fit on the top to show that the Defended
Obstacle has been occupied. Defended Obstacles can hold 20 models at the
most and all models occupying it can fire their ranged weapons from it.

Wooden Platforms:
Models occupying it have no Cover Save, but gain the ‘Dauntless’ rule in Close
Combat (see Special Rules on page 19), and become Initiative 9 in Close Combat
in the first round of Close Combat. In later rounds of the same Close Combat,
they go back to the normal Initiative value for their unit.
Towers and Castle Walls:
Models occupying either of these have a Cover Save of 4+, the Dauntless Rule in
Close Combat and become Initiative 9 in Close Combat in the first round of Close
Combat. In later rounds of the same Close Combat, they go back to the normal
Initiative value for their unit.

Capture Artillery:
If an Artillery model (Catapult or Cannon) is Charged by an enemy unit and there
are no friendly models within ‘2’, then the Artillery model is captured by the
enemy army. As long as at least 1 of their models is manning the Cannon, it
remains under their control…unless the Cannon (T6, W1 for a Light Cannon or
T8, W1 for a Heavy Cannon) is destroyed somehow: most likely by another
Cannon or something which has high enough Strength to damage it.



When Shooting with a unit, the unit chooses 1 target (unless allowed otherwise
due to a rule), which can be an enemy unit or a terrain piece which is able to be
destroyed through Shooting. The unit shoots as one, and every model who is
range and able to see an enemy model from the target unit can fire. If you are
not sure who can see, look down the view of the model/models in question and
see who is clearly to be shot at (a laser pointer could handy for this). This is called
a model’s ‘Line of Sight’, which is necessary for Shooting and for declaring a
Charge in Close Combat (unless stated otherwise in the unit’s rules).

When declaring any of the following: a Run move, Shooting in the Shooting
Phase or declaring a Charge in the Close Combat Phase, you must declare this
action FIRST before measuring the distance between your unit and the enemy
unit. To measure first is called ‘Pre-Measuring’ and is strongly discouraged (it
could help ease in new players at first), as guessing first before declaring any of
these adds a lot more challenge and player judgement in this tabletop wargame.

Measuring Range for Shooting:

Measure range for Shooting from the front of the model’s base.
In the Shooting Phase, a unit can choose to ‘Run’ instead of Shooting and will a
D6 and can move up to this distance. This move is not slowed by terrain.
Movement Blocking Terrain will still have to be moved around as usual.

3+ to hit in Shooting:
The default to hit roll in Shooting is 3+ (with some exceptions noted below) and
this can be reduced by specific units and make it 4+, 5+ or a 6 to hit when
shooting at that unit. General exceptions to the rule of ‘3+ to hit in Shooting are
noted below:

Exceptions to 3+ to hit in Shooting:

Seeing Shadows: Shadow units are hit on a 4+, by default, in Shooting and in
Close Combat

Snipers: Models with ‘Sniper’ in their unit title or ‘Shooting hits like Snipers’ gain
a +1 to hit bonus when Shooting at enemy units, and will hit normal units on a
2+ and Shadow units on a 3+ when shooting at them.

Bazookas: Always hits on a 4+ in Shooting regardless of the target (this could be

applied to weapons which require guessing the range, like a Mortar or Catapult,
for new players until they can guess distances in inches comfortably)

How Shooting is affected by Terrain:

Cover Saves:
A cover save is afforded by a unit having half or more of its models inside a
terrain piece or having their bases touching it (like a barricade or a forest for
example). Cover Saves are taken in the Shooting Phase and not relevant in Close

Examples of Cover Saves from Terrain:

6+ Cover Saves: Grounded Aircraft, Barbwire Fences, Tents, Canoes, Shadow
Cages (for Shadow units)

5+ Cover Saves:
Assumed default Cover Save unless it seems considerably more substantial. Also
a good default is the target is obscured in some way and hard to see:
Examples of standard 5+ Cover:
Jungle/Forest Trees/Vegetation, Empty Gun Emplacements, Tank Traps,
Abandoned Vehicles, Sandbag Barricades, Trains, Low Walls, Rock Mounds,
Overturned Rockets, Siege Shields (wooden)

4+ Cover Saves:
Castle Walls, Towers, Bunkers
Terrain which blocks Line of Sight:
Ruined Walls or Tall Walls
Towers, Castle Walls
Mountains, Tanks

Oil Drums (Destructible Terrain):

-T4, W2, No Save, can only be destroyed by Explosives (Grenades, Mortars,
Bazookas) or Fire attacks. When they are destroyed they will attack all models
within ‘D6’ and they will take an automatic Strength 4 hit (Fire Attack), even if
they are in Close Combat. Also, any Shadow unit which is caught in the explosion
is lit up and can be hit like a normal unit for that Shooting Phase only (e.g. a 3+
by default or 2+ for Snipers).

Oil Rigs (Destructible Terrain):

-T10, W1, No Save. They have the same rules as Oil Drums, but when they
explode it has a radius of ‘2D6’ measured from the edge of the model instead.

Train Tracks:
Grants no Cover Save, but still counts as moving through terrain when your units
are climbing over it.

Firing through Friendly Units:

Units can fire through friendly units to hit enemy units without penalty.

Close Combats block Line of Sight to Shooting:

A Close Combat between a friendly unit and an enemy unit will block Line of
Sight like a Tower or Wall would.
Firing through Enemy Units:
You cannot fire at enemy unit behind another enemy unit, as enemy units block
Line of Sight to enemy units behind them. If an enemy unit is in a Defended
Obstacle these are usually at a higher elevation, you can ignore this unit in
Shooting and target enemy units on the ground (provided that your Line of Sight
is not blocked by something else). If your unit is in a Defended Obstacle, you can
freely target enemy units who are also in Defended Obstacles as they are at
around the same height as your unit.

Strength of Ranged Weapons:

Each ranged weapon has a Strength value and may have rules relevant to
different saves (-1 to Armour Saves, ignores Cover Saves etc) and may include a
Reflex Shot attack.

Reflex Shots:
A unit with ‘Reflex Shots’ followed by a Strength value or lists a weapon/special
attack in brackets, e.g. (S3 or Big Club) has a Reflex Shot attack, which means
that the unit will be able to fire 1 shot each (unless stated otherwise) and may
not ever re-roll misses in this kind of attack. Reflex Shots cannot be taken if your
unit is already in Close Combat as your unit is too busy fighting for their lives. If
your unit is Charged by more than 1 enemy unit, you can only fire Reflex Shots
at one unit at the most.

Models with Heavy weapons cannot fire Reflex Shots:

Units with ‘Heavy’ weapons cannot ever fire Reflex Shots (unless stated
otherwise in their unit rules) as their weapons are too heavy to fire with at close
range and still fight at their Initiative value in Close Combat.

Reflex Shots when Enemy Units charge…and fail:

When a unit charges an enemy unit and the Charge fails to make it all the way
into base-to-base contact, then the enemy unit will get Reflex Shots to punish
the unit that didn’t quite make it into Close Combat.
Order of Shooting: Guess Weapons
In the Shooting Phase, it is strongly suggested to resolve shooting with any
weapons that require guessing the range (Catapults, Mortars etc) first out of all
the options available. This is to prevent the unfair advantage of measuring from
a friendly unit and using this to know exactly how far away the enemy is for an
artillery barrage.

Firing with Guess Weapons: Mortar and Catapult

Declare an enemy unit to shoot at (within Line of Sight) and Guess a range
between ‘12’ (the minimum) to ‘48’ and then place the ‘2’ circular blast template
at the distance nominated. This distance is in the direction of the unit you
choose to fire at. For example, if you fired ‘30’ at an enemy unit that was only
‘25’ away from your unit, then chances are that this volley of Mortar/Catapult
fire will hit nothing or hit models who were not intended. This could result in
friendly models being hit, or terrain or even units in Close Combat

Firing with Guess Weapons: Heavy Cannon

Heavy Cannon = Strength 10. Declare an enemy unit to shoot at (in the normal
way, within Line of Sight and NOT in Close Combat) and then Guess a range from
the end of your Cannon to their unit (from ‘12’ to ‘60’) and then make a note or
place a marker where the Cannon ball hit. From there, the Cannon Ball will
bounce. Roll a D6 and on a ‘1’ then the Cannon has misfired and cannot shoot.

Firing with Guess Weapons: Light Cannon

Light Cannon = Strength 7. Declare an enemy unit to shoot at (in the normal way,
within Line of Sight and NOT in Close Combat) and then Guess a range from the
end of your Cannon to their unit (from ‘12’ to ‘48’) and then make a note or
place a marker where the Cannon ball hit. From there, the Cannon Ball will
bounce. Roll a D6 and on a ‘1’ then the Cannon has misfired and cannot shoot.

Cannonball Bounce
Roll a D6 and add 2 inches to this (D6 + ‘2’), this is how far the Cannon Ball will
bounce through models, friend or foe. Models will be wounded on a roll of 2+ in
almost all cases depending on their Toughness value and this can result in the
‘Stronger Than’ rule (see page 19 for Special Rules). Any model in the path of a
Cannon Ball Bounce cannot take Armour Saves, Cover Saves or Numb Saves
against this, but can take Dodge Saves if available.
Cannon Grapeshot
Grapeshot (S4 Flamethrower ‘9’ teardrop template, can be used against
charging enemy units as Reflex Shot if it did not Misfire that turn and it is NOT
already in Close Combat). Cannons can take their Reflex Shot called Cannon
Grapeshot from the point where the enemy unit began their charge (so if their
unit was ‘3’ away, take the shot at them from ‘3’ away). But if the enemy unit
charged from further away than the Flamethrower template (this could happen
if charged by Cavalry who charge ‘12’), place the ‘9’ tear drop template AFTER
the enemy unit is in base-to-base contact with the Cannon model’s unit.
If a Cannon rolled a ‘1’ to shoot, it also cannot fire Grapeshot.

Removing Dead Models

When removing models who have been wounded, having failed whatever Save
was available, the player who owns the models chooses which models are
removed unless stated otherwise. This can be negotiated with your opponent
(e.g. you could play it as models who are out in front are slain first, or models in
Close Combat who can attack are killed first or models touched by a template
can all be destroyed first before removing other models from the unit)

Cannot destroy Enemy Models who are out of Range

Furthermore, you cannot kill an enemy unit with shooting which is out of range.
Let’s say your unit is within ‘12’ of another unit of Riflemen and you’re in range
of the front line of their unit, but not the other two lines behind them, in that
case you would have to remove the models who were in range and not beyond
that. So in that scenario, 5 Riflemen would be removed but not the 10 Riflemen
behind them in that same unit. This rule should be applied more liberally to any
attack which uses a template as the enemy unit is unlikely to be standing still
when they were hit and this can blow some up who are a little further away.
Similarly, a cannon ball can easily bounce well beyond the range of the cannon
itself but will still only damage models in its path.

Explosive Weapons can destroy any Model in that unit

When an Explosive Weapon (e.g. a Mortar or Bazooka) fires at an enemy unit,
they are assumed to hit the unit as a whole. Mortars normally fire in barrages
and assumed to land shells in a few places. Bazooka shots can change course at
the last moment and send shrapnel everywhere and also assumed to have a
blast radius larger than the ‘2’ template. This rule also logically applies to any
attack which hits every model in the enemy unit or to exploding (or falling
terrain: falling trees can be deadly!) terrain.
How Explosive Weapons hit Models
Mortars and Bazookas hit enemy models by covering them, even if ever so
slightly, with the ‘2’ circular blast template. Models which are hit by these
weapons will take a Strength 4 hit and rolls are made immediately to resolve
wounds and saves.

Explosive Weapons tally their hits in total against the target

When Mortars or Bazookas fire, tally the number of hits from each successful hit
with the ‘2’ circular blast template. So if you hit 4 enemy models with 2 Bazookas
and 7 with the 3rd Bazooka, then that would equal 15 Strength 4 hits in total. It
is possible to hit enemy units that have not been targeted provided that their
base is covered slightly by the ‘2’ blast template, but that is just a happy
coincidence. Or an unhappy one if it grazes one of your own units. Explosive
Weapons cannot deliberately target a Close Combat either.

Firing with Flamethrowers

Flamethrowers hit enemy models by covering their base, even if ever so slightly.
Place the ‘9’ long tear-drop Flamethrower template at the end of nozzle of the
Flamethrower model when firing. They are also assumed to hit the enemy unit
as a whole as it bathes them in fire and can potentially destroy any model in the

Reflex Shots with Flamethrowers:

Flamethrowers can take their Reflex Shot in the same way as Grapeshot from a
Cannon: from the point where the enemy unit began their charge (so if their unit
was ‘3’ away, take the shot at them from ‘3’ away). But if the enemy unit charged
from further away than the Flamethrower template (this could happen if
charged by Cavalry who charge ‘12’), place the ‘9’ tear drop template AFTER the
enemy unit is in base-to-base contact with the Flamethrower model’s unit.

Stronger than:
If a model suffers an unsaved wound by an attack which is at least double the
target model’s Toughness (e.g. T3 takes an unsaved wound from a S7 attack),
then the model is removed immediately regardless of extra Wounds.

Reflex Shot:
1 shot from each model with a ranged weapon (except Mortar, Bazooka, Hand-
Cannon, Heavy Machine Gun or any ranged weapon designated as ‘Heavy’).
Reflex Shots are taken at the normal accuracy of the model firing (e.g. 3+ by
default, 4+ for Undead Skeleton Archers or Zombies).

If this unit is defeated in Close Combat, they receive 1 wound (which can be
saved if available) for each wound that they lost by, but the Dauntless unit will
not be destroyed via CCR (Close Combat Resolution). If the enemy unit or units
that defeated them in Close Combat have close combat attacks which can affect
the saves of the Dauntless unit (e.g. -2 to Numb Saves would be really useful in
dealing Dauntless wounds to Zombie with 4+ Numb Saves), these will all stack
together. Therefore, a Dauntless model with an Armour Save and a Numb Save
could find itself very vulnerable to multiple enemy units with Armour and Numb
Save reducing weaponry.

The unit moves like it is ALWAYS in terrain (unless stated otherwise in the unit
rules) and picks the highest of 2D6 when moving in the Movement Phase and in
Charging. Run moves and Victory Run moves are not affected. Also, they do not
count as having Moved for the purpose of shooting with Fast Fire weapons. They
cannot Charge in the same turn unless they have ‘Run and Gun’.

The unit is allowed to Move and shoot with all weapons, including Heavy

Run and Gun:

The unit is allowed to Shoot with Fast Firing weapons AND Charge in the same

For each unit a player owns, there is a step-by-step process to follow in the Close
Combat Phase for the sake of running the battle smoothly:

1) Charge
2) Defenders React
3) Resolve attacks in order of Initiative
4) Calculate number of unsaved Wounds on each side
5) Close Combat Resolution roll (CCR)
6) Victory Run – done across the Table AFTER all CCR finished
7) Defenders get Reflex Shots (if available)

1) Charge: Grants +1 Attack, +1 Initiative

For each unit a player has they have the option of declaring a Charge, which is
at the same rate as the model’s movement in the Movement Phase (usually ‘6’
and can be slowed by terrain etc…). One must declare the Charge before
measuring the distance to the intended enemy unit. If your unit makes it into
base-to-base contact (so bases are touching each other) with at least 1 enemy
model from their unit, the Charge is successful.

Charging Multiple Units

If your Charge is successful, you can engage multiple units in Close Combat with
your unit provided that you make it into base-to-base contact with at least 1 of
their models from their units.

2) Defenders React
When Charged by an enemy unit, your unit must move up to ‘6’ in order to get
as many models into base-to-base contact with the enemy unit as possible, even
if that means surrounding a unit or placing them around the other side of it if
there is a big clump of them. This cannot be used to begin new Close Combats
that the Defender unit was not already participating in.

Failed Charges
If the unit does not make it into base-to-base contact with even 1 enemy
model from the intended enemy unit, the Charge has failed, and the Charging
unit will NOT move, even if the enemy unit is in Cover. See the page 15 for
‘Reflex Shots when an Enemy Unit Charging…fails’
Who can attack in Close Combat?
Models who are in base-to-base contact or within ‘2’ of a friendly model who is
in base-to-base contact are allowed to attack in Close Combat. Grenades are the
only exception to this and will attack if within ‘6’ of a friendly model in base-to-
base contact they are participating in. Grenades cannot attack in a Close Combat
that they are not involved in, as this would constitute shooting into Close

Which models can be destroyed in Close Combat?

Any model in a unit which is in a Close Combat can be destroyed, much like how
Mortars and Bazookas attack a unit as a whole. In Close Combat, the two
opposing sides merge into one in brutal hand-to-hand fighting.

Owning Player decides who is removed

As is the case with Shooting, the player who owns the unit can decide which
models to remove when they are destroyed in Close Combat.

3) Models attack in Close Combat in Initiative order

Models will have an Initiative value which is used in Close Combat. A standard
Modern Rifleman has I3 or Initiative 3 but an Indian has I4, so in Close Combat,
the Indian would attack first, followed by the Rifleman. If models have the same
Initiative, they attack at the same time and will not be affected by casualties (as
in, they will get all of their attacks). In the case of Grenades, they are thrown at
the same time if both sides have them, both being Initiative 10. Bear in mind
that models who are charging will have a +1 Initiative bonus, so that Indian
would be I5 if he charged and the Rifleman would be I4 if he charged. The
Grenade would still be I10 as this is the maximum.

4) Close Combat Resolution (CCR) Rolls

Both sides add up their total number of unsaved wounds. If it is equal then the
Close Combat is Drawn and it continues, units will move up to ‘6’ to get into
base-to-base contact or at least within ‘2’ of friendly models in base-to-base
contact. Both players (or all players if 3+ in same Close Combat) roll 2D6. If you
can manage to equal (e.g. 7 and 7) or roll higher than your opponent, then their
unit/units participating in this Close Combat are destroyed.

If the losing side scores 12 on the 2D6, the unit is Courageous and will not be
destroyed and the Combat will continue with both sides moving up to ‘6’ to put
as many models into base-to-base contact as possible in this combat.
Destroying Multiple Units through CCR Rolls
If there are multiple units in the same combat, then the units will combine their
unsaved wounds dealt and face annihilation all together if they collectively lose
the combat. So 1 unit can destroy 2 or more enemy units they have engaged in
close combat if those 2+ units lose the combat. This could get messy with
Dauntless units mixed with other non-Dauntless units, so remove the defeated
units which were not Dauntless first, then resolve wounds against the Dauntless
unit as written (by how many wounds they lost the Close Combat by).

6) Victory Run (done AFTER all CCR on the battlefield are resolved)
The victorious unit in the Close Combat and can then perform a Victory Run
which is D6 inches and not slowed by terrain (which is not movement blocking
that is). This can be used to Link-Up, and this Run can also bring them into close
combat with 1 more enemy units and counts as Charging and follows rules for
Charging (must contact at least 1 enemy model in base-to-base contact). Victory
Runs are only resolved after all Close Combat Resolution Rolls have been carried
out. Put a marker next to the units which need to perform Victory Runs to help
remember this if you need to. It can be useful to place a coloured marker next
to units who have charged through a Victory Run to remember that both sides
charged each other, or that they have Charged and cannot be shot at.

Victory Collision:
It is important to resolve all Victory Runs at the end of all CCR across the table,
primarily to allow this rule to be fairly straightforward as victorious units clash
head on. This will prevent new units entering a combat which should have
finished before they arrived. If two units on a Victory Run charge towards each
other and would make it into base-to-base contact, then this is a Victory Collision
and both sides count as Charging and receive the +1 Attack and +1 Initiative

7) Defenders get Reflex Shots

If a unit is charged by an enemy unit on a Victory Run, the defending unit will
get a Reflex Shot attack which will not contribute to wounds in close combat.
These shots will likely be out in the open and hitting as they normally would
(see page 13: 3+ to hit in Shooting).
Throwing Grenades in Close Combat:
Also, models with Grenades can attack even if ‘6’ away from a friendly model of
their unit in base to base contact with an enemy model. Grenades can only be
thrown ONCE per combat and are thrown at Initiative 10. For example, if a unit
of 10 Machine Gunners and 5 Grenadiers are charged by 5 Astronaut Zombies,
then they throw Grenades at them and use their normal S3 attacks in addition
to their Grenade attack if they are close enough (in the usual way, within ‘2’ or
in base-to-base contact with an enemy model). If they destroy the unit of 5
Astronaut Zombies then they can use Grenades at the point where they enter a
new combat. If a unit with Grenades Charges into Close Combat, they will throw
their Grenades first at Initiative 10 and gain the normal bonus for Charging (+1A,
+1 Initiative).

Grenades thrown at Oil Drums & Oil Rigs:

A unit with Grenades is assumed to throw their Grenade ‘6’ and thus will only
be harmed by an explosion or fire resulting from an Oil Drum, Train or Oil Rig if
it is caught within the blast. A unit charging an enemy unit can throw their
Grenades, if they have them, at the destructible terrain pieces such as these
instead of the enemy models. Any models wounded by this will count towards
Close Combat results. For example, if you destroyed 4 enemy Machine Gunners
and 2 of your own Riflemen, this would count towards the tally in Close Combat

Grenades thrown at enemies holding Defended Obstacles:

If a Grenade is thrown at enemy unit within a Defended Obstacle (especially one
like a Bunker, Building or a Tower), it will deal 2 Strength 4 hits instead of one
on a roll a 1 – 3, and 3 Strength 4 hits on a roll of 5 – 6 as the shrapnel sprays
over a small radius with no way of avoiding the explosion. For simplicity, roll a
D6 for all Grenades at once and this will count for all of them (2 hits or 3 hits),
but you can roll for each Grenade individually if negotiated with your opponent.

Grenades when a Combat ends and another Combat begins:

If you are already engaged by an enemy unit in Close Combat, you cannot
throw grenades again as your unit is still part of a Close Combat.

Can only throw Grenades at 1 unit:

SIMILARLY, if you are charged by 2+ units at the same time then you can choose
which units to hit with the grenades (so you still have 5 hits to allocate if you
have 5 grenadiers not 5 per enemy unit).
Strength vs Toughness Table:
Strength same as Toughness = 4+ (4, 5 or 6)
Strength is 1 higher than Toughness = 3+
Strength is 2 higher than Toughness = 2+
Strength is 1 lower than Toughness = 5+
Strength is 2 or 3 lower than Toughness = 6
Strength is 4 or more lower than T = bounces off

An Example: Machine Gunners with S3 Machine Guns shoot at a unit of Alien

Bombers (Toughness 4), S3 vs T4 = 1 lower so 5+ to Wound.

Ranged Weapons and Stats:

Assume that a ranged weapon has 1 shot unless stated otherwise

Heavy = can Move OR Fire, but not both. The Dogged rule is the only exception
to this.

Fast Fire = Fires 2 shots at ‘12’ and cannot and Charge in same turn. The Run
and Gun rule is the only exception.

Automatic = can shoot AND charge

Bazooka- Heavy, Range: ‘48’, S4 Anti-Personnel ‘2’ blast OR Anti-Tank shot (S8,
No blast, ignores Numb and Armour Saves

Sniper Rifle- Heavy, 1 shot, ‘30’, always wounds on a roll of 4+ due to Scope
regardless of Toughness. Hits on 2+ but hits Shadow Units on 3+. Cannot wound
Vehicles (Moon Buggy, Shuttle Transport) or Terrain of any kind.

Gun = Automatic, 1 shot, ‘18’, S3

Bow = Automatic, ‘18’, S3, can choose Fire arrows instead, as can any Bows (like
Composite Bows, Longbows): counts as Fire attacks, which some models are
weak against)

Rifle = Fast Fire, ‘24’, ‘12’ if unit moves, 2 shots if enemy unit is within ‘12’ in
Shooting phase.

Pistol = Automatic, ‘12’, S3, 1 shot

Shotgun = Automatic, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots

Machine Gun = Fast Fire, ‘18’, S3, ‘12’ if unit moves, 2 shots if enemy unit is
within ‘12’ in Shooting Phase

Flamethrower = S4, teardrop template, Fire attacks, ignores Cover saves

Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG) = Heavy, S4, 3 shots, ‘36’, can re-roll 1 miss for
each Heavy MG model due to the assume Ammo Feeder

Mortar = Guess ’12 – 48’, S4, ‘2’ circle blast, Ignores Cover
Saves. Pick a unit, guess a range and the ‘2’ blast will land at that range. See page
16 for ‘Firing a Mortar’

Gatling Laser = Automatic, ‘18’, S4, 3 shots

Assault Rifle = Automatic, ‘18’, S3, 2 shots

Heavy Cannon = Guess ‘12’ to ‘60’, S10, Grapeshot: S4, ‘9’ teardrop
Flamethrower template. See page 16 & 17 (Firing a Heavy Cannon)

Light Cannon = Guess ‘12’ to ‘48’, S7, Grapeshot: S4, ‘9’ teardrop Flamethrower
template. See page 16 & 17 (Firing a Light Cannon)

Catapult = Guess ’12 – 48’, S4, ‘2’ blast circle, ignores

Cover. Same rules as Mortar (page 16). It’s just Medieval.

Hand Cannon = Heavy, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, Ignores 5+ and 6+ Armour Saves

Army List Building and Balance:

The value of a model is measured in points (pts) and both armies (or each army
if 3 or more) are ideally both the same size in points to the nearest 1pt. The value
of a model in points is worked out either by their durability (Toughness,
Wounds, Armour Save etc) and/or offensive capabilities (any weapons with a
template and how many shots you get). Some models have great offensive
capabilities (like a Mortar) but very little durability (T3 W1, often with no save).
Brief Unit Statistics (Unit Stats):
For the sake of brevity, the statistics of each unit will be outlined in its briefest
form (e.g. T3, W1, S3, A1, I3 meaning Toughness 3, Wounds 1, Strength 3,
Attacks 1, and Initiative 3).

Unit Categories: CORE, Specialist and Heavy

Models are divided into 3 different main categories: Core Units, Specialist Units
and Heavy Units. The proportion of each kind of unit is dependent upon how
many points worth of Core Units are in a player’s army. Core Units are not
limited in any way.
For each point spent on Specialist Units, 1 point must be spent on Core Units.
Specialist Units are also limited to 50 of each kind of unit, this will be restated in
the Army List Section.
For each point spent on Heavy Units, 2 points must be spent on Core Units.

These limits are suggested and can be negotiated with your opponent and were
designed to ensure that battles are carried primarily by the Core infantry and
cavalry rather than by elite specialist units or big guns that blow everything to
bits from afar.

An Example 1002 point Army:

72 Machine Gunners = 288pts
63 Riflemen = 252pts
17 Firemen = 68pts

50 Grenadiers = 250pts

3 Bazookas = 144pts

Model Limits for Units (Suggested):

20 Models per Unit at the most is the recommended largest size that a unit can
begin the game with in Army Men PAZCIK. This is suggested for flexibility and
survivability and the unit can grow bigger through Link-Up Moves if desired.
Neutral CORE Units:
They can be played by ANY Colour faction, unmodified, their stats are written
as below. Negotiate with your opponent if you wish to alter their default stats.

Orc with Club (Cavemen with Green Skin): 8pts

T4, W1, I2, S5, A1, No Save. Reduces Armour Saves by -2.

Troll with Axe (Cavemen with Green Skin): 8pts

T4, W1, I4, A1, S4, Reflex Shots always. Throwing Axe (‘18’, S4,

Neutral CORE Units:

Limit of 50 Ninjas
Limit of 50 Zombie Hunters

Ninja: 14pts
-T3, W1, A3, S3, I6, 3+ Dodge Save, can re-roll Run move, Ignores ALL
terrain when moving including Movement Blocking Terrain, Shuriken (‘12’,
S3, 1 shot, Automatic), Always gets Reflex Shots when Charged.

Zombie Hunter: 6pts

-T3, W1, A1, S4, I3, 6+ Dodge Save, Decapitate (on a roll of 6 to Wound
against a ‘Zombie’ model, it will deal 2 Unsaved Wounds), Armed with Axe
or Hefty Blade (-2 to Numb Saves).
Neutral Critters:
Limit of 50 Scorpions, Black Spiders, Giant Rats, Cockroaches, Shadow Spiders

Scorpions- 12pts
-T4, W3, S3, I3, A3, 4+ Armour Save. Attacks are Poisoned (any hit on a
roll of 6 will automatically wound its target, cannot wound vehicles (Moon
Buggy, Shuttle Transport) or Terrain of any kind in this way). Can arrive as
Reinforcements in ‘Braaaiinnnns’ way mentioned on Page 8 and 9, Weak
against Clubs, Maces and Hammers (+1 Strength against Scorpions)

Black Spiders- 8pts

-T3, W2, S3, I6, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as normal but can
Charge ‘12’), Attacks are Poisoned. Climbers: ignores Terrain when
moving, even Movement Blocking Terrain.

