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Chemical Geology, 109 ( 1993 ) 227-237 227

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam


Adsorption of organic c o m p o u n d s on carbonate minerals

3. Influence on dissolution rates

Michele Moisio Thomas*, Jamie A. Clouse and John M. Longo

Exxon Production Research Company, P.O. Box 2189, Houston, TX 77252-2189, USA
(Received February 26, 1993; revised and accepted February 26, 1993 )


This is the third in a series of papers to investigate the role of organic compounds on wettability, porosity and permea-
bility of carbonate rocks. These are important reservoir characteristics that influence the performance of petroleum reser-
voirs. This paper reports dissolution studies to address diagenetic effects on carbonate porosity and permeability.
Comparative dissolution measurements were performed to assess the influence of adsorbed organic material on the
reactivity of calcite and dolomite in the geologic environment. Organic compounds that adsorb strongly on carbonate
minerals (fatty acids and carboxylated polymers) were found to dramatically inhibit dissolution, while weak adsorbates
and nonadsorbates showed little or no effect on the dissolution rates. Experiments were performed at 20 °, 50 ° and 80°C
to examine the role of organic adsorbates at reservoir temperatures, and the strong adsorbates inhibited dissolution at all
temperatures. Experiments from various initial pH's confirmed that strong adsorption is an ionic interaction and demon-
strated that the inhibition of dissolution is limited to pH's above 4.5-5.

1. Introduction swer several fundamental questions concern-

ing the influence of organic material on car-
The value of an oil reservoir depends upon bonate reservoir properties. The first paper
important rock characteristics such as poros- (Thomas et al., 1993 in this issue) reports on
ity, permeability and wettability. Porosity and investigations with model compounds to de-
permeability depend not only upon the type of termine the type of compound that adsorbs, the
facies but also on the diagenesis (physical and strength of the adsorption and its influence on
chemical changes) of the rock as it is buried. mineral wettability. The second paper (Frye
Porosity relates to the amount of oil in place, and Thomas, 1993 in this issue) reports the
and permeability relates to the rate at which abundance of fatty acids (strong adsorbates)
the oil can be produced. Wettability governs the in natural sediments and rocks. In this paper,
way that oil and water flow through the rock as we seek resolution to the question:
the reservoir is produced and can have a sig- How do organic adsorbates influence car-
nificant effect on the fraction of oil that is ul- bonate diagenesis and ultimate porosity and
timately recoverable. Organic material, if it is permeability?
present, can influence all three of these Researchers have long suspected that or-
properties. ganic coatings on carbonate particles may ex-
The purpose of this series of papers is to an- plain the enigma of supersaturation of seawa-
ter with respect to calcium carbonate and
*Correspondence to: M.M. Thomas at present affiliation:
dolomite. Supersaturation persists despite
Exxon Company, U.S.A., P.O. Box 1600, Midland, T X abundant suspended particles that should serve
79702, USA. as nucleation sites. This has prompted several

