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attacks with conjunctival injection and

tearing (SUNCT).
When headache duration is greater
than 4 hours, the major primary disor-
ders for which there are operational
diagnostic criteria as defined by the
second edition of the International Clas-
Chronic Daily Headache sification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-
Stephen D. Silberstein, MD 2)2 are chronic migraine, hemicrania
continua, chronic tension-type headache
(CTTH), and new daily persistent
headache (NDPH).1 Chronic migraine is
used by the ICHD-2 in place of trans-
formed migraine (defined by the Silber-
stein and Lipton criteria). Chronic ten-
sion-type headache was included in the
first International Headache Society
(IHS) classification and inappropriately
equated to CDH.3 Chronic migraine,
Chronic daily headache represents a range of disorders characterized by the NDPH, and hemicrania continua are new
occurrence of long-duration headache 15 or more days per month. The classi- to the ICHD-2.2,4
fication of these disorders continues to undergo revision to make them more Long-duration CDH is a significant
clinically relevant, such as that which has been most controversial, the clas- public health concern. Approximately
sification of chronic migraine. The role of medication overuse in what has com- 3% to 5% of the population worldwide
monly been known as rebound headache can have a significant influence on have daily or near-daily headaches.5-9
these disorders. The diagnosis of the chronic daily headaches, including Patients with long-duration primary
chronic migraine and chronic tension-type headache, truly cannot be made if CDH, most of which is transformed
patients are having medication-overuse headache. This article reviews the migraine, account for the majority of
criteria for medication-overuse headache and the subset of headaches making headache subspecialty practice consul-
up chronic daily headache, as well as the epidemiologic and therapeutic tations in the United States.2,3,10 The dis-
aspects of these disorders. ability associated with this disorder is
substantial, as patients have a signifi-
cantly diminished quality of life and
gorized into primary and secondary mental health, as well as impaired phys-
T he term chronic daily headache (CDH)
refers to a group of disorders char-
acterized by very frequent headaches
varieties.1 Secondary CDH has an iden-
tifiable underlying cause such as acute
ical, social, and occupational func-
(15 days a month), including those headache medication overuse, head
headaches associated with medication trauma, cervical spine disorders, vas- Transformed and Chronic Migraine
overuse. The CDH group can be cate- cular disorders, and disorders of Many studies have described the pro-
intracranial pressure. Primary CDH is cess and associated features of trans-
not related to a structural or systemic formed migraine.5,6,11-14 This headache
Dr Silberstein, a professor of neurology at Thomas illness, and is often subdivided into has been variously called transformed or
Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, Pa, is long- or short-duration disorders, based evolutive migraine or mixed headache.
president of the American Headache Society.
Dr Silberstein is on the advisory panel or on whether the individual headache Patients with transformed migraine often
speakers bureau, or serves as a consultant for episodes last more or less than 4 hours have a past history of episodic migraine
Abbott Laboratories; Allergan, Inc; AstraZeneca; Eli on average. that began in their teens or twenties.14
Lilly and Company; GlaxoSmithKline; Johnson &
Johnson; Merck & Co, Inc; NPS Pharmaceuticals, When headache duration is less Most patients with this disorder are
Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc; Pfizer Inc; Pozen, than 4 hours, the differential diagnosis women, 90% of whom have a history of
Inc; UCB Pharma, Inc; and XCel Pharmaceuticals. He includes cluster headache, paroxysmal migraine without aura.
receives research support from Abbott Laborato-
ries; Allergan, Inc; AstraZeneca: Eli Lilly and Com- hemicrania, idiopathic stabbing Patients often report a process of
pany; GlaxoSmithKline; Johnson & Johnson; headache, hypnic headache, and short- transformation characterized by
Medtronics; Merck & Co, Inc; NPS Pharmaceuti- lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache headaches that become more frequent
cals; Pfizer Inc; Pozen, Inc; UCB Pharma, Inc; and
XCel Pharmaceuticals.
Address correspondence to Stephen D. Sil-
berstein, MD, FACP, Director, Jefferson Headache This continuing medical education publication supported by
Center, 111 S 11th St, Gibbon Bldg, Suite 8130,
Philadelphia, PA 19107-4824. an unrestricted educational grant from Merck & Co, Inc
E-mail Stephen.silberstein@jefferson.edu

