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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JBHI.2015.2404971, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

Multiobjective Simulated Annealing based

Clustering of Tissue Samples for Cancer Diagnosis
Sudipta Acharya, Student Member, IEEE Sriparna Saha, Member, IEEE and Yamini Thadisina

Abstract—In the field of pattern recognition, the study of the of tissue samples. So the size of the matrix is n × d. Each
gene expression profiles of different tissue samples over different element ekj of the matrix M represents expression level of
experimental conditions has become feasible with the arrival of k th gene corresponding to j th tissue sample. Any clustering
micro-array based technology. In cancer research, classification
of tissue samples is necessary for cancer diagnosis, which can [5] method is aimed to partition n number of data-points into
be done with the help of micro-array technology. In this article K number of clusters or groups. Depending on any similarity
we have presented a multiobjective optimization (MOO) based or dissimilarity metric, the partitioning is done. Number of
clustering technique utilizing AMOSA (Archived Multiobjective clusters, K, is not always known in advance.
Simulated Annealing) as the underlying optimization strategy Gene markers are those genes which are significantly re-
for classification of tissue samples from cancer data sets. The
presented clustering technique is evaluated for three open source sponsible for distinguishing one tumor class from another
benchmark cancer data sets (Brain tumor data set, Adult hence one tissue sample from another. Using the clustering
Malignancy and Small Round Blood Cell Tumors (SRBCT)). In solutions generated by our presented MOO based clustering
order to evaluate the quality or goodness of produced clusters, algorithm, we identify relevant gene markers using Signal-
two cluster quality measures viz, Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) to-noise (SNR) based ranking methodology. The relevancy of
and Classification Accuracy (%CoA) are calculated. Comparative
results of the presented clustering algorithm with 10 state-of-the- our identified gene markers has been shown with the help of
art existing clustering techniques are shown for three benchmark heatmap.
data sets. Also, we have conducted a statistical significance test Archived Multiobjective Simulated Annealing
called t-test to prove the superiority of our presented MOO based (AMOSA)[8], an existing simulated annealing based
clustering technique over other clustering techniques. Moreover,
algorithm for multiobjective optimization (MOO) has been
significant gene markers have been identified and demonstrated
visually from the clustering solutions obtained. In the field of successfully applied in the domain of classification and
cancer subtype prediction this work can have important impact. clustering of data. In [8] it has been experimentally shown
that AMOSA performs much better than NSGA-II [7] and
Index Terms—Multiobjective Optimization, Clustering, some other recent MOO techniques for solving many objective
AMOSA, Gene marker, ARI index, %CoA index. optimization problems. Inspired by these observations, in the
current paper we have developed a MOO based clustering
technique using the search capability of AMOSA. The
I. I NTRODUCTION proposed algorithm is applied for partitioning samples from
The study of the gene expression profiles of different tissue cancer data sets. It optimizes three internal cluster validity
samples over different experimental conditions has become indices namely XB (Xie-Beni) index[9], FCM (Fuzzy C-
possible with the advent of micro-array technology. This study means) index[9], PBM (Pakhira, Bandyopadhyay and Maulik)
has important role in cancer research. Classification of tissue index[9] simultaneously during clustering process.
samples is necessary for cancer diagnosis, which can be done
with the help of micro-array technology. For classification of
A. Related Work
different types of tissues it is necessary to organize micro-
array data set as samples versus gene fashion. In micro-array Several previous works exist for classification of tissue
data sets, classification of tissue samples into different classes samples of cancer data sets. But most of them are either super-
like benign (non-cancerous) cells or malignant (cancerous) vised or semi-supervised classification [16], [17] techniques.
cells can be termed as binary cancer cell classification. But These classification methodologies help in cancer diagnosis
when tissue samples belong to different cancer sub types, it by classifying tumor samples as benign or malignant or any
is called multiple class cancer cell classification problem. It other sub types [2], [3], [4]. But in many cases it may be
is more complex compared to problem of binary cancer cell possible that labelled tissue samples are not available. For
classification. In this article, we have solved the multiple-class example microRNA data sets used in [19] or real life gene
cancer cell classification problem. expression data sets used in [20] are some unlabeled data
A micro-array gene expression data set can be represented sets. No labelled data information is provided there. In those
as a 2D matrix M containing d number of genes and n number cases role of unsupervised classification or clustering comes
into play. In this article, we have proposed some unsupervised
S. Acharya, S. Saha and Y. Thadisina are with the Department of Computer classification techniques to classify cancer tissue samples.
Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India.
E-mail: sudiptaacharya.2012@gmail.com, sriparna.saha@gmail.com, Evolutionary algorithms or Genetic algorithms (GAs)[20]
yaminireddy6@gmail.com are some widely used optimization techniques utilized for