studies of the influence of organic material on although some compounds demonstrated little
carbonate dissolution and precipitation rates. or no inhibition. The strongest inhibitors were
Pesret ( 1972 ) showed that stearic acid and multifunctional aromatic molecules: gallic
albumin decrease the calcite dissolution rate by acid, mellitic acid, tannic acid, and fulvic and
a factor of 5-10. Morse (1974) studied the in- humic acids. Their limited examination of
fluence of a variety of organic compounds (in- amino acids and fatty acids resulted in weak
cluding palmitate, oleate and stearate) on the inhibition or none at all. Other work has also
rate of calcite dissolution in seawater. He found demonstrated that calcite precipitation is in-
that the dissolution rate decreased 5% when hibited by polyphenols (Reynolds, 1978 ), and
each of 22 compounds was present at a con- by sugars and alcohols (Krishnan et al., 1981 ).
centration of 200/lg 1-~, and the dissolution Mitterer and his colleagues have suggested
rate decreased 25% when each was present at a that amino acids may assist in nonbiogenic
concentration of 1000/~g 1-~. Sj/~berg (1978 ) carbonate precipitation from seawater (Mit-
employed free drift runs (such as used here) terer, 1971; Mitterer and Carter, 1977; Carter,
to study the effect of individual organic com- 1978; Carter and Mitterer, 1978; Mitterer and
pounds on calcite dissolution rate. He found Cunningham, 1978 ). They found that organic
no effect by glycine, alanine, glutamic acid, so- material rich in aspartic acid is preferentially
dium citrate, sodium succinate (each at 10-6 found with carbonate grains rather than sili-
mol l- ~) and egg albumin (at 10 mg l- ~). cates. They attribute this to the free carboxyl
Simkiss (1964) found that organic phos- group on aspartic acid and its similarity to the
phates inhibit carbonate precipitation from carbonate anion.
seawater. Kitano and Hood ( 1965 ) found that Bathurst (1975, p.254) refers to the critical
amino acids, carboxylic acids and sugars de- role that organic matter is likely to play in car-
creased precipitation rates. Chave and Suess bonate diagenesis, but little work has been done
(1967) found that the organic material pres- in this field. Jackson and Bischoff (1971)
ent in the seawater was sufficient to totally in- found that the acidic amino acids inhibited the
hibit precipitation for small quantities of cal- aragonite-calcite transformation rate, al-
cite seed crystals (presumably by coating the though the basic and neutral amino acids cat-
surfaces), whereas, when larger quantities of alyzed it. They suggest that the free carboxyl
calcite were introduced, precipitation pro- group on the acidic species chemisorbs to the
ceeded toward equilibrium. They later found carbonate and decreases its reactivity and that
that increasing organic concentrations gave the neutral and basic molecules enhance reac-
decreasing calcium carbonate precipitation tivity by a general catalytic mechanism. Cail-
rates from supersaturated solutions of artifi- leau et al. (1979), in a study aimed at calcite
cial and natural seawater (Chave and Suess, cementing, found that several organic acids,
1970). Pytkowicz (1973) found that the rate amino acids and sugars inhibited calcite growth
of spontaneous precipitation of calcium car- and influenced its morphology. Ferguson et al.
bonate from supersaturated artificial seawater (1984) took an approach closer to the natural
was decreased by magnesium ion, phosphate environment. They experimentally simulated
and citric acid. He found stearic acid (concen- the diagenesis of carbonate ooids at tempera-
tration not reported) to have no effect. tures ranging from 120 ° to 210 °C. Under
Berner et al. (1978) studied the rates of identical experimental conditions, the or-
seeded aragonite precipitation from artificial ganic-rich ooids formed only rim cements, but
seawater in the presence of a variety of pure the organic-poor ooids showed replacement
and naturally occurring materials. They found calcites. Ferguson et al. attribute this result to
rates decreased by as much as a factor of 50, the organic matter acting in a protective man-

ner, physically preventing or slowing the dis- 40% isopropanol and 60% water. Dissolution
solution/precipitation process. was followed by pH drift, measured with a cal-
Some of these investigations indicate that omel combination electrode. Either a Corn-
organic material inhibits carbonate reactivity, ing ® model 130 pH meter or a Fisher ® model
while others conclude that organic material 825 MP pH meter was used, and the output was
enhances carbonate reactivity. From the re- recorded with a Linear ® model 1800 strip chart
ported work, there is no clear resolution to this recorder. Instrument drift was checked with
apparent contradiction. The key lies in the fact fresh buffers after overnight runs, and it was
that organic material cannot be treated as a ~< +_0.02 pH-unit. Solutions were stirred with
single species. Different organics behave dif- a 0.5-in ( 1.27 cm) stir bar at a rate that kept
ferently with respect to their adsorption on the solution well mixed but did not disturb the
carbonate surfaces and their ultimate effect on crystal ( ~ 1000 rpm). Before the addition of
carbonate reactivity. In this work, we have the crystal, solutions were adjusted with hy-
coupled our investigations of organic adsorp- drochloric acid from the original pH of ~ 5.5
tion on carbonates (Thomas et al., 1993 in this to the initial pH chosen for the experiment.
issue; Frye and Thomas, 1993 in this issue) When adsorbates were soluble in this solution,
with an investigation of the influence of those they were added directly and dissolved before
same organics on carbonate dissolution rates. the crystal was inserted. When adsorbates were
This has enabled us to learn about the mecha- not soluble, crystals were pretreated 15 min in
nisms by which carbonate reactivity is influ- an appropriate solution of adsorbate and al-
enced and thus to characterize various organic lowed to dry. In these cases, the dissolution so-
c o m p o u n d types according to their influence. lution was presaturated with adsorbate by add-
ing to it a few grains or a drop of adsorbate.
2. Materials and methods Then the crystal was placed in the solution, and
pH drift was monitored. Each crystal was
Dissolution measurements were performed cleaved to yield two clean surfaces. Before test-
on single crystals of calcite or dolomite ob- ing the adsorbate, each crystal was dissolved
tained from Wards Natural Science Establish- alone to ensure that it matched a typical clean-
ment, Inc. The calcite crystals were Iceland spar crystal pH-drift curve. This did not dramati-
from Creel and Chihuahua, Mexico; only clear, cally alter the size or surface area of the crystal,
colorless samples were used. The dolomite as was demonstrated by the fact that such a run
crystals were clear and colorless or very pale could be reproduced. Crystals were rinsed once
gray from Eugui and Pamplona, Spain. X-ray in deionized distilled water and four times in
diffraction analyses showed no impurities in toluene and air dried before treatment with
either mineral. adsorbate and subsequent dissolution.
The water was building-deionized water, High-temperature studies of dissolution were
further purified by passage through an acti- carried out on a Whatman ® Dataplate 440,
vated carbon cartridge, two mixed-bed ion-ex- which is a hot plate-stir plate with a feedback
change cartridges, a 0.2 p m filter, and finally temperature probe. The actual temperature was
distilled. Wherever possible, the chemicals maintained within +_2 °C of the set
were analytical reagent quality or better; they temperature.
were used as received.
Dissolution measurements were performed 3. Results
by placing a single crystal ~1 c m × ~ l
cm × ~ 2 m m in 100 ml of deionized distilled To assess the influence of the various ad-
water, 0.100 M NaCI, or a mixed solvent of sorbed organics on carbonate reactivity, we
230 M.M. T H O M A S ET AL.

