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“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the

swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the
swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”
The Kybalion.
Welcome to my absolute favorite of the Universal Principles. I do actually understand the
absurdity of having favorites when it comes to something such as the Laws that the Hermetics
used to describe the working of the Universe. However, the thing I like most about this
Principle is that it describes a process that permits us REAL empowerment.
The ancient Hermetic Masters spent more time studying and understanding this Principle than
any of the others, because of the power it gave them over their own lives.

The Pendulum ALWAYS swings

This Principle describes the constant motion that exists between the poles that were
described in the previous Principle. Take a look around the natural world and you’ll see the
paradoxical nature of this very thing.
Day becomes night which becomes day again. Low tide rises to high which returns to low
again. These cycles between opposites are commonplace for us to observe. Here’s the
question though: At which point is the line that day has become night? Where is the definitive
line that the low tide has become high?
As with these examples, there is NO clear cut line when something becomes something else
along the swing of the pendulum because as explained in the previous Principle, the
opposites are not different yet actually the same thing separated only by the degree of
vibration they exhibit.
The mind screams for need of division. As people, we fight tooth and claw for the limited
belief that hot and cold are NOT the same thing. Yet as with everything that exists of the
same energetic spectrum, they are both temperature and whether hot or cold is determined
only by the rate of vibration.

The power of Rhythm

When it comes to our emotions, we have the ability to step off the pendulum. It still swings,
this is LAW and is irrefutable. However, as the pendulum swings back and forth between
polar opposites; between happy and sad, between love and hate, we have the ability at any
given point to step off and state “I’m going to stand at this point”.
THIS was the power commanded by the ancient Hermetic Masters and is an ability that we
have largely lost in modern times. We allow ourselves to be victims of our own mental and
emotional states. We falsely believe that just because we are thinking or feeling something,
that it MUST be true and cannot be challenged!
The Hermetic Masters understood that everything existed on one of two planes. They referred
to these as the Lower and Higher, however in other terms what they were referring to was
actually the Subconscious and Conscious planes. They came to understand that the
pendulum swing manifests on the Lower plane, or at the subconscious level only.

How does this Principle impact us?

Because the conscious plane was not affected by the swing of the pendulum, they came to
know the Law of Neutralization which essentially allowed them to rise above the egocentric
subconscious plane to a state where they could make a conscious choice. Ultimately, they
would find a place that they wanted to remain and then refused to ride to pendulum back to
the opposite of that state.
For us in the modern world, this means taking control over our emotional state. We do this
when we refuse to engage on an emotional level with the thoughts we have. This in turn
weakens the pathways that these thoughts charge down in our brain. By consciously refusing
to engage with our thoughts on an emotional level, we have entered into the Higher Plane
and are able to step off the pendulum.
So imagine this: We have a habitual thought that we like. We subconsciously take the thought
as fact and emotionally engage with it. We are happy. Something happens outside of us and
it conflicts with the thought we had. We see that the thought that made us happy (that we took
as fact) is actually untrue. We become sad. THIS is the pendulum in full effect on the
emotional level.
Now imagine: We have a habitual thought that we like. We consciously understand that it is
just a thought and do not engage with it emotionally. We remain as we currently are because
we have not allowed our emotional equilibrium to be swayed by thoughts or external
situations. The thought pathways become weaker because we do not engage with them.
To arrive at such a place is a life long practice and one that requires constant vigilance.
Hermes’ Sev en Secrets