2168-2194 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JBHI.2015.2404971, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

unsupervised clustering [9]. A single fitness function or cluster combine the solutions of the final Pareto optimal front.
quality measure is used in majority of the already existing But without taking help of any post-processing tech-
genetic algorithm based clustering techniques [18] in order to nique, the proposed AMOSA based clustering technique
measure the goodness of the encoded partitions. In this article outperforms MOGASVM in terms of existing quality
we represent the problem of cancer tissue sample clustering measurements.
as a MOO [9], [7] problem. • Thus the proposed approach provides a way to obtain rel-
In [13], a MOO based clustering technique is developed evant partitioning of cancer tissues with less complexity.
using the search capability of NSGA-II (non-dominated sort- • Gene markers identified by the proposed technique are
ing genetic algorithm-II) [7] for gene marker identification also highly relevant.
from cancer tissue samples. Thereafter, a novel method is • Note that the proposed technique is based on the search
proposed to combine the solutions of the final Pareto optimal capability of AMOSA. In [8] it has been experimentally
front using the principles of Support Vector Machine (SVM) proved that AMOSA performs much better than the ex-
[15]. Note that in general time complexities of MOO based isting techniques for solving multiobjective optimization
clustering techniques are much higher compared to the tradi- problems. AMOSA often reaches the final Pareto optimal
tional clustering techniques like K-means etc. Thus the post- front but the existing multiobjective optimization based
processing technique proposed in [13] further increases the techniques are not capable of reaching the global Pareto
time complexity. It involves the training and testing time of optimal front. This is because in AMOSA there is a
SVM which would increase with the increase in sample size. positive probability of accepting some bad solutions.
This feature helps AMOSA to reach the global Pareto
optimal front like the traditional optimization techniques
B. Scope of the Work
(e.g., genetic algorithms (GA) and SA). But the existing
In this article we have proposed a new MOO based clus- multiobjective evolutionary algorithms are designed in
tering technique for cancer cell classification and for iden- such a way so that they often get stuck at local Pareto
tification of relevant gene markers. Our proposed clustering optimal front. This is the reason behind getting improved
mechanism is applied on three open source cancer data sets, results by AMOSA based technique.
namely Brain tumor, Adult malignancy and SRBCT. Our The superiority of our proposed clustering algorithm based
proposed technique is also compared with some state-of- on AMOSA over other chosen algorithms is illustrated both
the-art clustering algorithms with respect to two clustering visually and quantitatively. A statistical significance test is
performance metrics namely, Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) [13] conducted in order to prove the superiority of our presented
and Percentage Classification Accuracy (CoA%) [13]. Ex- clustering algorithm over other algorithms. Finally, it has been
perimental results support our assumptions that the proposed shown that clustering solutions generated by our proposed
AMOSA based clustering technique will perform much better MOO based algorithm can be used to identify relevant gene
than the existing clustering algorithms. Obtained results prove markers for Brain tumor dataset.
that the proposed AMOSA based clustering technique with-
out using any post-processing mechanism (without using the
advantages of SVM) performs much better than MOGASVM
approach, which utilizes the advantages of both NSGA-II [7]
and SVM, as well as other chosen clustering algorithms. Thus This section describes the proposed MOO based clustering
the proposed approach is highly relevant in the field of cancer technique in detail. The proposed technique is a generalized
subtype classification and gene marker identification where unsupervised clustering algorithm that is capable of partition-
with a less time-complex system we can achieve better results. ing the given data set based on the available unlabeled data.
The main contributions of the current paper are as follows: During clustering it does not utilize any labeled information.
After execution of the proposed technique, a set of optimal
• The cancer tissue classification problem is treated as a
solutions is obtained. In order to select a single solution from
MOO problem. Thereafter, a modern MOO technique
the final Pareto front, some labeled data (10%) are utilized.
based on the concepts of simulated annealing (SA),
Thus labeled data are not required for execution of the MOO
namely AMOSA, a newly developed multiobjective sim-
based clustering technique. Some partial labeled information is
ulated annealing based optimization technique [8] is
required for selecting a single solution, but any other method
utilized to develop a clustering technique to solve the
could have been used here.
particular problem of cancer tissue classification.
The different steps of the proposed algorithm are described
• Experimental results on three open access data sets show
that AMOSA based clustering technique outperforms all
the state-of-the-art clustering techniques including a re-
cently introduced MOO based clustering technique, MO- A. Input Pre-processing
GASVM utilizing the search capability of NSGA-II [7], Before the application of any clustering algorithm, some
a genetic algorithm based MOO technique. MOGASVM pre-processing steps are required to be performed on input
is a combination of MOO based clustering along with data to make it compatible to the proposed algorithm. In our
a post-processing technique based on the principles of work we have performed some pre-processing on each data
SVM. Here a SVM based methodology is developed to set. Across all samples those genes are selected which are