performed comparative dissolution measure- lower than the surface pH-values for those
ments. Single crystals of calcite or dolomite wells.
were dissolved in aqueous solutions. The prog- Fig. 1 shows dissolution curves for calcite
ress of dissolution was followed by pH drift. with and without adsorbed fatty acids. The
As carbonate minerals dissolve, they yield car- clean crystal dissolves rapidly and reaches its
bonate ions that consume protons to become equilibrium pH of 8 in ~ 4 hr. The role of ad-
bicarbonate ions or carbonic acid molecules, so sorbed oleate was probed in two ways. One
the pH drifts toward more basic values. Com- crystal was pretreated with a solution of oleic
parison of the pH-drift curves in the presence acid in heptane; then it was immersed in the
of adsorbed organics gave us a good indication experimental solution, which had been presa-
of the difference in carbonate reactivity. turated with a small amount of oleic acid. An-
Our experiments generally started at an ini- other fresh crystal was immersed without pre-
tial pH of 4, a realistic m i n i m u m for diagene- treatment into a solution of 1.5 m M sodium
sis. Kharaka et al. (1986) report that pH-val- oleate. (The sodium oleate is not very soluble
ues of petroleum reservoir brines typically in water, and this solution was turbid, an indi-
range from 5.5 to 7.5 at the surface and that cation of incomplete solubility.) The two
subsurface pH-values would be more acidic curves are essentially identical, so we con-
because of the CO2 and H2S dissolved in the cluded that:
brine. They report subsurface pH-values of ( 1 ) Pretreatment and immersion in a satu-
4.0-5.5 for geothermal wells, 2.5 pH-units rated aqueous solution is adequate to test the

t~ _ ~3_ E] - E]~ "~ - ~ - E3- - ~ - "~7- -[3-- "~Q- -E}- - ~ - -~3- -E3

S . ~ ,., -.4~..---~- ~
Zr- f
t .G/~ . . . . . E] CLEAN CRYSTALS

6 -- --- ~ OCTANOIC ACID

/ ,,A" -- - - ~ OLEICACID

~a, .~ - - • SODIUM OLEATE

W • U

3 i i i i ~ _ i i i i

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Fig. l. Calcite dissolution in 0.100 M NaC1 in the presence of fatty acids. Oleic acid was a d s o r b e d by p r e t r e a t m e n t in a
h e p t a n e Solution. Octanoic acid (3.2 m M ) a n d s o d i u m oleate (1.5 r m ~ ) were present in the aqueous phase during

..ak' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ~ ' - ' 4 ( - ' - - "~-'- ~ " k ~ ' - ' - ' ~ " - ~+ ~ ~ ~ "~"'-'"J¢"'-- "R'-'------~

::i: 6 U ........ CLE CRYSTALS

iV ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
3 i i i i i i i , i i

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Fig. 2. Calcite dissolution in 0.100 M NaC1 in the presence of various organics. Sodium dodecylsulfate was in the aqueous
solution (3.5 raM). Other organics were applied by pretreatment in organic solvents.

