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Russian Journal of Genetics, Vol. 41, No. 9, 2005, pp. 957–967. Translated from Genetika, Vol. 41, No.

9, 2005, pp. 1170–1182.

Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Odintsova, Yurina.


Genomics and Evolution of Cellular Organelles*

M. S. Odintsova and N. P. Yurina
Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119071 Russia;
e-mail: nyurina@inbi.ras.ru
Received December 7, 2004

Abstract—The structure, functions, and evolution of cellular organelles are reviewed. The mitochondrial
genomes of eukaryotes differ considerably in size and structural organization mainly due to the length variation
in noncoding regions and the presence of introns. The mitochondrial genomes of angiosperms are the largest
and most complicated. Gene content in eukaryotic mitochondrial genomes is similar. They usually encode all
types of rRNA, a complete or partial complement of tRNA, and a limited number of proteins essential for mito-
chondrial functions. In all eukaryotes studied, mitochondrial genomes code for two highly hydrophobic pro-
teins involved in respiration, cytochrome b and subunit 1 of cytochrome oxidase. Genome structure and gene
content in plastids, mainly in higher plant chloroplasts, are highly conserved. Plastid genomes of algae are more
variable in gene composition and contain several unique genes absent in the chloroplast DNA of higher plants.
Plastid genomes encode proteins involved in transcription and translation, as well as proteins of the photosyn-
thetic apparatus. Both types of cellular organelles are supposed to be of endosymbiotic origin. Modern plastids
originate from a cyanobacterial ancestor. Alpha-proteobacteria, especially the most mitochondrion-like rickett-
sia, gave rise to mitochondria. The origin of plastids of higher plants and green algae as a result of primary endo-
symbiosis and that of other algal lineages by secondary endosymbiosis are briefly discussed.

* MITOCHONDRION GENOMICS ecules have been described in a few unrelated organ-

isms, such as ciliates (Paramecium and Tetrahymena),
Mitochondria, cellular organelles responsible for apicomplexa (Plasmodium and related organisms),
respiration, use electron transport coupled with oxida- coelenterates (Hydra), fungi (Hansenula mrakii and
tive phosphorylation to generate ATP. Although mito- Candida rhagii), and green algae (Chlamydomonas
chondria play a key role in energy transduction, they reinhardtii) [6]. These linear molecules have specific
also participate in other important processes, such as end-structures, such as covalently closed single-
ion homeostasis and apoptosis. Mitochondria are ubiq- stranded DNA termini or covalently attached proteins,
uitous in eukaryotes with very few exceptions. Some in addition, they tend to form telomere-like repeats of
“amitochondriate” eukaryotes contain derived mito- various length [1]. An unusual mitochondrial genome
chondria (e.g., hydrogenosomes), which produce ATP has been detected in the protist Amoebidium parasiti-
anaerobically. Other amitochondriate species possess cum, it is a complex assemblage of several hundred lin-
remnant mitochondrial structures of currently unknown ear DNA molecules, which carry at their termini similar
functions [1]. However, for mitochondrial functions not short sequences of about 40 bp (repx) in inverted orien-
only the components encoded by the mitochondrial tation followed internally by an ~100-bp repeat (repa)
genome (mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA) are necessary. at one end and a different ~65-bp repeat (repb) at the
Many mitochondrial proteins are nuclear-encoded, and
other end [7, 8].
their transcripts are synthesized in cytosol and trans-
ported to the organelles. mtDNA structure differs essentially not only
mtDNAs of most eukaryotes are circular super- between eukaryotic kingdoms, but also within each
coiled molecules. Mitochondrial genomes usually con- kingdom (Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, and Protista) as
sist of a single “chromosome”; however, multiple circu- well. The size of mtDNA varies more than 150-fold:
lar molecules have been reported for the chytridio- from 14.3 kb in the nematode Ascaris suum to 2400 kb
mycete fungus Spizellomyces punctatus, the Globodera in the melon Cucumis melo [9]. Among the completely
nematodes [2], and the Dicyema mesozoan animals [3]. sequenced genomes, the smallest genome (6 kb) was
A complex structural organization of the mitochondrial found in apicomplexan protists (Plasmodium sp.), the
genome has been reported for kinetoplastid protists largest (490 kb) genome, which is ~80 times larger than
(e.g., Trypanosoma) [4]. Their mitochondrion contains that of Plasmodium, was detected in the angiosperm
a few dozen of gene-containing maxicircles and several Oryza sativa. A large 366.924-kb mitochondrial
thousands minicircles encoding guide RNAs involved genome was described for a flowering plant Arabidop-
in mRNA editing [5]. Linear monomeric mtDNA mol- sis thaliana [10]; it constitutes about 1/3 of the genome
size of the mitochondria-related bacterium Rickettsia
* This article was translated by the authors. prowazekii (1111.5 kb) [9].

