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Pietersite or Tempest Stone

Pietersite is also known as tempest stones as it is a stone

that carries a charge, a little like a storm raging within it.
It brings cleansing energy to aid you to create change.
This is a stone that is very stimulating to your energy
field, and helps you to let go of unwanted habits and
negative ways of living your life.

It has a strong vibration that makes an energetic

connection to your deeper spiritual inner self. This
crystal aids shamanic journeying, and is a stone that
encourages you to understand you are a spiritual being. It
helps you to access spiritual guidance, and allows you
to look further than where you are now, to see the big
picture. This utilizing of the power of your imagination
to dream, and to create beautiful visions and ideals is
very powerful.This stone was first found in Namibia and lately in China. The meaning of its
name relates to its finder... the prospector Sid Pieters, and it was named for his father, Louis

It has a mixture of colors within the stones, and some

stones have quite beautiful and unusual color
combinations .These crystals often exhibit amazing
shades of various colors, in mixtures of brown, gold,
blue, grey, black and clear almost colorless areas. This
crystal is known to energize your mind and mobilize
you to action, by bringing high vibration energy from
the higher realms in via the third eye chakra. Pietersite
unites the third eye and the solar plexus chakra... the seat
of the will... and this stimulates you to be willing to do
what you need to do to achieve change in your life. You
may notice that when you first use it that you can feel it
working on removing blockages, yet at the same time
you may quickly find that you experience a state of
altered awareness. This awareness aids you to recognize the beauty within yourself. You
become aware more easily, once you make this inner connection to yourself, of what your
future could be. This helps you to achieve what is required to live an authentic life. Pietersite
helps you to rise above any feelings that have allowed others to control you, as you start to
see when someone is not speaking the truth to you.

It is common for many of you to be manipulated by others, and its often hard to see
this.This stone opens you up to an understanding of what is happening around you and
to see the conditioning that has been used to get you to conform to others expectations.
Pietersite has a connection to the storm element and is thus called the Tempest Stone. It
is believed to hold the keys to the kingdom of heaven.
Pietersite is also a crystal that stimulates psychic visions and will also help to heighten
telepathic ability. It will also enhance your ability to unlock your imagination and will help
you to use this asset to more easily guide your journeys in the higher realms. Because it also
stimulates the will, by combining all of these assets together you can achieve what you desire.
It aids you to make journeys to where you actually desire to go.

Pietersite jewelry comes in a variety of colors... and the jewelry made from this stone may be
very attractive and unusual depending on the colors. Wearing this stone will move the growth
of your psychic abilities forward as well as helping you to understand personal power issues.

Pietersite is an anchor for Angelic energy here on Earth. It dispels illusion, assisting you in
recognising the beauty of the soul and helping you to support human courage, tenacity and
dauntless effort to create and maintain beauty on this planet. The Angels working through
Pietersite work with a particular calm and joyous peacefulness which is very uplifting and
helps dissolve confusion and fear about what lies ahead for the Earth. Pietersite helps relax
and release limits you place on your creativity and allows you to recognise your divine
potential. It can be used to stimulate the pineal gland and help you experience visions and
precognitive thoughts during a meditative state. It facilitates travel through all spheres of
existence, culminating in access to the Akashic Records.

Healing properties of pietersite: This stone is used to stimulate the pituitary gland, balance
endocrine system and hormones that govern metabolism, blood pressure, growth, sex and
temperature. Helpful to lungs, liver, intestines, feet, legs.

Other solar plexus chakra stones that are also good in combination with this stone are Yellow
Apatite, Citrine Crystals, Golden Yellow Labradorite and Heliodor, which may also aid
manifestation via the will. Other stones that work at both the third eye chakra and the solar
plexus chakra, such as Golden Rutilated Quartz... pictured on right, Sunstones, Libyan Desert
Glass also known as Libyan Gold Tektite and Preseli Bluestone, are stones that work at both
chakras, and are highly beneficial used with Pietersite to aid the will. Some of the high
vibration stones that may be beneficial to use with it include: Moldavite, Natrolite, Phenacite,
Super Seven and Scolecite. Use it with Nuummite to to aid your spiritual journeys. To aid
your psychic ability or intuition use it with Lapis Lazuli Stones, Iolite Stones, Labradorite
Crystal, Rainbow Moonstone or Ajoite. It also combines well with Tigers Eye and Jet.

This stone helps to dispel agitation and worry about the future.

Koristi se za ravnotežu i stimulaciju srčane čakre. Kamen suosjećanja. Ima prijateljsku

energiju i izvrstan je za liječenje. Pomaže da se preporodimo i obnovimo u svakom smislu.
Donosi obilje i blagostanje. Donosi sklad u odnose, posebno u braku. Smanjuje stres, ljutnju,
ljubomoru, iscjeljuje čireve i probavne poteškoće. Stvara zaštitni štit oko tijela osobe koja ga
nosi. Peridot is mentioned in many ancient references as chrysolite. Peridot gemstones have
been in use for many thousands of years... and were historically called Olivine.

Peridot is associated with the heart chakra, and can be used to balance and stimulate that
chakra. It is a stone of compassion. It has a friendly energy and is excellent for healing. It
assists in rebirth and renewal of all kinds. Peridot also bring abundance and prosperity. It
enhances the healing and harmony of relationships of all kinds, but particularly marriage.
Peridot can lessen stress in relationships, anger and jealousy, slow aging, and heal ulcers and
digestive problems. It also assists in finding what is lost, and strengthens ESP abilities. It has
been said to make a shield of protection around the body of any wearer of peridot. It is
mentioned throughout the Bible, and early Christians considered it sacred. Today still,
Catholic Bishops traditionally wear a ring of peridot and amethyst as a symbol of purity and
morality. The peridot was believed to be a stone of springtime by ancients who considered it a
gift from Mother Nature.

Napoleon once made a gift of peridot to Josephine as a symbol of undying love and
admiration. In ancient times, it was said that a dream about peridot foretold impending
danger. Peridot is a stone of lightness and beauty. Only spiritual or clear-minded persons
should use peridot. The person with too many earthly problems will not be able to understand
the beauty of the Peridot. The very spiritual can wear peridot in a necklace with the stone at
the base of the throat to feel its soothing effect. Used in a necklace, peridot is a protector
against negative emotions.

The vibration of these lovely lime green stones resonates with the frequency of increase, so it
is a noteworthy gemstone for manifestation of all desired things. It may increase confidence
and assertiveness, balanced by patience and clarity of thought.
It is known as a stone for prosperity and happiness. The green color is caused by its iron
content. It is an important stone to use for cellular rejuvenation... and to help the problems
associated with aging.It helps you to be aware of the perfection of your physical body... and to
appreciate the beauty of the earth on which we live.

Although it may not stimulate the birth of psychic

gifts... it has the ability to increase these gifts once you
start to have and use them... especially clairvoyance.If
you use it in combination with other stones that aid
you to develop these gifts it will be very beneficial.

Peridot jewelry is gorgeous, and even a tiny piece of

Peridot has a vibration that will bring through a sense
of well-being into your life. It is both a heart chakra
and solar plexus stone and its energy is warm and powerful... bringing light and beauty into
your life. Its vibration will connect you to the energy of the heart chakra... to encourage you to
feel a love for the earth and its creatures. Using Peridot gemstones will increase your self
esteem, and aid you to let go of guilt, felt from past experiences. It is historically reputed...
since ancient times, to be a good stone to wear for psychic protection, so it is especially good
to use while doing spiritual work. It will enable you to learn how to be happy more easily.
This energy will flow through you and correct problems... and aid you wherever needed.

Its efficacy at manifesting an improvement in your spirituality and health, in your abundance
and prosperity, and to manifest money is amazing. It may also help to create an increase in
love, joy and bring improved emotional health.

Petalite is an extremely high vibration

stone, yet has a smooth balanced energy.
Using it allows you to make a deep
connection to the spiritual realm. It is a
powerfully protective stone, as it will not
allow negative energy to remain in is
vicinity. In the past been it has been used as
a talisman... and was believed to destroy all
black magic or other unwelcome forces. Its
vibration will elevate you to a special place
where you may enjoy a sense of quiet peace
and healing. There you may allow your
concerns and worries to slip away. The
common sensation was a feeling of being able to access the Higher Realms. There you may
begin connecting with angels and more easily make contact with spirit.

Petalite has been known as a "stone of the angels". It allows us to experience the Earth, and to
tap into heavenly realms through messengers, bringing calm and peacefulness while assisting
us to remain centered. It helps us to connect with the angelic realm, ancient civilizations,
spirit guides and totem animals. It has been used extensively in medicine wheel ceremonies to
provide a safe environment for spiritual contact, to enhance communication and to bring
peace. It can also be carried during vision quests and astral travel to bring strength, calm,
protection, alertness, and prompt success. It can be used for attunement between those of the
physical plane, as well as between one and the spirit world. It can help us to improve
meditation and to further peace of mind. It is a stone of Earth-grounding, helping us to remain
grounded during spiritual "work". Petalite can be used to help us see auras, as well as to
soothe and to smooth the aura. It can be used to stimulate clair audience, clairvoyance,
clairsentience, and telepathic
communication. It has a strong
energy for inducing a "no-mind"
meditative state, helping us to
return with total realization and
peace. It is useful in useful in
helping us attain a balance within
ones mind, body and spirit. Petalite
has been used to render negative
energy impotent, to dissolve
enchantments and spells, and to
destroy all black magic. It can
stimulate the throat chakra, so that
we may speak clearly, precisely
and succinctly about that which we
see. It also opens up the crown
chakra and initiates the movement of the Kundalini. When carried upon the body, it acts to
activate all energy centres and serves to provide a continual source of energy in that location.
Petalit još zovu šamanskim kamenom, jer u potrazi za vizijom i duhovnim kontaktom stvara
sigurnu atmosferu. Visokom, čistom vibracijom otvara nas kozmičkoj svjesnosti. Pomaže
duhovno pročišćenje, nosi nas u smirenu i čistu duhovnu dimenziju iz koje se mogu spoznati i
transformirati uzroci. Posebno je koristan za iscjeljivanje obitelji i obiteljskog stabla, jer
seže unazad, u vrijeme prije no što se disfunkcija pojavila.Čak i mali komad petalita je
iznimno moćan i možete ga koristiti za oslobođenje od loše karme ili za čišćenje entiteta iz
aure i mentalnog tijela. Petalit dovodi u sklad edokrini sustav, koristan je kao pomoć u
liječenju Aids-a i raka, koristan je za stanice, oči, pluća, grčeve mišića i za crijeva.

Other crystals that may also be used with this stone to connect with the angels, includes
Cryolite Crystals, Angel Phantom Quartz... aka Amphibole Quartz, Tremolite, Angelite,
Seraphinite or Aragonite Star Clusters.

Compatible Stones with Petalite:

Rose Quartz
Petrified Wood

Petrified wood has been around practically

since time began. Under specific conditions
the organic materials are replaced by agate, bit
by bit, as it decomposes. Sometimes jasper,
quartz and even opal can be found in
fossilized wood. Most often it is brown, but
can also be grey or green in color.

Petrified wood is powerful in removing

obstacles. Use it to assist in reaching goals
that you are having trouble with or to smooth
a path for any endeavor that you anticipate
will be ridden with difficult barriers.

Healing properties -Petrified Wood helps restore physical energy and is good in relieving hip
and back problems.
Petrified wood is a stone that is good for grounding and stabilizing one's emotions. It is
particularly useful in calming survival-based fears. It helps one be practical. It is a stone of
business success. Petrified wood is a good stone for general protection. Physically, it is
beneficial physically for the bones, backaches, skin and hair. Petrified wood is also used for
past life regressions because of its inherent link with the past.

Petrified Wood is a stone of continuous on-going growth... a

steady progression towards your end result of spiritual

It has stone meanings that relate to both the base chakra and
third eye chakra. Within the base chakra its energy brings
patience and grounding.

It brings to you the knowledge embedded in the tree from

which the wood came. Its third eye chakra energy aids you to
make a connection with your cells and the issues stored within
your DNA.

Green amethyst, green quartz, vermarine- Prasiolite Meaning-

Prasiolite, also known as Green Amethyst, is

a very spiritual stone. Prasiolite assists in
bringing spiritual ideals into expression in
every day life. Green Amethyst (Prasiolite)
inspires self-reliance, originality, and gives
one the courage to dare new things. It
enhances appreciation, approval, and acclaim
to the user. Amegreen is excellent for
assisting one in expressing emotions and in
facilitating accuracy and power of
observation. Physically - Amegreen has the same physical properties as Purple and Green

Green Amethyst is also known as Prasiolite. It is a is a

light green colored quartz. It carries the same energies
as Amethyst, which works with the Third-Eye, Crown,
and Etheric Chakras. It is a spiritual stone that has a
protective and purifying nature. Amethyst is very
powerful and protective, and is a first choice of many
metaphysicians. Amethyst was used in ancient times to
recover from both physical addictions as well as
addictive relationships, and became known as the
"stone of sobriety." A natural stress reliever,
Amethyst can encourage inner strength. The strong healing powers of Amethyst can
transmute lower vibrations to higher frequencies, transforming negative energy to love
energy. The green in these Gemstone Pendants marry the more spiritual energies of
Amethyst with the healing energies of the Green Ray. It promotes an intuitive capability
which is coupled with love. Green Quartz is a stone of transformative energies. It
transmutes negative energy to positive without releasing it to the atmosphere

Prasiolite is the proper name for the green variety of

Amethyst. Although it is not as well known as the
purple variety, it has a similar level of energy.Yet it is
a quite different stone... and comes to you from a
heart based perspective. It is often called Green
Amethyst... but it is really quite a different stone to
the purple stone.
By its immersion in fire it changes to a new stone... an analogy for its role when we use it for
spiritual growth. Like all quartz, these are wonderful stones to use in combination with other
stones.Like moldavite, danburite... The second stones energy will be amplified by its contact
with this green quartz crystal. It is like the spirit of nature itself... embodied within a beautiful
green quartz crystal. Its impact within the heart will clear disharmonious energy and open
you... totally... to love and compassion.