role of adsorbates with low water solubilities. The curve with octanoic acid shows some in-
(2) Oleate adsorbs on calcite quickly; it does hibition of dissolution, but not as much as oleic
not require pretreatment to inhibit dissolution. acid. While the octanoic acid adsorbs strongly,
The remaining adsorbates were applied in it is fairly soluble in water (4.7 m M ) . Some of
either of these ways, depending on their water it may be desorbing and leaving the calcite vul-
solubilities, and we assume that the results are nerable to dissolution. The C8 chain does not
independent of the method of adsorption. Both present as much of a hydrophobic barrier as
of the oleate curves show dramatic inhibition does the C~8 chain of oleic acid.
of dissolution. They drift up to pH ~ 4.6 and Fig. 2 shows dissolution curves with several
level off there. One experiment for this system
more adsorbates. None of these show signifi-
was carried out for an extended time, and it
cant inhibition of dissolution. The dicarboxy-
remained below pH 5 for a month. The PKa of
late may even enhance dissolution by com-
oleic acid is ~ 4.8; at this pH there are equal
plexing calcium in solution. These results fit
amounts of oleic acid and oleate ion in solu-
tion. At more basic pH's, the anion dominates. with our adsorption and wettability studies
The dissolution curves for oleate level off be- (Thomas et al., 1993 in this issue) that indi-
tween pH 4.5 and 5, probably because this is cate that the dicarboxylates, sulfates, sulfo-
where the a m o u n t of oleate anion, the actual nares and amines do not adsorb strongly or al-
adsorbing species, becomes appreciable in so- ter wettability.
lution. At these pH's, if an adsorbed oleate is Three carboxylated polymers and a natural
disrupted from the surface, there are sufficient geopolymer were tested for their influence of
oleates in solution to replace it. calcite dissolution, and the results are shown
232 M . M . T H O M A S E T AL.

8 ., 4]---'~-- -,D-- ~- --~- - .,El,-- - 'E3,-- - , D , - - - ~- -..El-- - B- - ~ - - ~,-- - ~---t~3

7 it



t -- ~ REAX

5 t~ ~ _ ..~.__ .& _ _ . _ ~ _ ._G..- - --d~- - - ~ - ' - - ' A

/ . ~ ~ - ..4b.----~ -'''tin _

I . . . . , ~ - ~ " ~ _ __ _.o--.o---~--o---o G --~

4 ~ ~ 'X ~ " - - - ~ ~ ~'--'~ ~ "~

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Fig. 3. Calcite dissolution in the presence of polymers. REAX® and Miltemp® were 1.4% in 0.050 M NaC1; Poly Quik
Thin ®was 0.7% in 0.100 M NaC1; and humic acid was 1.4%in 0.100 M NaC1.

in Fig. 3. The most effective inhibitor is it does not adsorb on dolomite as extensively
REAX ®, a carboxylated Kraft lignin. H u m i c as it does on calcite ( T h o m a s et al., 1993 in
acid, a natural geopolymer f o r m e d in the early this issue). Overall, the influence of these or-
diagenesis o f organic matter, inhibited nearly ganics on dolomite dissolution is essentially the
as m u c h as R E A X ®. Poly Quik Thin ®, a syn- same as it is for calcite.
thetic polyacrylate, and Miltemp ®, a synthetic To better assess the role o f these adsorbates
copolymer o f benzenesulfonate and maleic an- at reservoir temperature, we ran dissolution
hydride, also inhibit dissolution significantly. curves at 50 ° and 80°C. The results are shown
As was discussed regarding their strong ad- in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. These curves were
sorption ( T h o m a s et al., 1993 in this issue), run for just 7 hr because safety considerations
polymers possess the powerful combination of precluded us from leaving the hot plate on
the carboxylate group and multiple points of overnight. We found oleic acid to be an ex-
attachment. tremely effective inhibitor as long as the
Dolomite dissolution curves with a few of the aqueous solution was saturated with it. (In
adsorbates are presented in Fig. 4. REAX ®, the some runs in which the excess oleic acid dis-
carboxylated lignin, is the most inhibiting, as solved completely as the temperature rose, in-
it was for calcite. Oleic acid inhibits strongly, hibition was not as great. ) REAX ® did not in-
leveling off again at pH ~ 5. Sodium hexade- hibit as strongly as it did at 20°C, but it still
canesulfonate shows no effect on the dissolu- exerted a significant influence on the dissolu-
tion rate. This is what we would expect be- tion rate. We attempted the high-temperature
cause it did not inhibit calcite dissolution, and runs with octanoic acid too, but it is suffi-

_ . . . . . [] C,_EA. CRYSTALS . . . . . . . . . . .

t~'~ - - - - -,X- OLEIC ACID
I ,¢ .... A REAX

[ , ,
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


Fig. 4. Dolomite dissolution in 0.100 M NaCI in the presence of various organics. Oleic acid and the sulfonate wer~
adsorbed by pretreatment in an organic solvent. The REAX ® polymer was 1.4% in the aqueous solution.

