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Jozef Bledowski, M.D.

Alex Trutia, M.D.

A Review of
Pharmacologic Management
and Prevention Strategies
for Delirium in the
Intensive Care Unit
Background: The prevalence of delirium has been estimated at anywhere between 10% and 30% in general medical patients
and in upwards of 80% in patients who are admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU). Given the high prevalence of delirium in
the ICU population, it should not be surprising that a large percentage of psychiatric consults arise from this setting. While the
mainstay of pharmacologic management of delirium centers on neuroleptic medications, such as haloperidol, recent studies using
alternate agents have shown varying levels of promise. Objective: Our purpose is to outline the major prospective studies looking
at the efficacy of pharmacologic management and prevention strategies for delirium exclusively in adult ICU patients. Both
conventional and novel pharmacotherapeutic interventions are discussed. Method: Articles were obtained using the MED-
LINE/PUBMED database looking specifically at pharmacologic interventions for delirium in the intensive care unit. A search
was performed using the key words-“delirium,” “intensive care unit,” “treatment,” and “prophylaxis.” The authors limited their
search to prospective studies, specifically randomized trials (both placebo-controlled and non-controlled) in the adult ICU
population, and eliminated retrospective and observational studies. Relevant citations from the previously mentioned articles
were also included in the review. Conclusion: There is a plethora of studies on pharmacologic management strategies in general
medical patients with delirium. Findings from these studies are often extrapolated to the ICU population; however, when
looking at studies limited to ICU patients with delirium, there are far fewer credible prospective studies.

(Reprinted with permission from Psychosomatics, 2012; 53:203–211)

Delirium prevalence is estimated at 10%–30% in morbidity (including injury to self and staff as well
general medical population and as high as 80% in as long-term cognitive impairment) and mortality
the ICU population. Given these statistics, it is not (3-fold increase in 6-month mortality) in ICU pa-
surprising that a large percentage, if not a majority, tients with delirium underscores the importance of
of delirium consults arise from the critical care set- early identification and treatment.1 With delirium
ting. Definitive treatment of delirium in any setting often comes the added burden of prolonged me-
centers on the correction of underlying physiologic chanical ventilation and extended hospitalization.
and iatrogenic insults; however, the pathogenesis of This leads to significantly increased risks for noso-
delirium is often multifactorial and definitive pre- comial infection and an increase in overall health-
cipitants are not always known. As a result, psychiatric care costs.
consultants are often asked to suggest pharmaco- To underscore the importance of addressing de-
logic management strategies for the delirious patient lirium in the ICU, a recent study by Heymann and
while simultaneously addressing predisposing and colleagues showed that in a cohort of 204 ICU
precipitating risk factors. The higher incidence of patients, treating delirium within the first 24 hours


of onset significantly reduced mortality (3-fold higher increased risk for QTc prolongation and poly-
rate of mortality in the delayed treatment group vs. morphic ventricular tachyarrhythmias, such as tor-
immediate treatment group).2 Studies such as these sades de pointes.9,10
highlight the necessity for vigilance in identifying With the advent of second generation antipsy-
and treating delirium in the ICU setting and pro- chotics, we now have more options in patients who
mote moving away from the archaic notion that are sensitive to dopamine antagonism (specifically
delirium is a transient, benign process, with no long- D2 receptor antagonism). Studies thus far have not
term sequelae. shown atypical antipsychotics to be superior in ef-
The purpose of this review is to familiarize the ficacy to haloperidol for the management of delirium
reader with the major prospective clinical trials that in the ICU setting; however, there are multiple studies
have looked at pharmacologic interventions for attesting to the equal efficacy of atypical anti-
delirium in the adult ICU population (Table 1). psychotics and haloperidol.11―13 With the added
Studies in non-ICU patients were excluded in an benefit of multiple dosage forms and routes of
attempt to minimize confounding variables that are administration, however, haloperidol will likely
inherent when generalizing findings between very remain a first-line agent in managing delirium in
different study populations. Furthermore, this re- the ICU.
view serves as an update of the current evidence While studies comparing atypical antipsychotics
and rationale behind using various pharmacologic and haloperidol have mostly been done in non-ICU
agents for the management of delirium in the populations, a recent study by Skrobik and col-
ICU. leagues looked at a cohort of 73 ICU patients who
developed delirium.14 The study sample was sub-
ANTIPSYCHOTICS sequently randomized to receive either haloperidol
or olanzapine. Comparable to non-ICU studies,
Antipsychotics are currently the mainstay of findings showed that there were no significant dif-
pharmacotherapy for the management of delirium in ferences in delirium index, benzodiazepine dose
most settings. They are thought to exert their in- administered over time, or clinical improvement
fluence primarily via dopaminergic blockade as it between the two study groups. As expected, the
relates to the dopamine excess/acetylcholine de- olanzapine group had a lower incidence of EPS.
ficiency hypothesis of delirium pathophysiology.3 Limitations of this study included a lack of blinding,
There is also some evidence that antipsychotics, in no placebo arm, as well as a relatively small sample