Shadow Spiders- 6pts

-T3, W2, S3, I6, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Cavalry, Attacks are NOT Poisoned.
Dauntless (takes 1 Wound for each wound that they lose Close Combat by
and they can take their 5+ Dodge Save in the case of this unit), Seeing
Shadows (enemy units have -1 to hit against them in Shooting, Reflex Shots
and Shooting), Climbers

Giant Rats- 8pts

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Moves ‘9’

Cockroaches- 12pts
-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Fire attacks and Maces, Clubs and
Hammers have a +1 to Strength bonus against Cockroaches (Knights with
Maces would be S5 against them, as would Fire Mages for example)
Yellow Frogs- 8pts, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, No Save, Attacks are Poisoned (any hit on a roll of 6
will automatically wound its target, cannot wound vehicles (Moon Buggy,
Shuttle Transport) or Terrain of any kind in this way), Tongues (can Attack
within ‘3’ of friendly units in base-to-base contact in Close Combat, +1 to
hit against Flyers), Climbers: ignores Terrain when moving, even
Movement Blocking Terrain.

Giant Redheaded Centipedes- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Attacks are Poisoned (any hit on a
roll of 6 will automatically wound its target, cannot wound vehicles (Moon
Buggy, Shuttle Transport) or Terrain of any kind in this way), Climbers:
ignores Terrain when moving, even Movement Blocking Terrain.

Japanese Honey Bees- 8pts, Moves ‘10’

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Attacks are Poisoned (any hit on a
roll of 6 will automatically wound its target, cannot wound vehicles (Moon
Buggy, Shuttle Transport) or Terrain of any kind in this way), Flyers (Can
jump over Terrain and/or units but cannot land on them with the exception
of Defended Obstacles (Towers, Castle Walls, Buildings, can attack in Close
Combat within ‘6’ of a friendly model in base-to-base contact with an enemy
Unit rather than within ‘2’ as normal. Flyers have Dodge Saves as they are
assumed to be always in the air, swooping down on enemy units below to
swipe, claw at and slash them and are temporarily vulnerable to enemy
sword swipes, spear thrusts etc.), Fire Swarm (Can use Fire Attacks
instead of normal Attacks by covering their prey in a ‘convection oven’)

Giant Ants- 6pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Amour Save, Can arrive as Reinforcements in
‘Braaaiinnnns’ way mentioned on Page 8 and 9, Blind Rage (Giant Ants
can only detect movement, light and darkness and are nearly blind, so must
Charge in the Close Combat Phase if allowed and they must charge the
closest unit: friend or foe! If the unit is an Ant unit, they can ignore the
Blind Rage rule)

Grasshoppers- 8pts, Moves ‘10’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Immune to Poisoned Attacks of all
kinds (Normally Poisoned Attacks automatically wound on a ‘6’ to hit, this
is completely ignored for Grasshoppers and all Attacks are treated as
normal), Climbers: ignores Terrain when moving, even Movement
Blocking Terrain, Camouflage (works exactly like Seeing Shadows:
Grasshoppers, unless stated otherwise, are always hit by enemy models on
a 4+ in Shooting and Close Combat (3+ in Shooting by those with ‘Shooting
hits like Snipers’). However, Undead units (Skeletons and Zombies) will
always hit them on a 3+ in Close Combat, Attacks are Poisoned (any hit
on a roll of 6 will automatically wound its target, cannot wound vehicles
(Moon Buggy, Shuttle Transport) or Terrain of any kind in this way)
March Flies- 8pts, Moves ‘10’
-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 4+ Dodge Save, Attacks are Poisoned (any hit on a
roll of 6 will automatically wound its target, cannot wound vehicles (Moon
Buggy, Shuttle Transport) or Terrain of any kind in this way), Flyers,
Bloodsuckers (+1 to Wound in Close Combat, 1 still fails)

Dragonflies- 8pts, Moves ‘10’

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A1, 4+ Dodge Save, Intercept Velocity (Re-rolls misses
against Flyers), Super Vision (ignores Seeing Shadows rule or any
equivalent, so they will always hit on a 3+ in Close Combat)

Maggots- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T2, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Can arrive as Reinforcements in
‘Braaaiinnnns’ way mentioned on Page 8 and 9, Decomposers (Re-rolls
wounds in Close Combat due to their ability to crawl inside their victims
and break them down through Myiasis), Weak against Ice Attacks (from
Naval Elf Ice Birds and Mountain Ogre Ice Mammoths) as well as Clubs,
Maces and Hammers; these re-roll Wounds against Maggots, Swift (Can
always move ‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)

Black Rats- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save

Ladybugs- 12pts, Moves ‘12’

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Reflex Bleeding (re-rolls failed
Armour Saves), Gardener’s Best Friend (Re-rolls Wounds against all
Neutral Critters; also has Poisoned Attacks against them, which will
automatically wound them, except Grasshoppers, on a ‘6’ to hit), Flyers,
Swift (Can always move ‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)
Neutral Heavy Units:
Limit of 9 Catapults
Limit of 2 Heavy Cannons
Limit of 2 Light Cannons

Catapult- 48pts, Limit of 9, limit of 3 Catapults per unit.

-T4, W2, S0, I0, A0, No Save. Moves ‘6’, Firing a Mortar/Catapult (see
Page 16) Capture Artillery (See page 12)

Heavy Cannon- 96pts, Limit of 2

-T8, W1, S0, I0, A0, No Save. Firing a Heavy Cannon (page 16 & 17),
Capture Artillery (See page 13 ‘)

Light Cannon- 72pts, Limit of 2

-T6, W1, S0, I0, A0, No Save. Firing a Light Cannon (page 16 & 17),
Capture Artillery (See page 12)
Experimental Artillery Rules:

Abandon the Cannon!

In the Movement Phase, a unit (or units) which are manning Artillery, such as a
Catapult or a Heavy Cannon, can move away from the Artillery and leave it
behind. Abandoning the Artillery will not count as Moving through Terrain
(requiring rolling 2D6 and choosing the highest) unless their Move brings them
into terrain, such as a nearby forest or climbing over the barricade that
protected the Artillery.

Detonate the Cannon!

When engaged in Close Combat by an enemy unit (or units), you can declare
that you are choosing to detonate your Cannon (Light Cannon, Heavy Cannon,
anything with ‘Cannon’ in its title). The explosion will take place after enemy
models are in base-to-base contact with the Cannon and/or its crew (or the
unit/units acting as its crew). The explosion will be ‘D6’ in diameter around the
Cannon and a Strength (S) value equal to its Toughness (T). For example, a Heavy
Cannon (T8) would generate a S8 explosion and a Light Cannon (T6) would
generate a S6 explosion. All models, friendly and enemy, will take a hit if they
are caught within the ‘D6’ blast radius. The Cannon is destroyed after the
explosion and removed.

Grapeshot of BOOM!
When choosing to fire ‘Grapeshot’ with your Cannon in the Shooting Phase, roll
a D6. On a 1, it counts as a Misfire and will not fire Grapeshot: it will immediately
result in a Detonate the Cannon!, except that the Cannon explodes where it is
standing, no models will move into base-to-base contact with the Cannon or its
crew but some may die.
If a Heavy Cannon crewed by Ghoul models is Detonated OR rolls a ‘1’ when
attempting to fire Grapeshot in the Shooting Phase: For each unsaved wound
received by a unit in the S8 ‘D6 Blast Radius’ explosion, the Heavy Cannon will
deal 1 Poisoned Strength 3 Attack against the affected unit. Ghoul units are
immune to this rule and it will not affect them. (E.g. A Ghoul Heavy Cannon is
detonated, catching 5 Mercenary Pirates and 2 Ghoul Pirates in the explosion.
Two units have been hit and the Ghouls will ignore it. If the Mercenary Pirates
take any unsaved Wounds on a 2+ (S8 vs T4), they will take 1 Poisoned S3 Attack,
which will hit them as they normally would in Close Combat (i.e. 3+ for normal
units, 4+ for Shadows) and will automatically Wound them on a 6 to hit.

Deadly Accurate:
A Heavy Cannon crewed by Green models can re-roll all failed to Wound rolls in
the Shooting Phase, including the Cannonball bounce and Grapeshot. This does
NOT include Reflex Shots (Grapeshot).

A Heavy Cannon crewed Grey models will reduce enemy Armour Saves, by a
further -1 than usual. Going by the Grapeshot Update from Army Men Domaine
Heavy Cannon: S4, -1 to Armour Saves, Can be fired instead of normal Cannon
balls, Light Cannon: S3, -1 to Armour Saves, can be fired instead of normal
Cannon balls, Grey Heavy Cannons have Grapeshot: S4 -2 to Armour Saves.
Grey Light Cannons have Grapeshot: S3 -2 to Armour Saves.

Hit and Run

A Heavy Cannon crewed by Maroon models is allowed to Run AFTER it has fired
in the Shooting Phase.

All Swamp units with this rule can Move in the Movement Phase and still shoot
with Heavy Weapons in the Shooting Phase. Heavy Cannons crewed by Swamp
models can Move and fire a Cannonball or Grapeshot in the Shooting Phase.
Designer’s Notes:
The Real World (our world, Earth) which the Army Men have ventured into since
they discovered the first portals on the Plastic World and collect plastic from, is
extremely dangerous for Army Men. It is not easy being in a world of giant
people and animals compared when you’re a tiny One and a Half (‘1.5’) inch
figure and they can’t know that you are alive. After all, Army Men are made out
of ‘lifeless’ plastic. It is possible for plastic to be blown to bits and unusable but
even melted plastic is good for something. So Army Men will continue venturing
into the Real World and will no doubt encounter resistance from Giant Rats,
Cockroaches and other nasties in order to harvest more plastic and maybe even
find Moulds which no other Colour has access to yet.

The Skeletons began to stir when the bodies of plastic soldiers from wars of past
ages were not harvested for reshaping into new plastic soldiers and withered
away to almost nothing. Their knowledge of battle remained and they have
begun to awake and prepare for war again against the living of Plastic World.

Cowboys and Indians:

The Cowboys and Indians are engaged in a constant war with themselves and
each other in the largest plastic desert state. The Indians live in a canyon with
their tepees and raid Cowboy wagons, Stagecoaches, trains and isolated Towns.
The Cowboys and Indians both hire themselves out as hired guns wherever

The Pirates:
They are raiding seafarers who plunder coastal settlements and operate out of
a port fortress. It is heavily defended by Heavy Cannons and short Pirate Militia.
The Pirates constantly fight each other on islands and elsewhere for loot,
treasure chests and usually on the run from the forces of law and order: The
Royalist Navy with its regiment after regiment of Musketeers.

Veterans (Space Age):

The Veterans are genetically engineered super soldiers with access to future
technology such as Hand Cannons and Cyborgs. They can also enlist ex-convict
Brawlers who won their freedom in the Arena. They are significantly taller and
tougher than a normal Army Man and are armoured.
Astronaut Zombies:
They originate from the ‘Dead Moon’, known once as the Plastic Moon where
Grey colonists from the Plastic World discovered ancient plastic men there
which came to life in the caves and craters of the Dead Moon and consumed the
colonists and gained access to their buggies, satellite dishes, shuttles and
rockets. They know use buggies as transports, shuttles for inter-planetary
invasions, satellite dishes for teleporting more Astronaut Zombies from the
Dead Moon onto a given world. Their Rockets are used to bombard the enemy
from afar.
Combined Arms: Grenadiers and Flamethrowers
Grenadiers, up to half as many as the total core unit it is part of, can and
probably should be part of Machine Gunner or Riflemen units. For example, if I
had a squad of 14 Machine Gunners then the suggested limit on Grenadiers in
that squad would be 7. Also, you can have up to 3 Flamethrowers attached to a
Riflemen or Machine Gunner Squad and if it so happens that two squads with
Flamethrowers link-up and by Linking Up push this number up further, don’t
worry about it. I recommended a limit of 15 Flamethrowers in an army, with 3
per unit at the most where possible.

How & Why to play Army Men PAZCIK

The point of this game and the reason that I designed it in 2013 on my first year
of living in Townsville, is to have FUN and connect with other people. I would
love to hear that fathers are playing with their sons, friends are playing together,
boyfriends are playing with their girlfriends, just connecting together over a
game about plastic models that fight each other. I have created something that
I hope and pray will connect people to each other, all over the world, and create
friendships over something so simple and a good excuse to hang out.

Usually when I played this game I end the battle when all of the other models
are destroyed but you could end it at Turn 6 if you wanted. There are lots of little
flags & mounds to put them in that come with Army Men and these could be
used as objective markers. Whoever has 1 friendly unit within ‘3’ of an objective
can claim it, unless there is an enemy unit within ‘3’ as well, then it is contested
only counts for half.

This game is meant to be expansive. I started out with a few $2 bags of Yellow
and Orange plastic Army Men from a discount store at the Sunshine Coast and
developed the rules and background and music over the course of that year and
ever since then. I added new units to keep balance in the game and make units
competitive by changing their stats and adding terrain and a points system to
the game changed it quite a LOT. But my point is this: come up with new units
yourselves and come up with stats, rules and backgrounds for them. It’s fun and
will keep the game interesting and the same goes for terrain rules. The only
limits to it are the horizons of your creativity.
The way that I have balanced Army Men PAZCIK is internally and by period. So
what that means is that each army is designed to fight in a certain period against
other armies of its same time. Some units are terrific for killing the Undead due
to their reduction of Numb saves but probably not great against normal models
or ones with Armour. To this end, the Cowboys and Indians have been
playtested together, as have the Pirates with each other, and the Veterans and
Modern Army Men armies. The only army in 2013 playtesting to cross over the
periods is the Undead and they have been balanced to fight armies of all periods.
The army of 66 Fat Zombies managed to wipe the floor with just about every
army they encountered until they were held off by the Modern Yellows, who
could replace their Core units once each per battle in that period.

Where to from here?

The next stage in playtesting was to balance Army Men PAZCIK to encourage
and sustain battles over periods of history in the Plastic World (e.g. Cowboys
fighting Knights) and to make it more streamlined, easy to pick up and faster to
play. I would like to thank my friends who have played this game with me this
year and anyone who ever showed interest in it. You know who you are, thank
you =). The game and everyone who plays it and will play it directly benefited
from your time, advice and enthusiasm. The next step in expanding the game
will be more extensive playtesting and building communities who play it, here
in Australia and hopefully in the United States and across the world in due time,
connecting people to each other and making friends across the world.

Now that I’ve been journeying with Army Men PAZCIK for almost 5 years and for
over 3 years for Army Men Domaine, I have reached a point where I want to
release it on a large scale and see what people think of it when they play. This
will be aided by some visits to local friends of mine and eventually embarking
upon road trips across Australia to spread the love and fun of playing Army Men
and see what comes of it.
Blue Nation Army List:

Blue reinforcements:
Reinforcements of the Blue Nation can be teleported onto the battlefield within
‘12’ of a friendly unit in the Reinforcements Phase, as they have uncovered
personal teleporter technology from their travels in Plastic Space.

Blue Prehistory- CORE Units

Blue Caveman with Club: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Reduces Armour Saves by -2

Blue Caveman with Axe: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Reduces Numb Saves by -2

Blue Caveman with Rocks: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Throws Rocks (‘12’, S3, 1 shot, Auto, Reflex
Shots when Charged unless already in Close Combat)

Blue Medieval- CORE Units

Blue Knight with Sword- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close

Blue Knight with Mace- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Blue Knight with Axe- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Blue Knight with Spear- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I5, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 5 against Cavalry

Blue Crossbowman- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Crossbow
(Heavy, ‘24’, S4, 1 shot, -1 to Armour Saves)
Blue Bowman- 4pts each
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow

Blue Skeleton with Sword and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Blue Skeleton with Mace- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Blue Skeleton with Spear and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry,
Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Blue Skeleton with Twin Axes- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Blue Skeleton with Bow- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat and on 4+ in Shooting

Blue Zombie- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Blue Barbarian with 2 Handed Sword- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save

Blue Duellist with 2 Swords- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Blue Elven Ranger- 6pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow, Reflex Shots (S3), Shooting
hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)
Blue Fire Mage with Grey Staff- 8pts each
-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Fire attacks
(Magical), Fire attacks are Strength 2 against Fire Mages, Fireball (Auto, ‘18’, S4,
roll a D6 for each unit: divide result by 2 rounding up to calculate how many
Strength 4 Shots (1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3)

Blue Lightning Mage with White Staff- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Electric
attacks (Magical), Electric attacks are Strength 2 against Lightning Mages, Chain
Lightning (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, for each successful hit 1 S3 Electric attack is
generated at the most. Also used in Close Combat and can generate up to 3
Strength 3 attacks each if charging and all 3 attacks hit)

Blue Medieval- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Mounted Knights, 50 Dwarven Clansmen and 50 Trolls

Mounted Blue Knight with Sword- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only
be affected by Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them

Mounted Blue Knight with Mace- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Blue Knight with Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Blue Dwarven Clansman with Warhammer- 16pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves,
Diehards (can re-roll CCR rolls on 2D6 if they lose in Close Combat)

Blue Troll with Big Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W3, S5, I2, A3, 3+ Numb Save, -1 to Armour Saves, Dauntless, Weak against
Fire attacks (Fire attacks ignore Troll Numb Saves)
Blue Exploration- CORE Units

Blue Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia) can arrive as Raft Reinforcements. See
the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Blue Musketeer- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bayonet Rifle (S4 vs Cavalry in
Close Combat)

Blue Pirate with Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Blue Pirate Militia Banner Bearer with Sword- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Numb Save

Blue Pirate Militia Swordsman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Blue Pirate Militia Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Blue Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Gun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun

Blue Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Blue Pirate Militia Swashbuckler- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Blue Pirate Militia Buccaneer with 2 Pistols- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with 2 Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Blue Pirate Militia Buccaneer with Gun and Pistol- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun and Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3)
Blue Wild West- CORE Units
Blue Indian units can arrive as Canoe Reinforcements. See the Army Men PAZCIK
Rulebook for details of this.

Blue Indian Shooter- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Blue Indian Archer- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow

Blue Indian Spearman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry

Blue Indian Bull with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun (They have horns on
their heads)

Blue Indian Bearman- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs

Blue Indian Night Hunter- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Axe (crawls on the ground)
and can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Ignores Terrain when moving and can
even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain)

Blue Indian Spear Thrower with Shield- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Javelin or Sword, but all count
as wielding Javelins (-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots)

Blue Cowboy Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Blue Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears
top hat and coat)

Blue Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears cowboy hat, with
guns pointed forward)
Blue Cowboy with Pistol- 4pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3), has hand
reaching into the holster of another Pistol

Blue Cowboy Deputy with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (Can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), wears no hat and braces his pistol to fire

Blue Wild West- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Colonels and 50 Chiefs

Blue Cowboy Colonel with Twin Pistols- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Twin Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Blue Indian Chief with Gun- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun and Bow, can choose either
in Shooting (holds a Bow in the other hand), Reflex Shots (S3) when charged

Blue Modern- CORE Units

Blue Machine Gunner- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Machine Gun

Blue Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Blue Police Officer with Baton and Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Blue Police Officer with Rifle- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Blue Miner with 2 Handed Pickaxe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S5, I0, A1, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Blue Fireman with Fire Axe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Numb Saves
Blue SWAT with Assault Rifle- 5pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Blue Police- Dog Patrol- 7pts, Moves ‘6’, Charges ‘9’

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex
Shots, S3 from Officer attached to the leash of the Dog)

Blue Modern- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Grenadiers, 50 Officers, 50 Commandos and 50 Monsters

Blue Grenadier- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Grenades

Blue Commando with Assault Rifle- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Blue Officer with Pistol- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat)

Blue Monster- 12pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with their bare hands, sharp teeth,
claws or other weapons which are of little significance

Blue Modern Heavy Units

Limit of 9 Bazookas or SWAT with Bazookas in total (can have a mix of both)
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, 9 Mortars, 15 Flamethrowers, 20 Snipers

Blue Sniper- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Blue Bazooka- 48pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)
Blue SWAT with Bazooka- 50pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bazooka (See
page 20 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Blue Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 14pts

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Heavy MG

Blue Flamethrower- 40pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Flamethrower (See pages 20 and
21 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Blue Mortar- 36pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Mortar (See page 18 of the Army
Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Blue Space- CORE Units

Blue Alien Blaster- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Blue Alien Brute- 10pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S5, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with two-handed axe

Blue Alien Bomber- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Grenade, Swift (Can always move
‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)

Blue Astronaut with Blaster- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’,
S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Blue Veteran Brawler- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, armed with bare fists

Blue Veteran Gunner- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Hand Cannon
(Heavy, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+)
Blue Veteran Ranger- 8pts
-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun and
wears cowboy hat

Blue Veteran Elite- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Blue Astronaut Zombie- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Blue Colonial Marine- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Dauntless, Armed with Riot
Gun (Fast Fire, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots at ‘12’, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+) Reflex
Shots (S4)

Blue Shock Trooper: 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Electric Baton
(Electric and Magical Attacks, each hit generates 1 Strength 3 attack at the
most), Electric attacks are always Strength 2 against Shock Troopers

Blue Stunner- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I6, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Lady armed with Stun Gun (Auto, ‘12’, S3, on
a roll of 6 to hit it causes 1 unsaved wound in Shooting or Close Combat, Reflex
Shots (S3)

Blue Colonial Radsuit- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I7, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Dauntless, has fuel pack
hooked up to their flamethrower hoses, Fire attacks

Blue Colonial Heavy Axeman- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Dauntless, Armed with Axe
(-2 to Numb Saves)

Blue Space- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Spacemen, 50 Silencers and 50 Turtle Blasters

Blue Spaceman- 12pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gatling Laser
(Auto, ‘18’, S4, 3 shots)
Blue Turtle Blaster- 12pts
-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, has pincers and a turtle shell
which opens up to their: Belly Blaster (Auto, ‘24’, S5, 1 shot, 2 shots at ‘12’ or
less in Shooting)

Blue Silencer- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 4+ Numb Save, has furry body and Armed with Scoped Laser
Rifle (Heavy, ‘36’, Strength 5, 1 shot), Shooting hits like Snipers (hits on 2+
against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Blue Space- Heavy Units

Limit of 50 Golems, 50 Assault Droids and 50 Cyborg Brawlers

Blue Alien Golem: 20pts

-T5, W3, S5, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with rocky fists

Blue Assault Droid: 20pts

-T4, W1, S4, I2, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Dual Combat
Shotguns (Auto, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Can re-roll misses in Shooting and Close
Combat), Reflex Shots (S4)

Blue Veteran Cyborg Brawler: 20pts

-T5, W2, S5, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with
robotic fists
Clay Army List

Blast Furnace:
Fire attacks are only S2 against Clay models.

Clay Prehistory- CORE Units

Clay Caveman with Club: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Reduces Armour Saves by -2

Clay Caveman with Axe: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Reduces Numb Saves by -2

Clay Caveman with Rocks: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Throws Rocks (‘12’, S3, 1 shot, Auto, Reflex
Shots when Charged unless already in Close Combat)

Clay Medieval- CORE Units

Clay Knight with Sword- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close

Clay Knight with Mace- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Clay Knight with Axe- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Clay Knight with Spear- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I5, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 5 against Cavalry

Clay Crossbowman- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Crossbow (Heavy, ‘24’, S4, 1 shot,
-1 to Armour Saves)

Clay Bowman- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow
Clay Skeleton with Sword and Shield- 4pts each
-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Clay Skeleton with Mace- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 4+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Clay Skeleton with Spear and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry,
Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Clay Skeleton with Twin Axes- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Clay Skeleton with Bow- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat and on 4+ in Shooting

Clay Zombie- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 3+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Clay Barbarian with 2 Handed Sword- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save

Clay Duellist with 2 Swords- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Clay Elven Ranger- 6pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow, Reflex Shots (S3), Shooting
hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Clay Fire Mage with Grey Staff- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Fire attacks
(Magical), Fire attacks are Strength 2 against Fire Mages, Fireball (Auto, ‘18’, S4,
roll a D6 for each unit: divide result by 2 rounding up to calculate how many
Strength 4 Shots (1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3)
Clay Lightning Mage with White Staff- 8pts each
-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Electric
attacks (Magical), Electric attacks are Strength 2 against Lightning Mages, Chain
Lightning (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, for each successful hit 1 S3 Electric attack is
generated at the most. Also used in Close Combat and can generate up to 3
Strength 3 attacks each if charging and all 3 attacks hit)

Clay Medieval- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Mounted Knights, 50 Dwarven Clansmen and 50 Trolls

Mounted Clay Knight with Sword- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only
be affected by Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them

Mounted Clay Knight with Mace- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Clay Knight with Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Clay Dwarven Clansman with Warhammer- 16pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves,
Diehards (can re-roll CCR rolls on 2D6 if they lose in Close Combat)

Clay Troll with Big Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W3, S5, I2, A3, 3+ Numb Save, -1 to Armour Saves, Dauntless, Weak against
Fire attacks (Fire attacks ignore Troll Numb Saves)
Clay Exploration- CORE Units

Clay Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia) can arrive as Raft Reinforcements. See
the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Clay Pirate with Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Clay Pirate Militia Banner Bearer with Sword- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Numb Save

Clay Pirate Militia Swordsman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Clay Pirate Militia Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Clay Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Gun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun

Clay Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Clay Pirate Militia Swashbuckler- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Clay Pirate Militia Buccaneer with 2 Pistols- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with 2 Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Clay Pirate Militia Buccaneer with Gun and Pistol- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun and Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3)
Clay Wild West- CORE Units
Clay Indian units can arrive as Canoe Reinforcements. See the Army Men PAZCIK
Rulebook for details of this.

