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Question 1

In an investigation of fruit-fly behavior, a covered choice chamber is used to test whether the spatial
distribution of flies is affected by the presence of a substance placed at one end of the chamber. To test
the flies’ preference for glucose, 60 flies are introduced into the middle of the choice chamber at the
insertion point indicated by the arrow in the figure above. A cotton ball soaked with a 10 percent
glucose solution is placed at one end of the chamber, and a dry cotton ball with no solution is placed at
the other end. The positions of flies are observed and recorded every minute for 10 minutes.
(a) Predict the distribution of flies in the chamber after 10 minutes and justify your prediction.
(2 points maximum)
• 1 point for predicting the location of the flies in the choice chamber
• 1 point for justifying the prediction
(b) Propose ONE specific improvement to each of the following parts of the experimental design and
explain how the modification will affect the experiment. (4 points maximum)
• Experimental control
• Environmental factors
Proposed Improvement (includes but not limited to) Explanation
(1 point maximum) (1 point maximum)
Replace the dry cotton ball with a water-soaked Ensures that glucose is the
Experimental cotton ball. attractant
Constant light or temperature or duration of Other variables must be
experiment or time of day, etc. held constant

Proposed Improvement (includes but not limited to) Explanation

(1 point maximum) (1 point maximum)
• Use different concentrations of glucose
• Use different temperature(s)
• Use different light levels Attributes movement of
• Use a different choice chamber (size/shape) flies only to glucose
• Vary duration of the experiment
• Vary time of day when experiment is performed

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Question 1 (continued)

(c) The experiment described above is repeated with ripe bananas at one end and unripe bananas at
the other end. Once again the positions of the flies are observed and recorded every minute for 10
minutes. The positions of flies after 1 minute and after 10 minutes are shown in the table below.


Position in Chamber
Time (minutes) End with Ripe End with Unripe
Banana Banana
1 21 18 21
10 45 3 12

Perform a chi-square test on the data for the 10-minute time point in the banana experiment.
Specify the null hypothesis that you are testing and enter the values from your calculations in the
table below. (2 points maximum)

Null Hypothesis: (1 point)

The flies will be evenly distributed across the three different parts of the choice chamber.
Expected (e)*
Observed (o) (o − e)2/e
(1 point)
End with ripe banana 45 20 31.25

Middle 3 20 14.45

End with unripe banana 12 20 3.2

Total 60 60 48.9

*Expected values must be those predicted by the null hypothesis provided in the student
response, add up to 60, and include no cells equal to 0.

(d) Explain whether your hypothesis is supported by the chi-square test and justify your
explanation. (1 point maximum)
• Correct explanation with justification of why the stated null hypothesis is rejected or not
rejected. Response must clarify each of the following:
o degrees of freedom (df) = 2 and p = 0.05 (critical value = 5.99)
degrees of freedom (df) = 2 and p = 0.01 (critical value = 9.21)
o how the calculated test statistic compares to the selected critical value
o whether the null hypothesis should be rejected

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Question 1 (continued)

(e) Briefly propose a model that describes how environmental cues affect the behavior of the flies in
the choice chamber. (1 point maximum)
• Stimulus Response
• Input (possible integration) Output

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Question 1

Question 1 was written to the following Learning Objectives in the AP Biology Curriculum Framework: 2.21,
2.23, 2.24, 2.38, 3.40, 3.41, 3.44, 3.45, 3.46, 4.14, and 4.16.


Question 1 asks students to apply inquiry skills to a lab-based investigation of fruit-fly behavior. Students
were presented with a description of an experimental setup for investigating whether fruit-fly behavior is
affected by the presence of a substance (glucose). Students were asked to make a prediction about the
behaviors underlying taxis in fruit flies and to justify their prediction using reasoning that relates the
presence of the glucose to specific behaviors. Students were also asked to suggest improvements to the data
collection strategies that were used in the investigation and to explain how the modifications will ensure the
validity and reliability of the results. Students were then asked to perform data analysis (a chi-square test) on
the results of a related experiment. Finally, students were asked to propose a general model of fruit-fly
behavior that is based on current scientific knowledge and understanding about how organisms detect and
act on information in their environment.

