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Heart two
5. The diagram below shows the structure of the heart and some associated blood vessels.

(a) Name the parts labelled A, B and C.

A ...................................................................................................................................

B ...................................................................................................................................

C ...................................................................................................................................

(b) Describe how the structure of the left ventricle and the parts labelled B and C enable
the left ventricle to carry out its function.











AS Unit 1: Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health: Topic 1: Lifestyle health and Risk 1
4. Heart two

(c) Many organs such as the uterus, heart and kidneys of a pregnant woman use more oxygen
than when she is not pregnant. The graph below shows the increased usage of oxygen by
these organs near the end of pregnancy, as compared with the oxygen used before

In c re a s e in 5
oxygen used
/ c m 3 m in –1 4

U te ru s H e art K id n e y s

Suggest why the use of oxygen by each of the following organs increases during pregnancy.

(i) Uterus





(ii) Heart




(Total 10 marks)

AS Unit 1: Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health: Topic 1: Lifestyle health and Risk 2
4. Heart two

6. The diagrams below show the left side of the heart at two stages of the cardiac cycle.

D ia g ra m A D ia g ra m B

(a) (i) Name structure X shown on the diagram.

X .......................................................................................................................

(ii) Name the part of the cardiac cycle illustrated by diagram B.


(iii) With reference to structures shown on diagram B, describe and explain what
happens during this phase of the cardiac cycle.







AS Unit 1: Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health: Topic 1: Lifestyle health and Risk 3
4. Heart two
(b) Balloon angioplasty is regularly used to unblock coronary arteries that have been affected
by atherosclerosis. The procedure is shown in the diagram below.

G u id in g c a th e te r N a rro w e d c o ro n a ry a rte ry

B a llo o n c a th e te r w ith
u n in fla te d b a llo o n

B a llo o n c a th e te r w ith
p a rtia lly in fla te d b a llo o n

B a llo o n c a th e te r w ith
in fla te d b a llo o n

U n b lo c k e d c o ro n a ry a rte ry

(i) Suggest why the patient may experience chest pain as a result of this partial
blocking of one of the coronary arteries.






(ii) Suggest why the walls of the artery return to their original position once the
balloon is removed.


........................................................................................................................... (1)

AS Unit 1: Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health: Topic 1: Lifestyle health and Risk 4
4. Heart two
(c) Explain why doctors may advise a patient to try a balloon angioplasty in preference to an
operation such as a coronary bypass.





(d) Suggest why atherosclerosis usually affects coronary arteries but not coronary veins.


(Total 12 marks)

7. The graphs below show some of the pressure and volume changes that take place in the left side
of the heart during part of a cardiac cycle.

120 K ey
11 0 L e ft v e n tric le
Vo lu m e / c m
T im e

14 K ey
12 A o rta
P re ssu re / k P a
10 L e ft v e n tric le

T im e

AS Unit 1: Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health: Topic 1: Lifestyle health and Risk 5
4. Heart two

(a) Using information from the graphs above, describe and explain the events which produce
the change in the volume of blood in the left ventricle between the times A and B.







(b) During a cardiac cycle, a wave of electrical activity spreads over the atria and ventricles.

(i) Name the group of cells that initiates the wave of electrical activity that controls
the cardiac cycle.


(ii) State where in the heart this group of cells is located.


(iii) Describe and explain how the electrical activity of the heart ensures that the
ventricles begin contracting from the apex (base) of the heart.





(Total 9 marks)

AS Unit 1: Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health: Topic 1: Lifestyle health and Risk 6
4. Heart two
8. The graph below shows changes in the blood pressure in the aorta and the left ventricle during
two complete cardiac cycles.


P re ssu re 1 5 A o rtic p re s s u re
/ kPa

L e ft
v e n tric u la r
p re ssu re
0 0 .2 0 .4 0 .6 0 .8 1 .0 1 .2 1 .4 1 .6 1 .8
T im e /s

(a) On the graph, draw an arrow to show when the left atrioventricular (mitral) valve closes.

(b) Use the information in the graph to calculate the heart rate. Show your working.

Answer ..................................

(c) During the cardiac cycle, the pressure in the left ventricle falls to a much lower level than
in the aorta. Suggest an explanation for this difference.





(d) During the cardiac cycle, the pressure in the right ventricle rises to a maximum of
about 3.3 kPa. Suggest reasons for the difference between this pressure and the maximum
pressure in the left ventricle.





……………………………………………….……………………………………… (3)
(Total 9 marks)

AS Unit 1: Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health: Topic 1: Lifestyle health and Risk 7

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