There appear to be seven axioms guiding curriculum at the ancient Mystery Schools in Egypt.
These principles are credited to an ancient magus by the name of Hermes Trismegistus. Let’s
examine these seven axioms and their contemporary usefulness toward raising of
1) Mentalism. Mentalism is the first Hermetic principle. One way to think of Mentalism is as
the stories we mentally carry and live in. Our stories will greatly determine who we are, who
we will become and how we live. Consciousness is raised when we allow ourselves to
become aware of our stories and to acknowledge that they are not necessarily an accurate
depiction of reality and may never truly capture the ever-changing process of what goes on
around us. Consciousness is deepened as we move beyond creating stories that are ego
driven, aimed at personal gain, self-diminishing or disparaging to others. We can ask several
questions that help to identify the depth and breadth of our stories: Does my story tend to
close my heart and/or my mind? Does my story support my curiosity? Does my story
encourage my creativity and productivity? Does my story reinforce inclusion or does it
generate separation and divisiveness? Does my story encourage me to be a victim or to be
empowered and responsible?
2) Correspondence. This axiom is often described as “As above, so below; as below so
above. As without, so within and as within, so without.” One way to view this principle is to
view the word above as reflective of our beliefs and values, the upper cerebral activity. What
is below is our bodies, our internal sensations and emotions. We can dress up our political,
religious and philosophical beliefs, however, our best ideas are not without sentiment. Any
strong belief will have a corresponding physical sensation and emotion. We can then be
curious about our mind-body connection. Is there something I want or long for that gives rise
to my belief? Is there some fear energizing my thinking? Is there some trauma (unregulated
nervous reaction) contributing to a particular belief or value?
When we are willing to explore what’s below our beliefs, we might for example, find new ways
to address our fears. These new ways may activate new perspectives, guided by curiosity
and wonder.
“As within, so without and as without, so within”, suggest that countless expressions of the
human condition live in us. Years ago, following a television movie on the Holocaust, a
mentor of mine called and said, “I’m having problems finding my inner Nazi!” A radical shift in
acceptance and compassion can take place when we are willing to acknowledge that the
arrogance, self-righteousness, insensitivity and lethargy we witness without or outside of
ourselves, lies also within us. This axiom also suggests that the fear, longing to be loved,
brokenness, and sorrow within can be found without in others.
3) Vibration. Vibration proposes that everything is in constant motion and change. This axiom
supports the raising of consciousness as we are invited to maintain a relationship to non-
permanence. Such a relationship encourages us to make peace with loss, as we understand
that all things come to an end. So it is with feelings of despondency and deep sorrow - they
too will pass.
4) Polarity. This principle suggests that opposites actually share the same nature. This
principle significantly supports more breadth of vision. A good example is the reminder of the
birth polarity offered to us by the French Obstetrician, Frederick Leboyer. He pointed out that
for parents a birth is a momentous beginning and for the infant, a profound ending. The
parents greet new life and the infant’s embryonic world comes to a blistering end. The
experience called a birth holds the opposites of a beginning experienced by parents and an
end experienced by the infant.
Another example of polarity is humility and arrogance. Humility is an attempt at gracefully
accepting one’s limits while arrogance is a striving to deny one’s limits. We see accepting our
limits as a valued way to be, while arrogance attempts to hold oneself as having value by
striving to exceed limits in an impressive fashion. Holding the common nature of opposites not
only increases consciousness but it can bring more compassion to those who appear to be
acting so opposite from us.
5) Rhythm. This principle also describes motion as it is depicted in certain patterns in nature
and in the human psyche. We often move from heightened consciousness, to allowing fear to
generate attitudes and stories that are contracted and less expansive. Being aware of this
expanding and contracting rhythm can be very helpful regarding being able to identify
appropriate times for problem solving and decision making.
There is also a relationship rhythm when one person acts under-responsibly and the friend or
partner typically acts over-responsibly. This rhythm can go on without anyone really noticing.
Obviously, it can be very helpful if both people if both people decide to make adjustments in
order to restore balance of responsibility. However, quite often there is no such agreement
with the under-responsible person enjoying some of the benefits of less re sponsibility. The
over-responsible person can go ahead and change the rhythm of responsibility in the
relationship by accepting their limits, refusing to be unnecessarily self-sacrificial and living
from their desire.
6) Cause and Effect. Essentially, this axiom puts forward the nonexistence of chance. It
defines the universe as orderly. It also encourages us to define ourselves as causes rather
than simply being the effects of environment and culture. Unfortunately, New Age thinking
that promoted becoming a cause by intending a laundry list of personal acquisitions made this
sixth axiom popular. It also implied that as causes, we might transcend environmental
influences and with the right intention, create at will. Fortunately, this ego-driven paradigm is
eclipsed by the following quote from Goethe: “.... that the moment one definitely commits
oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never
otherwise have occurred.”
In every ancient myth, when the hero or heroine commits, “all sorts of things occur to help one
that would never otherwise have occurred.” However, the help providence offers never is
directly in support of the hero’s original quest. Quite to the contrary, the hero typically runs
into a series of obstacles and hindrances that deepen character and offer opportunities to
learn about life and oneself.
7) Gender. This principle does not refer to male and female anatomy, but rather to the
archetypal energies of the Feminine and Masculine, which both men and women can access.
The benefit of this axiom is really as a useful model for taking an inner inventory. The word
gender comes from the Latin, meaning to beget, generate and create. These qualities are
meant to work in concert, supporting greater generativity. Here are some examples.
Masculine - Feminine
Will - Acceptance
Active - Passive
Reasoning - Feeling
Independent - Dependent
Aggressive - Acquiescent
Typically, the task is to get beyond certain cultural influences that devalue a certain quality.
The key is to remain curious about how a certain quality can work in concert with its gender
counterpart in order to augment creativity.
We have been examining the seven secrets of Hermes. From Greek Mythology, Hermes is
the only god who easily travels from the Divine to the human and back again. With this in
mind, we can avoid cosmic and esoteric interpretations. The key is to unravel valued
meanings from Hermetic principles, demonstrating concrete applications to our inner lives,
and to our worldly lives.
Understanding and Applying The Law of Vibration.

I think a lot of people get confus ed thinking the Law of Attraction is an actual Universal Law, when in
reality, it is only an aspect of a Universal Law and that Universal Law is the Law of Vibration.

One of the barriers to learning is a misunderstood word. So, let is first define, Vibration in relation to
this context.




 informal

a person’s emotional state, the atmosphere of a place, or the associations of an object, as communicated
to and felt by others.

Everything flows in and flows out again. Everything has its tides. Everything rises and falls.
Everything is vibration.

Nothing is static – ev erything is mov ing. The ev en movement of the pendulum is

ev ident in everything. The sw ing of the pendulum to the one side equals the swing of
the pendulum to the other side. Rhythm equalizes.