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over months to years, with the associ-
ated symptoms of photophobia, phono- Table 1
phobia, and nausea becoming less severe Silberstein and Lipton Revised Criteria for Chronic Migraine*
and less frequent.5,6,11,13,15 Patients often
develop (or transform into) a pattern of
1.8 Chronic Migraine
daily or nearly daily headaches that phe-
A. Daily or almost daily (15 days/month) head pain for 1 month
nomenologically resembles a mixture of
B. Average headache duration of 4 hours/day (if untreated)
tension-type headache (TTH) and
migraine. That is, the pain is often mild C. At least one of the following:
to moderate and is not always associ- 1) History of episodic migraine meeting any International Headache Society
(IHS) criteria 1.1 to 1.6
ated with photophobia, phonophobia,
2) History of increasing headache frequency with decreasing severity of
or gastrointestinal features. migrainous features over at least 3 months
Other features of migraine, 3) Headache at some time meets IHS criteria for migraine 1.1 to 1.6 other
including aggravation by menstruation than duration
and other trigger factors, as well as uni- D. Does not meet criteria for new daily persistent headache (4.7) or hemicrania
laterality and gastrointestinal symptoms, continua (4.8)
may persist. Attacks of full-blown E. Not attributed to another disorder
migraine superimposed on a background
of less severe headaches occur in many * Modified from Silberstein SD, Lipton RB, Sliwinski M. Classification of daily and near-daily headaches:
patients. The term transformed migraine field trial of revised IHS criteria. Neurology. 1996;47:871-875.

has been used to refer to this process.

The term chronic migraine is now being
used by the IHS, in part because a history attempts to get around this issue by using generalizability in clinical practice. While
of transformation is often missing. the term probable chronic migraine. up to 80% of headaches experienced by
Silberstein and Lipton’s revised cri- The IHS, in its newest classification episodic migraine sufferers will fulfill
teria for transformed migraine (Table 1) (ICHD-2),2 classifies chronic migraine as criteria for migraine or probable migraine
provide three alternative diagnostic links a complication of migraine. Its diagnosis (1.1 or 1.6), migraineurs do experience a
to migraine14: requires migraine headache occurring spectrum of headaches that may pheno-
 a prior history of IHS migraine; on 15 or more days a month for more typically resemble or fulfill criteria for
 a clear period of escalating headache than 3 months without medication TTH.
frequency with decreasing severity of overuse (Table 2) When medication As headache frequency increases,
migrainous features; or overuse is present, the diagnosis is the phenotypic spectrum of individual
 current superimposed attacks of unclear until 2 months after medication headache episodes broadens, and the
headaches that meet all the IHS criteria has been withdrawn without improve- clinical distinction between migraine and
for migraine except duration. ment. Medication overuse, if present (ie, TTH may become less obvious. Many
Migraine transformation most often medication-overuse headache [MOH]), is clinicians and epidemiologists now
develops when there is medication the most likely cause of chronic symp- believe that most headaches experienced
overuse, but transformation may occur toms. Therefore, the default rule is to by migraine sufferers that phenotypi-
without overuse. 5,16 About 80% of code such patients according to the cally resemble TTH are biologically sim-
patients with CDH seen in subspecialty antecedent migraine subtype (usually ilar to migraine and responsive to
clinics overuse symptomatic medica- migraine without aura) plus probable migraine-specific modes of therapy.5 Fur-
tion.5,6,13,15 Headache frequency often chronic migraine plus probable MOH. thermore, attacks are often treated early,
increases when medication use increases. When these criteria are still fulfilled 2 before severity increases and associated
Stopping the overused medication fre- months after medication overuse has symptoms develop.
quently results in distinct headache ceased, chronic migraine plus the Based on the clinical trial and clinic-
improvement, although it may take days antecedent migraine subtype should be based data reviewed, the criteria for
to weeks. Many patients have significant diagnosed and probable MOH dis- ICHD-2 chronic migraine do not accu-
long-term improvement after detoxifi- carded. If at any time sooner these criteria rately reflect the headache phenotype of
cation. When the original IHS (ICHD-1) are no longer fulfilled because improve- those patients with a history of migraine
criteria 3 were used, a diagnosis of ment has occurred, code for MOH plus that evolves into a pattern of frequent or
headache induced by substance use or the antecedent migraine subtype and dis- daily headache (15 days per month).
exposure required that the headaches card probable chronic migraine.2 Alternate diagnostic criteria are being
remit after the overused medication is The requirement that the daily developed for this entity. To eliminate
discontinued. This criterion was difficult headache must meet criteria for migraine confusion with the current IHS-defined
to apply reliably, and diagnosis was without aura each day is a significant chronic migraine, this entity will be called
impossible until the overused medica- problem with the ICHD-2 criteria and transformed migraine. By definition, of
tion was discontinued.4 The IHS now one of the major reasons for its lack of course, all patients meeting the IHS cri-