particular haloperidol, may also impart a neuro- size. In addition, both groups utilized additional
protective effect by proposed s-1 receptor antago- PRN haloperidol, which may have confounded
nism, which helps attenuate oxidative stress that results.
then leads to neuronal damage in delirium.4 Fur- To date, there are only two major randomized,
thermore, there are studies showing that anti- placebo-controlled trials of antipsychotics for de-
psychotics may also function as immunomodulators lirium exclusively in the ICU population. The
via indirect antagonism of IL-1.5 Even in sedative- MIND (Modifying the Incidence of Delirium) trial
hypnotic and alcohol withdrawal delirium, where looked at 101 adult mechanically-ventilated medical
GABA-receptor agonists are first-line agents, anti- and surgical ICU patients who were randomly
psychotics have been shown to be useful adjuncts. assigned to receive haloperidol, ziprasidone, or pla-
To date, there are few large-scale studies of anti- cebo every 6 hours for up to 14 days.15 Delirium was
psychotics for delirium exclusively in the ICU then assessed for up to 21 days. Findings showed
population. Per Society of Critical Care Medicine that there were no differences between groups in the
guidelines, haloperidol remains the first-line phar- duration of delirium or days alive without delirium.
macotherapeutic agent for the management of de- Interestingly, this study also showed that neither
lirium in the intensive care setting.6 Its use in haloperidol nor ziprasidone was significantly better
managing delirium in the ICU is supported by than placebo in treating delirium in this population.
a long track record with multiple observational In addition, mortality, length of hospitalization, and
studies and case series that have shown both efficacy ventilator-free days were all similar between groups.
and safety even at high doses administered via in- One must take these results with caution, however.
travenous (IV) infusion.7,8 The use of haloperidol There were major study limitations in the MIND
for delirium remains off-label, however, and rela- trial including: small sample size, inclusion of non-
tively few placebo-controlled trials exist in the ICU delirious patients in the study group, exposure to
population. Furthermore, though IV haloperidol is open-label PRN haloperidol for breakthrough agi-
thought to carry less of a risk for extrapyramidal tation in each study arm, and multiple rigid exclu-
symptoms (EPS), its use warrants caution, given an sion criteria.15,16