Overcom e rigidity and live flexibility. Whatever is rigid must break apart.

From The Kybalion:

Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”

This Principle embodies the truth that “ everything is in motion”; “everything vibrates”; “ nothing is at
rest”; facts which Modern Science endorses, and which each new scienti fic discovery tends to verify.
And yet this Hermetic Principle was enunciated thousands of years ago, by the Masters of Ancient

This Principle explains that the differences between di fferent mani festations of Matter, Energy, Mind,
and even Spirit, result largely from varying rates of Vibration.

From THE ALL, which is Pure Spirit, down to the grossest form of Matter, all is in vibration — the
higher the vibration, the higher the position in the scale. The vibration of Spirit is at such an infinite
rate of intensity and rapidity that it is practically at rest — just as a rapidly moving wheel seems to be
motionless. And at the other end of the scale, there are gross forms of matter whose vibrations are so
low as to seem at rest. Between these poles, there are millions upon millions of varying degrees of
vibration. From corpuscle and electron, atom and molecule, to worlds and universes, everything is in
vibratory motion.

This is also true on the planes of energy and force (whi ch are but varying degrees of vibration); and
also on the mental planes (whose states depend upon vibrations); and even on to the spiritual planes.

An understanding of this Law, with the appropriate formulas, enables Herm etic students to control their
own mental vibrations as well as those of others.

The Masters also apply this Principle to the conquering of Natural phenomena, in various ways.

“ He who understands the Principle of Vibration, has grasped the Sceptre of Power,”

How does one apply the Law of Vibration in their life?

The first thing you want to do is figure out how being, doing, or having your goal manifest (or come
true) is going to make you *feel *.

Once you have that feeling, do whatever it takes to get yourself into that emotional state as often as
possible. This may mean doing things or going places that give you that feeling, or even taking a few
minutes a day to vividly imagine what it will be like once your goal manifests.

Years ago when I was in my 20’s and living in a 700 sq.ft. apartment, I used to get in my 1998 Ford
Ranger and drive around in nice neighborhoods where peopl e lived in 2000+ sq.ft. homes (I thought
that was MASSIVE back then. lol) , had manicured lawns and swimming pools out back.

I would just drive around for an hour or 2 every few days and just put myself in that emotional state of
“ feeling” what it would be like to own a home like that.

…and guess what! I eventually ended up in a home just like that!

Now my wife and daughter and I drive around in our BMW in multi-million dollar neighborhoods and
put our self in an emotional state of what it will “ feel” like to live in a multi-million dollar home.

Are we there yet? In our mind we are. …and that only means one thing. In reality we
will soon be!

Remember, the more time you spend in that emotional state, or ‘vibration’, the sooner your goal will

Don’t ever let anyone talk you out of dreaming BIG, HAIRY, AUDACIOUS GOALS!!

If your goals aren’t big and hairy…so big and hairy that they don’t scare you, then you aren’t dreaming
Dream BIG Dreams! …because small dreams have no magick!

Dream Big and then put yourself in that emotional state of what it “ feels” like to have that dream come
true as often as you can. The Universe will eventually align itself with that vibrational frequency.

Nikola Tesla (he’s the man that is responsible for the elect ricity in your home) once said that he would
visualize so vividly and so intensely that he could not tell the difference between the object in his mind
and the real thing.

Tesla ended up with over 270 patents registered in his name in 28 countries.

Why? …because his thoughts became things!

That’s what you’re shooting for!

Now, did you realize that’s EXACTLY what The Secret Ritual does…it teaches you how visualize as
vividly and intensely as Tesla.

So get to it!

Now is the time to apply the Law of Vibration to your life.

In the mean time,

Emitte lucem et vertatem,

Hiram Pagan

P.S. My next lesson will be on the Law of Correspondence.

Understanding and Applying The Law of Correspondence.

Most of us have heard the old adage that our outer world is nothing more than a refl ection of our inner
world – as within, so without, as above, so below. Well, you may or may not realize this, but what this
actually is, is The Law of Correspondence.

This is probably one of the most important Universal Laws we know of. The Law of Correspondence
basically says that our current reality is a mirror of what is going on inside us. Our reality is a result of
our inner most dominant thought.

If our life is filled with unhappiness, chaos or is just straight up unfulfilling, it is a because that’s how
we are on the inside. If we hold negative thoughts internally, then our outer world becomes filled with
turmoil and strife.

Here’s the danger in holding negative thoughts. Ultimately, the negativity becomes a self-perpetuating

What do I mean by “self-perpetuating” ?

Here’s what I mean…

When we start to feel bad on the inside, our perception of the outer world starts to look bad. The worse
the outer world becomes, the worse we then feel on the inside. It’s like when obese people say, “ I eat
becaus e I’m unhappy and I’m unhappy because I eat.” It all ends up having a direct impact on our

There is only one way to escape this self perpetuating treadmill…SHIFT YOUR PARADIGM

As within so with out, or, as below so above.