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only one of the symptom criteria (mild
Table 2 nausea, photophobia, and phonophobia),
New International Headache Society Criteria for Chronic Migraine* but excludes moderate or severe nausea
or vomiting. The ICHD-2 has an
appendix that provides alternate criteria
Diagnostic criteria:
for CTTH. The alternate criteria do not
A. Headache fulfilling criteria C and D for 1.1 Migraine without aura on 15 days/month
for 3 months
allow for nausea, photophobia, or phono-
B. Not attributed to another disorder
phobia.) The ICHD-2 still does not
require a minimum duration of
headache; therefore, a headache that lasts
* Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache Society. The International
Classification of Headache Disorders: 2nd edition. Cephalalgia. 2004;24(Suppl 1):9-160. 5 minutes a day for 15 days a month
could still be CTTH. Chronic tension-
type headache is still subclassified based
on the occurrence or absence of pericra-
nial tenderness
Table 3 Coexistent migraine and CTTH
New International Headache Society Criteria for Chronic Tension-Type Headache* could coexist with the proviso that the
nonmigrainous headaches have no
2.2 Diagnostic criteria: migrainous features. Guitera et al18 sug-
A. Headache occurring on 15 days per month on average for 3 months gest, based on population-based epi-
(180 days per year) and fulfilling criteria B–D demiologic data, that CTTH and
B. Headache lasts hours or may be continuous migraine can coexist if, and only if, the
C. Headache has at least two of the following characteristics: current headache has no migrainous fea-
1. bilateral location tures and there is a remote history of
2. pressing/tightening (nonpulsating) quality migraine.
3. mild or moderate intensity Chronic tension-type headache may
4. not aggravated by routine physical activity such as walking or
climbing stairs
evolve from ETTH. Just as with chronic
migraine, when medication overuse is
D. Both of the following:
present, the diagnosis is uncertain until 2
1. no more than one of photophobia, phonophobia, or mild nausea
2. neither moderate or severe nausea nor vomiting months after the overused medication
E. Not attributed to another disorder has been withdrawn without improve-
ment. The introduction of chronic migraine
into the ICHD-2 creates a problem in
* Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache Society. The International relation to the differential diagnosis
Classification of Headache Disorders: 2nd edition. Cephalalgia. 2004;24(Suppl 1):9-160.
between chronic migraine and CTTH.
Both diagnoses require headache
(meeting the criteria for migraine or TTH,
teria of chronic migraine will also meet In contrast to patients with chronic respectively) on at least 15 days a month.
the modified Silberstein and migraine, prior or coexistent episodic Therefore, it is theoretically possible for
Lipton/American Headache Society cri- migraine is absent in patients with CTTH, a patient to have both these diagnoses.
teria for transformed migraine. as are most features of migraine. Diag- Silberstein and Lipton14 developed
nosis of CCTH requires head pain on at criteria in which the diagnosis of one dis-
Chronic Tension-Type Headache least 15 days a month for at least 3 order took precedence over the diagnosis
The IHS describes CTTH17 (Table 3) as: months (previously 6 months). Although of another. They suggest that a putative
the pain criteria are identical to those for diagnosis of CTTH has not met criteria
A disorder evolving from episodic ten- episodic tension-type headache (ETTH), for hemicrania continua, NDPH, or
sion-type headache, with daily or very the IHS classification allows nausea but chronic migraine. This diagnosis would
frequent episodes of headache lasting not vomiting.17 This inclusion of nausea handle the difficulty of a small group of
minutes to days. The pain is typically assumes that mild nausea or photo- patients who fulfill the IHS diagnostic
bilateral, pressing or tightening in
phobia or phonophobia are compatible criteria for both chronic migraine and
quality and of mild to moderate inten-
sity, and does not worsen with rou-
with the diagnosis of CTTH.5,17 How- CTTH. This solution would be possible
tine physical activity. There may be ever, the need to include any of these when two (and only two) of the four pain
mild nausea, photophobia or phono- migrainous features in the IHS defini- characteristics are present and headaches
phobia. tion of CTTH may be a result of the prac- are associated with mild nausea. These
tice of including chronic migraine under cases are most likely chronic migraine
The headaches frequently involve the rubric of CTTH. and have been shown to be associated
the posterior aspect of the head and neck. The ICHD-2 continues to permit with elevated calcitonin gene-related pep-