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The second study, by Devlin and colleagues, studies offset by relatively poor outcomes in larger
looked at 36 ICU patients with delirium who were prospective trials.
assigned to receive either quetiapine or placebo in For the most part, recent studies of cholinesterase
addition to PRN haloperidol.17 Study findings inhibitors in ICU patients who have been diagnosed
showed that quetiapine was associated with a shorter with delirium have focused on rivastigmine. The
“time to first resolution” of delirium (1 day vs. 4.5 single largest prospective study to date was a multi-
days in the placebo arm) and reduced duration of center, randomized, placebo-controlled trial by van
delirium (36 hours vs. 120 hours, respectively). In Eijk and colleagues in the Netherlands.18 This study
addition, the quetiapine group required less PRN initially planned to look at 440 ICU patients di-
haloperidol than the placebo group. Mortality and agnosed with delirium who were randomized to
length of ICU stay were similar between study receive an increasing dose of either rivastigmine or
groups. Again, major limitations included small placebo as an adjunct to haloperidol for the man-
sample size and multiple exclusion criteria. In ad- agement of delirium. The study was prematurely
dition, when measuring “time to first resolution” of stopped, after the inclusion of 104 patients, due to
delirium, the investigators may have inadvertently an increase in mortality in the rivastigmine group
included patients that were in a lucid interval yet still (n 5 12, 22%) compared with placebo (n 5 4, 8%).
delirious. Furthermore, the median duration of delirium was
Generalizations cannot be made based on the longer in the rivastigmine group (5 days) compared
findings of the study by Devlin and colleagues or on with placebo (3 days). In addition, the patients in
those of the MIND trial. Both studies were un- the rivastigmine group had a higher severity of de-
derpowered and excluded patients with multiple lirium, stayed longer in the ICU, and received
co-morbidities including: patients with primary higher cumulative doses of haloperidol, lorazepam,
neurologic conditions and those exposed to anti- and propofol. Overall, the van Eijk study did
psychotics prior to the studies, in addition to patients not support the widespread use of cholinesterase
on QTc-interval prolonging medications and those inhibitors in treating delirium in the ICU. If any-
with various cardiac anomalies. Extrapolation of thing, this study suggested that these agents should
these findings to most ICU populations would be be used with the utmost caution in the critically ill,
premature at this point. Furthermore, there remains though further studies are still needed to make any
an abundance of anecdotal data that supports the definitive conclusions.
routine usage of antipsychotics for the management
of delirium. Additional large-scale prospective stud-
ies are still needed to solidify practice guidelines in

the ICU population. Both of the above studies did, Though most often used in sedation and analgesia
however, show that prospective, placebo-controlled protocols in the ICU, a-2 agonists have recently
trials of antipsychotics for delirium in the ICU been shown to reduce the incidence of, and treat,
population are both possible and safe. delirium in the critically ill. These agents have the
added benefit of minimizing respiratory suppression
CHOLINESTERASE INHIBITORS and facilitating the maintenance of a low heart rate,
thereby minimizing hemodynamic fluctuations and
Cholinesterase inhibitors have garnered recent reducing energy/demand expenditure that may
attention as possible pharmacotherapeutic options contribute to global cerebral insult.19 These agents
in treating delirium. The reasoning behind their are also thought to be neuroprotective by inhibiting
use relates to the central cholinergic deficiency the release and production of neurotoxic gluta-
hypothesis of delirium.3 Cholinesterase inhibitors mate.20
function primarily by inhibiting enzymatic break- Recent studies investigating the efficacy in treating
down of acetylcholine. Observational studies and delirium with a-2 agonists have focused on the
anecdotal reports using physostigmine, a proto- novel agent, dexmedetomidine. This is a centrally-
typical cholinesterase inhibitor, in the reversal of acting a-2 agonist that is eight times more selective
anticholinergicinduced delirium were promising for a-2 adrenoreceptors than clonidine.21 Dexme-
and prompted further investigation into the po- detomidine works both pre- and post-synaptically
tential utility of using newer agents (such as done- to decrease norepinephrine release and reduce
pezil, galantamine, and rivastigmine). As with other sympathetic activity in the CNS.21 While initially
agents, there is a relative lack of data in the ICU approved for use in ICU patients for a duration of
population. The results are currently mixed, with less than 24 hours, at least four recent clinical trials
successful reports of cholinesterase inhibitors treat- have shown that dexmedetomidine can be used
ing delirium in case studies and smaller prospective safely for up to 30 days.22–27 Though shown to have

Table 1. Major Randomized Trials of Pharmacotherapeutic Interventions for Delirium in the ICU Population
Study Characteristics Primary Outcome Measure Results
I. Antipsychotics
Olanzapine vs. haloperidol 73 Medical/surgical ICU patients diagnosed with delirium Severity of delirium and benzodiazepine No significant difference in delirium index or
(Skrobik et al14) randomized to olanzapine (n 5 28) or haloperidol (n 5 45) use over 5 days benzodiazepine use