2168-2194 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JBHI.2015.2404971, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

having maximum variability. Initially variances of all genes search methodology of AMOSA we simultaneously optimize
over all samples have been calculated. Next a sorted list these three objective functions.
of genes according to their variances is created. Top 200 1) Membership of Tissue Samples to Different Clusters:
genes having largest variances are selected from that list. It is In this part, the membership values of tissue samples or
desirable that genes having larger variances are more capable data points to different clusters are calculated using the
of distinguishing tumor samples having different classes than well-known Fuzzy C-means algorithm [9]. To achieve
genes having lower variances. In the next pre-processing step, this, for each data point its distance is measured with
log-transformation is done on the expression values of genes. respect to each cluster center separately. According to
At the end, each tissue sample is normalized to variance 1 and FCM algorithm, data points which are more similar
mean 0. to a particular center have more membership values.
Thereafter the degree of membership of xi with respect
B. String Representation and Archive Initialization to cluster center cj , represented as µij is computed as
AMOSA starts its execution after initializing the archive 1
µij = PK d (x ,c ) 1 , (2)
with some alternative random solutions. It utilizes the concept e i j
l=1 [ de (xi ,cl ) ]

of string to represent each individual solution. To encode

the clustering problem in the form of a string, center based Where, m represents a real number having value greater
representation is used. Each archive member represents one than 1. Here we have used Euclidean distance for mea-
clustering solution by itself i.e., one way of partitioning dif- suring distances between data point and cluster center.
ferent tissue samples into different clusters. Different archive 2) Objective Functions:
members have different lengths. Let us assume that our chosen To measure the quality of each solution, three objective
data set contains n number of samples and each sample has functions are calculated. To get some optimized solu-
d number of gene expression values. n and d are specific to a tions, values of XB [9] and FCM [9] indices correspond-
data set. Let us assume that archive member i represents the ing to a particular solution should be minimized and the
centroids of Ki clusters and then the array or archive member value of PBM index [9] should be maximized. These
has length li where li = d ∗ Ki . three objective functions are optimized simultaneously
Each data point represents a sample of d number of gene using the search capability of AMOSA. The mathe-
expression values and each cluster centroid ck is defined by a matical explanations of different objective functions are
vector of d expression values. described in the supplementary file.
Each centroid used in string encoding is atomic in nature
i.e., during mutation if we insert one centroid, then all the D. Search Operators
contained expression values will be inserted. Similarly if we In order to explore the search space, perturbation operations
perform deletion during mutation, all expression values of the are used in SA to generate new solution from the current
chosen centroid will be deleted. solution. In case of AMOSA based clustering, we have used
The number of centroids, Ki , encoded in a string i is chosen three different mutation operators. These are defined below:
randomly between two limits Kmin and Kmax . The following 1) Mutation 1: This is used to change each cluster center
equation is chosen to determine this value: by some small amount. Each cluster center encoded in
a string is modified with a random variable which is
Ki = (rand()mod(Kmax − 1)) + 2. (1) drawn using a Laplacian distribution , p(ǫ) ∝ e− δ .