Green Amethyst's connection to the higher spiritual aspects of your life is a natural
consequence of its use. The special gift of Prasiolite is to bring your focus to a truly heart
based perspective. Allow yourself to fully make the connection with the natural world...
and Mother Gaia. The result will be that you will truly experience the strong, loving and
harmonious energies that will flow into your life.

Benefit from the power of Green Amethyst (Prasiolite) gemstone jewelry

 Heals by closing the gap between the physical & spiritual

 Attracts prosperity
 Strengthens the emotions, the mind and the will
 Protects the wearer from intoxication , Brings good fortune and luck

Prehnite is for dreaming and remembering. Brings new friends. Utilized for meditation.
Enhances the ability to make contact with unseen entities. Multiplies/increases energy and
strengthens ones protective fields. Considered the stone for dreaming/remembering. Increases
ability for prophesy. Allows inner knowing. Powerful stone, not to be taken lightly. Increases
accuracy with predictions. Prehnite is a stone of unconditional love. It is said to connect to the
archangel Raphael. Prehnite enhances inner knowledge, showing the path forward to spiritual
growth through attunement to divine energy. Prehnite connects the will and the heart. In so
doing one's actions attain the highest good. Wear prehnite to strengthen your intuition and
recognize truths. Used as a stone of vision, it works well during meditation to access higher
levels of awareness, stimulating the third eye chakra.

The solar plexus chakra is the seat of the will... and this green stone's action links your heart
with your will... and brings you peace and joy, and will help to relieve worry. To help you to
do the things that you want to achieve, from a heart based perspective.Prehnite is a very
protective stone and can protect one on all levels. It strengthens the life force and generally
increases and stimulates energy. It aids spirit communication through meditation or
visualization, out-of-body travel, and is a powerful dream stone. Prehnite is also known as a
stone of prophesy which stimulates inner-knowing. Prehnite can be used to multiply energy
and enhance your protective fields. Using prehnite to grid produces calmness to your
enviroment. Helps to remember dreams. Brings inner knowing to be prepared for future
events. Helps accuracy of predictions with regards to your own personal growth. Its action
within the solar plexus chakra, makes it a stone that is known to assist you to manifest
money.Like many light green crystals Green Prehnite is a stone that aids you to bring
abundance and prosperity into your life.

It is a stone for dreaming and remembering... so if you would like to enhance this... keep a
piece under your pillow. It will also alleviate nightmares, and help you to release deep fears.
Sometimes this fear is of a karmic nature, and Prehnite will help you to release these past
issues that are causing your current concerns.
Many of the green, yellow-green or yellow stones will be of benefit, and are enhanced by
being used with this crystal, including Adamite, Green Tourmaline, Emeralds, Heliodor,
Peridot, Green Jade and Libyan Desert Glass... also known as Libyan Gold Tektite. Use it
with the high vibration crystals such as Natrolite, Moldavite, Herderite and Scolecite... to
enhance communication with beings from the higher realms. Used with Golden Rutilated
Quartz or Dumortierite, it will help you to restructure your DNA if needed. Lilac Lepidolite,
Lithium Quartz and Amblygonite are calming stones that aid Prehnite's ability to stop those
thoughts that go round and round... and bring peace of mind.

Prehnit je vrlo zaštitnički kamen i može nas štititi na svim razinama. Jača vitalnost, općenito
povećava i stimulira energiju, dok u isto vrijeme donosi moćnu umirujuću energiju. Olakšava
brige i nespokoj. Pomaže duhovnu komunikaciju kroz meditaciju ili vizualizaciju, izvan
tjelesno putovanje, moćan kamen snova. Prehnit stimulira unutarnje znanje i poznat je kao
kamen proricanja. Fizički služi u liječenju kosobolje, slabokrvnosti i bubrežnih problema.
Pirit stvara odličan energetski štit, ne dopušta
prodor negativne energije, odbija zlo i
Potiče protok ideja, spoznaju vlastitih
potencijala, diplomaciju, prevladava inerciju.
Smješten na radnom stolu obogaćuje prostor
energijom i koristan je kada se smišljaju veliki
poslovni planovi. Podiže samopouzdanje i
samopoštovanje. Koristan je muškarcima koji
se osjećaju inferiornima, ali bi kod jakih
muškaraca mogao potaknuti agresivnost.
Ženama pomaže prevladati kompleks
robovanja i inferiornosti. Pirit pojačava dotok
krvi u mozak i ubrzava mentalnu aktivnost,
popravlja pamćenje. Koristan je kod
melankolije i očaja. Odličan je kod osjećaja
umora i iscrpljenosti, jer povećava energiju i djeluje ekstremno brzo. Pirit stimulira nastajanje
stanica, sanira oštećenja dnk, usklađuje meridijane, jača digestivni trakt i neutralizira toksine
unijete kroz hranu. Koristan je za kosti, pluća, ublažava astmu i bronhitis.

The resemblance of pyrite to gold has made it a

traditional symbol for money and good luck. It's sunny
golden color associates it with the sun, and with
fortification and strengthening of the mind. The name
comes from the Greek word meaning "a stone which
strikes fire". Iron Pyrite makes a wonderful energy
shield, blocking out negativity from various sources.
Brings a positive outlook and releases ancient murk that
has been held in the emotional body at the solar plexus.
It strengthens the will and brings harmony with self and
others. It is also a useful protector from radiation from
computers. Pyrite is a stone of intellect and protection.
It enhances intelligence, mental stability, logic,
analysis, creativity, memory, and psychic development.
It can help you tap your own latent mental talents and
abilities. Pyrite is a powerful protection stone, and is very grounding.

Great for grounding spiciness after meditation/psychic readings. Represents Sun's golden
energy. A mineralized crystal that forms in clusters of metallic like cubes. Color varies from a
bright gold or brass to shades of copper or green. Found in most of North America as well as in
Chile and Peru. "Fool's Gold". Beneficial to the respiratory and circulatory systems. Connected
to the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the bloodstream. Helps the skin protect itself from
the elements, and also aids the digestive tract, lessening irritation by ingested toxins. The most
important gift of Pyrite, though, is its ability to aid mental capacity. Helps to balance creative
and intuitive impulses with scientific and practical ones. communication skills can also improve
with the help of Pyrite, which eases anxiety and frustration. Strongly suggested for people who
tackle large conceptual ideas in business, the arts, or education. Effective in attracting money
to its owner. The stimulation of the mind can be enhanced by using Pyrite in conjunction with
Fluorite and Calcite.

Pyrite is an excellent stone for the solar

plexus chakra, enhancing willpower and
overcoming bad habits. It has a strong solar
energy... enhancing the male aspects
energetically of both sexes.

It is of assistance to help you to take the

action required to create abundance and
prosperity in your life..

The resemblance of pyrite to gold has made

it a traditional symbol for money and good
luck. It's sunny golden color associates it
with the sun, and with fortification and
strengthening of the mind. The name comes
from the Greek word meaning "a stone
which strikes fire".

Iron Pyrite makes a wonderful energy shield, blocking out negativity from various sources.
Some of its properties include: Overcomes inertia and feelings of inadequacy ,Energizes the
area where you place it (such as on a desk where you work) ,Helps you to see behind a facade

Purpurite is a purple stone that encourages you to feel

free to speak out... and to have confidence in your
abilities to verbalize your thoughts clearly... and with
total lack of obstruction.If you have been aware of any
self-destructive situations, that may be limiting your
personal growth, this stone helps to clear these
problems. Purpurite is also a stone that can bring
prosperity and help with finances.

Purpurite allows you to speak freely and with

confidence! It provides you with freedom from the
material world and stops you from being modest when
you don’t really have to be. It is an excellent stone for
breaking free from old patterns of self-destructive
and self-limiting behaviour. It’s an excellent stone for meditation and one which can also
increase your own spiritual aspirations. Purpurite provides a purity of thought that can help
guide your planning and your actions on your path to spiritual enlightenment. Purpurite is also
a very beneficial stone for psychics to keep handy, as it can be used to re-balance both your
Crown and Third Eye Chakras after working. It is an excellent stone for a healer to keep
handy as it helps to check in on your client to ensure that he or she is getting the right healing
that they need. Purpurite has been used in the treatment of hemorrhages bruises and
superficial wounds. It purifies your blood and can stabilise your pulse rate. It has also been
used to ensure the proper flow of blood from the heart to the lungs.

Sometimes you are so used to your life, and the way you live... that you stay with what you
perceive as security.This may be in your job or in your relationships... even when you know
intuitively that you might be better to move on.This stone will help you to make choices,
about when it is time to take that new exciting path... and when to make the choice to stay
put where you are.

Benefit from the power of Purpurite jewelry ; Purifies energy fields ,Encourages insight and
truth ,Encourages acceptance ,Integrates skills with thoughts and ideas ,Opens the crown

Ružičasti kvarc poznat kao kamen ljubavi, donosi nježnost,

toleranciju, praštanje. Smiruje, pomaže kod čišćenja nakupljenog
bijesa, srdžbe, ljubomore, strahova. Zamjenjuje negativnost s
harmonijom. Djeluje na četvrtu čakru i područje srca, krvotoka,
poboljšava rad bubrega; pomlađuje i revitalizira kožu. Protiv
nesanice i štiti od štetnih podzemnih zračenja.

Fotoosjetljiv je i boja mu može posvijetliti. U prošlosti su ga

smatrali direktnom vezom s božanskim silama zbog efekta
svjetlucanja, koje ponekad izgledaju poput zvijezda. Popularan kao "kamen ljubavi". Smatra
se da budi ljubav, donosi mir i vjernost, ublažava negativnu energiju, umiruje, podmlađuje
tijelo i duh.

Your marriage can have more sparkle and fire when you keep a rose quartz under your pillow.
You will look younger too.Rose quartz is known as the love stone. It helps the user feel a
strong sense of self-worth, therefore being worth love. Rose quartz is the stone of universal
love. It is also the stone of love in marriage. When worn in jewelry the wearer feels a sense of

Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love. It opens the heart chakra to all forms of love:
self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. Rose quartz has excellent protection
energies during pregnancy and childbirth. The elevated energy of quartz gives rose quartz a
property of enhancing love in virtually any situation. It also brings gentleness, forgiveness,
and tolerance. Rose quartz assists in being receptive to the beauty and love in everything, also
receptivity to colours, sounds, art, music and poetry. It enlivens the imagination to enable it to
create beautiful forms. Opens the eyes to physical beauty, assists to love the self, have
compassion, forgiveness and acceptance. Brings self-confidence, self worth and creativity.
Rose quartz is soothing, calming and reduces stress and tension. It helps to clear anger,
resentment, guilt, fear and jealousy.

QUARTZ, ROSE: Removes negativity from all chakras. Encourages unconditional love for
ones self and others. Great for healing emotional wounds. Attracts love into ones life. Clears
anger, fear and guilt. Helps get you in your heart. Emotional balance. Very good for
expressing and soothing emotions. Try to find undyed rose quartz.

Helps diffuse negative stimuli and uncomfortable memories. Helps us discover the ability to
love ourselves and makes us more open to other people. It is of particular value in helping us
to forgive ourselves, hastening self-acceptance. Helps us realize that all change is important,
even difficult change. Stimulates love and tender appreciation of all things.

Quartz stones that contains mineral inclusions

are called "rutilated quartz" or "sagenite",
popularly known as Venus-hair stone. Rutiles are
small needlelike crystals. These may be red,
black or brassy yellow.

Golden rutilated quartz integrates energy at

many levels. It heightens the energy of other quartz
stones and is an important healing stone. Illuminates
the soul ,Cleanses and energizes ,Removes barriers
to spiritual growth ,Filters negative energy.
Rutilated quartz is an excellent stone to use if you
need to change your direction in life.It soothes
dark moods, offerring relief from fears, phobias and
anxiety. The needle inclusions add intensity and transmission power to the crystal.