Sample: 1A
Score: 10

The response earned 1 point in part (a) for predicting that there are more flies in the chamber with the
glucose soaked cotton ball and 1 point for justifying the prediction by stating that the flies will be attracted
to the glucose because it is an energy source.

The response earned 1 point in part (b) for proposing that an improvement to an experimental control would
be to soak the control cotton ball in water and 1 point for explaining that the water-soaked cotton ball will
ensure that glucose is the attractant. The response also earned 1 point for proposing that an improvement
to an environmental factor would be to test the entire system at different temperatures and 1 point for
explaining that using different temperatures would reveal the impact of higher temperatures on the data.

The response earned 1 point in part (c) for specifying an appropriate null hypothesis that the number of flies
would be equal in all chambers and 1 point for predicting that the expected distribution of flies would be 20,
20, and 20.

The response earned 1 point in part (d) for explaining that a chi-square value of 48.9 is greater than the
critical value of 5.99 and that the null hypothesis is rejected.

The response earned 1 point in part (e) for proposing that when flies sense the glucose (stimulus) they move
toward it by chemotaxis (response).

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Question 2

Color Wavelength (nm)

Violet 380–450
Blue 450–475
Cyan 475–495
Green 495–570
Yellow 570–590
Orange 590–620
Red 620–750

An absorption spectrum indicates the relative amount of light absorbed across a range of wavelengths.
The graphs above represent the absorption spectra of individual pigments isolated from two different
organisms. One of the pigments is chlorophyll a, commonly found in green plants. The other pigment is
bacteriorhodopsin, commonly found in purple photosynthetic bacteria. The table above shows the
approximate ranges of wavelengths of different colors in the visible light spectrum.
(a) Identify the pigment (chlorophyll a or bacteriorhodopsin) used to generate the absorption
spectrum in each of the graphs above. Explain and justify your answer. (3 points maximum)
1 point per box
Identify BOTH pigments:
Graph 1 = bacteriorhodopsin AND graph 2 = chlorophyll a
Explain that an organism containing bacteriorhodopsin appears purple because the pigment
absorbs light in the green range of the light spectrum and/or reflects violet or red and blue light.
The reflected red and blue light appears purple.
Explain that an organism containing chlorophyll a appears green because the pigment absorbs
light in the red and blue ranges of the light spectrum and/or reflects green light.

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Question 2 (continued)

(b) In an experiment, identical organisms containing the pigment from Graph II as the predominant
light-capturing pigment are separated into three groups. The organisms in each group are
illuminated with light of a single wavelength (650 nm for the first group, 550 nm for the second
group, and 430 nm for the third group). The three light sources are of equal intensity, and all
organisms are illuminated for equal lengths of time. Predict the relative rate of photosynthesis in
each of the three groups. Justify your predictions. (5 points maximum)

Wavelength Prediction Justification

(Group) (1 point each box) (1 point each box)
An intermediate level of absorption occurs at 650 nm
650 nm
Intermediate rate (compared to 430 nm and 550 nm); therefore, an
(1st Group) intermediate amount of energy is available to drive
550 nm The lowest level of absorption occurs at 550 nm; therefore,
Lowest rate the least amount of energy is available to drive
(2nd Group)
430 nm The highest level of absorption occurs at 430 nm; therefore,
Highest rate the greatest amount of energy is available to drive
(3rd Group)

NOTE: A student who combines two groups (e.g., “the 650 nm and 430 nm groups have higher
rates of photosynthesis compared to the 550 nm group”) can earn a maximum of 4 points: up to 2
points for the prediction and up to 2 points for the justification.