Here, rand() is a function returning a random integer number Scaling factors µ and δ are used to measure magnitudes
and Kmax is the upper-limit of the number of clusters. The of mutation. The value of scaling factor δ is generally
minimum number of clusters is assumed to be 2. The number 1.0. The Laplacian distribution is used to generate a
of whole clusters present in a particular string/ member of value near the old value and the old value is replaced
archive can therefore vary in the range of 2 to Kmax . For the with the newly generated value. If a center is selected
initialization step, these Ki cluster centroids represented in a for mutation then for all of its dimensions mutation is
string are some randomly generated samples from the cancer applied.
data set. 2) Mutation 2: In this type of mutation the size of the
string is decreased by one. From the string a cluster
center is chosen randomly and then deleted. As each
C. Assignment of Points and Computation of Objective Func- cluster center is considered to be indivisible, so by
tions deleting a cluster center all of its dimensional values
After the initialization of archive members with some ran- are removed.
domly generated cluster centroids, assignment of n samples 3) Mutation 3: This mutation is used to increase the size
or data points (where n = total number of tissue samples in a of the string by one. This is performed by inserting a
particular data set) to different clusters is performed. Next, we new center in the string. Similar to 2nd type mutation
compute three cluster quality measures, XB index[9], FCM here also each center is considered to be indivisible.
index[9], PBM index[9], which are used as three objective Each string goes through any one of the above mentioned
functions for each solution or string. Thereafter using the types of mutation operation and generates a new string.

2168-2194 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JBHI.2015.2404971, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

E. Selecting Best Clustering Solution from the Pareto Optimal to identify gene markers from MGLIO class, this problem is
Front treated as a two-class classification problem where one class is
A set of non dominated solutions is produced by any MOO MGLIO itself and other one corresponds to remaining tumor
technique [9] on its final Pareto front. We have plotted final class. Now after taking into consideration both of these classes,
Pareto front obtained by our proposed approach for three a statistic called Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)[1] is calculated
datasets. These are shown in the supplementary file. Each of for each of the genes. It is defined as,
the point on the final Pareto front represents one complete µ1 − µ2
clustering solution. Each of these non-dominated solutions SN R = × 100, (3)
σ1 + σ2
corresponds to a complete assignment of all data-points of
chosen data set to different clusters. In the absence of addi- where µi and σi , i ∈ [1, 2] respectively denote the mean
tional information, any of those solutions can be selected as the and standard deviation of class i for the corresponding gene.
optimal solution. In this approach we have selected the best Having large absolute SNR value for a gene indicates that
solution using external cluster validity index, ARI measure expression value of that gene is high in one class and low
[13]. In case of Cancer tissue classification we have some in another class. For each gene its SNR value is calculated
limited amount of labeled/supervised information available. and sorted in descending order of their values. From that list
We have utilized a semi-supervised approach to select a single top 10 genes are selected (among 10, 5 are up regulated and
solution. Our assumption is that for 10% data points, class other 5 are down regulated) for each sub type of a particular
label information is known. Based on these information ARI data set for example MGLIO sub type. For other sub types, 10
value is computed over these 10% data points for each solution gene markers for each type are selected similarly. It has been
on the Pareto optimal front. The solution having highest ARI observed that the final set of 10 selected gene markers changes
value is selected as the best solution. The ARI is calculated slightly after each execution of the proposed AMOSA based
according to Eqn 3. clustering. So we have reported those gene markers which
have highest frequencies over 20 runs. Frequencies of different
III. E XPERIMENTAL S ETUP genes are also reported.

