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Marques Roper

David Turley

English 1 Honors

October 26th 2017

Expository Essay

In the story “Romeo and Juliet” Shakespeare encompassed many types of love . In my

opinion I think romantic love was the main type of love used in the story. Other types of love in

the story were Unrequited, Familial, and Spiritual/Religious. Unrequited love is one-sided love

where one person in a relationship has meaningful love for someone but it is not returned or

reciprocated. Examples of unrequited love in “Romeo and Juliet” and modern day, is how Paris

had love for Juliet but Juliet loved Romeo (Romeo and Juliet). Another example from the story is

when Romeo loved Rosaline but she did not love Romeo back (Romeo and Juliet). Examples of

unrequited love in modern day can be when a person has a crush on their favorite celebrity and

the celebrity has no idea who you her and has no knowledge you even exist. Familial love is

having love for your family like your brothers, sisters, mom, dad , aunts, and so on and so forth.

One Example of familial love in “Romeo and Juliet” is how the Nurse and Juliet have love for

each other as a family (Romeo and Juliet) . A example of spiritual/religious love in “Romeo and

Juliet” can be how Friar Laurence had a spiritual love for god and the church (Romeo and

Juliet). An Example of familial love in modern day is how a mother or a father has love for their

son and/or daughter. Spiritual/Religious love is having love for God or any other kind of spiritual

or religious beliefs. Romantic love is having a deep, close, and strong love for someone. An

example of romantic love in “Romeo and Juliet” is the love that Romeo and Juliet have each

other (Romeo and Juliet). An example of romantic love in modern day can be how a married

couple have strong romantic love for each other. I think one of the types of love that is most

evident in “Romeo and Juliet” and modern day is romantic love.

Romantic love in modern day times is not the same love as romantic love in “Romeo and Juliet”.

In modern day if there is a problem in the relationship you are not forced to stay with the person

you can either break up or divorce. But there is also equality in the relationship and the woman

has the same amount of respect as the male. Romantic love in modern day is not a extremely

common thing but is found world-wide. To have romantic love you have to have a long-lasting

strong bonded love the person. Like an author once said “true love cannot be found where it does

not exist , nor cannot be broken where it does” (Tasso). I think modern day romantic love is

better than romantic love in “Romeo and Juliet” because during that time period women were

basically nothing to men and they had no say on who they liked or loved. But if you did have a

good relationship with someone you be almost willing to do anything to be with them. Modern

day romantic love is true meaningful love that is found not chosen.

Romantic love in “Romeo and Juliet” is the love that Romeo and Juliet had but also the love that

Paris had for Juliet. Paris is madly in love with Juliet “Happily met, my lady and my

wife!”(Paris). He is talking about Juliet and how he wants to marry her and spend the rest of his

life with her. Romeo was willing to kill himself to be with Juliet “Thus with a kiss I die”

(Romeo). This quote means Romeo killed himself and that before he died he kissed Juliet. Paris

love for Juliet was deep-seating and could not be changed he loved her personality and looks and

had a vigorous relationship with her father Capulet. Romeo and Juliet on the other hand fell in

love with each other on first sight and before getting a chance to know one another had an

abiding love for one another. They were willing to put their families feud aside for their love.

But at the expense of their strong bonded love would bring death to one another.

Modern day romantic love and romantic love in “Romeo and Juliet” Are some ways and alike

but mostly contrastive. They are alike because not all relationships have a supporting cast

around their partnership. Just like how the Montague’s and Capulet’s had a family feud with

each other but Romeo and Juliet still put that aside to be with one another. (Shakespeare) said

Love is a smoke fumed with sighs. Differences of romantic love between modern day love and

Romeo and Juliet are how Capulet chose Paris to marry Juliet without asking her while in

modern time the woman has a say on whether she wants to marry that person or not. Another

distinction between one another is most people do not get married at the age of 14-16 . In

“Romeo and Juliet” Juliet is 13 and Romeo is around 15 “she hath not seen the change of

fourteen years” (Capulet). Modern day the average age to get married is 27 for men and 29 for

women. As years go on people are getting married older and older. Romantic love is in both

modern day and in “Romeo and Juliet” but has few similarities and many differences to each


Shakespeare used many types of love in “Romeo and Juliet” but I believed the most used type of

love was romantic love. The whole story was based of the deaths that romantic love brought to

each other to end a family feud. Romantic love is a fervent, intimate, and meaningful bond with

someone that you cannot not just find and replace. Romantic love is heartfelt and demands each

person to interact with great passion. Romantic love also is sometimes the only thing that inspire

people to deal with issues because people can open up to the person they love. Romantic love is

in both modern day and in Shakespeare's “Romeo and Juliet” and is one of the most common

types of love that exists in both time periods.








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