Clay Indian Shooter- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Clay Indian Archer- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow

Clay Indian Spearman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry

Clay Indian Bull with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun (They have horns on
their heads)

Clay Indian Bearman- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs

Clay Indian Night Hunter- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Axe (crawls on the ground)
and can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Ignores Terrain when moving and can
even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain)

Clay Indian Spear Thrower with Shield- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Javelin or Sword, but all count
as wielding Javelins (-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots)

Clay Cowboy Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Clay Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears
top hat and coat)

Clay Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears cowboy hat, with
guns pointed forward)
Clay Cowboy with Pistol- 4pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3), has hand
reaching into the holster of another Pistol

Clay Cowboy Deputy with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (Can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), wears no hat and braces his pistol to fire

Clay Wild West- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Colonels and 50 Chiefs

Clay Cowboy Colonel with Twin Pistols- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Twin Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Clay Indian Chief with Gun- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun and Bow, can choose either
in Shooting (holds a Bow in the other hand), Reflex Shots (S3) when charged

Clay Modern- CORE Units

Clay Machine Gunner- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Machine Gun

Clay Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Clay Police Officer with Baton and Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Clay Police Officer with Rifle- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Clay Miner with 2 Handed Pickaxe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S5, I0, A1, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Clay Fireman with Fire Axe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Numb Saves
Clay SWAT with Assault Rifle- 5pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Clay Police- Dog Patrol- 7pts, Moves ‘6’, Charges ‘9’

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex
Shots, S3 from Officer attached to the leash of the Dog)

Clay Modern- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Grenadiers, 50 Officers, 50 Commandos and 50 Monsters

Clay Grenadier- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Grenades

Clay Commando with Assault Rifle- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Clay Officer with Pistol- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistols (can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat)

Clay Monster- 12pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with their bare hands, sharp teeth,
claws or other weapons which are of little significance

Clay Modern Heavy Units

Limit of 9 Bazookas or SWAT with Bazookas in total (can have a mix of both)
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, 9 Mortars, 15 Flamethrowers, 20 Snipers

Clay Sniper- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Clay Bazooka- 48pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Clay SWAT with Bazooka- 50pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bazooka (See
page 20 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)
Clay Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 14pts
-T3, W2, S3, I2, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Heavy MG

Clay Flamethrower- 40pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Flamethrower (See pages 20 and
21 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Clay Mortar- 36pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Mortar (See page 18 of the Army
Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Clay Space- CORE Units

Clay Alien Blaster- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Clay Alien Brute- 10pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S5, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with two-handed axe

Clay Alien Bomber- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Grenade, Swift (Can always move
‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)

Clay Astronaut with Blaster- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’,
S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Clay Veteran Brawler- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, armed with bare fists

Clay Veteran Gunner- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Hand Cannon
(Heavy, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+)

Clay Veteran Ranger- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun and
wears cowboy hat

Clay Veteran Elite- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Assault Rifle
Clay Astronaut Zombie- 8pts
-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 3+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Clay Colonial Marine- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Dauntless, Armed with Riot
Gun (Fast Fire, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots at ‘12’, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+) Reflex
Shots (S4)

Clay Shock Trooper: 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Electric Baton
(Electric and Magical Attacks, each hit generates 1 Strength 3 attack at the
most), Electric attacks are always Strength 2 against Shock Troopers

Clay Stunner- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I6, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Lady armed with Stun Gun (Auto, ‘12’, S3, on
a roll of 6 to hit it causes 1 unsaved wound in Shooting or Close Combat, Reflex
Shots (S3)

Clay Colonial Radsuit- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I7, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Dauntless, has fuel pack
hooked up to their flamethrower hoses, Fire attacks

Clay Colonial Heavy Axeman- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Dauntless, Armed with Axe
(-2 to Numb Saves)

Clay Space- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Spacemen, 50 Silencers and 50 Turtle Blasters

Clay Spaceman- 12pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gatling Laser
(Auto, ‘18’, S4, 3 shots)

Clay Turtle Blaster- 12pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, has pincers and a turtle shell
which opens up to their: Belly Blaster (Auto, ‘24’, S5, 1 shot, 2 shots at ‘12’ or
less in Shooting)
Clay Silencer- 8pts
-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 4+ Numb Save, has furry body and Armed with Scoped Laser
Rifle (Heavy, ‘36’, Strength 5, 1 shot), Shooting hits like Snipers (hits on 2+
against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Clay Space- Heavy Units

Limit of 50 Golems, 50 Assault Droids and 50 Cyborg Brawlers

Clay Alien Golem: 20pts

-T5, W3, S5, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with rocky fists

Clay Assault Droid: 20pts

-T4, W1, S4, I2, A2, 2+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Dauntless, Armed with Dual
Combat Shotguns (Auto, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Can re-roll misses in Shooting and
Close Combat), Reflex Shots (S4)

Clay Veteran Cyborg Brawler: 20pts

-T5, W2, S5, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with
robotic fists
Ghoul Army List

Poisoned Attacks:
All Ghoul models have Close Combat attacks that are Poisoned (any hit on a roll
of 6 will automatically wound its target, but CANNOT wound vehicles like Moon
Buggies, Shuttle Transports etc or Daimon Behemoths in this way). Any Ghoul
with Fire Attacks or Electric Attacks will always be an exception to this rule.

Mutagenic Guns:
Any Ghoul model with a weapon with ‘Myuta’ in its description has Poisoned
attacks (see above) but for Shooting attacks and Reflex Shots as well. Myuta
weapons have the same rules and statistics as the original weapon in all other
respects (e.g. how many shots, Fast Firing or Automatic etc).

For each unsaved wound received by a Ghoul unit in Close Combat, it will deal 1
Poisoned Strength 3 Attack against the enemy unit that dealt the unsaved
wound/wounds. Enemy models which suffer unsaved wounds in this way will
contribute to the Ghoul wounds dealt in Close Combat, and could cause a CCR
roll for the defeated enemy unit/units (so if you wounded 3 models in this way,
this would add 3 to the Ghoul player’s Wounds tally and could force them to roll
2D6 to try and save their unit from destruction).

ALL Ghoul models have the Dauntless rule. If this unit is defeated in Close
Combat, they receive 1 wound (which can be saved if available) for each wound
that they lost by, but the Dauntless unit will not be destroyed via CCR (Close
Combat Resolution).

Living Mutations:
All Ghoul models are alive and hence cannot include Undead models (Zombies,
Skeletons) of any kind.
Ghoul Prehistory- CORE Units

Ghoul Caveman with Club: 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, No Save, Reduces Armour Saves by -2

Ghoul Caveman with Axe: 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, No Save, Reduces Numb Saves by -2

Ghoul Caveman with Rocks: 8pts each

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Throws Myuta Rocks (‘12’, S3, 1 shot, Auto, Reflex
Shots when Charged unless already in Close Combat)

Ghoul Medieval- CORE Units

Ghoul Knight with Sword- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat

Ghoul Knight with Mace- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Ghoul Knight with Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Ghoul Knight with Spear- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Strength 5 against Cavalry

Ghoul Crossbowman- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Crossbow (Heavy, ‘24’, S4, 1
shot, -1 to Armour Saves)

Ghoul Bowman- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Bow

Ghoul Barbarian with 2 Handed Sword- 10pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, No Save

Ghoul Duellist with 2 Swords- 12pts each

-T4, W2, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat
Ghoul Elven Ranger- 9pts each
-T4, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Myuta Bow, Reflex Shots (S3),
Shooting hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow

Ghoul Fire Mage with Grey Staff- 12pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, No Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Fire attacks
(Magical), Fire attacks are Strength 2 against Fire Mages, Fireball (Auto, ‘18’, S4,
roll a D6 for each unit: divide result by 2 rounding up to calculate how many
Strength 4 Shots (1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3)

Ghoul Lightning Mage with White Staff- 12pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, No Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Electric attacks
(Magical), Electric attacks are Strength 2 against Lightning Mages, Chain
Lightning (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, for each successful hit 1 S3 Electric attack is
generated at the most. Also used in Close Combat and can generate up to 3
Strength 3 attacks each if charging and all 3 attacks hit)

Ghoul Medieval- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Mounted Knights, 50 Dwarven Clansmen and 50 Trolls
Limit of 50 Ogres, 50 Vikings, 50 Doom Bats and 50 Samurai

Mounted Ghoul Knight with Sword- 21pts each

-T5, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Ghoul Knight with Mace- 21pts each

-T5, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as
normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement
Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Ghoul Knight with Axe- 21pts each

-T5, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as
normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement
Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Ghoul Dwarven Clansman with Warhammer- 18pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves
Ghoul Troll with Big Axe- 18pts each
-T4, W3, S5, I4, A3, 4+ Numb Save, -1 to Armour Saves, Dauntless, Weak against
Fire attacks (Fire attacks ignore Troll Numb Saves)

Ghoul Ogre with Club: 22pts, Moves ‘6’

T4, W3, S5, I3, A3, No Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Weak against Spears (counts as
Cavalry for Spears)

Ghoul Viking with Axe- 12pts

T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, No Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat.

Ghoul Doom Bat- 14pts

T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Jumps ‘12’ (not affected by terrain) and
Charges ‘6’

Ghoul Samurai Swordsman- 14pts

T4, W2, S4, I5, A2, 5+ Armour Save

Ghoul Exploration- CORE Units

Ghoul Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia) can arrive as Raft Reinforcements.
See the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Ghoul Pirate with Pistol- 10pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, No Save, Armed with Myuta Pistol

Ghoul Pirate Militia Banner Bearer with Sword- 7pts

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Ghoul Pirate Militia Swordsman- 8pts

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Ghoul Pirate Militia Rifleman- 8pts

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Rifle

Ghoul Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Gun- 8pts

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Myuta Gun

Ghoul Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Myuta Pistol
Ghoul Pirate Militia Swashbuckler- 9pts
-T4, W1, S3, I4, A2, No Save, Armed with Myuta Pistol

Ghoul Pirate Militia Buccaneer with 2 Pistols- 9pts

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A2, No Save, Armed with 2 Myuta Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Ghoul Pirate Militia Buccaneer with Gun and Pistol- 9pts

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Gun and Myuta Pistol (Reflex
Shots, S3)

Ghoul Wild West- CORE Units

Ghoul Indian units can arrive as Canoe Reinforcements. See the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Ghoul Indian Shooter- 8pts

-T4, W1, S3, I5, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Rifle

Ghoul Indian Archer- 8pts

-T4, W1, S3, I5, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Bow

Ghoul Indian Spearman- 8pts

-T4, W1, S3, I6, A1, No Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry

Ghoul Indian Bull with Shotgun- 8pts

-T4, W1, S3, I5, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Shotgun (They have horns on
their heads)

Ghoul Indian Bearman- 9pts

-T4, W1, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs

Ghoul Indian Night Hunter- 9pts

-T4, W1, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Axe (crawls on the ground)
and can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Ignores Terrain when moving and can
even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain)

Ghoul Indian Spear Thrower with Shield- 9pts

-T4, W1, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Javelin or Sword, but all count
as wielding Myuta Javelins (-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots)
Ghoul Cowboy Rifleman- 8pts
-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Rifle

Ghoul Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun- 8pts

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Myuta Shotgun (wears top hat
and coat)

Ghoul Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 8pts

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Shotgun (wears cowboy hat,
with guns pointed forward)

Ghoul Cowboy with Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3), has
hand reaching into the holster of another Pistol

Ghoul Cowboy Deputy with Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Pistol (Can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), wears no hat and braces his pistol to fire

Ghoul Wild West- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Colonels and 50 Chiefs

Ghoul Cowboy Colonel with Twin Pistols- 11pts

-T4, W2, S3, I4, A2, No Save, Armed with Twin Myuta Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Ghoul Indian Chief with Gun- 11pts

-T4, W2, S3, I5, A2, No Save, Armed with Myuta Gun and Myuta Bow, can
choose either in Shooting (holds a Bow in the other hand), Reflex Shots (S3)
when charged
Ghoul Plastic War- CORE Units

Prone Plastic War Ghoul with Myuta Machine Gun- 8pts

-T4, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Myuta Machine Gun (Automatic,
‘12’, S3, Poisoned, fires 2 shots at ‘9’ or less)

Plastic War Ghoul with Myuta Bayonet Rifle- 8pts

-T4, W1, S3, I5, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Bayonet Rifle (Automatic, ‘18’,
S3, Poisoned, fires 2 shots at ‘9’ or less), S4 against Cavalry in Close Combat

Ghoul Plastic War- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Officers with Scimitars

Plastic War Ghoul Officer with Scimitar- 12pts

-T4, W2, S3, I5, A2, No Save, Re-roll misses in Close Combat

Ghoul Plastic War- Heavy Units

Limit of 20 Snipers
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs

Plastic War Ghoul Sniper- 9pts

-T4, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Scoped Myuta Rifle (Heavy, ‘24’, S3,
Poisoned, wounds at 4+ at the most except for against Vehicles/Juggernauts),
Shooting hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow

Plastic War Ghoul Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 18pts

-T4, W2, S3, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with Heavy Myuta Gun (Heavy, ‘30’, S4, 3
shots, Poisoned, can re-roll 1 miss per Heavy MG in the Shooting Phase)
Japanese Plastic War- CORE Units

Imperial Japanese Prone Machine Gunner - 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Machine Gun, Dauntless

Imperial Japanese Rifleman with Bayonet - 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle, S4 against Cavalry in Close
Combat, Dauntless

Japanese Plastic War- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Officers with Scimitars

Imperial Japanese Officer with Scimitar- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A2, No Save, Re-roll misses in Close Combat, Dauntless

Japanese Plastic War- Heavy Units

Limit of 20 Snipers
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs

Imperial Japanese Sniper- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like Snipers
(hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units), Dauntless

Imperial Japanese Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 14pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with Heavy MG, can re-roll 1 miss per Heavy
MG in the Shooting Phase), Dauntless
Ghoul Modern- CORE Units

Ghoul Machine Gunner- 6pts

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Machine Gun

Ghoul Rifleman- 6pts

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Rifle

Ghoul Police Officer with Baton and Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Myuta Pistol

Ghoul Police Officer with Rifle- 8pts

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Myuta Rifle

Ghoul Miner with 2 Handed Pickaxe- 7pts

-T4, W1, S5, I0, A1, No Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Ghoul Fireman with Fire Axe- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, No Save, -2 to Numb Saves
Ghoul SWAT with Assault Rifle- 9pts
-T4, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Myuta Assault Rifle

Ghoul Police- Dog Patrol- 11pts, Moves ‘6’, Charges ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Myuta Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3
from Officer attached to the leash of the Dog)

Ghoul Modern- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Grenadiers, 50 Officers, 50 Commandos and 50 Monsters

Ghoul Grenadier- 7pts

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Rad Grenades (works exactly like
normal Grenades, but will deal 1 S3 Poisoned Attack immediately if it causes an
unsaved wound)

Ghoul Commando with Assault Rifle- 9pts

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Myuta Assault Rifle

Ghoul Officer with Pistol- 11pts

-T4, W2, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Pistol (can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat)

Ghoul Monster- 14pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, No Save, Armed with their bare hands, sharp teeth, claws or
other weapons which are of little significance

Ghoul Modern Heavy Units

Limit of 9 Bazookas or SWAT with Bazookas in total (can have a mix of both)
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, 9 Mortars, 15 Flamethrowers, 20 Snipers

Ghoul Sniper- 7pts

-T4, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Ghoul Bazooka- 52pts

-T4, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)
Ghoul SWAT with Bazooka- 54pts
-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Myuta Bazooka (See page 20
of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Ghoul Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 18pts

-T4, W2, S3, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with Myuta Heavy MG

Ghoul Flamethrower- 44pts

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Flamethrower (See pages 20
and 21 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Ghoul Mortar- 40pts

-T4, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Mortar (See page 18 of the Army
Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Ghoul Space- CORE Units

Savage Ghoul- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with bare teeth and claws, Swift (Can
always move ‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)

Ghoul Alien Blaster- 10pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Myuta Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Ghoul Alien Brute- 12pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S5, I4, A2, No Save, Armed with two-handed axe

Ghoul Alien Bomber- 10pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Rad Grenades (works exactly like
normal Grenades, but will deal 1 S3 Poisoned Attack immediately if it causes an
unsaved wound), Swift (Can always move ‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)

Ghoul Astronaut with Blaster- 10pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Myuta Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto,
1 shot)

Ghoul Veteran Brawler- 10pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, armed with bare fists
Ghoul Veteran Gunner- 10pts
-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Myuta Hand Cannon (Heavy,
‘18’, S4, 2 shots, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+)

Ghoul Veteran Ranger- 10pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Myuta Shotgun and wears
cowboy hat

Ghoul Veteran Elite- 10pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Myuta Assault Rifle

Ghoul Colonial Marine- 18pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Myuta Riot Gun
(Fast Fire, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots at ‘12’, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+) Reflex
Shots (S4)

Ghoul Shock Trooper: 10pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Electric Baton (Electric and
Magical Attacks, each hit generates 1 Strength 3 attack at the most), Electric
attacks are always Strength 2 against Shock Troopers

Ghoul Stunner- 11pts

-T4, W2, S3, I6, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Lady armed with Stun Gun (Auto, ‘12’, S3, on
a roll of 6 to hit it causes 1 unsaved wound in Shooting or Close Combat, Reflex
Shots (S3), Does NOT have Poisoned Attacks (except those dealt by being

Ghoul Colonial Radsuit- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I7, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, has fuel pack hooked up to their
flamethrower hoses, Fire attacks

Ghoul Colonial Heavy Axeman- 18pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Axe (-2 to Numb
Ghoul Space- Specialist Units
Limit of 50 Spacemen, 50 Silencers and 50 Turtle Blasters

Ghoul Spaceman- 14pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Myuta Gatling Laser (Auto, ‘18’,
S4, 3 shots)

Ghoul Turtle Blaster- 14pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, has pincers and a turtle shell which opens
up to their: Myuta Belly Blaster (Auto, ‘24’, S5, 1 shot, 2 shots at ‘12’ or less in

Ghoul Silencer- 10pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, has furry body and Armed with Scoped Myuta
Laser Rifle (Heavy, ‘36’, Strength 5, 1 shot), Shooting hits like Snipers (hits on 2+
against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Ghoul Space- Heavy Units

Limit of 50 Golems, 50 Assault Droids and 50 Cyborg Brawlers

Ghoul Alien Golem: 22pts

-T5, W3, S5, I4, A2, No Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with rocky fists

Ghoul Assault Droid: 22pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Dual Myuta Combat
Shotguns (Auto, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Can re-roll misses in Shooting and Close
Combat), Reflex Shots (S4)

Ghoul Veteran Cyborg Brawler: 22pts

-T5, W2, S5, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with robotic fists
Green Nation Army List

Deadly Accurate:
ALL Green models can re-roll all failed to Wound rolls in the Shooting Phase and
Close Combat Phase. This does NOT include Reflex Shots.

Green Prehistory- CORE Units

Green Caveman with Club: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, No Save, Reduces Armour Saves by -2

Green Caveman with Axe: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, No Save, Reduces Numb Saves by -2

Green Caveman with Rocks: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Throws Rocks (‘12’, S3, 1 shot, Auto, Reflex Shots
when Charged unless already in Close Combat)

Green Medieval- CORE Units

Green Knight with Sword- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat

Green Knight with Mace- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Green Knight with Axe- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Green Knight with Spear- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I5, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Strength 5 against Cavalry

Green Crossbowman- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Crossbow (Heavy, ‘24’, S4, 1
shot, -1 to Armour Saves)

Green Bowman- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Bow
Green Skeleton with Sword and Shield- 4pts each
-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Green Skeleton with Mace- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Green Skeleton with Spear and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry,
Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Green Skeleton with Twin Axes- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Green Skeleton with Bow- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat and on 4+ in Shooting

Green Zombie- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Green Barbarian with 2 Handed Sword- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, No Save

Green Duellist with 2 Swords- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Green Elven Ranger- 6pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow, Reflex Shots (S3), Shooting
hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Green Fire Mage with Grey Staff- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, No Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Fire attacks
(Magical), Fire attacks are Strength 2 against Fire Mages, Fireball (Auto, ‘18’, S4,
roll a D6 for each unit: divide result by 2 rounding up to calculate how many
Strength 4 Shots (1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3)
Green Lightning Mage with White Staff- 8pts each
-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, No Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Electric attacks
(Magical), Electric attacks are Strength 2 against Lightning Mages, Chain
Lightning (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, for each successful hit 1 S3 Electric attack is
generated at the most. Also used in Close Combat and can generate up to 3
Strength 3 attacks each if charging and all 3 attacks hit)

Green Medieval- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Mounted Knights, 50 Dwarven Clansmen and 50 Trolls

Mounted Green Knight with Sword- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Green Knight with Mace- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as
normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement
Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Green Knight with Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as
normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement
Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Green Dwarven Clansman with Warhammer- 16pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Diehards (can re-roll
CCR rolls on 2D6 if they lose in Close Combat)

Green Troll with Big Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W3, S5, I2, A3, 4+ Numb Save, -1 to Armour Saves, Dauntless, Weak against
Fire attacks (Fire attacks ignore Troll Numb Saves)
Green Exploration- CORE Units
Green Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia) can arrive as Raft Reinforcements.
See the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Green Pirate with Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, No Save, Armed with Pistol

Green Pirate Militia Banner Bearer with Sword- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save

Green Pirate Militia Swordsman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Green Pirate Militia Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle

Green Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Gun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun

Green Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Green Pirate Militia Swashbuckler- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with Pistol

Green Pirate Militia Buccaneer with 2 Pistols- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with 2 Pistols (2 shots in Shooting Phase)

Green Pirate Militia Buccaneer with Gun and Pistol- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Gun and Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3)

Green Wild West- CORE Units

Green Indian units can arrive as Canoe Reinforcements. See the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Green Indian Shooter- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle
Green Indian Archer- 4pts
-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Bow

Green Indian Spearman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, No Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry

Green Indian Bull with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Shotgun (They have horns on their

Green Indian Bearman- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs

Green Indian Night Hunter- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Axe (crawls on the ground)
and can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Ignores Terrain when moving and can
even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain)

Green Indian Spear Thrower with Shield- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Javelin or Sword, but all count
as wielding Javelins (-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots)

Green Cowboy Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle

Green Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears top hat and

Green Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears cowboy hat, with guns
pointed forward)

Green Cowboy with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3), has hand
reaching into the holster of another Pistol

Green Cowboy Deputy with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Pistol (Can re-roll misses in Shooting
and Close Combat), wears no hat and braces his pistol to fire
Green Wild West- Specialist Units
Limit of 50 Colonels and 50 Chiefs

Green Cowboy Colonel with Twin Pistols- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with Twin Pistols (2 shots in Shooting Phase)

Green Indian Chief with Gun- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, No Save, Armed with Gun and Bow, can choose either in
Shooting (holds a Bow in the other hand), Reflex Shots (S3) when charged
Green Plastic War- CORE Units

Plastic War Green Machine Gunner- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Machine Gun

Plastic War Green Rifleman with Bayonet- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle, S4 against Cavalry in Close Combat

Green Plastic War- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Grenadiers

Plastic War Green Grenadier- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Grenades

Green Plastic War- Heavy Units

Limit of 20 Snipers
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, Bazookas
Limit of 15 Flamethrowers

Plastic War Green Sniper- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like Snipers
(hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Plastic War Green Bazooka- 48pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook)

Plastic War Green Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 14pts

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A2, No Save, Armed with Heavy MG

Plastic War Green Flamethrower- 40pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Flamethrower (See pages 20 and 21 of
the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)
Green Modern- CORE Units

Green Machine Gunner- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Machine Gun

Green Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle

Green Police Officer with Baton and Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol

Green Police Officer with Rifle- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle

Green Miner with 2 Handed Pickaxe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S5, I0, A1, No Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Green Fireman with Fire Axe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, No Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Green SWAT with Assault Rifle- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Green Police- Dog Patrol- 7pts, Moves ‘6’, Charges ‘9’

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3 from
Officer attached to the leash of the Dog)
Green Modern- Specialist Units
Limit of 50 Grenadiers, 50 Officers, 50 Commandos and 50 Monsters

Green Grenadier- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Grenades

Green Commando with Assault Rifle- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Green Officer with Pistol- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-roll misses in Shooting
and Close Combat)

Green Monster- 12pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with their bare hands, sharp teeth, claws or
other weapons which are of little significance

Green Modern Heavy Units

Limit of 9 Bazookas or SWAT with Bazookas in total (can have a mix of both)
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, 9 Mortars, 15 Flamethrowers, 20 Snipers

Green Sniper- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like Snipers
(hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Green Bazooka- 48pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook)

Green SWAT with Bazooka- 50pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Green Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 14pts

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A2, No Save, Armed with Heavy MG

Green Flamethrower- 40pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Flamethrower (See pages 20 and 21 of
the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)
Green Mortar- 36pts
-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Mortar (See page 18 of the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook)

Green Space- CORE Units

Green Alien Blaster- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Green Alien Brute- 10pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S5, I4, A2, No Save, Armed with two-handed axe

Green Alien Bomber- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Grenade, Swift (Can always move ‘6’ in
Run and Victory Run moves)

Green Astronaut with Blaster- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Green Veteran Brawler- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, armed with bare fists

Green Veteran Gunner- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Hand Cannon (Heavy, ‘18’, S4,
2 shots, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+)

Green Veteran Ranger- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun and wears cowboy hat

Green Veteran Elite- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Green Astronaut Zombie- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Green Colonial Marine- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Riot Gun (Fast Fire,
‘18’, S4, 2 shots at ‘12’, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+) Reflex Shots (S4)
Green Shock Trooper: 8pts
-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Electric Baton (Electric and
Magical Attacks, each hit generates 1 Strength 3 attack at the most), Electric
attacks are always Strength 2 against Shock Troopers

Green Stunner- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I6, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Lady armed with Stun Gun (Auto, ‘12’, S3, on
a roll of 6 to hit it causes 1 unsaved wound in Shooting or Close Combat, Reflex
Shots (S3)

Green Colonial Radsuit- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I7, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, has fuel pack hooked up to their
flamethrower hoses, Fire attacks

Green Colonial Heavy Axeman- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Axe (-2 to Numb

Green Space- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Spacemen, 50 Silencers and 50 Turtle Blasters

Green Spaceman- 12pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Gatling Laser (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 3

Green Turtle Blaster- 12pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, has pincers and a turtle shell which opens
up to their: Belly Blaster (Auto, ‘24’, S5, 1 shot, 2 shots at ‘12’ or less in Shooting)

Green Silencer- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, has furry body and armed with Scoped Laser
Rifle (Heavy, ‘36’, Strength 5, 1 shot), Shooting hits like Snipers (hits on 2+
against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)
Green Space- Heavy Units
Limit of 50 Golems, 50 Assault Droids and 50 Cyborg Brawlers

Green Alien Golem: 20pts

-T5, W3, S5, I3, A2, No Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with rocky fists

Green Assault Droid: 20pts

-T4, W1, S4, I2, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Dual Combat
Shotguns (Auto, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Can re-roll misses in Shooting and Close
Combat), Reflex Shots (S4)

Green Veteran Cyborg Brawler: 20pts

-T5, W2, S5, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with robotic fists
Grey Nation Army List

Grey models reduce enemy Saves, whichever one is stated in their unit statistics,
by a further -1 than usual. This will always be covered in the statistics of a Grey
model and it will not include Dodge Saves, as they cannot be modified.

Grey Prehistory- CORE Units

Grey Caveman with Club: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Reduces Armour Saves by -3

Grey Caveman with Axe: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Reduces Numb Saves by -3

Grey Caveman with Rocks: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Throws Rocks (‘12’, S3, 1 shot, Auto, Reflex
Shots when Charged unless already in Close Combat), -1 to Armour Saves in
Shooting and Reflex Shots.

Grey Medieval- CORE Units

Grey Knight with Sword- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat, -1 to
Armour Saves

Grey Knight with Mace- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -3 to Armour Saves

Grey Knight with Axe- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -3 to Numb Saves

Grey Knight with Spear- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I5, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Strength 5 against Cavalry, -1 to Armour

Grey Crossbowman- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Crossbow (Heavy, ‘24’, S4, 1
shot, -2 to Armour Saves)
Grey Bowman- 4pts each
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Bow, -1 to Armour Saves in
Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Skeleton with Sword and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat, -1
to Armour Saves

Grey Skeleton with Mace- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, -3 to Armour Saves, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat,

Grey Skeleton with Spear and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry,
Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat, -1 to
Armour Saves

Grey Skeleton with Twin Axes- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat, -1 to Armour Saves

Grey Skeleton with Bow- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat and on 4+ in Shooting, -1 to Armour
Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Zombie- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits
enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat, -1 to Armour Saves

Grey Barbarian with 2 Handed Sword- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, -1 to Armour Saves

Grey Duellist with 2 Swords- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat, -1 to Armour
Grey Elven Ranger- 6pts each
-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow, Reflex Shots (S3), Shooting
hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units), -1
to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Fire Mage with Grey Staff- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Fire attacks
(Magical), Fire attacks are Strength 2 against Fire Mages, Fireball (Auto, ‘18’, S4,
roll a D6 for each unit: divide result by 2 rounding up to calculate how many
Strength 4 Shots (1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3), -1 to Armour Saves in Close Combat

Grey Lightning Mage with White Staff- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Electric
attacks (Magical), Electric attacks are Strength 2 against Lightning Mages, Chain
Lightning (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, for each successful hit 1 S3 Electric attack is
generated at the most. Also used in Close Combat and can generate up to 3
Strength 3 attacks each if charging and all 3 attacks hit), -1 to Armour Saves in
Close Combat

Grey Medieval- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Mounted Knights, 50 Dwarven Clansmen and 50 Trolls
Limit of 50 Ogres, 50 Vikings, 50 Doom Bats and 50 Samurai

Mounted Grey Knight with Sword- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down), -1 to
Armour Saves

Mounted Grey Knight with Mace- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, -3 to Armour Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as
normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement
Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Grey Knight with Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, -3 to Numb Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as
normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement
Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)
Grey Dwarven Clansman with Warhammer- 16pts each
-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -3 to Armour Saves, Diehards (can re-roll
CCR rolls on 2D6 if they lose in Close Combat)

Grey Troll with Big Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W3, S5, I2, A3, 5+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves,
Dauntless, Weak against Fire attacks (Fire attacks ignore Troll Numb Saves)

Grey Ogre with Club: 20pts, Moves ‘6’

T4, W3, S5, I3, A3, 5+ Armour Save, -3 to Armour Saves, Weak against Spears
(counts as Cavalry for Spears)

Grey Viking with Axe- 10pts

T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat, -1 to Armour

Ghoul Doom Bat- 12pts

T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Jumps ‘12’ (not affected by terrain) and
Charges ‘6’, Dauntless, -1 to Armour Saves

Grey Samurai Swordsman- 12pts

T4, W2, S4, I5, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Dauntless, -1 to Armour Saves
Grey Exploration- CORE Units
Grey Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia) can arrive as Raft Reinforcements.
See the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Grey Pirate with Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol, -1 to Armour Saves in
Close Combat

Grey Pirate Militia Banner Bearer with Sword- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, -1 to Armour Saves

Grey Pirate Militia Swordsman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat, -1 to
Armour Saves

Grey Pirate Militia Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle, -1 to Armour Saves in
Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Gun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun, -1 to Armour Saves in Close

Grey Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol, -1 to Armour Saves in Close

Grey Pirate Militia Swashbuckler- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol, -1 to Armour Saves in
Close Combat

Grey Pirate Militia Buccaneer with 2 Pistols- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with 2 Pistols (2 shots in Shooting
Phase), -1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Pirate Militia Buccaneer with Gun and Pistol- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Gun and Pistol (Reflex Shots,
S3), -1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots
Grey Wild West- CORE Units
Grey Indian units can arrive as Canoe Reinforcements. See the Army Men PAZCIK
Rulebook for details of this.

