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 ON ALL ORDERS ABOVE $250 (On Cart Value)

OVIDAC 2000 IU  

$48.00 – $144.00
Buy Ovidac 2000 iu Online (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin), abbreviated as HCG is a polypep de hormone released by
the syncy otrophoblast, an element of the zygote that results a er ovum has been fer lized. The hormone is protein in
nature and has a….

Pack Size Price Quan ty

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Pack Size Price Quan ty

3 Vial + 3 NaCl Ampoule $48.00 1 ADD TO CART

6 Vial + 6 NaCl Ampoule $96.00 ADD TO CART


9 Vial + 9 NaCl Ampoule $144.00 ADD TO CART


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Buy Ovidac 2000 iu Online from AllDayGeneric.com

Ovidac 2000 iu (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin-HCG) is a hormone that supports the normal development of
an egg in a woman’s ovary, and s mulates the release of the egg during ovula on. Ovidac 2000 iu (Human
Chorionic Gonadotropin) is used to cause ovula on and to treat infer lity in women, and to increase sperm
count in men. Ovidac 2000 iu (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin-HCG) is also used in young boys when their
tes cles have not dropped down into the scrotum normally. This can be caused by a pituitary gland
disorder. Ovidac 2000 iu (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin-HCG) may also be used for other purposes not
listed in this medica on guide.

Why buy Ovidac 2000 iu from AllDayGeneric?

• Low prices. We sell prescrip on medica ons at low prices. A free medical consulta on is included with
every prescrip on.

• Total privacy. Your informa on is always kept strictly confiden al.

• Convenience. You won’t need to wait in long lines at the pharmacy, because your medica ons will be
delivered directly to your door.

• Authen city. We only sell authen c Ovidac 2000 iu, manufactured by Bayer Zydus Pharma at a plant in the

• Professional Advice. A physician licensed evaluates every order. An Indian licensed pharmacist will dispense
your medica on and send it directly to your door.
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How Ovidac 2000 iu treats problems

Corion (human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg)) is a glycoprotein that dissolves in water. It is available in the
urine of pregnant women. It is composed of two sub-units namely; alpha and beta sub-units. A sole injec on
of hormone corion (human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg)) ac vates ovula on in a span of 38 to 40 hours. The
ac on of corion (human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg)) is similar tothat of luteinizing hormone (lh). Along with
the follicle s mula ng hormone (fsh), lh influences the oogenesis process. Lh also ini ates the ovula on
process at mid-cycle. The role corion (human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg)) plays in the body is similar to that
of lh that is, s mula on of ovula on in women having infer lity problems. It triggers produc on of hormone
progesterone by the corpus luteum in the ovaries.in men, it triggers secre on of hormone testosterone and
also raises the sperm count. Corion (human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg)) influencesthe inters al cells in the
tes cles to produce androgens.

What condi ons is Ovidac 2000 iu used for?

Hormone Ovidac 2000 iu is used in the following condi ons:

• Trea ng infer lity in women.

• Raising sperm count in men.
• In young boys whose testes have not descended naturally into the scrotum.

How to take Ovidac 2000 iu


Ovula on Induc on (if the cause of anovula on is secondary and not due to primary ovarian failure):
chorionic gonadotropin:
5000 to 10,000 units IM one day following last day of menotropins.
recombinant chorionic gonadotropin:
250 mcg subcutaneously one day following last dose of follicle-s mula ng agent.


hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (secondary to a pituitary deficiency):
500 to 1000 units IM three mes a week for 3 weeks followed by the same dose twice a week for 3 weeks or,
4000 units IM three mes a week for 6 to 9 months followed by 2000 units three mes a week for an
addi onal 3 months.


Prepubertal cryptorchidism (usually between ages of 4 and 9 years and not due to anatomical obstruc on):
4000 units IM three mes a week for 3 weeks or,
5000 units IM on every other day for four injec ons or,
500 to 1000 units IM for 15 injec ons over a period of 6 weeks or,
500 units three mes a week for 4 to 6 weeks; if not successful, may repeat series at 1000 unit dosage one
month later.
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What is the most important informa on I should know about Ovidac 2000 iu?