MIND Trial (Girard et al15) 101 Medical/surgical ICU patients randomized to Days alive without delirium or coma No significant differences between groups
haloperidol (n 5 35), ziprasidone (n 5 30), or Neither haloperidol nor ziprasidone were better
placebo (n 5 36) for up to 14 days than placebo in treating delirium
Quetiapine (Devlin et al17) 36 Medical/surgical ICU patients diagnosed with delirium Time to first resolution of delirium Quetiapine associated with a shorter time to
randomized to quetiapine (N 5 18) or placebo (n 5 18) first resolution of delirium
until first resolution of delirium, for up to 10 days, or
until ICU discharge, whichever came first
Risperidone (Prakanrattana 126 Cardiac surgery patients (ICU) randomized to a single Incidence of post-operative delirium Incidence of postop delirium lower in the
et al36) postoperative dose of risperidone (n 5 63) or placebo (n 5 63) risperidone group
II. Cholinesterase Inhibitors
Rivastigmine (van Eijk et al18) 104 ICU patients diagnosed with delirium randomized to Duration of delirium Study prematurely stopped due to increased
rivastigmine (n 5 54) or placebo (n 5 50) as an adjunct mortality in the rivastigmine group
to haloperidol Median duration of delirium was longer
in the rivastigmine group
Rivastigmine (Gamberini 120 Cardiac surgery patients (ICU) randomized to rivastigmine Incidence of postoperative delirium Incidence of postop delirium higher in the
et al38) (n 5 59) or placebo (n 5 61) for 6 postoperative days rivastigmine group
III. NMDA Antagonists
Ketamine (Hudetz et al37) 58 Cardiac surgery patients (ICU) randomized to ketamine Incidence of postoperative delirium Incidence of postop delirium lower in the
(n 5 29) or placebo (n 5 29) during anesthetic induction ketamine group
IV. a-2 Agonists
Clonidine (Rubino et al40) 30 Surgical ICU patients who underwent acute repair of Incidence and severity of postoperative No statistically significant difference in incidence
thoracic aortic dissection randomized to clonidine delirium of delirium between groups. severity of delirium
(n 5 15) or placebo (n 5 15) infusion during weaning lower in the clonidine group
from mechanical ventilation
Dexmedetomidine vs. 20 Medical/surgical ICU patients who were difficult to Time to extubation Dexmedetomidine group had a significantly
Haloperidol (Reade et al27) extubate secondary to superimposed delirium shorter time to extubation
randomized to a continuous infusion of Dexmedetomidine group had an increased
dexmedetomidine (n 5 10) or haloperidol (n 5 10) proportion of time spent with minimal
or no delirium symptoms
Dexmedetomidine 118 Cardiac surgery patients (ICU) randomized to Incidence of postoperative Incidence of delirium was significantly lower in
(Maldonado et al31) dexmedetomidine (n 5 40), propofol (n 5 38), or delirium the dexmedetomidine group

midazolam (n 5 40) for postoperative sedation Incidence of delirium was markedly higher in the
propofol and midazolam groups
DEXCOM Study (Shehabi 306 Cardiac surgery patients (ICU) randomized to Incidence of postoperative Incidence of postop delirium was statistically
et al39) dexmedetomidine (n 5 154) or morphine (n 5 152) delirium similar between groups
for postoperative sedation/analgesia Duration of delirium was shorter in the
dexmedetomidine group
MENDS Trial 106 Medical/surgical ICU patients randomized to Days alive without delirium or Dexmedetomidine group had significantly more
(Pandharipande et al24) dexmedetomidine (n 5 54) or lorazepam (n 5 52) for coma days alive without delirium or coma
sedation Dexmedetomidine group had significantly more