(c) Bacteriorhodopsin has been found in aquatic organisms whose ancestors existed before the
ancestors of plants evolved in the same environment. Propose a possible evolutionary history of
plants that could have resulted in a predominant photosynthetic system that uses only some of the
colors of the visible light spectrum. (1 point per box; 2 points maximum)
Proposal that includes an environmental selective pressure:
• Green light was being absorbed by aquatic organisms using bacteriorhodopsin.
• Unabsorbed wavelengths of light were available resources that organisms could exploit.
• Absorbing visible light at all wavelengths may provide too much energy to the organism.
• Absorbing light from ultraviolet wavelengths (shorter wavelengths = higher energy) could
cause damage to the organism.
• Absorbing light with longer wavelengths may not provide sufficient energy for the
Appropriate reasoning to support the proposal:
• Natural selection favored organisms that rely on pigments that absorb available
wavelengths of light.
• Endosymbiosis: chloroplasts evolved from cyanobacteria with pigments that used only
certain wavelengths.
• Genetic drift eliminated pigments that absorbed certain wavelengths of light.
• Mutation(s) altered the pigment(s) used by organism.

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Question 2

Question 2 was written to the following Learning Objectives in the AP Biology Curriculum Framework: 1.2,
1.12, 1.13, 1.25, 2.5, 2.24, 4.4, 4.5, and 4.6.


Question 2 asks students to work with scientific theory and evidence to explain how the processes of natural
selection and evolution could have resulted in different photosynthetic organisms absorbing light within
different ranges of the visible light spectrum. Students were asked to use experimental data (absorption
spectra) to identify two different photosynthetic pigments and to explain how the data support their
identification. Students were then presented with a description of an experiment for investigating how the
wavelength of available light affects the rate of photosynthesis in autotrophic organisms. Students were
asked to predict the relative rates of photosynthesis in three treatment groups, each exposed to a different
wavelength of light, and to justify their prediction using their knowledge and understanding about the
transfer of energy in photosynthesis. Finally, students were asked to propose a possible evolutionary history
of plants by connecting differences in resource availability with different selective pressures that drive the
process of evolution through natural selection.

Sample: 2A
Score: 10

The response earned 1 point in part (a) for identifying bacteriorhodopsin is the pigment used to generate
the absorption spectrum in graph I and chlorophyll a is the pigment used for graph II.

The response earned 1 point in part (a) for explaining that bacteriorhodopsin is purple because it reflects
rather than absorbs purple light. The response earned 1 point for explaining that chlorophyll a is green
because green light is reflected by the pigment.

The response earned 1 point in part (b) for predicting that the second group (550 nm) will have the lowest
level of photosynthesis. The response earned 1 point for justifying the prediction by stating that the rate of
photosynthesis is proportional to the low amount of light absorbed and thus will not be able to excite
electrons to drive photosynthesis.

The response earned 1 point in part (b) for predicting that the first group (650 nm) will have an intermediate
rate of photosynthesis. The response earned 1 point for justifying the prediction by stating that the rate of
photosynthesis is proportional to the moderate amount of light absorbed and thus the moderate amount of
energy available to drive photosynthesis.

The response earned 1 point in part (b) for communicating a completed argument by stating that the
remaining group (group 3) will have the highest rate of photosynthesis because it has the highest absorption
and thus the highest amount of energy available to drive photosynthesis.

The response earned 1 point in part (c) for proposing that an ancestral plant in an aquatic environment would
have access to mostly blue and cyan colors of light. The response earned 1 point for providing reasoning that
a plant that could use the available light would be selected for (i.e., have the highest fitness) in that

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Question 3

Fossils of lobe-finned fishes, which are ancestors of amphibians, are found in rocks that are at least 380
million years old. Fossils of the oldest amphibian-like vertebrate animals with true legs and lungs are
found in rocks that are approximately 363 million years old.
Three samples of rocks are available that might contain fossils of a transitional species between lobe-
finned fishes and amphibians: one rock sample that is 350 million years old, one that is 370 million
years old, and one that is 390 million years old.
(a) Select the most appropriate sample of rocks in which to search for a transitional species between
lobe-finned fishes and amphibians. Justify your selection. (2 points maximum)
• Selection: Rocks from 370 MYA sample.
• Justification: Transitional fossils are found between 380 MYA (when lobe-finned fishes lived)
and 363 MYA (when amphibians appeared) OR between different strata/layers in the correct
(b) Describe TWO pieces of evidence provided by fossils of a transitional species that would support
a hypothesis that amphibians evolved from lobe-finned fishes. (2 points maximum)
Descriptions include but are not limited to the following:
• Bones OR specific skeletal structures
legs /limbs/digits
flat skulls
(interlocking) ribs
flexible neck

• Scales
• Teeth
• Other homologous structures
• Has traits of both the lobe-finned fish and the amphibian
• Finding the transitional fossils in the same area/same environment as either the lobe-finned
fish or the amphibian
• Molecular (DNA) evidence

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Question 3

Question 3 was written to the following Learning Objectives in the AP Biology Curriculum Framework: 1.9,
1.10, 1.11, and 1.12.