In order to change our outer world, we must first take a good look in the mirror and change the inner

In fact, it’s no secret that the very foundation of ALL Sel f Help Courses is to ‘change from the inside
out!’ You can do everything in your power to change our outer world, but if you don’t change your
inner world first, you will continue to experience unhappiness, unrest and un-ful fillment in your life.
Your reality will always, always, always reflect your inner beliefs and world.

There is not one case I can think of where our outer world isn’t a reflection of our inner world. It’s like
this in every way, shape, form and aspect of out life.

Let’s kick this up a notch..

If we really want to see change in our outer world, we must first change our inner world – our thoughts,
beliefs and attitudes.
If we want less wars, less famine, less violence, less bigotry, less sadness, etc…then we must first start
with the man in the mirror.

I think Michael Jackson, (The King of Pop) once said it best when he sang…

“ I’m Starting With The Man In

The Mirror
I’m Asking Him To Change
His Ways
And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make A Change.”

Stated another way, our current situation is a direct result of the way we think. If we want to shift our
paradigm, then we must change the way we think!

In a way, this Universal Law is a lot like the law of attraction – you attract to yourself what you feel on
the inside.

There are many, many things in our life that we don’t have complete and total control over, but the one
thing we do have total and complete control over is our thinking.

The only way to get what we truly desire in life is to change our thought patterns.

With that being said, changing thought patterns is a difficult task for most people.


…becaus e it’s easier to point fingers and blame others for our misfortunes.

Let’s face it – it is much easier on our egos to blame someone else for what is wrong in our lives, than
it is to accept the responsibility!

Here’s What The Kybalion says…

“As above, so below; as below so above.” — The Kybalion.

This Principle embodies the truth that there is always a Correspondence between the laws and
phenomena of the various planes of Being and Life.

The old Hermetic axiom ran in these words: “As above, so below; as below, so above.” And the
grasping of this Principle gives one the means of solving many a dark paradox, and hidden secret of

There are planes beyond our knowing, but when we apply the Principle of Correspondence to them we
are able to understand much that would otherwise be unknowable to us. This Principle is of universal
application and manifestation, on the various planes of the material, mental, and spiritual universe — it
is an Universal Law.

The ancient Hermetists considered this Principle as one of the most important mental instruments by
which man was able to pry aside the obstacles which hid from view the Unknown. Its use even tore
aside the Veil of Isis to the extent that a glimpse of the face of the goddess might be caught.

Just as a knowledge of the Principles of Geometry enabl es man to measure distant suns and their
movements, while seated in his observatory, so a knowledge of the Principle of Correspondence
enables Man to reason intelligently from the Known to the Unknown. Studying the monad, he
understands the archangel.

The key to personal happiness, freedom and peace of mind is to change your thoughts! By focusing
exclusively on what it is that we truly desire, and by eliminating all thoughts of what we don’t want, we
can begin to shape, mould and build our lives to our own specifications!

Here’s what you can do next…

If you want to start building the life you desire, you can do these three things…

 Take a hard look at yourself – seriously, take a long, hard look. Look at your career, your
relationships, your health and your financial situation. Ok, now let’s say that your financi al situation is
in dire straights or not exactly where you want it to be, here’s what you need to do… Ask yourself this
questions… “How are my inner thoughts and attitudes causing this situation in my life ?”

For example, “What are my beliefs about relationships? …and then ask yourself, “Where did these
thoughts come from?” …and “Why do I think this way?” “What is the root cause of these thoughts?”
You’ll have to dig deep, but the payoff will be huge and when you are able to finally dissolve these old
limiting beliefs. You’ll start to see your outer world change and reflect your new beliefs of your inner

 The next thing is to do what very few people ever do, “Take full responsibility for whatever
is happening in your life.” Most people are more than willing to take responsibility for the good
things in their life, but rarely do they want to take responsibility for the bad things in their life. So in
order to break through, you need to take responsibility for both. You can start doing this today.

 Last, but certainly not least, visualize the world that you truly desire and focus your thoughts
on this. To help you out with this, I put together a free video training for you, complete with
workbook and all. Creating The Perfect Life.

If you want to take control of your life and your circumstances then you to need to understand how the
Law of Correspondence works and how to apply it in your life. This blog post should help

If you want positive change in your life, look inside first.

The bottom line is, by changing the quality of your thoughts, you will change the quality of your life!
There is no mystery to achieving success – it is available to all of us.

Most people aren’t even aware that Universal Laws exists, so the very fact that you’re even reading this
blog post proves that you’re in the top 3% of all people on the globe. Congratulations!! You’re well
on your way to Mastering Your Life!

My next blog post will be on the Universal Law of Polarity.

In the mean time,

Emitte lucem et veritatem,

Understanding and Applying The Law of Rhythm

We know that everything vibrates, hence the Law of Vibration. What we also need to understand is
that the vibration is not a chaotic vibration, it is orderly. Everything moves to certain rhythms.

We see these rhythms all around us in nature. We see it in the seasons, the cycles, the stages of
development, and we see it in the patterns of nature.

This is what The Kybalion says…

“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing
manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left;
rhythm compensates.“

To get a better understanding of how The Law of Rhythm works, we must think about the energy in the
universe being like a pendulum.