Ovidac 2000 iu is given as an injec on under the skin or into a muscle. If you use this medicine at home, your
doctor, nurse, or pharmacist will give you specific instruc ons on how and where to inject this medicine. Do
not self-inject this medicine if you do not fully understand how to give the injec on and properly dispose of
used needles and syringes. Call your doctor at once if you have any of these signs of a blood clot: pain,
warmth, redness, numbness, or ngling in your arm or leg; confusion, extreme dizziness, or severe headache.
Some women using this medicine have developed a condi on called ovarian hyper s mula on syndrome
(OHSS), especially a er the first treatment cycle. OHSS can be a life-threatening condi on. Call your doctor
right away if you have any symptoms of OHSS: severe pelvic pain, swelling of the hands or legs, stomach pain
and swelling, shortness of breath, weight gain, diarrhea, nausea or vomi ng, and urina ng less than
normal. Ovidac 2000 iu can cause early puberty in young boys. Call your doctor if a boy using this medicine
shows early signs of puberty, such as a deepened voice, pubic hair growth, and increased acne or swea ng.
Using this medicine can increase your chances of having a mul ple pregnancy (twins, triplets, quadruplets,
etc). A mul ple pregnancy is a high-risk pregnancy for the mother and for the babies. Follow your doctor’s
instruc ons about any special care you may need during your pregnancy. Although Ovidac 2000 iu can help
you become pregnant, this medica on is in the FDA pregnancy category X. This means that using the
medica on once you are pregnant can cause birth defects in the baby. Do not use this medica on if you are
pregnant. Tell your doctor right away if you become pregnant during treatment.

What should I discuss with my healthcare provider before using Ovidac 2000 iu?

You should not use this medica on if you have ever had an allergic reac on to Ovidac 2000 iu, or if you
have: early puberty (also called precocious puberty); or a hormone-related cancer (such as prostate
cancer).Before receiving Ovidac 2000 iu tell your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs or if you have: a
thyroid or adrenal gland disorder; an ovarian cyst; premature puberty; cancer or a tumor of the breast, ovary,
uterus, prostate, hypothalamus, or pituitary gland; undiagnosed uterine bleeding; heart disease; kidney
disease; epilepsy; migraines; or asthma. If you have any of these condi ons, you may need a dose adjustment
or special tests to safely use Ovidac 2000 iu. Although Ovidac 2000 iu can help you become pregnant, this
medica on is in the FDA pregnancy category X. This means that using the medica on once you are pregnant
can cause birth defects in the baby. Do not use this medica on if you are pregnant. Tell your doctor right away
if you become pregnant during treatment. It is not known whether Ovidac 2000 iu passes into breast milk. Do
not use Ovidac 2000 iu without telling your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby.

How should I use Ovidac 2000 iu?

Use this medica on exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not use it in larger amounts or for longer than
recommended. Follow the direc ons on your prescrip on label. Ovidac 2000 iu is given as an injec on under
the skin or into a muscle. Your doctor, nurse, or other healthcare provider will give you this injec on. You may
be shown how to inject your medicine at home. Do not self-inject this medicine if you do not fully understand
how to give the injec on and properly dispose of used needles and syringes. Use each disposable needle only
one me. Throw away used needles in a puncture-proof container (ask your pharmacist where you can get
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one and how to dispose of it). Keep this container out of the reach of children and pets. To be sure this
medica on is helping your condi on, your doctor will need to check you on a regular basis. Do not miss any
scheduled appointments. Some brands of Ovidac 2000 iu come in powder form with a separate liquid that
you must mix together and draw into a syringe. Other brands are provided in single-dose prefilled syringes. Do
not use the medica on if it has changed colors or the liquid has any par cles in it. Call your doctor for a new
prescrip on. Store unmixed Ovidac 2000 iu at room temperature away from light, moisture, and heat. A er
mixing the Ovidac 2000 iu, you must keep it in the refrigerator un l you are ready for your injec on. Throw
away any mixed medicine that you have not used within 30 days a er mixing.

