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The goal of System Design is to build a system that satisfies business requirements. A successful
system must be effective, reliable and maintainable.

Each project is different, but design considerations usually involve users, data and system architecture.
User Considerations:
1. Carefully consider any point where users receive output or provide input.
2. Anticipate future needs.
3. Provide flexibility.

Data Considerations:
1. Enter data as soon as possible.
2. Verify data as it is entered.
3. Use automated methods of data entry whenever possible.
4. Control data entry access and report all entries or changes to critical values.
5. Log every instance of data entry and changes.
6. Enter data once.
7. Avoid data duplication.

Architecture Considerations:
1. Use a modular design
2. Design modules that perform a single function

Design Trade-off
Each trade-off must be considered individually and the final result must be acceptable to users, the
systems staff and company management.


Prototyping produces an early, rapidly constructed working version of the proposed information
system called a prototype. It involves a repetitive sequence of analysis, design, modeling and testing, is a
common technique that can be used to design anything from a new home to a computer network.

Prototyping Methods
1. System Prototyping – produces a full-featured, the end product is a working model of the information
2. Design Prototyping or Throwaway Prototyping – this is use to verify user requirements after which
the prototype is discarded and implementation continues. The end product of it is a user-approved
model that documents and benchmarks the features of the finished system.

Prototyping Tools
Most prototyping is done using CASE tool, application generators, report generators, screen
generators and fourth-generation languages (4GL). Fourth-Generation Languages(4GL) is the
combination of tools provide a framework for rapid, efficient software development. The commands tends
to resemble natural statements that people use.

Limitations of Prototypes
 A prototype is a functioning system, but it is less efficient than a fully developed system.
 Slower processing speeds and response times.
 Lack security requirements, exception and error-handling procedures and other required functions.


Views from the IT Community

Some predictions and forecast for the next few years:
 Software quality will be more important than ever and intense modeling will support the quality
assurance process.
 Project management will be a major focus of IT managers.
 Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) will become an important factor in future development.
 Growth in open-source software has increased demand for powerful open-source development
 Developers will use more WEB services.
 Programmers will continue to use dynamic languages.

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