For example, a pendulum swings to the right, but it doesn’t stay there does it? No. It then swings back
to the left. It keeps this rhythm of back and forth, back and forth indefinitely.

Everything in existence is like this… swaying, flowing, swinging back and forth. Everything is either
growing or dying.

This law is not bound to nature only. It can even be seen in the cycles of economies. For example, look
at the stock market on a day, monthly or yearly basis. It has it’s high periods and it has it’s low period,

Now as far as our yearly seasons go, you can see that the seasons are in a continuous flow of summer
to winter.

Everything goes through cycles, yet everything has a rhythm or a pattern to it.

What seems to be random is actually very orderly. Everything happens with purpose. There is nothing
left to chance.

The law of rhythm governs every single aspect of our live.

 It governs our economy.

 It governs our health.

 It governs our relationships.

 It governs our spirituality.

 …and so much more!

It governs EVERYTHING!
So how do we apply the Law of Rhythm to our lives?

Okay, now follow me on this…

Let’s say your at a point in your life where your health is at its peak potential…would you agree with
me, at some point in the future, you’re probably going to get sick with a cold or a flu?

Of course. It’s inevitable. We all get “ sick” at some point…even if it’s a little sniffle.

However, instead of viewing this “decreas e in health” as something being wrong with you, you now
know that everything has it’s tides., everything flows in and out. Everything ebbs and flows.

So instead of freaking out that your health has decreased (whi ch only causes more stress to your body
by the way) now you can view it as a sign to rest your body.

Now, because the Law of Rhythm is a Universal Law, by LAW, you have to grow to a better and
higher state of potential.

The Master knows how to rise above negative parts of a cycle. The Master knows how to balance both
positive and negative thoughts in their consciousness. The key to success in mastering this law is
finding balance.

In other words, never allow your emotions to swing too far to the left or too far to the right.

I hope you found some value in this post. If you did, please leave a comment below! …and if you
disagree with me, that’s oaky too…I want you to leave a comment as well. I just want to hear your

In the mean time,

Emitte lucem et veritatem,

Hiram Pagan
Understanding and Applying The Law of Gender

“ Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on
all planes.”–The Kybalion.

This Universal Law embodies the truth that there is GENDER manifested in everything.

There is not one aspect of life that the Masculine and Feminine Principles are not at work. This is true
on all three planes.

 The Physical Plane

 The Mental Plane

 The Spiritual Planes

On the Physical Plane, the Principle manifests as SEX, on the higher planes it takes higher forms, but
the Principle is always, always, always the same.

It is impossible for creation to take place on the physical, mental or spiritual planes without this Law.

Everything has a yin and yang. On the physical plane each person has a male or female physical body,
however psychologically each person is androgenous with male and fem ale qualities. Each person has a
left brain and right brain.

The path to God is the path of balancing the male and female aspects within self and also balancing the
heavenly and earthly aspects within self.

It is also the proper balance between the soul and the ego.

This is done by transcending negative ego, and hence, keeping the ego in check. You want to keep the
ego in its proper balance and relationship to soul.

In other words, let the ego take care of the physical body, but not to a point that it interprets your life.

The closer and closer you move towards mastery, the more likely you will achieve this balanced state.

As you move towards mastery of these universal laws, balance becom es more habitual and won’t take
as much work, time, and energy to try and stay in balance.

The only way to achieve this is by “ knowing thyself”, and understanding these universal laws and
balances that govern our being.

It is also important to note that mental gender is not the same as physical gender nor does it suggest
that someone of a certain physical gender necessarily has the same mental gender.

Ideally, one wants to have a balanced mental gender.

The Masculine principle is always in the direction of giving out or expressing, and contents itself with
the “ Will” in its varied phases.
The Feminine principle is always in the direction of receiving impressions, and has a much more varied
fi eld of operation than the Masculine. The Feminine conducts the work of generating new thoughts,
concepts, and ideas, including the work of the imagination.

It is said that there must be a balance in these two forces. Without the Feminine, the Masculine is apt to
act without restraint, order, or reason, resulting in chaos. The Feminine alone, on the other hand, is apt
to constantly reflect and fail to actually do anything, resulting in stagnation. With both the Masculine
and Feminine working in conjunction, there is thoughtful action that breeds success.

To know God, we must understand God’s laws.

This concludes this 7 part blog series on the 7 Hermetic or 7 Universal Laws.

I hope you found some value in the series. If you did, please “ like” this post or leave a comment

Until next time,

Emitte lucem et veritatem,

Hiram Pagan
Understanding and Applying The Law of Mentalism

The Universal La w of Mentalism — “Ev ery thing is m en tal ; the Univ erse is a men tal
creati on of th e All.”

There are 7 Hermetic Laws (Universal Laws ) that one should be aware of. It’s sad, by unfortunat ely
these laws are not taught in our public schools. There is an old saying that I believe in whole heartedly
and it’s this, “Education begins AFTER you graduate.”

The 7 Laws are as follows…

#1. The Law of Mentalism

#2. The Law of Vibration

#3. The Law of Correspondence

#4. The Law of Polarity

#5. The Law of Rhythm

#6. The Law of Gender

#7. The Law of Cause and Effect

This is the first blog post of many to come…it is through this blog that I hope to guide you through this
glorious adventure we call “ LIFE” and teach you things that you were never taught in school.