Grey Indian Shooter- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle, -1 to Armour Saves in
Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Indian Archer- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Bow, -1 to Armour Saves in
Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Indian Spearman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry, -1 to Armour

Grey Indian Bull with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (They have horns on
their heads), -1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Indian Bearman- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs, -1
to Armour Saves

Grey Indian Night Hunter- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Axe (crawls on the ground)
and can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Ignores Terrain when moving and can
even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain), -1 to Armour Saves

Grey Indian Spear Thrower with Shield- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Javelin or Sword, but all count
as wielding Javelins (-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots), -1 to
Armour Saves in Close Combat

Grey Cowboy Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle, -1 to Armour Saves in
Shooting and Reflex Shots
Grey Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun- 4pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears top hat and
coat), -1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears cowboy hat,
with guns pointed forward), -1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Cowboy with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3), has
hand reaching into the holster of another Pistol, -1 to Armour Saves in Shooting
and Reflex Shots

Grey Cowboy Deputy with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (Can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), wears no hat and braces his pistol to fire, -1 to
Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Wild West- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Colonels and 50 Chiefs

Grey Cowboy Colonel with Twin Pistols- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Twin Pistols (2 shots in Shooting
Phase), -1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Indian Chief with Gun- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Gun and Bow, can choose either
in Shooting (holds a Bow in the other hand), Reflex Shots (S3) when charged, -1
to Armour Saves in Close Combat

Grey Plastic War- CORE Units

Prone Plastic War- Grey Machine Gunner- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Machine Gun,
-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots

Plastic War Grey Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifles, -1 to Armour Saves in
Shooting and Reflex Shots
Grey Plastic War- Specialist Units
Limit of 50 Officers, Grenadiers

Plastic War Grey Officer with Pistol- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), -1 to Armour Saves in Shooting, Reflex Shots and
Close Combat (due to using their Pistols in all of these)

Plastic War Grey Grenadier- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Grenades, -1 to Armour Saves
in Close Combat (includes Grenades)

Grey Plastic War- Heavy Units

Limit of 20 Snipers
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, Bazookas

Plastic War Grey Sniper- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units), -1 to
Armour Saves in Shooting

Plastic War Grey Bazooka- 48pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), -1 to Armour Saves in Shooting

Plastic War Grey Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 14pts

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Heavy MG, -1 to Armour Saves
in Shooting and Close Combat

Grey Modern- CORE Units

Grey Machine Gunner- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Machine Gun, -1 to Armour
Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle, -1 to Armour Saves in
Shooting and Reflex Shots
Grey Police Officer with Baton and Pistol- 4pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol, -1 to Armour Saves in
Close Combat

Grey Police Officer with Rifle- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle, -1 to Armour Saves in
Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Miner with 2 Handed Pickaxe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S5, I0, A1, 5+ Armour Save, -3 to Armour Saves

Grey Fireman with Fire Axe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, -3 to Numb Saves

Grey SWAT with Assault Rifle- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle, -1 to Armour Saves
in Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Police- Dog Patrol- 7pts, Moves ‘6’, Charges ‘9’

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3 from
Officer attached to the leash of the Dog), -1 to Armour Saves in Close Combat
Grey Modern- Specialist Units
Limit of 50 Grenadiers, 50 Officers, 50 Commandos and 50 Monsters

Grey Grenadier- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Grenades (-1 to Armour Saves)

Grey Commando with Assault Rifle- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Assault Rifle, -1 to Armour Saves
in Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Officer with Pistol- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), -1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Monster- 12pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with their bare hands, sharp teeth,
claws or other weapons which are of little significance, -1 to Armour Saves in
Close Combat

Grey Modern Heavy Units

Limit of 9 Bazookas or SWAT with Bazookas in total (can have a mix of both)
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, 9 Mortars, 15 Flamethrowers, 20 Snipers

Grey Sniper- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units), -1 to
Armour Saves in Shooting

Grey Bazooka- 48pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), -1 to Armour Saves in Shooting

Grey SWAT with Bazooka- 50pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), -1 to Armour Saves in Shooting

Grey Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 14pts

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Heavy MG, -1 to Armour Saves
in Shooting
Grey Flamethrower- 40pts
-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Flamethrower (See pages 20
and 21 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), -1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and
Reflex Shots

Grey Mortar- 36pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Mortar (See page 18 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), -1 to Armour Saves in Shooting

Grey Space- CORE Units

Grey Alien Blaster- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot),
-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Alien Brute- 10pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S5, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with two-handed axe, -1 to Armour
Saves in Close Combat

Grey Alien Bomber- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Grenade, Swift (Can always
move ‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves), -1 to Armour Saves in Close Combat
(does NOT apply to Grenades)

Grey Astronaut with Blaster- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot),
-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Veteran Brawler- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, armed with bare fists, -1 to Armour Saves

Grey Veteran Gunner- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Hand Cannon (Heavy, ‘18’, S4,
2 shots, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+), -1 to Armour Saves in Close Combat

Grey Veteran Ranger- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun and wears cowboy hat,
-1 to Armour Saves in Close Combat
Grey Veteran Elite- 8pts
-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle, -1 to Armour Saves
in Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Colonial Marine- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, -1 to Armour Saves in Close
Combat, Armed with Riot Gun (Fast Fire, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots at ‘12’, Ignores Armour
Saves of 5+ and 6+) Reflex Shots (S4)

Grey Shock Trooper: 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Electric Baton (Electric and
Magical Attacks, each hit generates 1 Strength 3 attack at the most), Electric
attacks are always Strength 2 against Shock Troopers, -1 to Armour Saves

Grey Stunner- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I6, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Lady armed with Stun Gun (Auto, ‘12’, S3, on
a roll of 6 to hit it causes 1 unsaved wound in Shooting or Close Combat, Reflex
Shots (S3), -1 to Armour Saves in Close Combat

Grey Colonial Radsuit- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I7, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, has fuel pack hooked up to their
flamethrower hoses, Fire attacks, -1 to Armour Saves

Grey Colonial Heavy Axeman- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Axe (-3 to Numb

Grey Space- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Spacemen, 50 Silencers and 50 Turtle Blasters

Grey Spaceman- 12pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Gatling Laser (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 3
shots), -1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Turtle Blaster- 12pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, has pincers and a turtle shell which opens
up to their: Belly Blaster (Auto, ‘24’, S5, 1 shot, 2 shots at ‘12’ or less in Shooting),
-1 to Armour Saves in Close Combat
Grey Silencer- 8pts
-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, has furry body and Armed with Scoped Laser
Rifle (Heavy, ‘36’, Strength 5, 1 shot), Shooting hits like Snipers (hits on 2+
against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units), -1 to Armour Saves in Shooting

Grey Space- Heavy Units

Limit of 50 Golems, 50 Assault Droids and 50 Cyborg Brawlers

Grey Alien Golem: 20pts

-T5, W3, S5, I3, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with rocky fists, -1
to Armour Saves

Grey Assault Droid: 20pts

-T4, W1, S4, I2, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Dual Combat
Shotguns (Auto, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Can re-roll misses in Shooting and Close
Combat), Reflex Shots (S4), -1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots

Grey Veteran Cyborg Brawler: 20pts

-T5, W2, S5, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Slow, Dauntless, -1 to Armour Saves, armed
with robotic fists
Maroon Nation Army List

Lightning Reflexes
Models with ranged weapons (Automatic and Fast Firing) ALWAYS get Reflex
Shots when Charged by an enemy unit. This rule will always be included where

Hit and Run

Models with ranged weapons (Heavy, Automatic and Fast Firing) are allowed to
Run AFTER they have fired in the Shooting Phase.

Rifle Training
Models with Rifles can always fire up to ‘24’ even if they moved in the
Movement Phase and can fire 2 shots at up to ‘12’ as normal for Fast Firing

Maroon Prehistory- CORE Units

Maroon Caveman with Club: 4pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Reduces Armour Saves by -2

Maroon Caveman with Axe: 4pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Reduces Numb Saves by -2

Maroon Caveman with Rocks: 4pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Throws Rocks (‘12’, S3, 1 shot, Auto, Reflex
Shots when Charged unless already in Close Combat), Lightning Reflexes, Hit
and Run

Maroon Medieval- CORE Units

Maroon Knight with Sword- 12pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat

Maroon Knight with Mace- 12pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Maroon Knight with Axe- 12pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves
Maroon Knight with Spear- 12pts each, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W1, S4, I5, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Strength 5 against Cavalry

Maroon Crossbowman- 4pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Crossbow (Heavy, ‘24’, S4, 1
shot, -1 to Armour Saves), Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Bowman- 4pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Bow, Lightning Reflexes, Hit
and Run

Maroon Skeleton with Sword and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Maroon Skeleton with Mace- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves,
Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Maroon Skeleton with Spear and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry,
Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Maroon Skeleton with Twin Axes- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A2, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Dauntless, Always hits
enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Maroon Skeleton with Bow- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Dauntless,
Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat and on 4+ in Shooting,
Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Zombie- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+
in Close Combat

Maroon Barbarian with 2 Handed Sword- 8pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save
Maroon Duellist with 2 Swords- 8pts each, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W2, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Maroon Elven Ranger- 6pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow, Reflex Shots (S3), Shooting
hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units),
Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Fire Mage with Grey Staff- 8pts each, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Fire attacks
(Magical), Fire attacks are Strength 2 against Fire Mages, Fireball (Auto, ‘18’, S4,
roll a D6 for each unit: divide result by 2 rounding up to calculate how many
Strength 4 Shots (1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3), Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Lightning Mage with White Staff- 8pts each, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Electric
attacks (Magical), Electric attacks are Strength 2 against Lightning Mages, Chain
Lightning (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, for each successful hit 1 S3 Electric attack is
generated at the most. Also used in Close Combat and can generate up to 3
Strength 3 attacks each if charging and all 3 attacks hit), Lightning Reflexes, Hit
and Run

Maroon Medieval- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Mounted Knights, 50 Dwarven Clansmen and 50 Trolls

Mounted Maroon Knight with Sword- 16pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Cavalry
(moves ‘9’ but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement
Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Maroon Knight with Mace- 16pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘9’ but
can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement Blocking Terrain,
as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Maroon Knight with Axe- 16pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘9’ but
can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement Blocking Terrain,
as normal terrain won’t slow them down)
Maroon Dwarven Clansman with Warhammer- 16pts each, Moves ‘9’
-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Diehards (can re-roll
CCR rolls on 2D6 if they lose in Close Combat)

Maroon Troll with Big Axe- 16pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W3, S5, I2, A3, 4+ Numb Save, -1 to Armour Saves, Dauntless, Weak against
Fire attacks (Fire attacks ignore Troll Numb Saves

Maroon Exploration- CORE Units

Maroon Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia) can arrive as Raft Reinforcements.
See the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Maroon Pirate with Pistol- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol, Lightning Reflexes, Hit
and Run

Maroon Pirate Militia Banner Bearer with Sword- 3pts, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save

Maroon Pirate Militia Swordsman- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Maroon Pirate Militia Rifleman- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle, Lightning Reflexes, Hit
and Run, Rifle Training

Maroon Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Gun- 4pts, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Gun, Lightning
Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Pistol- 4pts, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol, Lightning
Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Pirate Militia Swashbuckler- 5pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol, Lightning Reflexes, Hit
and Run
Maroon Pirate Militia Buccaneer with 2 Pistols- 5pts, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with 2 Pistols (2 shots in Shooting
Phase), Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Pirate Militia Buccaneer with Gun and Pistol- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Gun and Pistol (Reflex Shots,
S3), Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Wild West- CORE Units

Maroon Indian units can arrive as Canoe Reinforcements. See the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Maroon Indian Shooter- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle, Lightning Reflexes, Hit
and Run, Rifle Training

Maroon Indian Archer- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Bow, Lightning Reflexes, Hit
and Run

Maroon Indian Spearman- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry

Maroon Indian Bull with Shotgun- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (They have horns on
their heads), Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Indian Bearman- 5pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs

Maroon Indian Night Hunter- 5pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Axe (crawls on the ground)
and can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Ignores Terrain when moving and can
even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain)

Maroon Indian Spear Thrower with Shield- 5pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Javelin or Sword, but all count
as wielding Javelins (-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots),
Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run
Maroon Cowboy Rifleman- 4pts, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle, Lightning Reflexes, Hit
and Run, Rifle Training

Maroon Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears
top hat and coat), Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears cowboy hat,
with guns pointed forward), Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Cowboy with Pistol- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3), has
hand reaching into the holster of another Pistol, Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Cowboy Deputy with Pistol- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistols (Can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), wears no hat and braces his pistol to fire, Lightning
Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Wild West- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Colonels and 50 Chiefs

Maroon Cowboy Colonel with Twin Pistols- 7pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Twin Pistols (2 shots in Shooting
Phase), Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Indian Chief with Gun- 7pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Gun and Bow, can choose either
in Shooting (holds a Bow in the other hand), Reflex Shots (S3) when charged,
Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run
Maroon Modern- CORE Units

Maroon Machine Gunner- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Machine Gun, Lightning
Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Rifleman- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle, Lightning Reflexes, Hit
and Run, Rifle Training

Maroon Police Officer with Baton and Pistol- 4pts, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol, Lightning Reflexes, Hit
and Run

Maroon Police Officer with Rifle- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Armour Save, Armed
with Rifle, Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run, Rifle Training

Maroon Miner with 2 Handed Pickaxe- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S5, I0, A1, 6+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Maroon Fireman with Fire Axe- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Maroon SWAT with Assault Rifle- 5pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle, Lightning
Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Police- Dog Patrol- 7pts, Moves ‘9’, Charges ‘9’

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3 from
Officer attached to the leash of the Dog), Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run
Maroon Modern- Specialist Units
Limit of 50 Grenadiers, 50 Officers, 50 Commandos and 50 Monsters

Maroon Grenadier- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Grenades

Maroon Commando with Assault Rifle- 5pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Assault Rifle, Lightning Reflexes,
Hit and Run

Maroon Officer with Pistol- 7pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Monster- 12pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with their bare hands, sharp teeth,
claws or other weapons which are of little significance, Swift (Can always move
‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)

Maroon Modern Heavy Units

Limit of 9 Bazookas or SWAT with Bazookas in total (can have a mix of both)
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, 9 Mortars, 15 Flamethrowers, 20 Snipers

Maroon Sniper- 5pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units), Hit and

Maroon Bazooka- 48pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), Hit and Run

Maroon SWAT with Bazooka- 50pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), Hit and Run

Maroon Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 14pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Heavy MG, Hit and Run
Maroon Flamethrower- 40pts, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Flamethrower (See pages 20
and 21 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Mortar- 36pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Mortar (See page 18 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), Hit and Run

Maroon Space- CORE Units

Maroon Alien Blaster- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot),
Swift (Can always move ‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves), Lightning Reflexes,
Hit and Run

Maroon Alien Brute- 10pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S5, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with two-handed axe, Swift (Can
always move ‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)

Maroon Alien Bomber- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Grenade, Swift (Can always
move ‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)

Maroon Astronaut with Blaster- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot),
Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Veteran Brawler- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, armed with bare fists

Maroon Veteran Gunner- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Hand Cannon (Heavy, ‘18’, S4,
2 shots, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+), Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Veteran Ranger- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun and wears cowboy hat,
Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run
Maroon Veteran Elite- 8pts, Moves ‘9’
-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle, Lightning
Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Astronaut Zombie- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+
in Close Combat

Maroon Colonial Marine- 16pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Riot Gun (Fast Fire,
‘18’, S4, 2 shots at ‘12’, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+), Lightning Reflexes,
Hit and Run

Maroon Shock Trooper: 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Electric Baton (Electric and
Magical Attacks, each hit generates 1 Strength 3 attack at the most), Electric
attacks are always Strength 2 against Shock Troopers

Maroon Stunner- 7pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W2, S3, I6, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Lady armed with Stun Gun (Auto, ‘12’, S3, on
a roll of 6 to hit it causes 1 unsaved wound in Shooting or Close Combat, Reflex
Shots (S3), Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Colonial Radsuit- 16pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I7, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Dauntless, has fuel pack hooked up to their
flamethrower hoses, Fire attacks

Maroon Colonial Heavy Axeman- 16pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Axe (-2 to Numb

Maroon Space- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Spacemen, 50 Silencers and 50 Turtle Blasters

Maroon Spaceman- 12pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Gatling Laser (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 3
shots), Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run
Maroon Turtle Blaster- 12pts, Moves ‘9’
-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, has pincers and a turtle shell which opens
up to their: Belly Blaster (Auto, ‘24’, S5, 1 shot, 2 shots at ‘12’ or less in Shooting),
Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Silencer- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, has furry body and Armed
with Scoped Laser Rifle (Heavy, ‘36’, Strength 5, 1 shot), Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units), Hit and

Maroon Space- Heavy Units

Limit of 50 Golems, 50 Assault Droids and 50 Cyborg Brawlers
Limit of 9 Veteran Heavy MGs and Bazookas
Limit of 20 Veteran Snipers

Maroon Alien Golem: 20pts

-T5, W3, S5, I3, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Dauntless, armed with rocky fists

Maroon Assault Droid: 20pts

-T4, W1, S4, I2, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Dual Combat
Shotguns (Auto, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Can re-roll misses in Shooting and Close
Combat), Reflex Shots (S4), Lightning Reflexes, Hit and Run

Maroon Veteran Cyborg Brawler: 20pts

-T5, W2, S5, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Dauntless, armed with robotic fists

Maroon Veterans with Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 18pts, Moves ‘9’
-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Heavy MG, Hit and Run

Maroon Veteran with Bazooka- 52pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), Hit and Run

Maroon Veteran Sniper- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units), Hit and
Orange Nation Army List

All Orange models can re-roll CCR (Close Combat Resolution Rolls) if they lose a
Close Combat unless the unit has the Dauntless rule included in their statistics.

Run and Gun:

This unit is allowed shoot with Fast Firing weapons AND Charge in the same turn.
Models with this rule will always have this included in their unit statistics.

Orange Prehistory- CORE Units

Orange Caveman with Club: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Reduces Armour Saves by -2

Orange Caveman with Axe: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Reduces Numb Saves by -2

Orange Caveman with Rocks: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Throws Rocks (‘12’, S3, 1 shot, Auto, Reflex
Shots when Charged unless already in Close Combat)

Orange Medieval- CORE Units

Orange Knight with Sword- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat

Orange Knight with Mace- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Orange Knight with Axe- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Orange Knight with Spear- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I5, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Strength 5 against Cavalry

Orange Crossbowman- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Crossbow (Heavy, ‘24’, S4, 1
shot, -1 to Armour Saves)
Orange Bowman- 4pts each
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Bow

Orange Skeleton with Sword and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Orange Skeleton with Mace- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Slow,
Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Orange Skeleton with Spear and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry,
Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Orange Skeleton with Twin Axes- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A2, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits
enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Orange Skeleton with Bow- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Slow,
Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat and on 4+ in

Orange Zombie- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Orange Barbarian with 2 Handed Sword- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save

Orange Duellist with 2 Swords- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Orange Elven Ranger- 6pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow, Reflex Shots (S3), Shooting
hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)
Orange Fire Mage with Grey Staff- 8pts each
-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Fire attacks
(Magical), Fire attacks are Strength 2 against Fire Mages, Fireball (Auto, ‘18’, S4,
roll a D6 for each unit: divide result by 2 rounding up to calculate how many
Strength 4 Shots (1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3)

Orange Lightning Mage with White Staff- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Electric
attacks (Magical), Electric attacks are Strength 2 against Lightning Mages, Chain
Lightning (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, for each successful hit 1 S3 Electric attack is
generated at the most. Also used in Close Combat and can generate up to 3
Strength 3 attacks each if charging and all 3 attacks hit)

Orange Medieval- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Mounted Knights, 50 Dwarven Clansmen and 50 Trolls

Mounted Orange Knight with Sword- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Orange Knight with Mace- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as
normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement
Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Orange Knight with Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as
normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement
Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Orange Dwarven Clansman with Warhammer- 16pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Orange Troll with Big Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W3, S5, I2, A3, 4+ Numb Save, -1 to Armour Saves, Dauntless, Weak against
Fire attacks (Fire attacks ignore Troll Numb Saves)
Orange Exploration- CORE Units

Orange Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia) can arrive as Raft Reinforcements.
See the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Orange Pirate with Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol

Orange Pirate Militia Banner Bearer with Sword- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save

Orange Pirate Militia Swordsman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Orange Pirate Militia Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle, Run and Gun

Orange Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Gun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun

Orange Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Orange Pirate Militia Swashbuckler- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol

Orange Pirate Militia Buccaneer with 2 Pistols- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with 2 Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Orange Pirate Militia Buccaneer with Gun and Pistol- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Gun and Pistol (Reflex Shots,
Orange Wild West- CORE Units
Orange Indian units can arrive as Canoe Reinforcements. See the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Orange Indian Shooter- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle, Run and Gun

Orange Indian Archer- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Bow

Orange Indian Spearman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry

Orange Indian Bull with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (They have horns on
their heads)

Orange Indian Bearman- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs

Orange Indian Night Hunter- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Axe (crawls on the ground)
and can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Ignores Terrain when moving and can
even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain)

Orange Indian Spear Thrower with Shield- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Javelin or Sword, but all count
as wielding Javelins (-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots)

Orange Cowboy Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle, Run and Gun

Orange Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears top hat and

Orange Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears cowboy hat,
with guns pointed forward)
Orange Cowboy with Pistol- 4pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3), has
hand reaching into the holster of another Pistol

Orange Cowboy Deputy with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (Can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), wears no hat and braces his pistol to fire

Orange Wild West- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Colonels and 50 Chiefs

Orange Cowboy Colonel with Twin Pistols- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Twin Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Orange Indian Chief with Gun- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Gun and Bow, can choose either
in Shooting (holds a Bow in the other hand), Reflex Shots (S3) when charged

Orange Modern- CORE Units

Orange Machine Gunner- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Machine Gun, Run and Gun

Orange Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle, Run and Gun

Orange Police Officer with Baton and Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol

Orange Police Officer with Rifle- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle, Run and Gun

Orange Miner with 2 Handed Pickaxe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S5, I0, A1, 6+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Orange Fireman with Fire Axe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves
Orange SWAT with Assault Rifle- 5pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Orange Police- Dog Patrol- 7pts, Moves ‘6’, Charges ‘9’

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3 from
Officer attached to the leash of the Dog)

Orange Modern- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Grenadiers, 50 Officers, 50 Commandos and 50 Monsters

Orange Grenadier- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Grenades

Orange Commando with Assault Rifle- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Orange Officer with Pistol- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat)

Orange Monster- 12pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with their bare hands, sharp teeth,
claws or other weapons which are of little significance

Orange Modern Heavy Units

Limit of 9 Bazookas or SWAT with Bazookas in total (can have a mix of both)
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, 9 Mortars, 15 Flamethrowers, 20 Snipers

Orange Sniper- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Orange Bazooka- 48pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Orange SWAT with Bazooka- 50pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)
Orange Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 14pts
-T3, W2, S3, I2, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Heavy MG

Orange Flamethrower- 40pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Flamethrower (See pages 20
and 21 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Orange Mortar- 36pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Mortar (See page 18 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Orange Space- CORE Units

Orange Alien Blaster- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Orange Alien Brute- 10pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S5, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with two-handed axe

Orange Alien Bomber- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Grenade, Swift (Can always
move ‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)

Orange Astronaut with Blaster- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Orange Veteran Brawler- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, armed with bare fists

Orange Veteran Gunner- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Hand Cannon (Heavy, ‘18’, S4,
2 shots, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+)

Orange Veteran Ranger- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun and wears cowboy hat

Orange Veteran Elite- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle
Orange Astronaut Zombie- 8pts
-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Orange Colonial Marine- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Riot Gun (Fast Fire,
‘18’, S4, 2 shots at ‘12’, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+) Reflex Shots (S4)

Orange Shock Trooper: 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Electric Baton (Electric and
Magical Attacks, each hit generates 1 Strength 3 attack at the most), Electric
attacks are always Strength 2 against Shock Troopers

Orange Stunner- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I6, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Lady armed with Stun Gun (Auto, ‘12’, S3, on
a roll of 6 to hit it causes 1 unsaved wound in Shooting or Close Combat, Reflex
Shots (S3)

Orange Colonial Radsuit- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I7, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, has fuel pack hooked up to their
flamethrower hoses, Fire attacks

Orange Colonial Heavy Axeman- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Axe (-2 to Numb
Orange Space- Specialist Units
Limit of 50 Spacemen, 50 Silencers and 50 Turtle Blasters

Orange Spaceman- 12pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Gatling Laser (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 3

Orange Turtle Blaster- 12pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, has pincers and a turtle shell which opens
up to their: Belly Blaster (Auto, ‘24’, S5, 1 shot, 2 shots at ‘12’ or less in Shooting)

Orange Silencer- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, has furry body and Armed with Scoped Laser
Rifle (Heavy, ‘36’, Strength 5, 1 shot), Shooting hits like Snipers (hits on 2+
against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Orange Space- Heavy Units

Limit of 50 Golems, 50 Assault Droids and 50 Cyborg Brawlers

Orange Alien Golem: 20pts

-T5, W3, S5, I3, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with rocky fists

Orange Assault Droid: 20pts

-T4, W1, S4, I2, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Dual Combat
Shotguns (Auto, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Can re-roll misses in Shooting and Close
Combat), Reflex Shots (S4)

Orange Veteran Cyborg Brawler: 20pts

-T5, W2, S5, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with robotic fists
Pink Army List: ‘The Horror’

Horrors from Outer Space:

Pink Units have enhanced close combat statistics (Initiative and Attacks) and
they pay a higher points value to accommodate this. Pink units must Charge in
the Close Combat Phase if allowed (that is, they have not fired with Fast Fire or
Heavy Weapons), and they must charge the closest enemy unit.