Question 3 asks students to apply strategies for collecting and analyzing data to a proposed investigation
of the evolutionary histories of specific types of organisms. Students were presented with a hypothesis
about the evolution of amphibians and with a description of different rock samples that might contain
evidence for testing the hypothesis. Students were asked to select the most appropriate rock sample in
which to search for evidence of a transitional species between lobe-finned fishes and amphibians.
Students were also asked to justify their selection using their knowledge and understanding of
paleontology, comparative anatomy, and molecular biology. Finally, students were asked to describe two
pieces of evidence provided by fossils of a transitional species that would support the hypothesis that
amphibians evolved from lobe-finned fishes.

Sample: 3A
Score: 4

The response earned 1 point in part (a) for selecting the rock sample that is 370 million years old.

The response earned 1 point in part (a) for justifying the selection by stating that the age of fossils of a
transitional species is expected to be between 363 million years old and 380 million years old.

The response earned 1 point in part (b) for describing a fossil that has an imprint of scales.

The response earned 1 point in part (b) for describing a fossil of a species with body structures similar to
both lobe-finned fishes and amphibians.

Sample: 3B
Score: 3

The response earned 1 point in part (a) for selecting the rock sample that is 370 million years old.

The response earned 1 point in part (a) for justifying the selection by stating that the age of fossils of a
transitional species is most likely between 363 million years old and 380 million years old.

The response earned 1 point in part (b) for describing a fossil of a species with leg-like bone structures.

Sample: 3C
Score: 2

The response earned 1 in part (a) point for selecting the rock sample that is 370 million years old.

The response earned 1 point in part (b) for justifying the selection by stating that the age of fossils of a
transitional species is expected to be between 363 million years old and 380 million years old.

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Question 4

Matter continuously cycles through an ecosystem. A simplified carbon cycle is depicted below.

(a) Identify the key metabolic process for step I and the key metabolic process for step II and briefly
explain how each process promotes movement of carbon through the cycle. For each process,
your explanation should focus on the role of energy in the movement of carbon.

Identification: 1 point maximum

I = photosynthesis / Calvin cycle

II = (cellular) respiration / citric acid cycle / Krebs cycle

Explanation: 1 point each row; 2 points maximum

Role of Energy in the Carbon Output
Process Carbon Input
Movement of Carbon
Uses (light) energy OR Organic molecules
Photosynthesis CO2 is fixed ATP from light reactions
Organic molecules are Uses energy for cellular
(Cellular) CO2
hydrolyzed / broken processes such as growth
down and /or ATP production

(b) Identify an organism that carries out both processes. (1 point maximum)
• Plant
• Algae
• Photosynthetic protist (e.g., Euglena)
• Cyanobacterium
• CO2 fixing bacterium
• Lichen (not fungus)

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Question 4

Question 4 was written to the following Learning Objectives in the AP Biology Curriculum Framework: 1.15,
2.5, 2.9, 4.6, and 4.15.


Question 4 asks students to use representations and models to explain how energy and matter move
through ecosystems. Students were asked to identify the key metabolic processes (photosynthesis and
cellular respiration) depicted in a visual representation of a carbon cycle and to explain the role of energy in
both processes. Students were also asked to identify an organism that carries out both processes. Students
could identify the organism by connecting concepts about energy flow with their general knowledge about
organisms in different domains.

Sample: 4A
Score: 4

The response earned 1 point in part (a) for identifying step I as photosynthesis and step II as cellular

The response earned 1 point in part (a) for explaining that the process of photosynthesis uses the energy of
the sun to convert CO2 into glucose.

