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Pterygium adalah jaringan fibrovascular yang tumbuh dari konjungtiva menuju

kornea yang disebabkan oleh paparan sinar ultraviolet yang berlebihan. Penyakit pterygium
lebih sering ditemui di daerah beriklim tropis dan di negara yang dilewati oleh garis
khatulistiwa seperti Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui presentase insidensi
penyakit pterygium terhadap lama paparan sinar ultraviolet pada pasien Semarang Eye
Studi obervasional analitik dengan rancangan potong lintang ini dilakukan pada 120
mata pasien yang berobat ke Semarang Eye Centre di Rumah Sakit Islam Sultan Agung
Semarang periode tahun 2015. Data diperoleh dari catatan medis. Data tersebut diolah
menggunakan uji chi-square.
Pada kelompok mata dengan paparan 3-5 jam didapatkan jumlah mata pasien yang
terkena pterygium 21,4%, dan jumlah mata pasien yang tidak terkena pterygium 43,8%. Pada
kelompok mata dengan paparan 5-7 jam didapatkan jumlah mata pasien terkena pterygium
37,5%, dan jumlah mata pasien yang tidak terkena pterygium 29,7%. Pada kelompok mata
dengan paparan >7 jam didapatkan jumlah mata pasien terkena pterygium 41,1%, dan jumlah
mata pasien yang tidak terkena pterygium 26,6%. Dari uji chi-square didapatkan nilai
p=0,032 (p<0,05).
Kesimpulan lama paparan sinar ultraviolet berpengaruh terhadap angka kejadian
penyakit pterygium.
Kata kunci : Sinar ultraviolet, Pterygium.

Pterygium is a fibrovascular tissue that grows on the conjunctiva to the cornea caused by
excessive exposure to ultraviolet light. Pterygium diseases are more common in the tropics
and in the countries crossed by the equator such as Indonesia. This study aims to determine
the correlations of the duration UVB-radiation exposure

This was an analytical observational study with a cross sectional design. 120 eyes (60
patients) were included. The data were obtained from the medical records of out patient
attending Semarang Eye Center in 2015.. The interview patient to find out the risk factor of
pterygium (the duration of outdoor activity). The data were analyzed using chi- square
followed by Spearman correlation test.

The resujlts showed that the duration of UVB-radiation exposure has a significant effect on
the incidence of Pterygium (p=0.032; r=0.225). In the group with 3-5 hours UVB exposure,
21.4% subjects were diagnosed with pterygium and 43.8% subjects were not diagnosed
with pterygium. In the group with 5-7 hours UVB exposure, 37.5% subjects were diagnosed
with pterygium and 29.7% subjects were not diagnosed with pterygium In the group with >7
hours UVB exposure, 41.1%, subjects were diagnosed with pterygium and 26.6% subjects
were not diagnosed with pterygium

In conclusions, there was a weak correlations between the duration of UV-radiation exposure
on incidence of pterygium in Semarang Eye Centre RSI Sultan Agung.

Keywords: Ultraviolet, Pterygium.

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