--Ek'- . . . . . "El . . . . . 'El . . . . .

z k~

7 s
] . . . . . [] CLEAN CRYSTALS
I . . . . A REAX

/ 4 _ _ I - -
.------" ~ - -

4 ~ -"~--'-'~------'~"1~------"-"#------'-"1~'-------

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fig. 5. Calcite dissolution at 50°C in O. 100 M NaC1. Oleic acid was adsorbed by pretreatment in heptane. REAX ® was
1.4% in the aqueous solution.

s " ,,[3- . . . . . . ~ ....... --2 . . . . . . . ~] . . . . . . . "~'}-- . . . . . . -F3



// . . . . ~ REAX

~ ~ _)(_ OLEIC ACID



1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8

Fig, 6. Calcite dissolution at 80°C in 0.100 M NaC1. Oleic acid was adsorbed by pretreatment in heptane. REAX ® was
1.4% in the ac ueous solution.

8 .,~8._ .4~- - - [ 3 - - E l - - 4 ~ - - - 3 - - - [ 9 - --~--El--E}--- ~-- -E3- - -El-- --E}- _ ~ _ _ _Fj

t t . . . . [:3 CLEAN CRYSTALS
7 t




/" ^ ...A.... _N-.---.-*5- d~ dx -& H
~ 4
/, . . ~ , ~.- - e, . - -@
- ~ - ~~ . z -~~ =.- ~ .- ~ -~- ~ --- - ~- - - -- ~ ".t['"~ " " ~ ~_
--~---~-- ~t x

3 .~

1 . . ~ j "~'/

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Fig. 7. Calcite dissolution in 0.100 M NaCI from various initial pH's. Oleic acid was adsorbed by pretreatment in heptane.

ciently soluble at 50 ° and 80°C that the pH ganic molecules that cannot be experimentally
drift of calcite dissolution was obscured by the tested.
buffering of the solution by excess octanoic We found fatty acids to dramatically de-
acid. The oleic acid and REAX ® solutions were crease carbonate dissolution rates, which con-
checked for this buffering effect by titration tradicts previous investigations that showed
with base, but it was not observed there. We little or no influence of fatty acids on dissolu-
see here that fatty acids can inhibit carbonate tion (Morse, 1974) and precipitation (Pyt-
dissolution at high temperatures if they are kowicz, 1973; Berner, 1978). How can we ex-
present in sufficient quantities. Polymers are plain this apparent discrepancy? Sj/fberg
still effective, though less so than at 20 ° C. (1978, p.9) points us to the answer when he
Oleic acid was tested for its inhibiting influ- states,
ence at several more acidic initial pH's. This "only the effect of the rate-limiting step or steps, the
work addressed conditions present during aci- slowest steps, in the reaction are studied".
dization of a production well. The results are
In all three of these literature examples, the
shown in Fig. 7. All curves level off at pH's
fatty acids were added to the aqueous solution
~4.5-5. As was discussed above (p.231), this
in which the carbonate was to react. Consid-
is near the PKa of oleic acid, and the presence
ering the low aqueous solubilities of fatty acids,
of oleate in solution appears necessary for ef-
the rate-limiting steps in those studies were
fective inhibition. In the more acidic regime,
very likely transport to and adsorption on the
only the acid form of the adsorbate is present,
carbonate surface; hence the dissolution and
and some desorption probably occurs. Conse-
quently, oleic acid is not an effective inhibitor precipitation measurements tested a clean or
partially clean carbonate surface. Zullig and
of dissolution below pH ~ 4.
Morse ( 1988 ) note that:
4. Discussion "due to the solubility barrier, monolayer coverage by
adsorption cannot be achieved from aqueous solution
for palmitate and stearate at concentrations below their
In these investigations of dissolution, just as limiting solubilities",
in the adsorption studies (Thomas et al., 1993
in this issue), we have found fatty acids and which they report to be 1- 10 -7 and 6.10 -8 M,
carboxylated polymers to be the most influen- respectively. We found it necessary to pretreat
tial species. It is likely that the dissolution in- the carbonates in a heptane solution of stearic
hibition occurs as a direct result of the organic acid to obtain monolayer coverage within a
adsorbate's preventing access to the surface by reasonable laboratory time frame; only then
water molecules. The correlation of our find- did we observe dramatic dissolution inhibition.
ings in these two areas supports that notion. The majority of previous work suggests that
The wettability results (Thomas et al., 1993 in organic matter inhibits carbonate reactivity.
this issue) also corroborate the adsorption and When adsorption studies have been coupled
dissolution experiments, when one allows for with investigations of carbonate reactivity, as
the fact that not all adsorbates are oil-wet. The in our work and the work of Chave and Suess
three approaches of this experimental program (1967, 1970), the inhibition mechanism
(adsorption, wettability and dissolution ) have strongly suggested is adsorption of the organ-
served to complement one another. Together, ics on the carbonate surface. The only reported
they provide us with the complete picture of case of enhanced reactivity is with the neutral
not only what is happening but also how and and basic amino acids of Jackson and Bischoff
why it is happening. This permits us to predict (1971). Our work indicates that this type of
better the adsorption and influence of new or- organic is not adsorbed, so changes in the so-