What happens if I miss a dose of Ovidac 2000 iu ?

Contact your doctor if you miss a dose of Ovidac 2000 iu.

What happens if I overdose of Ovidac 2000 iu?

Seek emergency medical a en on if you think you have used too much of this medicine. An overdose
of Ovidac 2000 iu is not expected to produce life-threatening symptoms.

What should I avoid while using Ovidac 2000 iu?

Follow your doctor’s instruc ons about any restric ons on food, beverages, or ac vity while you are
using Ovidac 2000 iu.

Side effects of Ovidac 2000 iu

Stop using Ovidac 2000 iu and get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic
reac on: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Call your doctor at once if
you have any of these signs of a blood clot: pain, warmth, redness, numbness, or ngling in your arm or leg;
confusion, extreme dizziness, or severe headache. Some women using this medicine have developed a
condi on called ovarian hyper s mula on syndrome (OHSS), especially a er the first treatment cycle. OHSS
can be a life-threatening condi on. Call your doctor right away if you have any of the following symptoms of
OHSS: severe pelvic pain; swelling of the hands or legs; stomach pain and swelling; shortness of breath;
weight gain; diarrhea; nausea or vomi ng; or urina ng less than normal. This medica on can cause early
puberty in young boys. Call your doctor if a boy using this medicine shows early signs of puberty, such as a
deepened voice, pubic hair growth, and increased acne or swea ng.

Less serious side effects may include: headache; feeling restless or irritable; mild swelling or water weight
gain; depression; breast tenderness or swelling; orpain, swelling, or irrita on where the injec on is given. This
is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Tell your doctor about any unusual or bothersome
side effect.

What other drugs will affect Ovidac 2000 iu?

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There may be other drugs that can interact with Ovidac 2000 iu. Tell your doctor about all the prescrip on
and over-the-counter medica ons you use. This includes vitamins, minerals, herbal products, and drugs
prescribed by other doctors. Do not start using a new medica on without telling your doctor.

Who are the manufactures of HCG?

Ovidac 2000 iu is manufactured by Bayer Zudus Pharma, India

For how long should 5000 iu be taken?

Medica on of Ovidac 2000 iu should be con nued for as long as the doctor recommends. Do not stop
medica on un l advised otherwise by your doctor.

Drug Interac ons of Ovidac 2000 iu

Make known to your doctor, all the drugs and medica ons you are currently taking including the prescribed
and over-the-counter drugs you are currently taking in treatment of other ailments. This is important so that
your doctor makes an informed decision concerning your HCG medica on.

What things need to be taken care of?

• Always take the drugs as directed and prescribed by your physician.

• Avoid expired drug.
• If the lyophilized asep c powder is decolourized, do not use it.
• Inject yourself with this medicine only if you know the proper way of administering the drug.
• Always use needles and syringes that have been sterilized.
• Don’t share your medica on with anybody, even if both of you have similar symptoms.
• Avoid keeping HCG in a place with elevated temperatures, moist condi ons or too bright light.
• Seek advice from your pharmacist on how to dispose of the drug properly.
• Keep a detailed record of all the drugs which you are taking alongside HCG medica on.

Buying Ovidac 2000 iu from AllDayGeneric Fast, Easy and Secure

If you are ready to buy Ovidac 2000 iu online at AllDayGeneric, choose your dosage and quan ty and add your
items to your cart by clicking Buy Ovidac 2000 iu. The prescribing doctor might recommend a different
dosage. If that’s the case, you will be no fied via email.

You will need to answer several ques ons about your health and medical history. Be sure to list all your
prescrip on and non-prescrip on medica ons. A doctor will review your answers to make sure it’s safe for
you to take Ovidac 2000 iu. Once approved, you will be no fied via email. A United State licensed pharmacist
will fill your order and send it directly to you door. The packaging is always discrete to ensure your privacy. You
will only be charged for your order when you have been approved by one of our physicians.

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