The response earned 1 point in part (a) for explaining that the process of cellular respiration breaks down
organic molecules to release energy and CO2.

The response earned 1 point in part (b) for identifying a plant as an organism that exhibits both processes.

Sample: 4B
Score: 3

The response earned 1 point in part (a) for identifying step I as photosynthesis and step II as cellular

The response earned 1 point in part (a) for explaining that cellular respiration breaks down carbon chains to
release ATP and CO2.

The response earned 1 point in part (b) for identifying “algea [sic]” as an organism that carries out both

Sample: 4C
Score: 2

The response earned 1 point in part (a) for identifying the step from CO2 to organic molecules as
photosynthesis and the step from organic molecules to CO2 as cellular respiration.

The response earned 1 point for in part (a) for explaining that cellular respiration converts glucose into CO2
and energy to produce ATP.

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Question 5

The table below shows the amino acid sequence of the carboxyl-terminal segment of a conserved
polypeptide from four different, but related, species. Each amino acid is represented by a three-letter
abbreviation, and the amino acid residues in the polypeptide chains are numbered from the amino end
to the carboxyl end. Empty cells indicate no amino acid is present.

Relative Amino Acid Position

Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I Val His Leu Val Glu Glu His Val Glu His
II Val His Leu Lys Glu Glu His Val Glu His
III Val His Leu Val Glu Glu His Val
IV Val His Leu Val Arg Trp Ala Cys Met Asp

(a) Assuming that species I is the ancestral species of the group, explain the most likely genetic
change that produced the polypeptide in species II and the most likely genetic change that
produced the polypeptide in species III. (2 points maximum)

Explanation: 1 point per row

NOTE: Specific names of mutation types are not required.
Species Genetic Change in DNA / Bases Result of Change to Polypeptide / Protein
mutation / substitution / point an amino acid change only at position 4 (Val to
mutation / missense mutation Lys)
mutation (e.g., substitution / insertion /
deletion / point mutation / frameshift
III termination of the polypeptide after the Val at
mutation / nonsense mutation) that
position 8
introduces a stop codon after the
codon for Val

(b) Predict the effects of the mutation on the structure and function of the resulting protein in
species IV. Justify your prediction. (2 points maximum)

Predicted Change Justification of Prediction

(1 point maximum) (1 point maximum)
Change in amino acid sequence of the protein starting at
Protein may have a different
position 5 could alter the overall structure or local structural
structure and a change in function.
regions, interfering with function of the protein.
Change in amino acid sequence alters the shape /
Protein may have a different
conformation / folding / binding region / regulatory region
structure and no change in
of the protein, but does not affect the critical functional
region(s) of the protein.
Protein structure and function may Change in amino acid sequence does not alter the protein
not be affected. shape / conformation / folding and does not alter function.

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Question 5

Question 5 was written to the following Learning Objectives in the AP Biology Curriculum Framework: 3.26,
4.1, and 4.3.


Question 5 asks students to use models of biological polymers to connect genetic variation with changes
in protein structure and function. Students were presented with the amino acid sequences of a conserved
polypeptide from four related species. Students were asked to explain how specific genetic changes could
have produced the different amino acid sequences shown. Students were then asked to use a model of
protein structure and function to predict how a change in the amino acid composition of a polypeptide might
affect the structure and function of the resulting protein.

Sample: 5A
Score: 4

The response earned 1 point in part (a) for explaining that the most likely genetic change in species II was a
point mutation in which a single nucleotide is altered, and the amino acid being coded for was changed.

The response earned 1 point in part (a) for explaining that the most likely genetic change in species III was
a point mutation that coded a STOP codon which halted the production of the polypeptide prematurely.

The response earned 1 point in part (b) for predicting that a frameshift mutation in species IV causes a
much different protein structure and a radically different protein function.

The response earned 1 point in part (b) for justifying the prediction by stating that the polypeptide chain
was completely altered, which changed the interactions between the amino acids of the protein and
caused the protein’s function to shift.

Sample: 5B
Score: 3

The response earned 1 point in part (a) for explaining that a mutation in the DNA sequence of species II
caused a change only at position 4 of the polypeptide.