lution chemistry probably caused the en- teria are known to preferentially consume
hanced reactivity. Therefore, we conclude that straight-chain hydrocarbons; they would at-
when organics adsorb on carbonates, they in- tack fatty-acid tails with ease.
hibit carbonate reactivity. With deep burial, temperatures may remove
This holds several implications for carbon- adsorbed organics. This was demonstrated in
ate diagenesis. Organic-rich carbonate sedi- our high-temperature dissolution studies. If we
ments will resist dissolution and precipitation maintained the system with excess fatty acid,
processes. Aragonite may be preserved to un- dissolution was inhibited effectively at 50 ° and
usual depths in the presence of an organic ma- 80 ° C. If, however, the solution became under-
trix (Bathurst, 1975, p.275 ). What controls the saturated as the temperature rose, we observed
preservation of organic matter in carbonate desorption and much less inhibition of disso-
sediments? More directly in terms of carbon- lution. The depth or temperature at which de-
ate diagenesis, this question becomes, "How sorption takes place will be determined largely
can we predict when adsorbed organic matter by the type and quantity of organic matter in
will inhibit carbonate reactivity?". the sediment and by its fluid/rock ratio.
It is important to recognize that nearly all
carbonates are formed in an environment that
5. Summary
is rich in organic matter. Many grains are bio-
genic, and others, such as ooids, are intimately
associated with organic matter (Mitterer, We draw several conclusions from this work:
1968 ). It is well known that the early diagene- ( 1 ) Carbonate mineral dissolution is inhib-
sis of organic matter includes the removal of ited by compounds that adsorb strongly, i.e.
most of the carboxyl groups (Tissot and Welte, fatty acids and carboxylated polymers. These
1984, p.71). However, our work (Frye and compounds inhibit dissolution by effectively
Thomas, 1993 in this issue) indicates that this coating the entire carbonate surface, thereby
decarboxylation may not apply to acid groups isolating it from the solution.
that are strongly bound to the carbonates or to (2) The carboxylic acids adsorb as anions.
the kerogen. Hence, the most important acids Therefore, they are effective adsorbates and
from the standpoint of carbonate diagenesis inhibitors only at pH's above 4.5-5, where they
may be preserved. The products of early sedi- exist as anions in aqueous solution.
ment diagenesis are often geopolymers that are (3) Adsorption and dissolution inhibition
also quite likely to adsorb. Thus, in the ab- decrease somewhat as temperature increases
sence of specific removal mechanisms, car- because most adsorbates exhibit enhanced
bonates are likely to be coated with either bio- aqueous solubility at elevated temperatures.
logical organics, such as the fatty acids, or However, if sufficient adsorbate is present in
geopolymers formed during burial. the system, dissolution is effectively inhibited
We can speculate on possible mechanisms for at temperatures up to 80°C (the maximum
the removal of organic coatings. We know that temperature investigated here).
carbonates typically exhibit dissolution fea-
tures when they have been exposed to an influx
of fresh water. Such a recharge not only lowers
the concentrations of calcium and carbonate
but also probably lowers the organic concen- We thank Exxon Production Research Com-
tration so that some desorption occurs over pany for permission to publish this paper. We
long periods of time. The freshwater recharge appreciate the experimental contributions of
may also carry bacteria into the system. Bac- A.M. Bishop, R.W. Brown and G.A. Otten.

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