A. Data-sets
In this article we have chosen three publicly
The performance of the proposed MOO based clustering
available data-sets, Brain Tumor (http:// algorith-
technique using the concepts of AMOSA is compared with
mics.molgen.mpg.de/Static/Supplements/), Adult Malignancy
other state-of-the-art clustering algorithms like MOGASVM
(http:// algorithmics.molgen.mpg.de/Static/Supplements/)
[13], Expectation Maximization Clustering (EM) [10], K-
and Small Round Blood Cell Tumor
means clustering [5], hierarchical average linkage clustering
(SRBCT) (http://www.ailab.si/supp/ bi-
[5], SiMM-TS clustering[6], Self Organizing Map (SOM)
cancer/projections/info/SRBCT.htm.). Brain tumor dataset
clustering [11] and consensus clustering [12]. Consensus clus-
contains total 42 number of tumor samples and 5 different
tering contains three approaches to ensemble cluster, which are
classes. Adult Malignancy dataset contains 190 number of
Cluster based Similarity Partitioning Algorithm (CSPA), Meta-
tumor samples and total 14 classes. For Small Round Blood
Clustering Algorithm (MCLA) and HyperGraph Partitioning
Cell Tumor dataset, there are total 63 number of samples and
Algorithm (HGPA). These three cluster ensemble techniques
4 classes.
combine the clustering solutions which are found by EM,
SOM, K-means and average linkage clustering techniques.
B. Evaluation Metrics
We have chosen two metrics for evaluating clustering solu- A. Input Parameters
tions with respect to actual or true clustering solutions. Those
We have executed AMOSA based clustering technique on
are Adjusted Rand Index or ARI [13] and Percentage Clas-
three gold standard data sets: Adult Malignancy, Brain tumor
sification Accuracy or %CoA [13]. Higher values of %CoA
and SRBCT. The proposed algorithm is executed with the
and ARI signify good compatibility between the clustering
following parameter combinations:
solution and true clustering solution.
Tmin = 0.0001, Tmax = 100, α = 0.9, HL = 100, SL = 200
and iter = 100.
C. Gene Marker Identification The parameter values are determined after conducting a thor-
In this section we have shown how relevant gene mark- ough sensitivity study. The three main parameters that we have
ers (i.e., genes which are mostly responsible to distinguish selected by sensitivity study are,
different classes of tumor samples) can be identified from (i) initial value of temperature (Tmax ),
the clustering outcome of AMOSA. In this paper we have (ii) cooling schedule,
identified gene markers for Brain tumor data set from its (iii) number of iterations to be performed at each temperature.
clustering output. For this, at first clustering solutions are According to [8] initial value of the temperature should be so
collected by executing AMOSA on pre-processed Brain tumor chosen that it allows the SA to perform a random walk over
data set. The data set is clustered into 5 tumor classes viz. the landscape. As in [8] we have set the initial temperature
are MGLIO, RHAB, NCER, PNET and MD class. In order to achieve an initial acceptance rate of approximately 50% on

2168-2194 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JBHI.2015.2404971, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

