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Cow dung is a metabolism residue that contains methane and ammonia and it is also a major source
that contributes a big impact on global warming. Therefore, it is needed to do good management of cow
dung waste. One of them is by using it as mosquitos repellent to reduce the usage of common
mosquitos repellant that contains danger chemical material.

This research aims to determine whether the cow dung waste can be used as a mosquito repellent, as
well as to determine the effectiveness level of it as a mosquito repellent. 2 grams, 4 grams, 6 grams and
8 grams of cow dung is mixed into 12,5 grams mosquitos repellent. Next, the effectiveness of this
product will be tested to Aedes Aegypti mosquitos in pet grady chamber. HIT was used as a positive
control. After one hour, the number of dead mosquitos is counted every ten minutes during two hours.
The data would be tabulated and presented in a bar graphic in order to determine the most effective
dose of it.

Keywords: Cow dung waste, Mosquito repellent, Aedes Aegypti



2.1 Cow Dung

Cow dung is cow metabolism residue that consists of a mixture of urine and feces. Ruminants cattle
feces contains high methane (CH4) and ammonia that is N major source that contributes big impact on
global warming and ozone layer depletion and also it can cause problems in production aspect and
environment pollution such as reducing the quality production of milk, water pollution in form of
accumulated of sulfite in water followed by increasing of nitrogen level as a pollutant that can cause
water quality reduction due to the consequence of the process of eutrophication (reduction of dissolved
oxygen concentration as a result of nitrification process which occurs in the water that disrupts the life
of aquatic biota), soil pollution which causes soil pH to be too acid and air pollution in form of odor
caused by ammoniac (NH3) and dihydrogen sulphide (H2S), this waste also causing various of disease
such as dysentery and diarrhea to both the cattle themselves and human being also. Because of the
accumulation of cow dung waste can attract flies and mosquitos to come and breed around it.

2.2 Classification of Aedes Aegypti Mosquito

Kingdom: Animal

Phylum: Arthropod

Subphylum: Uniramous

Class: Insect

Ordo: Diptera

Subordo: Nematosera

Family: Culicidae

Sub family: Culicinae

Tribe: Culicini

Genus: Aedes

Species: Aedes aegypti

(Djakaria S, 2004)
This type of mosquito can carry and transmit the Zika virus, dengue virus, chikungunya virus

and yellow fever virus These diseases are infectious diseases caused by a virus that enters human body

carried by Aedes aegypti mosquito as a medium (vector) in virus transmission from human to human.

The spread of this type of mosquito covers almost all tropical and subtropical regions such as

Asia, Africa, Australia, and America. This mosquito is active in day time. Transmission of the disease is

carried by female mosquitoes because only female mosquitoes suck blood. This was done to obtain

protein that needed to produce eggs.

In general, Aedes aegypti can breed in residential areas. To breed, this type of mosquito can lay

their eggs on stagnant water more than five days with a minimum volume of 0.5 centimeters or equal to

one teaspoon, but this mosquito doesn’t nest in the sewage or suchlike. Aedes aegypti can breed in

containers in urban residential areas and factories, such as bottles, pedestal flower pots, flower vases, bath

tubs, casks and others. Because of that, this type is an urban mosquito. It is contrary to Aedes Albopictus

that has tendency to be in thick wooded forest.

2.3 Aedes Aegypti Lifecycle

Aedes Aegypti is called as holometabolous insect or insect which has lifecycle through perfect
metamorphoses, starting from the egg, larva, pupa, and adult phase. The life span of adult mosquito can
range from two weeks to a month depending on environment condition. This type of mosquito lay their
eggs on clean water surface that being stagnant more than five days with a minimum volume of 0.5
centimeters or equal to one teaspoon individually or in containers in urban residential areas and factories,
such as bottles, bathtubs and others.

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