Rutil kvarc pomaže obnovu tkiva, apsorpciju hrane i usporava

starenje. Dovodi do porasta imuniteta, dobar je kod problema s
dišnim sustavom. Rutil kvarc je također tajanstveni kristalni
"dijagnostički alat" koji pomaže otkriti pravi uzrok bolesti.
Povećava mentalnu i fizičku stabilnost, oslanjanje na vlastite
snage i meditaciju na ženstvenim idejama. Povećava intuiciju,
smanjuje strahove, depresiju i probleme s donošenjem odluka.
Povezan je s trećom čakrom. Za rutil u kvarcu se vjerovalo da
je kristalizirana sunčeva svijetlost ili zlato koje je pripadalo
zmajevima. Kaže se da je kamen anđela, zato što se vjerovalo
da je u njemu duh Anđela. Nekada su ga zvali i Venerinom kosom. Pomaže kod regeneracije
stanica, usporava starenje i daje organizmu jaku životnu vitalnost. Kristal olakšava samoću
kod pojedinaca i pomaže djeci da se uhvate u koštac sa krizama u porodici.

Strengthens the immune system and 'life-force'.Stimulates

brain functions.Eases depression, quells fears and facilitates
inspiration.Increases clairvoyance.Can lead you to love and in
positive directions to achieve your goals.
CRVENI RUTIL KVARC ili sagenite-

Sagenite reveals your own inner wisdom

so that you can make better judgments
before you have gone to far and repeat
what you’ve already experienced in the

Its guidance allows you to skip past unnecessary turmoil by seeing the outcomes clearly first,
so you can make the best choice now. It brings you a sharper mind, discernment and
practicality. It works to align you with beauty so that you can see it in all things. You can use
it to remove unwanted energies and negative spirits, and to cleanse and clear other minerals.
Physically, it is used throughout pregnancy to provide protection for both mother and child,
plus it brings in the highest levels of well being in the baby. Rutile is believed to enhance the
metaphysical properties of its host crystal.

Sagenite is believed to help one gain a better understanding during difficult situations so they
can act appropriately and efficiently. It is also believed to relieve feelings of depression and
loneliness, and can provide direction and creativity to the wearer. Physically, Sagenite is
thought to slow the aging process and help strengthen the immune system. In addition to this,
Sagenite is believed to be a strong healing stone and one that can help the wearer recover
from radiation exposure.

There are several closely related Quartz varieties that go through a similar formation process,
with the Titanium Oxide being replaced with different impurities. These include
Tourmalinated Quartz, Grass/Actinolite Quartz, and Dendritic Quartz. Rutilated quartz is
considered to be the crystal of truth. As such, it can promote self-realization, since self-
discovery means finding the inner truth about our own being, purpose and destiny. Rutile
quart promotes better understanding of ourselves, as well as of others, since learning about us
means learning about others too. It protects from lies, evil forces, and encourages spiritual self
growth. It also offers protection from psychic attacks, and is thought to be able to neutralize
the unhealthy influences even from one's former lives.

Red rutile (rutilated quartz): Brings new hope ,Acts as an anti-depressant ,Relief from
anxiety, sexual problems related to tension ,Helps develop vision for the bigger picture .

Red rutile is an energy stone.

The needle inclusions add intensity and transmission power to the crystal. Red rutilated
quartz makes a powerful healing stone for this reason. Rutilated quartz is reputed to be an
energizing stone that helps get energy moving on all levels. Intuitive sources say that it assists
with mental focus. It is also said to attract love and stabilize relationships.

Rhodochrosite Gemstone meaning

Rhodochrosite (also known as Inca Rose Stone,

Raspberry Spar, Manganese Spar) comes in a
variety of shades from bright red to soft shades of
pink, and opaque forms with swirling patterns.
Rhodochrosite is an excellent conductor of

.Pink Rhodochrosite is a strong stone to aid emotional healing. It encourages you to feel love
for yourself... and its energy will assist you in meditation, to reach a state of joy and sublime
happiness. It's energy may stimulate your inner child... and bring a deep childlike happiness
and joy into your life. It aids you to bring deep forgotten memories
to the surface for healing.

Perhaps there are issues that you have not yet faced. Pink
Rhodochrosite often works quite quickly... to aid you to bring
them to the surface. Once you begin to remember these issues...
this gives you the ability to make choices on how you will deal
with these on a conscious level within your life.These may have
been so traumatic.. that you may have simply forgotten they
occurred, out of self preservation. Often you repress the memories
of a certain event or events... because they made you feel so
frightened.Sometimes these severe childhood events have also
stopped you from allowing wonderful innate gifts or talents to emerge. Be aware that many
people need professional help to deal with these sorts of issues. Once you allow yourself to
remember these events... and they may have been terribly painful... you may be able to move
forward in your life. By simply putting a tumblestone or other piece of this stone in your
pocket, the energy will benefit you.

Rhodochrosite is perfect to balance your emotions, by cleansing your Heart chakra it

promotes acceptance of the past. Rhodochrosite assists us in loving ourselves and helps
us release our need to blame ourselves for everything. Rhodochrosite invokes courage,
will and passion. Rhodochrosite also prevents sickness. Rhodochrosite is a powerful
emotional healer. Rodokrosit je kamen dinamike i pozitivnog stava. Odličan je za srce i
odnose, posebno za ljude koji se osjećaju nevoljeni. Rodokrosit privlači srodnu dušu. Ovo je
kamen koji nas potiče na suočavanje s istinom o sebi i o drugim ljudima, sa sviješću i
ljubavlju. Ljudi koji imaju odbojnost prema ovom kamenu potiskuju nešto u sebi i odbijaju se
suočiti s tim. Emocionalno, potiče spontano izražavanje osjećanja, podiže iz depresivnog
raspoloženja i donosi lakoću u život.Olakšava astmatične i respiratorne probleme. Čisti
bubrege i popravlja loš vid, normalizira krvni tlak, stabilizira rad srca, osnažuje spolne

Rodonit je kamen
gracioznosti i
elegancije. Smanjuje
tjeskobu i povećava
pažnju za detalje.
Koristan je za srčanu
čakru, otvara nas za
bezuvjetnu ljubav i
povećava korisnost za
Umirujući kamen.
Također je to i kamen
suprotnosti. Svijetlo
ružičasta boja
nagovještava energiju
koja povećava vatrenu
ljubav. A crna ukazuje
prizemnu energiju.
Potiče vatrenu ljubav,
ali koja je i prizemljena. Fizički pomaže kod srčanih problema, osjetljivosti na svjetlo,
problema s grlom, upale zglobova. Rhodonite soothes the nervous system. This gemstone
vibrates with love. Just holding this gemstone promotes relaxation and brings a sense of well-
being.This is a balance gemstone and is used to clear the psychic centers. Rhodonite raises
self worth and helps ward off negativity. It has been known as a "rescue stone".

Rhodonite is a stone of grace and elegance. It decreases anxiety while increasing attention to
detail. It works beneficially on the heart chakra, opening one to unconditional love and
increased service to mankind. It is also a calming stone. Rhodonite is also a stone of contrasts.
The bright pinks indicate energy that enhances passionate love. The shiny black indicates
grounding energy. This stone can help one have a passionate love that is also grounded.
Assists you in becoming aware of the sublte energies that surround you and to ground them. It
is also a great stone for expressing love. Perfect for maintaining your centre and personal
power, giving you the strength to stay true to yourself. Physically it has been known to help
with emphysema, joint inflammation, light sensitivity, strep throat and heart disorders.
Strengthens your ability to be heart centred. Calming, centering and energising. Its helps us
stay centred in Divine energies especially when under stress, whether it be from the
environment, emotional or mental.

Vjeruje se da je vatra rodonita iskaljena pod utjecajem Venere. To je vatra koja tiho gori i
koja može raspršiti jake sile. Iz ovog razloga, rodonit zovu ruža koja gori (rhodon je grčka
riječ za ružu). Pomaže u ljubavi i zavođenju.

Pomaže djeci da razviju svoje specifične talente. Može biti koristan za probleme djece i
tinejdžera. Štiti od negativnosti i psihičkih napada.
The ruby is considered to be the most powerful gem in the
universe, and is associated with many astral signs. To own a ruby is
said to have contentment and peace. Placed under a pillow the ruby
may ward off bad dreams. Ruby rings should be worn on the left
hand so as to receive the life force and have protection. Given as a
gift, the ruby is a symbol of friendship and love. The ruby is also the
symbol of vitality and royalty. It also gives the courage to be best
potential that a person has. Ruby opens the heart to go past the
boundaries of personal love and passion to unconditional love.
Brings one into alignment with Gods Will. Ruby brings freedom, flow and peace for those
with fear of intimacy, repressed emotions and uncertainty. It assists in removing lethargic,
dormant conditions in the body, emotions and mind. Ruby brings integrity, devotion and
happiness. It also enhances generosity and brings prosperity. Ruby is a stone that is very
protective of the home, worldly possessions, children and psychic protection. It is a stone of
high energy and power that promotes healing on all levels.

Rubin donosi cjelovitost, odanost i sreću. Povećava

velikodušnost i donosi blagostanje, romantičnu ljubav. Zaštitnik
doma, posjeda, djece i psihe. Kamen visoke energije i moći,
donosi iscjeljenje na svim stupnjevima. Povezan je s korijenskom
čakrom. Potiče strast za životom, poboljšava motivaciju,
postavljanje realističnih ciljeva i pomaže dinamično vodstvo.
Rubin donosi pozitivno i hrabro stanje uma, povišenu svjesnost i
odličnu koncentraciju. Zbog iznimnog zaštitnog svojstva čini nas
jačima tijekom rasprava. Rubin je društven kamen koji
rasplamsava entuzijazam i privlači seksualnu aktivnost. Fizički,
prevladava iscrpljenost, bezvoljnost i daje snagu i krepkost, ali umiruje hiperaktivnost. Rubin
detoksicira tijelo, krv i limfu, liječi groznicu, infektivne bolesti i slabu cirkulaciju. Iznimno je
koristan za srce i krvožilni sustav. Stimulira nadbubrežne žlijezde, bubrege, reproduktivne
organe i slezenu. Naziv rubin potiče od latinske reči "rubens", što znači crven. Dugo je
smatran kraljem dragog kamenja, simbol aristokracije. Svojom bojom asocira na moć, strast i
ljubav. Vjeruje se da u rubinu gori stalni plamen, a onom tko ga nosi štiti zdravlje te potiče
hrabrost i volju.

It helps you to change, and make the transition from the

person you are today, to the person you want to be, and wish
to be in your heart. To become the person you were meant to
be. Eliminates the "Martyr" syndrome, the underlying belief
that you are somehow "less than" that sets you up to fail by
thinking you need to experience pain and suffering to learn.
The Universe has all of infinity at its disposal to teach you, it
does not need you to be its whipping boy. It is said that the
power of Ruby is in its encouragement to follow your dreams and
your bliss, helping you to change your world. Ruby will bring
light to the dark places in ones life, bringing a spark of awareness
to those places where you might still need work, and giving you
the opportunity to clear that path. Ruby also heightens our love
for life, giving us motivation and inspiration to choose wisely for ourselves and others. Ruby's
wisdom is in teaching you how precious you are. You were created in Love, and meant to be
happy. For people in recovery, it is said to reduce the time needed for chemicals and toxins to
exit the body. Improves ones outcome in controversies and disputes, Excellent protection
stone, Particularly good for helping to make wise financial decisions, One of the stones used
in the breastplate of the High Priest, Fertility Stone. Detoxifies and eliminates chemicals from
your system

One of this stone's alchemical properties is to impart a sense of bliss, as well as encouraging a
desire for life. It will aid you by helping you to recharge your energy levels This may be part
of the reason why it has been a popular stone over the centuries. Ruby stone has a vibration
that radiates with an intensity that projects energy and enthusiasm for life. It encourages
leadership and increased concentration, with sharpness of intellect. It is an excellent stone to
help you to defend yourself against psychic attack, from negative entities. It is a strong stone
that acts as a barrier against those who want to steal your energy, and it is a effective psychic
protection stone. If you wish to increase your ability to dream, and in particular wish to
experience lucid dreams, put a piece of ruby stone under the pillow. As you use it you will
discover how to use Ruby stone to overcome sexual dysfunction and attract new love.

The beautiful Ruby jewels are not only a July birthstone but also a December and January
birthstone. It asks you to live your life for today and not to be concerned with fear about
anything negative that may arise tomorrow. Through utilizing the power of coincidence and
synchronicity... this lovely stone will put you in interesting and adventurous situations where
you are challenged to live life to the full!

Ruby stone has a strong energy of sensuality and love for life, and of beauty. It will assist you
to feel more sexually attractive. If you have weight problems, using a ruby stone will assist
you... as it encourages you to feel self-love. Add Blue Sapphire into the mix, if you need
assistance with self control, and the naturally occuring Ruby Stone with Blue Sapphire in it, is
an easy way to combine these two energies.

Crystals of Green Zoisite with the lovely Red Ruby... are also called Anyolite, and occur
naturally... and this combination activates the crown chakra, while it amplifies the
biomagnetic field around the body. This red crystal also comes naturally mixed with Blue
Kyanite. The Ruby Kyanite crystals are a powerful mix to use as a protective stone which
also aids lucid dreaming. In addition you will find Ruby in Fuchsite and this mixture is
powerful to aid healing of spinal problems.