1022-7954/05/4109-0957 © 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.


Animal mtDNAs are small circular molecules green alga Scenedesmus obliquus, subunit 2 of cyto-
(about 13–19 kb) representing a population of chrome oxidase is encoded by two gene fragments: the
covalently linked circular monomers, concatameric sequence coding for the N-terminal part is located on
dimers, and oligomers. Large mtDNA molecules (20– the mtDNA, while the C-terminal part of the protein is
42 kb) were detected in mollusks, nematodes, and supposed to be nuclear-encoded. In the green algae
insects. Angiosperms possess the largest and most com- Chlamydomonas and Polytomella, two portions of the
plex mitochondrial genomes, with the smallest mtDNA protein are encoded by different nuclear genes, synthe-
of 208 kb in Brassica hirta. This value exceeds the larg- sized in the cytoplasm, and imported into the mitochon-
est of Agaricus bitorquis (176 kb) and the size of most dria. The rpl2 gene of flowering plants is another exam-
chloroplast DNAs (cpDNAs). The size of the mito- ple of split genes: one portion of the gene is located on
chondrial genome in different plant species differs the mtDNA, and the other one, on the nuclear DNA. In
more than ten fold and may differ four fold even within mtDNAs of some animals, protists, and fungi, trun-
the same family. Plant mtDNA has many noncoding cated genes (e.g., tRNA, rRNA, RNAse P, and some
sequences (>80% in mtDNA of Arabidopsis and <10% protein-coding genes) were discovered. Thus, in the
in mtDNA of protists) [11] and possesses direct recom- Harpochytrium fungus, the protein-encoding genes are
binationally active repeats and multiple short dispersed often shortened in the C-terminal part of the molecule
repeats. Genes are dispersed throughout the genome [1, 14, 15].
and usually do not form clusters. Only in rare cases, the
Gene transfer to the nucleus that is quite common in
coding sequences are located close to each other and
flowering plants, the loss of introns, and the elimination
are probably cotranscribed.
of intergenic spacers reduce the size of mitochondrial
In summary, significant differences in mtDNA size genomes.
in different groups of eukaryotes are mostly caused by
the presence or absence of introns and variations in the The number of mtDNA copies per cell varies from
length of intergenic regions, which in some instances, ten to several thousands. There is no correlation
consist of multiple tandem-repeat arrays or stem–loop between genome size and the number of mitochondrial
motifs. Some of the repeat elements are supposed to be genes. Animal mtDNA genes are densely located usu-
mobile [12]. A characteristic feature of the plant mito- ally on both DNA strands. Spacers are short and usually
chondrial genome is the presence of nucleotide consist of several base pairs. In rare instances, genes
sequences of other cellular genomes, especially those overlap. In multicellular animals (Metazoa), the com-
of chloroplasts. The length of cpDNA stretches and plements of mitochondrial genes are nearly identical.
their nucleotide composition may differ among plant The animal mitochondrial genes usually lack introns.
species. The occurrence of split genes contributes con- The members of Cnidaria are the only exception. Thus,
siderably to the size of mtDNA. The size of introns in in the class Anthozoa including marine anemones and
mtDNA varies from 0.15 to 4.0 kb. The number of some coral species, one or two group I introns have
introns is also variable: from 0 to >30. In the filamen- been discovered. In human mtDNA, densely “packed”
tous fungus Podospora anserine, introns account for genes have no introns, while nuclear genes are rich in
about 75% of the overall size of mtDNA [1]. introns separated by long intergenic spacers. Con-
versely, yeast mtDNA genes are rich in introns and sep-
Another feature of the mitochondrial genomes is
arated by long spacers, while the yeast nuclear DNA is
gene fusion. In two amoeboid protists, Acanthamoeba
compact and lack introns. This observation means that
castellannii and Dictyostelium discoideum, the genes
the coding capacity and gene density in nuclear and
encoding subunits 1 and 2 of cytochrome oxidase (cox1
mitochondrial genomes of the same organism evolved
and cox2, respectively) are immediately adjacent to one
independently [8]. Unicellular organisms related to ani-
another and form a single ORF. Another example of
mals, such as the colonial flagellate Monosiga brevicol-
unusual gene structure, genes that exist in pieces, was
lis and the protist Amoebidium parasiticum, which
first described for the ciliate protozoan Tetrahymena
belongs to Cnidosporidia, have large mitochondrial
pyriformis and the green alga Chlamydomonas rein-
genomes and carry much more genes than mtDNA of
hardtii. These genes exist as fragments dispersed over
multicellular animals. This means that compaction of
the genome and interspersed with other genes and are
mitochondrial genomes in multicellular organisms
located on both strands of the mtDNA. Separate tran-
appeared not in protists but simultaneously with the origin
scription of subgenic fragments leads to the formation
of the multicellular body plan in the animal lineage [8].
of discrete rRNA segments that are held together by
base pairing of the complementary sequences. Pieces of The uniformity of animal mitochondrial genomes is
rRNA genes were found in Plasmodium falciparum. In in contrast with the situation in plants, fungi, and pro-
mtDNA, some protein-coding genes also occur in tists (amoebae, flagellates and algae). mtDNAs of
pieces. In two ciliate species, Tetrahymena pyriformis plants and protists are usually considerably larger and
and Paramecium aurelia, the nad1 gene is split into two code for much more proteins than animal mtDNA.
fragments that are transcribed into two mRNAs and Among mtDNAs studied, the mitochondrial genome of
translated into two polypeptides. Posttranslational the flagellate Reclinomonas americana is especially
fusion of these polypeptides was suggested [13]. In the gene-rich. Its circular mtDNA molecule consists of