Fall 2013, Vol. XI, No. 4

coma-free days but not delirium-free days


a lower incidence of rebound hypertension and lirium Screening Checklist (ICDSC), with the
tachycardia on abrupt discontinuation compared dexmedetomidine group spending 95.5% of the
with clonidine, dexmedetomidine carries an in- time with a ICDSC score of ,4 and 61% of the time
creased risk for hypotension and bradycardia, es- with a score ,1 compared with the haloperidol group
pecially with high-rate infusions.21 who spent 31.5% and 0% of the time with the same
The proposed benefit of dexmedetomidine over respective scores. In addition, the dexmedetomidine
standard agents for sedation/analgesia has centered group had a shorter time to extubation (median
on its lack of significant anticholinergic effects, length of 19.9 hours vs. 42.5 hours in the haloper-
promotion of sleep/wake cycle regulation, and re- idol group), shorter length of ICU hospitalization
duced need for opioid analgesics (by as much as 40% (4.5 days vs. 8 days in the haloperidol group), as well
in some studies) and GABA agonists.28–33 These pro- as an overall shorter time in mechanical restraints and
perties impart a unique profile to dexmedetomidine, a reduced necessity for supplemental propofol when
thereby reducing the potential precipitating risk compared to the haloperidol group. Though prom-
factors that play a role in delirium pathophysiology. ising, this study had multiple limitations including:
Case in point, a recent study by Pandharipande and small sample size, lack of blinding, possible under-
colleagues underscored the potential risks of ben- dosing in the haloperidol arm, and the assumption
zodiazepine use in a cohort of 198 mechanically- that agitation was due to delirium when, in fact,
ventilated ICU patients, showing that lorazepam agitation is a nonspecific symptom with multiple
use was an independent risk factor for progression potential causes.27
to delirium in this at risk population.34 Findings Large-scale, randomized, placebo-controlled trials
showed that in addition to a substantial increase in are still needed to establish the efficacy of using
the risk for developing delirium at low doses, the dexmedetomidine as a primary agent in treating
probability of progressing to delirium reached 100% delirium in the ICU population. Furthermore, the
after total daily lorazepam doses of $ 20 mg.34 high cost of dexmedetomidine (on average $300–
Studies such as these underscore the importance of $400 per day) seems to be a limiting factor at first
seeking out alternative agents for sedation and an- glance; however, a recent cost minimization analysis
algesia protocols. comparing dexmedetomidine and midazolam for
There are numerous case studies examining the sedation in a cohort of 366 mechanically-ventilated
efficacy of using dexmedetomidine as both a primary ICU patients showed that usage of dexmedetomidine
and adjunctive therapy in sedation/analgesia pro- resulted in a median total ICU cost savings of $9679
tocols. Many of these studies examine the effec- compared with midazolam.25,35 Findings such as
tiveness of dexmedetomidine in treating symptoms these are promising and suggest that usage of dex-
attributable to delirium (such as agitation) as well as medetomide may in fact lower overall healthcare
the incidence of delirium. Most prospective studies costs; however, further replication of such studies is
have evaluated the efficacy of using dexmedetomidine necessary to make any definitive conclusions on this
for sedation/analgesia protocols in mechanically- basis. Nonetheless, dexmedetomidine remains a vi-
ventilated patients and looked at delirium inci- able alternative in managing treatment-refractory
dence only as a secondary endpoint. There are few delirium in the critical care population.
studies using dexmedetomidine as a primary agent in
patients who were diagnosed with delirium at the
onset on the study and even fewer have actually

looked at the reduction in severity or resolution of The increasingly apparent morbidity and mor-
delirium as primary endpoints. tality associated with delirium in the ICU promotes
The pivotal prospective study was performed by the search for possible pharmacologic prevention
Reade and colleagues on 20 ICU patients exhibiting strategies. While such prophylactic measures are still
severe agitation presumed to be secondary to de- experimental, some promising studies have shown
lirium at onset, then subsequently randomized to a possible role for premedicating certain at-risk pa-
receive either dexmedetomidine or haloperidol tient populations in the interest of reducing delirium
infusions.27 Time to extubation was the primary incidence and resultant sequelae. Most of these
outcome measure and delirium incidence and se- studies have been done in non-ICU populations, are
verity was a secondary measure. A total of 10 relatively underpowered, and remain mixed at best.
patients (five in each study arm) met criteria for Those studies limited to the ICU population are far
delirium by the end of the study; however, the fewer.
dexmedetomidine group had an increased pro- A large proportion of studies looking at pharma-
portion of time spent with minimal or no delirium cologic prophylaxis measures for delirium have been
symptoms as measured by the Intensive Care De- limited to patients undergoing elective surgical