One of the best places to start (in my humble opinion) is with the Seven Hermetic Laws. I want to not
only familiarize you with them, but also give you some tips and advice on how to apply them in your
own life.

If you were to ask any millionaire or billionaire if they know about Universal Laws, you would get a
resounding yes!

Most, if not all of them are very, very aware of these Laws and no doubt, apply them in their own life.

Many many moons ago, Napoleon Hill wrote a book called “Think and Grow Rich” where he
interviewed the wealthiest men of his time, and they all said that they study these laws and apply them
on a regular basis…and the same holds true for today’s elite.

Would you like to learn these Universal Laws as well?

Good! Then let’s begin…

Today we will start with the first of the Seven Universal Laws…

The Universal Law of Mentalism.

This Law dictates that all of creation exists in the mind of God, and by extension our lives exist in our

In other words, perception is reality; things are how you think they are.
We can find reference to this law throughout history, even in the Christian Bible. (for those of you that
may think these Universal Laws are “ New Age works of the devil”. lol

According to your faith, so be it onto you.” (Matthe w 9:29)

If you have but the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.” (Matthe w 17:20)

“ In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.” (John 1:1)

“The act of observing alters the reality of being observed.” (He isenbe rg Principle)

From the Kybalion:

This Principle embodies the truth that ‘All is Mind.’ It explains that The All (which is the Substantial
Reality underlying all the outward manifest ations and appearances which we know under the terms of
‘The Material Universe’; the ‘Phenomena of Li fe’, ‘Matter’, ‘Energy’, and, in short, all that is apparent
to our material senses) is spirit which in itself is unknowable and undefinable, but which may be
considered and thought of as an universal, infinite, living mind.

It also explains that all the phenomenal world or universe is simply a Mental Creation of The All,
subject to the Laws of Created Things, and that the universe, as a whole, and in its parts or units, has its
existence in the Mind of The All, in which Mind we ‘live and move and have our being.’

This Principle, by establishing the Mental Nature of the Universe, easily explains all of the varied
mental and psychic phenomena that occupy such a large portion of the public attention, and which,
without such explanation, are non-understandable and defy scienti fic treatment.

So, the first step in applying the Law of Mentalism, is to first decide “What Do I Want?”

You really want to get crystal clear on this.

How clear?


If you aren’t sure about what you want, then sit down and make a list of what you DON’T want, then,
make a list of the opposites. lol Hey, sometimes it’s easier for peopl e to know what they don’t want,
before they know what the DO want.

Keep polishing it until you have your goal or desire honed to such a degree that even thinking about it
makes you smile.

It is important to understand that which you desire must first exist as conscious ideas before
they become physical realities.

One of the things that I teach my students is that in order to have the perfect life, you must first creat e
the perfect day! …in your mind.

So I walk them through and exercise to help them do just that.

Here is a link to a FREE VIDEO TRAINING . It deals with the he Law of Mentalism. …and you
can have it as a gift from me. It comes complete with your very own workbook and everything!

Remember, perception is reality.

Your world is how you choose to view it!

You can choose to live in a world that is full of greed, hate, violence, lies, etc…


You can choose to live in a world that is giving, loving, peaceful, truthful, and so much more!

Apply the Law of Mentalism and choose wisely!

Emitte lucem et veritatem,

Hiram Pagan

P.S. My next post will be on the Law of Vibration (including The Law of Attraction)
Understanding and Applying The Law of Cause and Effect!

Nothing just happens! Yes, as hard as that may be to believe sometimes, nothing in life “ just happens”.
Everything happens for a reason. Every action you take has consequences and will produce speci fic
results in your life. The same goes for inactions. Think of it like this, the choices we make are causes,
whether they are conscious or unconscious, and will produce corresponding outcomes or effects.

The Law of Cause and Effect works the same for everyone. …and it works every, single time.

Look around you. Look at your life. What you see is the direct result of speci fic actions and/or
inactions that you’ve taken in your life.

For example, are you fat and in poor health? Well, that could be the result of poor diet and lack of

Are you in debt up to your eyeballs? Well, that could be the result of uncontrolled spending habits.

Is your relationship in turmoil? Well, that could be the result of not putting in a sincere effort to show
your love and affection towards your signifi cant other.

Now, I think I need to clarify that this Law is not the same as the Law of Attraction, so please don’t
confuse the two.

This Law is about what you put out (cause) will have a result (effect). Or, as the old proverb says,
“What you reap is what you sow.”

Let’s examine Sir Isaac Newton’s third Law of Motion, which states that “ for every action, there is an
equal and opposite reaction.”

If, for example, you were were to jump off tall building (the cause) the effect would be that you would
fall and land on the ground!

And chances are, it would hurt!

But the effect would be that you fall.

While this is an extreme example, it serves to illustrate the point very well.

Let’s take a look at another example, but this time let’s make the situation specifi c to business.