Star Rubies are a variety of Ruby stone which have either

titanium or hematite inclusions just under the surface of the
stone. These are fine needles of these minerals, that form a
pattern or array on the surface of the crystals. These
patterns are quite reflective, and can form what looks like
stars in the stone. Alternatively, and this does depend on
the way the mineral have formed in the stone, you will see
the light reflected in a way that mineralogists call silk. The
metaphysical properties of stones like these is quite similar
to other types of Ruby crystals... except that they are
reputed to have a magical energy as well due to their reflective properties.. Depending on the
exact make-up of these inclusions, and the way they are arranged on the stone, this shiny
reflective area will be a different color to the base stone... and may be pinkish-red, purplish-
red or even a darker maroonish red-brown color. Star Ruby has the same metaphysical
properties as Ruby, but with increased healing and magical energies. It is most powerful at
full moon. The Light of the Soul is reflected and grounded within the star of the Ruby, and
amplifies one’s internal resources and fortitude. It is extremely potent for those inclined to
self-harm or self-neglect, and is quite beneficial in overcoming sexual dysfunction or the
trauma of sexual or power abuse and suppressed anger. As a stone of spiritual Light, it can be
used by Light workers and healers to integrate high-frequency energy into the body, and
assists one in recognizing the true abundance of life.

Corundums - Second hardest mineral. Insight to the unknown. Intuitive

awareness, stimulates ambition, confidence. Subdues and calms emotions, harsh and irritable
attitudes, releases anger. Soothes and smoothes the skin, eye disorders, brings peace to the

Yellow, white, star, ruby, pink, PADPARADSCHA, orange, green, blue, black Sapphire


Sapphires: Corundum. Blue, green, pink, royal,

purple, white, star, yellow, black sapphires

A sapphire means blue in Greek. The blue goes

from dark blue almost black to pale blue. The finest
blue sapphires are a strong blue. The star sapphire is
very valued. The sapphire was called the "Stone of
Destiny". Sapphires contribute to mental clarity and
perception. They can promote financial rewards. The
sapphire is the symbol of heaven and joyful devotion
to God. Sapphire opens you up to the Higher octaves and brings you spiritual light. It
produces the desire for prayer, has great healing energy, aids your power of concentration and
assists greatly in meditation. Sapphire stimulates your psychic abilities, expands cosmic
awareness and your connection to your Higher Self. The stone releases unwanted thoughts
and brings joy and peace of mind by opening your mind to beauty and intuition. It’s an
amazing stone of prosperity, sustaining the gifts of life and alleviating frustration. The
various colours of Sapphire have additional properties as well: - Blue Sapphire assists in the
healing of your entire body. It stimulates your Throat Chakra and assists in communication,
attentiveness, inspiration and psychic awareness.

- Green Sapphire works with your Heart Chakra and is excellent for fidelity, loyalty,
physical sight and remembering dreams. - Black Sapphire protects both your physical body
and your energy, grounding you while eliminating anxiety and doubt. - Purple Sapphire
allows you to focus and advance spiritually. Use it in meditation to awaken the Crown
Chakra. - White Sapphire is also stimulating to your Crown Chakra, and also heightens your
focus and attention. It frees you from greed and bestows justice and truth. - Yellow Sapphire
is a wealth and prosperity stone, clearing the way and providing endurance and fulfillment. It
allows activates and stimulates all of your chakras. It allows you to live totally in the
moment.for a view of the bigger picture in business. - Red Sapphire is called Ruby. - Parti
Sapphire is a multi-coloured Sapphire found in Australia.

Benefit from the power of Sapphire jewelry: Increases mental clarity

and perception .Promotes financial rewards, Used by healers to cure
sore throats, Is a symbol of heaven, A stone of destiny

Dark Blue Sapphires: Dark blue sapphire will allow one to use their full
creative potential. it is like a mother stone because it tends to your needs
as your creative juices flow so that you do not become scattered about
but remain grounded. It is also good for helping solve problems, sexual
relationships because it tends to make deep bonding between people and
creates loyalty.

Light Blue Sapphires: Light blue sapphire is the inspiration stone. It helps to bring in new
thoughts or ways of thinking. it is also an excitement stone as it helps to bring the feeling of
life being exciting and full. Intensify the energy of blue sapphire with these stones: Rose
Quartz , Lapis Lazuli , Azurite , Iolite ,Vanadinite

A Desert Rose is a naturally occuring formation of

selenite gypsum as found in Morroco. These crystals
form perfectly in the desert sand from wind and sand
errosion near selenite gypsum deposits. They make for
lovely home decorations.

Desert Rose: (Selenite) has rose-like flower buds.

Known to help new moms increase breast milk. This
beautiful form of Selenite forms clusters like rose buds.
Very healing and powerful "tool". Works on all the
Chakra, especially the Heart Chakra and brings a sense of
calmness and tranquility the longer it is with you.

Some minerals form rosette shapes, and selenite is one of these. The selenite rose rock is also
called "the desert rose", and is often confused with the barite rose. The edges of selenite rose
are sharper and the crystalline structure is less hard than the barite rose.

Selenite Meaning :The Rejuvenator, helps with relief of stress and enhances will power.
Tissue repair, and fast pain relief. Can be used on auric arcs too to clear and cut in a ritual,
releasing one form the connections to people or events past. Often used in relationships to
heal a rift, and allow more peaceable end.

Magical Use -Meditation, clarity of the mind, physical

energy, opening and clearing of the upper chakras.
Selenite: A Gypsum. White/clear striated crystals. Has
been used to work against cancer and is known to
stabilize epileptic disorders. Mental focus, growth, luck,
immunity, kundalini. Centuries-old record keepers of
events/information. Smoothes emotions. Expands
sensitivity, field of awareness.

Selenite is named for Selene, Greek goddess of the Moon because of its moon-like glow.
Exchanged between lovers, it will bring about reconciliation. Brings mental clarity ,Helps one
to access angelic guidance ,Quickly unblocks stagnant energy ,Instills a deep peace . It makes
a wonderful protection stone. Place a selenite sphere at the corners of your home to create a
peaceful, safe environment that will not be disturbed by outside influences.

Selenit donosi duboki mir koji je odličan za meditaciju i spiritualni rad. Prozračni bijeli selenit
ima nebesku kvalitetu, prastari kamen i jedan od najmoćnijih kristala za novu vibraciju na
zemlji. Selenit je odličan za stvaranje zaštitne rešetke oko kuće, postavlja se unutra, u kutove
kuće čime se stvara siguran i miran prostor koji ne propušta vanjske utjecaje.Selenit nosi
otisak svega što se dogodilo na svijetu, seže do drugih života i odličan je za provjeravanje
postignutog napretka. Ukazuje na probleme i lekcije na kojima još trebamo poraditi i
pokazuje kako to najbolje možemo postići. U liječenju, selenit ravna kičmu i potiče
fleksibilnost. Štiti od epileptičkih napada. Neutralizira trovanje živom iz plombi u zubima i
preokreće djelovanje slobodnih radikala. Napomena: selenit je osjetljiv na vlagu i ne podnosi

Use to clear the chakras of blockages and heal the physical body. Providing both flexibility
and resolve, assisting in adjudicating and facilitating material acquisitions, Selenite is a great
to keep at your workspace. Balances our relationship with the universe, assists us in
connecting with people and all of life. Lets us consciously understand our own Truth, the part
of ourselves which is pure spirit helping us to work with our purpose for being in physical
existence. Because of its ability to help us filter out ego-based messages and thoughts it is an
excellent crystal for meditation when placed on the crown (top of the head). Selenite is a stone
of mental clarity, enhancing mental flexibility and strengthening decisions, it can also help to
clear up mental confusion. With it you can access past lives. It also promotes good business
practices. It removes energy blocks from the physical and etheric bodies. It also aligns the
spine, is good for the skeleton, and decreases epilepsy and seizures. It also has the ability to
clear other stones that are placed on or near it.

Pustinjska ruža je lećasti agregat u obliku ruže koji sadrži uklopke zrnaca kvarcnog

Selenit je gusti vlasasti agregat gipsa svilenastog sjaja.

Alabaster je potpuno bijeli zrnasti agregat.

Gospino staklo su veliki pločasti prozirni kristal,


Septarian donosi osjećaj radosti i duhovnog

uzdizanja. Poboljšava razumijevanje i
komunikaciju s Majkom Zemljom. Donosi
nam i jedno nesvjesno poznavanje budućnosti,
osjećaj budućnosti i spremnost za sve što se
može dogoditi i iskrsnuti. Pomaže nam se
prilagoditi novim idejama. Izvrstan za
poslovni uspjeh. Koristan je u liječenju krvi i
bubrega. Jača mozak i prokrvljenost mozga,
povećava koncentraciju. Njegova energija
prodire kroz treću čakru u živčano tkivo i
razvija snagu direktno u mozgu. Povezan je s
nižim čakrama.

Septarian (also known as Dragonstone) gets its name from the Latin
word "saeptum", which means a small wall or enclosure. The mineral-
filled cracks that divide the walls of the septarian concretion give this
stone a distinctive appearance. Septarian is a healing stone beneficial
to overall health and well being. Opens psychic abilities ,Gives relief
for muscle spa,Nurtures and grounds . Septarian Calcite is a blend
of dark Aragonite and light Calcite. Aragonite aids in discipline
when consciously directed. It enhances patience, helps give insight
into the root of problems encountered on the physical plane and helps
you to centre during periods of stress or anger. Calcite helps you to
overcome difficulties and transform ideas into action. It reduces laziness and apathy and
increases energy and vitality. These properties make Septarian Calcite particularly good for
people who have given up hope. It helps you trust yourself and improves your ability to
discern and discriminate. It also encourages success.

Septarian Nodules combine all the metaphysical

properties of the minerals that make it up,
making it extremely powerful. Septarian Nodule
is used to assist in communication with others
and to aid in being heard and understood. It
also plays a role in rapid healing for the body
and degeneration of teeth bones and muscles.
Septarian Nodules help in banishing nightmares,
negative energy and block psychic attacks. (i.e.
psychic vampirism)
Lightning Calcite is a form of Septarian
Calcite. It forms in nodules and reveals its
lightning patterns when sliced and polished.
Widely accepted as the most powerful time
for energetic work, thunderstorms generate
massive amounts of energy – releasing it as
brilliant, bold LOUD bolts of electricity!
Darker than common Septarian Calcite, and
revered for their inner lightning-like patterns,
these Calcites allow you to harness this storm
energy for yourself. Septarians were formed
during the Cretaceous period, 50 to 70 million years ago when the Gulf of Mexico reached
what is now Southern Utah. The name Septarian is derived from the Latin term Septem,
meaning seven. This relates to the fact that the mud balls cracked with seven points in every
direction, thereby creating the beautiful internal design. Septarians are composed of Calcite
(White), Aragonite (Brown) and the outer grey rock is Limestone.

Seraphinite has a lovely spiritual

energy that may help your search for
spiritual enlightenment... and will assist you
with self healing. It aids your connection to
beings in the angelic realm and may help you
to make contact with the Divine Feminine.

This green and silver crystal has a number of

very powerful characteristics, including
being one of the stones that aid contact with
nature spiritsThis green stone is a type of
clinochlore and is also known as Serafina
and by its original name of Green Chlorite.

Serafinit je kamen duhovnog prosvijetljenja.

Potiče življenje iz srca i ima pročišćavajuće
djelovanje na srčanu čakru, otvarajući je za ljubav. Pomaže prepoznati promjene koje su
potrebne da biste se našli na putu ka miru i ostvarenju. Na suptilnom nivou aktivira kičmu i
njenu vezu s eteričnim tijelom, otpušta mišićnu napetost, potiče gubljenje tjelesne težine.

This green stone is mainly found in the Lake Baikal area in

Siberia, Russia. As any blocked energy within any of the
etheric bodies clears, this allows the movement of energy
to normalize in the body. This lovely green healing crystal
is known to aid cellular regeneration... and may allow you
to become aware of the diseases that are linked to issues
from past lives.

By aiding the decoding of the DNA it will help to bring

about the decline of former systemic diseases. As they
subside the vibrations of the new arrangements within your
DNA become prominent. As it strengthens the blood, this
will flow to all of the body to bring physical wellness throughout.

The energy of Seraphinite will also aid emotional healing, as you let go of old issues that are
no longer what you desire for your life. As you allow the joyful energy that this stone brings
to flow through you... out into your entire auric field... you may be open to understand more
clearly the meaning of enlightenment.

As you see this in the context of your own life, you may begin to behave towards
others in a more balanced and peaceful way. Seraphinite promotes regeneration
and self-healing.
This stone is especially beautiful with its silvery white shimmering patterns on a sea green
background. It's name is derived from the Seraphim
(Angels of the highest order) and this stone is used
to establish connections to the angelic realm. It
carries these vibrations: Greater awareness of the
Divine Feminine Restoration of health and balance

For healing use it with Epidote, Lilac Lepidolite,

Sugilite, Blue Aragonite and Chrysanthemum
Stone ... Using it with any of the high crystal energy
stones is very effective for boosting contact with the
spiritual realms.The high vibration stones such as
Moldavite and Charoite stone combine well with
it.To boost its action to aid your clairaudient abilities
you may use it with Que Sera Crystals, Tiffany Stone or Aqua Aura Quartz. For connecting
with angels there are a number of other stones that are also highly effective. These include
Petalite, Aragonite Star Clusters,Blue Celestite, Tanzanite Crystals and Green Prehnite.