procedures. Of these, only the studies examining ferences, with septic patients in the dexmedetomidine
prophylaxis in elective cardiac surgery have involved group having significantly more days alive without
patients in the ICU setting.31,36–39 While a-2 delirium or coma, 70% less risk of mortality at 28
agonists are discussed below, the studies to date have days, and more ventilator-free days compared with
also looked at antipsychotics, ketamine, and cho- the septic patients in the lorazepam group.41
linesterase inhibitors. One such study, by Pra- Limitations of the MENDS trial included the lack
kanrattana and colleagues, looked at 126 patients of a placebo arm and exclusion of patients with
undergoing cardiac surgery who were randomized neurologic diseases (such as stroke or active seizures),
to receive a single dose of either risperidone or pla- severe liver disease, alcohol abuse, active myocardial
cebo post-surgically.36 The risperidone group was infarction, second- or third-degree heart block, de-
found to have a lower incidence of postoperative mentia, benzodiazepine dependence, severe hearing
delirium (11.1% vs. 31.7% in the placebo arm). impairment, or being non-English speaking. Fur-
Similarly, a smaller study by Hudetz and colleagues thermore, per study design guidelines imple-
examined the incidence of postoperative delirium in mented by the FDA, dexmedetomidine could not
58 cardiac surgery patients randomized to receive be administered for more than 120 hours.24 This
either ketamine or placebo during anesthetic in- may have potentially introduced confounders
duction with fentanyl and etomidate.37 Findings given the necessity to switch to standard sedation
showed that patients who received ketamine had (lorazepam or midazolam) in patients who were in
a lower incidence of postoperative delirium (3% vs. the dexmedetomidine study arm and necessitated
31% in the placebo arm). Finally, Gamberini and continued sedation beyond 120 hours.24
colleagues looked at 120 patients undergoing car- A similar study by Maldonado and colleagues
diac surgery who were randomized to receive either looked at 118 mechanically ventilated cardiac surgery
rivastigmine (three doses daily starting the evening patients randomized to receive dexmedetomidine,
before surgery and continued until the sixth post- propofol, or midazolam for postoperative sedation.31
operative day) or placebo.38 Akin to the findings of The incidence of delirium was found to be signifi-
most large-scale studies using cholinesterase inhib- cantly lower in the dexmedetomidine group (3%)
itors for delirium, there was no significant difference compared with the propofol (50%) and midazolam
in the incidence of postoperative delirium between groups (50%). The study lacked a placebo arm, was
the rivastigmine and placebo groups (32% vs. 30%, limited to patients undergoing valve replacement
respectively). surgery, and excluded patients with the following

When looking exclusively at the ICU population, conditions: dementia, on psychotropic medications,
studies examining the efficacy of pharmacologic those with a history of substance abuse, advanced
delirium prophylaxis have focused mainly on a-2 heart block, pregnancy, stroke within the past 6 months,
agonists. Despite one small-scale placebo-controlled and those age ,18 years or .90 years. Further-
study looking at the incidence of delirium with IV more, despite the lower incidence of delirium in the
clonidine during ventilator weaning, most large- dexmedetomidine group, there were no significant
scale studies have focused on dexmedetomidine.40 differences in mean ICU or hospital stay.
A pivotal trial was performed by Pandharipande and Similarly, Shehabi and colleagues looked at 306
colleagues and is known as the maximizing effi- mechanically ventilated patients who underwent
cacy of targeted sedation and reducing neurologic cardiac surgery and were randomized to receive
dysfunction (MENDS) trial.24 In this double-blind either dexmedetomidine or morphine at equivalent
trial, 106 mechanically-ventilated patients from two levels of sedation/analgesia with delirium incidence
tertiary care centers were randomized to receive ei- as the primary endpoint.39 Findings showed that
ther dexmedetomidine or lorazepam for sedation. there was no statistically significant difference in
The primary outcome measure was days alive with- delirium incidence between groups (8.6% in the
out delirium or coma. The dexmedetomidine group dexmedetomidine vs. 15% in the morphine group);
was found to have significantly more days alive however, dexmedetomidine patients spent 3 fewer
without coma or delirium compared with the lor- days in delirium compared with the morphine group
azepam group (7 days vs. 3 days). Furthermore, and were extubated sooner. Upon subgroup analysis,
though not statistically significant, mortality mea- those patients who required an intra-aortic balloon
sured after 28 days was found to be lower in the pump and were in the dexmedetomidine group had
dexmedetomidine group compared with the lor- a significantly lower incidence of delirium compared
azepam group (17% vs. 27%) as were ventilator-free with the same subgroup of patients in the morphine
days (22 days vs. 18 days, respectively). Subsequent arm (15% vs. 36%, respectively). This particular
subgroup analysis looking at septic vs. non-septic study was limited by its homogeneous population
patients in the MENDS trial showed even greater dif- (cardiac surgery patients aged 60 yrs and older),

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