Pink Prehistory- CORE Units

Pink Caveman with Club: 6pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Reduces Armour Saves by -2

Pink Caveman with Axe: 6pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Reduces Numb Saves by -2

Pink Caveman with Rocks: 6pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Throws Rocks (‘12’, S3, 1 shot, Auto, Reflex
Shots when Charged unless already in Close Combat)

Pink Medieval- CORE Units

Pink Knight with Sword- 14pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I5, A3, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close

Pink Knight with Mace- 14pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I5, A3, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Pink Knight with Axe- 14pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I5, A3, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Pink Knight with Spear- 14pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I6, A3, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 5 against Cavalry

Pink Crossbowman- 6pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Crossbow (Heavy, ‘24’, S4, 1 shot,
-1 to Armour Saves)
Pink Bowman- 6pts each
-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow

Pink Skeleton with Sword and Shield- 6pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Pink Skeleton with Mace- 6pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Pink Skeleton with Spear and Shield- 6pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry,
Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Pink Skeleton with Twin Axes- 6pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A3, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Pink Skeleton with Bow- 6pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat and on 4+ in Shooting

Pink Zombie- 10pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Pink Barbarian with 2 Handed Sword- 10pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A3, 5+ Numb Save

Pink Duellist with 2 Swords- 10pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I6, A3, 5+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Pink Elven Ranger- 8pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I6, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow, Reflex Shots (S3), Shooting
hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)
Pink Fire Mage with Grey Staff- 10pts each
-T3, W2, S4, I5, A3, 5+ Numb Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Fire attacks
(Magical), Fire attacks are Strength 2 against Fire Mages, Fireball (Auto, ‘18’, S4,
roll a D6 for each unit: divide result by 2 rounding up to calculate how many
Strength 4 Shots (1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3)

Pink Lightning Mage with White Staff- 10pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I5, A3, 5+ Numb Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Electric
attacks (Magical), Electric attacks are Strength 2 against Lightning Mages, Chain
Lightning (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, for each successful hit 1 S3 Electric attack is
generated at the most. Also used in Close Combat and can generate up to 3
Strength 3 attacks each if charging and all 3 attacks hit)

Pink Medieval- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Mounted Knights, 50 Dwarven Clansmen and 50 Trolls

Mounted Pink Knight with Sword- 18pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A3, 2+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only
be affected by Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them

Mounted Pink Knight with Mace- 18pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A3, 2+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Pink Knight with Axe- 18pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A3, 2+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Pink Dwarven Clansman with Warhammer- 18pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A3, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves,
Diehards (can re-roll CCR rolls on 2D6 if they lose in Close Combat)

Pink Troll with Big Axe- 18pts each

-T4, W3, S5, I3, A4, 3+ Numb Save, -1 to Armour Saves, Dauntless, Weak against
Fire attacks (Fire attacks ignore Troll Numb Saves)
Pink Exploration- CORE Units

Pink Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia) can arrive as Raft Reinforcements. See
the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Pink Pirate with Pistol- 10pts

-T4, W1, S4, I6, A3, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Pink Pirate Militia Banner Bearer with Sword- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Numb Save

Pink Pirate Militia Swordsman- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Pink Pirate Militia Rifleman- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Pink Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Gun- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun

Pink Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Pistol- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Pink Pirate Militia Swashbuckler- 7pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A3, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Pink Pirate Militia Buccaneer with 2 Pistols- 7pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A3, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with 2 Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Pink Pirate Militia Buccaneer with Gun and Pistol- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun and Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3)
Pink Wild West- CORE Units
Pink Indian units can arrive as Canoe Reinforcements. See the Army Men PAZCIK
Rulebook for details of this.

Pink Indian Shooter- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Pink Indian Archer- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow

Pink Indian Spearman- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I6, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry

Pink Indian Bull with Shotgun- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun (They have horns on
their heads)

Pink Indian Bearman- 7pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A3, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs

Pink Indian Night Hunter- 7pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A3, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Axe (crawls on the ground)
and can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Ignores Terrain when moving and can
even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain)

Pink Indian Spear Thrower with Shield- 7pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A3, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Javelin or Sword, but all count
as wielding Javelins (-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots)

Pink Cowboy Rifleman- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Pink Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears
top hat and coat)

Pink Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears cowboy hat, with
guns pointed forward)
Pink Cowboy with Pistol- 6pts
-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3), has hand
reaching into the holster of another Pistol

Pink Cowboy Deputy with Pistol- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (Can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), wears no hat and braces his pistol to fire

Pink Wild West- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Colonels and 50 Chiefs

Pink Cowboy Colonel with Twin Pistols- 9pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A3, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Twin Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Pink Indian Chief with Gun- 9pts

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A3, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun and Bow, can choose either
in Shooting (holds a Bow in the other hand), Reflex Shots (S3) when charged

Pink Modern- CORE Units

Pink Machine Gunner- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Machine Gun

Pink Rifleman- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Pink Police Officer with Baton and Pistol- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A3, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Pink Police Officer with Rifle- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Pink Miner with 2 Handed Pickaxe- 6pts

-T3, W1, S5, I1, A2, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Pink Fireman with Fire Axe- 6pts

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Numb Saves
Pink SWAT with Assault Rifle- 7pts
-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Pink Police- Dog Patrol- 9pts, Moves ‘6’, Charges ‘9’

-T3, W2, S4, I5, A3, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex
Shots, S3 from Officer attached to the leash of the Dog)

Pink Modern- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Grenadiers, 50 Officers, 50 Commandos and 50 Monsters

Pink Grenadier- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Grenades

Pink Commando with Assault Rifle- 7pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Pink Officer with Pistol- 9pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat)

Pink Monster- 14pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A3, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with their bare hands, sharp teeth,
claws or other weapons which are of little significance

Pink Modern Heavy Units

Limit of 9 Bazookas or SWAT with Bazookas in total (can have a mix of both)
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, 9 Mortars, 15 Flamethrowers, 20 Snipers

Pink Sniper- 7pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Pink Bazooka- 50pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Pink SWAT with Bazooka- 52pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bazooka (See
page 20 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)
Pink Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 16pts
-T3, W2, S3, I3, A4, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Heavy MG

Pink Flamethrower- 42pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Flamethrower (See pages 20 and
21 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Pink Mortar- 38pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Mortar (See page 18 of the Army
Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Pink Space- CORE Units

Pink Alien Blaster- 10pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Pink Alien Brute- 12pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S5, I5, A3, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with two-handed axe

Pink Alien Bomber- 10pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Grenade, Swift (Can always move
‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)

Pink Astronaut with Blaster- 10pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’,
S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Pink Veteran Brawler- 10pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A3, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, armed with bare fists

Pink Veteran Gunner- 10pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Hand Cannon
(Heavy, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+)

Pink Veteran Ranger- 10pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun and
wears cowboy hat

Pink Veteran Elite- 10pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Assault Rifle
Pink Astronaut Zombie- 10pts
-T4, W1, S4, I1, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Pink Colonial Marine- 18pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Dauntless, Armed with Riot
Gun (Fast Fire, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots at ‘12’, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+) Reflex
Shots (S4)

Pink Shock Trooper: 10pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A3, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Electric Baton
(Electric and Magical Attacks, each hit generates 1 Strength 3 attack at the
most), Electric attacks are always Strength 2 against Shock Troopers

Pink Stunner- 9pts

-T3, W2, S3, I7, A3, 5+ Dodge Save, Lady armed with Stun Gun (Auto, ‘12’, S3, on
a roll of 6 to hit it causes 1 unsaved wound in Shooting or Close Combat, Reflex
Shots (S3)

Pink Colonial Radsuit- 18pts

-T4, W1, S4, I8, A3, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Dauntless, has fuel pack
hooked up to their flamethrower hoses, Fire attacks

Pink Colonial Heavy Axeman- 18pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A3, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Dauntless, Armed with Axe
(-2 to Numb Saves)

Pink Space- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Spacemen, 50 Silencers and 50 Turtle Blasters

Pink Spaceman- 14pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gatling Laser
(Auto, ‘18’, S4, 3 shots)

Pink Turtle Blaster- 14pts

-T4, W2, S4, I5, A3, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, has pincers and a turtle shell
which opens up to their: Belly Blaster (Auto, ‘24’, S5, 1 shot, 2 shots at ‘12’ or
less in Shooting)
Pink Silencer- 10pts
-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Numb Save, has furry body and Armed with Scoped Laser
Rifle (Heavy, ‘36’, Strength 5, 1 shot), Shooting hits like Snipers (hits on 2+
against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Pink Space- Heavy Units

Limit of 50 Golems, 50 Assault Droids and 50 Cyborg Brawlers

Pink Alien Golem: 22pts

-T5, W3, S5, I4, A3, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with rocky fists

Pink Assault Droid: 22pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A3, 2+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Dual Combat
Shotguns (Auto, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Can re-roll misses in Shooting and Close
Combat), Reflex Shots (S4)

Pink Veteran Cyborg Brawler: 20pts

-T5, W2, S5, I4, A3, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with
robotic fists
Purple Nation Army List

Sands of Time
Purple models can re-roll misses once in Shooting and Close Combat. Guess
weapons (Cannons, Mortars, Catapults) and Bazookas are an exception to this

Purple Prehistory- CORE Units

Purple Caveman with Club: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Reduces Armour Saves by -2

Purple Caveman with Axe: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Reduces Numb Saves by -2

Purple Caveman with Rocks: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Throws Rocks (‘12’, S3, 1 shot, Auto, Reflex
Shots when Charged unless already in Close Combat)

Purple Medieval- CORE Units

Purple Knight with Sword- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, Can re-roll misses in Close

Purple Knight with Mace- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Purple Knight with Axe- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Purple Knight with Spear- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I5, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, Strength 5 against Cavalry
Purple Crossbowman- 4pts each
-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Crossbow (Heavy, ‘24’, S4, 1
shot, -1 to Armour Saves)

Purple Bowman- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow

Purple Skeleton with Sword and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Purple Skeleton with Mace- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Purple Skeleton with Spear and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry,
Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Purple Skeleton with Twin Axes- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Purple Skeleton with Bow- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat and on 4+ in Shooting

Purple Zombie- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Purple Barbarian with 2 Handed Sword- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save

Purple Duellist with 2 Swords- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Purple Elven Ranger- 6pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 4+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow, Reflex Shots (S3), Shooting
hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)
Purple Fire Mage with Grey Staff- 8pts each
-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Fire attacks
(Magical), Fire attacks are Strength 2 against Fire Mages, Fireball (Auto, ‘18’, S4,
roll a D6 for each unit: divide result by 2 rounding up to calculate how many
Strength 4 Shots (1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3)

Purple Lightning Mage with White Staff- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Electric
attacks (Magical), Electric attacks are Strength 2 against Lightning Mages, Chain
Lightning (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, for each successful hit 1 S3 Electric attack is
generated at the most. Also used in Close Combat and can generate up to 3
Strength 3 attacks each if charging and all 3 attacks hit)

Purple Medieval- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Mounted Knights, 50 Dwarven Clansmen and 50 Trolls

Mounted Purple Knight with Sword- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only
be affected by Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them

Mounted Purple Knight with Mace- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Purple Knight with Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Purple Dwarven Clansman with Warhammer- 16pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, -2 to Armour Saves,
Diehards (can re-roll CCR rolls on 2D6 if they lose in Close Combat)

Purple Troll with Big Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W3, S5, I2, A3, 4+ Numb Save, 5+ Dodge Save, -1 to Armour Saves,
Dauntless, Weak against Fire attacks (Fire attacks ignore Troll Numb Saves)
Purple Exploration- CORE Units

Purple Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia) can arrive as Raft Reinforcements.
See the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Purple Pirate with Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol

Purple Pirate Militia Banner Bearer with Sword- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Dodge Save

Purple Pirate Militia Swordsman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Purple Pirate Militia Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifle

Purple Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Gun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Gun

Purple Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol

Purple Pirate Militia Swashbuckler- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol

Purple Pirate Militia Buccaneer with 2 Pistols- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with 2 Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Purple Pirate Militia Buccaneer with Gun and Pistol- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Gun and Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3)
Purple Wild West- CORE Units
Purple Indian units can arrive as Canoe Reinforcements. See the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Purple Indian Shooter- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifle

Purple Indian Archer- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow

Purple Indian Spearman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry

Purple Indian Bull with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Shotgun (They have horns on
their heads)

Purple Indian Bearman- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs

Purple Indian Night Hunter- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Axe (crawls on the ground)
and can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Ignores Terrain when moving and can
even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain)

Purple Indian Spear Thrower with Shield- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Armed with Javelin or Sword, but all count
as wielding Javelins (-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots)

Purple Cowboy Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifle

Purple Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears top hat and coat)

Purple Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears cowboy hat, with
guns pointed forward)
Purple Cowboy with Pistol- 4pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3), has hand
reaching into the holster of another Pistol

Purple Cowboy Deputy with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol (Can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), wears no hat and braces his pistol to fire

Purple Wild West- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Colonels and 50 Chiefs

Purple Cowboy Colonel with Twin Pistols- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Purple Indian Chief with Gun- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Gun and Bow, can choose either
in Shooting (holds a Bow in the other hand), Reflex Shots (S3) when charged

Purple Modern- CORE Units

Purple Machine Gunner- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Machine Gun

Purple Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifle

Purple Police Officer with Baton and Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol

Purple Police Officer with Rifle- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifle

Purple Miner with 2 Handed Pickaxe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S5, I0, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Purple Fireman with Fire Axe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, -2 to Numb Saves
Purple SWAT with Assault Rifle- 5pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Purple Police- Dog Patrol- 7pts, Moves ‘6’, Charges ‘9’

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3 from
Officer attached to the leash of the Dog)

Purple Modern- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Grenadiers, 50 Officers, 50 Commandos and 50 Monsters

Purple Grenadier- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Grenades

Purple Commando with Assault Rifle- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Dodge Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Purple Officer with Pistol- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat)

Purple Monster- 12pts

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with their bare hands, sharp teeth,
claws or other weapons which are of little significance

Purple Modern Heavy Units

Limit of 9 Bazookas or SWAT with Bazookas in total (can have a mix of both)
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, 9 Mortars, 15 Flamethrowers, 20 Snipers

Purple Sniper- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Purple Bazooka- 48pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), hits on a 3+ instead of a 4+ always.

Purple SWAT with Bazooka- 48pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), hits on a 3+ instead of a 4+ always.
Purple Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 14pts
-T3, W2, S3, I2, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Heavy MG

Purple Flamethrower- 40pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Flamethrower (See pages 20 and
21 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Purple Mortar- 36pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Mortar (See page 18 of the Army
Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Purple Space- CORE Units

Purple Alien Blaster- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Purple Alien Brute- 10pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S5, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with two-handed axe

Purple Alien Bomber- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Grenade, Swift (Can always move
‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)

Purple Astronaut with Blaster- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Purple Veteran Brawler- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, armed with bare fists

Purple Veteran Gunner- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Cannon (Heavy, ‘18’, S4, 2
shots, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+)

Purple Veteran Ranger- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Shotgun and wears cowboy hat

Purple Veteran Elite- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Assault Rifle
Purple Astronaut Zombie- 8pts
-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Purple Colonial Marine- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, Dauntless, Armed with Riot
Gun (Fast Fire, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots at ‘12’, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+) Reflex
Shots (S4)

Purple Shock Trooper: 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Electric Baton (Electric and
Magical Attacks, each hit generates 1 Strength 3 attack at the most), Electric
attacks are always Strength 2 against Shock Troopers

Purple Stunner- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I6, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Lady armed with Stun Gun (Auto, ‘12’, S3, on
a roll of 6 to hit it causes 1 unsaved wound in Shooting or Close Combat, Reflex
Shots (S3)

Purple Colonial Radsuit- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I7, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, Dauntless, has fuel pack
hooked up to their flamethrower hoses, Fire attacks

Purple Colonial Heavy Axeman- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, Dauntless, Armed with Axe
(-2 to Numb Saves)

Purple Space- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Spacemen, 50 Silencers and 50 Turtle Blasters

Purple Spaceman- 12pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Gatling Laser (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 3

Purple Turtle Blaster- 12pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, has pincers and a turtle shell which opens up
to their: Belly Blaster (Auto, ‘24’, S5, 1 shot, 2 shots at ‘12’ or less in Shooting)
Purple Silencer- 8pts
-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, has furry body and Armed with Scoped Laser
Rifle (Heavy, ‘36’, Strength 5, 1 shot), Shooting hits like Snipers (hits on 2+
against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Purple Space- Heavy Units

Limit of 50 Golems, 50 Assault Droids and 50 Cyborg Brawlers

Purple Alien Golem: 20pts

-T5, W3, S5, I3, A2, No Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with rocky fists

Purple Assault Droid: 20pts

-T4, W1, S4, I2, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Dual Combat
Shotguns (Auto, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Can re-roll misses in Shooting and Close
Combat), Reflex Shots (S4)

Purple Veteran Cyborg Brawler: 20pts

-T5, W2, S5, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed
with robotic fists
Red Nation Army List

The Red Army:

Red models are 2pts cheaper; this is will always be reflected in the unit’s

Red Prehistory- CORE Units

Red Caveman with Club: 2pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, No Save, Reduces Armour Saves by -2

Red Caveman with Axe: 2pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, No Save, Reduces Numb Saves by -2

Red Caveman with Rocks: 2pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Throws Rocks (‘12’, S3, 1 shot, Auto, Reflex Shots
when Charged unless already in Close Combat)

Red Medieval- CORE Units

Red Knight with Sword- 10pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat

Red Knight with Mace- 10pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Red Knight with Axe- 10pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Red Knight with Spear- 10pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I5, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Strength 5 against Cavalry

Red Crossbowman- 2pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Crossbow (Heavy, ‘24’, S4, 1
shot, -1 to Armour Saves)

Red Bowman- 2pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Bow
Red Skeleton with Sword and Shield- 2pts each
-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Red Skeleton with Mace- 2pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Red Skeleton with Spear and Shield- 2pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry,
Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Red Skeleton with Twin Axes- 2pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Red Skeleton with Bow- 2pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat and on 4+ in Shooting

Red Zombie- 6pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Red Barbarian with 2 Handed Sword- 6pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, No Save

Red Duellist with 2 Swords- 6pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Red Elven Ranger- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow, Reflex Shots (S3), Shooting
hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Red Fire Mage with Grey Staff- 6pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, No Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Fire attacks
(Magical), Fire attacks are Strength 2 against Fire Mages, Fireball (Auto, ‘18’, S4,
roll a D6 for each unit: divide result by 2 rounding up to calculate how many
Strength 4 Shots (1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3)
Red Lightning Mage with White Staff- 6pts each
-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, No Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Electric attacks
(Magical), Electric attacks are Strength 2 against Lightning Mages, Chain
Lightning (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, for each successful hit 1 S3 Electric attack is
generated at the most. Also used in Close Combat and can generate up to 3
Strength 3 attacks each if charging and all 3 attacks hit)

Red Medieval- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Mounted Knights, 50 Dwarven Clansmen and 50 Trolls

Mounted Red Knight with Sword- 14pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Red Knight with Mace- 14pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as
normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement
Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Red Knight with Axe- 14pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as
normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement
Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Red Dwarven Clansman with Warhammer- 14pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Diehards (can re-roll
CCR rolls on 2D6 if they lose in Close Combat)

Red Troll with Big Axe- 14pts each

-T4, W3, S5, I2, A3, 4+ Numb Save, -1 to Armour Saves, Dauntless, Weak against
Fire attacks (Fire attacks ignore Troll Numb Saves)
Red Exploration- CORE Units

Red Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia) can arrive as Raft Reinforcements. See
the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Red Pirate with Pistol- 6pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, No Save, Armed with Pistol

Red Pirate Militia Banner Bearer with Sword- 2pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Red Pirate Militia Swordsman- 2pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Red Pirate Militia Rifleman- 2pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle

Red Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Gun- 2pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun

Red Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Pistol- 2pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Red Pirate Militia Swashbuckler- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with Pistol

Red Pirate Militia Buccaneer with 2 Pistols- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with 2 Pistols (2 shots in Shooting Phase)

Red Pirate Militia Buccaneer with Gun and Pistol- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Gun and Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3)
Red Wild West- CORE Units
Red Indian units can arrive as Canoe Reinforcements. See the Army Men PAZCIK
Rulebook for details of this.

Red Indian Shooter- 2pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle

Red Indian Archer- 2pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Bow

Red Indian Spearman- 2pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, No Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry

Red Indian Bull with Shotgun- 2pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Shotgun (They have horns on their

Red Indian Bearman- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs

Red Indian Night Hunter- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Axe (crawls on the ground)
and can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Ignores Terrain when moving and can
even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain)

Red Indian Spear Thrower with Shield- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Javelin or Sword, but all count
as wielding Javelins (-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots)

Red Cowboy Rifleman- 2pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle

Red Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun- 2pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears top hat and

Red Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 2pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears cowboy hat, with guns
pointed forward)
Red Cowboy with Pistol- 2pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3), has hand
reaching into the holster of another Pistol

Red Cowboy Deputy with Pistol- 2pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Pistol (Can re-roll misses in Shooting
and Close Combat), wears no hat and braces his pistol to fire

Red Wild West- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Colonels and 50 Chiefs

Red Cowboy Colonel with Twin Pistols- 5pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with Twin Pistols (2 shots in Shooting Phase)

Red Indian Chief with Gun- 5pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, No Save, Armed with Gun and Bow, can choose either in
Shooting (holds a Bow in the other hand), Reflex Shots (S3) when charged

Red Modern- CORE Units

Red Machine Gunner- 2pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Machine Gun

Red Rifleman- 2pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle

Red Police Officer with Baton and Pistol- 2pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol

Red Police Officer with Rifle- 2pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle

Red Miner with 2 Handed Pickaxe- 2pts

-T3, W1, S5, I0, A1, No Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Red Fireman with Fire Axe- 2pts

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, No Save, -2 to Numb Saves
Red SWAT with Assault Rifle- 3pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Red Police- Dog Patrol- 5pts, Moves ‘6’, Charges ‘9’

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3 from
Officer attached to the leash of the Dog)

Red Modern- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Grenadiers, 50 Officers, 50 Commandos and 50 Monsters

Red Grenadier- 2pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Grenades

Red Commando with Assault Rifle- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Red Officer with Pistol- 5pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-roll misses in Shooting
and Close Combat)

Red Monster- 10pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with their bare hands, sharp teeth, claws or
other weapons which are of little significance

Red Modern Heavy Units

Limit of 9 Bazookas or SWAT with Bazookas in total (can have a mix of both)
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, 9 Mortars, 15 Flamethrowers, 40 Snipers

Red Sniper- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like Snipers
(hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Red Bazooka- 46pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook)

Red SWAT with Bazooka- 48pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)
Red Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 12pts
-T3, W2, S3, I2, A2, No Save, Armed with Heavy MG

Red Flamethrower- 38pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Flamethrower (See pages 20 and 21 of
the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Red Mortar- 34pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Mortar (See page 18 of the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook)

Red Space- CORE Units

Red Alien Blaster- 6pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Red Alien Brute- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S5, I4, A2, No Save, Armed with two-handed axe

Red Alien Bomber- 6pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Grenade, Swift (Can always move ‘6’ in
Run and Victory Run moves)

Red Astronaut with Blaster- 6pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Red Veteran Brawler- 6pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, armed with bare fists

Red Veteran Gunner- 6pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Hand Cannon (Heavy, ‘18’, S4,
2 shots, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+)

Red Veteran Ranger- 6pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun and wears cowboy hat

Red Veteran Elite- 6pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle
Red Astronaut Zombie- 6pts
-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Red Colonial Marine- 14pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Riot Gun (Fast Fire,
‘18’, S4, 2 shots at ‘12’, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+) Reflex Shots (S4)

Red Shock Trooper: 6pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Electric Baton (Electric and
Magical Attacks, each hit generates 1 Strength 3 attack at the most), Electric
attacks are always Strength 2 against Shock Troopers

Red Stunner- 5pts

-T3, W2, S3, I6, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Lady armed with Stun Gun (Auto, ‘12’, S3, on
a roll of 6 to hit it causes 1 unsaved wound in Shooting or Close Combat, Reflex
Shots (S3)

Red Colonial Radsuit- 14pts

-T4, W1, S4, I7, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, has fuel pack hooked up to their
flamethrower hoses, Fire attacks

Red Colonial Heavy Axeman- 14pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Axe (-2 to Numb

Big Red Cowboy with Pistol- 5pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Pistol (and has hand reaching into the
holster of another pistol), ALWAYS gets Reflex Shots when Charged

Big Red Cowboy Rifleman- 5pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle

Big Red Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 6pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Shotgun and wears Cowboy hat

Big Red Indian Archer- 5pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Bow
Big Red Indian Shooter- 5pts
-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifle

Big Red Indian Bearman- 6pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Axes and Swords or Clubs, but
none of these reduce Saves.

Big Red Indian Night Hunters- 6pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Axe and crawls on the
ground, can re-roll misses once in Close Combat, ignores Terrain when Moving
(can even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain)

Big Red Indian Spear Thrower- 6pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Sword and Shield or Javelin and
Shield. Their Javelins are S4 -1 to Armour Saves due to the increased strength of
the thrower.

Red Space- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Spacemen, 50 Silencers, 50 Turtle Blasters and 50 Cowboy Colonels

Red Spaceman- 10pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Gatling Laser (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 3

Red Turtle Blaster- 10pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, has pincers and a turtle shell which opens
up to their: Belly Blaster (Auto, ‘24’, S5, 1 shot, 2 shots at ‘12’ or less in Shooting)

Red Silencer- 6pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, has furry body and Armed with Scoped Laser
Rifle (Heavy, ‘36’, Strength 5, 1 shot), Shooting hits like Snipers (hits on 2+
against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Big Red Cowboy Colonel with 2 Pistols- 9pts

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with 2 Pistols (gets 2 shots in Shooting Phase)
Red Space- Heavy Units
Limit of 50 Golems, 50 Assault Droids and 50 Cyborg Brawlers

Red Alien Golem: 18pts

-T5, W3, S5, I3, A2, No Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with rocky fists

Red Assault Droid: 18pts

-T4, W1, S4, I2, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Dual Combat
Shotguns (Auto, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Can re-roll misses in Shooting and Close
Combat), Reflex Shots (S4)

Red Veteran Cyborg Brawler: 18pts

-T5, W2, S5, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with robotic fists
Royalist Army List

Volley Fire:
Models with ranged weapons (Automatic or Fast Fire) often have the ability to
fire 2 shots each in the Shooting Phase rather than 1 in the Shooting Phase.
Models who have this rule will always have this included in their unit statistics.

Models with ranged weapons (Automatic or Fast Fire) often get Reflex Shots
when charged by an enemy unit while they are in Cover. Models who have this
rule will always have this included in their unit statistics.