70 kb and contains approximately 100 genes, which is order is as follows: 16S rRNA–tRNAIle—tRNAAla—
several orders of magnitude higher than in animal 23S rRNA—5S rRNA. As a result, the IR-located genes
mtDNA. Only five genes were identified in the mito- in the chloroplast genome are duplicated. The structural
chondrial genome of P. falciparum. On average, the organization of cpDNA in higher plants is conserved.
eukaryotic mtDNA contains from 40 to 50 genes, and The IR is the most conserved region, while the large
from 12 to 20 of them are protein-coding. The least unique sequence is the most variable [17]. cpDNA mol-
number of proteins (2) is encoded by the mitochondrial ecules are capable of isomerization. In some species
genome of P. falciparum, and the largest number (67) is (spinach, corn, tomato, and pea), they may form multi-
specified by the R. americana mitochondrial genome. mers. The distribution of different cpDNA forms is as
mtDNA of multicellular animals codes for 12 or 13 pro- follows: 67.5% monomers, 22.5% dimers, 7.5% trim-
teins. The mitochondrial genome of yeasts Saccharomy- ers, and 2.5% tetramers [18].
ces cerevisiae (87.779 kb) codes for 30 proteins [16].
Algal plastid genomes are more diverse in size,
The mitochondrial genomes always code for the large structural organization, and gene content than those of
and small subunit rRNAs and a full or partial comple- higher plants. Their size averages 140 kb with about
ment of tRNAs necessary for translation. In a limited 110 genes. Within phylogenetic groups, genome size is
number of eukaryotes, mtDNA encodes 5S rRNA. In rather constant. Thus, the size of the red algal cpDNA
mtDNA of plants and protists (but not in animals and varies from 150 to 191 kb [19]. The chloroplast genome
most fungi), the genes for several ribosomal proteins are size in green algae is similar (100–200 kb), except for
located. The eukaryotic mitochondrial genomes code for the large genomes of some Ulvophyceae species. In
a limited number of proteins involved in the formation of Acetabularia mediterranea, a member of this group, a
functional mitochondria. On the whole, mtDNA-speci- uninucleate 10-cm cell has hundreds of chloroplasts
fied proteins are the components of respiratory com- with the cpDNA size of 1500 kb. It is only by a factor
plexes I (NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase encoded by of 2.4 less than the cyanobacterial Synechocystis sp.
the nad genes), II (succinate: ubiquinone oxidoreduc- PCC 6803 genome [20]. It is of interest that although
tase; sdh), III (ubiquinol: cytochrome c oxidoreductase; Codium fragile belongs to the same Ulvophyceae fam-
cob), and IV (cytochrome c oxidase; cox) of the electron ily, its genome size is only 89 kb. Apicomplexan para-
transport chain, as well as complex V (ATP synthase; sites carry vestigial, biosynthetically active plastids
atp) [8]. Yeast mitochondrial genome is atypical in this (apicoplasts) [21, 22] with a small 35-kb genome carry-
respect, since in addition to protein-coding genes specific ing about 60 genes. Sequencing of the apicoplast
to mitochondria, it bears ten genes for endonucleases, genomes showed its similarity to the chloroplast
reverse transcriptases, and mRNA maturases [16]. genomes of green algae and higher plants [23]. In api-
In summary, in all eukaryotes, mtDNA encodes a complexan species, such as Plasmodium spp., Toxo-
limited number of RNA species and proteins essential plasma, and Eimeria that cause malaria, toxoplasmosis,
for mitochondrion functioning. Table 1 presents some and coccidiosis, respectively, the plastid genome is
characteristics of eukaryotic mitochondrial genomes. conserved and shows considerable homology in gene
content and order [23, 24]. In contrast, the unicellular
eukaryotic parasites, which belong to the order of Kine-
CHLOROPLAST GENOMICS toplastidae and cause leishmaniasis, sleeping sickness,
Chloroplasts, centers of photosynthesis in plant and Chagas’ disease in humans did not retain plastid
cells, are a well-studied class of plastids. Chloroplasts remnants, but carry several plastid-derived genes [25].
of higher plants and algae possess their own genome, Dinoflagellates have a unique chloroplast genome
whose size varies from 120 to 160 kb. Three exceptions structure. A detailed analysis of several peridinine-con-
are currently known: the 171-kb genome of the Brasil- taining species (Heterocapsa triquetra, Amphidinium
ien tobacco (Nicotiana acuminati, Solanaceae), the operculatum, and A. carterae) showed that instead of a
180-kb genome of duckweed (Lemna L., Lemnaceae), typical plastid genome, they possess several small cir-
and the 217-kb genome of crane’s-bill (Pelargonium L., cular DNA molecules of about 2–3 kb in length con-
Geraniaceae). The chloroplast genome is represented by taining a single gene [26]. The plasmid-like DNA also
circular DNA molecules and contains about 120 genes. occurs in plastids of some green algae, however, in this
Repeated elements are usually short (<100 bp). In addi- case, they are additional to the main chloroplast
tion to short repeats, cpDNA has a single large inverted genome and bear no functional genes. In dinoflagel-
repeat (IR) ranging in size from 10 to 76 kb, in most lates, minicircle genes encode products that are of the
species, its length varies from 22 to 26 kb. The legumes plastid origin in other higher plants and algae. It is note-
lack the IR. It has been suggested that the IR was worthy that in minicircles, only a few genes were iden-
present in the common ancestor of higher plants. In tified. In dinoflagellates, the following genes are
some species, one IR segment was lost during evolu- located on minicircles: atpA, atpB, petB, petD, psaA,
tion, in some cases, the IR was only partially lost, and psaB, psbA, psbB, psbD, psbE, 16S rRNA, and 23S
the chloroplast genome retained a remnant of the large rRNA. However, the genes for RNA polymerase sub-
IR (such as a 495-bp fragment in black pine). The IR units and ribosomal proteins, as well as tRNA genes
always carries rRNA and usually tRNA genes; their were not found in minicircles. Sometimes minicirles



