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Brian Parton


Lesson Title & Subject(s): Buoyancy and Archimedes’ Principle – Honors

Physical World Concepts

Topic or Unit of Study: Fluid Dynamics

Grade/Level: 9th Grade

Instructional Setting:
Instruction takes place within a standard high school classroom. Class consists of 19 9 th grade
students (11 female, 8 male). Students sit at rectangular tables facing front of classroom. Classroom
has a SMART Board interactive whiteboard which is used daily. Class period is 80 minutes.


Your State Core Curriculum/Student Achievement Standard(s):

• TN Standard 3231.1.21 Determine the magnitude of the buoyant force exerted on a floating or a
submerged object
• TN Standard 3231.1.22 Investigate the apparent weight of an object submerged in a fluid
• TN Standard 3231.1.23 Explain, in terms of force and/or density, why some objects float and some
objects sink

Lesson Objective(s):
• Students will demonstrate ability to determine either buoyant force, fluid density, or volume of
displaced fluid when given other three variables from FB=ρFgV with 85% accuracy.
• Students will demonstrate ability to determine either buoyant force or mass of displaced fluid when
given other two variables from FB=mFg with 85% accuracy.
• Students will provide a scientifically accurate explanation based on Archimedes’ Principle for their
results in the Buoyancy Lab with 85% accuracy.


Instructional Materials:
• Computer with internet connection connected to classroom SMART Board
• “Fluids Presentation” SMART Notebook file
• Classwork/Homework Problems sheet (students)
• Student notebook
• Presentation slides for Buoyancy Lab
• 6 medium size clear plastic containers
• 6 small size plastic containers (needs to float inside medium size container)
• 6 small, high density weights (test beforehand to ensure weight does not sink small container)
• 6 rulers
• 6 markers
• Instructional materials taken from New Jersey Center for Teaching & Learning (NJCTL.org).
• Hewitt-Drew-It Video “Archimedes” from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y9Kn5qOc-
• TED-Ed video “How taking a bath led to Archimedes’ principle – Mark Salata” from
• Sink with running water
• Towels to clean up any excess water spilled from experiments


Sequence of Instructional Procedures/Activities/Events (provide description and

indicate approximate time for each):

1. Student Prerequisite Skills/Connections to Previous Learning (15-20

• This lesson is designed to be the 4th lesson in the unit. Students have previously studied
density, specific gravity, pressure in fluids, atmospheric and gauge pressure, and
Pascal’s Principle. Specifically applicable to this lesson, students have learned that
pressure is exerted by fluids normal to every surface of a submerged object, as well as
that an object in a fluid will float if its density is less than that of the fluid (and,
consequently, sink if its density is greater than that of the fluid). Also, students have
learned that pressure increases as fluid depth increases.
• Previous knowledge students must be able to recall and apply is that, for an object to
remain at rest, equal and opposite forces must be acting upon the object.
• The purpose for this lesson is for students to first understand the concept of buoyant
force and why it occurs. Students must recognize the role of fluid density (and not object
density) and volume and mass of displaced fluid in determining the buoyant force upon
both a submerged and floating object. An important connection to be made is that the
volume of the fluid displaced is equal to the total volume of a submerged object or the
submerged portion of a floating object. Finally, students must apply these principles in
order to construct a scientifically accurate explanation for the observed phenomenon of
water level change in the buoyancy lab.
• Lesson opening: After going over homework problems from previous lesson (5-10
minutes), teacher will play Hewitt-Drew-It video “Archimedes” (6 ½ minutes). Video
introduces concepts of buoyant force using illustrations of a weight submerged in water
hanging from a spring scale, as well as a block of wood floating in water. The video
closes by showing a real-world application of Archimedes’ Principle in the Falkirk Wheel
in Scotland, which utilizes the principle to transport ships to and from an elevated canal.
Following video, teacher will follow up with students on general concepts and analogies
introduced in video.

2. Presentation Procedures for New Information or Modeling (25-30 minutes):

• Teacher will open “Fluids Presentation” slides to Buoyancy and Archimedes’ Principle for
a submerged object (Figure 1). Teacher will note diagram of forces for the fish and man
in boat, asking students what is similar and different in each.
• Teacher will advance to next slide (Figure 2), noting that the difference in pressure due to
depth on the top and bottom of an object leads to an upward buoyant force on the object.
Teacher will walk students through each step of formula derivation for buoyant force.
Figure 1 Figure 2

• Students will take notes as needed.

• Teacher will continue to next slide (Figure 3), noting relationship between two formulas
for buoyant force and the formula for density (ρ=m/V). Teacher will also lead students to
conclusion that the volume of displaced fluid is equal to the volume of the submerged
• Teacher will continue to next slide (Figure 4), demonstrating how buoyant force reduces
the apparent weight of an object when immersed in a fluid.
• Students will take notes as needed.

Figure 3 Figure 4

• Teacher will complete guided practice problems for Buoyancy and Archimedes’ Principle
(submerged objects) with students.
• Following completion of guided practice session for Buoyancy and Archimedes’ Principle
(submerged objects), teacher will advance to the first slide of Buoyancy and Archimedes’
Principle for floating objects (Figure 5). Students will take note that upward and
downward forces must be equal, since boat is at rest while floating, leading to the
equivalency of the mass of the fluid displaced and the mass of the boat.