The response earned 1 point in part (b) for predicting that the mutation in species IV will change the
structure and function of the protein, resulting in a mutant protein that does not function properly or goes

The response earned 1 point in part (b) for justifying the prediction by stating that almost the entire amino
acid sequence of the protein was changed and that protein structure determines protein function.

Sample: 5C
Score: 2

The response earned 1 point in part (b) for predicting that the structure and function of the protein in species
IV will be vastly changed.

The response earned 1 point in part (b) for justifying the prediction by stating that a structural and functional
change in the protein is due to changes in the order and content of its amino acids.

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Question 6

The following data were collected by observing subcellular structures of three different types of
eukaryotic cells.

Cell Type Smooth ER Rough ER Mitochondria Cilia Golgi Bodies

X Small amount Small amount Large number Present Small amount

Y Large amount Large amount Moderate number Absent Large amount

Z Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent

Based on an analysis of the data, identify a likely primary function of each cell type and explain how
the data support the identification. (3 points maximum)

Cell Identify Explain how data support identification

Type function (1 point each correct pair).
NOTE: No points for identification without explanation.
• Locomotion
Has cilia for movement and large amounts of mitochondria to provide
X • Movement / AND energy for locomotion of cell itself (ciliated protist) or movement of
surface particles (mucus /oocyte) along cell surface
• Secretion /
exocytosis Has large amounts of rough ER and Golgi to produce and package
• Protein proteins
Y synthesis
• Lipid/hormone
synthesis AND Has large amounts of smooth ER to produce lipids / hormones
• Detoxification
• Oxygen transport in animal cells
• Transport OR AND
• Water transport in plant cells
• Protection • Epidermal cells (stratum corneum,
OR AND Does not
cork, nails)
• Ground tissue (schlerenchyma) require
Z • Support OR AND
• Vascular tissue (xylem) these
• Maximizes volume / space available
• Storage OR AND
(hemoglobin, oxygen)
• No function OR • Is a dead cell/is undergoing apoptosis AND

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Question 6

Question 6 was written to the following Learning Objectives in the AP Biology Curriculum Framework: 2.5
and 4.6


Question 6 asks students to work with data about the contribution of cellular structures to specialized
cellular functions. Students were presented with experimental observations about the relative amounts of
specific organelles in three different cell types and asked to identify a likely function of each cell type.
Students were then asked to explain how the experimental observations support their conclusions about
why each cell type is likely to have the primary function that they identified in their response.

Sample: 6A
Score: 3

The response earned 1 point for identifying locomotion as a likely function of Cell X and explaining that
mitochondria synthesize ATP, which is used by the cilia for movement

The response earned 1 point for identifying synthesis and packaging of proteins as a likely function of Cell Y
and explaining that the large amount of rough ER and Golgi bodies indicates that the cells synthesize,
package, and ship out proteins needed elsewhere in the organism.

The response earned 1 point for identifying Cell Z as serving no function except for protection and
explaining that the cells lack the organelles used for other functions.

Sample: 6B
Score: 2

The response earned 1 point for identifying movement as a likely function of Cell X and explaining that
there are a lot of mitochondria to synthesize ATP and cilia to facilitate movement.

The response earned 1 point for identifying protein synthesis as a likely function of Cell Y and explaining that
there is an abundance of rough ER and a large number of Golgi bodies.

Sample: 6C
Score: 1

The response earned 1 point for identifying the synthesis of proteins as a likely primary function of Cell Y and
explaining that there are large amounts of rough ER where protein production takes place and large amounts
of Golgi bodies to package proteins.

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Question 7

In an experiment, rats averaging 300 g of body mass were tested several times over a three-month
period. For each individual rat, urine was collected over a three-hour period after ingestion of 10 mL of
liquid (water, 1 percent ethyl alcohol solution, or 5 percent ethyl alcohol solution). The volume of urine
was then measured, and the results were averaged for all individuals within each experimental group.
The data are shown in the table below.


Fluid ingested (10 mL) Water 1% Ethyl Alcohol 5% Ethyl Alcohol

Average urine output

3.5 3.8 4.7

(a) Pose ONE scientific question that the researchers were most likely investigating with the
experiment. (1 point)
Appropriate questions include but are not limited to the following:
• How does alcohol consumption affect urine output in rats (or any mammal)?
• How does alcohol consumption affect regulation of the kidney?