Imagine that your business is so super success ful, you cannot keep up with the demand – a nice
problem to have, right? lol

Now, imagine that as your business increases drastically, you fail to hire more people to help with
customer service. Eventually, your company’s customer service level would deteriorat e. …because
you have more customers than you can physically handle.

Your business then starts to get bad reviews online, complaints to the Better Business Bureau start
rolling in and eventually employee morale begins to suffer.

At this point, you have a choice to make – hire more people or let it ride the way it is.
But here’s the deal, there are many unknowns when hiring more people – will you hire the right
people? Will you hire too many people? Will this drastically increase your overhead and can you still
profit? Will you be able to train the new people effectively and efficiently while still maintaining the
current success level of your business?

On the flip side, if you hire all the right people and do it effectively and effi ciently, the benefit can be

It can be a scary situation to be in.

However, if you don’t hire, you’re ultimately going to go out of business.

It doesn’t matter what decision you make, whatever it is, it becomes the cause – either you hire or you
don’t. The effect is the result of the decision.

The same holds true with your personal relationships. If you treat the important people in your life with
respect, love, compassion, dignity and honesty (cause), you will experience loving, solid relationships
– which lead to happiness, ful fillment and peace of mind (effect).

Making It Work for You:

Here is what is so magickal about this Law! By very definition of this Law, if you want to be
success ful in business, in relationships, in whatever, you should be able to exert the same (causes) that
others before us have exerted and achi eved successes (effects).

Let me explain:

If you wanted to become a success ful and highly paid businessman or woman in your chosen field,
then you should be able to study what made others, before you, success ful and then copy what they did.

You should look at things like…

What kind of books do they read?

What kind of courses did they study?

Who were the people they studied?

What are their belief systems?

What actions did they take?

What are their hierarchy of values?

How do they spend their time?

How do they spend their money?

Etc, etc…

If you follow the Law of Cause and Effect and emulate what they did, this Law states that you
will achieve the same results they have achieved over a period of time. If, over time, this doesn’t
happen, chances are, you did something different than what they were doing – some vital piece of
inform ation is missing.

What You Can Do?

Here are three steps you can take to help you get more of what you want out of life:

1. Determine the Cause & Effect relationships in the areas in which you want more success. In other
words, if you want a specifi c result in your life, identify the speci fi c things you will need to do in order
to get the results that you want. You need to have a proper understanding of yoursel f and how you
work as a person and a good knowledge of your belief systems. If you don’t know this, you’re going to
run into problems. Knowing this information about yourself will go a long way in assisting you to
properly understand and use the Law of Cause and Effect.

2. Take massive action! The first step in taking massive action is to first make the decision to focus
on, and do, the things that other successful people have done. Remember, to have what most people
don’t, you must do what most people won’t. Seriously, half the battle is just taking some sort of
action. The thing that stops most people from living the life of their dreams is just “starting”. The
Start is what Stops most people. So if you have to, fake it until you make it.

Years ago a good friend of mine had a conversation with Dr. Wayne Dyer. At the time, my friend was
interested in becoming an international, inspirational speaker, so he asked Dr. Dyer this question…

“ I want to be an international, inspirational speaker, but I’m not, so what do I need to do to achieve

Dr. Dyer said, “Tell people you’re an international, inspirational speaker.”

My friend said, “ No, no, I think you’re confused. I’m not an international, inspirational speaker, I
WANT to be one, what do I need to do?”

Dr. Dyer said, “Tell people you’re an international, inspirational speaker.”

Again my friend said, “ No, no, no, I’m not an international, inspirational speaker, I WANT to be one, if
I tell people I am one and I’m not one that would make me a liar, so what do I need to do?”

Dr. Dyer said, “ No, your’e NOT a liar, you are a prophet!”

And that’s when the LIGHT BULB WENT OFF!

So my friend began telling people he was an international, inspirational speaker. …and guess what?
TODAY he IS an International, Inspirational Speaker!

As a matter of fact, he even had a small segment in the hit movie The Secret!

Sometimes taking “ action” just means believing that you can Be, Do and Have whatever your heart

Even if you have to fake your belief until you finally believe it for real!
3. Persevere. If you take action and do the things that others have done, eventually you’ll end up with
the same results. It’s a Universal Law! It works every single time. We’ve all heard the saying, “Rome
wasn’t built in a day.”, right?

It’s going to take some time to change your current situation.

The truth is, it’s taken you a lifetime to get into the position in which you now find yourself, so it’s
going to take some time to get out.

The good news is, it won’t take a lifetime to change your situation, but it will take “ some” time.

An even great er truth is, “Success takes time.”, so if it doesn’t seem to be working immediately, don’t
give up! Stay focused, find out your causes to ensure you are doing the right things and tweak your
approach if necessary – eventually you’ll get the desired results you want!

I hope you found this blog post valuable! If you did, please leave a comment below!!

Or at the very least, “ Like” this post!

If you hated this post and completely disagree, leave a comment as well, I want to hear your
perspective on it!

In the mean time,

Emitte lucem et veritatem,

Hiram Pagan
Understanding and Applying The Law of Polarity.

Okay, I’m about to get really, really deep with this. So please bare with me and do your best to
comprehend what I’m about to share with you. This is upper level Secret Knowledge that has been
passed on to me. I’m going to share it with you.