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tide (CGRP) levels (a marker for
migraine). The headaches should be Table 4
coded as CTTH and episodic migraine New International Headache Society Criteria for New Daily Persistent Headache*
only if the daily baseline headache has no
migrainous features. If the daily baseline
headache is migrainous, the headaches Diagnostic criteria:
should be coded as chronic migraine, A. Headache that, within 3 days of onset, fulfills criteria B–D
despite what the new criteria state. B. Headache is present daily, and is unremitting, for 3 months
Chronic tension-type headache is C. At least two of the following pain characteristics:
often associated with medication overuse. 1. bilateral location
Similar diagnostic classification rules per- 2. pressing/tightening (nonpulsating) quality
3. mild or moderate intensity
tain here as they do for chronic migraine.
4. not aggravated by routine physical activity such as walking
or climbing
New Daily Persistent Headache D. Both of the following:
New daily persistent headache (Table 4)
1. no more than one of photophobia, phonophobia, or mild nausea
is characterized by the relatively abrupt 2. neither moderate or severe nausea nor vomiting
onset of an unremitting primary E. Not attributed to another disorder
CDH.19,20 The IHS now includes NDPH
in the classification. (Previously used
terms included de novo chronic headache * Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache Society. The International
and chronic headache with acute onset). The Classification of Headache Disorders: 2nd edition. Cephalalgia. 2004;24(Suppl 1):9-160.