Royalist Prehistory- CORE Units

Royalist Caveman with Club: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Reduces Armour Saves by -2

Royalist Caveman with Axe: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Reduces Numb Saves by -2

Royalist Caveman with Rocks: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Throws Rocks (‘12’, S3, 1 shot, Auto, Reflex
Shots when Charged unless already in Close Combat), Volley Fire (throws 2
Rocks each)

Royalist Medieval- CORE Units

Royalist Knight with Sword- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat

Royalist Knight with Mace- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Royalist Knight with Axe- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Royalist Knight with Spear- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I5, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Strength 5 against Cavalry
Royalist Crossbowman- 4pts each
-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Crossbow (Heavy, ‘24’, S4, 1
shot, -1 to Armour Saves), Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Bowman- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Bow, Volley Fire (fires 2 shots
each), Entrench

Royalist Skeleton with Sword and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Royalist Skeleton with Mace- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Slow,
Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Royalist Skeleton with Spear and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry,
Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Royalist Skeleton with Twin Axes- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A2, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits
enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Royalist Skeleton with Bow- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Slow,
Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat and on 4+ in
Shooting, Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Zombie- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits
enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Royalist Barbarian with 2 Handed Sword- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save

Royalist Duellist with 2 Swords- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat
Royalist Elven Ranger- 6pts each
-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow, Reflex Shots (S3), Shooting
hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units),
Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Fire Mage with Grey Staff- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Close Combat, Reflex Shots and Shooting
are Fire attacks (Magical), Fire attacks are Strength 2 against Fire Mages,
Fireball Volley (Auto, ‘18’, S4, roll a D6 for each unit to calculate how many
Strength 4 Shots (1-3 = 2, 4-6 = 3), Entrench (1 shot)

Royalist Lightning Mage with White Staff- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Close Combat, Reflex Shots and Shooting
are Electric attacks (Magical), Electric attacks are Strength 2 against Lightning
Mages, Sustained Chain Lightning (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 3 shots, for each successful hit
1 S3 Electric attack is generated at the most. Also used in Close Combat and can
generate up to 3 Strength 3 attacks each if charging and all 3 attacks hit),
Entrench (1 shot)

Royalist Medieval- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Mounted Knights, 50 Dwarven Clansmen and 50 Trolls

Mounted Royalist Knight with Sword- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Royalist Knight with Mace- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as
normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement
Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Royalist Knight with Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as
normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement
Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Royalist Dwarven Clansman with Warhammer- 16pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Diehards (can re-roll
CCR rolls on 2D6 if they lose in Close Combat)
Royalist Troll with Big Axe- 16pts each
-T4, W3, S5, I2, A3, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, -1 to Armour Saves,
Dauntless, Weak against Fire attacks (Fire attacks ignore Troll Numb Saves)

Royalist Exploration- CORE Units

Royalist Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia) can arrive as Raft Reinforcements.
See the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Royalist Musketeer- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Bayonet Rifle (S4 vs Cavalry in
Close Combat), Volley Fire (fires 2 Shots each), Entrench

Royalist Pirate with Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol, Volley Fire (fires 2 Shots
each), Entrench

Royalist Pirate Militia Banner Bearer with Sword- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save

Royalist Pirate Militia Swordsman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Royalist Pirate Militia Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle, Volley Fire (fires 2 shots
each), Entrench

Royalist Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Gun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun, Volley Fire
(fires 2 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol, Volley
Fire (fires 2 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Pirate Militia Swashbuckler- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol, Volley Fire (fires 2 shots
each), Entrench
Royalist Pirate Militia Buccaneer with 2 Pistols- 5pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with 2 Pistols, Volley Fire (fires 3
shots each), Entrench

Royalist Pirate Militia Buccaneer with Gun and Pistol- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Gun and Pistol (Reflex Shots,
S3), Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Wild West- CORE Units

Royalist Indian units can arrive as Canoe Reinforcements. See the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Blue Indian Migrant (BIM) Spearman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry, Can arrive within
‘12’ of friendly Royalist or BIM units in the Reinforcements Phase

Blue Indian Migrant (BIM) Bearman- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs, ,
Can arrive within ‘12’ of friendly Royalist or BIM units in the Reinforcements

Royalist Indian Shooter- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle, Volley Fire (fires 2 shots
each), Entrench

Royalist Indian Archer- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Bow, Volley Fire (fires 2 shots
each), Entrench

Royalist Indian Spearman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry

Royalist Indian Bull with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (They have horns on
their heads), Volley Fire (fires 3 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Indian Bearman- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs
Royalist Indian Night Hunter- 5pts
-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Axe (crawls on the ground)
and can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Ignores Terrain when moving and can
even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain)

Royalist Indian Spear Thrower with Shield- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Javelin or Sword, but all count
as wielding Javelins (-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots), Volley
Fire (Throws 2 Javelins each), Entrench

Royalist Cowboy Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle, Volley Fire (fires 2 shots
each), Entrench

Royalist Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears top hat and
coat), Volley Fire (fires 3 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears cowboy hat,
with guns pointed forward), Volley Fire (fires 3 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Cowboy with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3), has
hand reaching into the holster of another Pistol, Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each),

Royalist Cowboy Deputy with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (Can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), wears no hat and braces his pistol to fire, Volley
Fire (fires 2 shots each), Entrench
Royalist Wild West- Specialist Units
Limit of 50 Colonels and 50 Chiefs

Royalist Cowboy Colonel with Twin Pistols- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Twin Pistols, Volley Fire (fires
3 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Indian Chief with Gun- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Gun and Bow, can choose either
in Shooting (holds a Bow in the other hand), Reflex Shots (S3) when charged,
Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each), Entrench
Royalist Plastic War- CORE Units
All Caramel Plastic War models armed with Rifles are assumed to have
Bayonets and gain +1 Initiative included in their profile

Plastic War Caramel Royalist Machine Gunner- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Machine Gun, Assumed to use
Bayonets in Close Combat (S4 vs Cavalry), Entrench

Plastic War Blue Royalist Machine Gunner- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Machine Gun, Assumed to use
Bayonets in Close Combat (S4 vs Cavalry), Entrench, Can arrive within ‘12’ of
friendly Royalist or BIM units in the Reinforcements Phase

Plastic War Caramel Royalist Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Bayonet Rifle (S4 vs Cavalry in
Close Combat), Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each), Entrench

Plastic War Blue Royalist Rifleman- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bayonet Rifle (S4 vs Cavalry in
Close Combat), Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each), Entrench, Can arrive within ‘12’
of friendly Royalist or BIM units in the Reinforcements Phase

Royalist Plastic War- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Officers, Grenadiers, Bagpipers

Plastic War Caramel Royalist Grenadier- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Grenades and Bayonet Rifle (S4
vs Cavalry in Close Combat) which can be fired in the Shooting Phase or used in
Reflex Shots where allowed, Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each), Entrench

Plastic War Blue Royalist Grenadier- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Grenades and Bayonet Rifle (S4
vs Cavalry in Close Combat) which can be fired in the Shooting Phase or used in
Reflex Shots where allowed, Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each), Entrench, Can arrive
within ‘12’ of friendly Royalist or BIM units in the Reinforcements Phase

Plastic War Caramel Royalist Officer with Pistol- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 6+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-
roll misses in Shooting and Close Combat), Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each),
Plastic War Blue Royalist Officer with Pistol- 8pts
-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each), Entrench, Can
arrive within ‘12’ of friendly Royalist or BIM units in the Reinforcements Phase

Plastic War Caramel Royalist Bagpiper- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Sonic Pipes (Automatic, ‘12’,
S4, 2 shots, ignores Cover Saves, does NOT need Line of Sight to fire), Entrench

Plastic War Blue Royalist Bagpiper- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Sonic Pipes (Automatic, ‘12’, S4,
2 shots, ignores Cover Saves, does NOT need Line of Sight to fire), Entrench, Can
arrive within ‘12’ of friendly Royalist or BIM units in the Reinforcements Phase
Royalist Plastic War- Heavy Units
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs
Limit of 20 Snipers

Plastic War Caramel Royalist Sniper- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units), Entrench
(S3 shot from Pistol, hits on 3+ by default)

Plastic War Blue Royalist Sniper- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units), Entrench
(S3 shot from Pistol, hits on 3+ by default), Can arrive within ‘12’ of friendly
Royalist or BIM units in the Reinforcements Phase

Plastic War Caramel Royalist Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 14pts
-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Heavy MG, Entrench, (S3 shot
from Pistol: 2 shots each if model still has W2 left, hits on 3+ by default)

Plastic War Blue Royalist Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 16pts
-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Heavy MG, Entrench, (S3 shot
from Pistol: 2 shots each if model still has W2 left, hits on 3+ by default)
Royalist Modern- CORE Units

Royalist Machine Gunner- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Machine Gun, Assumed to use
Bayonets in Close Combat (S4 vs Cavalry), Entrench

Royalist Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Bayonet Rifle (S4 vs Cavalry in
Close Combat), Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Police Officer with Baton and Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol, Volley Fire (fires 2 shots
each), Entrench

Royalist Police Officer with Rifle- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle, Volley Fire (fires 2 shots
each), Entrench

Royalist Miner with 2 Handed Pickaxe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S5, I0, A1, 6+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Royalist Fireman with Fire Axe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Royalist SWAT with Assault Rifle- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle, Volley Fire (fires
3 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Police- Dog Patrol- 7pts, Moves ‘6’, Charges ‘9’

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3 from
Officer attached to the leash of the Dog), Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each),
Royalist Modern- Specialist Units
Limit of 50 Grenadiers, 50 Officers, 50 Commandos and 50 Monsters

Royalist Grenadier- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Grenades and Bayonet Rifle (S4
vs Cavalry in Close Combat) which can be fired in the Shooting Phase or used in
Reflex Shots where allowed, Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Commando with Assault Rifle- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Assault Rifle, Volley Fire (fires 3
shots each), Entrench

Royalist Officer with Pistol- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Monster- 12pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with their bare hands, sharp teeth,
claws or other weapons which are of little significance

Royalist Modern Heavy Units

Limit of 9 Bazookas or SWAT with Bazookas in total (can have a mix of both)
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, 9 Mortars, 15 Flamethrowers, 20 Snipers

Royalist Sniper- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Royalist Bazooka- 48pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Royalist SWAT with Bazooka- 50pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Royalist Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 14pts

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Heavy MG
Royalist Flamethrower- 40pts
-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Flamethrower (See pages 20
and 21 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), Entrench

Royalist Mortar- 36pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Mortar (See page 18 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Royalist Space- CORE Units

Royalist Alien Blaster- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot),
Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Alien Brute- 10pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S5, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with two-handed axe

Royalist Alien Bomber- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Grenade, Swift (Can always
move ‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)

Royalist Astronaut with Blaster- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot),
Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Veteran Brawler- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, armed with bare fists

Royalist Veteran Gunner- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Hand Cannon (Heavy, ‘18’, S4,
2 shots, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+), Volley Fire (fires 3 shots each),

Royalist Veteran Ranger- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun and wears cowboy hat,
Volley Fire (fires 3 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Veteran Elite- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle, Volley Fire (fires
3 shots each), Entrench
Royalist Astronaut Zombie- 8pts
-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits
enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Royalist Colonial Marine- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Riot Gun (Fast Fire,
‘18’, S4, 2 shots at ‘12’, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+), Volley Fire (fires 2
shots at ‘13’ to ‘18’ if standing still, fires 3 shots each at ‘12’ or less in Shooting),

Royalist Shock Trooper: 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Electric Baton (Electric and
Magical Attacks, each hit generates 1 Strength 3 attack at the most), Electric
attacks are always Strength 2 against Shock Troopers

Royalist Stunner- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I6, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Lady armed with Stun Gun (Auto, ‘12’, S3, on
a roll of 6 to hit it causes 1 unsaved wound in Shooting or Close Combat, Reflex
Shots (S3), Volley Fire (fires 2 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Colonial Radsuit- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I7, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, has fuel pack hooked up to their
flamethrower hoses, Fire attacks

Royalist Colonial Heavy Axeman- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Axes (-2 to Numb

Royalist Space- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Spacemen, 50 Silencers and 50 Turtle Blasters

Royalist Spaceman- 12pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Gatling Laser (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 3
shots), Volley Fire (fires 4 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Turtle Blaster- 12pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, has pincers and a turtle shell which opens
up to their: Belly Blaster (Auto, ‘24’, S5, 1 shot, 2 shots at ‘12’ or less in Shooting),
Volley Fire (fires 3 shots each at ‘12’ or less, fires 2 shots at ’13’ to ‘24’ if
standing still), Entrench
Royalist Silencer- 8pts
-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, has furry body and Armed
with Scoped Laser Rifle (Heavy, ‘36’, Strength 5, 1 shot), Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Royalist Space- Heavy Units

Limit of 50 Golems, 50 Assault Droids and 50 Cyborg Brawlers

Royalist Alien Golem: 20pts

-T5, W3, S5, I3, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with rocky fists

Royalist Assault Droid: 20pts

-T4, W1, S4, I2, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Dual Combat
Shotguns (Auto, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Can re-roll misses in Shooting and Close
Combat), Reflex Shots (S4), Volley Fire (fires 3 shots each), Entrench

Royalist Veteran Cyborg Brawler: 20pts

-T5, W2, S5, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with robotic fists
Shadow Army List

Seeing Shadows:
Shadow models, unless stated otherwise, are always hit by enemy models on a
4+ in Shooting and Close Combat (3+ in Shooting by those with ‘Shooting hits
like Snipers’). However, Undead units (Skeletons and Zombies) will always hit
them on a 3+ in Close Combat.

ALL Shadow models have the Dauntless rule. If this unit is defeated in Close
Combat, they receive 1 wound (which can be saved if available) for each wound
that they lost by, but the Dauntless unit will not be destroyed via CCR (Close
Combat Resolution).

Shadow Prehistory- CORE Units

Shadow Caveman with Club: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, No Save, Reduces Armour Saves by -2

Shadow Caveman with Axe: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, No Save, Reduces Numb Saves by -2

Shadow Caveman with Rocks: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Throws Rocks (‘12’, S3, 1 shot, Auto, Reflex Shots
when Charged unless already in Close Combat)

Shadow Medieval- CORE Units

Shadow Knight with Sword- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat

Shadow Knight with Mace- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Shadow Knight with Axe- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Shadow Knight with Spear- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I5, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Strength 5 against Cavalry
Shadow Crossbowman- 4pts each
-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Crossbow (Heavy, ‘24’, S4, 1
shot, -1 to Armour Saves)

Shadow Bowman- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Bow

Shadow Skeleton with Sword and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Slow, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Shadow Skeleton with Mace- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Slow, Always hits enemy
models on 3+ in Close Combat

Shadow Skeleton with Spear and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry,
Slow, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Shadow Skeleton with Twin Axes- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in
Close Combat

Shadow Skeleton with Bow- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Slow, Always hits enemy
models on 3+ in Close Combat and on 4+ in Shooting

Shadow Zombie- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in
Close Combat

Shadow Barbarian with 2 Handed Sword- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, No Save

Shadow Duellist with 2 Swords- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Shadow Elven Ranger- 6pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow, Reflex Shots (S3), Shooting
hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)
Shadow Fire Mage with Grey Staff- 8pts each
-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, No Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Fire attacks
(Magical), Fire attacks are Strength 2 against Fire Mages, Fireball (Auto, ‘18’, S4,
roll a D6 for each unit: divide result by 2 rounding up to calculate how many
Strength 4 Shots (1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3)

Shadow Lightning Mage with White Staff- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, No Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Electric attacks
(Magical), Electric attacks are Strength 2 against Lightning Mages, Chain
Lightning (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, for each successful hit 1 S3 Electric attack is
generated at the most. Also used in Close Combat and can generate up to 3
Strength 3 attacks each if charging and all 3 attacks hit)

Shadow Medieval- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Mounted Knights, 50 Dwarven Clansmen and 50 Trolls

Mounted Shadow Knight with Sword- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Shadow Knight with Mace- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as
normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement
Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Shadow Knight with Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as
normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement
Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Shadow Dwarven Clansman with Warhammer- 16pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Diehards (can re-roll
CCR rolls on 2D6 if they lose in Close Combat)

Shadow Troll with Big Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W3, S5, I2, A3, 4+ Numb Save, -1 to Armour Saves, Weak against Fire attacks
(Fire attacks ignore Troll Numb Saves)
Shadow Exploration- CORE Units

Shadow Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia) can arrive as Raft Reinforcements.
See the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Shadow Pirate with Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, No Save, Armed with Pistol

Shadow Pirate Militia Banner Bearer with Sword- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save

Shadow Pirate Militia Swordsman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Shadow Pirate Militia Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle

Shadow Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Gun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun

Shadow Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Shadow Pirate Militia Swashbuckler- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with Pistol

Shadow Pirate Militia Buccaneer with 2 Pistols- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with 2 Pistols (2 shots in Shooting Phase)

Shadow Pirate Militia Buccaneer with Gun and Pistol- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Gun and Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3)
Shadow Wild West- CORE Units
Shadow Indian units can arrive as Canoe Reinforcements. See the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Shadow Indian Shooter- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle

Shadow Indian Archer- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Bow

Shadow Indian Spearman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, No Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry

Shadow Indian Bull with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Shotgun (They have horns on their

Shadow Indian Bearman- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs

Shadow Indian Night Hunter- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Axe (crawls on the ground)
and can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Ignores Terrain when moving and can
even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain)

Shadow Indian Spear Thrower with Shield- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Javelin or Sword, but all count
as wielding Javelins (-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots)

Shadow Cowboy Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle

Shadow Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears top hat and

Shadow Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears cowboy hat, with guns
pointed forward)
Shadow Cowboy with Pistol- 4pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3), has hand
reaching into the holster of another Pistol

Shadow Cowboy Deputy with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Pistol (Can re-roll misses in Shooting
and Close Combat), wears no hat and braces his pistol to fire

Shadow Wild West- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Colonels and 50 Chiefs

Shadow Cowboy Colonel with Twin Pistols- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with Twin Pistols (2 shots in Shooting Phase)

Shadow Indian Chief with Gun- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, No Save, Armed with Gun and Bow, can choose either in
Shooting (holds a Bow in the other hand), Reflex Shots (S3) when charged

Shadow Modern- CORE Units

Shadow Machine Gunner- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Machine Gun

Shadow Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle

Shadow Police Officer with Baton and Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol

Shadow Police Officer with Rifle- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle

Shadow Miner with 2 Handed Pickaxe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S5, I0, A1, No Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Shadow Fireman with Fire Axe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, No Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Shadow SWAT with Assault Rifle- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle
Shadow Police- Dog Patrol- 7pts, Moves ‘6’, Charges ‘9’
-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3 from
Officer attached to the leash of the Dog)

Shadow Modern- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Grenadiers, 50 Officers, 50 Commandos and 50 Monsters

Shadow Grenadier- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Grenades

Shadow Commando with Assault Rifle- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Shadow Officer with Pistol- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-roll misses in Shooting
and Close Combat)

Shadow Monster- 12pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with their bare hands, sharp teeth, claws or
other weapons which are of little significance

Shadow Modern Heavy Units

Limit of 9 Bazookas or SWAT with Bazookas in total (can have a mix of both)
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, 9 Mortars, 15 Flamethrowers, 20 Snipers

Shadow Sniper- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like Snipers
(hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Shadow Bazooka- 48pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook)

Shadow SWAT with Bazooka- 50pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Shadow Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 14pts

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A2, No Save, Armed with Heavy MG
Shadow Flamethrower- 40pts
-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Flamethrower (See pages 20 and 21 of
the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Shadow Mortar- 36pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Mortar (See page 18 of the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook)

Shadow Space- CORE Units

Shadow Alien Blaster- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Shadow Alien Brute- 10pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S5, I4, A2, No Save, Armed with two-handed axe

Shadow Alien Bomber- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Grenade, Swift (Can always move ‘6’ in
Run and Victory Run moves)

Shadow Astronaut with Blaster- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Shadow Veteran Brawler- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, armed with bare fists

Shadow Veteran Gunner- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Hand Cannon (Heavy, ‘18’, S4,
2 shots, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+)

Shadow Veteran Ranger- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun and wears cowboy hat

Shadow Veteran Elite- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Shadow Astronaut Zombie- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in
Close Combat
Shadow Colonial Marine- 16pts
-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 3+ Armour Save, Armed with Riot Gun (Fast Fire, ‘18’, S4, 2
shots at ‘12’, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+) Reflex Shots (S4)

Shadow Shock Trooper: 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Electric Baton (Electric and
Magical Attacks, each hit generates 1 Strength 3 attack at the most), Electric
attacks are always Strength 2 against Shock Troopers

Shadow Stunner- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I6, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Lady armed with Stun Gun (Auto, ‘12’, S3, on
a roll of 6 to hit it causes 1 unsaved wound in Shooting or Close Combat, Reflex
Shots (S3)

Shadow Colonial Radsuit- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I7, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, has fuel pack hooked up to their
flamethrower hoses, Fire attacks

Shadow Colonial Heavy Axeman- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Axe (-2 to Numb

Shadow Space- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Spacemen, 50 Silencers and 50 Turtle Blasters

Shadow Spaceman- 12pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Gatling Laser (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 3

Shadow Turtle Blaster- 12pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, has pincers and a turtle shell which opens
up to their: Belly Blaster (Auto, ‘24’, S5, 1 shot, 2 shots at ‘12’ or less in Shooting)

Shadow Silencer- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, has furry body and Armed with Scoped Laser
Rifle (Heavy, ‘36’, Strength 5, 1 shot), Shooting hits like Snipers (hits on 2+
against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)
Shadow Space- Heavy Units
Limit of 50 Golems, 50 Assault Droids and 50 Cyborg Brawlers

Shadow Alien Golem: 20pts

-T5, W3, S5, I3, A2, No Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with rocky fists

Shadow Assault Droid: 20pts

-T4, W1, S4, I2, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Dual Combat
Shotguns (Auto, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Can re-roll misses in Shooting and Close
Combat), Reflex Shots (S4)

Shadow Veteran Cyborg Brawler: 20pts

-T5, W2, S5, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with robotic fists
Silver Army List

Silver models always have an Armour Save of at least 4+ and this will always be
included in a model’s statistics.

Silver Prehistory- CORE Units

Silver Caveman with Club: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Reduces Armour Saves by -2

Silver Caveman with Axe: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Reduces Numb Saves by -2

Silver Caveman with Rocks: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Throws Rocks (‘12’, S3, 1 shot, Auto, Reflex
Shots when Charged unless already in Close Combat)

Silver Medieval- CORE Units

Silver Knight with Sword- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat

Silver Knight with Mace- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Silver Knight with Axe- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Silver Knight with Spear- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I5, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Strength 5 against Cavalry

Silver Crossbowman- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Crossbow (Heavy, ‘24’, S4, 1
shot, -1 to Armour Saves)

Silver Bowman- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Bow
Silver Skeleton with Sword and Shield- 4pts each
-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Slow,
Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Silver Skeleton with Mace- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 4+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Silver Skeleton with Spear and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry, Slow, Dauntless,
Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Silver Skeleton with Twin Axes- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Silver Skeleton with Bow- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Bow, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat and on 4+ in Shooting

Silver Zombie- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Silver Barbarian with 2 Handed Sword- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save

Silver Duellist with 2 Swords- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Silver Elven Ranger- 6pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Bow, Reflex Shots (S3), Shooting
hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Silver Fire Mage with Grey Staff- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Fire attacks
(Magical), Fire attacks are Strength 2 against Fire Mages, Fireball (Auto, ‘18’, S4,
roll a D6 for each unit: divide result by 2 rounding up to calculate how many
Strength 4 Shots (1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3)
Silver Lightning Mage with White Staff- 8pts each
-T3, W3, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Electric
attacks (Magical), Electric attacks are Strength 2 against Lightning Mages, Chain
Lightning (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, for each successful hit 1 S3 Electric attack is
generated at the most. Also used in Close Combat and can generate up to 3
Strength 3 attacks each if charging and all 3 attacks hit)

Silver Medieval- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Mounted Knights, 50 Dwarven Clansmen and 50 Trolls

Mounted Silver Knight with Sword- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 1+ Armour Save (a roll of 1 will still fail), Can re-roll misses in
Close Combat, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can
only be affected by Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow
them down)

Mounted Silver Knight with Mace- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 1+ Armour Save (a roll of 1 will still fail), -2 to Armour Saves,
Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected
by Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Silver Knight with Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 1+ Armour Save (a roll of 1 will still fail), -2 to Numb Saves,
Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected
by Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Silver Dwarven Clansman with Warhammer- 16pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 2+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Diehards (can re-roll
CCR rolls on 2D6 if they lose in Close Combat)

Silver Troll with Big Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W3, S5, I2, A3, 4+ Armour Save, -1 to Armour Saves, Dauntless, Weak
against Fire attacks (Fire attacks ignore Troll Numb Saves)
Silver Exploration- CORE Units

Silver Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia) can arrive as Raft Reinforcements.
See the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Silver Pirate with Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol

Silver Pirate Militia Banner Bearer with Sword- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save

Silver Pirate Militia Swordsman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Silver Pirate Militia Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle

Silver Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Gun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Gun

Silver Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol

Silver Pirate Militia Swashbuckler- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol

Silver Pirate Militia Buccaneer with 2 Pistols- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with 2 Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Silver Pirate Militia Buccaneer with Gun and Pistol- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Gun and Pistol (Reflex Shots,
Silver Wild West- CORE Units
Silver Indian units can arrive as Canoe Reinforcements. See the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Silver Indian Shooter- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle

Silver Indian Archer- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Bow

Silver Indian Spearman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry

Silver Indian Bull with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (They have horns on
their heads)

Silver Indian Bearman- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs

Silver Indian Night Hunter- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Hand Axe (crawls on the
ground) and can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Ignores Terrain when moving
and can even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain)

Silver Indian Spear Thrower with Shield- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Javelin or Sword, but all count
as wielding Javelins (-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots)

Silver Cowboy Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle

Silver Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears top hat and

Silver Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears cowboy hat,
with guns pointed forward)
Silver Cowboy with Pistol- 4pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3), has
hand reaching into the holster of another Pistol

Silver Cowboy Deputy with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (Can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), wears no hat and braces his pistol to fire

Silver Wild West- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Colonels and 50 Chiefs

Silver Cowboy Colonel with Twin Pistols- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Twin Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Silver Indian Chief with Gun- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Gun and Bow, can choose either
in Shooting (holds a Bow in the other hand), Reflex Shots (S3) when charged

Silver Modern- CORE Units

Silver Machine Gunner- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Machine Gun

Silver Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle

Silver Police Officer with Baton and Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol

Silver Police Officer with Rifle- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle

Silver Miner with 2 Handed Pickaxe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S5, I0, A1, 4+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Silver Fireman with Fire Axe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves
Silver SWAT with Assault Rifle- 5pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Silver Police- Dog Patrol- 7pts, Moves ‘6’, Charges ‘9’

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3 from
Officer attached to the leash of the Dog)

Silver Modern- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Grenadiers, 50 Officers, 50 Commandos and 50 Monsters

Silver Grenadier- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Grenades

Silver Commando with Assault Rifle- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Silver Officer with Pistol- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat)

Silver Monster- 12pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with their bare hands, sharp teeth,
claws or other weapons which are of little significance

Silver Modern Heavy Units

Limit of 9 Bazookas or SWAT with Bazookas in total (can have a mix of both)
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, 9 Mortars, 15 Flamethrowers, 20 Snipers

Silver Sniper- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Silver Bazooka- 48pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Silver SWAT with Bazooka- 48pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)
Silver Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 14pts
-T3, W2, S3, I2, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Heavy MG

Silver Flamethrower- 40pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Flamethrower (See pages 20
and 21 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Silver Mortar- 36pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Mortar (See page 18 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Silver Space- CORE Units

Silver Alien Blaster- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Silver Alien Brute- 10pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S5, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with two-handed axe

Silver Alien Bomber- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Grenade, Swift (Can always
move ‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)

Silver Astronaut with Blaster- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Silver Veteran Brawler- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, armed with bare fists

Silver Veteran Gunner- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Hand Cannon (Heavy, ‘18’, S4,
2 shots, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+)

Silver Veteran Ranger- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun and wears cowboy hat

Silver Veteran Elite- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle
Silver Astronaut Zombie- 8pts
-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Silver Colonial Marine- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 2+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Riot Gun (Fast Fire,
‘18’, S4, 2 shots at ‘12’, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+) Reflex Shots (S4)

Silver Shock Trooper: 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Electric Baton (Electric and
Magical Attacks, each hit generates 1 Strength 3 attack at the most), Electric
attacks are always Strength 2 against Shock Troopers

Silver Stunner- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I6, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Lady armed with Stun Gun (Auto, ‘12’, S3,
on a roll of 6 to hit it causes 1 unsaved wound in Shooting or Close Combat,
Reflex Shots (S3)

Silver Colonial Radsuit- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I7, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Dauntless, has fuel pack hooked up to their
flamethrower hoses, Fire attacks

Silver Colonial Heavy Axeman- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Axe (-2 to Numb

Silver Space- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Spacemen, 50 Silencers and 50 Turtle Blasters

Silver Spaceman- 12pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Gatling Laser (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 3

Silver Turtle Blaster- 12pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, has pincers and a turtle shell which opens
up to their: Belly Blaster (Auto, ‘24’, S5, 1 shot, 2 shots at ‘12’ or less in Shooting)
Silver Silencer- 8pts
-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 4+ Armour Save, has furry body and Armed with Scoped Laser
Rifle (Heavy, ‘36’, Strength 5, 1 shot), Shooting hits like Snipers (hits on 2+
against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Silver Space- Heavy Units

Limit of 50 Golems, 50 Assault Droids and 50 Cyborg Brawlers

Silver Alien Golem: 20pts

-T5, W3, S5, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with rocky fists

Silver Assault Droid: 20pts

-T4, W1, S4, I2, A2, 1+ Armour Save (a roll of 1 still fails), Dauntless, Armed with
Dual Combat Shotguns (Auto, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Can re-roll misses in Shooting
and Close Combat), Reflex Shots (S4)

Silver Veteran Cyborg Brawler: 20pts

-T5, W2, S5, I3, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with robotic fists
Swamp Nation Army List

All Swamp units with this rule have move like they are ALWAYS moving in Terrain
and can pick the highest of 2D6 when Moving and Charging. Any exceptions to
this rule will be included in the model’s statistics (e.g. Cavalry)

All Swamp units with this rule can Move in the Movement Phase and still shoot
with Heavy Weapons in the Shooting Phase. This rule will always be included in
a model’s statistics.

If a Swamp unit with this rule is fired upon by an enemy unit in the Shooting
Phase, roll a D6. On a roll of 4+ that Swamp unit will move D6 towards the unit
which fired upon it, around friendly and enemy units and terrain if need be. If
the Swamp unit contacts the enemy unit in this way, it will count as Charging.
Also, this move can be used to Link-Up with another Swamp unit if it definitely
will not reach the enemy unit who fired at them AND ends its move within ‘2’ of
this friendly unit as normal.

