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WORD-MEANINGS Quiescent: in a state or period of inactivity or


Exculpate: clear from blame Plaudit: praise, approbation, congratulation

Seine: a large net with sinkers on one edge and Eulogy: a speech or piece of writing that praises
floats on the other that hangs vertically in the water someone or something highly, especially a tribute
and is used to enclose and catch fish to someone who has just died.

Epicure: a person who takes particular pleasure in Tendentious: Expressing or intending to promote a
fine food and drink particular cause or point of view, especially a
controversial one.
Foist: impose an unwelcome or unnecessary person
or thing on. Purloin: Steal, Make off with belongings of others

Perusal: Examine Morose: sullen and ill-tempered

Ostensible: stated or appearing to be true, but not Casuistry: a resolving of specific cases of
necessarily so conscience, duty, or conduct through
interpretation of ethical principles or religious
Fetter: a chain or manacle used to restrain a
prisoner, typically placed around the ankles.
Adumbrate: to suggest, disclose, or outline partially
Languid: Lacking spirit or liveliness
adumbrate a plan
Soporific Tending to induce drowsiness or sleep.
Cantankerous: bad-tempered, argumentative, and
Perspicacious: having a ready insight into and uncooperative
understanding of things
Gaucherie: awkward or unsophisticated ways
Parochial: Having a limited or narrow outlook or
Doughty: intrepid, fearless, resolute, mettlesome
Punctilious: Giving great attention to detail or
Sedulous: (Of a person or action) showing
correct behaviour.
dedication and diligence.
Scald: A type of burn injury caused by hot gases or
Spiel: an elaborate or glib speech or story, typically
one used by a Salesperson
Circumlocution: the use of many words where
Prurient: lustful, salacious
fewer would do, especially in a deliberate to be
Sequestered: (Of a place) isolated and hidden evasive
Ignoramus: An ignorant person, dance, dolt, dope
Supercilious: Behaving or looking as though one
Incandescent: strikingly bright
thinks one is superior to others
Incense: enrage, infuriate(make furious), make
Petulant: childishly sulky or bad-tempered
extremely angry
Impugn: to challenge as false (another’s
Indignant: Anger
statements, motives, etc.); cast doubt upon, to vilify
Infirmity: Weakness
Urbane: reflecting elegance, sophistication
Jostle: shove
Restitute: give or bring back, to restore to a former
state or position Junket: trip especially one taken for pleasure by an
official at public Expense
Junta: group of persons joined in political intrigue, Untoward: unexpected and adverse
Verve: Spirit, vigor
Kindred: related, belonging to the same group,
similar in nature or character, Ex. kindred languages Wrangle: quarrel noisily

Kindle: start a fire, ignite, inspire, arouse Winsome: attractive or appealing in a fresh,
innocent way
Languish: lose animation or strength
Yore: time long past
Languid: lacking energy
Zany: comic
Listless: lacking in spirit or energy
Zephyr: gentle breeze
Machinations: evil schemes or plots
Contravene: to act or be counter to ,violate ,to
Malady: Illness come in conflict

Miser: stingy person Kosher: Conforming to dietary laws; ritually

pure(kosher meat)
Naivet: quality of being unsophisticated, simplicity

Nonentity: person of no importance

Odious: arousing strong dislike

Opinionated: holding stubbornly to one's opinion

Outlandish: bizarre, peculiar

Palatial: of or suitable for a palace, magnificent

Palliate: ease pain (without curing)

Pathos: tender sorrow, pity, quality in art or literature

that produces these feelings

Peevish: bad-tempered

Penitent: repentan

Quack: charlatan, impostor

Quaff: drink with zest

Quorum: minimal number of members necessary to

conduct a meeting

Quotidian: daily; commonplace; customary

Ramble: Digress

Salutary: tending to improve, beneficial,


Recourse: resorting to help when in trouble, Ex.

without recourse to

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