daily headache develops abruptly, over

less than 3 days. The IHS states that the
pain is typically bilateral, pressing or distinct from CTTH. New daily persistent that varies in intensity, waxing and
tightening in quality, and mild to mod- headache is unique in that headache is waning without disappearing com-
erate in intensity. Photophobia, phono- daily and unremitting almost from the pletely.21,22 It may rarely alternate sides.23
phobia, or mild nausea may be present. moment of onset, typically in individ- Hemicrania continua is frequently asso-
Silberstein and Lipton14 elected not to uals without a prior headache history. ciated with jabs and jolts (idiopathic stab-
classify NDPH as a type of de novo New daily persistent headache can bing headache). Exacerbations of pain
CTTH, for it is not clear whether this con- have features suggestive of either are often associated with autonomic dis-
dition is etiologically related to TTH. The migraine or TTH. I believe that the pro- turbances, such as ptosis, miosis, tearing,
absence or presence of a past history of posed IHS criteria inappropriately and sweating.
headache distinguishes NDPH from exclude headaches that are phenomeno- Hemicrania continua is not triggered
CTTH and chronic migraine. New daily logically migraine with sudden onset. by neck movements, but tender spots in
persistent headache is likely to be a het- Secondary headaches, such as low cere- the neck may be present (Table 5). Some
erogeneous disorder. Some cases may brospinal fluid (CSF) volume headache, patients may have photophobia, phono-
reflect a postviral syndrome.19 Patients raised-CSF pressure headache, post- phobia, and nausea. The IHS now
with NDPH are generally younger than traumatic headache, and headache includes hemicrania continua in the clas-
those with transformed migraine.19,20 attributed to infection (particularly viral sification. It is described as a “persistent
New daily persistent headache infection) should be ruled out by appro- strictly unilateral headache responsive
requires the absence of a history of evo- priate investigations.1 to indomethacin.”3
lution from migraine or ETTH. In the If medication overuse exists or has Although the disorder almost invari-
absence of rapid development, it is coded been present within the previous ably has a prompt and enduring
as CTTH or chronic migraine. Excluding 2 months, the rule is to code for any pre- response to indomethacin, the require-
all patients with a history of ETTH is existing primary headache plus probable ment of a therapeutic response as a diag-
problematic, as almost 70% of men and MOH, but not for NDPH. New daily nostic criterion is problematic. It effec-
90% of women have had a TTH in the persistent headache may take either of tively excludes the diagnosis of
past. Silberstein and Lipton14 allowed a two subforms: a self-limiting subform hemicrania continua in patients who
diagnosis of NDPH in patients with that resolves within several months were never treated with indomethacin
migraine or ETTH if these disorders do without therapy or a refractory subform (perhaps because another agent helped),
not increase in frequency to give rise to that is resistant to aggressive treatment. and patients who failed to respond to
NDPH. New daily persistent headache indomethacin. Treatment response is
may or may not be associated with med- Hemicrania Continua generally not part of IHS case definitions
ication overuse. A diagnosis of NDPH Hemicrania continua is a rare, of headache disorders. Cases have been
takes precedence over chronic migraine indomethacin-responsive headache dis- described that did not respond to
and CTTH. order characterized by a continuous, indomethacin but meet the phenotype;
The ICHD-22 recognizes NDPH as moderately severe, unilateral headache for this reason, Goadsby and Lipton24