Table 1. Features of eukaryotic mitochondrial genomes [8]

No. of tRNAs
Genes coding for No. of

portion, %

Size, kb

respiratory ribosomal
rRNAs other ORFs introns
chain subunits proteins

Amoebidium >200 ≈20 ≥25(47) rnl, rns atp6,8,9, cob, rps3,4,13 – ≥24 ≥21(I)
parasiticum cox1–3,
nad1–4,4L,5,6 ≥2(II)
Monosiga 76.6 46.9 25 rnl, rns atp6,8,9, rps3,4,8,12– mttB 2 4(I)
brevicollis cob, cox1–3, 14,19,
nad1–4,4L,5,6 rpl2,5,14,16
Reclinomonas 69.0 91.3 26 rnl, rns, atp1,3,6,8,9, rps1–4,7, cox11, mttB, 3 1(II)
americana rrn5 cob, cox1–3, 8,10–14,19, rnpB, rpoA-D,
nad1–4,4L, rpl1,2,5,6,10, secY, tufA, yejR,
5–11, sdh2–4 11,14,16, 18– U,V,W, ymf39
Fungi 19–94 41–89 7–26 rnl, rns atp6,8,(9), (rps3) (rnpB) 0–36 0–37
cob, cox1–3
Animals 13–22 62–95 2–23 rnl, rns atp6,(8), – (mutS) – 0–2
cob, cox1–3,
Plants 187–367 46–65 22–27 rnl, rns, atp1,6,8,9, cob, rps(1,2),3,4,7, mttB, yeiR,U, ≈50–100 20–32
rrn5 cox1–3, nad1– (8,10,11), (V), ymf39
4,4L,5,6, (7), 12,13,(14,19),
9(sdh3,4) rpl(2),5,(6,16)
Note: Genes enclosed in parentheses are present only in some taxa of the particular group. Roman numerals (I and II) indicate the intron
group. Genes and corresponding gene products are: atp1–9, ATP synthase subunits; cob, cytochrome b apoprotein; cox1–3, cyto-
chrome c oxidase subunits; cox11, cytochrome oxidase assembly protein; mttB, Sec-independent protein translocase; nad1–11,
NADH dehydrogenase subunits; rnl, large subunit rRNA; rns, small subunit rRNA; rrn5, 5S rRNA; rnpB, RNAse P RNA; rpl1–34,
large subunit ribosomal proteins; rps1–19, small subunit ribosomal proteins; rpoA–D, RNA polymerase subunits and sigma factor;
sdh2–4, succinate dehydrogenase subunits; secY, SecY-type preprotein translocase subunit; tufA, elongation factor A; yejR–W. ABC
transporter involved in cytochrome c biogenesis; ymf39, conserved membrane protein of unknown function. Coding portion, the per-
centage of sequence having a coding function. ORF ≥ 60 amino acids are included in the table.