Swamp Prehistory- CORE Units

Swamp Caveman with Club: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Reduces Armour Saves by -2, Slow,

Swamp Caveman with Axe: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Reduces Numb Saves by -2, Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Caveman with Rocks: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Throws Rocks (‘12’, S3, 1 shot, Auto, Reflex
Shots when Charged unless already in Close Combat), Slow, Uninhibited
Swamp Medieval- CORE Units

Swamp Knight with Sword- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Knight with Mace- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Slow,

Swamp Knight with Axe- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Slow,

Swamp Knight with Spear- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I5, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 5 against Cavalry,
Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Crossbowman- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Crossbow
(Heavy, ‘24’, S4, 1 shot, -1 to Armour Saves), Slow, Dogged

Swamp Bowman- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Slow,

Swamp Skeleton with Sword and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Slow, Dauntless, Uninhibited, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close

Swamp Skeleton with Mace- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Slow, Dauntless,
Uninhibited, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Swamp Skeleton with Spear and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry,
Slow, Dauntless, Uninhibited, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat
Swamp Skeleton with Twin Axes- 4pts each
-T3, W1, S3, I2, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Uninhibited, Always hits
enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Swamp Skeleton with Bow- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Slow, Dauntless,
Uninhibited, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat and on 4+ in

Swamp Zombie- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Uninhibited, Always hits
enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Swamp Barbarian with 2 Handed Sword- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Duellist with 2 Swords- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat, Slow,

Swamp Elven Ranger- 6pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Reflex Shots (S3), Shooting
hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units),
Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Fire Mage with Grey Staff- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Fire attacks
(Magical), Fire attacks are Strength 2 against Fire Mages, Fireball (Auto, ‘18’, S4,
roll a D6 for each unit: divide result by 2 rounding up to calculate how many
Strength 4 Shots (1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3), Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Lightning Mage with White Staff- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Electric
attacks (Magical), Electric attacks are Strength 2 against Lightning Mages, Chain
Lightning (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, for each successful hit 1 S3 Electric attack is
generated at the most. Also used in Close Combat and can generate up to 3
Strength 3 attacks each if charging and all 3 attacks hit), Slow, Uninhibited
Swamp Medieval- Specialist Units
Limit of 50 Mounted Knights, 50 Dwarven Clansmen and 50 Trolls

Mounted Swamp Knight with Sword- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘9’, this move can only be
affected by Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them
down), Uninhibited

Mounted Swamp Knight with Mace- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘9’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down),

Mounted Swamp Knight with Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 2+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘9’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down),

Swamp Dwarven Clansman with Warhammer- 16pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Slow,
Uninhibited, Diehards (can re-roll CCR rolls on 2D6 if they lose in Close Combat)

Swamp Troll with Big Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W3, S5, I2, A3, 3+ Numb Save, -1 to Armour Saves, Dauntless, Weak against
Fire attacks (Fire attacks ignore Troll Numb Saves), Slow, Uninhibited
Swamp Exploration- CORE Units

Swamp Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia) can arrive as Raft Reinforcements.
See the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Swamp Pirate with Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol, Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Pirate Militia Banner Bearer with Sword- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Pirate Militia Swordsman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat, Slow,

Swamp Pirate Militia Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle, Slow

Swamp Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Gun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Guns, Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol, Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Pirate Militia Swashbuckler- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol, Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Pirate Militia Buccaneer with 2 Pistols- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with 2 Pistols (2 shots in Shooting
Phase), Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Pirate Militia Buccaneer with Gun and Pistol- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun and Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3),
Slow, Uninhibited
Swamp Wild West- CORE Units
Swamp Indian units can arrive as Canoe Reinforcements. See the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Swamp Indian Shooter- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle, Slow

Swamp Indian Archer- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Indian Spearman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry, Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Indian Bull with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun (They have horns on
their heads), Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Indian Bearman- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs, Slow,

Swamp Indian Night Hunter- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Hand Axe (crawls on the ground)
and can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Ignores Terrain when moving and can
even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain), Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Indian Spear Thrower with Shield- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Javelin or Sword, but all count as
wielding Javelins (-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots), Slow,

Swamp Cowboy Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle, Slow

Swamp Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears
top hat and coat), Slow, Uninhibited
Swamp Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 4pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears cowboy hat, with
guns pointed forward), Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Cowboy with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3), has hand
reaching into the holster of another pistol, Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Cowboy Deputy with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (Can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), wears no hat and braces his pistol to fire, Slow,

Swamp Wild West- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Colonels and 50 Chiefs

Swamp Cowboy Colonel with Twin Pistols- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Twin Pistols (2 shots in Shooting
Phase), Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Indian Chief with Gun- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun and Bow, can choose either
in Shooting (holds a Bow in the other hand), Reflex Shots (S3) when charged,
Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Modern- CORE Units

Swamp Machine Gunner- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Machine Gun, Slow

Swamp Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle, Slow

Swamp Police Officer with Baton and Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol, Slow,

Swamp Police Officer with Rifle- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle, Slow
Swamp Miner with 2 Handed Pickaxe- 4pts
-T3, W1, S5, I0, A1, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Fireman with Fire Axe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp SWAT with Assault Rifle- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Assault Rifle,
Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Police- Dog Patrol- 7pts, Charges ‘9’

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex
Shots, S3 from Officer attached to the leash of the Dog), Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Modern- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Grenadiers, 50 Officers, 50 Commandos and 50 Monsters

Swamp Grenadier- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Grenades, Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Commando with Assault Rifle- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Assault Rifle, Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Officer with Pistol- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Monster- 12pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with their bare hands, sharp teeth,
claws or other weapons which are of little significance, Slow, Uninhibited
Swamp Modern Heavy Units
Limit of 9 Bazookas or SWAT with Bazookas in total (can have a mix of both)
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, 9 Mortars, 15 Flamethrowers, 20 Snipers

Swamp Sniper- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units), Slow,

Swamp Bazooka- 48pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), Slow, Dogged

Swamp SWAT with Bazooka- 50pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bazooka (See
page 20 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), Slow, Dogged

Swamp Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 14pts

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Heavy MG, Slow, Dogged

Swamp Flamethrower- 40pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Flamethrower (See pages 20 and
21 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Mortar- 36pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Mortar (See page 18 of the Army
Men PAZCIK Rulebook), Slow, Dogged

Swamp Space- CORE Units

Swamp Alien Blaster- 8pts, Moves ‘6’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot),

Swamp Alien Brute- 10pts, Moves ‘6’

-T4, W1, S5, I4, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with two-handed axe, Uninhibited
Swamp Alien Bomber- 8pts, Moves ‘6’
-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Grenade, Swift (Can always move
‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves), Uninhibited

Swamp Astronaut with Blaster- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’,
S4, Auto, 1 shot), Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Veteran Brawler- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, armed with bare fists, Slow,

Swamp Veteran Gunner- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Hand Cannon
(Heavy, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+), Slow, Dogged

Swamp Veteran Ranger- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotguns and
wears cowboy hats, Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Veteran Elite- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Assault Rifles,
Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Astronaut Zombie- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Uninhibited, Dauntless, Always hits
enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Swamp Colonial Marine- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Dauntless, Armed with Riot
Gun (Fast Fire, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots at ‘12’, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+) Reflex
Shots (S4), Slow

Swamp Shock Trooper: 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Electric Baton
(Electric and Magical Attacks, each hit generates 1 Strength 3 attack at the
most), Electric attacks are always Strength 2 against Shock Troopers, Slow,
Swamp Stunner- 7pts
-T3, W2, S3, I6, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Lady armed with Stun Gun (Auto, ‘12’, S3, on
a roll of 6 to hit it causes 1 unsaved wound in Shooting or Close Combat, Reflex
Shots (S3), Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Colonial Radsuit- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I7, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Dauntless, has fuel pack
hooked up to their flamethrower hoses, Fire attacks, Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Colonial Heavy Axeman- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Dauntless, Armed with Axe
(-2 to Numb Saves), Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Space- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Spacemen, 50 Silencers and 50 Turtle Blasters

Swamp Spaceman- 12pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gatling Laser
(Auto, ‘18’, S4, 3 shots), Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Turtle Blaster- 12pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, has pincers and a turtle shell
which opens up to their: Belly Blaster (Auto, ‘24’, S5, 1 shot, 2 shots at ‘12’ or
less in Shooting), Slow, Uninhibited

Swamp Silencer- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 4+ Numb Save, has furry body and armed with Scoped Laser
Rifle (Heavy, ‘36’, Strength 5, 1 shot), Shooting hits like Snipers (hits on 2+
against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units), Slow, Dogged
Swamp Space- Heavy Units
Limit of 50 Golems, 50 Assault Droids and 50 Cyborg Brawlers
Limit of 9 Veteran Heavy MGs and Bazookas
Limit of 20 Veteran Snipers

Swamp Alien Golem: 20pts

-T5, W3, S5, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Uninhibited, Dauntless, armed with
rocky fists

Swamp Assault Droid: 20pts

-T4, W1, S4, I2, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Slow, Uninhibited, Dauntless, Armed with
Dual Combat Shotguns (Auto, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Can re-roll misses in Shooting
and Close Combat), Reflex Shots (S4)

Swamp Veteran Cyborg Brawler: 20pts

-T5, W2, S5, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Uninhibited,
Dauntless, armed with robotic fists

Swamp Veterans with Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 18pts

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Heavy MG,
Slow, Dogged

Swamp Veteran with Bazooka- 52pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bazooka (See
page 20 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), Slow, Dogged

Swamp Veteran Sniper- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Sniper Rifles,
Shooting hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow
units), Slow, Dogged
Tan Nation Army List

Tan Reinforcements: Paratroopers

Reinforcements arrive as a ‘2’ circular blast template with the unit clumped into
this small circle as much as possible. Nominate a location for the unit to arrive
and then choose a direction and the unit will scatter this far away. If the unit
touches a piece of terrain or a model (friendly or enemy), then each model rolls
a D6. On a result of ‘1’ then the model takes 1 unsaved wound automatically.
Once the unit has been placed, it then functions as normal and can Link-Up,
Move, Shoot/Run, Charge as normal.

Tan Prehistory- CORE Units

Tan Caveman with Club: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Reduces Armour Saves by -2

Tan Caveman with Axe: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Reduces Numb Saves by -2

Tan Caveman with Rocks: 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Throws Rocks (‘12’, S3, 1 shot, Auto, Reflex
Shots when Charged unless already in Close Combat)

Tan Medieval- CORE Units

Tan Knight with Sword- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, Can re-roll misses in Close

Tan Knight with Mace- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Tan Knight with Axe- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Tan Knight with Spear- 12pts each

-T3, W1, S4, I5, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, Strength 5 against Cavalry
Tan Crossbowman- 4pts each
-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Crossbow (Heavy, ‘24’, S4, 1
shot, -1 to Armour Saves)

Tan Bowman- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow

Tan Skeleton with Sword and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Tan Skeleton with Mace- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Tan Skeleton with Spear and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry,
Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Tan Skeleton with Twin Axes- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Yellow Skeleton with Bow- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat and on 4+ in Shooting

Tan Zombie- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Tan Barbarian with 2 Handed Sword- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save

Tan Duellist with 2 Swords- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Tan Elven Ranger- 6pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 4+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow, Reflex Shots (S3), Shooting
hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)
Tan Fire Mage with Grey Staff- 8pts each
-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Fire attacks
(Magical), Fire attacks are Strength 2 against Fire Mages, Fireball (Auto, ‘18’, S4,
roll a D6 for each unit: divide result by 2 rounding up to calculate how many
Strength 4 Shots (1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3)

Tan Lightning Mage with White Staff- 8pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Electric
attacks (Magical), Electric attacks are Strength 2 against Lightning Mages, Chain
Lightning (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, for each successful hit 1 S3 Electric attack is
generated at the most. Also used in Close Combat and can generate up to 3
Strength 3 attacks each if charging and all 3 attacks hit)

Tan Medieval- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Mounted Knights, 50 Dwarven Clansmen and 50 Trolls

Mounted Tan Knight with Sword- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only
be affected by Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them

Mounted Tan Knight with Mace- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Tan Knight with Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Tan Dwarven Clansman with Warhammer- 16pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, -2 to Armour Saves,
Diehards (can re-roll CCR rolls on 2D6 if they lose in Close Combat)

Tan Troll with Big Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W3, S5, I2, A3, 4+ Numb Save, 5+ Dodge Save, -1 to Armour Saves,
Dauntless, Weak against Fire attacks (Fire attacks ignore Troll Numb Saves)
Tan Exploration- CORE Units

Tan Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia) can arrive as Raft Reinforcements. See
the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Tan Pirate with Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol

Tan Pirate Militia Banner Bearer with Sword- 3pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Dodge Save

Tan Pirate Militia Swordsman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Tan Pirate Militia Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifle

Tan Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Gun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun

Tan Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Tan Pirate Militia Swashbuckler- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol

Tan Pirate Militia Buccaneer with 2 Pistols- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with 2 Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Tan Pirate Militia Buccaneer with Gun and Pistol- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Gun and Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3)
Tan Wild West- CORE Units
Tan Indian units can arrive as Canoe Reinforcements. See the Army Men PAZCIK
Rulebook for details of this.

Tan Indian Shooter- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifle

Tan Indian Archer- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow

Tan Indian Spearman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry

Tan Indian Bull with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Shotgun (They have horns on
their heads)

Tan Indian Bearman- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs

Tan Indian Night Hunter- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Axe (crawls on the ground)
and can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Ignores Terrain when moving and can
even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain)

Tan Indian Spear Thrower with Shield- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Armed with Javelin or Sword, but all count
as wielding Javelins (-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots)

Tan Cowboy Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifle

Tan Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears top hat and coat)

Tan Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears cowboy hat, with
guns pointed forward)
Tan Cowboy with Pistol- 4pts
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3), has hand
reaching into the holster of another Pistol

Tan Cowboy Deputy with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol (Can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), wears no hat and braces his pistol to fire

Tan Wild West- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Colonels and 50 Chiefs

Tan Cowboy Colonel with Twin Pistols- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Tan Indian Chief with Gun- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Gun and Bow, can choose either
in Shooting (holds a Bow in the other hand), Reflex Shots (S3) when charged
Tan Plastic War- Core Units

Imperial Tan Japanese Prone Machine Gunner- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Machine Gun, Dauntless

Imperial Tan Japanese Rifleman with Bayonet- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifles, S4 against Cavalry in Close
Combat, Dauntless

Tan Plastic War- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Officers with Scimitars
Limit of 50 Grenadiers

Imperial Tan Japanese Officer with Scimitar- 8pts

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Re-roll misses in Close Combat, Dauntless

Imperial Tan Japanese Grenadier- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifle, S4 against Cavalry in Close
Combat, Dauntless, Also armed with Grenades

Tan Plastic War- Heavy Units

Limit of 20 Snipers

Imperial Tan Japanese Sniper- 6pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units), Dauntless
Tan Modern- CORE Units

Tan Machine Gunner- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Machine Gun

Tan Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifle

Tan Police Officer with Baton and Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol

Tan Police Officer with Rifle- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifle

Tan Miner with 2 Handed Pickaxe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S5, I0, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Tan Fireman with Fire Axe- 4pts

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Tan SWAT with Assault Rifle- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Tan Police- Dog Patrol- 7pts, Moves ‘6’, Charges ‘9’

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3 from
Officer attached to the leash of the Dog)

Tan Modern- Specialist Units Part 1

Limit of 50 Grenadiers, 50 Officers, 50 Commandos and 50 Monsters

Tan Grenadier- 4pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Grenades

Tan Commando with Assault Rifle- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Dodge Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Tan Officer with Pistol- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat)
Tan Monster- 12pts
-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with their bare hands, sharp teeth,
claws or other weapons which are of little significance

Tan Modern- Specialist Units Part 2

Limit of 50 Bounty Hunters

Tan Bounty Hunter with Bazooka- 24pts

T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Can only fire Anti-tank Rockets (Strength 8,
Ignores Armour and Numb Saves) in Shooting Phase, Always wounds Skeleton
and Zombie models on 3+ in Shooting or Close Combat. The Anti-tank rockets
are an exception to this and will wound on a 2+ due to being Strength 8 vs
Toughness 3 or 4 Undead.

Tan Bounty Hunter with Fire Axe- 24pts

T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Armed with Fire Axe (Ignores the Numb Saves
of Zombie and Skeleton models), Always wounds Skeleton and Zombie models
on 3+ in Close Combat.

Tan Bounty Hunter with Knife- 24pts

T3, W2, S3, I4, A3, 4+ Dodge Save, Always wounds Skeleton and Zombie models
on 3+ in Close Combat.

Tan Bounty Hunter with Sawed-off Shotgun- 24pts

T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Always gets Reflex Shots when Charged,
Always wounds Skeleton and Zombie models on 3+ in Shooting, Reflex Shots and
Close Combat, Armed with Sawed-off Shotgun (Automatic, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, also
used in Close Combat, deals 2 unsaved wounds to Skeleton and Zombie models
on a 6 to wound in Reflex Shots or in Close Combat)

Tan Bounty Hunter with Twin Uzis OR Twin Pistols- 24pts

T3, W2, S3, I4, A3, 4+ Dodge Save, Always gets Reflex Shots when Charged,
Always wounds Skeleton and Zombie models on 3+ in Shooting, Reflex Shots and
Close Combat, Armed with Twin Uzis/Twin Pistols (Automatic, ‘12’, S3, 2 shots).

Tan Bounty Hunter with 2H Pickaxe or Cleaver- 24pts

T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Always wounds Skeleton and Zombie models
on 3+ in Close Combat, deals 2 unsaved wounds to Skeleton and Zombie models
on a 6 to wound in Close Combat.
Tan Bounty Hunter with Assault Rifle- 24pts
T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Always wounds Skeleton and Zombie models
on 3+ in Shooting, Reflex Shots and Close Combat, Always gets Reflex Shots
when Charged, Armed with Assault Rifle

Tan Bounty Hunter with Long Rifle- 24pts

T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Always wounds Skeleton and Zombie models
on 3+ in Shooting, Reflex Shots and Close Combat, Armed with Long Rifle (Fast
Firing, ‘24’, deals 2 unsaved wounds to Skeleton and Zombie models on a 6 to
wound in Shooting or Reflex Shots, Always gets Reflex Shots when Charged.

Tan Modern Heavy Units

Limit of 9 Bazookas or SWAT with Bazookas in total (can have a mix of both)
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, 9 Mortars, 15 Flamethrowers, 20 Snipers

Tan Sniper- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Tan Bazooka- 48pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Tan SWAT with Bazooka- 48pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Tan Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 14pts

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Heavy MG

Tan Flamethrower- 40pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Flamethrower (See pages 20 and
21 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Tan Mortar- 36pts

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Mortar (See page 18 of the Army
Men PAZCIK Rulebook)
Tan Space- CORE Units

Tan Alien Blaster- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Tan Alien Brute- 10pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S5, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with two-handed axe

Tan Alien Bomber- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Grenade, Swift (Can always move
‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)

Tan Astronaut with Blaster- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Tan Veteran Brawler- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, armed with bare fists

Tan Veteran Gunner- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Cannon (Heavy, ‘18’, S4, 2
shots, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+)

Tan Veteran Ranger- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Shotgun and wears cowboy hat

Tan Veteran Elite- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Tan Astronaut Zombie- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Tan Colonial Marine- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, Dauntless, Armed with Riot
Guns (Fast Fire, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots at ‘12’, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+)
Reflex Shots (S4)
Tan Shock Trooper: 8pts
-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Electric Baton (Electric and
Magical Attacks, each hit generates 1 Strength 3 attack at the most), Electric
attacks are always Strength 2 against Shock Troopers

Tan Stunner- 7pts

-T3, W2, S3, I6, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Lady armed with Stun Gun (Auto, ‘12’, S3, on
a roll of 6 to hit it causes 1 unsaved wound in Shooting or Close Combat, Reflex
Shots (S3)

Tan Colonial Radsuit- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I7, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, Dauntless, has fuel pack
hooked up to their flamethrower hoses, Fire attacks

Tan Colonial Heavy Axeman- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, Dauntless, Armed with Axes
(-2 to Numb Saves)

Big Tan Cowboy with Pistol- 7pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol (and has hand reaching
into the holster of another Pistol), ALWAYS gets Reflex Shots when Charged

Big Tan Cowboy Rifleman- 7pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifle

Big Tan Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Shotgun and wears Cowboy hat

Big Tan Indian Archer- 7pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow

Big Tan Indian Shooter- 7pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifle

Big Tan Indian Bearman- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Armed with Axes and Swords or Clubs, but
none of these reduce Saves.
Big Tan Indian Night Hunters- 8pts
-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 4+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Axe and crawls on the
ground, can re-roll misses once in Close Combat, ignores Terrain when Moving
(can even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain)

Big Tan Indian Spear Thrower- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Armed with Sword and Shield or Javelin and
Shield. Their Javelins are S4 -1 to Armour Saves due to the increased strength of
the thrower.

Tan Space- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Spacemen, 50 Silencers and 50 Turtle Blasters, 50 Cowboy Colonels

Tan Spaceman- 12pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Gatling Laser (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 3

Tan Turtle Blaster- 12pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, has pincers and a turtle shell which opens up
to their: Belly Blaster (Auto, ‘24’, S5, 1 shot, 2 shots at ‘12’ or less in Shooting)

Tan Silencer- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, has furry body and armed with Scoped Laser
Rifle (Heavy, ‘36’, Strength 5, 1 shot), Shooting hits like Snipers (hits on 2+
against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Big Tan Cowboy Colonel with 2 Pistols- 11pts

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with 2 Pistols (gets 2 shots in Shooting
Tan Space- Heavy Units
Limit of 50 Golems, 50 Assault Droids and 50 Cyborg Brawlers
Limit of 9 Veteran Heavy MGs and Bazookas
Limit of 20 Veteran Snipers

Tan Alien Golem: 20pts

-T5, W3, S5, I3, A2, No Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with rocky fists

Tan Assault Droid: 20pts

-T4, W1, S4, I2, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Dual Combat
Shotguns (Auto, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Can re-roll misses in Shooting and Close
Combat), Reflex Shots (S4)

Tan Veteran Cyborg Brawler: 20pts

-T5, W2, S5, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed
with robotic fists

Tan Veterans with Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 18pts

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Heavy MG

Tan Veteran with Bazooka- 52pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Tan Veteran Sniper- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)
Turq Nation Army List

ALL Turq models have the Dauntless rule. If this unit is defeated in Close Combat,
they receive 1 wound (which can be saved if available) for each wound that they
lost by, but the Dauntless unit will not be destroyed via CCR (Close Combat

Turq Prehistory- CORE Units

Turq Caveman with Club: 4pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Reduces Armour Saves by -2

Turq Caveman with Axe: 4pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Reduces Numb Saves by -2

Turq Caveman with Rocks: 4pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Throws Rocks (‘12’, S3, 1 shot, Auto, Reflex
Shots when Charged unless already in Close Combat)

Turq Medieval- CORE Units

Turq Knight with Sword- 12pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat

Turq Knight with Mace- 12pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Turq Knight with Axe- 12pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Turq Knight with Spear- 12pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S4, I5, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Strength 5 against Cavalry
Turq Crossbowman- 4pts each, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Crossbow (Heavy, ‘24’, S4, 1
shot, -1 to Armour Saves)

Turq Bowman- 4pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow

Turq Skeleton with Sword and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Turq Skeleton with Mace- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Always hits enemy
models on 3+ in Close Combat

Turq Skeleton with Spear and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry,
Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Turq Skeleton with Twin Axes- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close

Turq Skeleton with Bow- 4pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat and on 4+ in Shooting

Turq Zombie- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close

Turq Barbarian with 2 Handed Sword- 8pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Dodge Save

Turq Duellist with 2 Swords- 8pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Turq Elven Ranger- 6pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow, Reflex Shots (S3), Shooting
hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)
Turq Fire Mage with Grey Staff- 8pts each, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Fire attacks
(Magical), Fire attacks are Strength 2 against Fire Mages, Fireball (Auto, ‘18’, S4,
roll a D6 for each unit: divide result by 2 rounding up to calculate how many
Strength 4 Shots (1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3)

Turq Lightning Mage with White Staff- 8pts each, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Electric
attacks (Magical), Electric attacks are Strength 2 against Lightning Mages, Chain
Lightning (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, for each successful hit 1 S3 Electric attack is
generated at the most. Also used in Close Combat and can generate up to 3
Strength 3 attacks each if charging and all 3 attacks hit)

Turq Medieval- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Mounted Knights, 50 Dwarven Clansmen and 50 Trolls

Mounted Turq Knight with Sword- 16pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Cavalry
(moves ‘9’ but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement
Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Turq Knight with Mace- 16pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘9’ but
can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement Blocking Terrain,
as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Turq Knight with Axe- 16pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘9’ but
can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement Blocking Terrain,
as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Turq Dwarven Clansman with Warhammer- 16pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Diehards (can re-roll
CCR rolls on 2D6 if they lose in Close Combat)

Turq Troll with Big Axe- 16pts each, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W3, S5, I2, A3, 4+ Numb Save, -1 to Armour Saves, Dauntless, Weak against
Fire attacks (Fire attacks ignore Troll Numb Saves)
Turq Exploration- CORE Units

Turq Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia) can arrive as Raft Reinforcements.
See the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Turq Pirate with Pistol- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I5, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol

Turq Pirate Militia Banner Bearer with Sword- 3pts, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Dodge Save

Turq Pirate Militia Swordsman- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Turq Pirate Militia Rifleman- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifle

Turq Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Gun- 4pts, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Gun

Turq Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Pistol- 4pts, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol

Turq Pirate Militia Swashbuckler- 5pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol

Turq Pirate Militia Buccaneer with 2 Pistols- 5pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with 2 Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Turq Pirate Militia Buccaneer with Gun and Pistol- 5pts

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Gun and Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3)
Turq Wild West- CORE Units
Turq Indian units can arrive as Canoe Reinforcements. See the Army Men PAZCIK
Rulebook for details of this.

Turq Indian Shooter- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifle

Turq Indian Archer- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow

Turq Indian Spearman- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I5, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry

Turq Indian Bull with Shotgun- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Shotgun (They have horns on
their heads)

Turq Indian Bearman- 5pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs

Turq Indian Night Hunter- 5pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Axe (crawls on the ground)
and can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Ignores Terrain when moving and can
even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain)

Turq Indian Spear Thrower with Shield- 5pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Javelin or Sword, but all count
as wielding Javelins (-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots)

Turq Cowboy Rifleman- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifle

Turq Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears
top hat and coat)

Turq Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears cowboy hat, with
guns pointed forward)
Turq Cowboy with Pistol- 4pts, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3), has hand
reaching into the holster of another pistol

Turq Cowboy Deputy with Pistol- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol (Can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), wears no hat and braces his pistol to fire

Turq Wild West- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Colonels and 50 Chiefs

Turq Cowboy Colonel with Twin Pistols- 7pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Turq Indian Chief with Gun- 7pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Gun and Bow, can choose either
in Shooting (holds a Bow in the other hand), Reflex Shots (S3) when charged

Turq Modern- CORE Units

Turq Machine Gunner- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Machine Gun

Turq Rifleman- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Rifle

Turq Police Officer with Baton and Pistol- 4pts, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol

Turq Police Officer with Rifle- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Armour Save, Armed
with Rifles

Turq Miner with 2 Handed Pickaxe- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S5, I0, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Turq Fireman with Fire Axe- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S4, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, -2 to Numb Saves
Turq SWAT with Assault Rifle- 5pts, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Turq Police- Dog Patrol- 7pts, Moves ‘9’, Charges ‘9’

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 5+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3 from
Officer attached to the leash of the Dog)

Turq Modern- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Grenadiers, 50 Officers, 50 Commandos and 50 Monsters

Turq Grenadier- 4pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Grenades

Turq Commando with Assault Rifle- 5pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 4+ Dodge Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Turq Officer with Pistol- 7pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat)

Turq Monster- 12pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with their bare hands, sharp teeth,
claws or other weapons which are of little significance, Swift (Can always move
‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)

Turq Modern Heavy Units

Limit of 9 Bazookas or SWAT with Bazookas in total (can have a mix of both)
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, 9 Mortars, 15 Flamethrowers, 20 Snipers

Turq Sniper- 5pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Turq Bazooka- 48pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)
Turq SWAT with Bazooka- 50pts, Moves ‘9’
-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Bazooka (See
page 20 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Turq Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 14pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Heavy MG

Turq Flamethrower- 40pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Flamethrower (See pages 20 and
21 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Turq Mortar- 36pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Mortar (See page 18 of the Army
Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Turq Space- CORE Units

Turq Alien Blaster- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot),
Swift (Can always move ‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)

Turq Alien Brute- 10pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S5, I4, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with two-handed axe, Swift (Can
always move ‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)

Turq Alien Bomber- 8pts, Moves ‘12’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Grenade, Swift (Can always move
‘6’ in Run and Victory Run moves)

Turq Astronaut with Blaster- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’,
S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Turq Veteran Brawler- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Armour Save, armed with bare fists

Turq Veteran Gunner- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Hand Cannon
(Heavy, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+)
Turq Veteran Ranger- 8pts, Moves ‘9’
-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun and
wears cowboy hat

Turq Veteran Elite- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Turq Astronaut Zombie- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close
Turq Colonial Marine- 16pts, Moves ‘9’
-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Armed with Riot Gun (Fast Fire, ‘18’, S4, 2
shots at ‘12’, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+) Reflex Shots (S4)

Turq Shock Trooper: 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Electric Baton
(Electric and Magical Attacks, each hit generates 1 Strength 3 attack at the
most), Electric attacks are always Strength 2 against Shock Troopers

Turq Stunner- 7pts, Moves ‘9’

-T3, W2, S3, I6, A2, 4+ Dodge Save, Lady armed with Stun Gun (Auto, ‘12’, S3, on
a roll of 6 to hit it causes 1 unsaved wound in Shooting or Close Combat, Reflex
Shots (S3)

Turq Colonial Radsuit- 16pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I7, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Dauntless, has fuel pack hooked up to their
flamethrower hoses, Fire attacks

Turq Colonial Heavy Axeman- 16pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Axe (-2 to Numb

Turq Space- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Spacemen, 50 Silencers and 50 Turtle Blasters

Turq Spaceman- 12pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Gatling Laser
(Auto, ‘18’, S4, 3 shots)

Turq Turtle Blaster- 12pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Armour Save, has pincers and a turtle shell
which opens up to their: Belly Blaster (Auto, ‘24’, S5, 1 shot, 2 shots at ‘12’ or
less in Shooting)

Turq Silencer- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W1, S4, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, 5+ Numb Save, has furry body and Armed
with Scoped Laser Rifle (Heavy, ‘36’, Strength 5, 1 shot), Shooting hits like
Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)
Turq Space- Heavy Units
Limit of 50 Golems, 50 Assault Droids and 50 Cyborg Brawlers

Turq Alien Golem: 20pts

-T5, W3, S5, I3, A2, No Save, Dauntless, armed with rocky fists

Turq Assault Droid: 20pts

-T4, W1, S4, I2, A2, 2+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Dual Combat
Shotguns (Auto, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Can re-roll misses in Shooting and Close
Combat), Reflex Shots (S4)

Turq Veteran Cyborg Brawler: 20pts

-T5, W2, S5, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 5+ Dodge Save, Dauntless, armed with
robotic fists
The Undead Army List

The Angry Dead:

Undead models can always re-roll wounds against other Undead models (units
with Skeleton or Zombie in its unit title from Army Men: PAZCIK or any Army of
Darkness or Dead Egyptian units, and Dead Legionnaires from Army Men:
Domaine) in Close Combat.