Figure 5 Figure 6
• Teacher will advance to next slide (Figure 6), explaining to students why an object floats
(less dense than surrounding fluid). Teacher will also demonstrate how each formula
listed is derived (buoyant force formula derived earlier in lesson and weight formula
derived from combination of buoyant force formula and density formula; weight and
buoyant force are equal since object is floating) until arriving at formula relating density of
fluid and object to the fraction of the object which is submerged (Vdispl / Vo = ρo / ρf)
• Teacher will complete guided practice problems for Buoyancy and Archimedes’ Principle
(floating objects) with students.
• Following completion of guided practice session for Buoyancy and Archimedes’ Principle
(floating objects), teacher will play TED-Ed video “How taking a bath led to Archimedes’
principle – Mark Salata” (3 minutes). This video illustrates the story of how Archimedes
first discovered that an object displaces its own weight in water when he was tasked with
testing the materials of a crown. This video will be used to set up the Buoyancy Lab
experiment detailed in Independent Student Practice.

3. Guided Practice (10 minutes):

• Following completion of notes for Buoyancy and Archimedes’ Principle (submerged
objects), teacher will work practice problems on presentation slides with students
(Figures 7 and 8).

Figure 7 Figure 8

• Following completion of notes for Buoyancy and Archimedes’ Principle (floating objects),
teacher will work practice problems on presentation slides with students (Figures 9 and

Figure 9 Figure 10
4. Independent Student Practice (15-20 minutes):
• Teacher will display slides for Buoyancy Lab (Figure 11). Purpose of experiment is for
students to first predict the change in water level upon moving a weight from inside the
“boat” (small container) to the bottom of the “lake” (medium size container), then conduct
the actual experiment and record their results, and finally propose a solution for their
results which is consistent with Archimedes’ Principle.

Figure 11

• After reading through slides, students will be asked to make a prediction as to what they
expect will happen to the water level when the weight is moved from inside the “boat” to
the bottom of the “lake”. Students are to record their prediction in their student
• Students will then divide into groups of no more than 4. Groups will designate students
to retrieve the necessary supplies for the group experiment [one small plastic container,
one medium size container, one small weight, one ruler (used to measure change in
water level), and one marker (used to mark water level for each phase of each trial)].
• Teacher will monitor students to ensure that supplies are procured in a safe, orderly
manner and that students immediately return to their tables once they have their
• Student groups will fill the medium size container roughly ¾ full with water. Medium size
container will then be placed upon surface of water. Weighted object will then be
carefully placed inside the small container so that small container maintains its floating
position. Finally, weighted object will be removed from the floating small container and
placed at the bottom of the medium size container.
• Student groups are responsible for determining procedures for recording and analyzing
data. Students can use the marker to record water lines on the side of the container and
ruler to measure. Groups must determine how many conditions to record (possible
conditions: water line in medium size container prior to adding small container; water line
after adding small container; water line after adding weight to small, floating container;
water line after moving weight from small, floating container to bottom of medium size
container). Data will be independently recorded by each student in their student
• Allow ample time for students to explore various methods of data collection. Once
student groups have settled on their method of data collection, groups will need to
perform three separate trials of the experiment and record results in student notebooks
for analysis.
• Teacher will need to move around the classroom, monitoring student progress, and ready
to answer student questions and provide guidance as needed.
• When students have concluded experiments, have students empty water into sink, wipe
up any excess water from the lab tables, return all lab materials to a designated location,
and return to their seats.

5. Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity/Event (10 minutes):

• Teacher will ask students a series of questions about the lab (“What happened to the
water level when you moved the weight from inside the “boat” to the bottom of the “lake”?
“What factors could have influenced the change in water level?” “What do you think is the
most important factor in the change in water level?”). Students will respond to discussion
questions and propose explanations for observed phenomenon.
• If experiment is done correctly, students will observe a drop in the water level after
moving the weight from inside the “boat” to the bottom of the “lake”. This is consistent
with Archimedes’ Principle because the small container displaces its own weight in water.
When the “boat” is heavier, it displaces more water, since it rests lower in the water,
causing the water level to rise. When the weight is removed, the “boat” displaces less
water, causing the water level to fall. While the weight does displace a volume of water
equal to its own volume while submerged, this is a much smaller volume of water than
was displaced by the “boat” when it was weighed down with the weight, resulting in an
overall smaller volume of water being displaced, which results in the lowering of the water
level in the medium size container. Teacher will need to guide students toward this
explanation during discussion, reminding them of tenets of Archimedes’ Principle.
• Teacher will tell students that next class they will be continuing in Buoyancy and
Archimedes’ Principle by working Classwork Problems 42-49.

Instructional Strategy (or Strategies):

• Direct instruction
• Cooperative learning
• Inquiry (creating own method for data collection)

Differentiated Instruction Accommodations:

• If additional time is needed for student experimentation during Buoyancy Lab, analysis of lab
results can be moved to the beginning of the next class period.
• Students create own method for data collection during Buoyancy Lab.
• Teacher can use time during Buoyancy Lab to work individually with struggling students.

Use of Technology:
• SMART Board interactive whiteboard to display presentation slides, work problems
• Computer with internet connection connected to SMART Board

Student Assessment/Rubrics:
• Students will record data from Buoyancy Lab experiment in student notebooks. Teacher will
informally assess student performance through notebook checks and through class
discussions upon conclusion of experiment.
• During the next class period, students will complete Classwork Problems on Buoyancy and
Archimedes’ Principle. Teacher will check problems with students in class and work on
SMART Board. Students will also complete Homework Problems that will be due the
following class period after completing Classwork Problems. Homework Problems will be
checked at beginning of class and worked as needed on SMART Board.
• Teacher will allow one to two class periods for review prior to summative assessment.
Students will have opportunity for further practice with problems for Buoyancy and
Archimedes’ Principle and to request problems to be worked as a class. Teacher will gauge
students’ understanding based upon performance on review problems.
• Students will be assessed on problems related to Buoyancy and Archimedes’ Principle on
summative assessment to be taken upon completion of unit.

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