contain gene fragments or carry no genes at all. Among have a much smaller effect on genome size than in
other specific features of the dinoflagellate minicircle mitochondrial genes.
genome are the use of the GTA initiation codon, the According to their functions, chloroplast genes may
absence of transcript editing, etc. [27, 28]. be classified into three main groups: genes for the tran-
scription/translation system, genes for the photosyn-
Similarly to mtDNA, large variations in the chloro- thetic apparatus, and those related to biosyntheses of
plast genome size in higher plants and green algae are amino acids, fatty acids, pigments, etc. The transcripts
mainly due to different length of intergenic regions. and translation products of the latter group are poorly
Higher plant chloroplast genome contains from 14 to studied. The genes of the first two groups are the most
18 split genes. The total number of introns averages 20. conserved. High degree of homology (98–100%) is
Their size varies from 0.3 to 2.5 kb. Introns are con- characteristic of the rRNA genes. Table 2 shows photo-
served and predominantly belong to group II. Many synthesis-related proteins encoded by the chloroplast
chloroplast genes of higher plants possess only one and nuclear genomes.
intron. With the exception of green algae, high gene In chloroplast genomes of higher plants (and green
density is typical for algal chloroplast genomes. Long algae), the hypothetical conserved reading frames (ycf)
noncoding regions and introns are rare. In these lin- coding for proteins associated with photosynthesis
eages, the compact chloroplast genomes are character- were discovered. The ycf3 and ycf4 genes encode pro-
ized by short intergenic spacers and the presence of teins involved in assembly/stability of PSI; the ycf9
overlapping genes. Thus, introns in chloroplast genes gene participates in PSII functions and forms a single



transcriptional unit with the psbC and psbD genes. The Table 2. Involvement of nuclear and chloroplast genomes
transcript of this gene is located in chloroplast thyla- in the synthesis of photosynthesis-related proteins
koid membranes [29]. In the green alga Chlamydomo-
Photosynthesis Protein Gene location
nas reinhardtii, the ycf8 gene presumably encodes PSII
subunit PsbT, while the ycf9 gene is involved in the Dark reactions RUBISCO small subunit Nucleus
attachment of the antenna to the PSII reaction center RUBISCO large subunit Chloroplasts
[29, 30]. The transcripts of these genes have not been
identified so far. The chloroplast DNA encodes from 19 Light reactions Apoproteins ″
to 60 ribosomal proteins, translation factors, RNA of PSI and PSII
polymerase subunits, tRNA and rRNA. The list of chlo- Cytochrome b6 ″
roplast genes identified in 12 completely sequenced Cytochrome f ″
chloroplast genomes of higher plants [31] was pub- 6 ATPase subunits ″
lished earlier [17].
3 ATPase subunits Nucleus
Similarly to cpDNA of higher plants, algal chloro-
Light-harvesting complex ″
plast genomes mostly possess the same gene groups.
However, in many algal lineages, especially nongreen Plastocyanin ″
algae, the plastid DNA often carries unique genes. Ferredoxin ″
Thus, in the sequenced plastid genomes of the red algae
Cyanidium caldarium and Porphyra purpurea, more
than 30 unique genes were identified [32]. Unique main arguments in favor of this hypothesis is the find-
genes are characteristic of the mitochondrial genomes ing that chloroplasts and mitochondria are formed only
of some algal lineages and protists. For example, in the from the preexisting organelles. They cannot appear de
mtDNA of the flagellate Reclinomonas americana, 18 novo because nuclear genes encode only part of the
unique genes were identified. The compact apicoplast proteins necessary for their functions. In addition, the
genome carries the genes involved in gene expression organellar genes show more similarity to the prokary-
in these organelles. They include genes for rRNA, ribo- otic than to eukaryotic genes. Similarly to prokaryotic
somal proteins (rpl2, rpl14, and rps2), tRNA, RNA genomes, organelle genomes are represented by circu-
polymerase, and the elongation factor. The clpC and lar DNA molecules. Chloroplasts and mitochondria
sufB earlier known as ORF470 and ycf24 are the only have their own protein-synthesizing apparatus. The
apicoplast genes unrelated to the transcription/transla- structure of their ribosomes and rRNA, as well as rRNA
tion apparatus. The clpC gene specifies a molecular and ribosomal protein operons is similar to that of
chaperone involved in protein targeting to the apico- prokaryotes [34].
plast and/or folding of the imported proteins. The sufB A Russian botanist Mereschkowsky was the first
(ycf24) is homologous to the gene found in cyanobacte- who advanced a hypothesis for the endosymbiotic ori-
rial and red algal plastid genomes. Comparison of the gin of plastids from cyanobacteria early in the 20th cen-
bacterial operons carrying the sufB gene with the Plas- tury. Its first version was published in the German jour-
modium genome sequences revealed five proteins nal Biologisches Centralblatt (Zentralblatt) in 1905 and
(SufA, C, D, S, and NifU) homologous to the bacterial was received with profound skepticism by the scientific
SufB. By analogy with bacterial Nifs and Sufs, it was community. Only half a century later, an enormous
suggested that SufB together with other proteins of the body of evidence proved its validity. To acknowledge
malaria parasite participate in iron metabolism, the for- the role of Mereschkowsky as the author of the endo-
mation of the Fe–S cluster, and/or oxidative stress resis- symbiotic theory, an English version of his article was
tance. It was hypothesized that protein synthesis was published in the European Physiological Journal in
retained in apicoplasts to provide SufB and chaperone 1999 [35].
Clp expression [23].
According to present-day concepts of the origin of
plastids, at the early evolutionary stages, a cyanobacte-
EVOLUTION OF CELLULAR ORGANELLES rium was captured by a eukaryotic cell with subsequent
The endosymbiotic origin of organelles in eukary- establishment inside the host cell and reduction of the
otic cells has been widely accepted. According to this cyanobacterial genome to the size of the organelle
hypothesis, the energy-transforming organelles of genome.
eukaryotes (plastids and mitochondria) arose from Mitochondria originated before the emergence of
independent endosymbiotic events involving a free-liv- plastids [1]. The hypothesis postulating the endosymbi-
ing cyanobacterium and α-proteobacteria, respectively, otic origin of mitochondria was first put forward by the
which were captured by the eukaryotic host and American scientist Wallin more than a century ago [9].
evolved into highly specialized machineries of photo- According to this hypothesis, mitochondria are the
synthesis and respiration [33]. A large body of cytolog- direct descendants of a bacterial endosymbiont that
ical and molecular biological evidence point to the appeared early in the evolution in a nucleus-containing
endosymbiotic origin of cell organelles. One of the host cell that lacked mitochondria (Fig. 1a). The mono-