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after cessation, the diagnosis of prob-
Table 5 able MOH should be applied. If
New International Headache Society Criteria for Hemicrania Continua* improvement does not then occur
within the 2-month period, this diag-
4.7 Hemicrania continua nosis must be discarded.
Diagnostic criteria: The most common cause of
A. Headache for 3 months fulfilling criteria B–D migraine-like headaches or mixed-
B. All of the following characteristics: migraine–like and TTH-like headaches
1. unilateral pain without side-shift that occur on 15 or more days per month
2. daily and continuous, without pain-free periods is overuse of acute headache drugs.
3. moderate intensity, but with exacerbations of severe pain Overuse is now defined in terms of treat-
C. At least one of the following autonomic features occurs during exacerbations and ment days per month. What is crucial is
ipsilateral to the side of pain: that treatment occurs both frequently
1. conjunctival injection and/or lacrimation and regularly (ie, several days each
2. nasal congestion and/or rhinorrhea week). For example, the diagnostic cri-
3. ptosis and/or miosis terion of use on 10 days or more per
D. Complete response to therapeutic doses of indomethacin month translates into 2 to 3 treatment
E. Not attributed to another disorder days every week. Bunching treatment
days and going for long periods without
* Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache Society. The International medication intake, as practiced by some
Classification of Headache Disorders: 2nd edition. Cephalalgia. 2004;24(Suppl 1):9-160. patients, is much less likely to cause med-
ication-overuse headache.
The amount of use that constitutes
have provided an alternate means of headache attributed to the substance. overuse depends on the drug. Ergo-
diagnosis. A case that responded to This is also true if the headache has the tamine-overuse headache requires intake
piroxicam--cyclodextrin further sug- characteristics of migraine, TTH, or on 10 or more days per month on a reg-
gests that though the nonsteroidal anti- cluster headache. When a preexisting pri- ular basis for 3 or more months. (Bioavail-
inflammatory drug response is of great mary headache is made worse in close ability of ergots is so variable that a min-
interest, it points to, rather than expresses, temporal relation to substance exposure, imum dose cannot be defined.) The
the pathophysiology. two possibilities exist: Patients can either headache is often daily and constant.
Although there are no reports of sec- be given only the diagnosis of the pre- Triptan-overuse headache is usually fre-
ondary hemicrania continua, it can be existing primary headache, or they can be quent, intermittent, and migrainous.
aggravated by a C7 root irritation due given both this diagnosis and the diag- Triptan intake (any formulation) on 10
to a disc herniation.25 A case of a mes- nosis of headache attributed to the sub- or more days per month may increase
enchymal tumor in the sphenoid bone stance. Factors that support adding the migraine frequency to that of chronic
in which the response to indomethacin latter diagnosis are: migraine. Evidence suggests that this
faded after 2 months has also been  a very close temporal relation to the occurs sooner with triptan-overuse than
reported.26 These cases suggest that substance exposure; with ergotamine-overuse.29,30
physicians should be suspicious of esca-  a marked worsening of the preex- Analgesic-overuse headache
lating doses or loss of indomethacin’s isting headache; requires the intake of simple analgesics
efficacy and reevaluate the patient. Hem-  very good evidence that the substance on 15 or days per month for more than
icrania continua is also seen in non-Cau- can aggravate the primary headache; 3 months.29,31-34 This criterion is based on
casian populations.27 and, finally, expert opinion rather than formal evi-
 improvement or resolution of the dence. Opioid-overuse headache requires
Drug Overuse and Rebound headache after the substance’s effects are opioid use on 10 or more days per
Headache terminated. month. Prospective studies indicate that
Medication overuse headache, previously A diagnosis of headache attributed patients who overuse opioids have the
called rebound headache, drug-induced to a substance usually becomes definite highest relapse rate after withdrawal
headache, and medication-misuse headache only when the headache resolves or treatment.
(Table 6), is an interaction between a ther- greatly improves after exposure to the Combination-medication–overuse
apeutic agent used excessively and a sus- substance is terminated. In the case of headache requires the intake of combi-
ceptible patient. Patients with frequent MOH, an arbitrary period of 2 months nation medications1 on 10 or more days
headaches often overuse analgesics, opi- after overuse cessation is stipulated by per month for more than 3 months.31
oids, ergotamine, and triptans.28-31 When the IHS; if the diagnosis is to be defi- Combination medications typically impli-
a new headache occurs for the first time nite, improvement must occur in that cated are those that contain simple anal-
in close temporal relation to substance time frame. Prior to cessation, or gesics combined with one or more of the
exposure, it is coded as a secondary pending improvement within 2 months following: opioids, butalbital, or caffeine.

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Table 6
1. Silberstein SD, Lipton RB. Chronic daily headache
New International Headache Society Criteria for Medication Overuse* including transformed migraine, chronic tension-
type headache, and medication overuse. In: Sil-
berstein SD, Lipton RB, Dalessio DJ, eds. Wolff’s
8.2.6 Headache attributed to medication overuse Headache and Other Head Pain. New York, NY:
Diagnostic criteria: Oxford University Press. 2001:247-282.
A. Headache present on 15 days/month fulfilling criteria C and D
Characteristics depend on drug 2. Headache Classification Committee of the Inter-
national Headache Society. The International Clas-
B. Regular overuse for  3 months of a medication sification of Headache Disorders: 2nd edition.
Amount depends on drug Cephalalgia. 2004;24(Suppl 1):9-160.
Ergotamine, triptans, opioids, and combination analgesics 10 days/month
3. Headache Classification Committee of the Inter-
Simple analgesics 15 days/month national Headache Society. Classification and diag-
C. Headache has developed or markedly worsened during medication overuse nostic criteria for headache disorders, cranial neu-
ralgia, and facial pain. Cephalalgia. 1988;8(Suppl
D. Headache resolves or reverts to its previous pattern within 2 months after 7):1-96.
discontinuation of overused medication
4. Silberstein SD, Lipton RB, Solomon S, Mathew NT.
Classification of daily and near daily headaches:
* Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache Society. The International proposed revisions to the IHS classification.
Classification of Headache Disorders: 2nd edition. Cephalalgia. 2004;24(Suppl 1):9-160. Headache. 1994;34:1-7.