This stone can be very protective of the heart chakra when used over this chakra, and is
helpful for sending unconditional love. Seraphinite is a purifying stone that helps one find
one's higher purpose and will. Seraphinite is also extremely helpful for all forms of
transformation and transmutation, including the magickal kind. Seraphinite is healing for
nerves, brain cells, purification of the blood and organs and eliminating toxins, kidneys, liver.

Seraphinite is a type of chlorite and is the most effective stone for cellular regeneration and
can cause a flush of pure healing energy. It acts as a trigger, causing old patterns of disease or
imbalance to fall away and new patterns to be created. It is the premier healing stone of this
age. It is the tool most suited to bringing the physical body into line with the Light energy.
While the beautiful green shade is perfect for the heart chakra, it can be used on any chakra or
any other part of the body where enhance and harmonized energies are desired.

Shattucktite aligns your life with truth. Šatukit je

visokospiritualan kamen , podiže vibraciju, stimulira treće oko
i grlenu čakru te ih usklađuje. Posebno je koristan u
slučajevima gdje je iskustvo iz prošlog života uništilo
metafizičke sposobnosti. Uklanja kletve i programe iz prošlih
života. Pruža snažnu zaštitu i vraća tijelo u ravnotežu. U obliku
eliksira koristan je kao generalno osviježenje, naročito u

Shattuckite promotes your inner strength and courage to deal with stressful situations in your
life. It can also aid you intellectually by helping you to remember and process very large
quantities of information. It helps you to put into clear and concise words any physic visions
that you see or experience. Shattuckite doesn’t in itself get you to that experience, but once
you have experienced it, Shattuckite will help you to clearly describe it for others to
understand. It increases your ability to engage in automatic writing and it will also help you to
better study the art of astrology. Physically, Shattuckite helps blood to coagulate and can be
useful in the treatment of tonsillitis. In addition, it is an extremely useful stone for all minor
health complaints. It is reputed to have properties of assisting with reconciliation and renewal.
It is said to calm the mind and create harmony. Crystal healing lore reputes that shattuckite is
helpful for healing diabetes, calcium absorption
problems, parathyroid, mites and other infestations, and
tonsillitis. Shattuckite is primarily associated with the
throat chakra.This stone comes in a range of different
colors, with stones available having a variety of various
colors within the stones, making them pleasant to wear as
jewelry. Its use will promote the growth of mediumship,
the ability to communicate with those on the other side of
the veil. Blue Tourmaline, Blue Hemimorphite, Ajoite,
Sugilite, Merlinite and Super Seven... are some of this
group of stones.A crystal called Quantum Quattro, which
is a stone that naturally contains a combination of
Shattukite, Dioptase, Smokey Quartz Crystal, Malachite
and Chrysocolla is available... and using this stone is an alternative to using just Shattukite.
Shiva's eye, pearl, mother of pearl

Shiva školjka poznata kao Shivino oko je

školjkica puževe kućice, zaštitni pokrov koji
se na kraju njegovog životnog ciklusa odvaja i
tone na morsko dno. Na jednoj strani pokrova
nalazi se spirala zvana Shivino oko. Oblik
spirale je unikatan od primjerka do primjerka,
a boje se protežu od bež do tamno zelene,
ovisno o prehrani puža, dok je podloga uvijek
mliječno bijela.Shivino oko predstavlja treće
oko na sredini čela indijskog božanstva Shive.
Smatra se da razvija mogućnost gledanja
nevidljivih stvari i daje uvid. Ono simbolizira
mudrost, kreativnu vizualizaciju, kreaciju, tok
života, konstantnu promjenu u svemiru i
prilagodljivost, te duhovno znanje.Nakit od
Shivinog Oka predstavlja prekrasan dar jer
povezuje prirodnu ljepotu i duhovna značenja.

Pearls symbolize purity of heart, mind, faith

and innocence. They remind us to carry
ourselves through life with dignity. These
oldest known gems were once considered
the most valuable of gems. Pearls stimulate
spiritual transformation, wisdom, integrity
and pure love. They bring out the best
qualities that rest within our souls.
Stimulates spiritual transformation
.Promotes prosperity and success, Encloses
you with an aura of calm and beauty ,Helps
with stomach, digestion and emotional
stress ,Amplifies focus, meditation skills
and wisdom ,Helps balance the solar plexus

Mother of Pearl gets its name from the fact

that it is the iridescent lining of shell, where pearls can grow. Mother of Pearl has both
traditional and New Age metaphysical and healing lore. It is said to attract prosperity. It is
used in mystical work and lore to heighten intuition, psychic sensitivity, and imagination. It is
purported to protect from negative influence, and transmute negative energy. It is said to be
highly protective and a particularly potent stone of protection for children. A traditional lore
use of Mother of Pearl is to purify environments.Pearls and Mother of Pearl attune you to the
ebb and flow of life. They are calming and centering, attract purity and promote faith, charity,
and integrity, truth and loyalty. They help you to connect with the Goddess and Divine
Feminine energy. Pearls signify faith, charity and innocence. They enhance your personal
integrity and help to provide a focus for your attention. It’s great for receiving spiritual
guidance and attaining wisdom. A stone of sincerity, Pearl provides truth in all situations and
loyalty to a cause. Use it to increase fertility and ease childbirth, to relieve conditions of
bloating and digestive disorders.

Mother of pearl is considered a good luck amulet and is often given to loved ones to wish
them good luck and prosperity in life.

Intimately connected to the sea - represents the tides of emotion,

An easy flow of feelings and sensitivities to others ,

Connected to family and particularly motherhood ,

Harmony in relationships,

The play and variety of colors represent change as the beauty of existence

Šungit (shungite) je prirodni

mineral, u osnovi je ugljik specifične
strukture. Zovu ga još „kamen
života“. Vjeruje se da je star više od
2 milijarde godina. Porijeklo šungita
još uvijek je zagonetno, čak postoji
egzotična pretpostavka da je ostatak
planeta Faeton koji je nekada
postojao u našem Sunčevom sustavu.
Jedino nalazište je u republici
Kareliji, Rusija.

Prvi puta se službeno spominje

njegova čudotvorna snaga početkom 17 st. u dokumentima povezanim s imenom Marfe
Ivanovne, carice Ksenije Romanove (1596-1631).U progonstvu u Tolvuyskiy Sovkhoz, u
Republici Kareliji bila je na granici smrti, te su joj seljaci pokazali čudotvorni izvor vode
“nastale na crnom kamenu”. Oni su se liječili tom vodom od starih vremena. “Živa voda”
pomogla je i Kseniji Romanovoj da se izliječi i rodi zdravog sina, Mikaila Fjodoroviča
Romanova, prvog ruskog cara iz kuće Romanov, koji su vladali Rusijom više od 300 godina.
Poslije toga izvor su nazvali „caričin izvor“, ali uskoro se na njega zaboravilo i dalje su ga
koristili samo lokalni stanovnici.

Nakon 100 godina, 1714. g. car Petar Veliki je u tom kraju pokrenuo proizvodnju bakra, a
legenda kaže da se teško bolesni radnik izliječio za 3 dana nakon što je pio vodu s čudesnog
izvora. Car Petar Veliki je naredio da se izvor istraži, a istraživanje je pokazalo da je voda
protjecala kroz nalazište šungita. Pored izvora je sagradio dvorac i lječilište koje je dobilo
naziv „Marsijalne vode“. 1717-1719 g osobni liječnici cara Petra proučavali su sustav
“marsijalnih voda”. Oni su izjavili da su ove vode korisne za liječenje niza bolesti.Pošto se
pokazalo da šungit preko kojeg je protjecala voda ima antiseptička svojstva, car je naredio da
svaki vojnik nosi komad šungita koji su stavljali u posudu s vodom i tako dobijali zdravu
vodu bez bakterija.

Krajem 20 st. znanost je djelomično objasnila podrijetlo iscjeliteljskog djelovanja šungita.

Utvrđeno je da se ovaj mineral najvećim dijelom sastoji od ugljika i to u formi kuglaste
strukture, tzv. fuleren (C-60). Do skora se smatralo da ugljik ima tri oblika postojanja:
dijamant, grafit i karbin.

Ove tvari se razlikuju svojom molekularnom građom. Četvrta alotropska modifikacija ugljika
je fuleren koji se sastoji od kuglastih molekula s više od 40 atoma ugljika. Loptastu površinu
stvaraju šesterokuti i peterokuti, poput strukturne površine nogometne lopte. Priroda je zadala
točan redosljed ovog povezivanja: svaki šesterokut graniči s tri šesterokuta i tri peterokuta, a
svaki peterokut graniči samo sa šesterokutima. Atomi ugljika koji stvaraju površinu kugle
međusobno su povezani jakom vezom. Naziv “fulleren” dobio je prema čuvenom američkom
arhitektu Fulleru Buckminsteru, izumitelju geodetske kupole.

Fuleren je najprije otkriven u znanstvenim laboratorijima

prilikom modeliranja svemirskih procesa, a tek je kasnije
otkriven i u Zemljinoj kori. O važnosti ovog otkrića
govori i činjenica da je znanstvnicima koji su se bavili
ovom temom prof. Robertu F. Curlu, prof. Sir Haroldu
W. Krotou i prof. Richardu E.Smalleyu 9. listopada 1996.
Švedska kraljevska akademija znanosti odlučila dodijeliti
Nobelovu nagradu za kemiju za njihovo otkriće o

Fulereni C-60 snažan antioksidant i lijek budućnosti

Znanstvenici su otkrili velika antioksidativna svojstva fulerena, ugljika C-60. On je 270 puta
snažniji antioksidant od vitamin C, također i jači od vitamina E. Neki ga znanstvenici
nazivaju i „supervitaminom E“ jer se uspješno otapa u ulju. Zbog svog oblika fulereni se lako
vežu za molekule slobodnih radikala. U eksperimentima je dokazano da jedna molekula C-60
na sebe može vezati čak i do 34 molekule slobodnih radikala. Fulereni se mogu integrirati s
velikim brojem oksidativnih molekula, a da to ne dovede do njihove značajne promjene.
Velika prednost primjene fulerena rastopljivih u vodi kao medicinskih antioksidanata je u
njihovoj sposobnosti da se ubace u mitohondrije stanice i druge dijelove gdje nastaju slobodni
radikali. Fulereni se smatraju potencijalnim lijekom za razne bolesti uključujući i suzbijanje

Još jedna primjena C-60 u medicini je prenošenje

lijeka samo na područje u tijelu koje je potrebno
liječiti bez da se lijek apsorbira u druge dijelove
tijela gdje nije potreban. Znanstvenici su otkrili
da dio tijela koji je pogođen nekom bolešću ima
različitu razinu pH vrijednosti od zdravog tkiva.
Moguće je molekule ugljika C-60 vezati za
molekule drugih elemenata koje se neće
apsorbirati u zdravom tkivu već tek kad dođu na
pogođeno tkivo (pametne tablete). Također su
provedena istraživanja o predoziranju i
toksičnosti kojima je utvrđeno da je C60
neotrovan i da nema nikakvih opasnosti pri
korištenju. Naprotiv, 2012.otkriveno je da se
štakorima kojima su se davale velike doze C60 produžio životni vijek za govoto 100 % bez
ikakvih toksičnih učinaka.

Pročišćavanje vode pomoću šungita Prema podacima Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije,

voda sadrži 13 tisuća potencijalno toksičnih elemenata; 80 % oboljenja prenosi voda; od njih
svake godine umire 25 milijuna ljudi. Glavni izvori zagađenja vodenih rezervi donijela je
civilizacija. Šungit čisti vodu praktično od svih štetnih organskih tvari, bakterija,
mikroorganizama, uključujući naftne derivate i pesticide. Šungit pročišćava vodu od nitrata i
nitrita, viška bakra, magnezija, željeza, u potpunosti od jajašaca parazita, uklanja zamućenost,
razne okuse i mirise. Zasićuje vodu solima kalcija, magnezija, te mikroelementima do
koncentracije koja je optimalna za organizam čovjeka, dezinficira vodu bez primjene klora ili
ultraljubičastog zračenja. Tijekom nekoliko godina istraživanja djelovanja ove vode na
zdravlje ljudi, došlo se do zaključka da posjeduje preventivno i jedinstveno iscjeliteljsko
djelovanje. Regenerira, revitalizira tkiva i sveukupnu energetiku organizma.