(b) State a hypothesis that could be tested to address the question you posed in part (a). (1 point)
Appropriate hypotheses include but are not limited to the following:
• Alcohol consumption increases urine output in rats.
• Alcohol consumption increases water retention/reabsorption in rat kidneys.
• Alcohol consumption reduces urine output in rats.
• Alcohol consumption has no effect on urine output in rats.

NOTE: This point may be earned without earning the point in part (a)

(c) Using the data in the table, describe the effect of ethyl alcohol on urine production. (1 point)
• Alcohol consumption increases urine output.

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Question 7

Question 7 was written to the following Learning Objectives in the AP Biology Curriculum Framework: 2.10,
2.22, 2.23, 2.24, 2.25, 4.8, and 4.14.


Question 7 asks students to engage in scientific questioning about the complex properties of biological
systems. Students were presented with a description of an experiment in which researchers measured the
volume of urine excreted by rats that had been fed solutions containing different concentrations of ethyl
alcohol. Students were asked to pose a scientific question that the researchers could have been
investigating in the experiment. Students were then asked to state a testable hypothesis that would
address the scientific question they posed. Finally, students were asked to use data from the experiment to
describe the relationship between ethyl alcohol consumption and urine production.

Sample: 7A
Score: 3

The response earned 1 point in part (a) for posing a scientific question that focused on the effect of
differing concentrations of ethyl alcohol on urine output in rats.

The response earned 1 point in part (b) for stating a hypothesis that urine output would increase when
higher concentrations of alcohol were consumed.

The response earned 1 point in part (c) for describing more urine produced by rats that have ingested the
higher concentrations of ethyl alcohol.

Sample: 7B
Score: 2

The response earned 1 point in part (a) for posing a scientific question about whether consumption of an
ethyl alcohol solution affects the volume of urine produced.

The response earned 1 point in part (c) for describing more urine produced by the higher concentrations of
ethyl alcohol used in the experiment.

Sample: 7C
Score: 1

The response earned 1 point in part (c) for describing that the more ethyl alcohol is present, the higher the
urine output levels.

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Question 8

The figure above represents a generalized hormone-signaling pathway. Briefly explain the role of each
numbered step in regulating target gene expression. (3 points maximum)
• Step 1 = hormone/ligand binding to receptor to initiate/trigger/induce signaling OR signal
• Step 2 = an intracellular cascade that transduces/amplifies/transfers the signal from plasma
membrane to nucleus (or other cellular effectors)
• Step 3 = transcription/expression of target genes is stimulated/repressed

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© 2013 The College Board.
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Question 8

Question 8 was written to the following Learning Objectives in the AP Biology Curriculum Framework: 3.22
and 3.23.


Question 8 asks students to use a model of a hormone-signaling pathway to explain how extracellular
signals are converted to specific cellular responses. Students were presented with a visual representation
of a generalized hormone-signaling pathway and asked to use the representation to explain the role of
specific steps in the pathway, beginning with reception of a hormone signal and ending with changes in
target gene expression.

Sample: 8A
Score: 3

The response earned 1 point for explaining that Step 1 induces a signal response when a ligand binds to a
membrane bound receptor, resulting in the receptor altering its shape.

The response earned 1 point for explaining that Step 2 amplifies the signal by going through a
transduction pathway involving a few messengers.

The response earned 1 point for explaining that in Step 3 a messenger in the pathway acts by inducing
RNA polymerase to transcribe a gene or by inhibiting RNA polymerase from transcribing a gene.

Sample: 8B
Score: 2

The response earned 1 point for explaining that Step 1 represents the reception of the signal in the

The response earned 1 point for explaining that Step 2 represents activation of a cascade of several
intermediates in the transduction pathway.

Sample: 8C
Score: 1

The response earned 1 point for explaining that Step 1 represents a hormone binding to a receptor on the
cell membrane, causing a response.

© 2013 The College Board.

Visit the College Board on the Web: www.collegeboard.org.

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