5. Mathew NT, Stubits E, Nigam MR. Transforma-

tion of episodic migraine into daily headache: anal-
Epidemiology therapeutic in and of itself and could ysis of factors. Headache. 1982;22:66-68.
In population-based surveys using the affect the patient’s behavior or the physi- 6. Mathew NT, Reuveni U, Perez F. Transformed or
Silberstein and Lipton criteria, primary cian’s approach. Retrospective analysis evolutive migraine. Headache. 1987;27:102-106.
CDH occurred in 4.1% of Americans,8 suggests that there may be periods of
7. Rapoport AM. Analgesic rebound headache.
4.35% of Greeks, 3.9% of elderly Chi- stable drug consumption and periods of Headache. 1988;28:662-665.
nese,10 and 4.7% of Spaniards.9 Scher et accelerated medication use. Patients
8. Scher AI, Stewart WF, Liberman J, Lipton RB.
al8 ascertained the prevalence of primary treated aggressively generally improve. Prevalence of frequent headache in a population
CDH in 13,343 individuals aged 18 to 65 The medical literature contains sample. Headache. 1998;38:497-506.
years in Baltimore County, Maryland. reports of spontaneous improvement of
9. Castillo J, Munoz P, Guitera V, Pascual J. Epi-
The overall prevalence of primary CDH CDH headache in population-based demiology of chronic daily headache in the general
was 4.1% (5.0% women, 2.8% men; 1.8:1 studies.35 Silberstein and Silberstein36 con- population. Headache. 1999;39:190-196.
ratio of women to men). In both men ducted follow-up evaluations on 50 hos-
10. Wang SJ, Fuh JL, Lu SR, Liu CY, Hsu LC, Wang
and women, prevalence was highest in pitalized patients with primary CDH and PN, et al. Chronic daily headache in Chinese elderly:
the lowest educational category. More medication overuse who were treated prevalence, risk factors and biannual follow-up.
with repetitive intravenous administra- Neurology. 2000;54:314-319.
than half (52% women, 56% men) met
criteria for CTTH (2.2%), almost one third tion of dihydroergotamine mesylate and 11. Mathew NT. Transformed migraine. Cepha-
(33% women, 25% men) met criteria for became headache-free. lalgia. 1982;13(Suppl 12):78-83.
transformed migraine (1.3%), and the Once detoxified, treated, and dis- 12. Olesen J, Tfelt-Hansen P, Welch KMA. The
remainder (15% women, 19% men) were charged, most patients did not resume Headaches. New York, NY: Raven Press; 1993.
unclassified (0.6%). Overall, 30% of daily analgesic or ergotamine use. Sev-
13. Saper JR. Headache Disorders: Current Con-
women and 25% of men who were fre- enty-two percent continued to show sig- cepts in Treatment Strategies. Littleton, Mass:
quent headache sufferers met IHS cri- nificant improvement at 3 months, and Wright-PSG; 1983.
teria for migraine (with or without aura). 87% continued to show significant 14. Silberstein SD, Lipton RB, Sliwinski M. Classifi-
On the basis of chance, migraine and improvement after 2 years. This rate cation of daily and near-daily headaches: field trial
CTTH would co-occur in 0.22% of the would suggest at least a 70% improve- of revised IHS criteria. Neurology. 1996;47:871-875.
population; the fact that transformed ment at 2 years in the initial group (35 of 15. Mathew NT. Transformed or evolutional
migraine occurred in 1.3% of this popu- 50), allowing for patients lost to follow-up. migraine. Headache. 1987;27:305-306.
lation would suggest that the co-occur-
16. Mathew NT, Kurman R, Perez F. Drug induced
rence of migraine and CTTH is more Comment refractory headache—clinical features and man-
than random. Chronic daily headache is common. Most agement. Headache. 1990;30:634-638.
patients have transformed migraine often 17. Pfaffenrath V, Isler H. Evaluation of the
Prognosis associated with medication overuse. nosology of chronic tension-type headache. Cepha-
The “natural history” of primary CDH, Therefore, physicians should be alert to lalgia. 1993;13(12):60-62.
and MOH in particular, has never been the possibility of medication overuse by
studied and probably never will be for their patients and the role it plays as an
ethical and technical reasons. Recogni- underlying cause of headache disorders.
tion of medication overuse is probably

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