Oboljenja za koja je dokazana korist od šungitne vode: impotencija, anemija, alergije,

astma, oboljenja probavnog sustava, bolesti bubrega, bolesti jetre, dijabetes, žučni kamenci,
bolesti žuči, oslabljen imunitet, bolesti gušterače, prehlada, bolesti srca i krvotoka, sindrom
kroničnog umora, kožne bolesti, artritis, osteoartritis, proširene vene, bolesti živčanog
sustava. Dakle, šungitna voda ne samo što postaje čistom pitkom vodom, nego i molekularno-
koloidnom otopinom hidratiziranih fulerena koji su sastavni dio nove generacije lijekovitih i
preventivnih sredstava s višestrukim djelovanjem na organizam. Jedan od primjera takvog
djelovanja je antihistaminski efekt koji daje šungitna voda. Otkriveno je da se pri uporabi
vode nivo histamina u krvi, koji ima glavnu ulogu u razvoju većine alergija, znatno smanjuje.

Kako pripremiti šungitnu vodu - Potrebna količina šungita za 1 litru vode je 75 do 100 g.
Šungit najprije isperite pod tekućom vodom. U staklenu posudu natočite vodu i stavite u nju
isprani šungit u odgovarajućoj količini. Da bi se dobila iscjeljujuća svojstva, voda sa šungitom
mora stajati 48 do 72 sata ili 2 do 3 dana. Odstajalu vodu pretočite u drugu staklenu posudu, a
isti šungit isperite, prelijte s novom količinom vode i opet čekate 2 do 3 dana.

Zbog određenog perioda čekanja od 2 do 3 dana, trebate na vrijeme isplanirati svoje dnevne
potrebe za vodom. Ukoliko su to 2 litre dnevno, ili ćete odjednom staviti u veliku posudu 6
litara vode i 500 g šungita, ili ćete svaki dan staviti po 2 litre vode s oko 180 g šungita. Svatko
će pronaći svoj stil. Kamenje šungita potrebno je jedanput mjesečno staviti na sunce. Ukoliko
svakodnevno koristite pročišćenu šungitnu vodu, šungit je potrebno zamijeniti novim
kamenjem svakih 6 mjeseci. Preporučuje se popiti najmanje 2-3 čaše dnevno, odnosno, za
svoju dnevnu potrebu za vodom osigurati si zdravu, pročišćenu živu vodu.Šungitnom vodom
možete se umivati, stavljati obloge, raditi kupke.

Čudesna svojstva piramide Od davnih

dana ljudi pokušavaju odgonetnuti
zagonetke piramida, misleći da su u njima
kodirane tajne koje će promijeniti formu
ljudske civilizacije. Astronomi su vidjeli u
piramidama zemaljski model Svemira.
Genetičari, model osnove svega živog,
molekule DNK. Arhitekti i građevinari ne
mogu do kraja objasniti na koji su način
građene. Fantastičari misle da orijentacija
piramida na zvijezdu Sirius označava da je
život na Zemlju došao baš od tamo.Do
današnjih dana mnogi znanstvenici
napravili su razna istraživanja i došlo se do različitih otkrića; u piramidama se trupla ne
raspadaju, već se mumificiraju; ništa se ne kvari, samo se suši; stari žileti nakon 24 sata
postaju ponovo oštri; voda ne smrzava, iako je na temperaturi od -38°C; voda koja je neko
vrijeme u piramidi pomaže jačanju imuniteta i ne dopušta starenje
organizma.Eksperimentalno je bilo dokazano da se u tvarima koje su bile unutar piramide,
makar i neko kratko vrijeme, znatno smanjuje toksičnost, radioaktivnost, količina i sadržaj
virusa i bakterija.Popis čudesnih svojstava i pojava mogao bi se nastaviti u nedogled.

Piramide od šungita

Znanstveno zabilježena svojstva piramida potpuno se odnose i na šungitne piramide. U ovome

slučaju magična snaga piramida se pojačava svojstvima šungita, imaju snažno energetsko
djelovanje na sva živa bića, a čak i na nežive predmete. Otkriveno je da promjer djelovanja
pozitivnog biopolja oko šungitnih piramida prelazi promjer djelovanja polja oko piramida
izrađenih od drugih materijala. Šungitne piramide imaju promjer djelovanja i više od 5
metara, ovisno od njenih dimenzija. Piramida ima najefikasniji učinak na čovjeka kada se on
nalazi u opuštenom stanju.Energija piramida ulazi u rezonanciju s frekvencijom stanice i
pomaže joj u postizanju energetske ravnoteže.Kao rezultat kontinuiranog djelovanja, dolazi
do niveliranja energetike organizma, punjenje energijom i ojačavanje biopolja čovjeka.

Šungitna piramida smanjuje negativno

djelovanje vanjske okoline, odbija i
neutralizira geopatogena zračenja. U
blizini piramide čovjeku jača imunitet
, koncentracija, poboljšava se opće
zdravstveno stanje, nestaje živčana
napetost, glavobolja, nesanica.
Piramidu je potrebno svakih mjesec
dana staviti van na svježi zrak i sunce
kako bi se regenerirala. Šungitne
piramide mogu biti polirane i
nepolirane, ali to ne mijenja njihova
svojstva. Polirane piramide ljepše
izgledaju, a nepolirane možete
koristiti i za pravljenje šungitne
piramidalne vode.

Aktivirana piramidalna šungitna voda ima pojačano čudesno djelovanje na ljudski organizam,
jer su se udružile moć piramide i šungita.Za pripremu vode napunjene energijom piramide na
dno posude od 3 litre stavite malu šungitnu piramidu veličine baze 3 cm i natočite vodu.
Posuda s vodom treba stajati na svijetlom mjestu 48 sati, nakon čega se voda pretvara u živu
biološki aktivnu vodu.

Istraživanja su pokazala da za ovo vrijeme dolazi do

maksimalne strukturizacije i mineralizacije vode,
pojačava se njena biološka aktivnost.Za podizanje
opće vitalnosti i pomlađivanje organizma preporuča
se piti 3 puta dnevno 100 do 150 g piramidalne vode.

Uz izvanredno blagotvorno djelovanje šungitne

pročišćene žive vode i šungitnih piramida svakako
trebanavestidobrobit od uporabe i ostalih predmeta
od šungita. Kugle i kocke, također, neutraliziraju
povećana štetna zračenja kojima je izložen čovjek u
suvremenim visoko-tehnološkim uvjetima života. Dovoljno ih je držati u prostoru i na
mjestima na kojima se boravi, uz računalo ili druge slične uređaje da bi se u prostoru smanjila
tenzija i dekoncentracija izazvana povećanom količinim zračenja.Pod djelovanjem šungita na
organizam u stanicama tijela dolazi do procesa regeneracije. Bioenergetičari tvrde da je
dovoljno nositi 5-10 dana privjesak ili bilo koji drugi nakit od šungita i da se obnavlja
biopolje čovjeka koje je bilo poremećeno stresom i negativnim emocijama.

Šungitna žezla-Cilindri od šungita, tzv. faraonska žezla koriste se za jačanje protoka energije
kroz naše tijelo i za harmoniziranje. Jedan cilindar je od šungita i predstavlja
Yin, žensku energiju, Mjesec – drži se u lijevoj ruci. Drugi cilindar je od
tulikivia i predstavlja Yang, mušku energiju, Sunce – drži se u desnoj ruci.
Sjednite opušteno, ali uspravnih leđa i neprekriženih nogu. Uzmite žezla
svaki u odgovarajuću ruku i stavite ruke na koljena. Zatvorite oči. U početku
ih koristite 2 puta dnevno, u jutro i navečer, po 5 minuta, sve dok postuno ne
dođete do 2 puta po 15 minuta. Koristite ih svakodnevno 14 dana, a nakon
toga napravite pauzu od 2 tjedna. Šungit uistinu ima čudotvorno djelovanje
na organizam i postaje sve popularniji zbog mnogih ljekovitih svojstava.
Odlična je zaštita od elektromagnetskih zračenja , jaka zaštita od psihičkih napada, štiti,
pročišćava i obnavlja ljudsko energetsko polje. Pomaže smiriti emocije, smanjuje stres i
promjene raspoloženja. Izvrstan za uzemljenje, pomaže kod problema s
cirkulacijom, anemijom i ostalih krvnih poremećaja. Ima protuupalno
djelovanje, smiruje probleme s mišićima, ubrzava ozdravljenje. Šungit
čovjeku vraća vitalnost i pomlađuje organizam. Ublažava glavobolju,
bol u križima, reumu, uklanja neurološka stanja, normalizira
san,stabilizira krvni tlak, poboljšava funkciju respiratornog sustava, jača
imunitet, pojačava aktivnost, uključujući i seksualnu. Brojna istraživanja potvrdila su
jedinstvena svojstva šungita i s pravom ga zovu „lijekom 21. Stoljeća“.

Shungite is an ecological natural mineral, because of it’s healing and antibacterial properties, it
has been named “The Stone of Life”. Shungite can help everyone feel healthy, and youthful, and
remain active for many years. This stone eliminates and absorbs all that imposes a hazard on
people, and living beings, but concentrates and restores all that are healthy for a human being.
Shungite pyramid is a revolutionary shielding device for harmful electromagnetic radiation from
computers, microwave ovens, TV sets, mobile phones and other creations of modern civilization.

Smitsonit je kristal šarma, ljubaznosti i pozitivnih događaja. Povoljan je za nove početke.

Smitsonit može aktivirati svaki energetski centar u našem tijelu i može se koristiti kao
"zamjenski kristal" za ostale kristale. Savršen kamen za otpuštanje stresa koji je došao do
najviše točke.Pomaže kod problema s imunitetom, alkoholizmom, problema sa sinusima,
probavnih bolesti i osteoporoze. Također nam pomaže privući u život nove prijatelje.

Smithsonite healing power : Light blue, pink, or

lavender fuzzy bubbles. Harmonizes and aligns
Heart, Throat, and Brow Chakra for smoother
communications, leadership, perceptiveness and
depth in relationships, and expansion into new
areas. Meditation clarity, and receptiveness. Insight
via dreams, dream recall. Versatile; Historically
works well in many areas, especially Throat
Chakra, nose, lymph, immunity; tissue elasticity.
Chakra corresponds with stone color. Suggested for
security and a balanced life. Also helps you deal
with difficult relationships

Smithsonite assists you in creating favourable outcomes and taking joy in new
beginnings. Use it to balance and align your Chakras and as a replacement stone in layouts if
you are missing a stone. It strengthens your psychic abilities, soothes your emotions and helps
to nurture your inner child. It relieves stress and instills a sense of self-worth. It can help you
to accept love, to give love and to love yourself. It helps you to achieve a sense of comfort
and joy, eases fear of commitment in relationships, and balances your perspective. Blue or
Green Smithsonite heals emotional and other wounds by bringing in Universal love, gently
releasing fear, anger and pain. It balances the energy field between your etheric and emotional
bodies and eases panic attacks, promotes friendship and is good for nurturing babies.
Physically, Smithsonite aids your immune system, digestive system, sinus disorders,
osteoporosis and skin eruptions.

Smokey quartz assists with grief, despair, depression and other

forms of fermenting negativity. It is a mild sedative with a
relaxing effect, it helps you to explore your inner self,
embracing dark areas with light and love and so allowing
healing and reconciliation to take place. Also a good balancer of
sexual energies. Increases recall of dreams and intensifies
channeling abilities. Smokey quartz effectively releases bodily
stress and strain related to emotional distress. Smoky quartz
brings spiritual and the integration of past lives and future into
the Now. For channeling and increased awareness, grounding and centring, it releases blocks
and negativity on all levels. For acceptance and to see the joys in life. Helps to free us from
illusion. Always used for grounding in healing.

Dimni kvarc ili čađavac ili ako je skroz crni- morion, donosi mir, centriranost,
odnosi depresiju, povećava praktičnost, općenito uklanja negativne energije i donosi sreću.
Jang kristal koji u nama budi skrivene energetske sposobnosti. Koristi se za bubrege, trbuh,
gušteraču, reproduktivne organe, menstrualne probleme, zadržavanje vode, probleme s
plodnošću. Povezan je s korijenskom čakrom. Vjeruje se da je čuvar od svih oblika loše sreće.
Zbog toga se tradicionalno izrađivao u obliku križa i postavljao na zid iznad kreveta kako bi
odagnao zlo.Smokey quartz is nature's stone of endurance. If you need a extra boost,
carry a smokey quartz gemstone with you.

