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Yoga and music

Introduction :Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science,

which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and scince of healthy
living. The word 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to yoke' or 'to


Yoga is an old discipline from India. It is both spiritual and physical. Yoga uses breathing
techniques, exercise and meditation. It claims to improve health and happiness. ... He defined
yoga as "the cessation of the modification of the mind".

concept of yoga

The word "yoga" comes from the Sanskrit root yuj, ... Yoga is an ancient art based on a
harmonizing system of development for the body, mind, and spirit. The continued practice
of yoga will lead you to a sense of peace and well-being, and also a feeling of being at one with
their environment.

Importance of Yoga

Yoga is not a religion; it is a way of living that aims towards 'a healthy mind in a healthy body'.
Man is a physical, mental and spiritual being; yogahelps promote a balanced development of all
the three. Other forms of physical exercises, like aerobics, assure only physical well-being.

The Purpose of Yoga

The original context of yoga was spiritual development practices to train the body and mind to
self observe and become aware of their own nature. The purposes of yoga were to cultivate
discernment, awareness, self-regulation and higher consciousness in the individual.

Goal of yoga

However, in all schools of yoga, the goal of the practitioner is the attainment of perfect
tranquility and spiritual insight while meditating on Brahman (the Hindu concept of divinity). It is
this state that will lead to moksha and eternal peace.

The 8 elements of the yoga path are:

 Yama.
 Niyama.
 Asana.
 Pranayama.
 Pratyahara.
 Dharana.
 Dyana.

physical benefits of yoga include:

 Increased flexibility.
 Increased muscle strength and tone.
 Improved respiration, energy and vitality.
 Maintaining a balanced metabolism.
 Weight reduction.
 Cardio and circulatory health.
 Improved athletic performance.
 Protection from injury.

Principles of yoga

Yoga in the essence is based on positive thinking and meditation.

 Non-violence (ahimsa) ...

 Truthfulness (satya) ...
 Righteousness (asteya) ...
 Wisdom (brahmacharia) ...
 Simplicity (aparigraha) ...
 Worship of the spiritual goal (ishvara-pranidhana) ...
 Sacrifice the ego (shaucha) ...
 Self-discipline (tapas)

Aim of yoga
Yoga offers both the goal and the means to reach it. Yoga has a diverse range of things that it
can offer. It could be said that a primary goal of yoga is to gain balance and control in one's life.
The practice of yoga exercises aims at overcoming the limitations of the bod Yama.

Introduction of music
introduction is a passage or section which opens a movement or a separate piece, preceding
the theme or lyrics. ... Theintroduction establishes melodic, harmonic or rhythmic material
related to the main body of a piece.
Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. ... Music theory is
frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers makemusic, including
tuning systems and composition methods among other topics.
Concepts of music
The concepts of music include duration, pitch, dynamics and expressive techniques, tone
colour, texture and structure. When describing the improvised solo, refer to aspects of these
six concepts of music by considering questions.
Importence of music
Music Theory Is Important for Your Students. Music theory is the understanding of
written music, and it provides a language for composers andmusicians to communicate with
each other. ... For example, composers can use these symbols to tell musicians to play quiet or
loud, or with quick or long notes.
music education is important

Read on to learn why music education is so important, and how it offers benefits even
beyond itself. ... Musical training helps develop language and reasoning: Students who
have early musical training will develop the areas of the brain related to language and

listening to music help students

Many researchers, as well as students, who think listening to music helpsmemory
have called the practice the “Mozart Effect.” ... These studies and researchers seem to
indicate that music can actually help you study and those wholisten to music while
studying may actually be better off for it.

use of music
Music provides a safe, structured setting for verbal and non-verbalcommunication.
Music uses sounds and silences to structure time in an understandable way. Music
provides both structure and freedom through the use of form and improvisation.
Music provides a meaningful, enjoyable context forrepetition.

function of the music

The concept of musical functions is foundational to musical analysis, and essential to
the understanding of musical styles. A musical function describes the role that a
particular musical element plays in the creation of a larger musical unit.

