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โรงเรียนมงคลวิทยา อําเภอเมือง จังหวัดระยอง

ข้อสอบกลางภาค ภาคเรียนที่ 1 ระดับชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 3 เวลา 60 นาที

รายวิชาภาษาอังกฤษพื้นฐาน รหัสวิชา อ23101 คะแนน 20 คะแนน
คําชี้แจง ข้อสอบแบ่งออกเป็น 4 ตอน
Part A : ข้อ 1-5 : ภาษาอังกฤษเพื่อการสื่อสาร (5 คะแนน)
Part B : ข้อ 6-15 : ไวยากรณ์ภาษาอังกฤษ (10 คะแนน)
Part C : ข้อ 16-25 : คําศัพท์ (20 คะแนน)
Part D : ข้อ 26-30 : การอ่านเชิงวิเคราะห์ (5 คะแนน)
Part A : Choose the best answer. (ข้อ 1-5) 5 คะแนน
Situation : Nisa seen Frank in the morning in front of the school library.
Nisa : Good morning , Frank . ……………………(1)………………………..?
Frank: Good morning , Nisa . ………………………(2)………………… . And you ?
1. a. What have you been doing ? b. Is’n it nice to see you here?
c. How are you today? d .What are you doing here?
2. a. That’s fine. b. I’m very well , thank you.
c. I’m leaving now. d. It’s quite all right.
Situation : Helene is talking to her frien at school.
Helene : How often do you excercisr ?
Jenny : …………………………..(3)……………………………….. .
3. a. I go to gym three time a week . b. I enjoy talking to you.
c. I love windsurfinf ater school . d. Can I ask a few question?
From the picture , a response to each Question .

4. a. it’s boring . b. it’s interesting.

c. the show is funny. d. I went to bed late last night.

5. a. yes I’m angry. b. yes, I’m bussy

c. No, I’m just bored d. No, I’m surprised.
Part B : Structure and Writing. (ข้อ 6-15) 10 คะแนน

1. like 2. any juice 3. would you 4. with your

6. a. 1 2 3 4 b. 4 3 2 1 c. 3 1 2 4 d. 4 1 3 2

1. some 2. there is 3. for the hot dog 4. ketchup and mustard

7. a. . 1 2 3 4 b. 4 3 2 1 c. 2 1 3 4 d. 2 1 4 3

8. A: ……………………………….does the club meet ?

B: Only twice a week.
a. How b. How often c. How many d. How much
9. I like ………………………. Computer games . I usually play two or three hours a day.
a. play b. plays c. played d. playing
10. Is there ………………………. Sugar in the fruit salad ?
a. any b. some c. a few d. none
11. Because he doesn’t ………………….hard , his grades at school are very bad .
a. study b. studies c. studying d. studied
12. These shoes ……………………………. Very nice .
a. doesn’t looks b. doesn’t look c. don’t look d. don’t looks

13. We always …………………………. New Year in Bangkok.

a. celebrate b. celebrates c. celebrated d. celebrating
14. Which word is spelled correctly?
a. dangerus b. disapointed c. worried d. nervus
15. Which is not correct?
a. fast ≠ slow b. ugly ≠ beautiful
c. interesting ≠ surprising d. lazy ≠ intelligent
Part C : Vocabulary. (ข้อ 16-25) 20 คะแนน
A: Choose the word that doesn’t belong in each line. (เลือก a, b, c, d or e ที่ไม่เข้าพวก)

ข้อที่ a b c d e คําตอบ
16 Hat shoes Cell phone Dress T-shire ……………..
17 Bottle can box Jar Store ……………..
18 Hot dogs Potatoes oranges Meat Eggs ……………..
19 mall library because Bank School ……………..
20 onion pear melon Apple Mango ……………..
21 mink mustard water Tea Coffee ……………..
22 brush practice day Meet Prefer ……………..
23 beans flour cheese Ham Sugar ……………..
24 bored bottle angry Happy Worried ……………..
25 always never often many seldom ……………..

B: Match the categories with words in Exercise A

(จับคู่คําในคอลัมน์ A โดยนําอักษร a ,b, c ฯลฯ ไปใส่ข้างหลัง)
a. Countable nouns f. moods and feelings
b. Frequency adverbs g. place
c. Verbs h. drinks
d. Fruits i. clothes
e. uncountable nouns j. containers
Part D : Reading (ข้อ 26-30) 10 คะแนน
A: Read the personal advertisment. If the sentence is True , put (X) in A .
IF it is False,( X) in B.

26. …………………………….Louis , dislike playing soccer.

27. ……………………………. Louis’s girlfriend is ugly and nervous.
28……………………………… Lara is fat and lazy.
29. …………………………….Lara doesn’t enjoy visiting museums and reading.
B: Advertisment
30. Miss Marisa is just a sweet young lady of 19, a television performer. Many people
watch her musical program on TV every week. She always wears a stylish dress. She
also keeps her figure slender and slim.
Which order should Miss Marisa choose for her breakfast ?
a. English Breakfast and scrambled egg , roll, milk.
b. Continental Breakfast and roll, butter milk , oatmeal.
c. Ham and egg , hot chocolate , toast , butter , cheery , marmalade, orange juice
d. Bacon and egg, roll , raspberry yoghurt , tomato juice oatmeal , corn flakes ,
fresh fruit.


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