Smokey Quartz is a protection stone that cleanses and

clears negative energy. Smokey Quartz transmutes negative
energies and facilitates your ability to get things done in the
practical world. It enhances organizational skills and is good to
have around in the workplace or home office. A very rare sister
to Smokey Quartz, Morion Quartz is a black Quartz formed
through natural radiation, generally from growing near Uranium
deposits. Morion itself is not radioactive and is very safe to
carry! ‘Morions’ were a type of helmet used around the time of
the Conquistadors, which speaks to the stone’s protective and shielding qualities. They are
useful in shadow work, helping you to face the dark aspects of yourself and to release
obstacles, bringing more of your spirit into the Light. They are very grounding and aid in
coping with grief. Morion can be used to bring you a connection with the more active, wise
and ancient faces of the Divine, such as the Crone and Hunter archetypes in pagan belief

Smoky Quartz - The clearest, most intense ones powerfully open

the Crown Chakra emanating light down the Root Chakra,
inducing Alpha/deep meditation for channeling/higher guidance,
deep relaxation, lovingness. Ancient use also to stimulate
meridians, kundalini, and correct fertility /PMS/ reproductive
imbalance. Stores info well. Alleviates fear, anxiety, depression,
emotional Dense, dull, solid/semisolid black/brown, less attractive.
Because of the presence of this natural low-grade radiation, Smoky
Quartz is good for people with radiation-related illness or those in
chemotherapy. It is best to avoid the heavily irradiated crystals.
Most gemstone and crystal stores do not sell them, and most gem experts advise against using
them in layouts. Natural Smoky Quartz crystals, like other brown stones, are closely in tune
with the anchoring energy of the earth. Often sued for ailments of the lower torso. The
reproductive organs, muscle tissue, heart, and nervous system all profit. Heightens your
understanding of nature and concern for the environment

It promotes:

 Personal pride and joy in living

 Creativity in business
 Opens the path for perception and learning

Smokey Quartz is a protection stone that cleanses and clears negative


Sodalit je kamen logike, racionalnosti, učinkovitosti i istine. Pomaže rad u grupi, stimulira
razmišljanje, pomaže u prepirkama, svađama i drugim neslaganjima. Potiče poštene emocije.
Donosi porast inteligencije, znanja; može ujediniti logiku i duhovno. Koristan je za žlijezde,
oči, probavni sustav, nesanicu, nedostatak kalcija, za brže liječenje prehlada.

Sodalite brings inner peace. Keep sodalite in your pockets and in every room of your house,
so its peaceful properties will flow all around you. Sodalite is a dark blue stone with white
calcite interspersed. It is sometimes confused with lapis lazuli as it also has small specks of
pyrite in it. The largest deposit of sodalite is in Brazil. Sodalite is the stone of athletics, as it
stimulates endurance. It is said sodalite will harmonize the inner being or the conscious and
subconscious mind. Sodalite promotes peace and harmony. Sodalite is extra lucky for writers.
It has been said that the longest distance you will ever travel is the journey from your head to
your heart. This is the gift of Sodalite. It clears up mental confusion and reestablishes inner
peace. Sodalite strengthens the power of mind over body and bridges the gap between your
thoughts and your feelings. Eliminates Fear and Guilt better than any other stone! Fosters
knowledge, learning proficiency, consciousness, communication and wisdom. Sodalite is an
excellent stone for use in groups providing fellowship and solidarity and a common goal and

Good for healing rifts in partnerships and relationships, and helps bring an end to arguments
or disagreements. Excellent stone to enhance all communication skills. This stone helps us
unite the logical with the spiritual. It also help free us from old behavior patterns that no
longer serve us. Wonderful stone for creative types, balancing both sides of the mind, and
allowing you mind to come up with the emotional expression of your ideas in physical forms.
Sodalite is a stone of logic, rationality, and efficiency. Sodalite is a stone that is good for
healing breaches in communication. It is a stone of truth, and brings this to all
communications. It can help end arguments or other disagreements. It is particularly useful for
honesty of emotions. It increases intelligence, knowledge and learning, and can unite the
logical with the spiritual. Physically it is beneficial for the glands, digestive system, relieving
insomnia, and decreasing calcium deficiency.
Staurolite (Fairy Cross, Fairy Stone)

The name is derived from the

Greek Stauros , meaning
'cross'. Well-formed crystals
are commonly twinned,
crossing at 90 or 60 degree

The twin crystals found on

staurolite are sometimes
referred to as 'Fairy crosses' - as
it was once believed to be
created by the tears of fairies
whom could not help but cry
when they heard of Christ's
crucifixion. Staurolite is often
called "fairy stone" or "fairy
cross". Since the first time it
was worn, it has been
considered a good luck charm
as well as a charm that would
protect children from evil
spirits. Staurolite is a
grounding stone that assists
in connecting with other worlds, including the fairy realm.

It is used by some as a tool to psychically communicate with the animal kingdom. Staurolite
is an aid in discarding destructive habits, stabilizing the emotions, and brings a feeling of
protection, safety and security.This is an excellent stone for use in widening one's vision and
awareness of other realms. Opens the inner eye ,Helps to find lost objects ,Increases the
connection to other worlds

Healing properties of Staurolite:Staurolite is used by healers to counter the effects of aging,

recover from abusive habits, muscle and blood formation, general well being.

Use Staurolite with these stones: Ruby :increases the power of staurolite,

Blue Kyanite :enhances psychic senses,

Red Garnet:helps one to stay grounded and centered

If you have lost something and want help to find it, fairy stones are known to be able to help
you to find lost objects, so this is a helpful aspect of their energy. They may also help you to
make better use of your time. Keeping a piece of Staurolite in your home, will allow you to
be aware of beings in the natural world that may already be there, and that you have just not
been aware of. Fairies, nature spirits, and elemental beings... members of the Devic realm...
have a sweet energy generally, but there are tales of them being mean and ill tempered, but
that has never happened to me perhaps because I keep my environment safe.

Staurolite stones may be placed under your pillow if you would like their help to induce lucid
dreaming, or to assist with astral traveling

Combine it with stones that aid you to attract nature spirits, such as Merlinite, Green
Amethyst aka Prasiolite, Green Kyanite, Green Apophyllite, Amegreen, Seraphinite, Red
Muscovite or the green Muscovite known as Fuchsite.

This crystal will aid lucid dreaming, and if this is a reason why you are using it, you might
like to combine it with other stones that aid lucid dreaming such as Goshenite, Golden
Danburite, Sugilite Angel Phantom Quartz, Sodalite, Scolecite and Covellite.

Using it with Moldavite is also powerful, as the Staurolite smooths the energy of the
Moldavite, and the Moldavite boosts the vibration of the fairy cross stone. Excellent

Poznati članovi feldspat obitelji su:

amazonit, mjesečev kamen i sunčev
kamen (također znan i kao
"aventurin feldspat“).

Sunstone was associated with the Sun

during the Rennaissance because of its
sparkling orange-gold hue. It was used by
magicians to call upon the influences of the
sun. It is a protective stone.

Sunčev kamen je moćan za uklanjanje

strahova i fobija svake vrste. Potiče
sposobnost vođenja i nositelju donosi
kvalitete vođe. Smanjuje stres i depresiju. Donosi sreću i obilje; preokreće negativne energije
i psihičke napade u pozitivnu energiju. Donosi porast osobne moći i životne energije. Koristan
je za opće zdravlje, energiju, seksualnu disfunkciju, porast seksualne energije. Povezan je sa
sakralnom čakrom.

Honors the God, energizes and empowers one's self. Aventurine

feldspar with gold-orange light sheen. Warms the heart and
lifts/rejuvenates the spirit. Protection, life force, grounding.
Sunstones have a strong solar energy, so they embody within
them the warmth, strength, and openness of the sun. As they
awaken cosmic consciousness, this makes them strong stones
for the more challenging times we are living in.When you feel
that life is no longer pleasant, these stones help you to feel that
life is worth living! They help you to be open to blessing
others with your personal abilities and gifts. They release stress
and aid mental clarity.

These are powerful stones for bringing joy and other positive
feelings into your life. These are good stones to aid the
metabolism and digestion... as well as creating an overall
increase in the vital force of your body. They are also said to aid you if you suffer from a
constant or chronic sore throat.

SUGILIT je Iznimno rijedak mineral i vrlo tražen zbog svoje neiscrpne jake energije.
(Rudnik Wessels, Northern Cape, južna Afrika)

Sugilit još zovu i "kamen iscjelitelj" zbog njegove sjajne sposobnosti pojačavanja

Povezan je s trećim okom i krunskom čakrom. Ublažava

posljedice šoka i razočaranja. Jača duhovnost, psihičke
sposobnosti i kanaliziranje. Pomaže usavršiti duhovnu
ljubav i otvoriti srčanu čakru za bezuvjetnu ljubav i važan
je kamen „ljubavi“. Pomaže nam očitovati naše prirodne
talente i čuva nas od sirove stvarnosti. Smanjuje neslaganje,
ljutnju, ljubomoru, predrasude i pruža osjećaj slobode.
Izvrstan je za psihičku i duhovnu zaštitu. Koristi se protiv
glavobolje i svih vrsta nelagode. Sugilit svijetle boje
pročišćava krv i limfu.Ima blagotvorno djelovanje kod
kancerogenih oboljenja. Ovaj kamen nalazi odgovore na sva velika životna pitanja, poput:
„Tko sam?“, „Zašto sam ovdje?“, „Odakle dolazim?“, „Koja mi je svrha?“ Koristan je
pratitelj u svim duhovnim potragama.

Sugilite (Luvulite) Lavulite/ Royal Azele is considered one of the most important love
stones. It represents spiritual love and wisdom - opening and aligning all the chakras to love
with its beautiful purple rays. This loving stone teaches and protects in matters of spiritual
quests, love, and forgiveness. Protects the soul from shocks and trauma,Clears
disappointments and relieves spiritual tension. Brings light and love to the darkest situations
Aids forgiveness by eliminating hostility. Place sugilite on the third eye to alleviate despair.
Hold to the forehead for headaches. To increase protective energies of sugilite, combine with
amethyst. To assist in the grounding of light in the physical world, combine with hematite.

Sugilite teaches you how to live from your own truth. It imparts the ability to face
unpleasant conditions, encourages positive thoughts, and releases emotional turmoil.
Protects, absorbs and dissolves anger, hurt, unwanted energies. Sugilite brings spirit/light into
the physical body and heart for healing, especially when placed on the Brow Chakra. This stone
helps to alleviate depression/despair, stress. This stone brings peace of mind, well being,
spiritual love and is considered androgynous. It is one of the purple stones, which help to
balance right and left brain function. Used to help anyone "integrate" into the world or new

Nije osoban (kao npr. gorski kristal), već se jednim kamenom može služiti više ljudi. Od
njega se može pripraviti eliksir koji se pije nekoliko puta na dan. Možemo ga i flasterom
zalijepiti na bolno ili povređeno mjesto na tijelu i to nositi dok je potrebno jer ga ne treba
čistiti. Može ga se stalno nositi i kao nakit (ogrlica, narukvica, privjesak). Toliko je energetski
jak da za cijeli život ne možemo potrošiti njegovu energiju.

Sugilite makes it easier to become accepting of others and to be

present to the here and now. Sugilite seems to protect against, absorb
and dissipate anger, hurt and other unwanted negative energies. It is a
nurturing and balancing stone at all levels. Truly a stone of the New
Age Sugilite is extremely effective in those wishing to explore the
relationship between physical health and the mental body. It attracts
healing power and enables insight into the root causes that manifest as
physical problems, whilst enabling the user to channel large amounts
of energy and balancing the emotions. Sugilite that is included with
veins of Manganese is particularly effective. Sugilite is one of the most
powerful 3rd eye activators around. It has been used for headaches and
to decrease all types of discomfort. Sugilite assists to cleanse, strengthen and extend the aura.

Rare Super Seven Crystal, also known as

Sacred Seven or Melody's Stone. It is a
unique stone that contains all the energies
of Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz,
Cacoxenite, Rutile, Goethite and
Lepidocrocite combined, hence the name
Super Seven. One in thousand stones may
also have patches of Citrine or Chlorite as
well. Even if some of these minerals
listed above are not visible to the naked
eye, all of their properties are still within
the stone. Super Seven aka Melody Stone
is a very spiritual stone and is one of the
few stones that can retain their energy and
clarity and never needs cleansing or
energizing. It can help enhance psychic
abilities including telepathy, clairvoyance,
channeling, clairaudience and telekinesis. It is believed to have the unique ability to
simultaneously connect us to Higher Realms while grounding us firmly in physical reality. It
has been said to be a powerful stone for crystal healing and is excellent for healing the mind,
body and spirit of disease bringing wellness on all levels. It is not associated with any one
chakra, but is good for healing, balancing and energizing all seven chakras. It can assist us in
seeing Auras.

Their vibration reaffirms your personal power and allows you to use your gifts to aid both
your personal ascension and that of the entire planet. As the process continues and your gifts
develop more fully you may find that your psychic knowing becomes a lot more accurate...
and you will be led to the knowledge about the right action to take in your life going forward.

These amazing crystals are found in only one place in Brazil... and all of the stones carry this
very high energy and amazing vibration.These extraordinary stones are found in an area in the
Minas Gerais region in Brazil... called Espirito Santo... which translates to 'Holy Spirit'.

One of the best ways to use these stones is to meditate with them. The best uses are both in a
psychic meditation and also keeping them close to you for extended periods. If you keep them
close, you may find that their energy has a beneficial result, on many levels... for your
personal healing. By sleeping with one of these stones under your pillow... you may awake
feeling a deep sense of peace, harmony and contentment. It is known to aid some people to be
able to see auras... as well as increasing psychic abilities ... as well as increasing your
These stones combine beautifully with most other stones, as they vibrate strongly within all
chakras. In particular you might choose to use them with Moldavite, Phenacite, Herderite,
Tiffany Stone, Aurora Quartz, White Azeztulite and Natrolite... as all of these stones have a
high vibration that will move your spiritual growth to a new level. For excellent healing
results you may choose to combine them with Sugilite, Purpurite, Que Sera Crystals,
Tanzanite Crystals, Pink Lazurine, Phosphosiderite, Elestial Quartz or Amethyst Crystals.