derogatory proposals. The geometrical cooling schedule α is Table I except MOGASVM) for clustering tissue samples
chosen in the range between 0.5 and 0.99 according to [8]. of Adult Malignancy, Brain tumor and SRBCT data sets
We have varied the value of α between this range by keeping in terms of ARI and %CoA. These results are as desired
other parameters constant. Finally the value of α for which because MOO is expected to perform better than SOO. But
we got the best ARI value of the produced solution is chosen the interesting part of our obtained results is that AMOSA
as the value of the cooling rate α. The third factor i.e., the based MOO clustering algorithm performs better than another
number of iterations per temperature should be so chosen that MOO based clustering algorithm, MOGASVM. MOGASVM
the system is sufficiently close to the stationary distribution clustering algorithm is a combination of NSGA-II and SVM
at that temperature. We have chosen value of iter=100. By [13] (after getting clustering solutions using NSGA-II[7],
further increasing the value of iter the ARI value of resulting those are combined using majority voting concept following
solution did not improve. So we kept iter=100. the principles of SVM [15]). But without taking advantage of
To get consistent and standard solutions for all the chosen SVM, AMOSA solely performs better than MOGASVM.
data sets, we have considered the upper mentioned setting of
parameters. We have taken results of all 10 selected state-of- We have also conducted experiments on the three data sets
the-art clustering algorithms for all three data-sets. The results using other objective functions like Sensitivity [21], Specificity
are shown in Table II. [21] and Classification accuracy. Note that all these three
objective functions require true clustering information of the
given data sets. Thus they are not applicable for unlabeled
data sets. In general the proposed approach is an unsupervised
clustering technique. It is applied on a given data set to
partition it without using any labeled information. Thus some
internal cluster validity indices are used in the current paper
as the objective functions.
The ARI and %CoA index values obtained using the
proposed approach where three objective functions, Sensitiv-
ity, Specificity and Classification accuracy are simultaneously
optimized are also shown in Table I. From this table we can see
for Brain tumor data set ARI and %CoA values obtained by
this approach are better than our original approach (AMOSA
with objective functions XB, PBM and FCM index). But for
Adult Malignancy and SRBCT data sets our original approach
provides better results compared to the approach which con-
siders Sensitivity, Specificity and Classification accuracy as
Fig. 1: The heatmap of the expression levels of the most fre- objective functions.
quently selected top 10 gene markers for each tumor subtype We have also obtained results after conducting 10 fold cross
in the Brain tumor data validation test for computing the objective function values on
three data sets. Here each of the data sets is divided into 10
subsets where all the classes are present in equal proportions.
At a time 9 of the subsets are merged together and the original
B. Clustering Performance version of the proposed algorithm is applied on it. For each of
In Table I we have reported the average %CoA and average the obtained solutions on the final Pareto optimal front, class
ARI values obtained by all the chosen clustering algorithms labels are assigned to the data points of the rest subset using
for 20 consecutive runs for Adult malignancy, Brain tumor the minimum center distance based criterion. The ARI value
and SRBCT data sets. For a given partitioning, in order to is calculated for the points on this subset. The solution having
determine which cluster corresponds to which cancer type, the maximum value of ARI is selected as the best solution
majority vote based approach [27] is utilized. We need to for this subset. The above mentioned approach is repeated 10
determine the cancer class of the majority data points of a times varying the subset as the test set. For each of the run,
given cluster. If the actual class label information of all the cluster quality measures are calculated for the whole data set.
data points is given, then it is easy to determine this value. For The average values over 10 runs for all the data sets are also
an obtained cluster, we need to find the actual class labels of reported in Table I.
all the samples. Now calculate the frequency of occurring of For Adult malignancy data set, AMOSA clustering tech-
each cancer type within this particular cluster. The cancer type nique(Considering XB, PBM and FCM index as objective
with the highest frequency would be the type of that obtained functions) attains improvements of 3.81%, 1.25% for ARI
cluster. In case labeled information is not available, we need and %CoA metrics, respectively, over MOGASVM clustering
to take help of some human annotators to assign some class technique. For Brain tumor data-set these improvements are
label to each obtained cluster. From Table I, we can conclude 5.33% and 3.65% for ARI and %CoA metrics respectively,
that AMOSA performs much better than all of SOO based over MOGASVM. For SRBCT data set these improvements
clustering algorithms provided in table (all algorithms in are 36.7% and 14.44% respectively. It is very clear from the

2168-2194 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JBHI.2015.2404971, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

TABLE I: The average ARI and %CoA scores for the Adult malignancy, Brain tumor and SRBCT data generated by 20
consecutive runs of different algorithms

Algorithms Adult-malignancy Brain Tumor SRBCT

AMOSA(with XB, PBM, FCM indices) 0.84830 97.673120 0.755430 91.742230 0.700913 87.7112
AMOSA(with Specificity, Sensitivity, Classification accuracy) 0.816124 93.4878 0.763530 92.5962 0.498779 70.5223
AMOSA(Using 10 fold cross validation) 0.839784 95.24347 0.72867 90.21434 0.5186757 78.5354657
K-means 0.69240 92.54410 0.57640 84.51440 0.3135 70.1903
MOGASVM 0.81720 96.47180 0.71720 88.5150 0.5126 76.6412
SGA 0.74910 95.78580 0.63250 87.14330 0.3198 70.8193
EM 0.72510 94.72940 0.55810 83.14570 0.3376 71.1295
SOM 0.59170 92.8100 0.62140 87.03760 0.3872 71.7845
Avg. Linkage 0.619 93.04370 0.46030 78.28110 0.1021 49.0527
CSPA 0.73310 95.08010 0.60280 85.99840 0.3922 72.0297
SiMM-TS 0.78230 96.01390 0.68920 87.9110 0.4628 74.4853
MCLA 0.73980 95.28130 0.59740 86.45430 0.3902 71.9764
HGPA 0.71920 94.05490 0.52950 83.94160 0.2839 67.4533

