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homeopathic medicine for prevention of mental illness

1- passiflora mother tincture 20 drops three times a day with some water
2- kali phos 6x 4 tab 3 times a day
3 - rescue remedy 30ch 2 drops 3 times a day

For Anxiety and Panic Attacks

1 -stramonium 30 2 drops in morning
2 - rescue remedy 30ch 2 drops 3 times a day
3 - aconite 30ch 2 drops 3 times a day
4- Tranquil 2 tab 2 times a day
5- argentum nitricum30 2 drops 3 times a day

For Male Weakness and Tiredness

R 26 15 to 20 drops three times a day with some water

homeopathic medicine for obesity are

1 phytolacca Berry mother tincture 20 drops 3 times a day with some water
2 fucus mother tincher 20 drops 3 times a day with some water for 1 month
3 calcarea carb 200 two drops in morning

Homeopathic medicine for Hearing loss

1 Chenopodium 6ch 2 drops 2 times a day
2 Chininum Sulph 3x 2 tablets 3 times a day
3 Hypericum 200 2 drops 2 times a day
4 Baryta carb 200 2 drops in morning
5 Mullen ear drop for ?? 2 drops 2 times a day
6 kali phos 6x 6 tab 3 times a day

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