Specific Properties Of Included Minerals

Following are some of their metaphysical properties of the stones, whose energies are
included within Super Seven Crystals.

Amethyst Crystals embody the violet flame, and use this strong power for healing on all
levels. It is a crystal with a vibration that is highly useful to assist meditation... as it will calm
the emotions. For meditation it is the premier stone to use. Like many other quartz crystals it
will quieten the mind allowing you to more easily make contact with spirit. It also carries a
strong vibration for psychic protection. Amethyst is created from trace amounts of iron and
aluminium naturally irradiated within quartz. Amethyst gives quartz that delightful translucent
purple colour. Amethyst is a crystal of transformation, fostering spiritual growth and
connection with higher states of consciousness. Amethyst Crystals are strong psychic
protection stones so their vibration aids this process.

Clear Quartz Crystals work on all levels of the body and within all chakras. They are
powerful for practically any metaphysical activity, as they increase both body energy and
thoughts. and it is such a strong amplifier of energy. Clear Quartz forms the substrate that
houses the other minerals. Clear Quartz is the premier crystal for embracing your soul’s
highest purpose and being a vessel of divine service here on Earth.

These crystals bring clarity to your communication and have a positive effect on all chakras,
as they protect the aura and expand the human energy field.

Lepidocrocite is a strong stone for emotional healing... and assists you to experience Divine
love. It makes a strong connection with the energy of the thymus chakra. It releases fear and
can open the heart chakra and heal romantic relationships through its loving energy. It
surrounds you in a bubble of light, that provides psychic protection and is a strong barrier
against negativity. Lepidocrocite is an iron hydroxide mineral that forms as a secondary
mineral with Goethite, and gives a reddish-brown hue to quartz. Lepidocrocite aligns,
harmonises and anchors the energetic bodies facilitating an honouring of the Soul’s physical
experience here on Earth with grace and ease

Smokey Quartz Crystal is one of the premier grounding stones... working down from the
base chakra through the earth star chakra to ground you to Mother Gaia. Being one of the
quartz crystals it has a strong ability to amplify energy... including its own. It is a strong
psychic protection stone, that will both protect you from negativity... and transmute the
energy by grounding it back down into the earth. Smokey quartz is formed from the natural
irradiation within the Earth, giving the crystal a ‘smokey’ brown tinge ranging from light tan
through to the deepest of black-browns. Smokey quartz is grounding and at the same time
energising and clearing of our entire energy field.
Rutile is a quite extraordinary stone that acts like an antennae to the Divine mind. It aids you
to tune into others and understand their intentions. It has strong amplification qualities... and
so is powerful to magnify the qualities of other stones that it is included within. Rutile opens
your awareness to multi-dimensional states of being, hence bring consciousness awareness to
your own natural clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient abilities. Rutile is a titanium oxide
mineral often found in quartz and is a strong conductor and amplifier of energy

Goethite is a stone that aids you to make a deep connection with the earth. It aids earth
healing... and is known as a stone that is the repository of earth history. This is a strong stone
to aid you to heal past life problems by allowing access to relevant memories stored within
your genetic material. It is a stone that you may use to make your intentions become reality...
and it aids the healing of personal grief. Goethite is an iron hydroxide mineral, found widely
around the world. The mineral holds the template of the Earth’s evolutionary story, from
inception through to seeding from various star systems through to our current and potential
future reality. It is one of the primary crystals used for holographic re-patterning -
transforming old unconscious beliefs into new vibrations consistent with your conscious
awakened desires / gifts / higher purpose.

Cacoxenite in Quartz or in Amethyst came to the notice of humanity as an ascension stone.

They are powerful for spiritual awakening as they raise your vibration and work powerfully
through the crown chakra and third eye chakra. They will aid you to bring your solar plexus
chakra... the seat of your will... into alignment with your divine purpose for being here. They
also aid you to eliminate psychic cords or negative attachments that have kept you tied to
outdated feelings and relationships. They enhance positive feelings and the enhancement of
new ideas and ideals for humanity. Cacoxenite forms in very minute tufts of yellowy-brown
minerals. The inclusion takes the frequency of a crystal to a higher level of resonance,
accelerating the energetic ‘purpose’ of a crystal. I refer to Cacoxenite as an ‘awakener’, for it
opens people up to the infinite field of intelligence that links all of creation, and in this
awakened state problems no longer exist, there are only solutions and enlightened ways of
creating peace and harmony on Earth.

These crystals embody the energy of all of the stones

within them and so have an extraordinary array of
different qualities within each and every stone. They
bring through an amazing amount of spiritual light via
Lepidocrocite and the Clear Quartz... and by the strong
quartz amplifying effect and the combination of the
electrifying effect of Rutile. Using Super Seven stones
bring you exceptional clarity as they shift you
vibrationally to a totally new level. They are powerful
for almost any metaphysical purpose... and are
wonderful to use as they have strong grounding qualities. Note that within them you find the
vibration of both Rutile and Smokey Quartz. These vibrations within the stones make them
strong stones for working within the sacral chakra, base chakra and earth chakra. Finally
Together, these 7 energies embrace to create a resonate frequency that facilitates spiritual
growth on all levels of being. Super 7 crystals provide an access corridor to the subconscious
mind to re-remember why you are here, what your role is, and how you can live that purpose
to its highest degree. These crystals take you directly to any core belief systems that have
been created in this lifetime (or possibly other incarnations) to identify what maybe holding
you back from fully embracing your life purpose, and most importantly how to transform this
pain into a higher frequency to facilitate growth. Super 7’s are relentless, they don’t give up!
They are here to awaken the Soul to its divine magnificence, and will push and push until the
Soul surrenders to transformation and growth. They are here to awaken humanity to an
enlightened way of being, a conscious way for your Soul to have a physical experience
walking the Earth.

The perfect stone for those wanting to release old patterns, Super 7 leads you steadfastly (day
and night - should you miss it during the day!!) to a decision you made long ago. Once their
you realise that your life is of your own creation and it can come as a surprise to some
when they realise their life was formed around an incedent and contiunes to play out
that pattern over and over... Should you be ready to be more of you - than this could be
the stone to free you!!

Super seven is known to exhibit the phenomenon

of St Elmo’s fire, an etheric auric light reminiscent
of the “holy light” which has been seen due to
atmospheric electricity on church towers and
treetops. It produces electromagnetic waves
providing the self-luminous quality and assists one
in “seeing” auras and in maintaining the connection
between the physical and ethereal planes. It
provides for mental impressions denoting
spiritual/intellectual truths, allegories to assist in
spiritual advancement, and images of ones position, appointment and progress in the
“cosmicplane”. The super seven is being used as the nucleus of the universal “brotherhood” of
humanity, embracing karma, causation, and the potential for reincarnation, all based upon the
science of theosophy.

Within some stones it is easy to see a lot of evidence of the more well-known crystals... yet
within others you will see a lot less. As the process continues and your gifts develop more
fully you may find that your psychic knowing becomes a lot more accurate... and you will be
led to the knowledge about the right action to take in your life going forward. The color
of Super 7 is deep purple, orange, red and brown. It is transparent to opaque with Rutiles in
different colors. The Rutiles are usually gray, black, brown and purple. Spiritually, this high
vibrating stone is a spiritual powerhouse. Many pieces of Super 7 carry a spiritual being
within them that links to the highest sources of guidance and inspiration so one need not go
anywhere to obtain guidance. Meditating with it is a joy. Emotionally, it is a very soothing
and nurturing stone .

This crystal activates wisdom and strengthens intuition; assist

in finding solutions; and provide the inner strength to cope
with different situations.Super 7 purifies, balances and
energizes all the chakras and the auric bodies, aligning them to
the highest spiritual vibrations. Super 7 is very good for
harmonizing the body, stimulating the body’s natural healing
system and healing cellular memory. Supports the immune
system, skin and bone.Super 7 supports and heightens the
vibration of any other crystals within its vicinity. Lastly, it does not require any cleansing or
re-energizing.This is a wonderful and desirable crystal to have. It will surely enhance your
Komadić super sedmice zadržava
svojstva svih kristala u kombinaciji;
ametista, dimnog kvarca, gorskog
kristala, rutila, goetita, lepidokrosita i
kakoksenita, čak i ako u komadiću
nije jasno vidljivo svih sedam
minerala. Super sedam je izvrstan za
pojačavanje svih psihičkih
sposobnosti i vještina, uključujući
telepatiju, vidovitost, kanaliziranje,
telekinezu i ostalo. Ovo je moćan
kristal za iscjeljivanje, izvrstan za
ozdravljenje uma, tijela i duha. Super
sedmica nije posebno povezana s niti
jednom čakrom, ali je fantastična za
aktiviranje i uravnotežavanje svih sedam čakri.
High Vibration Stones List
Aurora Quartz aka
Benitoite Beryllonite
Anandalite or Rainbow Quartz

Brookite Celestite Clear Apophyllite

Colemanite Creedite, Cryolite Danburite

Datolite Elestial Calcite Elestial Quartz

Fulgurite Herkimer Diamonds Herderite

Himalayan Gold Quartz aka Hollandite Quartz

Himalayan Gold Azeztulite aka Star Quartz

Libyan Desert Glass

Melody's Stone Merkabite Calcite
aka Libyan Gold Tektite

Nirvana Quartz aka

Moldavite Natrolite
Himalayan Ice Quartz

Petalite Phenacite Rhodizite

Satyaloka Quartz Scolecite Selenite Crystals

Super Seven
Stellar Beam Calcite Tanzanite
aka Sacred Seven

Tiffany Stone
Tibetan Tektite Tremolite
aka Bertrandite

Yttrium Fluorite aka

White Azeztulite White Heulandite
Lavender Fluorite

Herkimer Diamonds...and Moldavite are two of a group of high frequency crystals that are
easy to obtain. Super Seven is another high energy stone that is so extraordinary that it is
worth looking for... even though it may not always be easy to obtain. Pink Danburite is one
of those listed and it has a lovely energy, that will connect you to the higher etheric chakras.
There are some stones that are both protective and grounding... including Super Seven also
known as Sacred Seven or Melody's Stone, Sugilite, Purpurite, Black Tourmaline, Smokey
Quartz Crystals and Charoite.

Papagoite Paraiba Quartz Pargasite

Peach Calcite Peach Moonstone Peach Selenite
Peacock Ore* Pecos Diamond Pentagonite
Peridot* Petalite* Petrified Palm Wood
Petrified Wood* Phenacite Phosphosiderite
Picasso Stone Pietersite* Pink Aventurine
Pink Chalcedony Pink Lazurine Pink Nirvana Quartz
Pink Scapolite Pink Smithsonite Pink Tourmaline
Pipestone Pistacite Pollucite
Poppy Jasper Powellite Prasem Quartz
Prasiolite* Prehnite* Preseli Bluestone
Prophecy Stone Pumpellyite Purple Anhydrite
Purple Fluorite Purple Herderite Purple Lepidolite*
Purple Sapphire Purple Scapolite Purple Smithsonite
Purple Spinel Purpurite* Pyrite*
Pyrolusite Pyromorphite Pyrrhotite
Rainbow Calcite Rainbow Fluorite* Rainbow Mayanite
Rainbow Moonstone* Rainbow Obsidian* Rainforest Jasper*
Realgar Red Aventurine* Red Calcite*
Red Jasper* Red Spinel Red Tigers Eye*
Rhodizite Rhodochrosite* Rhodolite Garnet
Rhodonite* Rosasite Rose Quartz Crystal*
Rubellite aka Red Tourmaline* Ruby In Fuchsite* Ruby In Kyanite
Ruby Stone* Rutile Rutilated Quartz *

Sacred Light Stone Sacred Seven* Sapphirine

Sardonyx* Satyaloka Quartz Scapolite
Scheelite Scolecite Sedona Stone
Selenite* Septaria* Serandite
Seraphinite* Serendibite Seriphos Green Quartz
Serpentine Stone* Shamanite Black Calcite Shaman Stones
Shattuckite* Shiva Lingam Shungite*
Siberian Blue Jade Sichuan Quartz Siderite
Silver Leaf Jasper Silver Topaz Sinhalite
Smithsonite* Smokey Lemon Quartz Smokey Quartz*
Snow Quartz Snowflake Obsidian* Sodalite*
Sonara Sunrise Spessartine Garnet Sphalerite
Sphene Spinel Spirit Quartz
Spurrite Star Hollandite Quartz Starbrary Quartz
Starseed Quartz Star Rubies* Staurolite*
Stellar Beam Calcite Stellerite Stibnite
Stichtite* Stichtite in Serpentine Stilbite*
Strawberry Rose Quartz Strawberry Quartz Stromatolite*
Strombolite Sugilite* Suleiman
Sulphur Sunstones* Super Seven*

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