Fundamentals of Music

This course will introduce students to the theory of music,

providing them with the skills needed to read,
write Western music notation,
as well as to understand,
analyse, and
listen informedly.
Voice is the most beautiful instrument. The first instrument made by God may be regarded as “Voice”,
because mankind was endowed with the Voice even before the invention of Instruments. In all the
musical systems of world “Singing voice” is common between them. Though voice is used for both
speaking and singing, the technique of voice production for singing is more complex. The human voice is
a delicate, sympathetic and perfect musical instrument according to a musician. “Narada Siksha” uses
the word “Gatra- Vina” (bodily lute).The Sanskrit treatise “Aitereya Aranyaka” describes the voice as
“Sarira Vina” or “Deyvi Vina or (divine vina ) . Everyone is endowed with this “Sarira Vina” or “Voice” but
Vocal music is considered the superior one in terms of “Music”-Gitam Vadhyam Nityam.

Interpersonal relationship
An interpersonal relationship is a strong, deep, or close association or acquaintance between
two or more people that may range in duration from brief to enduring. This association may be
based on inference, love, solidarity, regular business interactions, or some other type of social


Interpersonal relationships are social associations, connections, or affiliations between two or

more people. They vary in differing levels of intimacy and sharing, implying the discovery or
establishment of common ground, and may be centered around something(s) shared in
stages of interpersonal relationships
According to famous psychologist George Levinger, every relationship goes
through following five stages.
 First Stage – Acquaintance. Acquaintance refers to knowing each other. ...
 Second Stage – The Build up Stage. ...
 Third Stage – Continuation Stage. ...
 Fourth Stage – Deterioration. ...
Fifth Stage – The Termination Stage.

Types of Interpersonal Relationships

We define types of interpersonal relationships in terms of relational
contexts of interaction and the types of expectations that communicators
have of one another.
Theories of friendship emphasize the concept of
friendship as a freely chosen association
Family communication patterns establish roles, identities
Family and enable the growth of individuals. Family dysfunction
may also be exhibited by communication patterns.
Romantic relationships are defined in terms of the
concepts of passion, intimacy and commitment.
Professional Relationships Professional communication encompasses small group
communication and interviewing.
Assess interpersonal effectiveness in various types of
Interpersonal Competence
relationships and contexts.
Websites for Interpersonal This page links you to other Websites that provide
Relationships resources about interpersonal relationships.


These are some of the common characteristics of a good relationship: Rapport: where you
feel comfortable or at ease with the other person. This can be automatic or it could take time to
develop. Empathy: refers to the ability to see the world through another person's eyes,
understanding his/her feelings and actions.

interpersonal relationship in the education

Interpersonal relationships that you form at work serve a critical role in both your work
success and career progress. Positive interpersonal relationships will allow effective
communication and understanding among students.
stages of interpersonal relationships?
According to famous psychologist George Levinger, every relationship goes
through following five stages.
 First Stage – Acquaintance. Acquaintance refers to knowing each other. ...
 Second Stage – The Build up Stage. ...
 Third Stage – Continuation Stage. ...
 Fourth Stage – Deterioration. ...
Fifth Stage – The Termination Stage.

Types of Interpersonal Relationships

We define types of interpersonal relationships in terms of relational
contexts of interaction and the types of expectations that communicators
have of one another.
Theories of friendship emphasize the concept of
friendship as a freely chosen association
Family communication patterns establish roles, identities
Family and enable the growth of individuals. Family dysfunction
may also be exhibited by communication patterns.
Romantic relationships are defined in terms of the
concepts of passion, intimacy and commitment.
Professional communication encompasses small group
Professional Relationships
communication and interviewing.
Assess interpersonal effectiveness in various types of
Interpersonal Competence
relationships and contexts.
Websites for Interpersonal This page links you to other Websites that provide
Relationships resources about interpersonal relationships.

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