Eukaryote (mitochondria–)

Archaeobacterium a a + α-Proteobacterium


Eukaryote (mitochondria+)

Fig. 1. Hypotheses describing the origin of a eukaryotic cell [9]. (a) Two-stage process initially involving formation of an amito-
chondriate eukaryote by fusion of an archaeobacterium with a proteobacterium followed by acquisition of the mitochondrion
through endosymbiosis with alpha-proteobacterium; (b) simultaneous creation of the eukaryotic nucleus and mitochondrion by
fusion of a hydrogen-requiring, methanogenic archaeobacterium (host) with an alpha-proteobacterium (symbiont).

phyletic origin of mitochondria from an eubacterial simultaneous transformation of its reduced form into
ancestor related to extant α-proteobacteria was further the mitochondrial genome (Fig. 1b). Both symbioses,
confirmed by sequence analysis of mitochondrial the symbiotic association of a cyanobacterial ancestor
genes. with a eukaryotic cell that led to the birth of all pho-
totrophic eukaryotes and the symbiosis that gave rise to
Recent analysis of the protist genome and proteome mitochondria, play a pivotal role in the evolution of the
and evolutionary studies of the enzymes of anaerobic eukaryotic cell [40]. As part of the nucleus-containing
metabolism (oxygen-independent ATP synthesis) in
host cell, cellular organelles remained semiautono-
three major groups of heterotrophic eukaryotes: amito-
chondriate eukaryotes (that lack organelles and synthe- mous: having preserved their own genome capable of
size ATP), eukaryotes with mitochondria, and eukary- replication and expression, they lost their free-living
otes containing hydrogenosomes, have provided lifestyle. Genes of the contemporary organelles carry
insights that challenge the traditional endosymbiotic the genetic information of the ancestral endosymbionts.
theories [36, 37]. Several models for the origin of During the evolution, a massive gene transfer to the
eukaryotic cell (and mitochondria) are described in the nucleus and/or loss of the genetic information by the
literature [38]. An alternative endosymbiotic hypothe- endosymbiotic genome occurred (due to transfer of
sis called a “hydrogen hypothesis” deserves special some functions from the endosymbiont to the nucleus
attention. It postulates that mitochondria arose from the and in case when an endosymbiotic gene was already
symbiosis of a hydrogen-dependent methanogenic present in the host cell genome) [41–47]. In Arabidop-
archaebacterium that utilized hydrogen and carbon sis thaliana, a copy of the whole mitochondrial genome
dioxide to generate methane (host cell) with α-proteo- (367 kb) with 99% similarity to the organelle copy is
bacterium (symbiont), for which these compounds located on chromosome 2 [48]; in rice, a fragment of
served as by-products of anaerobic metabolism [39]. the chloroplast genome (33 kb) with 99.7% homology
The host dependence from hydrogen produced by the to the organelle copy is located on chromosome 10.
symbiont fixed the established symbiosis in the evolu- mtDNA fragments were discovered in nuclear genomes
tion. The hydrogen hypothesis explains the origin of of different yeast races [49]. The nuclear genomes of
heterotrophy and compartmentation of the processes of primates carry many insertions of mtDNA [50]. Func-
anaerobic metabolism in eukaryotes. It suggests con- tional gene transfer from the organelles to the nucleus
current origin of the ancestral eukaryotic cell and mito- of the host cells that started more than a billion years
chondria and postulates transfer of a portion of the α- ago is an ongoing process (e.g., in flowering plants)
eubacterial genome into the eukaryotic nucleus with [51]. A recent transfer of the cox2 gene encoding cyto-