In order to lay the ground work for this we need to talk about physics, so consider this a physics class
for the time being. lol

We need to take look at something called wave-particle duality.

I know you’re thinking, “Okay, Hiram, you already lost me.” So take a deep breath and give me a
chance to build on this.

Wave Particle Duality is basically just a scientific name for the Law of Polarity.

It has been observed by leading scientists and those in the quantum world that light does not always
behave in the same way. As a matter of fact, depending on the kind of experiment you do, the observer
will see light behaving in some interesting ways.

Sometimes it displays particle-like behavior, and sometimes it acts like a wave.

Interesting, huh?

So what is it? Is light a particle? …or is light a wave?

Actually it’s both!

Physicists refer to “the wave nature of particles ” and “ the particle nature of waves” when they attempt
to describe the deep seeded duality of the nature of light.

The law of polarity states,

“Everything can be separated into two wholly opposite parts, and that each of those still contains the
potentiality of the other.”

In other words, particles have the potentiality of waves, waves have the potentiality of particles, white
has black, low exists with high, slow is also fast. …and the same holds true for elation and depression,
infatuation and resentment, kindness and cruelty, generosity and stinginess, and so on.

As the Late, Great Mythologist, Joseph Campbell once said, “No matter what good you do, it’s evil for

You see, no event is solely beautiful or solely tragic. It is impossible to have one without the other.

Think about it. Is there good in you? Yes.

Is there bad in you? Yes.

…of course there is! There is both good and bad in all of us.

No person is just good or just bad.

The only thing labeling things good and bad does, is help us talk about them, but it doesn’t bring us to
the source of love.

Now, let’s take this one level deeper. (I told you we were going to get deep didn’t I?)

Let’s go back to Physics.

It has been observed in laboratories that when you collide a Positron (e+) (a positively charged
electron…and also the electron’s anti-particle) with an Electron (e-) (a negatively charged particl e)
there is an explosion, both are annihilated and out of that annihilation, gamma-ray photons are created!
LIGHT! …and LIGHT at higher energies for that matter!

Yes, when Positive and Negative come together, they birth light. Light is a metaphor for Love.

So when you take a “negative emotion in your life and see the equal and opposite, positive emotion that
co-exists with it, the emotion you are experi encing is annihilated and out of that births love.

For example, when your girlfriend breaks up with you, a girl that you were deeply in love with, you
may see the event as being tragic and then experience all the emotions of a tragic event such as
sadness, anger, jealousy (i.e. if she’s moved on with a new guy), depression, doubt, fear, etc…

But if you STOP and take note of your emotions, write them down and then ask yourself, “ I’m feeling
sad because I loved her and now she is gone, but what is it about this situation that I could be happy

So for example…

Maybe she was a bit controlling and untrusting of you and always accused you of cheating on daily
basis. Well, now that she’s gone, you can be happy about not having someone make false accusations
against you all the time.

Maybe you like to save money and she liked to spend it, and as a result, every weekend she was
draining your bank account. lol Well, now you can be happy that you can start saving money again and
start accumulating wealth.

Do you see how that works?

For every reason that you feel sad, there is going to be a reason to also be happy.

When you can view life from this perspective, both life and your emotions become more balanced.

Realize that every time you allow yourself to feel an extreme emotion, you create the equal experience
of the opposite. When you acknowledge that one-sidedness is merely an illusion, and not actual truth, it
opens the doorway to seeing the rest of world for what it truly is. A completely balanced system that is
fully equilibrated because of the divine order that exists in it..
As you allow yourself to perceive both sides simultaneously (the whole, positive and negative) you
open yoursel f to the divine perfection of the universe.

Nothing is one-sided; everything contains its opposite. All is love.

This is the essence of the Law of Polarity.

Sir Isaac Newton revealed that any action has an equal and opposite reaction; forces come in pairs.


Because the purpose of the universe is equilibrium and synchronicity.

The Universe is both a Creator and a Destroyer.

If you were to look out into our universe with a huge telescope and see everything in real time, you
would see stars exploding! Supernovae! But get this, the the death of a star also means the creation of
new planets, new solar systems, new life, etc..

Destruction begets Creation and Creation ultimately begets Destruction.

When supernovae explode, they blast matter into space at some 9,000 to 25,000 miles (15,000 to
40,000 kilometers) per second. These blasts produce much of the material in the universe—including
some elements, like iron, which make up our planet and even ourselves. Heavy elements are only
produced in supernovae, so all of us carry the remnants of these distant explosions within our own
bodies. How cool is that?

The profane and ignorant masses looking from the outside might say, “ Oh, how sad…that star just
exploded. It’s gone.” :…(

Their perception of the event is lop sided. (one sided)

…but the Adept, (the Master) sees both Destruction and Creation taking place simultaneously. He sees

So, will you be like one of the profane?


Will you be like the Adept?

The choice is yours.

In the mean time,

Emitte lucem et veritatem,

Hiram Pagan

P.S. Do you agree or disagree with this? Leave your comments below! …or if you found this post
valuable, leave a comment! I want to know that you’re listening!

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