Seek the Living:

Undead Skeletons and Zombies ALWAYS hit enemy models on a 3+ in Close
Combat even if they have ‘Seeing Shadows’ or any rule which would make it
more difficult to hit them. In the Shooting phase, Zombie and Skeleton models
ALWAYS hit on a 4+ regardless of other rules.

ALL Undead models have the Dauntless rule. If this unit is defeated in Close
Combat, they receive 1 wound (which can be saved if available) for each wound
that they lost by, but the Dauntless unit will not be destroyed via CCR (Close
Combat Resolution).

All Undead units with this rule have move like they are ALWAYS moving in
Terrain and can pick the highest of 2D6 when Moving and Charging. Any
exceptions to this rule will be included in the model’s statistics (e.g. Cavalry)

Undead Prehistory- CORE Units

Zombie Caveman with Club: 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Reduces Armour Saves by -2

Zombie Caveman with Axe: 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Reduces Numb Saves by -2

Zombie Caveman with Rocks: 4pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Throws Rocks (‘12’, S3, 1 shot, Auto, Reflex
Shots when Charged unless already in Close Combat)
Undead Medieval- CORE Units

Zombie Knight with Sword- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close

Zombie Knight with Mace- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Slow,

Zombie Knight with Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Slow,

Zombie Knight with Spear- 16pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I2, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Strength 5 against Cavalry,
Slow, Uninhibited

Zombie Crossbowman- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Crossbow (Heavy, ‘24’, S4, 1 shot,
-1 to Armour Saves)

Zombie Bowman- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow

Undead Skeleton with Sword and Shield- 2pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Re-rolls misses in Close
Combat, Seek the Living

Undead Skeleton with Mace- 2pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Seek the Living

Undead Skeleton with Spear and Shield- 2pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry,
Seek the Living

Undead Skeleton with Twin Axes- 2pts each

-T3, W1, S3, I2, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Seek the Living
Undead Skeleton with Bow- 2pts each
-T3, W1, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat and on 4+ in Shooting

Undead Zombie- 6pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save

Zombie Barbarian with 2 Handed Sword- 8pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A2, 4+ Numb Save

Zombie Duellist with 2 Swords- 12pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I2, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Zombie Elven Ranger- 10pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I2, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Reflex Shots (S3), Seek the

Zombie Fire Mage with Grey Staff- 12pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I1, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Fire attacks
(Magical), Fire attacks are Strength 2 against Fire Mages, Fireball (Auto, ‘18’, S4,
roll a D6 for each unit: divide result by 2 rounding up to calculate how many
Strength 4 Shots (1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3)

Zombie Lightning Mage with White Staff- 12pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Electric
attacks (Magical), Electric attacks are Strength 2 against Lightning Mages, Chain
Lightning (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, for each successful hit 1 S3 Electric attack is
generated at the most. Also used in Close Combat and can generate up to 3
Strength 3 attacks each if charging and all 3 attacks hit)
Undead Medieval- Specialist Units
Limit of 50 Mounted Knights, 50 Dwarven Clansmen and 50 Trolls
Limit of 50 Necromancers

Mounted Zombie Knight with Sword- 20pts each

-T5, W1, S4, I1, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close
Combat, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘9’, this move can only be
affected by Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them

Mounted Zombie Knight with Mace- 20pts each

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘9’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Zombie Knight with Axe- 20pts each

-T5, W1, S4, I1, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘9’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Zombie Dwarven Clansman with Warhammer- 16pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I0, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Zombie Troll with Big Axe- 20pts each

-T5, W3, S5, I0, A3, 3+ Numb Save, -1 to Armour Saves, Weak against Fire attacks
(Fire attacks ignore Troll Numb Saves)

Zombie Necromancer with Wand and Dagger: 12pts

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A2, 5+ Numb Save
Armed with Drain Life: ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Automatic, also used in Close Combat.
Each unsaved wound successfully dealt by a Necromancer unit, either in the
Shooting or Close Combat phase, will summon 1 Skeleton model assumed to be
equipped with Sword and Shield during the controlling Undead Player’s
Reinforcement Phase within ‘6’ of the Necromancer unit.

Undead, Dead Egyptian, Army of Darkness and Living Dead units are immune to
Drain Life. Necromancers will strike at I3 S3 A2 at these models in Close Combat
(A3 on a Charge as normal), attacking with their Daggers.
Undead Exploration- CORE Units

Undead Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia) can arrive as Raft Reinforcements.
See the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Zombie Pirate with Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I2, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Zombie Pirate Militia Banner Bearer with Sword- 7pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save

Zombie Pirate Militia Swordsman- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Zombie Pirate Militia Rifleman- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Zombie Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Gun- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 3+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun

Zombie Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Pistol- 4pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 3+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Zombie Pirate Militia Swashbuckler- 9pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol, Slow, Uninhibited

Zombie Pirate Militia Buccaneer with 2 Pistols- 9pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with 2 Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Zombie Pirate Militia Buccaneer with Gun and Pistol- 9pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun and Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3)
Undead Wild West- CORE Units
Undead Indian units can arrive as Canoe Reinforcements. See the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Zombie Indian Shooter- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Zombie Indian Archer- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow

Zombie Indian Spearman- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I2, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry

Zombie Indian Bull with Shotgun- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun (They have horns on
their heads)

Zombie Indian Bearman- 9pts

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs

Zombie Indian Night Hunter- 9pts

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Hand Axe (crawls on the ground)
and can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Ignores Terrain when moving and can
even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain)

Zombie Indian Spear Thrower with Shield- 9pts

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Javelin or Sword, but all count as
wielding Javelins (-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots), Slow,

Zombie Cowboy Rifleman- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Zombie Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears
top hat and coat)

Zombie Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears cowboy hat, with
guns pointed forward)
Zombie Cowboy with Pistol- 8pts
-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3), has hand
reaching into the holster of another Pistol)

Zombie Cowboy Deputy with Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (Can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat), wears no hat and braces his pistol to fire)

Undead Wild West- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Colonels and 50 Chiefs

Zombie Cowboy Colonel with Twin Pistols- 11pts

-T4, W2, S4, I0, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Twin Pistols (2 shots in Shooting

Zombie Indian Chief with Gun- 11pts

-T4, W2, S4, I1, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun and Bow, can choose either
in Shooting (holds a Bow in the other hand), Reflex Shots (S3) when charged

Undead Modern- CORE Units

Zombie Machine Gunner- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Machine Gun

Zombie Rifleman- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Zombie Police Officer with Baton and Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A2, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Zombie Police Officer with Rifle- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Rifle

Zombie Miner with 2 Handed Pickaxe- 8pts

-T4, W1, S5, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Zombie Fireman with Fire Axe- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, -2 to Numb Saves
Zombie SWAT with Assault Rifle- 9pts
-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Zombie Police- Dog Patrol- 12pts, Moves ‘6’, Charges ‘6’

-T4, W2, S4, I1, A2, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex
Shots, S3 from Officer attached to the leash of the Dog)

Undead Modern- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Grenadiers, 50 Officers, 50 Commandos and 100 Fat Zombies

Zombie Grenadier- 8pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Grenades

Zombie Commando with Assault Rifle- 9pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Assault Rifle, Slow, Uninhibited

Zombie Officer with Pistol- 11pts

-T4, W2, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-roll misses in
Shooting and Close Combat)

Fat Zombie- 10pts

-T4, W2, S4, I0, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with severed legs, tennis racquets,
bare fists, claws, knives or other weapons of no significance

Undead Modern Heavy Units

Limit of 9 Bazookas or SWAT with Bazookas in total (can have a mix of both)
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, 9 Mortars, 15 Flamethrowers, 20 Snipers

Zombie Sniper- 9pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Seek the Living

Zombie Bazooka- 52pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), Seek the Living

Zombie SWAT with Bazooka- 52pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Bazooka (See
page 20 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook), Seek the Living
Zombie Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 18pts
-T4, W2, S4, I0, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Heavy MG

Zombie Flamethrower- 44pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Flamethrower (See pages 20 and
21 of the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Zombie Mortar- 40pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Mortar (See page 18 of the Army
Men PAZCIK Rulebook), Fires Mortar as normal, does NOT always hit on 4+

Undead Space- CORE Units

Zombie Alien Blaster- 9pts, Moves ‘6’

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Zombie Alien Brute- 11pts, Moves ‘6’

-T4, W1, S5, I1, A2, 5+ Numb Save, Armed with two-handed axe

Zombie Alien Bomber- 8pts, Moves ‘6’

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A1, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Grenade

Zombie Astronaut with Blaster- 9pts

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’,
S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Zombie Veteran Brawler- 9pts

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A2, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, armed with bare fists

Zombie Veteran Gunner- 9pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Hand Cannon
(Heavy, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+)

Zombie Veteran Ranger- 9pts

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Shotgun and
wears cowboy hat

Zombie Veteran Elite- 9pts

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Assault Rifle
Undead Astronaut Zombie- 6pts
-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 4+ Numb Save

Zombie Colonial Marine- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A1, 4+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Riot Gun (Fast
Fire, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots at ‘12’, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+) Reflex Shots

Zombie Shock Trooper: 9pts

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A2, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Electric Baton
(Electric and Magical Attacks, each hit generates 1 Strength 3 attack at the
most), Electric attacks are always Strength 2 against Shock Troopers

Zombie Stunner- 12pts

-T4, W2, S3, I3, A2, 4+ Numb Save, Lady armed with Stun Gun (Auto, ‘12’, S3, on
a roll of 6 to hit it causes 1 unsaved wound in Shooting or Close Combat, Reflex
Shots (S3)

Zombie Colonial Radsuit- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, has fuel pack hooked up to
their flamethrower hoses, Fire attacks

Zombie Colonial Heavy Axeman- 16pts

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A2, 4+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Axe (-2 to Numb

Undead Space- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Spacemen, 50 Silencers and 50 Turtle Blasters

Zombie Spaceman- 12pts

-T4, W1, S4, I1, A1, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Gatling Laser
(Auto, ‘18’, S4, 3 shots)

Zombie Turtle Blaster- 12pts

-T4, W2, S4, I1, A2, 6+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, has pincers and a turtle shell
which opens up to their: Belly Blaster (Auto, ‘24’, S5, 1 shot, 2 shots at ‘12’ or
less in Shooting)
Zombie Silencer- 10pts
-T4, W1, S4, I0, A1, 3+ Numb Save, has furry body and Armed with Scoped Laser
Rifle (Heavy, ‘36’, Strength 5, 1 shot), Seek the Living

Undead Space- Heavy Units

Limit of 50 Golems, 50 Assault Droids and 50 Cyborg Brawlers

Zombie Alien Golem: 20pts

-T5, W3, S5, I0, A2, 4+ Numb Save, armed with rocky fists

Zombie (inside) Assault Droid: 20pts

-T4, W1, S4, I0, A2, 3+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, Armed with Dual Combat
Shotguns (Auto, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Can re-roll misses in Shooting and Close
Combat), Reflex Shots (S4)

Zombie Veteran Cyborg Brawler: 20pts

-T5, W2, S5, I0, A2, 5+ Armour Save, 4+ Numb Save, armed with robotic fists

Undead Terrain Ideas (Grants 5+ Cover Saves)

Most of this is easily available at Halloween
Large Skulls
Jack ‘O’ Lanterns
Eyeball Walls
Crashed Shuttles
Abandoned Rockets

Undead Space- Transports (Vehicles)

Astronaut Zombie Moon Buggy: 20pts
T10, W3, S0, I0, A0, Moves ‘12’
In Army Men- Domaine and Army Men PAZCIK, an Astronaut Zombie Moon
Buggy is T10, W3 and is a Transport Vehicle, holding up to 12 Zombie models
(any model with Zombie in its title) and moves ‘12’. When the Zombie models
aboard leave the Buggy, they are placed ‘2’ around the Buggy and can Move,
Run and Charge as normal.
Astronaut Zombie Shuttle: 50pts
T12, W3, S0, I0, A0
In Army Men- Domaine and Army Men PAZCIK, an Undead Astronaut Shuttle is
T12, W3 and is a Transport Vehicle and can fit up to 20 Zombies (any model with
‘Zombie’ in its title. It lands in the Reinforcement Phase but upon arrival of the
Shuttle on the table, the unit inside cannot do anything and enemy units can
shoot at the Shuttle in their own turn with the following results below. In the
next owning Undead player’s turn, the unit pops out ‘2’ in the Reinforcement
Phase and then can Move, Run and Charge as normal.

When attempting to wound a model with this rule, add D6 to the Strength of
your attack. If it matches the Toughness of the Vehicle or Juggernaut then it will
score a wound on it. However, if the Strength of your attack is even 1 higher
than the Vehicle/Juggernaut Toughness, then you can make a Vehicle Damage
Roll (VDR)

Vehicle Damage Roll:

Roll a D6, on a 3 it will Destroy Weapon and the Vehicle/Juggernaut can no
longer fire 1 weapon of your choice. On a 4 it will Immobilize the
Vehicle/Juggernaut and it can no longer move in the Movement Phase or Run or
perform a Victory Run. On a 5 the Vehicle/Juggernaut will be Destroyed and lose
ALL of its remaining wounds and be removed from the table. On a 6 the
Vehicle/Juggernaut will go BOOM and causes 1 S4 hit (Fire attack) to ALL models
within ‘D6’ of the Vehicle/Juggernaut, measured from the base of a Juggernaut
or the outer hull of a Vehicle.

Busting a Transport Vehicle:

If a Transport Vehicle (in Army Men PAZCIK there is only the Undead Astronaut
Zombie Moon Buggy and the Undead Astronaut Shuttle) is Immobilised and can
no longer move at all, then the models aboard the Transport will pop out ‘2’
around the Transport Vehicle and take a S3 hit each. If the Transport Vehicle is
Destroyed or goes BOOM, then the models aboard the Transport Vehicle will
pop out ‘2’ around it and a S4 hit each.
Yellow Empire Army List

Two for the Price of One: Yellow Empire models all have enhanced durability, in
the form of extra Wounds on their profile and, as a consequence of this, have
reduced Saves where relevant (-1). This will be always be included in the rules
and stats for a unit.

Yellow Prehistory- CORE Units

Yellow Caveman with Club: 4pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I3, A1, No Save, Reduces Armour Saves by -2

Yellow Caveman with Axe: 4pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I3, A1, No Save, Reduces Numb Saves by -2

Yellow Caveman with Rocks: 4pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Throws Rocks (‘12’, S3, 1 shot, Auto, Reflex Shots
when Charged unless already in Close Combat)

Yellow Medieval- CORE Units

Yellow Knight with Sword- 12pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat

Yellow Knight with Mace- 12pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Yellow Knight with Axe- 12pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves

Yellow Knight with Spear- 12pts each

-T3, W2, S4, I5, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Strength 5 against Cavalry

Yellow Crossbowman- 4pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Crossbow (Heavy, ‘24’, S4, 1 shot, -1 to
Armour Saves)

Yellow Bowman- 4pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Bow
Yellow Skeleton with Sword and Shield- 4pts each
-T3, W2, S3, I2, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Slow,
Dauntless, Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Yellow Skeleton with Mace- 4pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Numb Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Yellow Skeleton with Spear and Shield- 4pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry, Slow, Dauntless,
Always hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat

Yellow Skeleton with Twin Axes- 4pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A2, 6+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Yellow Skeleton with Bow- 4pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A1, 6+ Numb Save, Armed with Bow, Slow, Dauntless, Always
hits enemy models on 3+ in Close Combat and on 4+ in Shooting

Yellow Zombie- 8pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I0, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Yellow Barbarian with 2 Handed Sword- 8pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, No Save

Yellow Duellist with 2 Swords- 8pts each

-T3, W3, S3, I5, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Yellow Elven Ranger- 6pts each

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Bow, Reflex Shots (S3), Shooting
hits like Snipers (hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Yellow Fire Mage with Grey Staff- 8pts each

-T3, W3, S4, I4, A2, No Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Fire attacks
(Magical), Fire attacks are Strength 2 against Fire Mages, Fireball (Auto, ‘18’, S4,
roll a D6 for each unit: divide result by 2 rounding up to calculate how many
Strength 4 Shots (1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3)
Yellow Lightning Mage with White Staff- 8pts each
-T3, W3, S4, I4, A2, No Save, Close Combat and Shooting are Electric attacks
(Magical), Electric attacks are Strength 2 against Lightning Mages, Chain
Lightning (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 2 shots, for each successful hit 1 S3 Electric attack is
generated at the most. Also used in Close Combat and can generate up to 3
Strength 3 attacks each if charging and all 3 attacks hit)

Yellow Medieval- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Mounted Knights, 50 Dwarven Clansmen and 50 Trolls

Mounted Yellow Knight with Sword- 16pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Cavalry
(moves ‘6’ as normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by
Movement Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Yellow Knight with Mace- 16pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as
normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement
Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Mounted Yellow Knight with Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 3+ Armour Save, -2 to Numb Saves, Cavalry (moves ‘6’ as
normal but can charge ‘12’, this move can only be affected by Movement
Blocking Terrain, as normal terrain won’t slow them down)

Yellow Dwarven Clansman with Warhammer- 16pts each

-T4, W3, S4, I3, A2, 4+ Armour Save, -2 to Armour Saves, Diehards (can re-roll
CCR rolls on 2D6 if they lose in Close Combat)

Yellow Troll with Big Axe- 16pts each

-T4, W4, S5, I2, A3, 5+ Numb Save, -1 to Armour Saves, Dauntless, Weak against
Fire attacks (Fire attacks ignore Troll Numb Saves)
Yellow Exploration- CORE Units

Yellow Pirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia) can arrive as Raft Reinforcements.
See the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Yellow Pirate with Pistol- 8pts

-T4, W2, S4, I5, A2, No Save, Armed with Pistol

Yellow Pirate Militia Banner Bearer with Sword- 3pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, No Save

Yellow Pirate Militia Swordsman- 4pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Re-rolls misses in Close Combat

Yellow Pirate Militia Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle

Yellow Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Gun- 4pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Numb Save, Armed with Gun

Yellow Pirate Militia Drunken Sailor with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Numb Save, Armed with Pistol

Yellow Pirate Militia Swashbuckler- 5pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with Pistol

Yellow Pirate Militia Buccaneer with 2 Pistols- 5pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with 2 Pistols (2 shots in Shooting Phase)

Yellow Pirate Militia Buccaneer with Gun and Pistol- 5pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Gun and Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3)
Yellow Wild West- CORE Units
Yellow Indian units can arrive as Canoe Reinforcements. See the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook for details of this.

Yellow Indian Shooter- 4pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle

Yellow Indian Archer- 4pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Bow

Yellow Indian Spearman- 4pts

-T3, W2, S3, I5, A1, No Save, Strength 4 against Cavalry

Yellow Indian Bull with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Shotgun (They have horns on their
Yellow Indian Bearman- 5pts
-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Twin Axes, Swords or Clubs

Yellow Indian Night Hunter- 5pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Hand Axe (crawls on the ground)
and can re-roll misses in Close Combat, Ignores Terrain when moving and can
even climb over Movement Blocking Terrain)

Yellow Indian Spear Thrower with Shield- 5pts

-T3, W2, S3, I4, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Javelin or Sword, but all count
as wielding Javelins (-1 to Armour Saves in Shooting and Reflex Shots)

Yellow Cowboy Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle

Yellow Cowboy Sheriff with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears top hat and

Yellow Cowboy Marshal with Shotgun- 4pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Shotgun (wears cowboy hat, with guns
pointed forward)
Yellow Cowboy with Pistol- 4pts
-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3), has hand
reaching into the holster of another Pistol

Yellow Cowboy Deputy with Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Pistol (Can re-roll misses in Shooting
and Close Combat), wears no hat and braces his pistol to fire

Yellow Wild West- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Colonels and 50 Chiefs

Yellow Cowboy Colonel with Twin Pistols- 7pts

-T3, W3, S3, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with Twin Pistols (2 shots in Shooting Phase)

Yellow Indian Chief with Gun- 7pts

-T3, W3, S3, I4, A2, No Save, Armed with Gun and Bow, can choose either in
Shooting (holds a Bow in the other hand), Reflex Shots (S3) when charged

Yellow Modern- CORE Units

Yellow Machine Gunner- 4pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Machine Gun

Yellow Rifleman- 4pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Rifle

Yellow Police Officer with Baton and Pistol- 4pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol

Yellow Police Officer with Rifle- 4pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Rifle

Yellow Miner with 2 Handed Pickaxe- 4pts

-T3, W2, S5, I0, A1, No Save, -2 to Armour Saves

Yellow Fireman with Fire Axe- 4pts

-T3, W2, S4, I3, A1, No Save, -2 to Numb Saves
Yellow SWAT with Assault Rifle- 5pts
-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Yellow Police- Dog Patrol- 7pts, Moves ‘6’, Charges ‘9’

-T3, W3, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Pistol (Reflex Shots, S3 from
Officer attached to the leash of the Dog)

Yellow Modern- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Grenadiers, 50 Officers, 50 Commandos and 50 Monsters

Yellow Grenadier- 4pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Grenades

Yellow Commando with Assault Rifle- 5pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 6+ Dodge Save, Armed with Assault Rifle

Yellow Officer with Pistol- 7pts

-T3, W3, S3, I3, A1, No Save, Armed with Pistol (can re-roll misses in Shooting
and Close Combat)

Yellow Monster- 12pts

-T4, W3, S4, I3, A2, No Save, Armed with their bare hands, sharp teeth, claws or
other weapons which are of little significance

Yellow Modern Heavy Units

Limit of 9 Bazookas or SWAT with Bazookas in total (can have a mix of both)
Limit of 9 Heavy MGs, 9 Mortars, 15 Flamethrowers, 20 Snipers

Yellow Sniper- 5pts

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Sniper Rifle, Shooting hits like Snipers
(hits on 2+ against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Yellow Bazooka- 48pts

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook)

Yellow SWAT with Bazooka- 50pts

-T3, W2, S3, I3, A1, 5+ Armour Save, Armed with Bazooka (See page 20 of the
Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)
Yellow Heavy Machine Gun (Heavy MG)- 14pts
-T3, W3, S3, I2, A2, No Save, Armed with Heavy MG

Yellow Flamethrower- 40pts

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Flamethrower (See pages 20 and 21 of
the Army Men PAZCIK Rulebook)

Yellow Mortar- 36pts

-T3, W2, S3, I2, A1, No Save, Armed with Mortar (See page 18 of the Army Men
PAZCIK Rulebook)

Yellow Space- CORE Units

Yellow Alien Blaster- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Yellow Alien Brute- 10pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S5, I4, A2, No Save, Armed with two-handed axe

Yellow Alien Bomber- 8pts, Moves ‘9’

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A1, No Save, Armed with Grenade, Swift (Can always move ‘6’ in
Run and Victory Run moves)

Yellow Astronaut with Blaster- 8pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Blaster (‘30’, S4, Auto, 1 shot)

Yellow Veteran Brawler- 8pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save, armed with bare fists

Yellow Veteran Gunner- 8pts

-T4, W2, S4, I3, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Hand Cannon (Heavy, ‘18’, S4,
2 shots, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+)

Yellow Veteran Ranger- 8pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Shotgun and wears cowboy hat

Yellow Veteran Elite- 8pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Assault Rifle
Yellow Astronaut Zombie- 8pts
-T4, W2, S4, I0, A1, 5+ Numb Save, Slow, Dauntless, Always hits enemy models
on 3+ in Close Combat

Yellow Colonial Marine- 16pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A1, 4+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Riot Gun (Fast Fire,
‘18’, S4, 2 shots at ‘12’, Ignores Armour Saves of 5+ and 6+) Reflex Shots (S4)

Yellow Shock Trooper: 8pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Electric Baton (Electric and
Magical Attacks, each hit generates 1 Strength 3 attack at the most), Electric
attacks are always Strength 2 against Shock Troopers

Yellow Stunner- 7pts

-T3, W3, S3, I6, A2, 6+ Dodge Save, Lady armed with Stun Gun (Auto, ‘12’, S3, on
a roll of 6 to hit it causes 1 unsaved wound in Shooting or Close Combat, Reflex
Shots (S3)

Yellow Colonial Radsuit- 16pts

-T4, W2, S4, I7, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Dauntless, has fuel pack hooked up to their
flamethrower hoses, Fire attacks

Yellow Colonial Heavy Axeman- 16pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A2, 4+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Axe (-2 to Numb

Yellow Space- Specialist Units

Limit of 50 Spacemen, 50 Silencers and 50 Turtle Blasters

Yellow Spaceman- 12pts

-T4, W2, S4, I4, A1, 6+ Armour Save, Armed with Gatling Laser (Auto, ‘18’, S4, 3

Yellow Turtle Blaster- 12pts

-T4, W3, S4, I4, A2, 6+ Armour Save, has pincers and a turtle shell which opens
up to their: Belly Blaster (Auto, ‘24’, S5, 1 shot, 2 shots at ‘12’ or less in Shooting)
Yellow Silencer- 8pts
-T4, W2, S4, I3, A1, 6+ Numb Save, has furry body and Armed with Scoped Laser
Rifle (Heavy, ‘36’, Strength 5, 1 shot), Shooting hits like Snipers (hits on 2+
against normal models, 3+ against Shadow units)

Yellow Space- Heavy Units

Limit of 50 Golems, 50 Assault Droids and 50 Cyborg Brawlers

Yellow Alien Golem: 20pts

-T5, W4, S5, I3, A2, No Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with rocky fists

Yellow Assault Droid: 20pts

-T4, W2, S4, I2, A2, 3+ Armour Save, Dauntless, Armed with Dual Combat
Shotguns (Auto, ‘12’, S4, 2 shots, Can re-roll misses in Shooting and Close
Combat), Reflex Shots (S4)

Yellow Veteran Cyborg Brawler: 20pts

-T5, W3, S5, I3, A2, 5+ Armour Save, Slow, Dauntless, armed with robotic fists

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