chrome oxidase subunit 2 from mitochondria to the previously lost through transfer to the nucleus, and the
nucleus has been much studied in legumes [45]. While formation of chimeric genes, such as the rps11 gene:
in most plants, the cox2 gene is mitochondrion- one part of the gene has a counterpart in monocotyle-
encoded, in many legumes, an actively transcribed copy dons, and the other half is homologous to rps11 of
of the gene was found in the nucleus. In several species, dicotyledons.
both copies of the gene (nuclear and mitochondrial) are Comparative genomics proves a monophyletic ori-
transcribed [45]. gin of cellular organelles. Thus, mitochondrial genome
Functional gene transfer from organelles to the sequences in protists, a phylogenetically diverse group
nucleus usually involves an RNA intermediate. It is of unicellular eukaryotes (such as amoebae, flagellates,
common knowledge that in mitochondria and chloro- and algae), reveal considerable homology [11]. This
plasts, posttranscriptional RNA editing occurs [5]. indicates that contemporary mtDNAs originated from a
Gene transport from the organelles to the nucleus sug- single ancestral, protomitochondrial genome. Studies
gests reimport of the gene product to the organelle and of mtDNA and its expression support eubacterial ori-
therefore, must include duplication of the organelle gin. Among the existing organisms, the purple bacteria
gene, conversion of the nuclear copy into the active from the division of α-proteobacteria are the most
form, acquisition of a nuclear promoter and other regu- closely related to mitochondria. Rickettsia, which
latory elements conferring properly regulated expres- belong to the subdivision of α-proteobacteria including
sion together with a targeting sequence to direct the such genera as Rickettsia, Anaplasma, and Ehrlichia,
gene product to a particular cell compartment. It was are a group of obligate intracellular parasites that show
speculated that in evolution of eukaryotes, unidirec- the highest homology to mitochondria. In gene number
tional organelle-to-nucleus gene transfer could be and content, the mitochondrial genome of the flagellate
driven largely by mechanistic forces and chance muta- protist R. americana is the most bacteria-like [11], and
tions [45]. In different phylogenetic groups, different the genome of eubacterium Rickettsia prowazekii is the
genes were transferred to the nucleus. As a result, the most mitochondrion-like. These two organisms mark the
organelle genomes of present-day organisms have dif- current boundaries of the evolutionary divide between
ferent but overlapping gene content. It is of interest that mitochondria and their eubacterial relatives [9].
after incorporation into the nuclear genome, the As mentioned above, plastids arose from the symbi-
encoded protein copies may be targeted to organelles osis of a primitive cyanobacterium with a eukaryotic
distinct from those, from which they were originally host cell that followed the acquisition of mitochondria.
transferred [25, 52]. Comparison of the nuclear genome Plastids of higher plants, red and green algae, as well as
of Arabidopsis thaliana with three cyanobacterial plastids of glaucocystophytes arose from the primary
genomes (Nostoc punctiforme, Prochlorococcus mari- endosymbiosis; the remaining eukaryotic algae carry
nus, and Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803) showed that plastids derived from the secondary endosymbiosis
approximately 4500 of Arabidopsis nuclear protein- [40, 55, 56]. The secondary endosymbiotic event con-
coding genes (18%) were acquired from the cyanobac- sisted of the engulfment, but not digestion of a photo-
terial ancestor of plastids. The products of more than a synthesizing cell (red, green algae, or glaucocysto-
half of them are targeted to cell compartments other phytes) by a nonphotosynthesizing (heterotrophic)
than the chloroplast. Conversely, protein products of eukaryotic cell. Whereas plastids derived from primary
many nuclear noncyanobacterial genes are imported endosymbiosis are surrounded by a double membrane
into the plastids [46]. corresponding to the membranes of the cyanobacterial
Together with gene transfer from the organelles to endosymbiont, secondary plastids have three or four
the nucleus, a horizontal gene transfer between differ- membranes; the outermost derived from the host pha-
ent organelles occurred in the evolution. There is exper- gosomal membrane. In most cases, secondary plastids
imental body of evidence in favor of the horizontal gene may be recognized only by the presence of more than
transfer from chloroplasts to mitochondria and between two surrounding membranes. All other traces of the
mitochondrial genomes. Gene transfer between mito- captured phytotrophic cell disappeared in the evolution.
chondrial genomes is supported by the presence of sim- It appears that secondary endosymbiosis occurred more
ilar introns at identical positions in homologous mito- than once, thus providing an extreme diversity of
chondrial genomes of evolutionarily divergent species. present-day algae [40, 56]. In some algal lineages
A transfer of the gene encoding subunit 6 of the ATPase (cryptomonads and chlorarachniophytes), the second-
complex between mitochondria of two fungal classes ary endosymbiont has retained a vestigial cytoplasm
resulting in the hybrid atp6 gene was described. A hor- and nucleus. Secondary endosymbiosis was first dis-
izontal gene transfer of the mitochondrial genes for the covered in cryptomonads (Guillardia theta), where a
respiratory chain and ribosomal proteins between dis- small nucleus-like organelle called “nucleomorph”
tantly related angiosperms, even between dicotyledons derived from the endosymbiotic nucleus was found.
and monocotyledons was reported [53]. This transfer is From this tiny nucleus, DNA was isolated and
not obvious in other higher plants and algae [53, 54]. sequenced. The obtained sequence revealed similarity
The genomic consequences of mtDNA–mtDNA gene to the nuclear DNA of red algae. Complete sequencing
transfer include gene duplication, recapture of genes showed that cryptomonads represent an intermediate