Table I, that for all three data sets AMOSA outperforms all chosen datasets. To prove superiority of AMOSA statistically,
other state-of-the-art clustering algorithms in terms of ARI a statistical significance test is conducted (also known as t-test)
and %CoA values. Results on all the data sets show that the at 5% significance level. Eleven groups, corresponding to the
proposed AMOSA based clustering technique performs much eleven algorithms (1.AMOSA 2. MOGASVM, 3. K-means, 4.
better than MOGASVM in terms of both the performance EM, 5. SGA, 6. average linkage, 7. SOM, 8. SiMM-TS, 9.
measurements. Note that MOGASVM utilizes the advantages CSPA, 10. HGPA, 11. MCLA) are created for all datasets.
of both multiobjective genetic algorithm based optimization Now between each two groups (a group corresponding to
technique (MOGA) and support vector machine (SVM)[15]. AMOSA and another group corresponding to any algorithm
It uses MOGA to solve the clustering problem and then among 10 selected algorithms) the p-values produced by t-
utilizes the principles of SVM to combine the solutions on test are reported in Table II. As null hypothesis we assume
the final Pareto optimal front. Thus the time complexity of that there is insignificant difference between mean values
MOGASVM involves the time requirement of MOGA and of two groups. According to alternative hypothesis there are
training and testing time of SVM [15]. But experimental significant differences in the mean values of two groups. It
results show that without using any extra post-processing can be seen that all of the p-values in Table II are less than
procedure, the proposed AMOSA based clustering technique 0.05 (5% significance level). It strongly indicates that the null
produces better results than MOGASVM. Thus the proposed hypothesis is wrong and the better mean values of the %CoA
clustering technique is less time-complex than MOGASVM. It index produced by AMOSA are statistically significant and
avoids the training and testing time of SVM but still achieves have not occurred by chance.
better results than MOGASVM. This proves the effectiveness
of the proposed algorithm. Thus the proposed AMOSA based
D. Gene Markers for Brain Tumor Dataset
clustering technique is more relevant for clustering cancer tis-
sue samples as compared to existing techniques. Experimental In Figure 1 the identified relevant gene markers are shown
results on three bench mark data sets show that it provides by heatmap of sample vs gene matrix of Brain tumor data set.
better results with reasonable time. In that figure each row represents each one of the identified
In order to measure the performance of our chosen algo- gene markers and each column represents class name of
rithm we have also chosen one internal cluster validity index the sample. So there are total 50 rows corresponding to
known as Silhouette index [26]. It can vary from -1 to 1 50 identified gene markers. Each cell in heatmap represents
and a good clustering solution is having higher Silhouette expression level of the corresponding gene marker in terms
index value. Our proposed approach has obtained Silhouette of color. High expression level is represented as Red color,
index values of 0.5679, 0.5832 and 0.72380, respectively for while green represents low expression level and absence of
three different data sets, Adult Malignancy, Brain tumor and differential expression values are represented by black. From
SRBCT. the figure it is clear that our selected gene markers have either
high expression levels (up regulated) or low expression levels
(low regulated) over all samples of respective tumor class.
C. Statistical Significance Test In supplementary file we have reported the top 10 gene
In Table I, it has been shown that the average %CoA markers along with their descriptions, frequencies of selection
values obtained by AMOSA are better than those obtained of each gene over 20 runs of AMOSA and up/down regulation
by all the chosen state-of-the-art algorithms (1. MOGASVM, states for the MGLIO, RHAB, NCER, PNET and MD tumor
2. K-means, 3. EM, 4. SGA, 5. average linkage, 6. SOM, 7. classes, respectively.
SiMM-TS, 8. CSPA, 9. HGPA, 10. MCLA) for all of three We have also performed some literature search in order to

2168-2194 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JBHI.2015.2404971, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

TABLE II: The p-values produced by t-test comparing AMOSA with other algorithms
p values
Adult Malignancy 3.11E-023 8.3E-011 1.09E-014 1.65E-018 8.79E-023 2.3E-022 2.02E-017 1.41E-013 9.9E-017 2.9E-020
Brain tumor 1.14E-022 9.68E-016 8.42E-019 3.8E-024 5.36E-019 6.45E-028 1.04E-020 3.16E-017 5.33E-020 2.58E-023
SRBCT 2.19E-27 4.36E-264 4.23E-270 1.05E-005 6.92E-005 1.12E-008 1.28E-007 3.05E-006 1.69E-006 1.22E-007

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