2 3 4

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Fig. 2. A scheme for the origin and evolution of plastids [40]. A single primary endosymbiosis between an unknown heterotrophic
eukaryote and a cyanobacterium led to three primary plastid-bearing lineages (top). Two secondary endosymbiotic events involving
two different green algae and unrelated hosts led to euglenids and chlorarachniophytes. A single endosymbiosis between a red alga
and a heterotrophic host led to all remaining eukaryotic algae. In some of lineages, photosynthesis was lost; in the ciliates, the entire
lineage is non-photosynthetic. Figures denote: (1) Primary endosymbiosis; (2) Red algae; (3) Glaucocystophytes; (4) Green algae
(and plants); (5) Secondary endosymbiosis; (6) Cryptomonads; (7) Haptophytes; (8) Heterokonts; (9) Ciliates; (10) Apicomplexa;
(11) Dinoflagellates; (12) Euglenids; (13) Chlorarachniophytes; (14) Alveolates; (15) Chromalveolates

stage of the secondary plastid endosymbiosis. The cal and biochemical markers complement phylogenetic
Guillardia theta nucleomorph contains 511 genes, data based on the analysis of individual genes.
30 of which are protein-coding. Euglenids, chlorarach- Sequencing of organelle genomes, in particular those of
niophytes, cryptomonads, heterokonts, dinoflagellates, different algal lineages that retained more traits of the
and apicomplexa carry plastids derived from secondary ancestral cyanobacterial genome than plastids of higher
endosymbiosis (Fig. 2) [57]. plants, seems most promising [34, 59]. For the evolu-
A comprehensive analysis of cell organelles allows tionary studies, sequencing of the mtDNA of protists,
one to trace the evolutionary history of eukaryotes [58], the most phylogenetically divergent group of eukary-
help to reconstruct more accurately the origin of plas- otes, is especially important.
tids and mitochondria, and to revise the stages of their Until recently, the data concerning organization of the
early evolution. Diverse molecular markers used in mitochondrial and plastid genomes have been limited. The
genomics in combination with numerous morphologi- human mitochondrial genome (1981) and the chloroplast



genomes of tobacco (1986) and Marchantia (1986) were than suggested earlier. Further research in the field of
the first to be sequenced. The nucleotide sequences of genome structure and expression of organelle genes
more than 600 mainly vertebrate mtDNAs (OGMP data- and nuclear factors regulating their expression will help
base at http://megasun.bch.umontreal.ca/ogmp/projects/ to elucidate phylogenetic relationships in eukaryotes.
other/mt_list.html) and more than 40 plastid genomes of
higher plants, algae, and protists (http://megasun.
bch.umontreal.ca/ogmp/projects/other/cp_list.html) are ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
presently known. This work was supported by the Russian Foundation
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